The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 13, 1912, Image 8

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    PAGY 8
SLUNLLNLLLLNS HG G%%% 555555 555% %55%%%%5%%%%%%%5%%%
Monday, March 4th to
Saturday, March 8th
we will sell you
Rexall White Liniment
Regular 25c. size
Two Bottles for 26
There is no better Liniment on
the market. Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded.
We sell more of This Liniment
than all of the other liniments
put together. This is the chance
of your life for this line of goods.
SONS S%%%LLLLLLY%% GNSS S%%%5555%%5%%5%5%5%RLLLNS
East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa.
SALUNGA Jacob Gorrecht and family,
Kn Lhe le on Mi Jacob Herr spent |
ntertained thelr son Christ and |
1¢ r and Kend nl !
tl iy I'he cea Miss Be Hliestand on Monday en-
ion wa njoyable or tertained at r Mr. and Mrs. Q
Nancy Hertzler ten r o Oak ©
Grove schot ave a Spelling Be« Samuel Eby and family with Elias |
on Saturdi enin March 23. Eby and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
urn out, you spellers Miller and Re Amos Hottenstein |
Howard Peifer and wile were en- ere entertained on Sunday by Mr, |
tertained at a birthday dinner on and Mrs. Jonas Miller at Landisville,
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Peifer ——
in honor of Mr. Peifer’'s 21st. birth- 'o Mothers—And Others
day. You can use Bucklen's Arnica
On Saturday evening perhaps one lve t cure children of eczema,
dozen of our citizens attended the rash tetter, chafings, scaly and
Spelling bee in Mount Joy Hall and crusted humors, as well as thelr
on the same car with them were over accidental injuries,—cuts, burns,
two dozen good fellows who didn’t bruises ete,, with perfect safety.
patronize the spelling bee Nothi else heals so quickly For |
The way to have a Bank account is to start one.
You will find it easy enough to keep it growing after
you once begin.
We invite all to join our Savings Department
which will open March 1st, 1912. Begin with one dol-
lar and we will give you a pass book; you can deposit
as often as you wish. Your money will draw interest
for every full month deposited at rate of 3 and 6-10
per annum and compounded every 12 months. Come
and ask for rules and regulations.
70" OE 6
1A 0 !
Automobile Buyers!
Here is a Splendid Collection of Cars For You to Select From
Reo, R. C. Hupp, Premier. Firestone
Columbus, Velie, Oakland.
We are also in position to quote you on delivery trucks and
earry a variety of second-hand cars. Do not fail to look them over.
Also carry the largest stock of auto supplies in this end of the
We have just closed a contract for ofl which enables us to
sell you oil at wholesale prices in quanities of five gallons and
upward. We have been using this oil for four years and know
it to be good. Your patronage solieited.
R0S., Rbee nS.
ap Fd
Com EE
=~ - 5
Aiter You Are
Sold strictly on
| On
with The
W. W. Fackler while delivering boils ilcers, old, running or fever |
tobacco at the Kendig warehouse on sores or piles “ has no equal 25 New 1912 Cars Now Here
Tuesday found upon his coming out cents at S. B. Bernhart & Co
to drive home that the mules had ee ll ee
left without him and were speeding Nineteen Miles a Second
down the pike Scott Eshleman without a jar, shock or disturbance, | ) \ J I ; ! ’
courageously jumped into the wagon is the awful speed of our earth | Lancaster Aitomohile (),
and got the team stopped without through space. We wonder at such } “ATA 53 NTYASE FY ~ oy
any damage A Carnegie medal ease of nature's movement, and so | GARAGE NEVER CLOSKD
hangs over Scott's head do those who take Dr. King’s New | 230-238 W. King St,
Our M. E. preachers will be off to Life Pills. No griping, no distress, | LANCASTER «w= PENNA.
(Conference next Sunday just thorough work that brings good |
The rapidly falling snow today health and fine feelings. 25 cents at | :
clothes all earthly things in sombre S. B. Bernhart & Co | Fhe largest and only strictly first ! |
hue. et ee i class fireproof garage amd repair J
Mr. and Mrs John Shires of | Wanted—A position for a young shop in Lancaster City of County. ;
Landisville and Mr. and Mrs. David | gir] 13 years old, in good family. Ap- — rats | Ea 4 i
Swarr of Manheim, spent Sunday ly)y at this office. Bm mL, | = @ y ]
J !
I I, E. E E L E S 1
. b
rea alrC earance Sale ;
From Friday, Mar. Ist to Saturday, Mar. 16 :
F ; y, Mar. :
— M
. : : : : . . M
g Our dominant motive for this sale—A closing out of certain lines, odd lots, and is
, short lengths preparatory to the spring trade.
» - - . . - H
: You will not find one ficticious price, no marking up and then down, but a a.
= : 3 E I
: straight, square cut, to accomplish results. i
=m viy
* | ga Al
| House Cleaning will reveal Children's Wool Hose, were 25c. Men's fleeced 50c. at ...... 39¢ $100 crade at .......... $ .75 Bal
that new Carpets are needed, it now ..... eee 19¢ | Men's Rib fleeced, 50c. at .39¢ { $1.25 grade at .......... $1.00 wi
| will pay to anticipate your wants ( hildren’s ‘Wool Hose, were 15c. Men's Wool Rib, $1.00 at. . ¥5¢ } $1.50 grade at .......... $1.25 cer
. and buy liberally at these prices, Ladies’ Wool Hose, were 15c., | Boys’ fleeced, 25c., at ....20¢ § $200 grade at .......... $1.50 \
=m which will only last during this HOW: [Ln ne 121¢ | Men's Union Suits, $1.00 at.75¢ | $2.25 crade at .......... $1.75 |
. sale [.adies’ Wool Hose, were 25c. Misses’ Union Suits, 50c. at.39¢ | $2.50 grade at .......... $2.00 Cos
Russ, Axminster, 9x12, $2500, 4 HOW :oocnrevrars bass, 19¢ Misses fleeced Vests, were 25c. 1 $500 grade at .......... $4.25 ihe
. aC $17.00 Men's Wool 1 Hose, were 15¢c,, NOW oo ie ee 20¢ | $3.00 grade at .......... $2.25 Mo
. Rugs, Brussels, 9x12, $2200] NOW wovviieerriicnrs -123¢ | Ladies’ Rib V. & P., were 25c. age
= | 2 : Men's Wool 4 Hose, were 25c. / Joh
| AE ih baa $16.00 > ’ ’ NOW ..ovvneiininnnnnnns 19¢
8 Rugs. Brussels, 9x12, $15.00 NOW i ani 19¢ | Ladies’ Rib V. & P., were 50c., a BLANKETS San
. At il eee $10.00 | SPECIAL HEAVY RIB HOSE MOW ..vinniiininen 39¢ $ S50 grade at .. ....... $ 42 Lay
» lot of Axminster and Velvet | 12. ...40 30 doz only, 10 20 at Ladies’ Union Suits, were 50c., $ .60 grade at .......... $ .50 tow
= Rugs, 27x54 in, $2 at $1.50 10¢ or 3 pairs tor 25¢ NOW oii tian 39¢ $2.00 grade at .......... $1.50 hel
E 75c. Ingrain Carpets, a yd. 60¢ : — Ladies’ Union Suits, were $1.00, | $300 grade at .......... $2.50 o'cl
al 60c. Ingrain Carpets, a yd. 50¢ SKIRTS NOW. 0... che 5¢ $4.00 gradest .......... $3.25 her
H 30c. Ingrain Carpets, a yd, 40€¢ | = _ Ladies’ Wool V. & P., were $1.00 | $5.00 grade at .......... $4.25 ”
- 50c. Ingrain Carpets, special, a » D Skirts at aires eens $ 19 NOW a oh thaws 75¢
. Sard oie renin 35¢ $ po Sorel Sey at.. 3 -39 MISSES’ COATS A
Bo 35c. Jute Carpets, a yd...25¢ $ AngAam irts, at . 10 Coats, $2.00, now ....$1.25 Cha
50c. Rag Carpets, a yd....45¢ $1.00 Roi Skirts, at....8 45 TRUNKS 5 Coats, $278 now... 31 20 a
60c. Rag Carpets, a yd...523¢ $1.00 Patterns at coeeeees $ .75 Even if the” trunk need is 5 Coats, $3.00, now ....$2.25 fouy
50c. Oil Shades, at ....... 40¢ $ .50 Mercerized Skirts, 8 .39 | months ahead, buy now, it always 3 Coats, $3.00, now ....82.00 nts
- 30c. Oil Shades at 5... 5. 22¢ $1.00 Klosefit Skirts, at..§ 45 | pays to buy goods when the seller | 10 Coats. $4.00. now ... .$3.00 Sort
s 10c. Paper Shades at...... 8¢ Sa Silk Skirts, at ....83.28 | is enabled to sell cheapest. 2 Coats, $4.50, now $3.50 inve
WN) Silk Skirts, 4 : An Ne ,
. $5.00 Silk Skirts, at ....8$4.25 S600 “Tranlkes. Gow... $5.00 10 Coats, $5.00, now ....8400 chil
£ BOOTS AND SHOES $5.00 Trunks. now ...... $4.25 2 Coats, $5.50, now ....$4.50 3 w
