MAKES HOME BAKING EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Almost A Miracle Ice! Ice! THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. BROUGHT DOWN TWO VICTIMS But the Deer Hunter Got Surprise of His Life When He Exams ined Them. One of the best hunting stories of the season comes from northern Wis. consin, where a prominent resident of Phillips, accompanied by a friend, slipped out of town one evening two days In advance of the legal opening day of the season for killing deer, His object was to hunt deer at night by the air of a strong reflector dark lantern. He succeeded in a way far beyond his most optimistic hopes in | killing something, but his overwhelm- | J ing surprise on first viewing the |] “game” may be better tmagined than | written, and his language was horrid. | } He drove his own team of horses, | ; 4 K A Ek + ES + of of "; * +] * of “ * r r * L + * * * x < valued at $600, and some distanee from town he turned into an aban- doned logging road, traversing it for several miles. Then he tied up thes team and prowled about in the woods | for half an hour with his light, | 4 Suddenly he heard a snort, and the | light revealed a pair of glaring eyes | 4 from some animal a short distance |} away. In his excitement he handed |9 the light to his friend and banged at | : the eyes. Down tumbled the animal, | and instantly there was a commotion in the same spot, and the light re- vealed another pair of glaring eyes. The hunter quickly fired and the sec- oud animal dropped. The hunters rushed forward with | their light, and to their dismay found | that both their horses were shot and | killed. They had circled about and | confronted the team in their ram- | blings, TT TT TT TTT TI TTT IIT TU TIT TT TTT TTVTTTTTITTTPPITTe Triplets Visited by Scores The famous Habecker triplets, the | pride of Lititz and vicinity, have stood the winter colds well and they One of the most startling changes ever seen in any man, according to W. B. Holscaw, Claredon, Tex., was effected years ago in his brother. “He had such a dreadful cough,” he writes, ‘that all our family thought I wish to inform the public that I have harvested one of the largest crops of pure crystal spring water ice since I am in the business and that I am now ready to serve same to the public in Mount Joy and Florin dai- are all in healthy condition. Wayne is the heaviest of the bunch, weigh- ing twenty pounds, Arthur weighs nineteen and three-quarter pounds and the sister Dora, sixteen and a | Wednesday, April 17, 1912. shdbddbddbbddbdbbid ddd bd dddbibdbdddiddbdbddddddibdbddbbbibbie sledebredeoiededeidvidededdedidodidoividdedvdfeiviiodd HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS SHOWN HERE ? If not you've missed seeing decidedly the finest line ever shown in Mount Joy--a showing of high class uncommon garments that exhibit tailoring of the very highest character. The styles are uncommon, too, yet they are not freakish. The qualities are such that they make a steadfast friend of any man who wears them We Want You to See These Clothes If you are a man of moderate means and want clothes of style and quality without paying ex- travagant prices for them, we can satisfy you. The best values are here, them. $8 to $15 will buy you a suit of thor- See oughly dependable quality. And We Want You to See Them Now If you are a man who wants the finest clothes that money can buy, but at the same time don't want to spend a dollar more than is necessary to secure them, come here. $16to $25 will buy you as fine a suit as any tailor can make. half pounds. They are now almost 10 months old, and there is every prospect that they will grow to ma- K j » K LC * + » » K » E R ¥ » » “ » » » R Prices are very reasonable and should see me before placing C. 8S. Frank. it. he was going into consumption, but |jy ke began to use Dr. King's New Dis- eovery, and was completely cured by vou your order. YOU ARE ASSURED THE BEST BOYS’ CLOTHING MADE i DP TTT TT TTT TT Terr eT | ten bottles. Now he is sound and ee tll turity. Hundreds of persons Sone / 11 ¢ ighs : i isi ) . Ne AY eae pounds por Some of the progressive republi- tinue to visit the Habecker home : any 3 3 ¢ ! " y . y ing i wonderful remedy for Coughs and cans while conceding that President be iis i 3 WHEN YOU BUY IT HERE : Taft may get the nomination are| Wisconsin acted Just as if it hau | Colds with excellent results. “It's| = iy : : re se- | I : : wondering what he will do with it. |never heard of either Taft or Roose- ’ . anlok. Safe, tetteble Bd saveatitood. Bey Our boys’ garments are built to stand the extreme hard usage that is sure to come to them, and th as Price 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bot- | 2 : | di : ’ y an ey never as mn. suttrage Navi STI. wot ———————— sappoint. If you want your boy’s clothes t b . tie free at S. 2 | Woman suffrage having been vot [ y es to wear better than fo § tee At B. Brapart & Cos. ed down by parliament, British Heedless persons are asked by mmerly, buy his next ones here. be | suffragettes will not be deprived |the tlephone company to take not- a3 Advertize in the Mt. Joy Bulletin | of their favorite amusement. {ice that a beer chip is not a nickle. | Y ’ . en Lun 1 AED JH » at . 00 0 011 ou 11 Surely F ind Just the Shirt Re = hs, : = 9 ® 3 live . , You Want, Here Sh - erso e S = + W Ly ure We So sure? cuffs off—some with soft-turn Se = o 3 Simply because we show ALL back cuffs WO! £ | the popular shirt styles in a larg Se i | = nn J arge S 3 \ ars . uN esfedesefefedunferfeisofefedefeiedoieioiely = varielv of potierns _ Some with collars to match— On Ee | . ns. stiff or soft—som witl 10l- Cla Ly - Some with cuffs on—some with lars. ? Rhout col A » We have contracted with a large manufacturer for a lot of Mazarine Under - . ¥ fin | 3 the a glaze Blue China, which we propose offering to the trade as an inducement and ap- = % } not . ; a ust now we are particulary well prepared to clothe particular : . > ® preciation of their cash trade. : i aaa a ok P | men and boys---from hat to shoes---in the height = . 5 D prices. Assor ments are large, styles pleasing, quallties dependable. S ® One card, fully punched, represents $5.00 in purchases and entitles you to . rop in and see the finest clothing in the world. wer nu . . 7 £raj a one of our}Imperial Mazarine Underglaze Blue 7 piece One Person Dinner Sets for w/ for " Jan; E - . : = . . . . . E i ¥ 3 » Two Cards fully punched, with 98c, entitles you to either the 7 Piece Imperial " ° ® i i | Y A y N i 5 ! 0 R | ‘ pict 5 : . : . m that ® Mazarine Underglaze Blue Berry Set, with Sugar Bowl and Cream Pitcher, or 7 Piece _|¥ Opp Yuioi Natiomal Bork. W J fake Ee . . : . . 8 101na n us to Imperial Mazarine Underglaze Blue Cake Set, with 9 in. Salad Dish and 13 in. Meat 3: ank, Mount oy, Pa. sible = - - 5 men ® Platter. a3 Do Not Forget to AsK for Green Trading Stamps gers n Ask For Card. See Window Display Ab ” =» 8 ———— Renee el where Tesen lowin = HN q q a ; Hous a < | He REE REE ERR f I i RTI : Tv . a Krall Meat Market & : TR sia n ® 5 ecials = A Rare Opportunity to Save Money on the Purchase of Standard Musical = Sioa = = | . . : .» a = 3 i "1 a y P a . . Instruments is Offered a Limited Number of Responsible Sean - ) =. C People By Membership in The Smid = : || = to Al = No. 1--500 yds. Imported Linen Crash regular 12:zc value * . HAGER PIANG “on E [ \ elon a . = 1 always have on hand anything 2 i CC L. J E32 in El u Special at 8c. a yard. @ in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham. a [his Club is formed for the purpose of enabling the music loving people of Lancas R by P. ® "| Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etc. to buy high class instruments of known price and exceptional value at a great sa Loan CORN = B their purchases at one time they cre suc , ies $4 greatsaving, y making = “ 5 . . Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and = elr | ‘ e time they create such a volume of busines that we ca; i X T = No. 2--Ladies Skirts, regular 50c value. Special at 42c Mutton. Prices always right. Wm prices, terms and other advantages which ordinarily they could not possibly 8nd one them = i ie mw Sold in the Hager Store can be bought through the Club at the cash price; “but Ie 1 Serving = Stores = monthly amounts ‘This means money in y ze i : payable in small ® } = = } . $ ans money in your pocket—and most unusual privi 2g = Rent: a H H. KRALL a Any responsible person can join the Club by paying $1 entrance fee Prigtjense : busing West Main Street, ope. Bale va 8 ences. The fee is returned if the application is not accepted. She Hashing two refers % ind = M ly .B This is your opportunity to get the piano or i = > . = 2, : 2 player piano you have more - ell Telephone. Ba actual, positive saving on the purchase. Read carefully vn lg Jase 20d 0 mans . iy 5 . . y dik a . = buy and the great advantage offered by membership in the Club. Then send for i or a 1 = A cure guaranteed if you usc = Se = 3 . PILES Ye ® The . OPPOTITE POST OFFICE, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 5 R'%:5: Suppository What The Club Offers The Club’s Advantages : winter - wm Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C., writes: ‘I can say w buds. : = they do all you claim for them.” Dr. 8. M. Devore, 1—Lowest Spot cash ices— wi 5 ac Om 000 fin. Sr. i. 5, Nei, Garbars, Teun, writes = ments, p prices— with easy pay- 8 Soria “In a practice o years, ave found no remedy to . ual yours,” Prick, 50 Cents, Sam Free. Sold i 2—No interes = & dik catia by Draggists. MARTIN RUDY, tren Ho . 3—Free oo So charge s ? a ig n ; ancaster Connty.. v= ly = . . —ILife Insurance— NEY a where Sold in M1. Joy byE. W. Garber and W. D. Chandler . 4—1L41 1ce—Insures th vaindt DT 5 SS — can oe sample. ™ : Steinway Pianola Pianos Co of instrument should the he dm ane ; x é fhe hn a maa EE 3 5 his applies ins Ge 0000000000000004 #8 Weber Pianola Pianos ly ] sli mstruments snospt walking X TH = Ds = e 2 ¥ = Steck Pianola Pianos 5—Relief Insurance—gives privilege of mini- a gmok @ WeareAlways Prepared toserve @ 'H mum payment during illness n Thurs. #8 Wheel i i 6—Rental P ; = club nm - eelock Pianola Pianos 3 ayments—all rent ; be ap iting Pure ® So : plied to purchase it desired. may be ap Ying Spring 3s Stuyvesant Pianola Pianos ah Bathing written agreement per- Shiv. J 2 oo. 3 8g Iree exchange within o i i if Water 3: Pianolas For Any Piano 8—Unlimited TE ese Hinkel = emjora & : stiument carried by this . j nH ICE 9a Heppe Pianos For more detailed as send this " os IN ANY QUANTITY at Very |= . pon for our club circular send this cou- . Pau ] Moderate Charges. o 2® Marcellus Pianos COU1 = gl Don't fail so see us before plac— 4 . wm Jard, ing your order this year. sf Edouard Jules Pianos PON = Potato J. N. Stauffer & Bro. 4 Weber Pianos HAGER & BRO. W Corn. | i . = 7 = Hay, p These cuts are actual Mount Joy, Penna. es! H. C. Schomocker Pianos 25-31 W. King Street, Lancaster, Pa, Straw, : ' visi 1 |= . Please send Ha 2 photographs taken in If you can't vist our parlors '. Francesca Pianos Héger Piano Club Information. our arlors and can be write your choice of these pg cs 5 . Grace Pp h shapes and mail monmey order '£ Francesca-Heppe Player Pianos Name Amos had in any shape or celor to us and we will give it the MADAME DBAK FRENCH FEMALE 1 Used PS hogy N. : 3 . : G combinations at this $ 3 4 8 same thought and care as if PILLS. a sc 1anos Address. aie price = you called in person NEVER CROWN 19 FAIL. “saa Suet Spy Se 5 Victor Talking Machines 1 2 curred ¢ 5 pte rios virstom enon Es lB vier Vietrolas, Et terested in when rel p rye -. 1CtO! ICIroias C. MOUNT ave them soad ¥ the ’ ’ VOY~Zn19n ASTRICH'’S : HARRISBURG, PA. | |EEEisi rrioa Cw . EE Ls a VERE eth " Seid in M1. Joy by E. W. Garber EE [Ei GU iN Nzabeth Ev and W. D. Chandler & Co. Tunnel
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