The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 27, 1912, Image 10
THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, March 20th, 1912, Farmers Column Se Gila: Of the Honey Ma — WwW a tt & S h a Il d of the Farm Help Problem—The | Returns from an Acre of Ground | . . . — Square & E. King St., Lancaster The amount of capital required to | AFP AER nh. CET THEM ERT l— KEENER'S Reduced During the Month of March [— C—O Men's Dress Shoes Men’ s Heavy Shoes Ladies’ Dress Shoes Were $4.00 now . $3 00 Were $2.50, now : 2. 70 Were $3.00, now Were $3 , now mea - Were $2.50 Were $3.50, now 2.70 : 2.25 os Were $2.25, now tin 1 79 Were $2.00, now Were $3.00 now . 2 ’ i a! 2.25 Were §: Were $1.70, now 1 >< , now 1 48 3 ’ ‘ere $2175 n « Were $2.75, now 2.00 Were § 5, now 5 or Were $1.° now sw launch an energetic farmer in the hog raising business is not great, and | ele LB 8 a ass. FRR TTTTTTTTrTTTer If care Is exercised, fair profits will be obtained. the first year, | \ farmer near Husum, Wash, Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday owns H0u acres ol undeveloped land | covered with oak trees which he has | fenced hog tight. Last year he fatten- | ed H00 hogs on acorns, feeding only M h 20 21 d 29 $200 worth of grain are ’ an \ Kansas City newspaper employed | an experienced gardener to grow vegetables on one acre of land and during the first year he produced OPENING EXPOSITION $1,600 worth of vegetables at a net profit of over $1,100, It is a fine ex- ample of what may be accomplished OF — Beeleeleslealoaloatoate dle dl. 3. 8 8 2 8 PRR TTTTTTTTTTeT™w by highly scientific: farming A pioneer farmer living near Ken- dallville, Ind while plowing un- earthed a nest of bumble bees. The . . insects made uch a vicious attack eaut ul upon him that he was unable to es- cape and his relatives found him lying — dead near his team. His head and CELE g pring Millinery I'he solution of the farm help prob- Bealeeteetestoelecteetooteetecteeteatoatonte tele tet. 8 2 3 8 RETR Te lem lies largely with the farmers themselves, accordin thinking I senting a millinery display of rare beauty and practicability, reveal- their worl reorgani their meth ing fashion notes hitherto unknown, and unfolding for the first time the 0ds SO the an keep men all the year les that will dominate the spring and summer season of 1912. und a king up Tom, Li : , . i ies from the great Ateliers, of Paris, and hundreds of wondrously out into o3son of itiful creations from the talented, cl ands of our own designers, 111 they can ford. give » shown side by side, in such va ty and diversity of style as te men good living quarters and 1allenge the admiration of the most rd-to-pl e man them to keep out of t mire yrance and otal Display of Spring Suits, eieeioriofesiorocfecfecioclooforforfocfostonforfecfocfosfororeried type of workman, but perform service to humanity Tust Boys’ These Shoes gi I) rls S ; amano me mines GOALS, GOWNS, Ete., Ete. or iif X $1.60, now £ mi and that every man is entitled We $2.25, \ $1.98 J ; & a. t ¢ \ ( Were $2.00, 1 1 68 i 4 e »1.o0, now Were $1.75, no 1.59 Were $1.50, nov . 1.10 Were $1.00, now juare deal \ Hired Man : A simple but effective rat trap can . 5 5 J $1.25, now Th . Jloquent of spring is this command ing ection of handsome Suits, y 1 be constructed in any barn by simply : i 4 Joofofocferfociosfectofocforfocfoctorfosfalosiosfocosfostocfosfesfofosforfocforforfocferfocfesforfosfecforfecfecie ettinz in a dark corner a watertight Gowns, ete., which will be exhibited in the Cloak section during the the head nocked ou ening Day An iration, for delightful choosing 4 nds a welcome hand te 3, assemblage that offer less opportunities for study, ENS. JOHN G EENE | | A J. dd 41 A After they become % 3 : i [rimmings of lace on collar and cuffs predominate, while braids, West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna sfesfoefoufosfocfosfeafecfesforfosecfonferforosforesfestociuofoctacfecforforfeciucferfecfesfesfusfsfartaserorfosfosfssfecfontortorfucfocfefenfuctestortonecfosforesfesforfemfosesforfeck fecfococfecfecfonforforfocfosfecfonucfoctenfucosfunfecfufurtecfecierts amilic : y : 3 > md I t to the barrel regular] 11 in abo : vk if present, Altogether the exhibit is well worth a visit . Come, it is yours to em- y placing V ear it )r ar- i woman interested in the excl and the beautiful board wr pol as . i A 3 [he display is almost endless in its ety, beauty ar arm £ them t6: clim ap, sa is] € t 1d char mong st Homestead The ¢ is to be filled about two-thirds arious shades are lavishly used. Cutawa) oats are popular, while the ull of such rubbish as corncobs and «jin, f the skirt remain to a degree unch 1, but without that sugges