THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. o> az Baking Powder LOR CG GEN) 5 dbsolutel] Jy Pure &) By Where the finest biscuit, cake, hot-breads, crusts or puddings are required Royal is indispensable. Royal is equally valuable in the preparation of plain, substantial, every-day foods, for all occasions. The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum — No Lime Phosphates Transferred to Lewistown { Team Struck by Train Rev. J. H. Melchoir, rector of the; The lumber delivery team of B. Elizabethtown and Mount Joy Cath-|/R. Hollinger, driven by Hammond olic churches, has been transferred Metzger of Manheim, was struck by to Lewistown and will be succeeded a train on Friday on the P. & R. R. by Rev. S. T. Nichols, of Cornwall. at Manheim. Metzger jumped and Father Melchoir is a son of Mr. escaped injury. The wagon was John Melchoir of Lancaster, who is broken but the horse was not hurt. well known here. et ere eat Received Trout Saturday, June 1—On the prem- INolve fans of $rogt were I> a " i ceived in Lancaster Friday from the ises in Florin, 2 lots of ground with hatcheries at Bellefonte for dis- improvements, by Christian L. Niss- {yipution about the county. The fish ley, executor of Eli L. Flowers, de- are about seven inches in length ceased. See ad. and were in charge of Norman Getz. & OAS | HAVE YOU TRIED MAGIC - If not will youtry the trial size J JT. XT TO TH XT = Wn * - = wn 2 w © ’ © Junp. == > ES I — Co > = — = 11 EMO 4 (0D mi I I'm Rzady for You With one of the finest lines of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, ETC., to be found in any first-class jewelry store. My line cannot be exceeded, much less equalled in this community. The best way to be convinced is to call and see for yourself. REPAIR WORK OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. S. H. MILLER, ....o. ® s y MOUNT JOY, PA. 1050 O01 - iii ai I" a LEENER, left at your house today ? = = » There is nothing to equal it . = FOR CLEANING CLOTHING = = = : of Grease or Tar Spots, Cleaning Colors 3 on Men's or Ladies’ Coats ® a It is soon time for house cledning and if : you want to elean the wuoodwork or a u brighten up the firniture tse a a 3 trial size I left_yol so that x you wiill be econvineed that there - E is nothing better, a : For House Cleaning - w We can sell any guantity you want 5 ® at a very reasonable figure. “ : Give It a Trial : - : HRS OSSLhGLEREGESE EGGS RNHGLLLGSLNSGNGS # ® " = Ea FAMINE NOW AT ITS WORST Memori | LD ly Starvation Destroying Thousands in Chinn Late Reports Fron an WiLL YOu ASSIST IN OBSERV. Vinerican Observer Chil ING THIS NATIONAL HOLIDAY? dren Last to di Appended Are the General Orders as Ie rt 1 ( ed a sent Out by the Headquarters the National Headquarter | Department of Pa, Grand Red Cro vithin the | ‘ | Army of the Republic, { hat the 1 n of Philadelphia, ni cute sta During the next ile the new crop are rtv-fo Ver azo, the obsery ripenii the need for relief will be nce of the 30th day of May each most intense At present the relief ear | Memorial Day, was inaugur- committee is employing about 90 ted “with the hope that it will be 000 men on public worl and the rot Ve to vear while a sur- earnings of these men are probably vivor of the war remains to honor win 00,000 persons from starva the memo of hi departed com- tion Meanwhile, certainly 2,000, rade The hope thus expressed by 000 are suffering and many thous Comrade John N. Logan, Command- ands must die unles the relief er Chief, has been thus far, fully measures are reatly entended realized Mr. Charles W. Harvey of the Y But the Reaper has been relent M. C. A. of Tientsin, made a recent lesgly wielding his sickle, furnishing journey through the famine districts a constant reminder that, year by and at the request of United States vear, the number of the survivors is Minister Calhoun at Peking, pre- yming maller ear by year, the pared a report of his observations ber of graves to be strewn with The character of this report which wers is becoming larger. has been forwarded to the State De- Forty thousand new graves are to partment and is now in the hands of be decorated the coming Memorial the Red Cross, may be indicated by Dax quoting briefly from its contents Thug reminded that the time is “No. children were seen at play fast approaching when “survivors of No grain, meat, vegetables, or food- the war’ can no longer keep up the stuffs of any kind except bark of proper observance of Memorial Day, trees, dried grass, wild garlic and shall the observance of the day roots were seen We found no cease in any community when the sign of clothing anywhere, except bugle has sounded “‘taps” at the the rags on the backs of the people, grave of the last “survivor?” If no bedding, few farming imple- not. it becomes a matter of the ments, nothing that could possibly greatest importance, everywhere, 80 he turned into money except an oc- to interest the people at large in the casional piece of furniture and the beautiful and suggestive ceremonies doors of the houses or rafters in the of Memorial Day, that they will re- thatched roofs In many places we cognize and adopt it as their day noted the absence of doors in the now: theirs to celebrate alone when homes and saw the mud walls of the last survivor shall have passed houses stripped of roofs which we away. goon found had been used for fuel In this way, and in this way only, or exchanged for food. will the perpetuity of Memorial Day “On the first morning out of be assured; and so long as the Na- Ching Kiangpu we met a man push- tion shall live the choicest flowers of ing a wheelbarrow containing a garden and field and woodland shall low flat basket in which was huddled be summoned, each successive 30th the starving forms of his wife and of May, to bear their silent testi- child and beside them a few charred mony to the gratitude of a Nation pieces of wood which he hoped to ex- saved. change in the city for food. T shall It is recommended that Posts, in never forget one little mud hut making arrangements for Memorial without door, window or furniture, Day, adopt the suggestion of the on the floor of which sat a young Commander-in-Chief in General Or- woman of twenty-two with a child ders No. 5, dated February 20, 1912 of two years lying on its face moan- and associate with them the Wom- ing. When I asked her why he en’s Relief Corps, The Sons of Vet- moaned she replied without com- erans, the Ladies of the Grand Army ment, “I cannot get him to eat any of the Republic and the Daughters more grass. He is starving to of Veterans, and invite all other death.” patriotic societies, especially the “In all our visits to the homes of volunteers of the Spanish War and these starving peasants there was the Philippine Insurrection, and the no hegging, no tales of their suffer- public generally to take part in the ing, no appeals to our pity, no tears, ceremonies of the day; and that the no emotion. but simply the one customary visits to the public sentence over and over again, “wo |schools by comrades in uniform be men Essu liac”—“we are starving {nowhere omitted. to death.” Unlike the beggars so =| Post Commanders are charged common in the cities, these people a with the duty of seeing to it that few years ago were successful farm- s [the orders of the Forty-fifth Nation- ers and laborers unaccustomed to al Encampment requiring that, as begging. They have not learned to part of the exercises of Memorial heg, We found several homes in Day, bells be tolled from twelve 0’- which only children were left. and clock, noon, to twelve-five, that in one home a single little child of flags be placed at half mast and that eight years, huddled in a corner comrades stand with uncovered with a bowl of cooked bark and heads during this period: and that weeds, which she was eating with lin addition to the reading of Lin- chop stieks. She was the last of her coln’s Gettysburg Address, General family. The workers in famine re- Orders No. 11 of the Grand Army of lief said it was usual for the father the Republic, issued by Commander- to die first, then the mother, then |in-Chief John N. Logan, May 5, the older children and the younger 1868, shall be read as part of the children last of all, showing that [public exercises, are complied with. affection and self-sacrifice persisted Post Commanders will arrange t0 even under these conditions. have their Posts attend Divine ser- “1 visited two of the stations for {vice on the