TH £ . eo 1 MOL ¥. Pp J. E, SCHROL.! litor & Prop'r SUBSCRIPT Six Mor Thre Sing Saag iO \ 1 4) lat 01 ge tiv M i ni Ci EDITORIAL = 1 ut W 3 . v i 1 ¢ ita You 1s will logues Ir grow - - * + Rhode Island contributes her st of dele widow’s mite to the Ta if you know a Chinaman real intimately you can call him by his last name - . » Operating the wireles instru- ments on a steam ship appears to be a man’s work « = 8» When the woman likes her next- door neighbor it's a sign the poor thing never has any clothes oe We gather there will be no intervention in Mexico untill the thermometer registers at least 102 in the shade ys 8 9 “Who owns the air?” demands | the French Goverment, We don’t know, but John D. is a good man fo blame it on . . . . chairman of the White Ismay, t Star Line, is not just at present in good position to run for President of the United States “« LJ . - - If our paper is meeting with your approval as a newspaper tell your neighbor who is not receiving it. If it is not meeting your approval tell us. . 4 = 3s A New York woman walked into Court and hit a magistrate with an umbrella for sending her son to the workhouse. Compared to some form of resentful expression, the recall is mild and conservative - " » * The merchant who uses sta- tionery decorated with gargling oil, axle grease or other cheap, advertising matter is, to the home printer, what the mail order house is to the home merchant. ” * * * Don’t knock. Help yourself along bv becoming popular, and push your friends with you. It’s very easy. Be a good fellow and soon you'll have a procession of followers. No man ever helped himself knocking other people down in character and business. . . . . Misfortune and disgrace may have overtaken your neighbor, but it does not become vou to get on the house- tops and shout it out to the world. You will not be called upon to pay for nor answer for any of the sins of vour neighbor. You have all you can tend to to pay for your own in discretions » * * . A Vacuum which the Domestic Junior took that she give it one fair trial—pick out the cleanest carpet thought was clean. of this wonderful little cleaner is just $10.00 and |is sold to you with the guarantee to | be perfectly satisfactory in every re- | spect or we will refund your money. Drop card for circular and demon- |¢ {in Amercia. Have other machines on the same |2nd [principle as low as $8.50 B. FF PEFFER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. After You Are Through Experimenting with The Just-as-Good-Kind in 1889, he left a large business and LOCCOMOBILE 1 busi fu nus AUTOCAR AND BUICK TRUCKS ictly on their merits New 1912 Cars Now Here several rel { no 1 f l i Lancaster Automobile Co, GARAGE NEVER CLOSED 230-238 W. King St., LANCASTER the history of the House Every property holder and tenant should take the greatest of pride in cleaning up ard keeping their hold- | ings and home in an admitted sani- | tary conditior Health is happiness. | We have the reputation of having the healthi ite and the best water in the tate. Let us Keep that reputation by all means = . LJ ¢ . The post offic department is en- inst placing let- matter in pack- forcing the law ters or other Vv ages of the law has lately been violated with frequency and the considerable : , letermined to postal out i put a stop to 1t. * + - - . The life of an editor is not all roses. If he pleases one faction he displeases the other. He is accused of saying too much about someone and too little about another. If he suggests a remedy for any social evil a large part of the community is profuse in its + expressions of dis- | yy timely use of approval. So he taxes his weary brain to es » {7.2 shoals that mean shipwreck to many editors ¥ * * * | A small Kansas boy was called | it to view his new born baby brother. | He looked it over with dissatis-| faction, and finally asked: “Mamma, | where did this thi from?” “An angel brought it, Jimmie. “Wuz you awa 1 : id when he came? “Certainly Jimmie.” “Well, then, | mamma, § 111 that I have got to say, | is that yon are dead easy I'd like | 1 put off such a 10 sce 1 2 | looking thing on me.” * oo. 8% 8 The authorities at Wash- ington, ognizing the liability of postn 1 make mistakes in oetting letters in the wrong boxes of 200 dollars r mail out of have flxed on person { office other than returning it at once. This includes newspaper The ( that it is the postmaster’s fault “outs no ice.” If you have been gett- ine other people’s mail you had better take warning or you may get vourself in troub » their own 1 l¢ » * ® It is not surprising that some of our yong men seem to have such | ne R- hard. work to be decent. Just re-| member that the- first man to dwell upon the earth was no saint. If we cam rely upon history he was a liar | and a sneak. The first woman kept bad company, and woman-like pried into things that did not concern her. The first child born was a murderer and killed his brother. Our first ancestors were a tough lot! and it is hard to get it out of the Blood. n lepots have been estab The largest and only strictly first |, : | class shop in Lancaster City of County. ¢ I and fourth class | mail matter and collecting from violators the penalty of $1.00. This liveries of the discomfort—the blues— many years docto disease ¢ by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci- ence has proven Catarrh to be a consti- tutional discase, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's C Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the or tional cure on the market, It ! ternally in doses from 10 drops to a tea- spoonful. It and mucous surfaces of the s offer one hundred do | fails to cure. Send for circ timonials. and many serious sicknesses you will avoid if you keep your bowels, liver and stomach in good working order | FIG LAX CHANDL Send 2-cent stamp for NE full of patent information. READ PAGES 11 and 12 before supplying § for a patent. \QES to-day. Pre BPP ¥ing MX carry along his own crowd wh travels. PATENT LAWYERS, h St., Washington, D. C. HE HE NEW STOR) Whit Does | I'. Babbitt Mean 0 You, Kind Reader R I | th 1 nd 1 Oot Babbitt 1 nd i 1 n in Ne \ 9 f m boy ro lie dag H 1 an inquiri ind inventive trend nd and when other hoys were nt to remain in the background he forged to the front and by the ise of what were at the time oked upon as marvelous initiative and powers of endurance, he, within the scope of an average lifetime amassed a fortune and established | est business | of its kind in America—perhaps in the world B. T. Babbitt was responsible for some of the most extraordinary de- | velopments in the manufagture of | soap and the improvement of its | chemical constituents. t was then the grea His inventivene Just how much B. T Babbitt really did for the soap industry is ndicated by the important pate igranted him for the extraction | elycerine from soap lves: for boil [soap under pressure bleach palm cil; for a soap boiling aj atus; process for coating alkali, and | apparatus for soap making Not only did B. T. Babbitt invent ways of making soap and improving it—he invented ways of selling it He was are father of “sampling” as it is known today. He was one of the very first to put into execu- | tion the idea of sharing profits with customers by giving them premi- mms. He was a genius in advertis- ling and exploitation. At his death record of one of the most sncce ss career in America. To carry out the ideals of such a man the Babbitt family has devoted every resource of money, time and energy. The Babbitt establishment at Jabbitt, New Jersey, occupies 81 acres, It comprises 12 immense building containing all the most modern improvements and a large laboratory for chemical experi- menting and research work. Some of the old Babbit formulas are modified with the result that |! arkably efficient new | products are now found in thou- sands of homes. These include B Babbitt’s Cleaning and Scouring >owder, B T. Babbitt’s White Floating Soap. The strongest premium | stimulate public patrona further and throughout thi tion of Pennsylvania, pre um | F shed her e B. T. Babbitt trademarl may) » exchanged in as small unit a cash in the » gtores give the users of B I goods the advantage of having pel » of premiums mercl getting their premiun t waiti and e-sight rather than the dependence upon catalogues Small wonder the B. T Babbitt wrappers are to be seen everywhere this locality making large de- famous Babbitt zood re ee nt There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other dis put together, and until the last fi years was supposed to be incurable. F 1 greay pronounced it a local ed local remedies, and pr tarrh Constitu- taken in- ts directly on the blood em. They y case it rs and tes- s for Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Drug ts B23 f Gov. H had ( Vir. J 1 kno rt. o ! w € ) \ Le * » Li ¥ a d- 1 . - V * * ® ¥ I ) ai 11e Y nois despite 16 6 ¢ 1 t snip companies n 1ips rs they might € 01 4 ing ® ® * - Col. Roosevelt does not have to n he 2% & oo » Meanwhile the dogs are barkinng | at the poor old Sherman law. * * Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. apr. 7-3t. nothi furnishes 30 selfish as to have no helped prove from his business to give the truth of the adage ‘Cleanliness | {is next to Godliness.” | His first business was the manu- | facture of bi-carbonate of soda, by |, an original process It is still to- | day a leader in its line He invented a yeast powder-—one of the first made: a baby toilet soap and the “Best soap’ which is at this time one of the most popular | i He invented machinery devices enough to have made |the name of Babbitt a leading one in Amercian progress even had he {done nothing else. Indeed, from {1842 to 1889 he made the remark- [able record of having sued to him by the Patent Office any ente rprise Annual 108 patents is- Wiount Jo License Money Hoffman P. EXPENDITURES Bombach, John, repairs . $ David, Commission supplies ..+..... { $ $ $ ds "3 $ $ $ decorating ....... .R.ofreight ........ R. printing John, . repairs ...... jahor ...:.. Lili, special ser- lab nost A Miracle forever 1 t hor 11s | washe 1 ( ( more { \re eplaceq ew material just the rubbing and wringing nO - A town that has anything v1 on the way Any citizen who for his town is helping A man that the coffin making the who will not advertise the hearse The always pulling throws rave. The man as to be howling preaches the funeral , and thus the town lies all sorrow and care —— — ‘n the Mt. Joy Bulletin Report RECEIPTS Treas. March Foreign Fire ss Hoffman Pole Tax $ Hoffman Licenses $§ collected for Blocks Sold .... $ $5313. Collector, reports outstanding tax to be Ice ...... $ Bulletin Printery, Printing $ B1 H., Paint M. N.,, Surveys acknowledgements $ ; C. Furniture § 147. labor ....... Electric Light Co. Lights ........ $ 479. : H., Hauling $ 315. labor ...... § R., Salary, U( A, "H.,;; Dist Notices P., labor Recharging auditing Garber, Jacob, labor 3., auditing Elmer, painting H., salary $ E., appropria- medicines in Case vie Crandall Co. <“ Plate: . i... $ M. concreting $ S., Iabor .. $ Hensel, W. W. Solicitor . $§ Herald Printing Co. Print- Reuben, labor labor : labor ...... Hoffer, Jno. B., salary ... $ Clayt, recording $ $ aie E., auditing. $ «3 $ Kolp, Albert labor ...... $ Leib, M. M., appropriation trie Light Co. ..i..... $ 1abor i... vats. $ £30, curves & Mt. Joy Elec- , Supplies ...... $ Newcomer H. S. supplies. $ E. W. Prof | Northern Mutual Fire Ins. Frank, decorations $§ J., sanitary SPRH dist. notices. $ labor $ ¢ N. & Bro. sand, coal and “ww labor NAAN reer $ stone .... § in Treas. March $5313.90 | Respectfully submitted, H. S. GARBER, F. E. HERSHEY, E. M. TREXLER, Auditors. oie tele donloefecdeeclonbob do deoiorfordoriodoolodesfood ole dorfordote doeoloadradoobodooforfoefocionidodooordes Pie peepee 2.0 Jooferjosferfoferie Goofrefedde ofecforfosforforforfosforfordecfesfonferforte Ee ——— eS ——— SINAN Boedreforforfororforfecforenfocdedudedeiesfuorforfene ° & o] of ge a foodefertont joe) tJeslesle fess vid ibviboiosdoilosdvideibonbesbotiotvitoiiontoubeutoatonteatsReshitbu dial hulk Sorough |: oe 0 0 BET Can you ID you decide what you would like to get what yo If not, come to us and leave us show you the new models, fabrics, and qualities which we Bernts ostheToelostoctoclenlonte ls Bo fe Seb. 9. 0 5 RRR STN are offering remarkably low prices. These clothes were brought here for your inspection and we invite you to call and see them, whether you purchase or not. We have used our best judgment in selecting these clothes, and we feel sure ate our efforts. -3 sfosdedeofedofoodoosfods doenfodedoforoods mised $1115. on © the clothes you will appreci: that if you see 0 ae... Sooo ile oTeseeToqootoctectoclocte toe ctelenleul. Beal. 8. 0. 0.0 9. 0. a TT Gesferdofeferfeduoferfede 204%. esdesde 0) 3 oe sfesies es one ¢ be MOUNT JOY HALL BUILDING MOUNT JOY, PENNA. bei Soofocte Tecfoofosfesfecfortuctosorfocts focforocfocforfrcforfocfuciocesfofede ofocfesforfecfocfuofordocfortscfrofunfesfoofeodeaorecoefucfecfergorgofne Rates Moderate Exchange Hotel Mount Joy, Pa. J. M. Backenstoe, Pro. 8S. MUSSER. THE BAKER | American Plan Halr Cutting Joseph B. Hershey Tonsorial Parlor fast Main St., through town daily f"resh Doughnuts, Cruliers and Dewey Buns every Wednesday & eT given prompt attention Store & Bakery, Mount Joy, Pa. iL McGINK undersigned having remodel-| = = y ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding a Table is Supplied With the Best the Markete Affords. Goods called for Tuesday and delivered Friday Has just been remodeled thruocut. s, Hot and Cold Water, Steam Electric Light, Ete x TP 52 vy 3 Has. B ZELLES REAL ESTATE AND Ee A, sleeping rooms = od oo ‘ailing and Clerking of Public Sales . png > 8 RESTAURANT Settlement of Estates. : Lunch C : | will serve in season tuneh Counter and CLAMS ir HOLLOWBUSDH Moc CG-innis, PROPRIETOR I THE BEST BRANDS OF BEEK, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 530-532 Woolworth Building Lancaster, Pa. Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m, Sunday and Other Hours By Appointment Both Phones Bell Lan, 994 | Piles, Losses, Varicoeeie, Hydrocele, no cutting, Kidney, Bladder, ling Accomodation Local and Long Distance Telephones North Duke Street | Terms Moderate. Bell Telephone. CHARLES S. FRANK AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA. Prompt Attention given to Sales of Real Estate and Personal Property. Reference: Jonas L. Minnich. .THEEL & DR. W. L. THEEL 1719 Spring Garden 8t., (formerly 535 N. 6th 8t., Phila., Pa.) Ein Deatseher Artz, Only Specialist. The German Treatment, Guaranteed Cure for Specific Blood P ean’t Cure, all use Mercury & Arsenic, worse than If, it’s & curse of humanity. AN Execesses, both sex, Abuses, Weake $ 300.56 | Bkin & Private Diseases, nesses. Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Rupture & Stricture, 46 yrs. practice &6 yrs. Hosp. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulleiin. |