FF ver | S It . . J g ] : J J J J J 3 h v rd With Time on Her Hands | You ow Lxpect ill weight when you buy Coal, pont as you do when you purchase a | pound of tea or sugar. Do you al-| { ways get it? That question is sure | to be answered in the affirmative it vou get your coal of us. | [S22 Ek % MOORE A lady is apt to feel lonely, but if 9 . she is carrying one of our watches she will at least be sure of always | | be ing accurate in her appointments. [wW e are naturally proud of the time- - | keeping qualities of our elegant gold Grain [and silver watches, as well as of the J (dainty and artistic designs, and the (beautiful workmanship throughout. [Our Jewelry bears the reputation of | being ‘ever best.” Please Remember I Also Repair Watches, Clocks ‘and Jewelry | Very Promptly Deal er in Coal, Lumber, v Feed, Hay, Straw, Slate, Salt, Cement and Fertilizer A large stock of Feed constantly on hand. for grain work to me. ens Eis R. V. FEGLEY East Main Street. MT. JOY, PA. Estimates on Lumber and Mill Work a Speialty | Highest cash price paid # FLORIN, PENNA. American Plan ' Exchange Hotel Mount Joy, Pa. J. M. Backenstoe, Pro. es avn YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED is. & H. Trading Stamps i i Switn EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PUR | J CHASED FOR CASH AT F. H. Baker's AAR, Has just been remodeled thruout CORAL and fas all modern conveniences such Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam LUMBER YARDS ||, .' mo ectric Light, Etc Mount Joy, Penna the Market Affords. 0 oe Sole agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always om hang Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etc. Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate wstimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material al L rir y : . neh Counter Telephone No. £33 Opposite Ola P R. R. Depot sO ua wr e Where Soups, sandwiches, Cheese, Tripc , Oysters in ke ry Siyle SPRING Gh BAR IS STOKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS 5 A I S OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS | oe awe OUR STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS FOR SPRING IS COMPLETE. Good Stabling Accomodation § i Local and Long Distance Telephones Ii Its Fish You Want I Can Always Supply You Here you will find Hats for all Men and for all tastes. no larger stock in the city from which to select, and none better for the price. Wingert & Di 44 North Queen St., Lancaster Pa. 1 1 TAN EO I always have on hand aii xiads LUE | ity i, semsom andl would be pleas | Bed to have your order. A Stitch in Time : ALL FISH CLEANED GRATIS - = = Also Oranges, Ban- = anas, Lemons, Etc. a Saves Nine Now is the time to have your auto adjusted and have it in shape for the summer’s run. Expensive breaks often occur on ac- = count of a loose screw or some part being worn which should be replaced. By having this done you will not only save money but : Dol I} dl I Gl) i I] ) will also save trouble. a ( By having this 2 MOUNT JOY, PENNA MUST YOU MOVE = Or Are You Doing Repairs? Perhaps you want your carpets out of your way for a few weeks. We will take them up, clean them, and store | them free until you want them. When | you are ready, we will deliver them and relay them. Saves you lots of trouble. Orders at OL We are also in position to paint your car. done it will look practically as good as new. We have both phones and will be glad to give you our assist- ance when needed. Landis Bros., Rheems. ; i 01 OT O10 E01 I 0 0 0 1 LO Engle’'s Furniture Warerooms MOUNT JOY, PENNA. — a Pe Sree GOOD HOMEMADE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY UPHOLSTERING DONE TO ORDER Novelty Carpet Cleaning Works Orders at Works, 135 Beaver street, or J. B. Martin & Co. Both phones at both places. — mt g 8 Poplar Lumber for sale im lots to suit the purchasers The delicate, sweet butter taste HN TO il Ribgraam hd) that “makes the mouth water” is al- Undertaking and Embalming , : [ways present in JELKE GOOD LUCK _®|BUTTERINE. Churned with the : {richest cream supplied from the i - | {John F. Jelke Co. dairies in the fer- BUY d P HERE! |tile Fox River Valley. It is pure, YOUR See otatoes 1 | wholesome, appetizing and delicious. [Churned fresh every day and de- All Varieties 11 EL 8 TE 100 For Sale Only at HE You will not be disappointed time | and again if you bring your repair | Rates Moderate | |Table is Supplied With the Best | 10) 11 IN, BULL MOUN' FAT 268, ROOSEVELT 306 aft Has 208 Delegates, Roosevelt id the Merry Race Goes on Table of Delegates the Republican pre nomination between the val pirants is in progress all over country and will continue until the Republican National convention meets in June next at Chicago. Up 0 date 269 delegates have been elected in the interest of President aft, 26 for ex-President Roosevelt, ten for Senator LaFollette, and two for Senator Cummins of Towa, as set forth in the following table, prepar ed 'by the New York Herald FOR TAFT Alabama (eight districts and six delegates at large) 2 Colorado 8 District of Columbia | Florida . i . 12 Georgia (ten districts and [ four delegates at large) .. 24 | Indiana (seven districts and four delegates at large) dnsl8 [Towa (four districts) . 8 | Michigan (three districts) [ | Mississippi ..... . 20 | Missouri (two districts) : «4 | New Mexico (six of the eight | delegates) : 6 | New York (39 districts) 18 | Oklahoma (one district) 2 | Philippines Cow 2 South Carolina (six districts | and four delegates at large) ..16 | Tennessee (eight districts) 16 Virginia (eleven districts and four delegates at large) «....24 Total for Taft iis .. 268 FOR ROOSEVEI T { Indiana (four districts) ..... 8 Missouri ( one distriet) ....... 2 New Mexico .......... “r vi 2 | New York (four districts) ..... 8 | Oklahoma (three districts and | ten delegates at large) : 16 Total for Roosevelt os . 36 | FOR LA FOLLETTE | North Dakota .... ‘s tail FOR CUMMINS lowa (one district) : . 2 Total number delegates in Repub- i lican National convention, 1,078 Needed to nominate (a majority) 1 540 DO W—— DOUBLY PROVEN Mount Joy Readers Can No Longer Doubt The Evidence This Mt. Joy citizen testified long ago. Told of a quick relief of lasting benefit The facts are now confirmed Such testimony is complete —the evidence conclusive It forms convincing proof of merit. Mrs. L P. Heilig Main St., Mt Joy, Pa., says “I had been troubled { by kidney complaint for some time and nothing had helped me. My back was often so weak that 1 could not get about and I had severe head- aches and dizzy spells. Spots flashed before my eyes and 1 felt all run | down, Seeing Doan’'s Kidney Pills advertised, I procured a box at Garber’s Drug Store and began their use I consider this remedy worthy of my endorsement.” (Statement given October 26, 1907.) Confirmed Proof On January 29, 1911, Mrs. Heilig added to the above: “I can recommend Doan’'s Kidney Pills just as highly now as I did over two years ago when they gave me such great reief. 1 take pleasure in confirming my former statement.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., New York, sole agents for the United States. : Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no other. ——-- —— Banqueted at Garber's The members of the local Y. M. C. A. held a banquet at E. W, Garber’s cafe on Thursday evening, March 28. The courses consisted of Chicken corn soup, Fried Oysters, Ice Cream, Cake and Salted Peanuts. After the courses had been served, the mem- bers listened to some interesting taiks by Mr. Harry Nissley, Prof. I. R. Kraybill, Dr. E. W. Garber, Mr. John Murphy and Mr. B. F. Garber. The main features of the banquet were ‘‘George’’ and the ‘‘Victrola.” Messrs. Harry Nissley, I. R. Kray- bill, James Schatz, Nissley Gingrich, Howard Arntz, Alvin Shonk, Ed- ward Miller, Elmer Jrown, Ray- mond Nisslly, Harold Brown, John Murphy, Charles Bennett, Harry Greiner, Clyde Eshleman, Lee Ellis, Willis Greenawalt, Bernard Eber- sole, William Ellis and Villiam Roberts a p— - It Looks Like a Crime to separate a boy from a box of Buck len's Arnica Salve. His pimples, boils, scratches, knocks, sprains, and bruiises demand it, and its quick re- lief for burns scalds, or cuts is his rigiht. Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything healable and does it quick Unequaled for piles. Only 25 cents at S. B. Bernhart & Cos —— etl ae. For Sale 25 ‘Thoroughbred single comb Black Minorca hens for sale. Call on Elias H. Lindemuth, Route 1, | livered to you in odor proof cartons, Write For { |each one bearing Uncle Sam’s 0. K. | Price List | IN RIENZLE Gooa Lueck | W. Cog.:2nd & Dock Sts. | BUTTERINE CO. Mount. Joy 2t. ee AD - en Miss Catharine Sheehan, inspect- ing telephone operator from Wilkes- Barre, is at the Bell Telephone ex- delp ja. | 14 W. King St., LANCASTER, PA. —S > change temporarily. PA Wednesday, April 3rd, 1912, BABIES ALWAYS IN STYLE du Each One Is Perfect to Its Parents : and Perfect Nuisance to Other Persons. A baby is a small person about ) \ ye \ which there is great diversity of opin Square & E. Kino St. l.ancaster fon This is because every baby is O ) considered perfect by the parents and a perfect nuisance by everybody else. a I'here is really nothing new about the baby Its Institution dates back to the beginning of the world, and at that time it was a garden production, The garden idea, however, 1s now ob- solete, and for many years the baby has been grown in the house, with early transplantings to the sunlight. Every baby has a good voice, a dis- tinct resemblance to some rich rela- tive, and an afternoon nap. The voice {8 heard by everyone, but the resem ab $ 9 Reliance » ® Sewing Machines blance is heard chiefly by the rich relative The afternoon nap is heard of everywhere as being necessary to The Best Sewing Machine Made, Regardless of Name the baby, but sometimes the nap is . more honored in the breach than in| Pp A Oth Cl { the observance. After the nap the rice or ny er aim baby is unable to understand why it should be expected to sleep again at night, and everyone else {8 unable to understand why it should want to stay awake, The baby's dc. sion, how- ever, always carries the day—or, rath- er, the night. | There are millions of babies, but . : only two kinds—boys and girls. The strated to thousands of women in practically every city, town and hamlet boy baby is always the maternal and |in the United States that they do give satisfactory service, that they are paternal selection for the presidential chair, and the girl baby is expected to some day become the wife of a Jecause our prices are reasonable does not mean that they are to be gentle and loving millionaire who will do his best to appreciate her. Later on the presidential nominee chines direct from the factory to consumer, and by buying a carload at a Let Us Prove It To You For over forty-five years “Reliance” Sewing Machine have demon- honestly built and that they will last a lifetime classed with cheap, low-grade machines We sell the “Reliance” ma- develops a strong desire to become a time can afford to handle them at asmall profit motorman, and the future miilionaire’s wife is seen to blush at the mentions ing of the plumber’s son. The fond (hines: we pay no commissions parents sigh gently. In point of looks, likewise, babies generally bear strong resemblance to the well-financed and unencumbered relatives. Fashions may come and fashions may go—but babies will always be in style.~—~William Sanford, in Puck. Remember, it does not cost us one cent extra to sell sewing ma- to agents for selling or collecting .All machines guaranteed ten years Join this Club Entrance fee, $2.00; weekly dues, $1.00, and have the use of the machine while payingfor it Challenge, $15.50; Reliance, $19.50 and $21.50 $29.50 and $32.50; Cabinet, $35.00 SHE MAY NOT WEAR JEWELRY LONG CLOTH, IN A 12.YARD SPECIAL: TUSSAH SILK, 25¢ A YARD Princess Mary ls Fond of It but Must PACKAGE. $1.35 y Eschew It Until She Is 54 dada Among the great collection of Reliance Rotary, Seventeen. : 3 beautiful Spring and Summer Dress = A new and decided improvement Materials recently received is this Though Princess Mary is very fond ©V¢r the old way of selling Long- extraordinary beautiful material, of jewelry she is not allowed to wear cloth. Here you'll find 12 yard illed Tussah Silk, which you will any ornament except a string of per- pleces of Longcloth, done up in a find conspicuously displayed on one Jeenly Inaiched pearls. on state geo ne ealed package, Which Means no of the tables just inside the East oe spd hi ite B04 ; Shai and lost yardage. No stamping, but full | = door. It's a very finely it $1.35 a piece. Ask for it pearls were her mother's gift to her in all the most desirable shades and at the time of the coronation, and . 