No Matter How You View It THERE'S AN A DVANTAGE IN aes Q AR n> 7 SN rv IXEGN tv / Young Brothers Carriag THAT WILL ALWAYS CLAIM YOUR ATTENTION. e Work IT 18 Custom Quality at Moderate Prices There can be no better time tc order a new wagon for Spring than now. It stands to reason that we can give more attention to a job over the winter months than during the busy season and naturally you get a first-class job. We also have some fine sleighs ready for your inspection. YOUNG BRO. FLORIN, PENNA. Bell Telephone MOUNT JOY, PA., Friday, May 3 PRAIRIE LILLIE'S AND NEBRASKA BILL'S REAL WILD WESTS COMBINED Pe 400-PEQOPLE and HORSES-400 The Real Rough Riders of the World | REAL RED MEN Of the Plains in War Paint. Cowboys, Cossacks, Mexicans, Bedouin Arabs. WILD WEST GIRLS rivaling Cowboys in Equestrian Feats. Military Maneuvers LIFE ON THE PLAINS: More than a century ago. Vivid Pictures of distinctive scenes and events. DARING MEN of many nations in astonishing Eque trian Feats and Reck- less Displays of Sad- by Artillery and dle Expertness. Cavalry. A CONTINUOUS SUCCESSION OF STARTLING SURPRISES 2 EXHIBITIONS DAILY AT 2 AND 8 P. M. RAIN OR SHINE. Grand Free Street Parade at 10 A. M. Show Day You Will Now Find Us In Our NEW BUILDING Kirk Johnson and Co. MUSIC HALL 16-18 W. King St., Lancaster, Pa. OPPOSITE 8. G. HERSHEY'S STORE, PARK STREET. Ind. Phone 610D., Elizabethtown, or 723B., Maytown. J. H. KEENER, Prop’r. ‘Works and Offices : Maytown and Elizabethtown CHARLES W. OCOBLE Mgr., Elizabethtown. Bel be Li TRE Re bbe p bh < 4 rk 4 4 4 4 4 y ? 4 > A * * » % L ; P A PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH, What Shwilkey Say Bumblesock Has To This Week, De weisel un de house-butz gich- tera men shunt a pawr wucha in der Polly g'schoft un wore uff der hufn- ung os se diada net ous brecha awver em Moondawg morga eb ich uff wore hov ich’s ols hara dannera im house room un endlich bin ons fenshter don sane ich en shoop-karrich Im hofe longg’'shtuddied eb ich net uff’'s doch groddla will un roofa farhilf, Endlich bin ich nunner far my morga-essa don hut de Polly g'sawt de weisel bisniss ware olles ready far shtarta. Now hov ich g'wist 0s se de gichtera far shure hut un ich hob g’'sawt ich ware net in der weisel bisnesss. Ich hob’s net g'wist, awver se hut de Sexfoos Betz gadinked g’hot far helfa house butza, un se hut era garoofa un hut g’'sawt se het garn os se (de Betz) awennich im gorda shoffa daid far breckfesht. | Ich denk es wore ous-gamauched by eena, anyhow de Betz is cooma un hut g’sawt ich set now shae ons | weisla gae. divel set mich uff rbenna we en old- er henshing won ich selle fense | weisla daid; don hut se g’sawt der | divel ware usht now bissy on onera | fowl-lenser om barrick un are het se | appoint en deputy far a parw dawg. | Now, de Betz is gabowed uff der | sopling un de wauda es unnersht ev- ersht draw. Se hut era armel uff gawickled iver era longa, bloa, flex- icha aerem un in de hend g’'shpouts- ed far on de bisness. Ich hob any- how goot g'feeled, awver we ich de | Sexfoos Betz saena hab far mere shtae in eram kartza unnerruck hov ich mein hartz gawinshed ich het nix g'sawt waega odder der di- vel ware selver cooma on blotz fun Ich hob explaina wel- weisla, sime deputy. la, awver se hut en shpite aff mich {Doms long g’hot, un es arsht os ich | g'wist hob hut des looder mich om | shuvvel g’hot un my farshta hen der * shtae mitera lot kolish druff. Ich hob *¥ Ich hob era g'sawt der | Noruan Percheron blan—mit bae we = LODO 50 A Great Clearance Sale of Women’s and Misses’ Finely Fashioned SUITS FOR SPRING TE THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, April 24, 1912, We Are Headquarters in Lancaster For All That Is News and Stylish in Millinery | Trimmed Hats The smartest styles, the most exclusive designs, the most artist- | ic creations in the original New York and Parisian models, or our clever reproductions and adaptatic own exclusive designs, At Prices That Are 5 $10, are here at $4.98, $5. yns of these, together with our are herein a most fascinating display Simply Unmatchable Hats which in every other store in Lancaster sell at from $7 to 98, $6.98 shapes and colors; trim- also rosettes on Trimmed Milans; in several different med with pink blue and red ribbon shirred, side; very stylish; easily worth $2; 98c. Trimmed Milans; velevt band with stick up; very smart shapes; $1.98, Untrimmed Hats If vou want the latest and prettiest shape and the newest idea for trimming it, come to this popular section of our Millinery De- partment. Here may be seen an assortment so vast and so var- ied that to single out a few items. for special mention would be im- ; possible. We buy direct from the producers and sell our Hats and 8 . 3s Trimmings at about the same prices as other stores have to pay rr = Children S Hats them. Here you can get Milans, Chips and Neapolitans in the 2 most desirable shapes as low as 98¢. REMEMBER, THAT WE q Untrimmed rough STRAW witth turned brim,49c. TRIM ALL HATS ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. You do m Mixed straw school hats; red and white and blue and white; yourself an injustice if you buy your hat elsewhere without first “ $1.25 values; 89c. visiting our Millinery Department. 8 son? are much larger. by our guarantee. stantial saving. A tremendous value; stand, two Chairs, Rocker, Table 17x36 inches and bevel edge Frenc equalled offering at $21.50. $e» * $22.50 $28.50 $30.00 $32.50 $35.00 $50.00 BEDRO( BEDRO( BEDRO( BEDRO( BEDRO( BEDRO( made of solid consisting of eight well constructed pieces—Bed, Bed has high headboard, with a quartered Tremendously Low Prices Continue in Effect on Our $50,000 Stock of Furniture and Carpets Our April Furniture and Carpet business up to this time has been the greatest in the history of the store. And for what rea- Every day we have customers tell us our prices are absolutely lower than in any other Lancaster store The quality of the merchandise is unquestionably right—it’s up to the Donovan Company’s standard and backed At this—housecleaning time —there is always a need of some article of Furniture or Floor covering—if it’s a whole holse to be furnished or part of one or a single piece or rug—you’ll find just what is needed—here—and at a price that will allow you a sub- $28.50 Bedroom Suits, $21.50 splendidly finished; Dresser, Wash- Dresser has top 14x24 inches. top. An un- oak; and Costumer, h plate mirror oak roll M M M ™M MM M SUITS, $18.00. SUITS, $21.50. SUITS, $25.00. SUITS, $28.50. SUITS, $30.00. SUITS, $45.00. An $11 Couch, Special at $8.90 and our assortments 3-Piece Parlor Suit; $ ; 1 90 $22.50 Value » Beautiful mahogany finished frame; upholstered in good quali- ty plush. Settee, rocker and arm chair;an exceptionally good value. 5-Piece Parlor Suit; $2 4.90 $30.00 Value upholstered in excellent Mahogany finish frame, of neat design; Settee, rocker, arm chair and two wall chairs, quality verona. $1.10 Axminster Carpets, Special 89¢ rooms, halls and high pile Ax- Several very handsome patterns, suitable for stairs: floral and Oriental designs. An excellent minster of exceptional quality. 1 1 I £ | gibbel fun ma ‘blawma baum ob W 1 R S . 1 11 shloga. fch hob ga-risha se set rn Full size, 28 inches wide, 6 ft. 2 inches long; with 24 tempered $18 Brusse $ ugs pecia ’ $ 90 | net so es obs fardaerva, awver se B wiper, ess 3 J her : 7? 1s . iL 1 : ! s Hs Be . a : = steel springs: roll edge; plaintop; upholstered in check velour. Extra heavy quality, in several very pleasing patterns; in the [Wore t5u Wissy tich ted har an eve gf Other specially priced offerings at $7.48, $8.90, $9.90, $16.50. newest Spring colorings; floral and Oriental designs | va derwedder gamauched bis se oll : jig iE 2 By’ a | de shulla farschloga hut g’hot mit . . | mere os uff mein nia tswivvela lond : Bird’s--Eye Maple 4 ; 4 90 New Mattings | wora. We Se mi Bh endlich g2e ‘84 o Dressers; Special . Our own importation; orders were placed early and enabled us | fuss al hov ich mich petsa missa (8 Worth $18.00; French plate oval mirror, 18x30, and top 40 in- to choose the best patterns and save considerable on our pur- {tr ons fons eb Ich much lavendich = ches. chases, which brings them to youat prices less than usual. (oin: leh bis avver grawd ons wel Top drawer serpentine: highly polished. Roll contains 40 yards. $4 to $10.50 roll; worth $5.50 to $13. la wile ich immer drin bin far|z= | shtride ous der nochderhond rows E | cooma un hut mich g’frogt was mich | : so blaich gooka maucha daid. Ich |B | hob g'sawt ich het's so om haertz. |W Telephone Your Orders x { Ich ware tsu shtulls far uff-agena | my y BH Is 4 { os ich rarrebed bin warra fum | g Call 1000 Lancaster, tell oper- der Betz, un hob era g'sawt won ich | ator to reverse charges and we i fi | net tsu feel fun ma gentlemon ware | will gladly pay for them. Pre- | far en weipsmensch schloga don het | 9 paid deliveries will be ‘made on lich se gor dunner-hawgels ga-glup- |B Same day. as order is recoived. 32 to Eh) East King Street Lancaster Penna . | ped. De Polly hut galocht os se |B if 3 ? . m | shier era folshe txaen g’shlooked | im BORER ESE EE REE EER EE PEO OD) EO ! hut, un hut mich derno frog't wos | mich so yamera het maucha we ich un Betz { wora. Sell on annonner g'west ga-convinced | | os der job uff gadoo wore uff mich {un ich bin nunner | tzu'm Squire Lawbuck far my laeva | uff Der Squire hut | g'sawt coonshtawbler barrick os de Betz tackla wet, kent nix do far mich. Ich usht derno g’saena we ich in Ich hob de fense | ooms room now shunt dir { mole ivver gaweiseled de woch un {ich holdt aw so long os de Betz doh | is won ich oll der kolic uff use om de hut mich grawd owvets se schwara. es ware ken | om {un are | hob der g'fore wore. house | barrick. | se | Good For Business It is estimated that the hobble { skirt has doubled the number of | women’s shoes sold in the world. They have to take two steps now Lwiere they took one before, and | that means the shoes wear out twice as fast. | | > | | Prayer vs. Printers Ink After praying for forty years for | la baby a New Jersey couple put a | small want ad. in a newspaper and | ; that same night a bouncing boy was | | left on their doorstep. Prayer is all MUST YOU MOV DELICATE GhiLDREN Made Strong by Vinol “1 wish I could induce every moth: | er who has a delicate, sickly child, to |; try your delicious cod liver iron tonic, | Vinol. [ “It restored our little daughter to | health and strength after everything |g else had failed. It tastes so good she | § loved to take it—not a bit of cod liver | § oil taste—Mrs. C. W. Stump, Canton, | §& Ohio.” | § The reason Vinol is so successful | in building up puny, delicate, ailing | children, is because it is a combina |” tion of the two most world-famed ton- | fcs—the medicinal body-building ele- | ments of cod liver oil, aided by the blood-making and strength-creating properties of tonie irom. If we can induce you to try a bdttle | of Vinol as a body-builder and ptrength-ereator for vour child, and you do not find it iz all we claim, we | will return vo v on demand. | Or Are You Doing | | Repairs? | | i TR RESLERNR IN IY — B & ¥4 Po $0 + x EA m Ee » Cul Gad # File oom, : “I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back,” writes H. T, Alston, Raleigh, N. C,, “and my § liver and kidneys did not work right, § but four bottles of Electric Bitters § made me feel like a new man.” PRICE 50 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. § r- Your hens can't loai—they must yo “punch the clock” (lay) at least three times per weck when they eat The Park & Pollard Dry Mash. For Sale by BRANDT & STEHMAM Mount Joy. Pa. Ask the man who feeds it ig if you are not in a hurry, but Perhaps you want your carpets out | § | for quick result use printer's ink. of r way for a few weeks. We will THE PEOPLE’S MARBLE i wag yo clean them, and store S + For Sale. them free until you want them. When & GRANITE WORKS $ | An entire threshing outfit, Frick’s | you are ready, we will deliver them 3 engine, 17 to 20 horsepower, used and relay them. Saves you lots of | Now is the time to order Cemetery work for Spring at big reduct- ¥ 4 seasons. The thresher is a new trouble. Orders at { ions. Satisfaction guaranteed. ® | self-feeder, 30x52. Also an Eli straw Sure days at Elizabethtown, from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturdays. | baler. Will sell at a bargain. Call to see them. Elmer G. Hershey, Lititz, Pa., R. D. No. 2. feb.7-tt -——--—— | | The bill which is designed to per- | | mit actors, traveling men, railroad | jmen and others whose business | takes them away from home to vote for President in any state where | i they chance to be on election day, i jo be just, but it’s dangerous. JOVIEE 2 VRE “After four in our of consumpiion 1 a frighiiui COL tut my life was ¥] poun:is i.Ln Tak SERSE aily had Gied f ts al wa Novelty Carpet Cleaning Works Orders at Works, 135 Beaver street, or J. B. Martin & Co. Both phones at both places. gi , A © DISC 75 W_R. Pair PRICE 50+ 17 5 id Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. if len’s Arnica Salve. GO TO W.B.BENDER Mount Joy, Pa. With Time on Her Hands $0 | East Main St., FOR A GOOD SHAVE STYLISH HAIR-CUT REFRESHING SHAMPOO or anything in the Barber Line. | Pes | | | | | | A lady is apt to feel lonely, but if she is carrying one of our watches she will at least be sure of always being accurate in her appointments. {We are naturally proud of the time- keeping qualities of our elegant gold |and silver watches, as well as of the dainty and artistic designs, and the {beautiful workmanship throughout. @ur Jewelry bears the reputation of being ‘ever best.” Please Remember I Also Repair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Very Promptl y phy | Make the most of the lures of the You will not be disappointed time | fist soft days of Spring. and again if you bring your repair 7 : ’ ork Io Hie. We have Kodaks from $5.00 up and will be glad to show you how | easy they are to use. AGENT FOR STANDARD STEAM | LAUNDRY. I also carry as a side line Camera and Photo Supplies Every season brings new joys to {those who KODAK. : oman 2) ib R. V. FEGLEY MT. JOY, PA. | East Main Street. = Plants for Sale It Looks Like a Crime to separate a boy from a box of Buck | His pimples, | boils, scratehes, knocks, sprains, and bruiises demand it, and its quick re- lief for burns scalds, or cuts is his rigiht. Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything healable and | does it quick. Unequaled for piles. Only 25 cents at S. B. Bernhart & | Cos. 12 I have a fine lot of cabbage, cami flower, pepper, tomato, egg plant, redbeet and lettuce plants which I {offer for sale very reasonable. E. B. Hostetter. MOUNT JOY, PA. 11100 OL A lar Estim Sele agen Also S Ager gistimates Te -_ ae OUR S Here j no larg the price. of Waltl Jn Ac Ladie tion, cases. Gents as $9.00. PIE Jewelers faa LAN f I) ? Engle GOOD HOM