nT PAGE 2 THE BULLET MOUNT JOY, PA IN SCHROLL, Editor & I'rop’ YEA SULSCRIVTION PRICE 81 A Six Months 50 Cents Ihree Months 205 Cents Single (‘oples 2 Cents +++. FREE Sample Coples Kutered at the post office at M1 ut ait Joy as second-class mail matter Lome In five or ten drop doses it 11 correspondents must have thelr efficient when in tympanitic ab cotrnmunications reach this office not gen there is a hemorrhage or | y ‘ ‘ Tele y YW late than Monday Felephone news not, t when there is a dry, browne of iraportance between that time and : 12 o'locck noon Wednesday. Chan ured tongue In such cases it | ges for advertisements must posi- should also be used as an enema tively reach this office not later than ,,.,narly diluted In any case of in- | , N adve ements Monday night New ad res Rel ® ternal hemmorrhage, it should be inserted If copy reaches us Tuesday night. Advertising rates on appii- "sed — A v remedy 1gainst worms, tur- EDITORIALS itine should be given in compara- Add a little boiling water to an tively lan doses and in proper time emelet to keep if from being tough hould be followed by castor oil. “aes. Relief obtained in chronic affec- If you grease the inner rim of a tion of 1 larnyx and bronchial kettle its contents will never boil tubes by the inhalation of steam sur- | ever. harged with the fumes of turpen- | «oe a = tine It is a quick and reliable res- | Carry a lead-pencil in your pock- ratory stimulant in teaspoonful et, and date the eggs as you gather | (gses. To sterilizie nail thrusts and them each day. puncture wounds, turpentine should * LJ * : * be ozonized by leaving a bottle of The range will keep black much jt ror some time uncorked. The bot- longer if you rub the stove over (jo should be wide-mouthed. with soap, then apply the blacking n hosphorus poisoning, turpen- Bave all small pieces of soap for this ne ery useful The French acid purpose. il is preferable, as it is old and is * * * * 1 i i i ely ozonized, In salivation tur- Keep your spices in glass bottles jentine is a good remedy. It would with screw tops—such as peanut- iturally seem that this would be butter jars. A glance will tell you jrritatin but on the contrary, the | she contents, even if marked covers .ioct upon the mucous membranes will get mixed. * x NM » To keep fish, never put one on to] eof another. arately in this, and keep on ice. * - * * If you feel all run down and des- pondent, if you are not slepping well It has bee aid that turper #f you feel as if life were a real bur- den and that you must consult a doc- | .frect por, just think it over. you need is to raise your window at night. 2 5 * * = It is a pity that so much extra work accompanies the beautiful spring days. We could enjoy them better if we had more time, and if the spring sewing, house-cleaning, gardening, sitting hens and hatching all ehickens, were not needing at- tention at once. . * * * * Wring a clean cloth out eof cold salt water, wrap the fish sep- put them on a dish |; Perhaps all | sisting in childbirth. bedroom | r | and ty panle dru ledly he ul in typhoid fev there a tympanitic ab mike velling he mouth ig soothing ir ) In bladder and turpentine stimulates the cystorenal behind ction, leaving an antisep- effect. large doses are purgative ind if not quickly eliminated, are to produce strangury pain- ful urination in drops. Line n large dos ha an alcoholic abortion But this W, 3 turpentine, like eucalyp- producing or as- foubtful. vhow, oil, and many other simple pro- 1 old- grand iat kind, are good, edi that our ers use effectively, before new 1 s had been in- and salu- | kidney troubles, is | THE BULLETIN. MOUNT | | | | | | | | | q canned cold water. cut fit them tightly into a thoroughly clean jar and let the water run full force into the jar for fifteen minutes till all air is excluded. Screw on the top while the jar is still under water- see that it is perfectly air-tight—and Rhubarb may be in Use {freshly stalks, the contents should keep and be like | fresh rhubarb. . - . . As a substitute for hot-water bags in ordinary ailments such as tooth- ache, earache and other minor pains, | use common flannel bags made in eonvenient sizes, with drawstrings. Pill them with hot sand or salt, and they are safer than a cheap rubber bottle, just as efficlous, and much handier to use; keep a half-dozen ready. times of aches and, pains. ne lA) Aen Work For The Elitor Most any one can be an editor. All an editor has to do is to sit at his desk six days in the week four weeks of the month and twelve months in the year and “edit” such stuff as this: “Mrs. Jones of Lost Creek let a ean opener slip last week and cut Rerself in the pantry.” “A mischievous lad of Matherton threw a stone and struck a compan- fen in the alley last Tuesday.” “John Doe climbed on the roof of Ris house last week looking for a leak and fell, striking himself on the back porch.” “While Harold Green was escort- ing Miss Violet Wise home from a shurch social last Saturday night a savage dog attacked them and bit Mr. Green on the public square.” “Isalah Trimmer was playing with a cat Friday when it scratched him on the veranda.” “Mr. White while harnessing a broncho last Saturday was kicked They are of great help in |of water daily. ry night before tiring, olive oil, morning of cream of [tartar in half a glass of water. If | there are any gall stones, this will [clean them out, and will also relieve liver of a great amount of and restoring it to {normal condition. You should then very carefully select your diet; use very little of concentrated food, but plenty of juicy fruits and vegetables, and drink from one to three quarts {two tablespoons of pure upon arising in the nd take one teaspoonful your work, aid in Dear Doctor: I have had for several years, a skin disease, commonly known as blackheads. It never affects any part of my face except my forehead, but is now on my back and chest. Please prescribe treatment, diet, ete. FB RK Blackhead is not as a rule due to dietetic errors, although an excess of pork, buckwheat and syrup may ag- gravate the condition. In some cases, the difficulty is aggravated by being around a hot stove or where there is an abundance of steam. This causes the little sweat glands to op- en and become thoroughly relaxed, so that they do not close readily, then a little dirt lodges inside of the opening and clogs it up. The per- spiration, in attempting to escape, is held back by the dirt, and forms a hard lump or mass, which upon being squeezed out looks like a worm with a black head. It is not, however, but is simply accumulated waste matter with a little dirt at | SEEDS SEEDS Garden and Flower Seeds | just south of the corncrib.”—Boston | Globe. | For Sale Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching, from a strain with a rec- ord not often beaten, also stock. H. H. MORTON feb 21-2 mo Mount Joy, Pa. bmi eaU HOME HEALTH CLUB By Dr. David H. Reeder, LaPorte, Indiana. Turpentine as a remedy:—One would hardly believe that as simple a thing as good, old-fashioned tur- pentine had so many high sounding | It is a stimulant, a | characteristics. diuretic, an anthelmintic, ostatic, given internally, and applied locally it is a rubefacient and an an- tiseptic. Besides all that it is a volatile oil. Well, that is to say that as a diu- retic it will increase the flow of ur- ine; as an anthelmintic, it is death on worms; as a hemostatic, it will check a bleeding; as a rubefacient, it will redden your skin, and as an antiseptic, it will prevent or destroy cause it rapidly evaporates. What is more to the point, however, out of all these things it is a fine remedy {ly wash your face with mild anti-| HD lie snt-iein | a hem- | one end of it. Every night before retiring, you should very thorough- septic soap and soft water, after | { which apply the following solution; | | One or. commercial (32 per cent) {acetic acid, 2 oz. witch hazel, } oz. | glycerine. This will cause a little | smarting, but you can put it on with- lout any fear of injuring the skin. | Let it remain on 15 or 20 seconds, | | then rub the face thoroughly with a | | soft cloth. You will find that a great | deal of dirt which has been left on the skin by the soap and water will ! readily come out. You will be sur-| prised at the amount of dirt you will get off in this way. After rubbing carefully, apply the liquid again and | {leave it om. The next morning you will find the skin looking much | cleaner and clearer, and it will be | soft and flexible. Wash every night! before going to bed with soft water | {and mild soap, and apply the acetic | |acid solution two or three times per | week only. | All readers of this publication are 7s |at liberty to write for information pertaining to the subject of health at any time. Porte, Indiana, with name and ad- dress in full and at least four cents in postage. A Address all communica- | putrefaction. It is a volatile oil be- | tions to the Home Health Club, La | in bulk and packages. Seed time is here and to those needing flower and garden seed we bespeak a generous portion of your patronage. Seeds, Poultry Supplies, Spraying Liquid for your trees on hand at CHANOLE Sunday Hours, 8 to 9 a. m. The Druggist 5 to 6.45 p. m. | West Main St., | OLD DR. THEEL & DR. W. L. THEEL Spring Garden St., (formerly 535 N. 6th St., Phila., Pa.) Ein Deutscher Artz, Only Gorman Specialist. The German Treatment, the only Guaranteed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, others ean’t Care, all use Mercury & Arsenic, worse than the Disease itself, it’s a curse of humanity. All Bkin & Private Diseases, Exeesses, both sex, Abuses, Weaks nesses. Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, D Atrophy, Piles, Losses, Varicocele, Hydroeele, Rupture & Stricture, no eutiing, Kidney, Bladder, 46 yrs. praciice &6 yrs. Hospe fxp. in Germany. Book Free, tells ail, exposing Museums, rs Fraads, Hrs. 9-4,6-9; Sun. 9-2. BLANKETS WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- FITS ON WOOL HORSE BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS, IS THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO $10.50. ORR R EERE ARSE NESE ARERR NER RERES0 AT EO NRE E RRND RRR R RANA RGA RRRRARE SRNR Nss: WELTRRA REE ENE RRNA RENO) FINES™ STOCK LAP ROBES IN THE COUNTY, FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV- ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL STOCK OF VETERINARY MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS Fiward Kreck! LANCASTER, PA. Jou- R -I1ST Trunks at Half Price. Great Bar- gains. On The Square. AEE RRR ER RRR RRNA RARE NOTARY PUBLIC W. M. HOLLOWBUSH Attorney-At-Law ¢8 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa Days at Lancaster, Mcnday and Fri- day at No. 52 North Duke Street | SUTTER nsmnHEunnn nnn ann nn Read the Styleplus Clothes Story in this week's aturday Evening Post (Issue of March 30th) This store 1s the only authorized agency for Style- plus Clothes in MIA this community.” - American Plan Exchange Hotel Mount Joy, Pa. J. M. Backenstoe, Pro. | Heat, Electric Light, Ete. the Market Affords. Also iunech Counter Where Soups, Sandwiches, Tripe, Oysters in Every Style Etc., Ete, are served | BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS TOBACCO SEED Weaver's Imp. Broad Leaf, § oz. Individual plant, 50c; 3} oz. No. 1 grade 25c. merchants or by mail. JOHN S. WEAVER Glen Mawr Seed Farms KINZER'S - - jan. 31-8t. \ } Table is Supplied With the Best Checse, |Good Stabling Accomodation Local and Long Distance Telephones For sale by all leading { PENNA. street, or J. B. Martin & Co. | | i GETZ BROTHERS Mount Joy Hall Bldg. Mount Joy, Rates Meeks Ii Its Fish You Want I Can Always Supply You I always have on hand aii kiads | of fish in season and would be pleas- Has just been remodelea thruout. | ©d to have your order. Has all modern conveniences such | ALL FISH CLEANED GRATIS | as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam | 9-9 9 Also Oranges, Ban- ‘anas, Lemons, Etc. Penna. LUNG DISEASE “After four in our family had died of consumption I was taken with a frightful cough and lung trouble, but my life was saved and I gained 87 pounds through using DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex. PRICE 50c and $1.00 AT ALL DRUGS! HOTE ; McGINNIS The undersigned having remodel- ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, ete., is now prepared to entertain trans- ient and regular guests. John Darrenkamp, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. i MUST YOU MOVE Perhaps you want your carpets out | of your way for a few weeks. We will take them up, clean them, ang store them free until you want them.f{When you are ready, we will deliver] them and relay them. Saves you Ipts of trouble. Orders at Novelty Carpe Cleaning Works Orders at Works, 135 [Beaver Both phones at both places. RESTAURANT in connection with hotel where he will serve in season. OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style TURTLE SOV. P, Etc. Etc. Private dining room for ladies. J. WW. McecG-innis, PROPRIETOR i JHovss sinus iaseumstiin % HARRY WILLIAMS , BARBER Shaving Massaging Hair Cutting Razors Honed Shampooing Toilet Waters & Singeing Shaving Soaps Agency For Elkhorn Laundry Opp. First National Rank MOUN1TJOY, PENNSYLVANIA rr rTrvrTTTTYTYrTY dadealodadedeetedh all 8.8 8 eee i
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