The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 17, 1912, Image 1
ulletin. )Y, PA. Sales of roperty. ws e — ® ce . TO =a l= 11 ve, ral ye Pull the 1d 88 28 d 1) a Em as 1 I . } came YOL.X. NO. 471 MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 {, 1912 \ \ \ THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN $1.00 A YEAR CIRCULATION ALWAYS COUNTS—OUR ADS BRING RESULTS—THAT'S WHY MERCHANTS USE THIS ADVERTISING MEDIUM A Steamer Crushed Largest Steam Ship Afloat Goes Down in Water Two Miles Deep From Cape Race, Newfoundland, eomes the report, and sad as it may seem, it is true, that the mammoth ocean liner Titanic, the largest of all vessels afloat, which struck an ice- berg off the banks of Newfoundland, had gone down in water two miles deep, carrying with it 1,350 victims, its cargo and jewels worth $10,000,- 000 more. The Titanic was valued at $10,000,000. The rescuing steamer, Carpathia, has 868 survivors on board, accord- img to the latest news received at the Thirteen Hundred People, Mostly Men, Are Drowned — The Carpathia Speeding to New York With 868 Survivors on Board---They Were Picked Up After the Titanic Sank. | spent offices of the White Star Line in New saved by about 200 from the number But except for this, the favorable details are insignificant | first reported. the bottom of the shattered that the Titanic is at the Atlantic and that victims to their dath. Among the passengers were some | of the wealthiest people in the United There were several citizens of Harrisburg on board. ~ Obituary | THE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUSH | TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER | Some Well Known People From Our Neighborhood Have Passed to the Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue | cut stepped from one track to another in front of a fast express train and his The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Halbelib of Florin, died on Monday. | The funeral of Harry C. Nissley of ! Columbia who was killed by falling | from his train at Paoli, was held on Sunday. Harry Kauffman, aged 27 years, of Columbia died and his remains will be interred at Silver Springs on Thursday. Paul R. Wonderly Paul R. Wonderly, son of Nelle B. Morton of Florin, died on Sunday noon after a short illness aged one year, five months and 15 days. The funeral was held in the U. B. church at Florin this forenoon at ten o’- clock. Interment was made in the Eberle cemetery. Mrs. Cyrus Sherbahn The funeral of Mrs. Susan Sher- bahn, who died at her home at New- ville on Tuesday, was held on Friday morning at 9 o'clock at the house, and at 9.30 o’clock at the Union church, at Newville. Interment was made in Mount Tunnel cemetery. Deceased is survived by her husband and two children, Mrs. Brandt of Rowenna and Cyrus, of Newville. of wedlock on Sunday Mrs. Malinda Rutt Mrs. Malinda Rutt, widow of Isaac Rutt, of West Donegal township, died on Sunday, after an illness of a few months, of a complication of diseases. She wa born and raised in West Donegal township and the daughter of Christian Barnhart. She was 60 years of age and a member of the Mennonite church at Elizabeth- | town. The funeral took place Wed- 11 of nesday morning at the Mennonite | church, in Elizabethtown. A son, | shipping. Harry, residing at home, and several’| days, there were four carloads of “Itobacco shipped from here as well as brothers and sisters survive. Mrs. Mary Drabenstadt | York and Philadelphia markets. Mrs. Mary Drabenstadt died on [conjunction with all the other busi- Wednesday | in this place, from Brights disease and neuralgia of the heart. She was a Miss Coover before marriage, | and was the widow of Michael Drab- | enstadt. She was a native of Lebanon county, Her children are: Flora and Sue, at home; Ella, wife | very F.. Arntz, Lancaster; and rendition to be presented to the peo- community in of +... N. ‘George of Philadelphia, who is con- Inle of this place and nected with the office of the Lehigh | Mount Joy Hall, Thursday Cgal and Navigation Company. The April funeral was held from her late home cents and 5 cents extra for reserved Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. | seats, the chart Interment was made in the Mount | Drug Store. given fess Association of A An Joy Cemetery. J. J. G. Zercher John Jacob Glossbrenner Zercher, son of Jacob L. and Sarah Smoker Willow Glen this county, October 12, 1887. He had been living in this place, but went to Lancaster last been employed at the Grey Irom Works. He was a member of Oste- #0 Tribe, No. 59,1. 0. R. M. He is funeral was held from his late home on Tueaday afternoon at 12.45 o'clock and at the U. B. church here part at 2.15 o’cloek. The interment was |rule?” eh#fld adopted by Col. Reose- made in the Eberle cemetery. velt. TRACKWALKER KILLED Stepped From One Track to Another | in Front of Express Train Charles McNorton, a track walker morning when he struck by a express train death on Sunday | | was occurred about {which it was the duty of to patrol to guard trains from rocks (falling upon the tracks. The train | which struck him was No. 56 Corner [Coroner Harry Miller, of Elizabeth- , town, | McNorton Mr. forty-one years and for many years had been a track He is survived member of the P. | charge by Undertaker | was taken in a . : : > | Ephraim Hertzler's Frey, of Marietta will be held on Thursday morning at | Ober’s church joining cemetery. { _—..naooo Florin, | daughter last Friday. Mr. Clayton Hertzler Mrs. Harry S and Martin N. son William H Strickler of Rapho town- ship, were united in the holy noon in their Henry connecting newly Homestead, south of pastor of the Brethren Church. There were a num- ler ber of guests present who join us in wishing teelton, wedded life. eal Some Center, This whether there is a town can equal the record Thus far this {six carloads of fat cattle to the New afternoon at her home | ness, it certainly keeps freight agent W. Cassel and his assistant going equal to the oc- W. some but they are caion. I Rose of Eden The Rose of Eden is the title of a nypacker, Grace Pennypacker were very pleas- entertained by their friend, Wagner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Smeltzer of Mt. Joy, Miss Myrtle Groff of Rheems, Mrs. Farry Fleisher, Sprout and Wilbur Roath of Lan- caster were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. Wachstetter on Sunday. antly The production will be | Miss Elizabeth Went to Roanoke, Va. Cassell, the popular Zercher, died at the home of his |young baritone of this place, receiv- parents, No. 204 East Ross street, |ed a call Lancaster, Saturday morning, from a numbers at complication of diseases, in his |the Century Club at Roanoke, Va. He twenty-fifth year. He was born at |left for that city last night. —_———ee——— Society at Erecting a Warehouse Zz 20 7.30. Mr. John Beamesderfer is busy om September. He had been in failing | the erection of a spacious warehouse health for two years. Deceased was along the F a member of the United Brethren | he recently Sunday School in this place, and had | E. Ebersole. eee ltl Geen 0. C. Rensel’s Trouble Mr. A. M. Garber, survived by his parents and the fel- | miller of Garber’s lowing brothers and sisters: Irene, jan execution for $1,033.55 against Edgar and Hugene, at heme. The! O. C. Rensel at Elizabethtown. ——— ec: must have hated to . R. R. tracks on the land purchased from Mr, the extensive mill, has issued Mr. Florin News HAPPENINGS Local and Personal Briefs That Have Occurred Since Our Last Issue in Our Hustling and Wide Awake Neighbor Village, Florin. Mr. Brandt is critically ill at this [ writing, | The Florin Quartet |long very nicely. Mr. Irvin R, Monday in town. Hon. J. Harvey Thursday at Lancaster. \ Mr, J. G. Beatty purchased a fine Brush runabout Miss Susan Hummel spent sever- days at Elizabethtown. Mr. and Mrs. nounce the birth of a son. Young Brothers | Christian Hershey's automobile. + Mr. Max Nentwig is the new fore- [man at E. LL. Nissly’s warehouse. Wr. C. M. Musselman has accepted 1 pegition at J. K. Mr. and Mrs. | friends at Mount Joy on Sunday. Mr. D. G. Herr of Lancaster | led on friends in town on Saturday ‘Mr. C. Gingrich of Lawn, made a | business trip to this place on Mon- day. Mr. O. C. Peters | called on friends in town on Mon- | day. Mr. Carlton Williamson of Lawn, made a business trip to town Mon- day. Mr. Henry Flowers. of Elizabeth- town, spent Sunday in friends. The homes of Emlin Harold Buller are tagged for chick- POX. Culp