~ LJ A 1 f . » 00 0 = I. THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. ednesday, May 15, 1912 E——————————— p— ee ee - . : HOME HEALTH 1a B 5 Farmers volumn INFORMATI 'OR THE ny be, David Reeder, La Porte, In ROXIDE ©O IYDI HON Fhe Care of You 'each 1'1 08a H ‘ fealth ( 0 ¢ he Paragon Chestnut is a Vigors ) Grower How to Raise Early ore « | 1 ! 1 Rhubarb— slant : ’ ny BI Dctahs A He Rj) Sota wi be Das) ane ) fresh " asi dos trie have a crop or not. Spraying in off every day? And the 1776 Soap Powder—and the : ! Ly Le : ’ . vears is just as important as in the ,i Foiveer an naar Yino he . : per , cent. will be added thereto. |(ying the teeth and preserving the |= = of heaVv crops ’ ~ N B. T. BABBITY From May 20th to June 1st I will (teeth. It makes an svealien! gargle yr : rp ayy op: the meatlne of Babbitt S Lye or Potash which the good mother BORN 1800 DEGASES 1000 receive taxes in one of the offices of [for sore throat, and used in 1e | he Tilinois S i "gq CHEMIST ano SOAPMA Sas Seat s : g , j 1e Illinois State Horticultural So- - alr pe (ER the Union National Bank during | proportion of one teapoontul to a (1° Illinols State Horticultural So- or grandmother, frugal housekeeper that she was, Tow SOAR ALR al banking hours. In the morning and | pint of water it gives great relief for the brictice of Or SY x research, and business ability the evening I will be at my residence |catarrh and hay fever, as a nasal t of doabtial heating is as and no defi- » given The prac- ow always used when she made her own soap? Cause of Cleanliness owes opposite Garber’s Drug Store treatment. For bites of animals, in- nits facts can be and reptiles it should be appli- Tt destroys the powers Lice: however is provinz good in Is Babbitt still a potent name in your home? Maybe you've head so ome regions, but in Illinois where County and State Taxes sects The duplicate for County and ed at once. 0D State Taxes for the year 1912 is of contagion, and armed with it, one extremes of temperature are ex- v > ‘ i" nalzs NOW In my hands Ang Lar ready 15 may he Profght In Contact With Hi |pecteomd, of ciompeteture Jie much of the newer soaps and the newer men, that you have not realized that receive taxes. All State and County | fectious disease with impunity-——us- requires methods bevond the means Taxes paid on or before June 1st, an [ing before and after exposure—the of the average orchardist abatement of 5 per cent. will be al- latter, if brought in contact with Every person who never milk- lowed. During July, August and |contaeion unwittingly. Tt is fine for ed cows, as well as come who have ® September the full amount will be |gynburn, tan, pimples, paragitic only witnessed this interesting pro- - required. After Oct. 1st, 5 per cent. | opgwths, and often facial blemishes cess at a very safe distance, realize will be added thereto. TI will be at [are removed by its use. It bleaches | that there is not much variation in one of the offices of the Union Na- {po hair and dark cloth, and must the quantity of milk from certain tional Bank to receive taxes during therefore be kept away from these. cOWs in the herd, and on the same ears OO as een Banking hours, from May 20th tO). ic Bruises. burns and all such in- | feed but to most people “milk is June 1st, and in the morning and juries should be treated with it at milk,” very few having any correct evening at my residence opposite ONTO. ideas as to what is commonly called ® ‘® rr * Garber’s Drug Store. ars 5 Peroxide of Hydrogen is not athe “richness of it. : T. M. BRENEMAN, |, ont medicine but is as free from Early rhubarb can be grown In es = a 1 all Collector. | ownership in the secret of its man- ony Spuinpry Sella thus: When a : : : : is very thaw comes dig up one or more rhu- ————— y vias x \ \ Q ~ (ufacture as air and water. Tt is very ye 1 PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE |; ‘pensive and may be produred in |barb clumps from the garden, with Tl Babbi business BAIR 1 3 itt familv here's al ide as 11 Ria | anv Arie store. Hehice. this is not considerate a fgg to Ihe 1 Dabbitt business remains in the Babbitt family—there’s personal pride as well as Ww , . « . Af ery ite roots, and put them on the cellar . : An] x m Les a < : - . 