Bill Fights for Bill Farmers Column HON. W. W, CARRIER SERVICE ; THR GRIEST WANTS USEFUL INFORMATION FOR THE EXTENDED FARMER . Speech delivered by Him Before the The Average Number of Eggs—DBees Committees of the Whole House with Fruit Orchard a Good on the Postal Service APIOs Combination, The Commer priation Bill now Under cial Fertilizer—-The Horse Considetution Collar—Other Notes & ’ It is desired, for a few minutes, to A crack in a wall is a poor ven- | invite particular attention te the | postal-service ap- { con- tilator, in the Get nitrogen into the soil, and you ¢ | propriation bill, sideration, which will permit the ex- | | perimental establishment of mail- | carrier service in the towns and vil- lages having second and third class | paragraph h b now under ave humus, Onions should when frozen, as it will produce rot. The onion is a bulb, a plant at never be handled ‘ » least warmth starts it : ” Yost and Re least 44 | gost offices. As fully 300 congres- Inte glowt . ¢ thin | sional districts embrace towns which x y ’ very Make 58 inventory © every 8 ultimately secure benefits from can this legislation, and as almost every member who votes for this proposi- own constitu- you have on the farm; its conditions and value. More potatoes are grown in New York State than in any other state tion will be doing his rn ents a service as well as giving sup- | in the Union. port to a genuinely meritorious Now is the time to plan for the { measure, I hope that the entire supply of ice that will make next |... chip of this House will sup- summer more enjoyable. Farming is a regular business—to make it profitable requires work for the head as well as for the hands. Many a man who makes fun of | extend the the towns to to port the proposition | mail-delivery service and villages. For many years millions of people the book farmer, calling him a the- | residing in the great cities of the , CF : : : {| United States have enjoyed free orist and impractical man fails sim. | United s Joy Tee malil-delivery service, and during does not read and | the past decade we have | 358 installation of the convenient and valuable rural mail-delivery system. These systems of mail de- livery have been developed to a high standard of efficiency, and have be- come indispensable to the American But, unfortunately, there BY geass he rns ay. It is should remain winter, provided gradually, than to a warm celler. If many of the farmers knew how onions the thaw in better that frozen through they can put them much public. much it cost to leave their mach- , inery out doors all winter they exists what is today recognized as a would be quick to build machine diseriminpation against the people shed residing in the towns, and these peo- as. . Ey ple, numbering millions, have pa- Do not cut the alfalfa after barley is harvested,let it make root growth. If wanted for hay, cut the crop as it commences to bloom the follow- tiently awaited the elimination of the postal deficit so that modern postal conveniences might be aff- orded our prosperous towns and vil- lages without serious embarrassment to the Government finances. Time, as usual, has brought changes, and public opinion today demands that the American people shall be accorded that character of postal facilities which is recognized as esential to the domestic, business, and social welfare of the people. The gross postal revenues are constant- ly increasing, and business methods are being rapidly applied to the greatest of all business institutions the United States Post Office De- partment. Along with the growing revenues and increased business effi- ciency must come extensions of the conveniences. address to made by ing year. The skinmilk calf becomes accus- tomed to eating grain and hay early in life, consequently, when it is weaned, the change of feed is not so noticeable as it is with the whole milk calf, and it does not suffer a setback at this time. When ordering harness for the spring work have the collars made to order. Take the horse to the har- get him to make There is sore ness maker and him collars that will fit. nothing more annoying than shoulders in the midst of harvest. Thousands of dollars are wasted in commercial fertilizer every year, not because the fertilizer ic not all right. but because we do Dn it Know whether the kind we use is the kind we need. It is a great study and one that we must make for ourselves. Make some simple experiments this mail-delivery Two years ago in an this House an appeal was me for an extension of the mail-de- livery service of the Post-Office De- vear. Put in a strip with fertilizer | partment so as to provide for the you have been in the habit of using | collection and delivery of letters in and just beside it another without |the towns, villages, and boroughs, worth a great deal [and as the postal deficit was very it. This will be more to you some interested agent. The ideal fruit farm, cherries, great 1909 it was suggested that the extension should be as soon as the condition of revenues would permit. than the opinion of in made the postal The official with its or- pears chards of apples, and plums. is hardly complete with- | reports indicate that the postal re- out at least a few stands of bees. ceipts and expenditures have been Properly managed they will not |so balanced as to permit of service only add to the profits of their improvements, and an appeal now comes to the Congress from all parts extension of In il- owner, but supply his tables with an abundance of the most luxurious of all delicacies; and add materially to of the country for an the mail-delivery lustration of the popular demand for facilities. the pollen distributing habits that these insects possess, writes D. W. |this legislation I need only point to Otis in the Northwest Farmstead. |the fact that since I introduced H. This important feature, however, is | R. 16819, in January last for the ex- generally omitted, or carried on in | perimental establishment of a town such a way as to result in very little | mail-delivery system a number of profit and a great deal of trouble; | petitions, representing a score of and usually results in failure in the | States of the Union, have been filed end; and this in face of the fact {in Congress praying for its enact- that it might easily be made one of | ment. the most profitable and fascinating There is an urgent appeal from | fruit grower’s occupations. the people for an extension of the According to statistics the aver- | mail-delivery service to the incor- age number of eggs laid by each hen porated cities, towns, villages, and in this country foots up about five boroughs which have presidential dozen. This is counting good, bad post offices of the second and third and indifferent. But if the statistics | classes. The people in cities having were taken from poultry farm re- [jess than 10,000 population or less than $10,000 worth of annual postal without mail-delivery the fact ports exclusively, the average would be ten dozen. The average farmer is careless with his fowls, and does all the eggs business are service, notwithstanding that many such towns have splendid not, as a rule, gather the hens lay for the reason that in | streets, side-walks, street lighting, their free range they have hidden | and so forth, and give every evi- dence of true American progressive- ness. It is unjust and even unwise that the Government should longer deprive the residents of these com- ! munities from the enjoyment of any form of modern postal methods for which they petition. I hope that the Congress will authorize the postal department to provide the people of nests and the eggs in consequence are often lost With the improved methods of breeding, the average with the poultry men will in a few years run as high as 150 eggs per hen per annum. Individual records have been reported that are fast scoring up to the 300 mark, but it is doubtful if they will ever get near i 4 s y f 3 : X for 2 hep must have a sufficient |, American towns and villages umber of days to molt, and the i; , mail delivery at least once calendar gives us but 365 days ia | daily the vear. si It is not essential that any par- — ,T.yYe———— icular method shall be pursued or t special system be adopted. but it is desirable that initial action be tak- en, even if the appropriation is not | | large for the first year. Not less | hour, leaving Lancaster at 6.15 a. | than $10,000 should be provided if material results are