5 is altogether one of the prettiest Butterick Patterns, 10¢. and 15. : the locket was | sented to her by novelty weaves shown this season, rine p ale I yougl i ry y ‘ . \ : - the Prince of Wales, who bought it Fry our Famous Cocoa, H¢ a Cup. | Price, 25¢. a yard. when he was at Cowes for the regat- ta. — Queen Mary has let it be understood that no one is to give Princess Mary jewelry of any sort till she is 17, and before the royal party left for the efoofoefocfocfocfoofecfocfofocfosfosforts United States Shoe Repairing Co. Durbar the queen repeated her wishes El 1 on the score. ectric The princess has confessed to some f the ladies of the court that she does not mind not having rings and pins and chains, but that she yearns for long gold earrings set with ru- bies and diamonds and that when she is 17 she hopes a set will be given her, and if not she will buy them herself, While You Wait On Short Notice Persian Weddings, Tying the matrimonial knot is a very prolenged and serious affair in Persia. In fact, a wedding may ex- tend for a week. On the last day of the weddjng the bride, who has been treated a% a sort of outcast, is con- ducted by a near relative to a room, where she undergoes further and more elaborate decoration. She then returns to the guest-room, and her dowry is laid before her in trays. The dowry often comprises such queer things as cheap and high- ly-colored oleographs, gaudy vases, birdcages and many useful household articles. Having kissed the hearth- stone of her home, she is then given bread, salt, and a piece of gold, and thus equipped and closely veiled she is hoisted on to a gaily-adorned don- key and, accompanied by a circus- like procession of friends, goes to her future home, where her husband awaits her, Repairing » You can get your shoes repaired for a small sum a good job at that, work that is guaranteed, on very short notice. For every fifteen minutes disappoint- ment we will pay $5.00 Try us and be convinced. New and modern machinery installed Jan 17, 1912 Harry Yoblonovitz MOUNT JOY, PENNA, DONAVEN’'S OLD STAND Helping the “Lumberjacks.” Tuesday marked the beginning of a new order of things in the daily life of the Maine woodsman in the great northern lumber regions. At 2 v’clock on the afternoon of that day the new lumbermen’s Christian association building at Greenville opened wide its doors to the 12,000 men annually en- tering and leaving the northern for- 88ts. On the third floor of this bufld- Ing {8 a hospital, with expert attend- ants in constant charge, and through | their ministration many an injured lumberman will be saved from death through careless or inexperienced handling. That is the principal mis- sion of the organization, and besides the hospital work in the building itself men will be sent out among the lum- ber camps to teach the great advant. ages of skilful first aid.—Lewiston Journal. oieofschredoofeoloofosteofenforfortefoofocfechsods choofrafiofonfocdrofesfiofooe fonts ofeeferfesforfoctunfonfosfecfensfosfenfesfeofeciecorforfoofeofesfertoctectestesfosfeofeotoeorfoctesfocforgoste Don’f Forget The Place, Donovan’s Old Stand ecole The Call of Duty. “I try to do my duty,” said the em ceedingly sincere person, “and I da not hesitate to remind others of their duty.” i “Go ahead,” replied the easy-going citizen. “You may prove to be a very | useful member of society. But when you get through you’ll have about as | many sincere friends as an alarm clock.” ee otter Puts End to Bad Habit, Things nevxer look bright to one Ten to one the trou- with the blues ble is a sluggish liver, filling the sys | tem with bilious poison, that Dr. King's New Life Pills would expel. Try them. Let the joy of better feel- ings end the blues. Best for stom- ach, liver and kidneys. 25c¢ at S. B. Bernhart & Cos. cee A EIeemsrene Advertise in [the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | {