The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 10, 1912, Image 1
b > F@ “ # f VOL. X. NO.46 MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1912 81.00 AYR CIRCULATION ALWAYS COUNTS— OUR ADS BRING RESULTS---THATS WHY MERCHANTS U SK re THIS ADVERTISING MEDIUM Mrs. Elizabeth Walters Florin’s Mail Carrier, ' [ | FI I IN ews | or Oo ou 1 [0 OO TO mmr O N B C NCll |a APPEN IE TW Te ay » |. HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY VIL JACOB N. HERSHEY GETS STONE |g AGE WEST OF HERE CONTRACT FOR ONE YEAR r— : |. Local and Personal Briefs That Have Boro Council, East Donegal Supervis- . Occurred Since Our Last Issue in ors and the Assistant Engineer of - Our Hustling and Wide Swalee | the State Board of Health Settle Lm Neighbor Village, Florin. | the “Frog Pond” by Deciding to |® : rest Lay Sewer Pipes. lm For sale—A wind pump. Apply at —— at the Florin Inn. 3 i | Mr, L. H. McLain of M: : ( Mount Joy Borough Council met | | Mr, L. . McLain of Manheim vis- | In special session on Monday even- a toy ends in town on Friday. | ing for the transaction of regular |. ! Mr. Harry Wagner of Coatesville | routi i p { 8 r) w agner of Coatesville | routine business of the April meet- |. visited friends in town on Saturday. | [ing with Messrs. Dillinger, Tyndall. | @ r F 3 Nb wr rst bre N - | : S. 5 3 all, Mr. PF 8 Shwanger of Manheim | | Ricksecker, Mumma and Barto pre- im | transacte siness i y - } se ‘hair ar yl sacted business in town on Mon sent. Chairman Brown absent. Mr. lm day, : | Tyndall president pro tem. | { Mr. J. H. Nuhl of Lancaster, cal- | fhe stone bids were opened and |™ led on friends in the village on Tues- | | were as follows: | m kag : DR. E. W. GARBER . Hershey Stauffer |= . Mr. Charles Dukeman of Lancas- i Large or broken +.3.70 8% 798 Frederic Poole ter, was a Saturday visitor to friends | A Candidate From Mount Jov for | No. 3 s = 39 | ! } S | i ; Joy for ; NO. 3 stone ...... 98 89 | mu : ) jin town. | Sitsste Senator INO. 2 stone... 33 EERE RE BREED EE IR | Mr. Kafroth of Rothsville, made a | —— No. 1 stone 90 (10 eee sai Tm ET Tr Tr | 3 THe Prantbre. Tle at a ar dime gp Ee RETR | 2 per ae os ' | |leasant call at the Florin Inn on | The Poultry Fancier, one of the Mr. Jac rs r Morin 4 PR. POOLE’S LECTURES. : io i : i € Jacob N. Hershey of Florin, i'riday. | lending poultry journals in the east, |and Messrs. J. N. Stauffer & Bro : = | uary Mr. Irvin R. Lehman of laneasiar contained the following in a current | were the only bidders. The above Will Be Given in Mount Joy Hall was a Monday visitor to friends in | issue relative to p y : . vices are for b W April 1¢ ! CH WE MU he. Villee I » Sane our townsman Dr. Pines are for 2,000 1bs. delivered. I ith, 18th and 19th, THE ROAD WHI ALL or age. 3 . Garber: Mr. Hershey was awarded the con- — TRAVEL SOONE TER Mr. George Vogle received a bar- “Poultrymen throughout Pennsyl- [tract for N Voor fi rete There is a great treat in store for an JINROR IA 3 : ) I' one year from May 1st me rel of fine Delaware shad which he | vania will be pleased to learn that The stagnant water pool in the the people of Mount Joy when Dr. some Well Known People Fro has for sale. Dr. E. W. Garber of Mount Joy, has | west . ¥ me i Poole returns to present his three . P m Our : y, end of town was then discussed J res Neighborhood Have Passed to the Messrs. John Carson, Walter [bowed to the will of his friends and and it was finally decided to lay sew other Illustrated lectures on life in Great Beyond Si Our Last Issue i pis J Sey. hi y Brown and John Stoll are sporting | has consented to become a chndid- | er pipes from New Haven street China, ? Ny new bicycles. ate for State Senator from Lancaster | south across property of the New In his lecture on Pekin and the William R. Bryson died at h Mr. Eli Martin of Blue Ball called [and Lebanon counties. This will be | Standard Hardware Works to a Great Wall he will show wonderful home in Columbi ‘ Satu d . . : : : é ' : . - ia on Saturday - on his mother, Mrs. Lemon Leisey, | particularly good news for the poul- | point beyond the company’s tinning pictures in color and motion repre- ing in his 38+. vear ’ Uy Ves A LE 5 i 8 Jord. Yea Florin, Pa., April 10 Althoug or Ii . hn 1 : one day last week. trymen from Lancaster and Lebanon | plant and then directly east to the Senung the Surseous fuera) ot the ———— , ry 4 — ough her life. Her husband, Samuel Wal- Mr. C. S. Gingrich, cattle dealer [and we are inclined to think that | Columbia road and thence down the late Chinese Emperor which he wit- M Salli she is 63 years old, Mrs. Elizabeth ters, is watchman at the crossing |at Lawn, made a business trip to | the poultrymen from all over the Columbia road to lands owned by nessed and photographed. i Mrs Sart an Navan Walters makes trips from the post here. A son, Elmer E. Walters, a|town on Monday. State of Pennsylvania will hold the | Messrs. Jacob Zercher and G Moyer Curious sights in the Pekin streets home: n San ng gh ee flagman on the Pennsylvania rail- Mr. and Mrs. John Raffensberger | poultrymen of Lancaster and L.eban- These sewer pipes will ve inid on Will be seen and old temples vis- forty-five rr oy oi J J 8, é rief spe § office here to the railroad, a distance ited and a thrilling trip to the Great of three-quarters of a mile to receive road, resides at Enola. are spending several days with their [on counties responsible for Dr. Gar- proposed continuations of New sickness. She leav t s of eive The above etching is from a photo- |friends in York county. ber's defeat. Haven street and Columbia Avenue, | WAH ©f China will be made. This py, a ) > es two chinfrer and send mail. For thirty-nine years zraph snapped of Mrs. Walters as| Mr. Israel Leisey of Reamstown, We all know that the Penna. |The borough and East Donegal town | €CtUre portrays especially ancient I Mao Tvee she has been making these trips six she was in the act of securely plac- [spent several days in town as the | branch of the Amercian Poultry | ship will act in conjthction i FH China and deals with the world’s H atti times each day. Mrs, Walters is one ing a mail pouch in position for the |guest of his son, Mr. Lemon Leisey | Association is working hard and has |ing these pipes and defrayin th [Oldest capitol that has just passed | Harry, i EE uma of the best known in this section of railway postal men to catch as the [the Florin Inn. been for a large state appropriation | expenses This Work will ¥e ed away. Charmingly beautiful will be Su or a pi o Hugs ua the Stat as resi re : oof init eneaia o J 5 pc . : cs : 8 PD . K D eq ye dont Susan ramber, died at 9. $ ate and has resided here all mail train speeds past Florin Messrs. John Row, of this place, | for the Poultry industry and we all {once and Mr. M. N. Brubaker was [t1'e trip that will be made when Dr. pp, eqay morning at a ame a TTT a ——— —— — = (and Tvan Shellenberger, proprietor | know that Dr. Garber is one of the |inst ructed to prepare a number of | F00le gives his second lecture on three rics soutli of towh. The ine Test BE ack ‘ “ ye : x. ath iy Sf h un- {of the West End Cafe at Mount Joy | back-bhones of the Penna. branch of drawings of the proposed sewerage | Tie Valley of the Yang Tse” when eral was held Saturday z rsona S ( a otes |are spending the day at Reading. ,|the American poultry Association, system : he will show scores of pictures and 10 0% tock t iy wt ay morping at . 2 A 3 : ‘ ‘lock at Newtown. Mr. George Kline has taken the [respected and trusted by every mem- A R hundreds of feet of motion pictures ° i etre \ ac I. CONCY: : . ; urgess’ Report, : 3 : : Tem THE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR oa contract to put down concrete foun- | ber, even to such an extent that they s dealing with the intensely interest- i : Pes MAN SHORT NEW TEMS : . The re 3 VaR 9 3 : > He L A) FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK 3) oh ii NEWS ITEMS OF | dations for the Hershey creamery |would not even listen to his declin- The report of Mr. Clayton Hoff- ing cities along the banks of that Horii Turrison S. Shultz iENERAL INTEREST | company, at Harrisburg, for the erec- | ing the office of election commission- | aN showed collections during the mighty waterway of China Elizal os iri a resident of 5 ald Coe prairies ‘ . 3.33 p IA , : ulizabethtown, yd & Who and Where They Have Visited— iy in : tion of a large building. er, but was unanimously elected. month of March to the amount of The third lecture will be a vivid his dag he n ied at the home of a . ric Loca appe os G ap i PL vo : ls S daughter a arris Sat- Many Straigers Here Over Sun. They O ey Sather as The shelves at Merchant A. D. Dr. Garber is well qualified to fill $63.50. and realistic description of real na- urday from apopl Are on Sat - wn ‘ ey Occur » p y , : : . : . a) X yi : day—Were You Among Them? World tor ! , a » virl of the | qu rher’s store are now being stocked [this office, a business man of rare Street Committee tive life as he found it in Canton in The remain Rpop eX: aged 73 years. . . wick ' o Wi ; . ‘ e e remains were a i the'F Jou oui t Reading Withim | oy, gpring stock and the entire | intellect, a successful business man, Mr. B. S. Dillinger of the Street | 00th China and again he will pre- | ip. ere Interred 2 Eliza Detective Broome of Lancaster le Past Few Days. { rear of the store room will be re- |who has the welfare of the communi- COmThition. eDorEs Roving pagel sent a wealth of beautiful pictures ’ own: was in town on Monday. My 7 J Brown is al . | | modeled and an addition erected in [ty at heart. Poultrymen, it is up to AE Cone avi fp : all different from the others which % he . Zi ice ith : yr. . oh y 8 & ¢ 3 y i : x ‘ at > 2 Las San ) NS . Mr. William Ricker of Mahanoy RaW LONIDE cap thout in a fine | yj, rear. When completed this |you, particularly up to the Poultry- Donegal street and have started to |“iV take us along the narrow; o CT ig Nid L$ : . X car. y . o ’ 8 H ¢ é 3» Sté > 0 5 Sé > St: ie a i City, was in town Saturday. ne will be one of the finest general {men of Lancaster and Lebanon : : streets of that crowded city, into its Ae suffer died aL bis : 3 : : Mr. William Conrad has purchas- put on stone: crossing at the Ex- Ys ® home in Dayton, Ohio on Th 1¢ Mrs. Chas. B. Shank of Columbia, ol 1 Moles le of M S SE stores in the county, Mr. Garber |counties. change hotel relaid: and made the quaint shops, to the execution He % 1 er } ursday. 2 : : 2d ¢ otor cycle Mr. S. Miller Sh a ald; & 8 Se : e was ) is ¢ 7 is called on friends here Saturday. Mr. JM ye i I. Miller. invites a share of your patronage. lay politics aside, go to the polls recommendations: That the borough |2roUnds and to the leper colony _ .. Bgl iD His county ang is Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hartman, of . Cr i . acento put fh lew AQ Qe and vote for Dr. Garber for State apply oil on the treats Same as He where Dr. Poole will be seen in a Years od i Jets ye oe Lancaster, spent Thursday in tow * 5.4 ¢ xchange Hote A BAD ACCIDENT Senator » is worthy Jour Sad > >= 3s i jcture showing hi od : ¥. Jacol - Stauiler Vat ay OWI | on Friday. A BAD ACCIDENT. Se nator. He oniny hi your vote i year if purchased by property own- di picture Thawine him Jones and Abram H. Stauffer of this place . y and we know that the Doctor is go- : a In by scores o epers as he gives Voc : ; Messrs. Walter and George Brow 3 a : eers. So ordered. Lay tax rate for ? are brothers of the deceas Miss Beatrice Brown in company each received fine 1 ea . 2 | Martin Strickler Loses an Optic by ling to leave nothing undone to bring | 1912 game as 1ast vear. 4 wie go | Alms to those unfortunate residents Qecgased. with her mother, have gone to on Satnrdas ng crs Being Struck With a Curry Comb. |about a state appropriation for the ordered. Remove all ashes, rubbish of that awful colony of death, Vv I Philadelphia where she axpects to SRIUrCaY. ) hie . Sto F Doln. : eh ae 8 : >. will Talk : an Buren Bane Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Stout I Poultrymen of the State of Penn etc., placed on the streets and alleys Then he will take nus along the Mrs America Ban of Bainbri a 3 icadti 3 . A +E i S. arris Stau r iv a : y oy € 2 § els ¢ é YE x fo 1 8 A : Wy: ane, : spend some time visiting friends. Elmdale, announce the: bw e 9 While currying the horses on the |sylvania. As our readers well know | tron April 15th to May 15th. inclu. | PanKs of the Pearl river to visit the died in the West fr bridge Elders M. S. Bowman and J. G. | Oh on Sade € Mrth of al orm of Mr. William H, Strickler, | Dr. Garber is Superintendent of the |. ao. ordered Ropan oJ industrious farms and here we shall of diseaces i do a gona ation i Nav “Qe 3 De ay. . ~ i > * Gly . L; 4 3 3 s i seases, after a lon $8. - Reist and Rev. F. G. Bossert attend- | For Sale—A fire driviy south of town, on Saturday morning, | Poultry Department of the Lancas-|ctreet from Main to David. Also or. | See in motion picture how the Chi- ceased had lived in Sag ! Aes ed the meeting of the Westminster co¥ on Clarence Divel N Re A a his son Martin met with an accident | ter County Fair and under his effici- | 3.10q nese irrigate their crops. vears ago and ta ih op : Vz hat an Se : é ¢ le et, Nor arba- : ; : : : : years £0 and aug sc 1 Presbytery at Lancaster this week. #4 street Mi Jot < 3 ban that rsulted in the loss of an eye. ent management has made this show All these lectures are entirely dif- Middletown for. it iy at yin fe ; 2 x is Ind ek et, Mt, Joy. . m 3 3 . . 3 Tater i . 3 . > or many years. p Jars: Rov. 1 © Jolipsen Is spend. Mr. M. K. Brubal North B lhe men were busy currying the |one of the big four of Pennsylvania. Water Committee, ferent from each other and in order, 04 ho his wife. t on S row. dav this vo ; Mr. M. K. Brubaker on Nor ar- . a : : , ; TG v f > y s wife, two sons and ing a few days of this week at Boy- bere sirect. rece] : fin 1 Bar | horses when one of them finished | The Doctor will do his duty. You do Mr. William Tyndall reported |to get the whole story complete it three dauzht H 0/8018 alr : toies . ara street, received ¢ ) WW § - . 3 : 5 i aug T'S. Pp was 4 r ertown, Pa., visiting her father, who joan foot oes 2 Ane new anio- | nis horse, after which he hurled the lvours.” 1t | that the committee procured prices | will be necessary to attend the three oF too $ Ye € was a member : > | D> as eek v > Pe) pl - oe : n underwent a surgical operation sev- | De % veek. ing curry comb to the box where it be- A mms on plungers. repacked pumps, and [lectures and those whe do are as- irch of God at Bainbridge y r ao re ‘as a specla yusiness meet- : y 3 3 i y 3 : : -M eral weeks ago. 7 of tags. of be why 0) et longed instead of carrying it there. Please Attend This One will have a more intelligent report | sured of three evenings of delightful Mir