5 OF FRIDAY. MAY 100), 1912 i Pm Tettisenmont fos Hs le Rots: She ree mo ae collar business logic back of the improvements and the progress that in the manufacture of all the By virtue of an order of theOrph- | ere 18 probably no single ar-|_ 0 ° YOY : erin PY . To . : Sys Z , ans’ Court of Lancaster County, Pa. |ticle for healing purposes that has |*Coner growth will begin. Give Babbitt products insure highest quality at lowest price. z ans ourt o .ancas J Ys "Iso many healthful uses as Peroxide | em a itt e water occasionally and the undersigned executor of the last | Hydrogen. Get a bottle of it and ay a results. i Light 083 pot seem ° 9 ‘ - will and testament of Charles Hem- |try it at the first demand and vou i? 2 acasery ors 39 8 ali grow B T Babbitt Ss Soa Ne mn sceased. will sell z blic sale |will be thankful to the Home Health #4" Tl F oven a ark Dlice. o ® pie, deceased, Will sell wiv : Club for sending you this advice The Paragon chestnut tree is a on the premises on the roading from : Bo Be vigorous grower and an early and IS th B Dear Doctor: — e est oa ou Mount Joy to Madeira’s (formerly Hoon had nwhat tho doctors Aindant bearer, It makes un- P y -— S : i E é f S | usually thick burs ontaining gen- Geyer’s Mill,) 1-4 mile west of the pronounce hives for more than a 5 gl yn ® urs, aH ning fo can get for all laundry and household purposes y latier place, in Rapho township, yvear. They break out i lumps, ke the tree the bite do not fully open e rine ve na TE large welts mostly alone in the ; alle. wavrOie : ™ ei) : the following real estate viz. evening or in the night. but there 1s | 200 tle nuts usnally remain in the B. T. Babbitt's Lye or Potash—and 1776 Washing Powder—are also Best, because kept All that certain Tract of Land con | all = Es bods. THow burs until they drop to the ground. . . s as . int ; Tos ysuslly ‘some on my hody. THeY jynis churanteristic gives it an advan. Best by the greatest manufactory and laboratory of its kind in America. : acr : les d- { taining one acre, Move or less, #2 come on limbs and body and my lips (,., over all others on rough and ? ] joining lands of H. P. Herr’ J. K. swell and get very thick They are | .qcky ground, and saves the loss ° Y T ° Young, and others. Erected there- very annoying. The doctors blame i and difficulty occasioned by picking It Will Pay ou to Remember his— on are a 2-Story Frame Dwelling to my stomach or what 1 eat, but my iy, nuts from the grass beneath the i es wl stomach seldom bothers me tree Paragon scions grafted on . ’ . . TT 3 : with Kitchen attached, Frame Stable L. G. native sprouts make very rapid Pay in Better Service, Time Saved, Money Saved, Hog Pen and Chicken House, and This difficulty is very annoying ierowth. and usu: Iv bezin to bear - ‘ , . . Y Oihor outhaitdint A variety of land is most frequent among child- whem fous wen os Be tter Feeling Washdays and Cleaning days fruit on the premises ren, though not often to adults also | |t js very essential to take the Softer Hands and Cleaner Clothes. r hi t i the p! will be troubled with it It is usu- | vary best possible care of the young i ’ersons wishing to view € Pre- i.1lv caused by eating certain classes | tr as ' NO al ! tain classes ee I'ney should be kept thrif mises prior 10.425 of axle WHI TIUR 10 Tone. what en Tar tony | nerlay Should he kept {nritty And We Will Pay You to Remember [t 8 call on the premises. Sale to com- unacceptable to some stomachs iven them to conserve the moisture i ———— y ” » 10€ mence at 1 o’clock P. M., when the Honey and strawberries, cucumbers and plant soil Early in 3 : : terms will be made known by and Se! fish are often regarded as the spring, : th oil will ri Not only is it good management to use B. T. Babbitt’s Products ; FD. REAM causes for hives. , Sy tirred six to : b he diet’ Vb thard le the rrvee nels, Pah ir ID. REAM, The necessary tre nt consists eight inches de f the trees os (best on the market) but there is the great ady intage of securing E C. H. Zeller, Auct Executor. in keeping the bowels open and aid- have beer 1¢ ly as they x ¥ a: Ra ee — - ing the digestion by ( such Rale > 2 f i J 3 : with ; TE : jl 1 tiny Witch H 1 y ox- ¢ cl il t iniured as £4 a ua ie re mit - S and av ur ? § S418 oS or 3 { Estate of Charle < Jennett, late “° ol eh ih ! ? SA = i % z : ays the itgain There is quickly freezing or drought, 5 ® \ ® f Mount Jo Borough Lancaster . 3 the ta? hetrno | Af : } rtil r oa Al i B. I. bb BE #5 ) ’ ( he ro y being Ww ne Iti el i p~ i 4 ’o., Penna., Deceased. se. the ahove onlv re- orld nlied and n i with oe Ba ELE 1 Letters of administration on sald se of hive disk h v It { re i 3 state having been granted to the 0} a houmd he given 5 At various points throughout the sectio 1, and In the most progressiv “i undersigned, all persons indebted | .