than over get a NA. | ~ - ort Come LS STRR ’t- y Fc NOI 1 TE ——————— Women When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured many cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? Here are five lctters from southern women which prove the efficiency of 1 dia E, Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. LITTER FROM VIRGINIA, it my duty to express my thanks to you and your 1 sufferer from female troubles and had been cone 1 of my time for ten months. I could not do my ing spells so that my husband could not leave me 1 time, to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and r I see a suffering woman I want to tell her what > for me and I will always speak a good word for NKENSHIP, Elliston, Montgomery Co., Va. Elliston, Va. 1 great medicine. | fined in bed over on housework and had alone for five minutes “Now I owe my he Blood Purifier. W these medicines ha them.”—Mrs, Rogeur Ih LETTER FROM LOUISIANA. New Orleans, La [ was passing through the Change of Life and be- fore 1 took Lydia I im'’s Vegetable Compound I was troubled with hot flashes, weak a feelings, backache and irregularities. I would get up in the morni ng tired out and not fit to do anything. ‘Since I have be ating your Compound and Blood Purifier I feel all right. Your medici worth their weight in gold,” = Mrs. GASTON BLONDEAU, 1541 Poly: St., New Orleans, La. TI'ER FROM FLORIDA. I} Wauchula, Fla,—* time ago I wrote to yon giving you my symp toms, headache, bacl ¢, bearing-down, and discomfort in walking, caused by female troubles. “I got two bottle Lrdia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and a 1 that was all I used to make me a well woman. f | had done like a good many women, and had not taken your remedi ould have been a great sufferer. But I started in time with the right medicine and got well. It did not cost very much either. I feel that you are a friend to all women and I would rather use your remedies than have a doctor.” — Mrs. MATTIE HopxNor, Box 406, Wau- chula, Florida. package of Sanative \ “I am satisfied th LETTER FROM WEST VIRGINIA. Martinsburg, W. Va.—*‘ 1am glad to say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound has done wonders for my mother, daughter and myself “I have told dozens of people about it and my daughter says that when she hears a girl compl ith cramps, she tells her to take your Com- pound.” — Mrs. MARY Ho NBERRY, 712 N. 3rd St., Martinsburg, W. Va. ANOTHER LETTER FROM VIRGINIA. Newport News, Va.— ut five years ago I was troubled with such pains and bloating every mon I would have to go to bed. “A friend told me to ydia KE. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and 1 soon found relief. T cine strengthened me in every way and my doctor approved of my “I will be glad if 1 from female weakness.” W News, Va. Why don’t t mony will help some one who is suffering '. J. BLAYTON, 1020 Hampton Ave., Newport u try this reliable remedy ? hanks We wish to express our most pro- ac ‘hilds lesires ress on, Jacob Childs desires ress ound appreciation to the very many his heartfeit thanks tq vho i : : . : : J riends who so kindly and freely assisted in any way during ick-~ ] ness and death of his bel vife, | Nelped in our recent bereavement. Margie I.. Childs. L. N. Stauffer and famiiy. re ——————— ra eo — Nese. 0 1) a | ry " . 1 - ] n \ a = = ACN 00 GO I 1 PR By I ll IL HE i SR EEE a = ” . w I'he way to have a Bank account is to start one. » You will find ir easy enough to keep it growing after you once begin. We invite all to joir our Savings Department which will open March 1st 1912. Begin with one dol- lar and we will give you a pass book; you can deposit as often as you wish. Your money will draw interest for every full month depodted at rate of 3 and 6-10 11 Ot per annum and compoundec every 12 months. Come and ask for rules and regulaions. | most important factor. (row to permit THE FIGHT FOR PRESIDENT THE BULLETIN, MOUNT joy, ges elualsatesdoobdoaeedonioolesbsbeofoofoobdsfoafoots oe obelodondeods fos donionis ooo eb dbaisodenfodr fos PA. Wille dele ddd ilies oleate deaiealiealdleah db i db cb 8 8 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTYTY TITTY March 1012, Wednesday, deals selene loads dlede ols ddd dd 8 8 8 8 2 A 8a CTT TTFFTFTTseeseses sete raya» ! : Tart Has 138 Delegates, Roosevelt 4 ° & 1 le " a k J + + | wee for the publican presi- o& i A + dential nomination etween the oo I varion aspiran in progres all : _ " + wer the count nd will continue * until the Republican National Con- + 3 | . vention meets in June next at Chica- * 3 go. Up to date 138 delegates have ** I + been elected in the interest of Presi- + —— I dent Taft, twenty nr ex-President By ey " “ i ) { for . . b » 4 » Roosevelt, ten for Senator La Fol- § Smart Spring Suits, $15 THIS IS A ONE PRICE lette, and two for Senator Cumming, « ; 1 ’ 5 » hi y ASK yd a y arie f Spr y X 3 o > of Towa, as is set forth in the follow. 3 We ave assembled a splendid varie ty ol Spring Suits at thig popu- PIANO STORE + ing table. The progress of the con- lar price. They are made in the attractive new fabrics and are cut along I g Li I 38 BO - . . . . + test is compiled from the New York 3 lines most approved in this season’sstyles The price of a Piano should be T Herald 3 At $15 A Whipcord Suit, ingray, blue, tan and black, in soft fixed as that of any other merchan- 3 FOR TAFT oe two-toned effects; plain two button cut away Jacket, with wide revers dise and not a matter of dickering, pi o* : : ; : : i Alabama (seven districts and ’ and plain collar; semi-loose back; lined with good quality peau de as Is usually the case. All thePlanos, I six delegates at large) ...... 20 3 cygne. The Skirt is high waisted and is made with new side effect Pianolas, Pianola Pianos and Victor * District of Columbia a % At $15 \ French Serge Suit in blue; two button cut away jacket; Talking Machines sold here have but I Florida 19% satin lined: with braid trimming on revers and cuffs and on skirt to one price—the lowest consistent 1 XE AEN SE Ste - >. i . a - = : . + Georgia (nine districts and + match, giving the one-side effect. Smoked pearl buttons are used effect- with their quality-—-and every pur- + iva . . wl des + four delegates at large) ..... 29 i ively on coat and skirt. chaser knows that no one else can +> Indiana (two districts) ........ 4 £ buy for less I » . o : : lowa. (four distriets) .......... 8 % ot lish Spring Dresses, $9.75 Any inexperienced person can buy 3 Michigan (two districts)... 4 & . . . . here as safely as the most incompet- * : . Presa Handsome Cream Serge Dresses: trimmed with black and white . : 4 Missouri (two districts) ....... i 3 : ‘ i ent musical expert and be certain 4 , Mogi ; ' 1 striped and Copenhagen messaline around collar and cuffs, They are that he has secured full value for his I Yow svice 3 p NP Py » 4 . p - oN hy i * has secured § e for New Mexico (six of the eight & high waisted and cut with the side effect on collar and skirt, money and a musical in tramant 3 al apres IY a es . . " . . . -s 3 i & S1CE Bir e delegates) 6 % Attractive Navy and Tan Serges: trimmed with White serge and : + Oklahoma (one district) .. 2! : A : ’ that will meet every expectation + eC oat] etna + Macrane lace on cuffs and collar. The skirts ar paneled back, but other- y i ’ F Philippines. ................. bl wise plain When buying a Piano remember + go /1s€@ plain, : + i t South Carolina (five districts 2 that at this store the first price is the I ge 3 oir n y i and four delegates at large 14 & i i ial Ye Qi : lowest price and the only price, a > Tennessee. (seven districts)... . 1s & Silk & Chiffon Waists, Speciai $1.95 Women’s Silk Petticoats, $2.29 policy pursued by very few plano * Virginia (ten districts and four 3 These are exceptionally fine An exceptional value in Fine stores I delegates at large) ......... 90 = messaline, Jap and Tub Silk Waists, Taffeta and Satin Messaline Petti- ou > - I in navy, brown and black, and white coats, in latest cuts and colors. The . INVESTIGATE THESE PIANOS * Tatal for. Tait ............ 138 yi Ba Sirize. Plein hives eh taffetas are plain tailored, and the You will find them the finest in- + YOR RR STEVI mM ‘rench collar and cuffs and plain : sty mits > Zrabiost v FOR ROOSEVEI./ : touted %ols. The cliflous arc messalines are made with accordian struments and the greatest values * Missouri (one district) ee pleated models. 1e chiffons are in ; . in Lancaster. Heppe $365 up, Mar- * Kew Mexio so. i. g | ¥ navy, black and brown, with chain pleated flounce and finished with cellus $325, Edouard Jules $315 o Oklahoma (three districts and ¥ embroidery on front over white filet silk fringe. Black, Navy, Copenhag- dM These Pianos all have the patent- ¥ ten delegates at large) 16 |} net and collar to match. en, pink, lavender, green and white. ed three sounding hoards. 3 ip Weber, Steck, H. C. Schomacker + oe . | ° Orn pr x ’ ’ ’ : ’ $e Total for Roosevelt ......... 20 % Stylish Easter Hats at $5.95 and $5.00 Francesca. + Ld FOR LA FOLLETTE > We are showing a larger selection than usual of these mage tailored PIANOLA PIANOS = North Dakota crrenananl 10 8 hats at this popular price, trimmed with silk, velvet and flowers. Among - 3 FOR CUMMINS 3 the models are a few which we mention here. Steinway, Wheelock, Stuyvesant, * Jowa (one district) .........,. 2 3 A small shape of Panama Braid, effectively trimmed with hemp w eber. . 3 + straw and velvet to match, in wing and band effect. Prices from $600 to $2,350. x mT, For i - y : : : 3 : ‘abi y ig as . y y fo Total for Cummins ceeeens 208 An effective turban shape, of Milan Braid, trimmed with flowers Cabinet Pianolas—for use with 3 . « v )e ¢ On The above estimate does not in- x around crown and wings to match. amy | iano $250 up. * clude New York and Indiana, which & Victor Talking Machines and Vie- x OT state OC sntions + trolas $10 to $200 + | were to hold State Conventions on J : ' $2 > [Tuesday and expected to largely in- | °F : » 25-31 West King Streets, \ll sold for eash or on monthly - : 3 i ) [crease the vote for Taft. mar27-1t. o& J 0 payments | crease the vote mar27-1t. % ei ! oy LANCASTER, PENNA. + re ent RA A Reem + < oN The Week in Grain Bobdedededdededeleirobededoiedeodedodboddedoiodeobddoiodd does boise dso food desdodesgoioedosoto Todo Zone fend Bb: A StgttdT ompiled for the Mount Joy Bulle- . — — i y n , Try . . . ¥ BY Pal —~ Tw iin, at Mount _Joy Ps by aa, L This machine has come to stay, TROLLEY SCHEDULE Repels Attack of Death _ Ts Bear & Co.. Pennsylvania Building, | ~~ sh hine fru Or Saas : : BD WwW ns Wi - C Phitadelphin. Pa. by D.'B. Lohman. because it does anything for the sncaster, Rohrerstc Landisviile ‘lve years ago two doctors told § or omen VY $30 are Manager, Woolworth Building, Lan- OPerator that is asked of it. Runs Salupga, Mt. Joy and glizebeth- me | had only two years to live.” Of course you use an antisepticin your er Denne : your wash machine, ice cream town Street Railway Co. This startling statement was made amily and in the ¢ of your own per- Phila, Pa., March 25, 1912. | freezer, polishes with a buffing ! WESTWARD by Stillman Green, Malachite, Col. Sof, Sud you Sadi! She Jest, J ‘hile any sharp breaks in wheel, grinds with an emery wheel ive Lancaster—a m. 4.30 “Thev ) , ie with con- stead of what you have been using W hile the m SE ! : wheel, grind With an eme Ty waes, | 8.15, 9.15, 1 11.15; p. m They told me I would die with con uch as liquid or tablet antiseptics or price at the end