John Felk asd g 3 VY. M. C. A. r rooms ; : : A : : tai : Mrs. John Felker S. Carroll Royer, Russell Myers, last Friday evening ° os Just at that time Martin Strickler If you want to be loyal to the |relative to repairing the plungers on | entertainment and great profit. Mamie, wife of or Fell lied Herbert Frank and Miles Leedom of | Mica” Ebi ; : stepped in the way of the comb and | Ladies’ Auxiliary of the General [Pumps until the next meeting. On Friday afternoon, April 19th, Her} : : oy Stevens Trade School spent their) iss Esther Bowman entertained | . nests iy eS 3 i : \ at her home just outside the borough : ’ v9 ° "the King’s Daughters at her hom it struck him in the eye. He was Hospitalfdon’t fail to attend the Finance Committee Dr. Ponle is Arranging to give 8D limits last evening at 5.30 after 3 " rac i i ir x x © TS & p . ’ . ul « >. : : R ar ve 21 0.0 a Easter vacation with their parents, on Thursday ovonin me hurriedly brought to town and at- sociable to be given in the Mount other special matinge for schoel chil- = months’ illn eat} " i i aoe. ix . saay ev g. ros . B r p ‘te 3 C rO- 3 seve S ess, death result- in this place. They returned on Mon- | Sid) : : tended by Dr. A. F. Snyder, after | Joy “Hall on Friday evening from 8 Mr. Ed. Barto reported the appro- | 3.0n when he will show them many & : fre Ie day evening family reunion was held at the Aste 2 : val of a number of bills. aa vipvee rawr ing.from a complication of diseases i Home of Mrs, Abfam. Stenfie which he was taken to Lancaster. to 11%. An exceptionally fine pro- new views and several thousand feet She Was aged 27 vear and ‘tor g s BE RB . c ce | > Mrs. 2 & Ste °r on . 3 : 3 She as ag Z( years anc ir Mr. and Mrs. E. BE. Strout, an ex- | Tnday whew Tier chiliren and sand He returned home at noon and |gram is being arranged and refresh- Property Committee. of novel and interesting motion pie- months and was a daughter of Je i . alor ¢ Sina a) re é Té . . y i 8 ¢ ras 8 e Je- tensive real-estate dealer of Massa-{ iiidven Were prosont Brand) hat afternoon Dr. Rohrer of Lancas- | ments will be served. Tickets will Mr. C. N. Mumma reported that |tures. rome and Ella ln of Lititz chusetts, spent Sunday here with the | The maiiner n witeh the New Hot ter and Dr. Snyder of this place, |be sold at the door at 5 cents each, | Mr. S. H. Miller was engaged to im- C—O Mer husband and one son survive : é : New Hol- . sala : + 5 J she é S ve. family of ex-burgess J. W. Shrite. land High School walloped their o went to his home and removed the |good for anything vou wish to pur- prove the wiring in the Council Tl Got Away The funeral will be held from h > {nig f i oe é )- 3 . . . : : . 1ey Got Away € C er They are returping from 4 trip thru yonents last Saturday, look P" [optic. Mr. Strickler has a large cir- [chase. Do not fail to attend and aid | Chamber so that it will pass inspec- ; Zoro i r Peter late home at 2 o'clock Frid Florida and the south, thence west I s last Saturday, look out for 1 {fri 1s wh All 1 : t ; ti : ill : au Mr. John Zerphey, son of Peter I ¢ 2 o’cloc on ay Your Hizh Sch Pov ts cle of friends who wi )e sorry toa good and worthy cause. ion and he will do the work very |, : ha me SE . afternoon yith int : h to California and north to Oregon. r High School boys next Saturday. lori of his misioftune are SOO. Zerphey, and Newpher Garber, both ¢ , with interment in the Mr. D. T.. Havenstein spent Easter | Don’t forget to have seats reserv- "7 voung men of this place, decided Mount Joy cemetery. . epi ed on Friday noon, April 12, at Gar- Some Layers, Too Light Committee. that they take a trip and on Monday a Day at John Hauenstein's, on the Stark--Gibble Mr. A. S. Shires of this place