° "CU Foo ed and communities, we shall maintain, a public institution i t reto are requested to make im- flabby 1. and prevent hsequen a f : A te payment and those having F. R rusting of the rf and pre- 2 = laims or demands against the same The be nd saf T treat nt I se X yion 3 nent o 0 1 1 1 ] 3 3 will present them without delay for 5 Kifio ] lan : 1 e #4 ( ettlement to the undersigned, Biv butte 0 thod , nd A : ETTA M. BENNETT, ive fully exbloined th those t : id i Mount Joy, Pa mn more f ne occasic J I ay han! food ch may : At The Talbot Stores—we have a full premiun tmer the special 3 ; . : ive aYar £1111 loscril 1 iy the Club ( ¢ flurne 1d el iA i W. U. Hensel, Atty. Administratrix 21x A : : 1 . Al o t : IsLre boa} Ah. averize person. . can - ; Babbitt Premium Department, and ial arrangemen th t 1lbot Store mar20-6t y a ; ; : I re AE ated EAST PETERSBURG a Management you may have not onl ch premiums but EXECUTOR'S NOTICE en il cated. Me: local ban oPenL ted the S : ; Estate of Charles Hemple, late of iat Em I Se hy (| Ti Tn sk ite, of Ti, ; anything in the Talbot store—any of its goods el 1 SUnN- Xa j Pa., deceased ontii Ff 0 indefin vy until . rh : g nue 2 = 3 > on o ro 3 letters Testamentary on said es- he resul will be accom- : Misse Ellen Terr nd Ruth & wm FY Soda SH - ICS CK eam —cigars—securable A | ate having been granted he 1 hee Itea Iriend here on ; : : | r : >. seen sol : Lol I SL. ders of this publi | : with Babbitt trademarks-—good as cash. 5 \ n Syment, and those having af any Ue. | Adress 21} comntunios- | Wat sive : This 1s a new idea in Premiums—it is just ONE of the many dem against the same UOnNS to the Home Health Club, Le H ) Witmer returned home J h I will oni thor without delay: Tor Dodie, Intima, 1 S. A Rigi Jame from lL.o Angeles Cal where he reasons we propose to give you why A day. | B. T. BABBITT Means a Lot To You settlement to the undersigned, resid ents in pos ing in Mount Joy Borough. ED. REAM Thee midst of the beobl, ; nd 1ay and B. Frank Kready, Atty. Executor anc: rr County, ani X apr.17-6t. Lan i n £0 re re held Simply cut the trademark from the wrapper, or if you do not know how, bring the wrappers. | yn Memoria ay, May / ’ hen all the New Holland is sure of ons and I XECUTOR’'S NOTICE Trademarks or wrappers should be put in pac kages of 10. As little as 10 trademarks now I parade in her hist . pl . { Estate of Leah Haines, late of gh ; eid Be SEcurcs a premium, mou rom the second hapter St. Mount Joy Borough, Pa., deceased. >». T a I oo. 8 Lo aSiapior O Letters Testamentary on said e8-| Now Holland will have a big time | East Fetorenurz, May 14: While All orocer SONG Babbitt’s products. You've good reasons tate having been granted to the on Memorial Day. 1 ball, big ng one of hi patients at the 5 ay lersigne : "SONS i i |civie, fraternal and industrial pa- Old Mennonite home, on the Harris- h d N S | undersigned, all persons indebted Mal ad non bute piko. at Oioville. Pr Barroives to get them an O O i HER . Sa thereto are requested to make im- , Toi. "A : . 5 - a, had a driving acciden His horse 3 mediate payment, and those having Ir voi “ ¢ smiov veursels tore loose and ran away, breaking . claims or demands against same Le ant.to enlay yourself | wagon to splinters B. T. BABBITT, Inc., New York i and see things done right in com- ® 4 will present them without delay for memoration of Memorial Day take Jacob 8 Foltz ia i? Jimieasant » — Y a OR = that day off and go to New Holland. experience on Sunday while driving l ho i3t J i - Setiement 10 the undersigned, ve. in We : g go 2 : Eollang a colt which he purchased at Eph- “ AAA Th ht 21 Nef i O siding at Mount Joy, Pa. rata on Saturday. He was driving . “NT . ! GEORGE HAINES, Under the Panama down Main street when the horse in Lan in SL é olaesa =a LAT dS RY CLA Queer Ne reer CHAS. H. ZELLER Is where vou will see the fellow took fright and ran down the street anc Nd iat a 3 ” : Ted Ta a Mbt Soe, E t smiling. See them at Getz Bros. |for two blocks, kicking in the dash « Executors. $5.00 to $10.00. board. Mr. Foltz succeeded in stop- W. U. Hensel, Attorney. apr 17-6.t ping the animal before any more —h - damage was done Automobile For Sale Cheap. i a A RR Rey i i ¥ Runabout with double rumble | LL Time Does Not Stop i seat. Recently overhauled. Equip- | But most men will be glad to stop % ped with top and wind-shield, pres- | in and see the new Straw Hats at tolite tank, extra tubes. Tires as | good as new. Address, Lock Box | 55, Mount Joy. apr.17tf | Getz Bros. $1.00 to $10.00. f el Qe ms ! f CILE DIGESTION (5) | Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | '