BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, May 15, 1018, oe ole ole ole alee ole ole alee ae alle ale le oe oe oe ae le ob oe oe oe oB. aEETTTTTEETRTRTTRTTTTTT™, ASK FOR CREEN [YRADING STAMPS MARIETTA ing post, and tore badly, Drs, Pax- gon and Sornman were summoned 2 Mrs, B. I. Hogentogler, of Phila- it dransod "tho InIur and dresse } . y. delphia, was in town several days, Mother's Day was fittingly ob- y 4 x ‘oatesville Raymond Zing, of Coates wal’ rved In some of the churches in was the guest of relatives and SAB aes TTT this section on Sunday There was friends for several days special singing and the decorations William Kline of Philadelphia, is canslgted mostly: of white Wan} the guest of his parents, Mr, and Uersslis ‘Wore white carnstions. and Mrs. Samuel Kline, Gay street as a result they were high in price Mrs. Abraham Stehman, of Baltl- , \ o.oo In the Methodist Episc- more, was the guest of relatives and opal church in the evening, Rev friends several days. The familly yi, 4cay pastor delivered a very en- will soon come here for their sum- tertaining sermon, mer vacation The Marietta high school base Thomas Loucks, the painter and ,.11 team has the following line-up paper hanger, is nursing a very sore ,,4 (hey would llke to hear from hand, having almost severed the (.a;q in the county. Address all M. Specials A BLUE SERGE SUIT FOR GRADUATION AND DECORATION DAY A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY To secure a big value blue serge suit for Decoration and Graduation day at Beale eiteite oleate ate stedteete rte dte eile te dete de 2 TTT TTT TTTTTTTTTTTY first joint of his first finger on the communications to Charles right hand while using a sickle. Dr. Kraus, Marietta. The players are Zoells attended him, Brenner, catcher; Kraus, pitcher Bar] Zink, son of Saddler and and third base; O'Brien, short stop; Mrs. Joseph Zink, employed at the Hipple, second base; raves, first Marietta Holloware and Enameling base; Killian, third base and pitch- Post, left field; Thompson, cen- company's works sprained the liga- er; right field. ments in his left arm while assisting tre field; and Wikel, to lift a tank. He will be off duty William Hill, one of the oldest sometime. Dr. Zoells is the attend- | Civil War veterans in this section, is visiting at Reading, Harrisburg, a very low price. You can find just the suit to fit you, your taste and your pocket book if you come here to-morrow morning. COPYRIGHT (90 w i ing physician STROUSE & BROS BP $18.00 Value for $16.00 $15.00 Value tor $12.50 A valuable horse was badly in- | Philadelphia, Buffalo and other jured, belonging to Turner and Tag- places He has resided here nearly gart, while standing in front of the | fifty-seven years and despite the fact home of the firm, on Market street. {Lat he will soon be seventy-seven The animal in some manner had his | years of age, this is his “first trip years § face caught in a chain at the hitch- | around tlie world” as he terms it OUR Be HTS oeloofoolocioriocforocder Not An Ordinary Cravat in The A New Straw For Memorial Day Bells You'll Like ‘ . There is a new shape this year that is o : : Entire Line I y it is the Attractive leathers in black, tan, and other nattiesr and dressiest sahpe we have seen in a lug time. You will like to ses It popular shades to match the new summer Every one has some one feature that brings it Ww how fo : : suits. e are showing some surprisin We will like to show it to you. S P g look to the man’s appearance who possesses 500. to 53.00 25 c. 50 and 75 Cts. AN Hat F 25 and 50 Cts. &w Soir Hat For ‘Memorial Cool Hose For Warm Days Da y If you can keep your feet comfortale these . . t hats 1 { . Shirts Every Man Likes Sof bats ave proving eseeptionally Popilar hot days it helps a lot toward the enjoyment this year. Why no! come in and try on a ’ it out of the common class ¢ adds iffere1 w class and adds a different qualities at. one. You can find one to please your fancy. Sooeoleoooteoteote ole sfeotootooteoteotoote ote ote ote otoceteeteate sete Be ateatestoate te ce aBonte ects Be ote Be Be BB. 8.3. 2. 3 2 2 8 2 ES a a a J a hh ab a a a 5 lorings most desired by men : Styles and colorings most desired by few of the new shapes. You are sure to like of taste and Refinement in dress. them. They are dandy values. 50¢. to $1.50 50c. to $3.00 Silk In All Colors 25 ¢. 