Sunday preceding Memo- famine relief carried on by the Cent- {rial Day—May 26—and it is recom- tral China Famine Relief Com- mended that Sons of Veterans and mittee. These were at You Kou other patriotic organizations be cor- and Sun Chai Wei Tsu: the first | dially invited to participate in these was conducted from a village of Church services, as well as in those ahout 1,000: the latter in a farm- of Memorial Day. house of one of the local gentry. “Memorial Day” is the proper We thoroughly investigated the re- {and only name for this, the greatest lief work in operation, talked over [of all Grand Army days; Decora- the plans of the Chinese and the tion Day is a title given to May 30 foreigners in charge, and with those [by those who devote the day to peing relieved, and T am convinced ames, races, or other sports. Com- tha the relief is sanely and econ- rades are urged to impress this fact omically conducted: effective in re- on the people of their respective Jlieving the suffering of the people: communities and to have the news- in helpine to prevent the repetition papers tell the people that “May 30, of famine conditions: does not pau- is Memorial Day.” perize those helped but rather en- ren ER nee con elf-help; and that every dollar honestly administered.” CORDELIA The American Red Cross has for- Mrs. Lem Young and Miss Nora warded to the relief committee in Bard were visiting at Lanc er. China over $150,000 since January The official board will meet in q This includes the amount raised | the church on Saturday evening at hv the vicorous efforts of the New 7:30, York Famine Relief Committee Miss Irene Shaub, of Columbia, which a tireless auxiliary of the {was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R ut the Committee in George Fornoff Chi at least £200.000 Abram Zimmerman is visiting his tt 3 on its son George, at Harrisburg. the arvest ndnana n . y 1tions of anv amount 3s Margaret Bard has ned y 1ey should be sent to after visiting her nd + American Red Cross Washine- it Bainbridge on. or to e treasi of the State Barbara Kiddle, of Columbia pad Cross Bo: of a State or to guest of her sisters, Mrs. Myr. Jacob H easur of the n isan iff man. New York Committe In family, of rae ese eat ion re, have arrived and will he summer at their bun Looks Like Carrie The establishment of 1ail deliv- A Kauffman has the honor ery service in the towns, as advo- the first to wear a straw cated by Congressman WwW W. Albert Bard was the first to Griest of Lance er, iS now an as- h lawn mower. 1 Lact hout a dissenti Rev. S. 1.. Rhoads will occupy the vot the House of Representatives pulpit in the U. B church Sun oda ed that section of the evening when “College Day’ will be postal appropriation bill which au- observed Rev Rhoads was a for- thorize a town or village mail mer pastor at this church. carrier system, and provides an ap- errr AQ I iation of $100,000 for the in- ; ; : uration of the service The new A TRUE SNAKE STORY ystem will be put in operation ear- — ly in the fiscal year beginning July Monster Black Snake Crawls Into a first next, Carriage , As there. was no opposition fo the islation in the House of Rept re Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ginder of sentatives, t wn mail delive near Line, had an experience n is su to receive the Pr: last irsday that they will not al ol nate, and it is quite soon forget They visited their son- the Senate will in- in-law, Mr. Harry A. Brubaker of nt of appropriation near Strickler's church, east of . number of peii town and were on their way home tions hav already been presented when near the church Mi Ginder in the Senate favoring the _Dassng aw a large black snake lyi near of the Griest mail delive bill. a fen nd he immediately made an Among the Senators who ace been atte mpt to kill it. Upon closer in- personally interested in presenting vestigation he found there were two titions, are Sen: Burton, Bris- sna equally large One made its tow, Brown, Br s, Cullom, Gabble, escape but the other kept Mr. Gin- Heyburn Kern O'Gorman, Pom- der busily engaged for a short time. rene Penrose, Shively and Town- This one went to the road and rais- send ing itself, caught hold of the shafts! = ——— renters: and scon found its way into the carriage where it was killed by Mr. The Band Was Out Ginder, Mrs. Ginder. who was in On Saturday Mr. Joseph Brandt, the carriage when the snake enter- of the L.a Pierre House, had the ed, was not alarmed in the least. Foresters Band give a grand concert The repiile was five feet in length. at his place of business which was Re OM the essi / es greatly enjoyed by all who had the The Wild West Show pleasure of hearing the renditions. Prairie Lillie and Pawnee Bill, a| = = ——_ a wild west production, was given here last Friday afternoon and Mr. Adam Linard, who lives near evening, the latter audience being a the Iron Bridge, south of town, has very good one while the afternoon @ fine three months old colt which crowd was only fair. The show is he offers for sale. all that one could expect. There is. I.ost—A valuable beagle dog. Re- some very good riding, shooting, Ward for information that will lead lassoing, etc. As far as we could #0 his return. Address Harry W. learn the show pleased. : Garber, Mt. Joy. 1t Wednesday, May 8, 1912, RETR RRR FIRE CO, MEETS 1912 Magic Electric Cleaner = = A N = Frank KE, Hershey Was Elected g B » A N KI S a Chief. Hizincer 18 vet? If you have not, it would E be advisable to see it work, before Friendship Fire Company No. 1 you buy any other make of electric Other minor matters were dis- that you never before would have cussed and the company adjourned. believed. Why not make house —— cleaning a pleasure instead of DRUDGERY? Edward Kreckel LANCASTER, PA Aid Society Entertained The Aid Society of St. John's L.ntheran church, Maytown, was The Woman Who Uses One Is The entertained at the parsonage on Bost Advertiser -» - ¢ Wednesday evening by Rev and ou IS Mrs. G. Arthur Fry. Following Send for catalogue the transaction of the regular ox Chir : £ held its regular monthly meeting on ] mer. Have you heard of an elec Wi AVE YOU TWO PRO- = venin AL vita tol clean hich sells at the same a! aud ! IVIILION price or begins to do the amount of 1 ON WOOL HORSE = t he Col ny to participate ‘ " ha ‘ . 0! es In a parade by Hope Hose Company ors Ei MAGIC, Which Is = BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT n July was not accept laranteed lor five (5) years? - . er ams i ch as the Manheim laddies = FROM THE MAKERS, IS i e fit to assist ‘Friendship’ £ THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED § 0 the G. A. R. reunion parade last z ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO An invitation was received from - . the Sons of Veterans, requesting the = £10.59, company to participate in the Mem- = ial Day parade Same was accept- = FINES" STOCK LAP od and a committee appointed to = make the preliminary arrangements = ROBES IN THE COUNTY, The resignation of Jno. E. Schroll or ns AY yn : 18 Chief Engineer, was read and ac- g FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV. cepted It went into effect May 2 £ ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE S The direct reasons for his resigna- - tion were the continual monkey- = AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL ing” with the engine by unknown mo persons, which have been quite fre- = STOCK OF VETERINARY quent the past month Mr. Frank wt . Frees - E. Hershey was elected to succeed z MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL him, his term of office beginning at E KINDS OF HARNESS ones: = Miss Mary Kuhn was tendered a s NE vote of thanks for a donation of Let me demonstrate the machine = $25 to you and it will show you things E ) § - 2 i Trunks at Half Price. Great Bar- monthly business, a literary and gains. On The Square muslcal program including the fol- Cc. 0. BRANDT lowing numbers was rendered: Duet, Rev. and Mrs. Fry; reading, Agent for the Mrs. Lewis Hall; cornet solo, Mr. Bissel and Magic Electric Cleaners North Loucks, accompaned by Miss Krall M at Market Mary ~ Clepper; recitation, Miss When vou are cleaning house, Catharine Clepper; vocal solo, Miss why not rent a sweeper and make Ellla W. Glatfelter: reading, Mrs. the hard work easy. Charges are John R. Roath: vocal solo, Mr. very reasonable. Be sure to engage Paxton Wolfe. The program was the sweeper in time. concluded by several games in — which all entered heartily. The : 000101 1 RR pg =1 a EER HIRI =n ELLER LEIFER ELLE ELLER TELE EEL] meeting was largly attended and = 2 everybody was pleased with the 8 = 1 always have on hand anything ' vorine’'s entertainment. a EAT uw the line of Smoked Meats, Ham - —— I > = fologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etc. Adam Trout 8 n Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork sud Thursday night Adam Trout, ten ant farmer on the Quary farm, near itton. Prices always right. r ) I Mountville, for a number of vears, T= died at his home, near Landisville, ® a H H. KRALL from brain fever, aged fifth-six g mn ao . years. He is survived by his wife, = = West Main Street, Opp. Bak PA who is a daughter of Philip Meck, B TIP-TOP 5 4511 Polanhons SAILS vy ta (of Lampeter, and two sons and two ff Bw ? BEAT : daughters, as follows: Arthur, i a Laura, Chester and Bessie, all at = = “eet Me on the Bridge and We'l' Mr Trout is also survived =m Have a Plate of the by his aged mother, who is in her = . ninety-third year, and the following E Best Ice Cream In Town brothers and sisters: Abram Trout, = of near Willow Street: John Trout, — of near Strasburg, and Lizzie and, / n {Martha, of Lancaster. = | I Cotman = I Mrs. Samuel P. Sload, jr. ¥ | The funeral of Mrs. Grace Sload, You are invited to visit our clean, modern, bakery at Prince and Clay Streets, Lan- aster. ‘wife of Samuel P. Sload, jr., who {died in the York Hospital, was held "from the home of Samuel P. Sload, sr., of Maytown, on last Monday J afternoon. Death was due to a com- | nlication of diseases. Mrs. Sload | XT ZELLER’ Si jp born in Columbia county, and | All Flavors at All Times. |was twenty-two years of age. She =pecial Prices to Parties, Festivals resided at Maytown a short time ago. Besides her husband she is M. C. BILLETT, Agt. Delivery—Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Suppers, Etc. [survived by a small child, her moth- | | OO i Mrs. C. . Zeller ler, five brothers and six sisters. In- = tar Str H il , |terment was made in the Union 60 YEARS’ arietta Street MOUNT JOY. cometery at Maytown. g EXPERIENCE a | et y it bid dob dk 1 Will Hold Festival o | The Aid Society of St. John’s YW ; ‘ 8 3 oa 1's % HARRY WILLIAMS 3 1 rutheran church of Maytown, will 3 % [hold a festival Saturday evening, ! $ BARE ER 4 May 11, at the home of Mrs. Harriet | a i + Brosey. Ice cream, chicken corn! FRADE Mare + . lai ¥ soup, candies and cakes will be on COPYRIGHTS &C. X shaving Massaging i | sale. sketch and descript®n may « lair Cutting Razors Honed 7 | — — Din ree hear an 3 shampooing Toilet Waters & + Eve's Apple 4 singeing Shaving Soaps | How many apples were eaten by T 5 Adam and Eve? We know that Eve # Agency For Elkhorn Laundry 3 81, and that Adam 812, total] : 01 Firs a Be = 3893 But Adam 8142 please his | Tt p. : ®t Nalgnk 4 | wife, and Eve 81242 please Adam, t MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA % total, 89,384. Then again Eve os orfocfrefoefontingoafoegontesfortontorteniroionfoeeofontodd 814240fy herself, and Ad also | : a 8124240fy himself, te otal, 8,938,480. Joskrofeofocfocforferfoofesfergoefeofesgocfororesfosforfecgonforecgeofesforfonforgecforts of + * YER EREAL Pf UE fl gh Ei 15 \ 1 % 1h0 0 HN ANG | 71 BEE MALI + CREAN al lA i SHH] a £3 = § Ky HORE N £3 § 2 JY STEIN Er og i Teo) Teele ood ae— sy — of Jo H je 3 Before be further the pl » Oe oO tn o - o operations the building had to be vacated and in hi: his areat Wash Coods stock e067 030 0% o¥e 0% e Fe ale as 12s 0: 8. 0, 0. 9 a aS EO NR SP eo La 10] than who It’s a great chance; i taking advantage o a ——— TC ———————— A f Io a i A very good line of Dre Ginghams 1 large laids ar neat check: 00d ong color egesfosfesionfufaforiocterfusfootonfisfosfosfestosfocfecfucgeslanferteforgor POPE o of of Apron checks in good gi ham, blue and white assort checks B Crono Co ET srepes ! fe May Sale Price oP J Crincle Pleisse Crepes in lig J : hb colors—stripes—dots and [ures in neat delicate colors. > 12 1-2¢ Ginghams May Sale Price 9c 3 Dress Ginghams in neat ched Pf —plaids, plain and broken stri EL —excellent for children’s dress waists and bloomers. *"” Esti Sole a Als A ostims 44 SR I tion, Fociroforforfesfer] cases ] % (