. a ‘ont: Shoe Depaitment: we LINEN CRASH a lrunks, NOW»... $2.90 with
mn have made the heaviest cut of all, § Special, 500 yds. , Imported Linen GE Sait Cases, now ...§ 895 WRAPPERS AND HOUSE Cros
. for one purpose only, to clean out Crash, 124c. value by the pc. at er pt Lases, now .. 81.25 DRESSES
. our Winter Stock, and have par- 9¢ per yd. less quantity, per er a Gases, now ..$2.00 Percale, Flannelette and Prints
= | ed prices to bring results. yard o.oo ie eaves 10¢ ith Sw Lanes, How .. $2.50 $1.00 Grades at ........ S$ JS ah
" Men's Felt Boots, were $3.50, 3800 Suit Cases, now BAO [9198 aden, ot... $1.00 / town
=| now $2.90 55 S10 Traveling Bags, now. $8.50 Wed
Bl AE TOW srrehenndiinn nen . MEN'S PANTAL NS 0 Travelino: Baocs y
u | \len's Felt Boots, were $3.00, 5 i2 DO : $9 Traveling Bags, now. $7.50 LOT DECORATED CHINA aged
= new Ly SOnft Sweet & LIP mye 10c. and 15¢. China ...... S¢ on
Bovs’ [Felt Boots were $2.50, $2.75 Corduroy lined wu $2.25 I.ot 10c. (Granite Ware K¢ this
| a $2.00 $1.50 Pants, at ...... $1.25 GLOVES GLOVES Ee ae ts “as
a Men's Hioch Top. fleece fined S100 Pants at .......... $ .75 | All 25c. Gloves and Mitts,..19¢ [ ny Itaf/ie yare - ...20¢ fat c:
a en's igh Pp, C ATL Sh Cin rr ot 50c. Granite Ware ....40¢ years
Shoes, $3.50, at ...... $2.50 11 30c. Gloves and Mitts. .39¢ nar
= Mae ha Sh. FLANNELETTE NIGHT \1l 75¢. Gloves and Mitts. .G0¢ ie
\[en’s High Top, fleece lined sel : LOT ODD SIZE CORSETS duct]
"| Shoes. 51.28. at $3.25 GOWNS \li $1 Gloves and Mitts..THe¢ 0 deces
| : My Sls ery o dod 5 1 &1 2% ST tlhe 31 at ase i
a Boys’ high top Shoes, were $3.00 | Ladies’ Gowns, $1.00 at...¥5¢ 3 i 123 Gloves and Mists 3 50 at £0 Trine
a NOW esi oan 82.00 | ladies’ Gowns, 50c. at..... 39¢ IE renew, $1.00 2 >z ; Smaaa 156 nr
2 ladies’ Fleece lined Shoes, were | Misses’ Gowns, 50c., at ..39¢ Sessa, as ne
$2.00, now iin 1.50 SWEATER Thon
= Ty alfa, Blew S GROCERY SPE
i ies’ Fleece lined Shoes, were | TOQUES, AVIATION CAPS | . _ : s 35 nn oe wb S clars ” broth
SU6E now $1.2 ei SU Sweaters, at © ..... - SC anilia Cakes, a Ih... . hy The
@ Ladies’ heavy Kangaroo, re : WRAPS, FASCINATORS $75 Sweaters, at... S$ G0 ; Sc. Rice. 4 lbs. jor........ 25¢ after)
- $200. now .......... $1.50 $ .25 grades at.......... $ .19 | 51.00 Sweaters, at ...... ® 5 § 6c. Crackers; alb., ........ 5¢ - teriar
= D 4 $ .50 frre luis iniens 3 pi Bt 25 Sweaters. at : $1.00 Best Baking Soda. a Ib. 5¢ Moun
= . 2 a S 75 grades, at ......... o 81.50 Sweaters 11 81.35 6 doz. Clothes Pins for. ... 5¢
E FLANNEL SHIRTS $1.00 grades, at ........ $ . 75 ] $2.00 Sweaters, at $1.50 | 6 Ibs. Washing Soda for.. 5¢ M
nm Men's Flannel shirts in blue, gray § $1.25 grades at ........ $1.00 53.00 Sweaters. at ...... $2.25 y-Jhs + Raising for.:....... 25¢ is oe
m and brown, were $1.00 at..75¢ ; $1.50 grades at ......... $1.25 { $5.00 Sweaters, at .. ..84.00 { 6 bs. Gloss Starch for....25¢ trees
® serene — : 3 mer tl
= - : : 3% . . i and g
u N. B. During this sale no exchange or refunding will be permitted, and no able,
” ‘ . : . eall t
s charging of any item on this circular. Yours for business
5 N \ Toc
3 i pays
. N\ "ro
un . . follow
4 . . o < . corn
a Opposite Post Office = = Mount Joy,
® :