were Sunday William Eichler resume his studies 1Sam at Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. [Lancaster. spent gnests of Ephraim Weaver and various water main on Mr. William home on Monday after spending sev- eral days at York visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. spent Easter week Hummelstown shey. Mr. George Kline | doing concrete work Michael road. Rev. Frank Bossert home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Shue- maker last Friday afternoon, in his new team. Mr. Samuel Miller and family of Elizabethtown, spent Sunday in the {village the guest Emanuel. Young. Mr. H. G. Stacks lancaster, spent Sunday in town as the guests of his parents, Mrs. S. S. Stacks. Mr. J. K. Freymeyer purchased a new dough mixer from the Triumph Manufacturing Company, nati, Ohio, which will be delivered a few weeks. Misses Sarah Kramer, Florence United Brethren Church. Sunday School at 9.45, preaching at 10.30, Junior League at 5.15, C. Preaching at Prayer meeting this evening. are invited. AE Ir Marks—Schelling Mr. William H. Marks, a clerk at Stauffer & Co’s store, Lancaster, a former resident Miss Winona LIL. the County Seat, were joined heart and hand om Sunday. EE Now an Imsurance Broker. Charles H. Zeller, the exben- sive Insurance agent ef this place, has taken out an imsurance broker's license. IN THE BUSY AGE WEST OF HERE is getting a- Raymond spent are repairing Ishler visited returned home after spending several days at Eliz- abethtown. Try a boy bread. Daniel Heisey loaf of Freymeyer's honey It's sweet and only five cents a loaf. Mr. O. M. Humphrey of Col.,, was a sunday Florin Inn. Mrs. Fannie Baker and announce the force are busy Souders on greeted by their numerous cousins and friends on Sunday. Among the callers were Edward Auxer and wife, W. G. Kendig and wife, Mrs. Lizzie Kieffer, Mrs. Lizzie Royer all of Lancaster while numerous friends from the vicinity called. Mr. Eaton teaches English and French while Mrs. Eaton teaches ILatin and Ger- and family of {man in Stark College, Lake Mont. this city at 8. 15 P. M., commencing Wednesday, will make the round trip in two and one-half hours, leaving Elizabethtown at 9:30 o,- clock and arriving in Lancaster at 10:45 P. M. The car will lay over here and leave on the regular at 11: first car leaving Lancaster for Eliz- abethtown at 6: 15 A. M., will make the round trip in two and one-half hours, leaving Elizabethtown at 7: 30 o’ clock, and arriving in Lan- caster at 8: 45 o'clock. This car will lay over in Lancaster until 9:15 o’- clock, and then leave on the regular schedule. and Mrs. C. 8. letters at the Mount Joy post office 6.15, Wednesday, April 17, 1912, seat. Recently overhauled. Equip- ped with top and wind-shield, pres- tolite tank, extra tubes. Tires as good as new. Address, Lock Box 55, Mount Joy. apr.1%tf FOUND HANGING IN BARN Phares Linkey, of West Hempfield Township, Commits Suicide Phares Linkey, who lived retired on the road leading from Mount- ville to Ironville and about one mile from the former place, committed suicide at his home Thursday. The dead body was found hanging in the barn in the afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. The body was cold, indicat- ing that he had been dead for some time. The body was cut down and Deputy Coroner Strine was called to hold an investigation. Nothing was found that would tell why Linkey had taken his life. The deceased was about fifty-five years old and is survived by his widow, three sons, David, who lives near his father’s home; Harry and Benjamin, of Lancaster; and one daughter, Mrs. Fred. Helfrich, of Ironville. He was a member of the Chestnut Hill Church, Two brothers, Eli and Victor, and a sister, Mrs. George Resh reside in the west. Mr. Linkey recently sold his farm and bought a small place near Mountville. It is said that he has been unable to get a clear title to the property which caused him a great deal of worry. unbalanced his mind and caused him to commit suicide. ——— li Su———— SALUNGA Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Myers on Friday, a son. The Brethren opened their house for Sunday School on Sunday. Rev. Devine preached a very ac- ceptable sermon in the M. E. church last Sunday. Miss Florence Trimble of McGov- ernville spent Sunday with Miss Minnie Eshleman. Miss Mary Gorrecht spent Sunday at Witmer as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Rev. and Mrs. Devine were enter- tained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dietrich Sunday. A god umbrella was left at Weid- man’s restaurant which the owner can have by proving property. The fourth quarterly conference will be held in the M. E. church Tuesday morning at 10 oclock. The season is far advanced and the ground too wet for proper culti- | vation and the farmer “is once more between the old arch enemy and | the deep sea. It is rumored that Howard Stauff- er has retired from the management of the Monitor Steam Heating Co. Mr. Clayton Mellinger of the Lancas- ter Trust Co., is to fill Mr. Stauffer’s | place. We know of places in Lancaster county where voters are compelled to walk or drive three or four miles to vote when living within a | mile of another polling place in an adjoining township. When the dreds of persons fail to vote on ac- | count of this absurd regulation. ! This may have ) Personals FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK day—Were You Among Them? Elizabethtown. was in town on Sunday. of Miss Joanna Miller. spent Friday at LancaSter. C., spent Sunday in our midst. spent Sunday with her parents, day at Marietta and Maytown, ton were at Maytown Sunday. man spent Thursday at Lancaster. at Witmer with Mr. and Mrs Miller. Messrs. J. M. Backenstoe and C. H. Dillinger spent Monday at Harris burg. Lancaster, spent Sunday here with friends. Mr. James Jackson of Rising Sun, Md., is spending two weeks here with friends. Mrs. Rev. S. H. Hertzler of Eliza- bethtown, spent Saturday here with friends. Mr. J. M, Backenstoe purchased a fine trotting horse at Harrisburg, on Monday. Messrs. Levi G. Dillinger and Jes- se Watson spent last evening at Eliz- abethtown. Miss Kathryn Brenneman has gone to Lutherville, Md., to resume her studies. Mr. Harry Nissley of Harrisburg, spent Saturday and Sunday here with his parents, Mr. Harvey Curgan of Philadel- phia, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents. Mr. Joseph Brenneman returned to the Penna. Military Academy at Chester last week. Mr. George H. Brown of Philadel- phia, is spending a short vacation with his parents here. Misses Mary Hoffer and Anna Hoffmaster spent Sunday at Eliza- bethtown with friends. Miss Mabel Van Read of Birdsbhoro is spending several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Hertzog. Mr. H. W. Leib of Lancaster, a former resident, circulated in town the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs A. 8. Dillinger of Harrisburg, were the guests of Mrs. Margaret Dillinger on Friday. roads are bad or weather wet hun- [spent several days here as the guest Miss Gertrude Greenawalt of Mil- lersville State Normal School, spent Sunday here with her jMirents. Miss Laura C. Bertz of Millersville, of her sister, Miss Mame Bertz. Mr. Wm. H. Glessner of Philadel- TN s rot | : : ft itos tay Sl . Prof. Eaton and wife of Stark Col- | phia, is visiting his son F. E. (Gless- lege visited the family of Dr. B. E. Kendig this week and they were —- Change on FElizabethtown Line The Elizabethtown car leaving 5 P. M. On and after Sunday, the ” tH GR Unclaimed Letters Following is the list of unelaimed Mr. IL. G. Brubaker. Mr. N. A. Stickny. Mrs. Mamie Tymeson. Miss Freda Brubaker. .J. Fred. Fenstermacher Postmaster. rr A An Autemobile For Sale Cheap. Runabout with double ramble A Advertise In the Mt. Joy Ralletin. ner, who is well known about town. Mr. S. A. Ricker expects to leave Sunday for Denver, Col., where he will make his home for the “present. Mr. and Mrs. William Scholing and two sons of Middletown, spent Sun- day here with friends and relatives. Mrs. Frederick Schaefer and mother and two daughters Annie and Amelia, and Rosa Schwan of Lancaster were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Schaefer on Sunday. rt rr es Ream’s Big Horse Sale Mr. Ed. Ream, our extensive local horse dealer, is busy buying a car- load of horses thru Berks and Leba- non counties, which he will offer at public sale in this place, on Satur- rr day April 27. They will consist of leaders, drivers and general purpose horses. Full particulars next week. re Qe. Purchased a Farm S. H. Tressler, of East Donegal township, has purchased from Mich- ael Musser, of Mount Joy, the Brandt farm, about one and one- half miles north of town, consisting of 104 acres, for $22,500, Mr. Tressler will move on the farm next spring. reenter “For an Operation Mr. J. J. Pennell was removed to the General Hospital at Laneaster on Monday by his family physician, Dr. Johm J. Newpher. - He will undergo an operation early this week. The operation was#performed yesterday. ee A AR Elected an Alternate Mr. Roy Nissley was elected alter- nate by the Lancaster Leaf Tobaeco Board of Trade, to the convention of the National Cigar Leaf Tobaceo Association to be held in New York City May 13 and 14. eee Qe Don’t mind April, she frowne amd weeps that way just for fun. THE WHEREABOUTS OF OUK Who and Where They Have Visited Many Strangers Here Over Sun- Mr. Paul Brandt spent Sunday at Miss Bertha Wertz of Lancaster Mr. Wm. H. Glessner is the guest Misses Caroline and Esther Frank Mr. F. G. Fox of Washington, D. Miss Mina Murray of Lancaster, Mr. Harry W. Garber spent Sun- Messrs. Jay Klugh and Allen Mor- Misses Jennie and Katharine Kauf- Miss Mary Garecht spent, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Norman Arntz of Saturday’s Primary A Small Vote Polled Thruout Lancaster County Griest and Keller Chosen National Delegates by Over Four Thousand Majority. The Roosevelt Crowd Sweeps the Deck, Getting 57 Delegates Aside from a slight overflowing gates at large. The Pennsylvania of Taft enthusiasm from an ardent delegation to Chicago will probably local politician, and O. M. Donaven stand, Roosevelt, 67; uninstructed, winning the Democratic nomination 9. Of the nine, seven come from for Committeeman by one vote, there adelphia, and the remaining two wasn't much doing at the polls in from Lancaster county, this place on Saturday. The vote Ir h place there were 204 was light as compared with other pri- votes polled in the East Ward and maries for several reasons. First, so Committeeman J. W. MeGinnis was many of the voters did not like te re-elected on the Republican ticket commit themselves by. going to the by a large vote. For delegates to the polls and asking for a Republican, National Convention the vote was Democratic, Keystone or whatever Grie; 15, Keller 115, Killinger 25, ballot they preferred. Second, the Pickle 16 and Wenger 27. The fight primary came at such a time that for committeeman on the Democratic hundreds of voters relinquished their ticket resulted in a victory for 0. M. right to vote by changing their place Donaven over J. Willis Freed by a of abode on April 1st. | vote © 016 This, in our estimation, is wrong! In the West Ward there were 170 and instead of depriving so many votes polled, Committeeman H. C. persons of the right to vote by hold- Myers was re-elected by the Ward ing the primary thirteen days after Republicans with 95 affirmations and the annual moving day, a precedence Harry Hinkle was named by his. established in this state many years Democratic friends as their choice ago, the law should be changed, so "for that office that the primary election day comes ZK The vote in this ward for Griest at least two weeks earlier, or about was 71, Keller 71, Killinger 13, the last Saturday in March. Pickle 44 and Wenger 25. The primary in Pennsylvania on While our local candidate, Dr. E. Saturday resulted in a great victory | W. Garber was defeated, he was by for Col. Roosevelt over President no means disgraced when the oppo- Taft, as surprising as it is sweeping. sition is considered. In the East The Roosevelt forces have not only (Ward his poll was 50 and in the elected 57 delegates from various K West Ward 53, a total of 103 in the Congressional districts, but they town. have apparently elected a majority| The official vote is now being of the delegates to the State Conven- counted but the correct figures have tion, which will elect twelve dele- not as yet appeared Insurance Man Tries to Beat H. C. GUILTY, GOES TO PRISON. Local Notes [ANY SHORT NEWS ITEMS OP GENERAL INTEREST and Clarence Schock of Town. 100 shares of stock. Wednesday evening at 7.30 in the Lutheran church by the pastor, Rev. Kern. Immediately after