A Vacuum (leaner bargain rrice lo tor & Mrophr FH DOMBESTIH JUNIOR Is a RICE $1 A YEAR leaner that will do more AN 50 Cents han many high priced clean- ree nths a5 Cents h than any other ( n equal price ingle Coples = Cents ol like X arpet sweeper Sample Coples FREl like a carpet sweeper--but Is rene leaner—-a cleaner that Entered at the post yice at Mou n I pet and rugs through A 1 hrough Joy as second-class mail matte: \ll correspondents must have thelr communications reach this oflice not later than Monday, Telephone news of importance between that time and 12 o'clock noon Wednesday Chan ges lor advertisements mu po tively reach this office not later than Monday night New advertisements inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday night Advertising rates on appl ation IAF 277; ROOSEVELT 39 Taft has 277 Delegates, Roosevelt 39 and the Merry Race Goes on— Table of Delegates President Taft is making steady gains amd apparently certain ol a| majority on first ballot Theodore Roosevelt showing re- markable strength in some sections, This shows the amount of solid but losing ground in several States. dirt which the Domestic Junior took Senator La Follette cuting into [from a carpet which looked clean. the Roosevelt following in some | All we ask of any housewife 1s % ; that she give it one fair trial—pleck # parts of the West out the cleanest carpet in the house That, seventy-four days before and run this vacuum cleaner over the Chicago convention, is the situa- |it—then open the cleaner—Ilook at tion in the Republican presidential [the amount of dirt you got out of battle shown by the Herald's iw vour carpet or rug which you battle, as shown by the Herald's im- |i} juont was clean. partial country-wide canvass The cost of this wonderful little FOR TAFT vacuum cleaner is just $10.00 and is sold to you with the guarantee to Alabama (eight districts and . Vit y | be perfectly satisfactory In every re- six delegates at large) 22 , legate gE pect or we will refund your money. Alaska, oi... 0:2 cviivisoninn 2 3 Drop card for circular and demon- Colorado. .........¢.civvu0un.. 8 | stration District of Colunibia A 2 Florida Georgia (11 districts and four B- =. PERF FER delegates at large) ..... 26 A . : . ial | en Indiana (eight districts and a four delegates at large) ..... 20 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Iowa (four districts) Michigan (three districts) Mississipp oh wie Missouri (three districts) { New Mexico (six of the eight i delegates) Sin : 6 After You Are Through New York (39 districts) . 78 Oklahoma (one district) 2 _ 4 oy * 714 A ; Experimenting with The S h Carolin: six districts and ~~ South Carolina (six di H i adm Just-as-Good-Kind four delegates at large) Tennessee (eight districts) 16 Virginia (eleven districts and BUICK four delegates at large) Jal 24 - LOGCOMOBILE Total for Taft 276 | el . FOR ROOSEVELT AUTOCAR AND Indiana (four districts) 8 BUICK TRUCKS Missouri (two districts) 4 ? Maine (one district) ........ . | Sold strictly on their merits. New Mexico ..... ...vcrvsese New York (four districts) Oklahoma (three districts and ten delegates at large) ...... | New 1912 Cars Now Here te Total for Roosevelt ....... an FOR LA FOLLETTE { FOR CUMMINS Iowa (two districts) ny ‘| GARAGE NEVER CLOSED Total number of delegates in Re-| 230-238 W. King St., 1,078. publican National convention, LANCASTER - - - PENNA. Needed to nominate (a majority), 540. The principal elections this week The largest and only strictly first will be in Illinois and Pennsylvania | class fireproof garage and repair expected that shop in Lancaster City of County. and it s generally Roosevelt will carry a majority of linois delegates and Taft will Eo 0) BE; = the Illin % A = 2 | B 5 get a majority of the Pennsylvania delegates. > T———— For Sale. An entire threshing outfit, Frick’s engine, 17 to 20 horsepower, need) § R §? 4 seasons. The thresher is a new self-feeder, 30x52. Also an El straw baler. Will sell at a bargain. Call to see them. Elmer G. Hershey, | Lititz, Pa., R. D. No. 2. feb.7-tf | Ed rr meet Cr i Plants for Sale | The finest I ever had. see them. 55,000 vegetable plants, land many serious sicknesses you will such as cabbage, cauliflower, pepper, | vain 12 Woe Rep you Dowels, diver beets flower plants and blooming ge- raniums, etc, at D. Zerphe7s) by timely use of Greenhouses, Mt. Joy St., Mt. Joy.2t. | eee A f spring and summer Suitings, | He EE. Silks, Petticoats, Hand- | kerchiefs, Corsets and Hoslery. We! furnish exclusive patterns, attractive samples, and give exclusive territory to active representatives, and furnish | a very elaborate sample outfit free; | extending credit to those furnishing | satisfactory references. For full articulars, address Mutual Fabric | 12 doses, 10c. 36 doses, 25c at Sheriff Eby on Tuesday sold the of Samuel Sch- a fii Show Postponed a pa The next boxing show of the Lan- caster Athletic Club has been post- | poned until April 25. The bill will | be strengthened and Leo Houck will | nd-up. MAKES EATING A PLEASURE (0d AIDS DIGEST ION El] Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for | : hatching, from 2 strain with a resi... 7 ord mot often beaten, also stock. | Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. H. H. MORTON | Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Mount Joy, Pa.| Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. appear in the wi For Sale | feb 21-2 my wien (commer an) Lancaster Automobile Co. Come and | Lots of discomfort—the blues— a atoes, lettuce, red- egg plants, tom land stomach in good working order |= Ladies Make $3.00 to $5.00 Daily We want a Live Representative in | every town to introduce our complete | E Go. Dept: 5. Bingremon, NE | CH A NDLE The Sold by the Sheriff Druggist |g personal property muck, of West Hempfield township. The amount relized was $2,088.The Sunday Hours, 8 to 9 a. m. 5 to | gale attracted a large number of per- iS.n us bei West Main St., MT. JOY, PA. THE Wednesday, April 10th, 19 Mary Shen) nt East AU rmsesma fr pir fr stm iin of int stn sd friend rrr PY tne frie ol fos] Sie pen caster in - BULLET TIN. | MOUNT JOY. PA SALUNGA, Wel spent everal ! 1 n Yor | | | 1 of Pp t. R a | \ th MN RAR N 3 \ my i Ye EG 1 Frid visitin relative 1 ind \ Ne A) \ \ \ Jo MN ) M I" B 1 unday with Mr nd Mi Z ary Kendig has returneo jo SR A ron a ya) 8 Res he ae Xe with \ ; ob Ge WN mn ot J: RORUIE. : ay 3 NN Pe pending her Easter vacation with ‘ { ler sister, Mrs Q. 0. Reitzel Mi Mary T. Peifer is spending STS Hille Nith She yuk Dude STYLEPLUS CLOTHING are without a doubt the best in: quality our neighbor Hears Bair has on and the cheapest in price that can be bought anywhere. Since the in- and one thousand old chickens anc . ee Comet more an Oe number troduction of StyleplusClothing---two weeks ago---you men and young i aims men have an opportunity to buy and wear clothing just as good in in : ; oung America We presume mar- bles will be a compensotiore, how- quality and fit as your neighbor, who pays his dealer $20 or}$25. Styleplus Suits are sold at $17. We show many varieties of models and weaves, the leader of fashion being the two button English” Sack Suit. STYLEPLUS SUITS, $17.00 & UNIQUE SUITS, $7.50, $10, $12, $15. $20 wai fpr Jip ever Mrs. Hartraft was buried on Tues- day afternoon in the Landisville cem etery The services, which were held in the M. E. Church, were con- ducted by Revs. Devine and Eval. Miss Mary Peifer returned on Tuesday from Philadelphia, accom- panied by Mrs Kendig, of Lake Mont, New York Mrs. Kendig will spend a week in the family of Dr. B E. Kendig The services in the M. BE. church in commemoration of the resurrec- tion, were well attended and the con- rregation was highly edified. The usual gifts were passed among pu- At Vane Uf tne frre frre At] If rtrtl tre Uf rte forte ea Uf rani f iri pils and teachers Mr. James Ken- die read an essay on the occasion ig Gump smu en Jo MOUNT JOY G - : / = pd O S Mount Joy, sea HALL BUILDING .y Pa. » the Dis 2A BE ~ | 00D 00000 JA 8 a & = . Tr] p= PY |m H a B — | a a = = |= ® - . = a a : L s r i ‘a 'm the . = . . . m The Roosevelt League Repudiates Him Because He is a Boss Contractor From the =" . . . - & - Corrupt City of Pittsburg, and an Outsider, and Has No Right'to i] o . . » Dictate to the Friends of Roosevelt in Lancaster County. 3 | 5 : : n smn A § ¥ - EEE . a A i TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF LANCASTER COUNTY : The Rosevelt League of Lancaster County repudiate the Contractor-Boss William Flinn and his Boss methods, : 5 and asserts that the candidates named by him for national delegates from Lancaster County, [J. H. Pickle and Clayton S. h . Wenger] have been named by the old arbitrary methods so justly resented by all Independents. . A When Lincoln spoke of a government of, for and by the people he did not mean that Boss Flynn, trained for years u . - in jthelcorruptionjof a| alcorrupt city, should arbitrarily decide in Pittsburg what candidates for national delegate should be ‘ . ] a —— byt the he Roosevelt Republicans in Lancaster County. 4 ’ The real Roosevelt candidates for national delegate, who owe allegiance to no one but Colonel Roosevelt himself, are : : 3 : 2 ny ° A W. T..KILLINGER, Lancaster City, A . a MILTON E. SHIRK, East Cocalico’| I . oh & (. S x M. W. Taylor, Earl aa R: * 5 " ? 2 n u a 8 " . ; a“ a These men have sought neither the aidof the gentleman from Pittsburg or his¥assistants in’the county, but are fol- ; » § lowing the principles of Roosevelt himself by appealing directly to the people. They cannot be bought, bribed or persuad- : ed by[relatives in the service of the Taft administration to desert the standard of Roosevelt. . a = « 2 | = = 5 “ . - [Signed | » s U = : " 4 Roosevelt League of Lancaster County . bu '. ; # ee |. AMOS D. AILES, President : BU D. H. MILLER, Sec’y and Treas. a Yo ¥ ® x = - = ON OO BEE EEE EEO WIG IE 0 OI LL a Both PI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers