First Annual Convenuon The Lancaster ( ) Y."M. C A. has been organized ne ly a year and their first annual Conventiol to be held in the Lancast Y. M. ( \. Building on } v evening, May 17, beginning at 6 o'clock will reveal real progress during the past months ; ; The program will open with a din- ner at # o'clock served by the Ladies’ Auxiliary of tht Lancaster Associations, after whi the Con- » county en, An of New vention will organize and tl Committee report will be giv address by Mr. Henry Isr ‘York City on County Wor low Mr. Israel is a Se iry of he International Committee of thelr M. C. A. and Editor of “Rural fanhood’’ the official organ of the dral work of the associations. He s a fine speaker, and will bring a nessage full of inspiration At € o'clock there will be an open session in the Martin Auditori Reports from local associations pr- ganized during the year will be fr. en, followed by an address by Mr. John T. Sproull, President ofthe Coal & Iron National Bank o? New York City and Treasurer of thefNew ie Y. M. C. A Wor Jersey St: he is a 1ayT nan of ripe experiege in association work alor ! and will speak ag a layman to Igmen, 4 es t Y jon of tt al f e od for vo . All men in I rested n the nd inv ig) { attend Pastors, [Sunday dents, Bije Class Conve ation 3ehool Superinte teachers and Boy Scout n fers are especially invited. Tickets for the dinner wi be fifty cents. and if you vou should communicate [With the County Secretary at 346 oolworth Building, Lancaster, Pa Tuesday ! May 14th to secure a plag. If you do not wish to attend the dinner | to attend! vou are cordially invite the open meeting in thefvening Fan Who Gets N. A. Every baseball tt whether rooter for big league ao member or partisan yf minor 2ague club, school or college, amaeur or semi- profession team, shold see The North America's amual baseball supplement, which appears next Sunday May 19 ; As usual, it mirors the entire field Everything is faere front and back pages are in verb illns.rations James T North American's vrites a story on Ns ffi the Dballplayers, admirfally illustrated by es ¢/ha Ave made nous, 9 a strikin at npkins Boys and Win ze to sixteen vv ontest raising yo and most perfect fe exhibiti unty Fair. agricu fore pn. m. Monday where it will be Prize Boys’ Overcoat Prize—Boys’ Trousers and o get busy bovs or send the seeds 1 tim id see if von one oO ese excellent prizes After the exhibition at the County air all prize winning pump! } ome the property of Watt & Sh tA Pee - The Demons of the Swamp are mosquitoes. As they sting they put deadly malaria germs in the blood. Then follow the icy chills nd the fires of fever. The appetite jes and the strength fails: also ma- iria often paves the way for deadly pphoid But Electric Bitters kill east out the malaria germs om the blood: give vou a fine ap- fite and renew your strength. fter long suffering,” wrote Wm. ptwell, of Lucama, N. C., “three tles drove all the alaria from system, and I've had good health r since.” Best for all stomach, r and kidney ills, 50 cts. at S. B. nhart & Co. BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY, 7 yes Z # % od Zz Z Zz rs ‘a 2 eZ =i os will fol-| to witness the the hearts of Arth- Wednesday, May 15, 1912 CLOTHS FOR THE MAN OLE-PLUS CLOTHES many conservative mode s for the lark and some medi wm colors, in unusual in quality and pattern, We are as we know it will please vou to see -Guarantee==Satisfacticn STYLE-PLUS CLOTHES $17.00 UNIQUE CLOTHES $7.50 to $20.00 A SC, 7 8 ES ATURE RTI ED Se — GETZ BROS. MT. JOY HALL BUILDING MT. JOY, PENNA, IHR | HE BNR N 8 Jeanie 2 | EE | Se horse treading After You Are Through - Experimenting with The Just-as-Good-Kind Hospital on Thursday Gunzen ciel TIP-TOP BREAL You are invited to visit our other business they BUYING DIREC] to purchase five improvements present conditions of the highways. en ee el AC NORTHWEST R APHO and many serious sicknesses you will avoid if you keep your bpwels, liver & i ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO GO WR Ts expectfo