the cere- mony they went to their fine and newly furnished home on New Hav- | P® found in our advertising columns. en street where they went to house- (keeping. They have the best wishes of a large circle of friends. the Despatcher’s office at Laneaster for the purpose of considering the | change of schedule on the local trol- | ley line. The representatives were | one conductor from each line out of | Lancaster. Mr. “Johnny” Miller, | the courteous and ever jovial con-| ductor om this line, made an able address. the anxious seat amyway. sion Henry Waring, a promoter of ee Harrisburg, was convicted of false | wvief Local Happenings Gather] as pretense in court at Lancaster yes- | Fhey Occur With the Whirl of the terday and, unable to give hail pend | World for Quick Reading Within ing an appeal for a new trial, was| the Past Few Days. committed to jail. As managing m SG underwriter of the Fire Securities Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bullet Company of New York, he sold to Read the borough report else Mr. H. C. Schock, president of the Where in this issue. Philip Frank Malting Company and Mr. Joseph R. Charles sold his Clarence Schock, of the TIndepen- file trotting horse on Monday 4. dent Oil Company, both of this place The adoption of a Parcels Post spells progress for the plain pe Temporary certificates were given Mrs. W. 8. Ricker who is The Schocks had later turned over he General Hespital, is recov the original certificates and took Why a presidential primary what they believed to be regular Ole Who has already been prefs gn certificates. Later they discovered Mr H. C. Brum irl that they held certificates of the Warerooms will ef l Fire Securities Company of New lights. Jersey Wanted-—Night ———eet- Qe mee $9.50 per week. A llman Charies-Manning. Manufacturing Co. Mr. Joseph Rohrer Charles and Now that the priva Miss May TL.eeds Manning, both very popular query hereabout YI well known young people of this he out next Postmaster? place, were joined in wedlock last Mr. Jacob Boyce of this 3 one of the jurors on the ihafe murder trial at Lancaster this week. The estate notice of Leah Haines, deceased, and Charles Hemple, may No suffragette has yet grown so excited as to announce that she will throw her Raster Bonnet in the i Ring. The trout season opened on Mon- day with very few catches reported = the spring water streams here- abouts. —— — “Johnny” Is Quite a Spokesman Last week a meeting was held at | i What doubtless puzzles Co. Roose- ivelt more than anything else is that President Taft doesn't seem to get mad about it. Miss Kathryn Gingrich entertain- |ed the Sewing Circle at her home | last evening in honor of Miss Mabe | van Read of Birdsboro. All the employes of the Monitor Jonas Sheetz, a well known resi- | Steam Heating Company, at Landis I EE il laelptiihin»thi dent of RapRo, died after an illiness | ville are off on a week’s vacation ow- of a month’s duration from blood ng to a change in the management. poison. His wife and several children ! survive. He was the fathe of the | £ young man who left here recently in | company with young Breneman and th who was later foungd at Baltimore, Md. —— Eee The Poole Lectures. The lecture by Frederick Poole in e hall here last evening was be= yond all expectations. Please bear | mind that the lectures will com- | tinue on Thursday might and Friday Were at ¥arrisbarg. afternoon and evening with differ Messrs. C. H. Zeller, Samuel C.|ent subjects on each occasion. Now hh Fissel and M. A. Spickler attended |don’t fail to attend these interest the annual meeting of the Southern [ing ang instructive talks. District Convention O. U. A. M. at | ——————- Eee Harrisburg yesterday. FEiected Moderator | At the conclusion of the meeting Opened a Peol Room. iof the Westminister Presbytery at Mr. William Darrenkamp has O0- | Lancaster last Wednesday, Rev F. BR ened a pool and billiard parlor and |G. Bossert of this plas, was clected restaurant on the seeond floor of the | moderator for the fall meeting. to he property occupied by John Darren held in the Union Preshvierian kamp on East Main street. Church, Lancaster. | Mr. Reist of this place, was eigpted Lorimer will soon lose his title to | a member of the execute eo 8 ec eee tl eee