new Spring Suits, Imported Serges 1ipcords, Bedford Cords im something put or : 4 HIE y mn u tion of scantiness which formerly held C ofesferfertesforterorfecfesfecfocforferforfocdesfecforferocfestesfefe -< BeoTesloslesdesleoteotsste elect stectento ate te te Ou 8. BERR SSI touches of silk or satin, give rise to more variations than ever before YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED Car > RESULTS TELL hey w did ward! With Time on Her Hands | re Us Yost) should be cleaned onl gol There Can Be No Doubt About the filled about three-quarters ul (S. & i. Trading Stamps hig 3 1X Aen TZ Dethe) Results in Mount Joy aie nough chaff should then be to cover the water and a\ ; Ve WS 1 3 {WITH EVERY DOLLAE'S WORTH OF COAL PUR HN Sel vith it a bl wood, on ach side GET: \ . 4 A i Results tell the tale. H 2:140CR Of WOoe, on Be! foresees obododeooloodod dr CHASED FOR CASH AT { a! “i A J All doubt is removed. of which a piece of bacon has been y . . United States Electrie - | y 3 fh / 2 The testimony of a Mount Joy tacked. This will induce the first rat oc is = Ta LZ sl) | citizen to jump in to eat the bacon, the next 4 be = LA Ti 3 . : : : s ’ d er Cit 2 i TYNE Can be easily investigated. one will not hesitate to do likewise, ! 4 / 7 A ; > . S 111 C hoe Repairing Co. . B What better proof can be had? and there will be a fight for the COAL and = —. po Mrs. H. E. Greenawalt, Donegal Possession of the block. The noise Lo) ) g; 8 } St., Mt. Joy, Pa., says: will attract other rats, and when they LUMBER YARDS A £ Sod Gh | “For some timelI was in poor get in, no matter how many there health and I finally came to the con- may be, up to a certain extent they = {clusion that my kidneys were dis- Will all drown. Mount Joy, Penna Be ordered. My back ached constantly Put your bees in a sheltered place Bete agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hang ! Jed) 8 to feel lonely, but if and I was subject to chills and dizzy until next spring They should be Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etc. te Li carrying one of our watches | oops, The least work tired me and sheltered from both the wind and > y : y she will at least be sure of always | f : n Po 1e sun. Probably the best place to Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate {I had but little ambition. Hearing n. Frobabl) St ple gstimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Materia) | °INS accurate in her appointn ents. | ot Doan’s Kidney Pills, I decided to keep them through the winter is in Telephone No. 833. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot is While You Wait Repairing o n Short Notice We are naturally proud of the time- give them a trial and procured a box ‘an empty building. There is no keeping qualities of our elegant gold |, Garper's Drug Store. They acted danger of bees freezing in the cold- and silver watches, as well as of the just as represented. I received inter if they are protected dainty and artistic designs, and the prompt relief and my condition im- fro he wind. When not protected ‘on f.: X beautif yorkmanshi p . : oy x : r ap f be wutiful workmanship throughont. proved in every way.” (Statement ving a blizzard they are often ur Jewelry bears the reputation of siven October 26, 1907.) frozen by the chilling wind. If the i ever best. sun strikes them a cold spell coming You can get your shoes renaired a good job at that, work that is 1 peing Pl R i I Al Re-Endorsement g ease Remember Also . : an " . Ld When Mrs. Greenawalt was inter- warm weather H NA ; ~ Repair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry viewed on January 29, 1910, she finds the bees unprepared for it. . Very Promptly added to the above: “I gladly con- Changes in temperature also cause short notice. For every fifteen TY : nt we will y ; 3 : : firm the statement 1 gave two years tl bees to ea 101°¢ hong ment Wi You will not be disappointed time 5 1; D 's Kid y v ADS TOD CD 10 mp : ig : sv. lag recommending § rin n a we ymperatur OUR STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS FOR SPRING IS COMPLETE. |and again if you bring your repair 28° In recommending Doan’s Kidney nD oven ‘ kK to 1 Pills. My health has been excellent tained Thus, if the food : n p 1 1 ve all ts s Work ne. * Here you will find Hats for all Men for all tastes ) a since then.’ short, there . Fm) sam For sale by all dealers. Price 50 starving before spring ow Foster-Milburn Co., New When an empty building it V, I EG i Lk } “a 1 t f tt United ilabl i : | BY 1 5 YOrk, sole agents or the nite available straw is ften AU Nad 44 ‘ 1 2s 3 y around the hive and held States New and mi Prt 1 Zealloetesteclead, 2.8.0 000 0 TROY YTYY no larger stock in the city from which to select, and none better for price. Harry Yoblonoviiz DONAVEN’S OLD STAND MOUNT JOY, PENNA. MT. JO PA. Remember the name—Doan’s— by a box a little larger than the hive. and take no other. This is not so satisfactory, for bees re UP The delicate, sweet butter taste re rn are often forgotten after a snow that “makes the mouth water” is al y » storm and are smothered before the that “makes th ate - E. 4 'LEMENT JENKINS o } DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS snow melts from the entrance. If ways present in JELKE GOOD LUCK Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat a : Hap «ye, nar, Nose ¢ they are given plenty of food and 44 North Queen St., Lancaster Pa. BUTTERINE. Churned with the 530-532 Woolworth Building good protection in the fall and then richest cream supplied from the Lancaster, Pa. left alone there will be a vigorous John F. Jelke Co. dairies in the fer- Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m, [swarm ready to make honey in the Sibir debi fosfeeegodfrododoofesoifedoofo brivis dibdd Ur Seed Potatoes HERE! rower var ws Sunday and Other Hours | rine > Fox Rive oy. pure, . ay ¢ YOUR © | wholesome, appetizing and delicious. By Appointment sy SE —_— > = Both Phones EXECUTOR'S NOTICE If price concessions on our Finter stock” {Churned fresh every day and de- : . Bell Lan., 994 Estate of Rebecca N. Nissley, late ® ® | All V arieties [livered to you in odor proof cartons, wa Tao iT gal Township ancas to } of East Donegal Township, Lancas- a ppeal Hast Main Street, Don’f Forget The Place, Donovan’s Old Stand Wirdeedoefestesfodecfortonfosfestenfertororonfosfesfactsfontrateostusfuofesonteofere Jose “ofeclonforiosfonfocfecfoctectesforfosfocfefucfonfortocfecfoforfececteoforfecfocfecfostesteofororfesfostorte YY TYE TERRY TPTrrYy v rach one bearing Uncle Sam’s 0. K. ‘ e bearing Uncle Sam’s O. K ter County, Pa., deceased Write For Price List , > : : ; if 4 60 YEARS Letters Testamentary on said es- we'll let you in on some shoe values for a few For Sale Only at RI Our sense of economy A. ~ fg EXPERIENCE tate having been granted to the un- eRe 6 kd up when you see them. The JOHN KIENZLE G Lx k 3 I Ta &¥ |dersigned, all persons indebted there more days that you'll be anxious to snap 3 ood ue : = i gE = Ito are requested to make immediate that are suitable for year a- N. W. Cor. 2nd & Dock Sts. s EEE (payment, and those having claims or | reductions are made on lines and styles Both Phones: Bel, Sinbard 18-43 Philadelphia BUTTERINE CO. a oh ” SRE | demands against the same will pre- | ound wear, regular $4, $5 and $6 goods, all leathers, all sizes, two im- eystone ain, - . . i 1 ' wi : HVA RIT > a : EL, s sent them without delay for settle- TT = a — HW King Sy JAVOASTER, TA. g Pea sine {ment to the undersigned. mense lots: : atdiAdd CoPYRIGHTS &C. JOHN G. SNYDER, Mt. Joy | : THE GRAIN HOUSE OF THE EAST WATER BONDS CALLED lickly nseertain our opinion {ree whether uw | HENRY G. SHELLY, Florin | | N 1 $3 8H the alr ESTABLISHED" 1897 Notice is hereby given the bond 6 iii nal, AX or hatonts Executors. | ot Oi - ’ P holders of the Mount Joy Borough att, ers the oc |W. U. Hensel, Atty. mar 6-6t. | i ‘ x, BEAR & C Water Bonds Nos. 40 and 41, of e pate 4 1 f eemm— Aliens moro ! L 1 N 2-32 8H th WIL IAM 1. 0. $500.00 each, to. prezent them for SVC : fiiic Hie | For Rent i O 0. ' e pair (Members Chicag 0 Board of Trade) payment to the Union Natiomal Mt. culation of any sci 85 Journal ay | From September 15, a large stone | r: four months £1. Joy Bank, Treasurer, on or before MUNN & Co. 3618roacway. [ayy ¥ pil; | mill property recently occupied by | BROE ERS March 1st, 1912, as interest on same | Branch Office #25 I &t.- Washington, D. C. the New Standard Hardware Works, PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts, PHILADELPHIA Will cease on that day. |three floors #nd attic. good water | SH A ! J . By order of Mt. Joy Boro Council, | For Sale jpower with; two turbine wheels, | STOCKS - BONDS INVESTMENTS Feb. 5, 1912. | Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for | would make/a suitable tobacco ware 30 SECONDS 2 MINUTES Clayton Hoffman, Burgess hatching, from a strain with a rec- | house, storzge house or machine BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY “To Chicago Board of Trade. To any Grain Market in Americs 278 not often beaten, also stock. shop. Apply to S. R. Snyder, Mt. : Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. { H. H. MORTON 7 . Lancaster Branch 220-226 Woolworth Bldg. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. |feb 21-2 mo Mount Joy, Pa.| Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin | (3 North Queen Street, LARCASTER, PENNA