THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. NEWTOWN Resh town a 1est and wife spent of her Ma wile were Amos Sneat and ts of relatives at Elizabethtown over inday on sunday There will be nd ain on INGay held Lor were the Service evening by pa ervice 10 a, m Nve Sunday reach May 6 M1 disville it of Lan- vigitors at the Mrs Frederick Harry and family were home of Mr and Kemmerly The Brethren in Christ vices held seg- morning Rev. on Sunday church in this Ell B. Engle officiating. Mr. Maurice Wittle with his fam- of Columbia, sojourned on Sun- of his mother, Mrs. place, ily day as visitors Amanda Wittle, Mr. Harry accompanied by his wife and daughter, spent Sun- day Mr. and Mrs Makes delicious home- baked foods of maximum quality at minimum cost. Makes home baking a pleasure Koehler, as guests of her parents, John Kemmerly week.) will be held the pastor. John Rhoads of Har- last for last services (Too late Preaching Sunday evening by and Mrs, visited next Mr risburg, his parents The only Baking Powder | made from Royal Grape i Cream of Tartar | week. Mr, William ily spent some Richardson and fam- days last week as the Middletown of the place, with guests of his parents in The Primary Department Public Miss Edith Spring as teacher, on last for the term and the pupils will enjoy a vacation for sev- schools in this No Alum — No Lime Phosphates closed Friday eral months. The Brethren in Christ held pray- on Sunday evening at Elizabeth Mumma. regular meet- morning in the | new : ©T meeting “A the home of Mrs. , They will hold their ing on next Sunday church in this place. { ——- —— PLEASANT HILL Monroe Ebersole embarked | in their entitled, and Co., of the West, Dakota Divorce.” K. Emmett playlet South At The Colonial week’s attraction for the Theatre in Lancaster, Man- ager Doan has booked what is un- questionably the biggest bill of the season and it should prove to be the very best. The headline feature, The Fad- ettes, Boston's famous ladies orch- estra. This organization, which only a few weeks ago, was at the head of the bill at Keith's Philadelphia Theater, is composed of 20 talented women and is by Miss Caroline B. Nichols, an orchestra leader known the world over, and This Col- onial A ee Almost A Miracle One of the most startling changes ever seen in any man, according to W. B. Holscaw, Claredon, Tex., was into the farming business, having | effected years ago in his brother. | joined hands with Milt Paulis down “He had such a dreadful cough,” he lon the late Jacob Shenk farm. writes, “that all our family thought Spring Plowing has commenced | he was going into consumption, but in earnest here. Judging | he began to use Dr. King’s New Dis- [from the looks of the fields as you eovery, and was completely cured by go spinning by in an automoble. ten bottles. Now he is sound and A dark cloud still prevades who is in a class distinctly by her- well and weighs 218 pounds. For community since the death of self. The ‘orchestra is the highest many years our family has used this Isaac Rutt and Mrs. Henry : wonderful remedy for Coughs and Who were two of our priced attraction on a vaudeville bill : Colds with excellent results. “It's ever brought to Lancaster. It has : 3 quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. appeared in all the important thea- 3 " ap i a 2 2 €3- price 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bot- 3 8 C PY. § Lurop p x YR pe tle free at S. B. Brnhart & Cos. Another big attraction will be J. a | ie / A “a 7 . fl j | [ \ R i that 1s Furniture Hall Rack: is the only kind I sell—Furniture Rockers Desks Davenport has around conducted Mrs residents. regretted. We had the pleasure of Mrs Smith last week. She is the same ly Joseph down at Rheems lady always in an agreeable mood and an expert conversationist. May you live to enjoy many happy days Mollie, wish. At Andrew Rheems you can find of planting material is earnest and sincere our a fine selec- consisting and other suitable at for the di- call and at tion of cabbage, tomatoes of all times when goods fine standing, Mirrors matured, restive ans. Give him a be 0g Ladies’ Extension & Other Tables, China Closets, In fact Picture Frames as es -e— Gaffin—Gerber received here by of Samuel Md to Miss Mrs Cards have been the friends townsman, Mr of Baltimore, eng our former B. Gaffin, announcing Dina, Kitchen Cabinets many his agement daughter Mr that « anything 1n the Furniture Line of and K Gerber, also of 1ty Undertaking and Embalming ra re reer For with Recently with and tolite tank, extra Address, Automobile Sale Cheap. double rumble Equip- wind-shield, Runabout lf vm, seat overhauled. H.C. BRUNNGR © MOTUNT JOY. PENNA 55 ped top pres- as Box apr.17tf tubes. Tires as Lock new , Mount Joy. ara a in the | this | Weaver, | most estimable | Their departure is deep- meeting | genial | Bard’s hot house down SINSATION], | Wednesday, April 24, 1912, ne doelorferiortocforioforioodorfocfecds dfodfoofoodecdoedoriorfoofeodeofoorfoofooad dodo oferfesfodfodfeofecfooorde dortende NEW SPRING WEARABLES FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN CLOTHING Our new spring suits for young men are best values we shown have ever selected the the greatest We with care, els each sideration. or Everyone who purchases a from our stvles and it is possible money real value produce most to for OF QUALITY men and without question the before fabrics ani mod- choosing arment only after careful con- stock is assured the latest garment SHOES en’s Suit AND OXFORDS M its $5, $10, $12, $16.50 FURNISHINGS That Will Please You. suit Our shirts for spring are excep- tional both in patterns and styles. Color combinations are beautiful, the Oxfords knowledge and Ox- makes your We full value-—a ‘““‘what’s what” repeat—Shoes and The big new line of spring cravats pleasure spring neckwear. from. definite in shoes heel to toe, a pair of our shoes guaranteed one. No for the money can be of we are showing makes it a to All of pick out styles your fords, from ivestment. in and colors to select and Oxfords a better values produced. $1.50 to $5 for the for An com=- Medium weight underwear and lighter garments are all selection present summer in stock now. early insures you a plete assortment to buy from Odd Pants for Dress and Work Every man needs one or more pair of odd pants to piece out his suits, We have some very neat and desirable patterns this spring, better than are usually shown in odd pants. Dress Pants $2.25 to $5 Work Pants $1 to $2.50 HATS Both Soft and Straw time for soft Our assortment and our Right now is the hats and straw hats. is varied, our lines complete, prices very reasonable. $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $3.00 See the “Walking Man” walk around the shoe displayed in the window. | T RL Sidhe Wfedueforforieofocfer Last Meeting of the Year The High School Literary Society will hold its last meeting on Satur- dav evening at 8 p. m., in the Mount Jov Hall. An interesting program has been arranged. The question for debate “Resolved, that the Republican Party should nominate Mr. Roosevelt in preference to Mr. Taft.” Admission 10c, children bc. Proceeds for the benefit of the Ath- Association. BE is [etic 10.000 Volts Thru His Body Charles Sheaffer, a lineman in the employ of the Edison Electric Light Company, came in contact with a live wire and fell off a pole at Co- lumbia His skull was fractured, his richt arm, leg and jaw were broken. He was 34 years old and hailed from Gettysburg. He died the day after the accident ee etl . Flocks of Wild Geese flock wild geese early Saturday much attention. the letter “V.” passed evening | They | Two s of over here and attracted flew in form of Krall Meat Marker 4 1 always have on hand anything in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham iologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etc. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and | Mutton. Prices always right. H H. KRALL ] West Main Street, Opp. Bank, MOUNT JOY, PA. | ell Telephone. jarantee i wr A cu : . 455: Suppository yo oie Suppositor D. Matt, Thempsc Graded Schools, Statesville, N, C., writes L “ they do all you claim aor them. * Dr. B. M. v “They give universal s Clarksburg, Tean., wr “In a practice of 2 "I have found no remedy to Price, 50 Cexts. Samples Free. Sold MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, dif you use o faction.’ equal yours.’ by Druggists, Sold i in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber aad W. D. Chandler ~ & Co. Call for free sample. = * r 2314043352039 3938 3 HOE OR 00000000000000 We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. 3 Mount Joy, Penna. Sesececeesecese FRENCH FEMALE | MADAME DEAN'S ncn A Sarx, Cxrraiy Rmx for SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION. WNT All. Safes Sure! Speedy ! Satis- EE NTO FALL: ov Refunded. Sent prepaid for $1.00 per box. win ri hem on trisl, to be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist does not have them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., 20x 74, PPPOE POCPPPO Pe 0 LANCASTER, PA. Sold} in M1. Joy by E. W. Garber d W. D. Chandler & Co. NEMAN’S DEPARTMENT STORE Opp. Union National Bank, Mount Joy, Pa. Do Not Forget to AsK for Green Trading Stamps J. ¥. KL.] N = i Tce All Kinds Concrete Work BUILDING BLOCKS that I rons of All Styles and Colors Ice that 1 am in the business, to serve the Mt. and before placing inform the one of the Crystal Spring Water had since 1 which 1 am Wagon Florin daily I wish to have Pure public largest have Porches, Columns and Banigters now ready thru me the public Joy See { Door and Window Sills and vour order for Prices Lintles Sy sonable season. Chimneys, rea i Etc. Retailer of the Best Grades of Cement C. S. Frank Bell Phone. BE RR ill ORIN. 85 MT. JOY, PA. PEININ A iE FE pect Purchase Women's Tatlored Suits At $9.75 $18.75 Good Values at $15 to $16.50 Sample Suits Worth $25 to $35 Serges and black, Black and white English tweeds, whipcords, ser- ges, diagonals and mixtures in tan, navy, gray, black and cream. Most every style from the strictly plain tailored models to rather elaborately trimmed effects. All jackets full peau de cygne lined. wr ee am BaRe dE" = (\ \? ) { 1 { 74 Publ diagonals in cream, also tan and gray mixtures. A wide variety of the season’s most styles include snappy Norfolks and plain models. Peau de cygne or satin lined. Skirts in several of the latest panel and pleat effects. tan, navy, and popular tailored side Manufacturer’s Clearance Women’s Raincoats at Sav- ings Averaging Third to Half We consider this a very fortunate purchase as this season raincoats. is when so many people need new No need to run from April or May showers with one of these raincoats and no need to be without a raincoat when you can buy five to ten dollar coats at these prices. At $4.95 Women’s $7.50 to $10 Raincoats Most of the raincoats in this lot are full cut mannish English Slip-ons with either plain or rag- lan sleeves—also a very few semi-fitted styles. Single and double waterproof textures in light and medium weight—all seasonable for spring and summer. Few gaberdines in lot. Colors, tan, straw, green, gray, navy and black. 11 0000 At $2.95 Women’s $5 Raincoats Light and medium weight rubberized coats of blue, tan, A poplins and gums in black, gray. coat at the price. straw and Guaranteed waterproof. splendid rain- Striking Styles in Women’s Spring Footwear All our popular priced shoes have plenty of in- dividuality about them—trim, neat shapes that appeal to particular women. A Coloniai Pump at $4 A particularly good style, is of dull leather, with large matt silver buckle, medium round plain toe, and moderately high heel. A pump that fits and is very graceful on the foot. Saturday’s Offering of Tailored Hats, $5 We've reduced about fifty smart street hats for tomorrow's selling. While among the earlier models of the season, all are good styles in every particular—early season prices were $7.50 to $10, but must make way now for the summer models® Also about twenty stylish street hats formerly priced up to $7.50—your choice, $3.95. HAGER & BRO. 25-31 W. King Street, LANCASTER, PA, T0100 EE 4 /