i . : a : ? ¥e morning early appeared at the depot Miss Katharine Ream. there they | Per’s Drug Store. No extra charge : | for same. There will be no canvas. | sers. Manheim road. From went to Harry Hauenstein’'s, at Don- egal, in company with John Hauen- stein and wife, Mrs. Alice Shaub and | two daughters, Elsie and Daisy, Phar | es Brandt and wife, Mrs. Kate Leed- | om, Mr. and Mrs, David Flory and |T. M. Breneman is Appointed to Fill two sons, Chester and Warren, and | The Vacancy Miss Esther Hahn and Mr. John Gep | Boyce, who Al A DAVID BOYCE RESIGNS Mr. David has been hart. They made the trip by auto- | the tax collector for this borough mobile. for a number of years, temdered hig rere et Beer eee | resignation to the County Com- Some Medium, This | missioners on Saturday and eit was A few days ago a certain young accepted. lady of town lost her gold bracelet. | Mr. T. M. Breneman, a former A notice of same was placed in our | merchant of this place, was at once window and that same day the find- | appointed to fill the vaeancy. er returned the bracelet and receiv- | —_———— ed his reward. No matter if its lost, | Appointed New Inspectors found, for sale, or anything else, the! Francis Weidman was appointed Bulletin is the medium thru which | minority inspector of the Springville you can be benefited. | District, Bast Donegal, in place of ————— Witz vr ce | Edward Mann, removed. Attention Sr. Mechanics { Emlin Buller resigned as majority A full attendance is required this inspector of the Springville District, eve, April 10, at the sesison. State | East Donegal, and Harold W. Buller officers will be here. Meeting at was appointed. 7.30 p. m. i Toa ii Mose Milk Came Dewn Dillerville TLocal scared Jacob T— ce | Stauffer’'s horse this morning and Dr. Munyon—There’s Hope (the animal ran of, going down Man- New a French surgeon has dis- heim street and in turning the corner eovered a method of planting eye- at the Farmers’ Inn, the dairy wagon lashes and eyebrows. This will be upset and there was a general spill ®has. HW. Zeller | Sec’y 162 0. UW. A. M,| wishes us to announce that he owns five barred rock pullets that are some layers. During March they On Sunday afternoon at his resi- dence in East Donegal, Mr. John B. Stark of this place and Miss Ber- tha May Gibble, of Palmyra, Leba- non County, were united in marriage by Rev. Peter Nissley. They were attended by Mr. Jacob Dupler and Miss Elsie Shenk. The happy couple will reside at Palmyra. A GM The New Proprietor V Mr. Frank 1. LeFever, the present proprietor of the Farmers’ Inn, while a new man in this community, is not a novice in the hotel business. He came here from Philadelphia, where he conducted several of the best known hostelrys in the city. He would be pleased to have his many friends call and see him. ———l Gee een Who Wants This Reward? Merchant I. D. Beneman, whose store was robbed last week, offers a reward of $200, of which $50 is for the arrest of the robbers and $150 for the recovery of the goods. diesem sso Mrs. Annie Dyer left yesterday for Atglen where she will spend some time with her son, E. 8. Dyer and family. —— ee Hotel License Transferred The lcense held by William H. Gantz, Mount Joy borough, was laid 124 eggs and while the record is not as great as Mr. L. P. Heilig's Leghorns, we doubt if this record can be beaten by Plymouth Rocks. . Yet it Doesn't Pay John R. Cassel, who lives along the Manheim pike, finished deliver- ing his 20 acres of tobacco, which weighed 44,680 pounds and for which he received a check for $4,248.48. A A in License to Wed Mr. E. L. McElhenny of Salunga, and Helen M. Mateer of this place, were granted a marriage license on Saturday. Adam R. Stambaugh Adam R. Stambaugh was found dead in bed at his home in Columbia on Saturday. He was 66 years old and a wagon maker by trade. A ARI Subpoenas in Divorce Howard D. Ruhl, Mount Joy town- ship, against Myrtle B. Ruhl, fraud and adultery. a li ——— Josephine, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Lindsay of Co- lumbia, died at the Columbia Hosplit- Mr. C. N. Mumma reported a few lights out but were repaired the street lights out one night. Pumping engineer Geo. W. Shatz asked Council to enlarge or remod- el his house as it is too small for his family of eight. The Property and Water Committees were ordered to make whatever alterations thy deem advisable. and Treasurer's Report. The report of the Union National Bank showed a balance in both ac- counts. Borough, $309.89 and Wat- er, $3,405.71. Council decided to view the sewer situatipn on old Market street be- fore the repairs are made opposite the Farmers’ Inn. It was suggested by one member of Council that sew- er pipe be laid on the north side from the Central House to the Far- mers’ Inn, thus eliminating the deep’ and dangerous gutter. The auditors’ report of the bore account was presented, read, accept- ed and ordered advertised and print ed. A few bills were paid and Coun- cil adjourned. Wants a Divorce Efffe M. Baker, of Florinel, has filed an applieation for a divorce from her husband, Mr. Irvin M. Baker, on the groumds of adultery good mews to .our bald-headed and wreck. The horse was captured friemds. {later. No one was injured. transferred to Frank RB. Lefevre. al. and eruel treatment. Their fun was how- Katharine Ream, a maiden lady, Zerphey’s died on Saturday morning at her mother putting in an appearance but !2te residence near the Union School while she was keeping an eye on House, about a half mile from Eliz- their baggage one young man slipped abethtown, aged seventy-eight years. it away and they went wp Henry Her death was caused by a paralyt- street at a lively clip. Afterward 1¢ Stroke. The following brothers they left by trolley and have not yet | and sisters survive: Henry and Har- vev Ream, of West Donegal town- ship: Nrs. Baker and Mrs. Grub, of Elizabethtown, and Samuel of Hol- Mule Team Ran Away. ton, Kansas. The funeral took place A two mule team owned by Mr. yesterday morning at 9.30 o'clock at Albert Hoerner, exceeded the speed her late residence in West Donegal limit down Main street Thursday af- township Interment was made in tewnoon on account of the absence Mount Tunnel cemetery at Eliza- of a driver. They were caught by hethtown. Charles Bennett. There was no damage. to take a train ever spoiled by young been heard from. a C— Mrs. Henry Weaver. —_—-—— —— Henry Weaver, of Rheems, Get Your Ashes Out Saturday morning after a Notices are being distributed to three days’ illness, the result of a the effect that the boreugh will Stroke of apoplexy. She was strick- haul all ashes and rubbish placed on (eR while rising from the dinner the streets and alleys of the boro table, and remained in an uncon- between April 15 and May 15 in- Scions condition until the end. She elusive. was aged seventy-four vears. The ‘ deseased was a member of the Luth- eran church at Elizabethtown. Her husband and two sons Samuel of near Rheeme and John of Lancaster survive. The funeral was held yes- the terday afternoon at one o'clock from POW er late residence, with services at Mrs. died en rm—— A icici Will Hesitate; Possibly Stop The Roosevelt train will pass thru here at about 4.36 this afternoon, and wiM slow down when passing depet and pessibly make a minutes’ s#op. | two o’clock in the Lutheran churek jat Elieabethtown, and interment te the Mount Tunnel Cemfiiery. AA AI Read the Mt Jov Bulletin. ARETE