attend | stomach in good working order mW LGCCOMOBILE ¥ ; timely use of {FIG LAX: AUTOCAR AND 7 callers in the ) Witmer and wife, Mastersonville OQ ® =e ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE AT BOTTOM PRICES. VETERINARY MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL toward Ke g Prince and Clay Streets, Lan- New 1912 Cars Now Here doses, 25¢ at CHANDLER orgie BILLETT, Agt. planted a field on May : RR BRA ster ty (, { NEVER CLOSED «Bi ER RR LANCASTER Farmers’ Inn Mount Joy FRANK E. LEFEVRE, Prop. and only strictly first Lancaster City of County, = SR A ———— ri IEIREERCRNBUENERIRRORRATNRRENSNER LIQUORS & CIGARS Accomodations and Piel’s Celebrated New York Ger- Soooleofois ogo Jouorfeatesferfootes Ri aed : * MoG-innis m xT ZEL LE ENNSYLVANIA Soote steefechrefosfosfesesferte Lara Sosteosbrtecos ves DR ) Subscribe for the Mt. . ittorney-At-Law and Clerking « t EXPERIENCE UCTIONEER CLEMENT JENKINS , Ear, Nose and Throat Woolworth Building Lancaster, Pa. Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m, Sunday and Other Hours By Appointment Both Phones Tape MARKS William Fogie. ance in the family of mail carrier of COPYRIGHTS &c set h and descrip! oti « n MASAI A Sarg, Cerrary Reuixe for Sure NEVER KNOWN TO FA faction Guaranteed or 3 of his children are afflicted with Proper precautions against the disease have Munn © Co. “receive Soa ins, ion of any scientific journal. ; four months. $1. Sold byall eo Ta! & Cn 3618radway. New Vor “Branc h Office 625 F 8f.- Boe or kidney troubles. . Bernhart & Co. el ree Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Refunded. Sent prepaid hem on trial, to be paid for If your druggist does not heen taken by the by quarantining Richards of Mount tending physician, for $1.00 per box. Will s when relieved. Samples Free. have them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., BOX 74, LANCASTER, PA. the premises entertains hopes Sold in M1. Joy by E. W. Garber 17ertice in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. and W. D. Chandler & Co. = A Vacuum Cleaner Bargain Price $10 THE DOMESTIC JUNIOR is a vacuum cleaner that will do more work than many’ high priced ciean- ers and much more than any other cleaner of an equal price. It looks like a carpet sweeper— |works like a carpet sweeper—but is a vacuum cleaner—a cleaner that cleans your carpets and rugs through and through. shows the amount of solid which the Domestic Junior took a carpet which looked clean. Il we ask of any housewife is he give it one fair trial—pick he cleanest carpet in the house n. this vacuum cleaner over hen open the cleaner-—look at mount of dirt you got out of arpet or rug which you ht was clean, ] wonderful little just $10.00 and the guarantee to 1 tory in every re- will refund your money. ‘for circular and demon- her machines on the same as low as $8.50 RR Agent MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Mount doy, Pa. ! AA 2. tries vr J. IVI Backenstoe, F [0 ht, | fable is Supp ied With the Best the Market Afford. © 9 9. sy Also Lhiuneh Counter Where Soups, sandwiches, Checse, Tripe, Oysters in Every Siyle Etc., Etc., are served BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BES? BRANDS OF BEER, WINES, LIQUGRS & CIGARS ® ese Good Stabling Accomodation » Local and Long Distance Yelephove OLD DR. THEEL &DR.W. L. THEEL 341 Spring Garde n St., (formeriy 585 N. 6th ia., Pa.) Ein Deutscher Ariz, Only German Sn st. The German Treatment, the only Goaranteed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, others can’t Cure, all use Mercury & Arscuie, worse than the Disease Itself, it’s a curse of humanity. AM Skin & Private Diseases, Exeesses, both sex, Abnses, Weak= nesses. Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Drains, Atrophy, Piles, Losses, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Rupture & Stricture, 0 euttiug, Kidney, Bladder, 46 yrs. practice & 6 yrs. Hosp. “xp. in Germany. Book Free, tells all, exposing Mi jusewma, ity & Country Advertising Frauds, Hrs. 9-4,6-9; Sun. 9-3. Gi, ;