to be promptly m. and up to 7.15 p. m. Leaving | Mount Joy at 7.15 a. m. and up to attained, and T think that $300,000 j could be well expended for this pur- 8.15 p. m. On Sundays cars will al- so run every half hour, leaving Lan- | POSe: It is pleasing caster at 7.15 a. m. and up to 7.15 | Post Office Department officials have New Trolley Schedule On the Lancaster and Mount Joy trolley line, beginning April 20, cars will run on Saturdays every half ” 7 7 to know that the p. m. Leaving Mount Joy at 8.45 and up to 8.15 p. m. | awakened to the importance of this stent lA Milsons | legislation. They concede to the justice of the popular demand for it, Walking over Walkovers (admit its practicability and advis- A novel window display is on at | ability, and commend to Congress Merchant I. D. Beneman’s store this | the installation of experimental ser- week in the shape of a miniature jvice. The First Assistant Postmas- man walking over Walkover shoes | ter General in his last annual re- port urged the etablishment of an in one of his large windows. This is | experimental service in the follow- one of the most interesting shoe ! displays we have ever seen. | ing language: OOO THINNER ERE ERREE nnn nnnnn eceeeeee® HN IEEE nr General Benovating and Enlarging THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, April 24, 1912, Fantieiiiiiliv e Soon cious addition. You are well aware that I have purchased the store stock and fixtures of J. S. Carmany’s Store, at Florin. contemplate giving this old established business stand a general renovating and will enlarge it considerably by erecting a spa- In order to do this I will need room, hence this sale. place, but the merchandise I am offering at the prices will make you all sit up and take notice. I will admit that this is a tremendous price slashing sale, but I would rather have the goods in your hands for a song than pay men to handle them half a dozen times during my rebuilding. Here are a few prices: A reduction sale is something very unusual for this I have but one request to make; call at my store. SALE STARTS THURSDAY, APRIL 2 Will Continue 9 10 Days Only Ladies’ Shoes 23 Pairs Women’s Dongola, were ERRIRRRGRRRRERO RRR RRR RERRENNE EEE Sasa $1.00, now $2.00 to $2.50 now.............. 69c¢ 3 Pairs Dongola, Full Toes ........ 49c 4 Pairs Dongola, Full Toes ........ 69¢ 7 Pairs Full Toes, Heavy......... 79c¢ 4 Pairs Full Toes, Button .......... 89c Ladies’ Slippers 5 Pairs Ladies’ Slippers........... 39¢ 19 Pairs Infants’ Red Oxfords.... 19c¢ 6 Pairs Ladies’ Sandals............ 29c Misses’ Shoes 8 Pairs Misses’ Low Shoes. ........ 10c 6 Pairs Cloth Tops, Ladies. ........ 19¢ Men’s Shoes 6 Pairs Men’s Fine Shoes. ........ 79c 8 Pairs Men’s Fine Shoes......... 59c¢ 3 Pairs Mien’s Fine Shoes.......... $1.60 Boys’ Shoes 5 Pairs Heavy Shoes .............. $1.00 5 Pairs Heavy Shoes .............. 1.19 6 Pairs Heavy Shoes............... 1.13 Children’s Shoes 8 Pairs Children’s Shoes .......... 29c¢ 10 Pairs Children’s Shose ......... 39c¢ 6 Pairs Children’s Shoes .......... 59c Trousers Men’s and Boys’ 5 Pairs Men’s Trousers, were $1.00, NOW a os, a 75¢ 2 Pairs Boys’ Trousers, were 50c, NOW aaah, 35¢ 14 Pairs Boys’ Trousers........... 19¢ Men’s Gauze Underwear 2 Shirts, were 50c, now........... 38¢c 17 Shirts, were 25¢c, now.......... 19¢ 15 Drawers, were 25c, now... .... 19¢ Men’s Shirts 25 Men’s Shirts, were 50c to 75c, NOW ii cer vieinrn einige shies 29¢ 21 Men’s White Shirts, 50c to Lams 17¢c : £ E g = 2 Women’s and Children’s Dry Goods pi Gauze Underwear 234 qads Percale, was 10c and ; E “Cy MOW ......¢cciitivnnnnnss Cc = 12 Drawers, 25c and 35¢c, now... 2lc 16 1.2 yards Mercerized Gingham, z 23 Drawers, were 25c, now... .. 18¢ was 10c, now ..... cv. 8c E 9 Shirts, were 25c and 35c, now 21c || 41 1.2 yards Oil Calico, was 8c, i 4 Vests, were 20c, now ........ 15¢ BROW « « + ss ceetnrvirsinncinensndes 4 & 5¢ z 9 Vests, were 25c, now ........... 18¢c Ii 19 yards Percal, was 18 to 20c, at 10c = 13 Vests, were 25¢c, now... ..... 17¢ || 200 yds. Calico, | to 8 yds. ina 2 7 Vests, were 25c, now. ...... 21c Plece, at... eirsenss 4c and 5¢ £ 52 Vests ................. 4c || 65 yards Dimities,was 12 1-1c,now 8c : . : ; 4 yards White Swiss, was 80c, now 25c¢ £ Men’s, Boy’s and Children’s 4 3-4 yards White Swiss, was 65c, g Caps FIOW «sis rth ies oer ea its en tid 20c £ 3 Bov's C 25 15 6 yards White Swiss, was 50c, now 15c¢ i oy $ aps, Were £9c, now... . © Il 15 1-2 yards White Swiss,was 10c, E 7 Boy's Caps, were 25c, now 15¢ AoW 7c = 2 Vile a eed ab 13 RREEITEREEL PP PPEERPPRERPLER c PS, ’ 65 yards Figured Lawn, was 10c, g were 50c, now............ 5 35¢ 8c = » Children’s Ca 4 were 25¢ on 10c ROW .. ....co0vs Sane risen ens valhlve ic g PS, ’ 14 yards Chambray, was 10c now 8c = ; 71 yards Seersucker, was 10c and s Men’s Coats 121-26, 00W.-.c..c..c.c ens 7t0 10c E 9 Seersucker Coats, were $1.20, 42 yards Satine, was 12 to 20c, i OW iors ann cansvnisnins 15¢ AOW ........coccunrennsnns 10c to 15¢ = 20 Seersucker Coats, were 50c, 11-4 to 4 1-2 yards in length. z BOW .. ona 15¢ || 10 yards Bed Ticking, was 10c to 6c, now. .................. 9c to 11c¢c z 2 1-2 to 4 yards £ ueensware yarys. i Q ; 87 yards Canton Flannel,, 1 yard = My leg of Quoensware EE aos a to 3 3-4 yards, was 10c,now.... 6¢ g yarns very ye ny ae arse €S 11 91 yards Outing and Flanellettes g | and when you earn the prices | know 11.2 yd. and 6 vds. wide, was i il you 11 buy. 6c. iow... ...... .....i...., 8c = ~ Il 40 yds. Cottonade Remnants rang- £ Do You Need Crocks ? ing 1to 4 1-2, was 12¢ to20c,now 0c i Whether you need them or not you || 14 2-3 yds, Corduroy, was 40 to Z should get a good supply of them at 50c, now... 30c = these prices---only 5c each. 59yards Dress Plaids, was I0c,now 8c £ 7 yds. Henrietta Remnants, was z H : 80c¢c, ROW .... oi sidan aainish 50c¢ = osier 2 ; , y . | 1-2 yds. Blue Casmhere,was 35c¢ 2 138 Pairs Men's, Women’s, Misses’ BOW io aT 24c = and Children’s Hose at greatly reduced || g yds. Slate Cassimere, was 20c, z prices. BOW... .... 0.0.0 an ns wad, {0c z : 81 yds. Brown, Slate and Red Cas- z Handkerchiefs simers, was 20c to 40c, now at 121-2¢ = Red Handkerchiefs............3 for 10c Above Cassimeres are slightly shelf L Red and Blue Handkerchiefs, large, 5¢ || Wor™ but are an exceptionally good bar- £ gain. i Buttons Men's Hats E il Your choice of Buttons at 1c per dozen. Men's Wool and Fur Hats at your own £ !! Buttons, 1c and 2c a card. price. Z 5 Sipe af time has come at last; come = § ere and get what you need at less than EZ i : Overalls half of what other stores will charge for = i] 26 Pairs Overalls were 50c, now....39¢c || these seasonable “sky pieces.” £ A. D. GARBER, Carmany’s Old Stand FLORIN, PENNA. SOS® INI nannnnnnun nnn nine ooseeco®® Hi FTI En REA ERR E RHEL ER EEE 1 | ©OO0S Extension of the Free Delivery Ser- vice Under the present law, which was | Delivery enacted in 1887, City Delivery Ser- | present vice may be established in any city |which the or | this inequality. {more, at any post office where the |of City Delivery Service, however, in gross receipts during the preceding |towns and villages under the present $10,000. | practice of the department and the postal re- [law |cepits per capita (in 1887 it was 83 |Jetter .carriers is not feasible, since cents; now it is $2.53) it is not un- [the expense would be altogether out to of proportion to the benefits con- At many post having a population of 10,000 fiscal year amounted to Owing to the increase in usual for the postal receipts amount to $10,000 at an office in a ferred. city having a population of not more | ever. serving a 3,000. On the other hand, [1,000 to 3,000, the postmasters, with than there are a number of cities having [a small a population of 7000 or 8000 where | ment of assistance to distribute and the gross receipts are less than $10- | deliver 000 annually, and the operation of |reasonably inequitable. | practically all of the patrons. therefore, perimental service should be author- the law is therefore The law could be more fairly applied if it were amended so as to make possible the establishment of Free Delivery Service in any city where the gross receipts of the post office amounts to $8,000. The City Delivery Service 1s now in operation in 1,541 cities, serving more than 46,000,000 people. On the 42,000 rural routes 20,000,000 people receive their mail from rural carriers. This leaves a considerable percentage of our people, the ma- { { ) | | | | | | jority of whom reside in towns and villages, without any Service, and laws there department can The establishment governing the allowance the mail, believed, ized. And says: — Village Delivery Service Delivery by letter carrier, except confined under existing law to cities and towns hav- ing as much as 10,000 population or on rural routes, is the Postmaster equally favorable in his report. is no form of Free under the way by relieve service by carrier is afforded to the inhabitants of tem is now in operation residents of many small towns and [tions and the public demand that has villages are obliged to go to the post heen aroused throughout the coun- offices for their mail, while delivery try by the advocates of the town and |proceeded with so that in a very both | village cities and to Committee on rural | post Roads has recognized the merit |in the towns will be obliterated by country land desirability of the proposed leg- |Statute. people residing along the routes in sparsely settled districts. The carrier delivery sys- | jglation by in 1,541 [pending bill, [agency of 42,000 rural free-delivery [routes Let the good work be service, the [short time the discrimination now Office and |existing against the people residing mail-delivery the Post Sh HOW LATE CAN WE PRUNE incorporating it in the employment of | cities, serving an urban population | it js hoped that the amendment This is a practical question asked of about 45,000,000, while rural [win become law and thai with as |at this time of year by many per- carriers deliver mail on 42,000 |jjttle delay as possible all of the |sons. State Zoologist Surface from for the could satisfactory service that annual post-office receipts ing to $10,000 or more. offices, how- population of from | General is people. This leaves about 000 people in the most of whom live and villages, without any mail delivery. The establishment of such a service in these employ- provide a for It is ex- sation of city letter carriers be hardly feasible because heavy expense involved. lieved, however, that in an It is be- He ery a comparatively small allowance would enable the postmasters to employ the assistance necessary to carry mail to the residences, and an appropriation to cover the expense of such a service is recommended on page 22 of this report. Acting upon these amount- Thus the recommenda- routes that reach about 20,000,000 6 500 towns mow without free deliv- 25,000, | ery will be accorded that celerity and United States, |certainty of mail delivery which ob- in small towns [tains in the cities as well as among form of | the residents of rural routes. towns and | Democratic majority villages under the present law gov- |mittee in falling in line in the year erning the employment and compen-|1912 would | national of the |years ago in the following language: many vil- |ing to lages not now entitled to free deliv- communities the advantages of free- | his office at Harrisburg has issued the following statement: “Pruning can be done at any time |of year, but the larger branches !should be cut off when they are dormant or nearly so. If I had trees that really needed pruning, I should do this after the time of full blossoming, but should prefer to do it before the blossoms open, and even before the growth has started. The large stubs should be painted with tar paint or oil paint. Be care- ful about burning brush near the trees as they are easily damaged by heat.” congratulate the of the com- I most heartily with what platform the advocated Republican 20 We approve the policy of extend- towns, villages, and rural delivery serivce enjoyed by the large cities of the country. Since the adoption of that resolu- tion by the Republican national con- vention of 1892, fully 20,000,000 of people living in rural communities have been accorded the advantages of free-delivery service through ke DL — Appointed Assignee Emory Warfel, of East Donegal township, has made an assignment for the benefit of creditors to Chas. H. Zeller, of this place. TR —————E 1 EO OO EER NEES. EER neue | a » CE Tr ; i” SEE RR 1 hp : have ¢ ¥ will ‘m S: T T T stays ¢ and co: v CLOC canno best Ww ET
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