of last week has | etc. i 16 6, 7.10, 8.15, 9. sumption. It was up to me then to peroxide, won’t you please try Paxtine, served for inertia and sluggish price A full 1-3 H. P. Motor and the 4.50 try the best lung melicine and I be- @ concentrated antiseptic powder to be movements, the undertone has been lightest machine of its size on the mM. gan to use Dr. King’s New Discovery. lissolved in water as needed. a foie Fics . ont ; 8.35, 9.35 3 . Paxtine is more economical, more strong and a fair upward movement market. |. aye i lech mn, 5.12, J 8.57 It was well I did, for today I am cleansing, more germicidal and more 4 i : : . s 57, SAT { 57, 11.67. > m, 12.57, ; : . : . 3 eT accomplished, with the highest trad- Only a demonstration needed toss; 3 67, 4.57, 6.67, 6.67, 7.67, 8.67. 9.67, 11.57. Working and believe I owe my life to healing than anything you ever used. ing level reached the final day of convince any one. Ask for catalog { 5.00, 10.00 11005 vo. © Pd 5.00. 5 00 3 this great throat and lung cure that » the week. Much of the impetus has | 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8,00, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00. has cheated the grave of another an iy Ga mal { Leave Mount Joy—A m, 65.30, 6.15, 7.16 Saal, s3 . been borrowed from coarse grains {#15 9.16, 10.16, 11.16. P m, 12.15, 1.16, 21s, victim.” Its folly to suffer with ATLL 722 which have strengthened materially [Li 418 515 615, 7.15 885, OB, 11. coughs, colds or other throat and QDI under continued snows and rough | Arriv af Blizabethtown 4 2 38 is lung troubles now. Take the cure ANTISE! TIC ag ee ( 5.46, 9.45, 10.45, .45. m, 12.45, 1.45, 2 , . ye weather over the west. On the other 3.46, 4.45, 6.45, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45, 10.45. A m. that’s safest. Price 50 cents and In the toilet—to cleanse and whiten Sa : {158 : | | hand foreign markets have been in- | fel EASTWARD $1.00. Trial bottle free at S. B.| the teeth, remove tartar and prevent clined to weakness, more liberal Leave Elizabethtown—A m, 6.46, 7.4 Bernhart & Co’ decay. To disinfect the mouth, destroy [ 3.46. 9.45, 10.46, 11.45. P m, 12.45, 1.45, 2.45, disease germs, and purify the breath, net II eens te - . To keep artificial teeth and bridgework = | clearances from the Argentine the Our own ex- improved, with Manitoba’s port inquiry has fair sales especially of to Liverpool and Antwerp. The do- mestic cash inquiry while modest, has kept pace with the advance, the heavy arrivals to primaries early in the week altho largely in excess of shipments, adding nothing to visible stocks. hard to the week is than a week ago. fair commission house inquiry, but largely limited to periods of weak- ness, with the price range too nar- of a is against the price, but activity in this direction has not been effective. 0 } =|0n the whole we regard the situa- = tion as healthy, and favorable to | further advances. BN . AMUSEMENTS $ ' | Those Who Will Hold the Boards at un OOOO 0 = Automobile Buyers! Here is a Splendid Collection of Cars For You to Select From m gu Reo, R. C. Hupp, Premier. Firestone _ Columbus, Velie. Oakland. 8 . We are also in position to quote you on delivery trucks and carry a variety of second-hand cars. Do not fail to look them over. Also carry the largest stock of auto supplies in this end of the county. We have just closed a contract for pil which enables us to sell you oil at wholesale prices in quanities of five gallons and upward. We have been using this oil for four years and know it to be good. Your patronage solicit 7. | Landis Bros., Rheems. TL TR |imitator A Lancaster's Leading Theatres The Colonial For week commencing March 25. Mr. Homer Lind and 5 people, ‘“Gungoire,” thee Street Singer’ late | principal Baritone of the Metropoli- In a trading way, the net result of | determine. | There has been a fair degree both of | liquidation and short covering, and | the open interest is probably smaller | There has been | large volume. | Sentiment in professional channels | The BISSEL is simply a wonder. Distributed by C. 0. BRANDT MAGIC AND BISSEL ELECTRIC OLEANEKER P. 0. Box 42 MT. JOY, PA. | Ladies Make $8.00 to $5.00 Daily | We want a Live Representative in | every town to introduce our complete | line of spring and summer Suitings, | Waistings, Silks, Petticoats, Hand- | kerchiefs, Corsets and Hosiery. We | furnish exclusive patterns, attractive samples, and give exclusive territory | to active representatives, and furnish | a very elaborate sample outfit free; | extending credit to those furnishing ia « : Cycling | satisfactory references. For full | lan Prglish Opers company pies E particulars, address Mutual Fabric Zanoras, Comedy Cyclists; AL |Co., Dept. 25, Binghamton, N. Y. and Fannie Usher, playing Fagan’s | mar.13-3t | Decision; Nervins and Erwood, | - — 2 : Black face singing and dancing | po DELEGATE to DEMOCRATIC specialty; Hoey and Lee, famous Hebrew Comedy Stars and Paro- NATIONAL CONVENTION | dists; Leon Rogee, The Well known instruments; furope’s new- The act bean- of musical Ferrer and Edgirettu, est animal sensation, tiful: story of a hunt; in living mo-els. re ee Qn mee State of Ohlo, city of Toledo, bss Lucas County, . Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J, Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of To- ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev- ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALI'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pre ke this 6th day of December, (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally | and acts directly upon the blood and mu- cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, A F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75¢. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. —— Wanted-1-A position for a young girl 13 years old, in good family. Ap- ply at thid office. William S. Sullivan EIGHTH WARD, LANCASTER Favors the nomination of Governor Woodrow Wilson for President. Your vote and influence respectful- ly solicited. PRIMARY ELECTION SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1912. TRADE-MARKS and copy: fee. Send model, sketeh description, for FREE SEARCH and report on J patentabili years experience Send 2-cent stamp for NEW OKLET, It will help you to or photos and brief full of patent information. fortune. READ PACES 11 and 12 before applying for kh patent. Write to-day. D. SWIFT & C0. PATENT LAWYERS, 303 Seventh St <**ashingtsn, D. C. re | & 5, 4.46, 6.45, 6.46, 7.45, 8.46, 9.45, 10.45, | 12.30. | , Leave Mount Joy—A m, 5.30x, 7.15, | 315, 10.16, 11.16 P m, 12.16 1.15, 2.15, tis, 65.16, 6.16, 7.16, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15, id Salunga—A m, 6.46x, 7.30, 1.30. P m, 12.30, 1.30, 2.30, 10.30, woo Prom = 555 fo —- J, 10.30, 0, 5.30, 6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 00. e Landisville—A m, 10.33, 11.33. P. m, 12.33, , 5.33, 6.33, 7.33, §.33, 9.33, 10. 2, Leave Rohrerstown—A m, 6.1 .66, 10.66, 11.66. P m, 12.56, .66, 6.66, 6.65, 7.56, 8.55, 9.56, 1 m, s Pm128 15 6. 15. , 2.15, 8. +b. 615, 7.15, 815, 9.15, 10.15, 11.15 wm 9.38. 1.45. On Baturdays a car will leave Lancas- ter at 10.156 p m; ti.46 p m, On SAUrdaTe «{l1 be run oy every half hour form 6.16 a. m. to 8.16 | f Be = — Hos woo Bi 8 ih 5 = ® Heo oF! > &i 3 55 BES af Lancaster—A and special occasions cars wom, Sundays, first car leaves Lancaster at Meet Me on the Bridge and We'll | Have a Plate of the | est Iee Cream in Town | RT ELLER'S] All Flavors at All Times. Special Prices to Parties, Festivals, | Suppers, Etc. Mrs. GC. H. Zeller i Aarietta Street MOUNT JOY. ? For Sate.” An entire threshing outfit, Frick’s engine, 17 to 20 horsepower, used 4 seasons. The thresher is a new self-feeder, 30x52, Algo an EH straw baler. Will sell at Call to see them. El Lititz, Pa., R. D. Ni Instead off Liquid Antiseptics Peroxide many people ardow using Paxtine Toilef Antiseptic The new toilet germ: L_ powder to be dissolved in water needed. For all toilet and ienic uses it is better and more e@nomical., | To cleanse and whifen the re teeth, remove tartar and 7 prevent decay. | To disinfect the mouth, de- | 8troy disease germs, and | purify the breath. { To keep artificial teeth and | bridgework clean, odorless | To remove nicotine from the teeth and | purify the breath after smoking. | To eradicate perspiration and body odors by sponge bathing. | The best antiseptic wash known. | Relieves and strengthens tired, weak, inflamedeyes. Heals sorethroat, wounds and cuts. 25and 50 cts. a box, Srageists or by mail postpaid. Sample ve | THE PAXTON TOILET CO..BosTon, | feb.7-tf Leave Elizabethtown | twwen Lancaster and Mt. | $1 . m. Leave Elizabethtown at 7.45 | 3, 4, Ry Car marked (x) connects with | Several good Building Lots front- “own Fixoress at Lancaster. |‘ng 95 feet on South Barbara Street, | East Main St., 88. | $15.00 to $50.00 per Week ! We will teach you salesmanship | and fruit growing free. Will pay you well for selling our “High Qual- | ity,” Propagated-from-prize-winning parent, Guaranteed Nursery Stock. No other nursery offers such great | inducements to the planter. Perma- {nent, year-round position. Pay promptly. Outfit free. Write be- |fore your territory is taken. | PENNSYLVANIA NURSERY Co., Girard, Erie Co., Pa. |jan. 3-3 mo. For Sale Mount Joy and extending in depth of that width 154 feet. There is a good stable on these lots that could very {#asily be converted into a double dwelling. For further particulars apply to Lewis Seeman, Mount Joy. Shaving Halr Cutting Joseph B. Hershey - Tonsorial Parlor MOUNT JOY Three Chairs. No Waiting ' Agen for the Middletown Steam Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday fand delivered Friday. Terms Moderate. Bell Telephone. CHARLES S. FRANK AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA. Prompt Attention given to Sales of Real Estate and Personal Property. * Reference: Jonas L. Minnich. EAE TE ho LIOR ATR AR AG AW Pf SRa@ TPCH OM Prey T 4 “ AA E HEAR pw ; gissadoiaedl Malis Bb £0 J ILE oo A ary Ruvigr for Sur , 5 BW NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL 00 1 Garber + D. Chandler & C Sold jn Mt. Joy by E. W and W . Pr mA equ ur qu ENTS, Samples Free. Sc Ml by Druggists, RTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, 3 A ; X Sold in M1. Joy by E. W, Garber and W. D. & Co. Call for free Subscribe for the Mt. Jo; CE ERR VF A TY S | clean and odorless, To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspira- tion odors by sponge bathing. As a medicinal agent for local treatment of feminine ills where pelvie catarrh, inflammation and ulceration exist, nothing equals hot douches of Paxtine. For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. has been regularly advising their patients to use it because of its extraordinary cleansing. healing and germicidal power, For this pur- pose alone Paxtine is worth its weight in gold. Also for nasal catarrh, sore throat, inflamed eyes, ents and wounds. All druggists, 25 and 50 cents a box. Trial box and testimony of 31 women free on request. THE PAXTON TOILET CO.-BosTon, Mass. 01 "2" » . EAT Gunzenhauser's TIP-TOP BREA You are invited to visit our clean, modern, bakery at Prince and Clay Streets, Lan- aster. - VERE RRR a i a = M. C. BILLETT, Agt. Delivery—Monday, Wednesday and Saturday OO OL TO Licy just can't must when fed up u it. For Sale by BRANDT & STEHMAN Mount Joy, Pa. Asli the man who iseds it
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