The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 08, 1912, Image 5

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Automobile Buyers! «mow ton ia vo wa §
y ® uo
®| Don't Eat So Much There are ®
® Here is a Splendid Collection of Cars For You to Select From m Ian Vi K Sean 8 lof puis advice. |g
:. u 0 no 10¢ 0 eit 50
x ® mu y U1 l contrary you need
w . . my Anite t You will talk of
g§ Reo, R. C. Hupp, Premier, Firestone , tw ¢ ir stomach; that | § : .
a Velie, Oakland. 8 mes I Hugely) sons | ; "
n — — gle | B 9 "
be 0 >) u keep m ney =
® : . 3 # ®
: ! id ; v oe. » s
RY, > -
" oh \ s 0]
. { : \ s his great enterprising » which has already earned the approval and de-
w / : “a light of the shopping public of Lancaster city and county has inaugurated a weekly 3
k » a us > . . . . . »
. — ————— » 2 treat of so gigantic a charaet it 1t overshadows anything ever bef attempted .
i =
" We are 2150 In position 10 quote you on delivery Yucks um! 3 Lt * » by any merchandise establishment in these parts, w
W carry a variety of second-hand Do not fail to look them over B vi n |= » » 8
g Also carry the largest stock of auto supplies in this end of the € eo B
u county. m ine i ; ; L O- m ws
| We have Just closed a contract for oll which enables us to hunds { < in- ® ACE ]
" gell you oil at wholesale prices in quanities of five gallons and I 1 itic to keep m ® wn
u upward. We have been using this oil for four years and know g h } disc ! x x
w it to be good Your PRUCBAEE solicit 2 ! . : % ott - n no . ¥
————————— for twice the go % we I a
ro i wm oa ob dl = E y 1 a 2 5 %
- Landis B Y0S., theems. | mn conan 8 LVEry e nes ay S ;
- | 5 I 1 Y ; Wu »
ERS oRE ee ERR RR : Tr
ore or little m 6 =
y Vill ind U uppor nit y U Day” .
in n ) mm
ou Will Nouwu Fin 5 gp 1
oo ! : w . z s . 5 1 . ’ .
fre : Br va Which means that real, genuine, desirable bargains will be offered in every depart- 5
In Our oi meer” ® ment, from the basement to the fifth floor. After the he: avy selling of every Sat- :
t health, H 1 : ;
Cred niet a urday we find broken lots, only a few of a size or a particular number; those in the =
| h oo] » y . V . . 4 1 » . ; =
\ I WwW rarely on ay future will be grouped together. The prices cut in half and reserved for Wednes- a
; eats comparative thir " day---“OPPORTUNITY DAY.” In addition to these we shall also mark down =
al RS a 3 ; : j c 3% : =
eS annie: wees 0 hundreds of articles from every department which will be specially reduced for
B |) ) | N (3 ya = “Opportunity Day” only ; asl hursday they will be remarked to their former prices, a
of ds fod fae ost big w . J . . a
— | me Ad ig ol RE IBER, any statements in any of our advertisements are scrupously a
| intelligent and ed th r . . ; : ; . o Fi22et . . w
. ard masters in eit iin “01 3 true. We permit no misrepresentations to the public Remember further, that =
| course, Atforent callings de mand a , . ‘
Kirk Joh nSson and Co. Jos or lesser quantity of food. ® our guarantee stands back of everything sold which may be exchanged, or money =
¢ pathy his i Tay ( a . : \ 1a 1 Tr» eof B . 1 r « r ar ‘ Te rQ nu
re rote lads and lasses, and 0 pefunded on request; this holds good even on *“ Jpportunity Day,” You are always "
| food to help their growth than they
16-18 W. King St., Lancaster, Pa.
is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture
Rockers Hall Racks
Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks
will after having attained full man-
hood and womanhood. They should
man er wo-
be, and generally are,
stinted, but the average
man having nobody to stint
eat all they can and, instead
rising from the table satisfied, or
perhaps a little hungry, they will
eat a full meal and then pile on the
desserts and pastries that follow
In 99 cases out of a hundred,
that continuous over-eating is the
cause of nearly all the ills of the
flesh the people have coming to
them—or, rather, to which they are
going. From it comes constipation,
and a horrid host of such enemies
to health and happiness. Cut down
your meals about one half, thus cut
down on the expense of them in the
proportion—that, however, is the
: least of the reason. The degree to
Extension & Other Tables, Davenport | de ramen fis teres wo
ally and
China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets
while how easy it is to quit
In fact anything 1n the Furniture Line 3 Much, after you have tried it a
Undertaking and Embalming Base: Doctor:
Our flve-year-old has ear wax
5 —— Bord oe @ : which Bs 1s been in the habit of
HH fo = v J N 5 yl i hardening and shutting out sense of
. [ ] N : dg % | he: for about three years. Doc-
RE Bu : ° had NB OW | tor e medicine to soften the wax
LL a a |after he had cleaned the hardened
RACOET INI FO PENI .A | n r out Hearing does not seem
- - -— [ ven all the time Sometimes
~~ { he 1 ] t other ¢ 0st
= [in er Wh ou
1 te 0
£3 & 0
i 6 1 t W |
A crete V ork | c. ¥
1 1'¢ Ol
All Styles and Colors 1hst
ken { ¢
Porches, Columns and specialist tl )
Mone 1
Banisters | benefit vill do more tl |
thousands \ lat ) hear- |
Door and Window Sills anc | [8 15 vers hortant. 17ere are)
other difficu 1ti es in this c: which
Lintles, Chimneys, have not been properly brought to |
| your attention. Help the boy now. |
Etc. | Dear Doctor:
Is unusual craving for sweets an
Retailer of the Best |indication of disease? Or of worms?
| My little boy wants candy constantly
Grades of Cement {and the more he eats the more he
| wants. He looks healthy,
| wise shows nothing that should |
cause worry.
craving is
of sweets. Where the
really abnormal it indicates a
i of certain chemical elements in the
| system. Would suggest that the
| little fellow be allowed a reasenable
| amount of pure candy and chewing
| gum. Candy shouled not be allowed
h between meals however. Just
es |
| after the noonday meal it is allow- |
able. Would also suggest tee |
Phos which can no
your local
who will tell |
often to |
tablets |
If he has
| tissue food Nat.
doubt be secured from
homeopathic physician,
you how much and how
give The sugar of milk
would be best in his case.
worms, the Nat. Phos. will
| them from his alimentary canal and |
at the same time supply the ele-|
! ments lacking.
All readers of this
are at liberty to write for
tion pertaining to the subject of |
health at any time. A all |
communications to the Home Health
Club, La Porte, Indiana, U. S. A..
with name and address in full and
at least four cents in postage.
ne tl i in
Puts End to Bad Habit.
Things nevxer look bright to one
with the blues. Ten to one the trou-
| ble is a sluggish liver, filling the sys
| tem with bilious poison, that Dr.
| King’s New Life Pills would expel.
| Try them. Tet the joy of better feel-
| ings end the blues. Best for stom-
| ach, liver and kidneys. 25c at S. B.
; Bernhart -& Cos.
Informa |
You will be astonished in a little |
eating |
would be in a | &
|b A
| 2 Call 1000 Lancaster, tell oper-
H ator to reverse charges and we
| will gladly pay for them. Pre-
a paid deliveries will be made on
w same day as order is received.
“ ol) 0 Rae 61 sant actor 1199
: 32 to 38 East King Street, Lancaster, Penna.
and other- tive than I have for years. Every run- |
Children are nearly all very fond it
| just give Vinol a trial.” K. Allsbrook.
What Vinol did for Mr. Alisbrook | & We are Always Prepared to serve she is carrying one of our watches
will do for every weak, run-down or | she will at least be sure of always
Your Carpets |
Wednesday, May 8, 1912,
as free as air when purchasing anything in this store, There is no red tape about
having it exchanged.
We Are Revolutionizing the Department Store Methods
in Lancaster
Lancaster h:s not been slow to appreciate that it has now a modern store-—
equal in every respect to the best and largest retail establishments of New York
and Philadelphia,
{ 80 TH k
tated that I could hardly d im. i vy 3 3
My appetite was poor my |
sleep nights, I*had tried differ ’ writes H. # REFRESHING SHAMPOO
: ; 7 h, N. C, “and my pg J
called tonicy without benefit. £0 Oy ork right, I or anything in the Barber Lin
advised to try your cod liver and |} Electric Bitters
iron tonic. Vinol, and I am so glad
did, for it gave me a hearty appetite, |
I soon commenced to sleep soundly,
and I feel strong, well and more ac- |
feel like a new man.’
# PRICE 50
5 7
down or debilitated person should 2000000000000004 A Indy is opt fo Zeal lonely; but 42
Moderate Charges.
4 being accurate in her appointments.
® We are naturally proud of the time-
keeping qualities of our elegant gold
.and silver watches, as well as of the
dainty and artistic designs, and the
ob beautiful workmanship throughout.
@ Our Jewelry bears the reputation of
|being “ever best.”
Please Remember I Also
debilitated person in this vicinity. To !
show our faith we will furnish the |
medicine free if it does not do as we
olaim. Come in and get
these terms,
| ®
a bottle on |
For Sale by
Can Clean
Don’t fail to see us before plac-
ing your order this year.
J. N. Stauffer & Bro.
Mount Joy, Penna.
Repair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Very Promptly
You will not be disappointed time
and again if you bring your repair
Then you will have not only the
mE ——— pleasure of the outi h 1 -
On the floor by Street Wagon, | work to me, 4% ne . han hut me uk
| Hand or Electric Vacuum Machines. | i © -— preserve the memory of the fun.
At our works by Cold Air, Dry Ask me for a free copy of the new
Blast er Vacuum Machines. R V FEG ki Y Kodak catalogue.
Us ’ Agent for Standard Steam Laundry.
Our service is prompt.
i _— eT
If you phone orders, call factory tful cough "| East Main Street, MT. JOY, PA. |
| 14 | ;
direct, 135 Beaver—Bell Phone, | Ey ro as Pi i S I
44x; Independent Phone, 1791L. 3 ‘ oe) B oy | It Tooks Like a Crime ants or a e
Or you can send them to Di ss ard |to separate a boy from a box of Buck |
len’s Arnica Salve. His pimples, |
{boils, scratches, knocks, sprains, and I have a fine lot of eabbage, eauli-
|bruiises demand it, and its quick re- | lOWer, pepper, tomato, egg plant,
“lief for burns scalds, or cuts is hig’ redbeet and lettuce plants which I
lag Keep it handy for boys, also | offer for sale very reasonable.
| girls. Heals everything healable and |
E. B. Hostetter
does it quick. Unequaled for piles.
Novelty Carpet
Cleaning Works
Orders at Works, 135 Beaver
street, or J. B. Martin & Co.
Beth ‘Phones.
Subseribe for the Mt. Joy BuHetin
Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin.
Only 25 cents at 3. B. Bernbart ® a
Cos. |