39 and 50 Ct. Lisie In All Colors (5 and 25 Cts. The biggest hit has been our being able to guarantee all our col- ored Poplins, against sun and soap. Think of it! Even pale blue and pinks. We have sold over 7 times our usual quantity, New ones ar- riving every few days. The price, 25c a yard, the same as ones with- out the guarantee. Our Second Hit Marvels silk and cotton, | How Are the Boy’s Clothes [Have You Seen the Real New Shoe Styles? Come Here and you’ll see the very has been the fine assortment of the Gauze and the Egyptian Lissues, all at 25cper yard. Our Third Hit has been our shoe. We give you a guarantee with most every pair and we make the guarantee good if the shoes do not make good. Try us, we will save you money. You will not need to buy a pair every 5 or 6 weeks. We will save you 50c on th e first shoe. SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday 1 high grade. You would know Per 1b, 29c., not over For Pe a2 o%0 oe oe oe aTe oe co fe Be Bo Be Leo, Decoration Day? latest in Footwear Styles. Nowhere could you see anything newer than we show now. A Good suit from the best wearing fabric, and Beale ote sLestocte ales? BRE tailored just like ‘‘dad’s” in a wide range of colors and J g models. Every boy likes to have good clothes and he a » 1 We Fit Feet Right appreciates them. Bring'him to-day and let us fit him | [. *, 2 We mever permit a customer of ours or eb edoedoedofodsdodebds deeded eee odefefeeofofefeiode 40c box of fine Chocolates, assorted, al they were good if we told you who made them, 8 boxes to one person. 20c grade Extra Choice Evaporated Peaches, per 1b, l4c. 16c Finest Quality Prunes, large size, per 1b, llc. to buy a shoe that doesn't fit properly. out. ooeferforteoaferfede S.B.BERNHART & co. “Store of Quality” Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. i : a : We know how to fit feet right, and we $2.50 to $8.50 IRM Ve do it 0. BENCMANG DEPARTMENT oT0RE OPPOSITE UNION NATIONAL BANK MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Bool dedoferfosfoodosfefodesfeofosfooofodomlooofofoofededooeedofrodralndeidedrieddededodueododudud defoddndopgodeddoidededuddefededod dnp fofadguinge These Are The Days For Dress Stulls | | i of the warm weather. : & a * # % + & + & } & oh ge o> he o.° 3» op 5 o 2 oo 5 3 oo oe Je o-~ a o-» a -~ Ae CL) ro < of Ld oe He WERTHER MEANS NOWHERE CAN YOU FIND SUCH A BEAUTIFUL ARRAY OF SUMMER MERCHANDISE. OUR COUNTERS ARE TEEMING WITH THE MOST DESIR ABLE PATTERNS AND OOLOR- . . % = Hot, Tired. Aching Fee! i ro > INGS AT PRICHS To TEMPT A NY ONE, : | T u : Unless You Buy a Pair of | ‘ / 2 SMBROIDERED ROBES Jacquards . | ance. ; | f = In Lavender, White, Blue—7 Special Silks . i = yds. plain material, 2} yds. wide Silk Stripe Dimity .... er A guarantee with every yard— ou ilar White Voile . _ | in Black and Tan, at$1.00 yd. . ojos orieoderiecfecieroofodoforroforirsfectes embroidered band, 2% yds. nar- row embroidered band. $4 each. Stripe Voile ; Fancy Stripe Poplins ..25c¢ yd. In Woel Stuffs, you will find Nothing 2 #0 refreshing om a hot day as a cool breeze around the ankles. All the new things in ghort vampe and roundtoes for Bevotisr Tisiner ... 05 vd. a ER may RAJAH SILKS hd g hoes for : the young fellow and a full line of good easy sensible = | 8 : : the conservative man. Our prices are reasonable | PYROX for Apples, Cherries or Plums d © hl = ; We ate. ‘szents for this high Batistes, Taffetas, Novelty Ser- ham, 32in 150 ¥4 | rans silk, and the most desirable A £8 Ottomans, Chuddah, Mar- $1.98. $2.50, $3.00 | PYROX for Grapes Lorraine Gingham ..12%c. yd. one on the market both as to its | Quisette, ranging in price from OX S F : Fancy Zephyrs . | wearing qualities and appear- | 50c to $1.25 yd. Easy Work Shoes | PYROX for Small Fruits i Did yeu ever have a work shoe on your foot that was as soft | PYROX for (Garden Vegetables EXCLUSIVE STYLES iN and comfortable as a glove? If not M's because you've never had i ] . . 1nd eus who con rack f th { rid a, coho ele Of ee it ST A a | PYROX for Potatoes Women S and Children S Shoes Women's Better Shoes! and wears to beat everything, but also because it never gets hard after being wet and is therefore alw ays soft and easy on the foot. We have it in all size packages. It will certainly be a splendid idea for every woman that eares any- thing about the sort of Shoes she wears this Spring or what she pays Come in and let us show you. Prices range from $1.98 to 98.00. for them to keep in toueh with this Home of Good Shoes. WILBUR & MARTIN SHOE CO. 4 West King St. Lancaster H. S. Newcomer Ls ST ors. The mew Oxfords, Ties and Pumps are simply beautiful. — m— MOUNT JOY, PA. Shoes at $1.50, $2, $2.50, $2.75 WAVERL III L CREAM Come and see the mew Spring ereations in Footwear—see the best Lubrication Without Carben al that will gratify young and old is a |§ Specials For Friday and Saturday Tecfoodorfodgesfocfonfundorforfosfocforfooferforfocds ~ sforfosdsrfecfeiefsefeefoofinfofooferforfeordede FD EB 0 0 Shoe values for the momey you've ever seen. There's nothing more important to an ’ ho A great, big heaping plate of ies eream automobile than goed oil. Waverly ! . . Special” is free from carbon_it i light Sore of ome of 2 dosem fine flavers we No. 1—Cream Cot Serge, Black stripe Regular 38c. Value. Special at Qc, a Yard goa), The ideal of for wither air-vonied » ar } L supply. Lets of peeple make ies \® No. 2—36 inch Fancy stripe Nainsook 15c. Value Special at Paes ak By If met, write to us. — ZA i oeream. Ask those who knew if rn =. 2 7 Ber any better made than Begg’s. H : E : E B E rR S 0 Lx ut ; en ly U.S A i ¥ ' I i & Le ET +N 0M hewiis Siller West Main 8. Meum Joy, Pa.