PAGE ¢ wieofuels ofeefosfosforfonofecfocfosorfeifocioofer ofl Rec Men's Dre Were $4.00 now. ... $3.5 $3.00, 2.75, 0 Were now Were now Were now Boys’ These Shoes Girls Shoes hy BULLE’ sfvedvedocforforfosfosfocfoforesfofoofonfocfocde , : rch 3 Dress Shoes 20 Zest stesteotostestectestootectectontoctente 2. 2 2 8 3 BREET ek + : ‘ Were $1.60, now ........ $1.40 * Were $2.25, now ........ $1.98 Woke $1.50. now 'o 2 Were $2.00, now 1.68 : : gid 1.3 % Were $1.75, now 1.59 Were $1.25, now ........ 1.00 * Were $1.50, now 1.10 Were $1.00, now ........ 79 sorforforforfororfocfortoctocfosfocfocfosfocfocfusfocfosfecoofeofoofoofecfesfesfosfosfesfes ogo} sfusfestorororosiocfestorenfecfsfenforforerfocfecfonforforfocfocforter S. & H. Trading Stamps WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PUR CHASED FOR CASH AT F. H. Baker's COAL and i LUMBER YARDS | Bargain Price $10 THE JUNIOR is vacuum DOMESTIC ers and much more than any othe cleaner of an equal price. {works like a carpet sweeper—but i a and through. Mount Joy, Penna Bole agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hang Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etc. Agerits for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate matimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material Telephone No. 833. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot | | | | | J i 'A Vacuum Cleaner cleaner that will do more |work than many high priced clean- | | It looks like a carpet sweeper— cleans your carpets and rugs through | eed : JOHN G. KEENER ¥ ® 4 1 West Main Street, s =. Mount Joy, Penna YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health is Worth Saving, Mount Joy People Know How to | Save It. a Many Mt. Joy kidneys when they know need help. rk gang vacuum ‘clealer-—a clontier that, | fering and ill health, but there is no to suffer remain in |danger. la remedy that has cured thousands [of kidney sufferers. The following statement leaves Ino ground for doubt. { Charles N. Fry, W. Charlotte St., | Manheim, Pa., says: “My back { obliges me to sit in one position most lof the time and my kidneys were weakened in that way. I suffered from severe pains across the small of my back and at times I was hardly nor to iE able to do my work. I tired easily : » [and felt all run down. Doar’s Kid- ney Pills were highly recommended : to me and I began their use. They v acted as represented and before 1 had taken them long, all symptoms of my trouble were driven away.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 OUR STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS FOR SPRING IS COMPLETE z 2 ~ Jenlers. TTIS © cents Foster-Milburn Co., New Here you will find Hats for all Men and for all tastes. ¥ | York, sole agents for the United no larger stock in the city from which to select, and none better for Shai Eel { | States : | Remember the name—Doan’s— the price. This shows the amount of solid nd take ne. otter a [dirt which the Domestic Junior took '“"" " y AAS ————— {from a carpet which looked clean. —--o-r a - | All we ask of any housewife is bo ; yi. aii ‘ ¢ : [that she give it one fair trial—pick Resoludons of Respect A 3 jout the cleanest carpet in the house has pleased God in His all-wise 8 ; jd run, this vacuum cleaner over Providence to move from our jit—then open the cleaner—look at midst our beloved sister Mrs. Reu- