The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 20, 1912, Image 2

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    PAGER 2
SCHROLL, Editor & Prop'r. |
J. ©
Six Months
Three Months
Single Coples
sample Coples
Entered at the post office at M
Joy as second-class mail malter |
Ail correspondents must have thelr |
communications reach this office not |
late: than Monday Telephone news |
of importance between that time and |
12 o'locck noon Wednesday. Chan- |
ges for advertisements must posli-
tively reach this office not later than
Monday night. New advertisements |
fmserted if copy reaches us Tuesday |
might. Advertising rates on appll-|
.. 25 Cents
«+. 2 Cents
«+.. FREE
Delegates are in demand
* * - .
Solitude has fled shrieking from
Oyster Bay.
“Big smash in
prices, not shells
. * . *
Many a man can’t afford to dress
well because his wife does
. * LJ »
Colonel Bryan acts like \
who expects to have a bully time
. * » -
As Spring comes to open door
the cry goes “What's the
March she
mal instead
Feb ary
SUPPOSE that the word
ous”’ will now recrudesce
rt. s »
nnual farewell
ill be played in vaudeville
. * . -
with sur-
Colonel said he was
Nobody dropped dead
prise when the
a candiate
" » .
Tells How She Keeps Her
Health — Happiness For |
Those Who Take
Her Advice.
Seottville, Mich. — ** I want to tell you |
how much good Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg-
etableCompound and
Sanative Wash have
done me, I liveona |
very hard. I am
forty-five years old,
and am the mother
of thirteen children,
Many people think
Nit strange that I am
A not broken down
with hard work and
the care of my fam-
ily, but I tell them of my good friend,
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-
pound, and that there will be no back-
ache and bearing down pains for them if
they will take it as I have, Iam scarcely
ever without it in the house,
“] will say also that I think there is
no better medicine to be found for young
girls. My eldest daughter has taken
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-
pound for painful periods and irregular-
ity, and it has helped her.
“1 am always ready and willing to
speak a good word for Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound. I tell every
one I meet that [ owe my health and
happiness to your wonderful medicine.”
Mrs. J. G. JOHNSON, Scottville, Mich.,
R.F.D. 3.
Lydia E. Pir kham’s Vegetable Cc
pound, made from native roots
contains no narcotics or harm
and today holds the record of
most successful remedy for
Krall Meat Market
on hand
at Shwitkey Bumblesock Has to
say This Week
Mer maned, by Chudes, Ich het oll§
shlecht glick in der weldt. De ledsht
woch hov Ieh mich widder in en fardl
henkerty mess greeked. Du waisht
en oldta Sammy Sensawetzer si boo
uff der onera side barrick hut hut em
Billy Boombernickel si barrick duch-
ter g'hired. Es wore bakont gamauch
os de huehtzich daid ob cooma about
nine thr em owet, un so
rlaena bobeerlin wora nows g'shicked
invit Ich hob kens
e'hot, awver wile Ich un der
ob gawexeled
gadenked se
un Ich bin der
in bin nivver
wore en high-
lel wore fot
Garden and Flower Seeds |
in bulk and packages, Seed time is |
needing flower |
bespeak a |
here and to those
and garden seed we
generous portion of your patronage.
Seeds, Poultry Supplies,
Spraying Liquid
for your trees on hand at
p. m
West Main St. MT.
American Plan Rates Moderat«
Exchange Hotel
Mount Joy, Pa.
| J. M.. Backenstoe, Pro.
«® ssa
Wednesday, March 20th, he
Clothes Bl
Are the greatest ever
shown. You can’t
beat them at
Come and learn all about
them. It costs you
This store 1s the
agency for Style
Clothes 1r
This long drop in price of anythin
eggs indicates that h hen has Smoked Meats, Hau lith the Bess
faith that spring is near Lard, Eu ToL att oY EB .
* e1 ‘ork 1 .
* . a Veal ! rk a the Market Affords bi
“The sound of the hammer begins Ays rigat, f
to ing throughout the land.” In § :
ailine campaign Dre ricati gS ves eE 2 ary, ¥ 8 ;
mallung camj . gs P! var bons, ye +5 be (3 AL i. 2]
just about the tin a man be treet, Opp. Bank, iuneh Counter
Ens lo ghink he ; s ‘acquainted . With my levee Polly don het are 1 ndwiches, Che &
his wife she begins to act strangely bussed. Well, d t sin derno oll uff’ in Lvery Sty! 4 (
* * * * a \ ' ~~ Je
NEWTOWN f te erved i ; $ $e 1
Shelby Culom’s candidacy for the There will be hing services Wi ] fi | | dd a
Senate has upon it the taint of that «t Sunday at 7 p. m. by the pastor ren mer nuch fur Ya! em] v7 Nn ie 3 Ei :
vote to keep Lorimer in his seat. Mr. Oristis Wittle spent Sunda) A WVe a. : f w 4 4 ig a 5 ;
R.A eM. : — h iD OVER WITH Mm Ni 4 ; J J in : 1S hy
~ : : ; th his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BR i 5 44 be Bo
While Congressmen are nvest- | wittle. lenked here goes | 2 PRED WINGY 1I1ANADC 0 MI er il A Re Bi% by
tigating the Money Trust, will they Mr. Amos Gallagher and son 0 en Boonasteil-—bin uff g’'sh OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CG | Se ere A 0
sleada 1¢ where is ne ap “ani . : . » : : . | 8 ae |||] | L Pe SR
P sas I ye! is our bel capita Steelton Data a visi to Mr. and Mrs. ed, un im blot 2 fun sawga, "1 *oo se IP £511 li! (id 3% 3 LL Ji |
I Rufus Hipple on Sunday. vou much joyfulness,” we de onera, | . 2
. * . » Nn v :
Mrs. Rufus Hipple returned home hove Ich by em dihenker g'sawd, Good Stabling Accomodation k
Candidate Senator Cummins is : > Hop 5 “ "oq TN Le ° Mou nt Jo Hall Bld
nd from Lincoln, Pa. where she at- How-de-do Ich hobgawist 0s ¢ | ge
. ine for » fel , ‘ho in- Local and Long Distance Telep yor
now looking for the fellow Who iB- |) qed the funeral of a relative lets is ebs hous wore, awver wore tsu ea ong Distance Telephone h
vited him in because the water is Mr. Abram Gamber and family of 'shpote. Ich het grawd en fardle daw- MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
fine a Moore's Mill spent Sunday at the - oevva far en luch far ni shloopa . |
- »
Unitlc Jos” C { ; home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. luch hets gadoo—so we 0 EL McGINNIS n
‘Uncle Joe” Cannon is occuping a : ml 3 :
J thoads. Ich g’feeled hob, De maid hen aw- . :
conspicuous niche in the gallery of Jon Frhoa ov. solourned on . > 5 ° % ; 3 i L ow The undersigned having remodel | I
he once zreai who are OW never Nve of Mount Joy sojourne on | fonga locha un de monsleit hen era | eq the old Mooney Hotel, adding 2|
t € 1 3» Sle L < > . 1 cy ’ p : » ’
Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'shnoop dicher rous un g’hooshed. number of sleeping rooms, bath, ete { 1
note , Ic DOW. y od ! oq SPORTING ne Hn x
quoted. Jia Louis Rosh. \wver Ich bin nuch net on der acci- | i BOW prepared to entertain trans | SI ORTING HILL | ATT uy, B
4 : b Mr. Florence Joy and wife of dent cooma. Noach supper hen se ient and regular guests. Ls ! o Ben! were you surprized on = ~ EI
Chicago reports the marrage : STATTRAR tesday E | - S =|
Mis Bleage Xe parts the N n yy ih Ms Lancaster, were the guests on Sun- derno awfonga donsa, un wile mae RESTAURANT H. H. Rol a A & { h
ie Vv. 1 3 : : Rohrer of Bovossicr te =
i 55 5 one oone 0 ou Sot ia) of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. maid dart wora os ew boova hut aney | in connection with hotel where he ; i itor 0 Royersford, visit- - — M
«maids > V xirls ill serve i eas ed among relatives & ‘rie S - =|
Tena were 1iwo litte gS |vehemiah Haines. mit donsa. Ich hob | Will serve in season. . hv relatives and friends on 8 =
: TRG: Sunday = mo T TW ]
2 blue. SK Carrie, Chester and Mildred n gowl drav OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style ih y Loti . = WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- = Or Are You Doing ST
: : \lessrs Clarence Divet of Mount farleicht far-| TURTLE SOLP, Ete. Etc _ Jacob L. Kaffman and wife spent 2 pine oN WOOL HORSE =. ! h
Mr. LaFollette begins to feel like ri : . Sunday with Oscra Kreider and wife. | = " . Ol :
3 Bap Ey Ee Jov and Walter Divet of West Hemp- hut g daid mich Private dining room for ladies dibs He a Kreider and wife, | = i 3 = " .
the small boy whose large red apple | ° : rsh anbiann iia g Ie bas et : at Manheim = BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT = Repairs ? .
Was taken away from hit by the field, with their families, were Sun- un hut mere so friendlich ins | SM Gover /attobded the # I = 2 ° h
: > os ahs : SE av visitors of the former's parents s Teh uff da fees wor | : Te Yor 8 o le funeral |Z FROM THE MAKERS IS =
big fellows, 2 \ i 4 Horry Divet ? ler fl o b WW. MoGrinmnis, of David Cover at Elizabethtown on | =| Perhaps you want your arpets out Pp
Mr. and Mrs. NT] >t der oor. KS E WHY? n 0 - . a y
- 3. nn > The public roads are in a deplor- | wore orrick warem in der shtoop un PROPRIETOR Monday s THE WHY? OF Iv: PRISED = of your way for a few weeks We will at
New York women who are afraid ‘ble condition and unfit for travel, |we de bisness g'shtart is hov Ich evv: Mrs. Kate Miller, of Lititz, is spend- = ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO =! take them up, clean them, and store Si
of holdup men are wearing imitation |3P*¢ “OBER © ceed : Sern a Y YE dntetodgoidesioitecte : gogosesn | 102 S€Veral days i » home y |= = »m free il vo a1 7 =
a } = 4 : : : : ane and law suits have been threatened jamohl my ruck ob g'shmaiss. Es, | press Po PTD > 1 ne oral days in Me home of P. B, = $10.59. = thet: ites WOH] you Want ffl. When at
jewels. Also some who are not hg eh rs LE na a BI p : % | Ginder = = vou are ready, we will deliver them
afraid of holdup mer some places by the taxpayers. As naixt hov Ich my shtiffel ob gakicked. | § , HARRY WILLIAMS 1 fon. Raval) any = = :
L ( 1olaurg en | : f Alu . oh Jonn vall( rr and fo sap |. NY KTRNCS TY > ua 1 relay 1 . Saves y a
. . . . , is quite a large sum of money | De music is ols shtarricker un shtar | ¥ & i Manhoin Ha 5 ’ Near is FINES STOCK LAP =|20 a A a m. Saves you lots of he
3 . y rye p & Manheim, were Sunday s of |= = | trouble. rders at
hand in e reasury the yb g'shpeered | - : Pl - nm i . - x
If they don’t stop using so many Rand fn tn or Bop ¢ i = leh Be Ipes oe | i BARBER i Martin Horst and family = ROBES IN THE COUNTY, = 2
. : ; . supervisors of al ownship muss un Ich | ives - - 1
straws for the taking f votes, upervisors o AD10 10 : 3 ——— William Kop a dauge r = F 5 \ < [a
eo TT ois irls Hore al . would recommend early repairs 13. wl hv n opp and daughter, £ FROM $2.50 TO $25.00. EV- =
there'll certainly e : ! a | de having Massaging & | Sara Penryn, spent Sunday with |= Zr OR —
hats this spring hichways to the satisfac |} Hair Cutting Razors Honed lal oan ol ite = ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE = Novelty Carpet te
avers and avoi ssibl : s i , wv es ye -~
* ® axpayers and avoid possible ¥ shampooing Toilet Waters Xo sel. wife and son ohn |= AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL : fa
> iz in by legal proceedings. : yal ai ii iay o& : yn J mn, |= = . H
Recent events . mingeing Shaving Soaps ¥ were Sundav visitors of : = C - = 0 W
€ ¢ : Ne Sea wi i & £ 2 § ¥ Wel unday visitors of Albert H.|= STOCK OF VETERINARY = leaning forks
circles rendered it difficult to ¢ oH 9 i Ee 5 Erb and family, near Erisman,s = =
whether chauffuring is RHIEMS | R ‘gency For Elkhorn Laundry &| 1.0] = MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL = Orders at Works 135 Beaver ak
seh eifoasion LVR ve htupped ul J Op i Natl lank Y N i : = -— ie i
school or a profession ver Heffelfinger, of Elizabeth- : on : | ¥ Tey Hn ak A i W. M. Stauffer and children of & KINDS OF HARNESS Z street, or J. B. Martin & Cb. B
a »_ visitor among > ni Sat | ? oh ares IEE Mechanicsville, spent Sunday with = = Both phones at both places. :
Missouri thes; 28 aids TRO" USAL 1 defofongoriong Ga roe #® his parents, Squire and Mrs. J. BE. = -
» prize for the discovery of G. Snyder of Mount Joy, ey Stauffer = S| 50 oy - iy
of The. x yor ed wora shung | ISSER. THE B! IR : 1 Se - =f LOY
of the Houn Dawg lomon Hoover a short visit| < ora sh S. MUSSER, THE BAKER Mr. and Mrs. David Todd and son, = wal [BC g = WHAS. EL. SELLER th
ably they won't catch 4 rPunnG. on LT : i Cakes Deli Clarence, of near Manheim, spent = = . = i)
a + + . ‘fardl minutt alanced esh Bread and Cakes Delivered : 3 : si o - i x
Jamilton. wife and daugh- . Sunday with her parents = ANCASTER = REAL ESTATE AND
It will be noted that those rash i hips on: ti : vat {ot donwara se mere be chiudos, gons through town dally Mr P ter 1 4 : PAST Mn En E LANCosIIN = INSURANCE oe
: . ee . ited n amilton, sr, a : 1 Yenllor vi IS, Te rloya. = -
Mexicans who went up against that hat] : Sanday : nunner g'folla un derno resh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey "et = - ho
ed ¥ y ei EY oe etht yn Sunday. y 3 m ins al + Sherer. Elsmere , . -— ; -~ :
beef trust ranch are now impressed ow1 on ou BY ih e —-————— ms every Wednesday & Thursday 2 Yor iver Elsmere, Del, and |E Op y = Main St. Mount Joy be
bee § é 3 1preas and Mrs, P. EB. Groff were the Funerals. —Weddings & 3 \ M. H. Kauffman and family were = Va LI = — -
with the remarkably high cost of 3 . Funerals, -Weddings and Suppers ) ere = 4% = gg =
fivine as ig we Pr lguests of yr and Mrs. W mn Chap- MARIETTA | given prompt attention Sunday guest in the home of Joseph = iv U & sl Oalling and Clerking of Public Sales th
it 2 0» man at Elizabethtown, last Sunday. Mrs. R. R. Plam, of Harrisburg, { Store & Bakery, West Main Street R. Sherer,at Mastersonville. = Trunks at Half Price. Great Bar = Settlement of Estates Dr
re tania ronhio 1liza- She one fe Ye vas AD Prin <3 . oh 5 . - € . rICe ar- == . : /
«It rarely ever gets cold enough |, Mrs. Lizzie Levenight, of a is the guest of relatives and friends | Mount Joy, Pa. Jacob L. Kauffman just received a = gains. On The Square. 2 Collection of Rents. Mc
in Alabama for one’s breath to turn bethtow n was a visitor a xe in town anch Store at E. Ream’s. new Columbia dump wagon. He will |= . = Surveying and Conveyancing.
T 's bres ure cen house last Wednes-| | pr... Heggner. who had been | - appreciate your orders for crushed THIIIIIEIIMINIIENSERANAESIIRENLNNRNSO ih
foggy,” an Alabama contemporary 2 : oy rs o0oe : a §
erionslv the act tv months ic | stone anc is DE 3 c 13 { O ¢ 5
asserts. It takes a pretty low FE. Hernles and a umber of riously ill the past two months, is | TOBACCO SEED stone and is prepared to deliver Ii I Fi h Y Ww |&® SPP $e900004 to
N rnl anda « able to be about again same. | r
temperature to effect alcohol that EY os : + able to be about agair i : 1¢ ts IS ou ant I Can | @ WeareAlways Prepared toserve sic
other armers loaded two cars of | Rov Ervieman of Christiana as Weaver's Imp. Broad Leaf, § oz. B. B. Shearer Mrs. Martin Horst @ >
way tobacco for the Hoffman Brothers at ROY TIN Sliana, Was indivi 5 i as is S
a Ios en i) offn BL he oucst ‘of his gunt and orand. Indiviqas) pag Baas 3 oN and son Benjamin, spent Saturday Always upply You ® Pure ° of
Jainbridge en iY grade 25c. “or sale by a Amon Yolativew. a A z >
“Representative Victor L. Berger E R Doncherty who hae Beer) mother for several days erchants or by. soal or ng relatives at Mt. Hope. They 2 » Spring P» 2
be : or 5. R ug £ | a. ae 2 : rchants . also attended a sale near by wher ya & 4 Mi
of Wisconsin, the only Sociaist Con- onfind to the house the S rool Miss Edith Engle, of Elizabeth- so atten é 3 2Te P»
confind 1€ se tl past week : 'S AVI snicivi ol pen : o>
EressindD, says that Ha Solution Of [1 couin able to store: He duifes town. ceitite velatites ond - JOU S. WEAVE Benjamin purchased a horse. $ Wratex &
the present situation in this country |, pis store | friends at Philadelphia a INE Mawr ’ Seed NA Cyrus Junction and wife moved to | & TCI P ys
a f r " \ ZER'S - - NNA. DTA OE ph Hi wt : O71
is to spend $12,000,000,000 in buy-| r(.... Kopp and wife, of Milton| Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Overfield, of | jan. 31-8t RURSIT Junelion opt, Thureiak 3 IN ANY QUANTITY at Very 3 Ha
: cia? Te Are De . Je ol1-0L. Howar i YT so 2 y Q
ing out the trusts.” We are perfect- n. ov. wore the guests of Harry abethtown, are on an extended | ps ard Miller assisted, and while 5 ® Moderate Charges. 3 ple
ly willing that Fe Se Koser and family, and Isaac Kopp |visit to the West with relatives re pa Bon) h gg into the, always have on hand aii kiads|g Don’t fail to see us before plac- ® :
n i wi ive bon 3 x vs : » ! house be slipped and in s an- | : ing i :
Zaoulg Be Ie Ee the and family, on Sunday. The rains of the past few days hier braised toaa =i ha MAN" of fish in season and would be pleas- % ug Your OiSe this year. & me
y 5 i . | 1 se Ss he hich ves |
= iY re become 2 The Rheems Water Company 1s caused the creeks and Evans Run to | be rather serious Proves to ed to have your order. ¢ J N Stauffer & Bro $ ho!
amount tha v : Shor ans ast 4 ; : . . : serious. . 5 s
trust himself {making another effort to increase come up considerably, and the river «After four in our family had died FY. K . s ALL FISH CLEANED GRATIS & % on
r . their supply of water by having the |is rising. of consumption 1 was taken with x S030! and wife entertained aise | ® Mount Joy, Penna. & va
ew I y [Myers well drillers from Salunga,{ pr and Mrs. E. D. Graves return- | 2 251 uutay cough BR hung stoublel the following guests Sunday: John ® Bu
Low Rates to the Wes | si ther six-inch hol 0 : ii aienaiadin 5 ut my life was saved and 1 gaine Boll and wife and Ezra Graybill, wife | |
Pennsylvania Railroad Tickets wok aot > etnek ho e abet % |ed from a visit to Chesapeake City, 87 pounds through using and: Sor. Ammon. of Doo Bit: tarry] Also Oranges, Ban=-
2e Wo, P- | Maryland, where they a ’ ee ) : :
Nghe Moiptains, Pacific Ooast,( or urir end to the same stream | 0% Yiere thoy attended he DR. KIN Musselman, wife and son Paul, of @NAS, Lemons, Etc.| oLD DR. THEEL & DR.W. L. THEEL
Western Canada, Mexico and South- | {funeral of a relative. | Lititz; H. H. and C. H. Kozer, and sess se ! | 1719 Spring Garden St. (former 535 5. Gk {
seen wmmp— A a —— | : $ ’ .y » Pa.) Ein Deutsche: a
western points on sale daily Mar. 1 { The many friends of George Rudi- NEW | Mary Sharpe, of Landisville: Abram : | Ses Fuiln. ibs.) Hin Deutagher Arts, Only Sermam 3
T of our Oldest 3 . 5 hi . \ | Guaranteed Care for Specific Hiood Poison, others e
to Apr. 14 inclusive at reduced fares. | wo sill, who went to Philadelphia for D { S c Oo Vv E pl Y |Baymon, wife, son Clarence and | ‘ of dred Sgt hi ly by
Consult nearest Ticket Agent, or A.| The Manheim Sentinel is in the benefit of his health, will be " | daughter Dorothy, of Manheim; and | () I} al Tell dN ) aia bi etangy Ares both ve, Avuser, fl mi:
C. Weile, D. P. A, Reading, Pa. |its 67th year; the Elizabethtown |pleased to know that he is improv- W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex. ¥ip, B. Ginder, wife and son Joseph | | Fie, Kore aresele My srvese: Saptary 4 dreary no
: : INRISTS Kx | . : ! » y ler, 46 yrs. tice yrs. Hosp.
feb. 21-4t J Chtoniclo is in its 43rd. ing. PRICE £0c and $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. land Mrs. H. S. Bradley. | MOUNT JOY, PENNA. | Shin seman. Bush Fries tells ll, expos! Bo
i ins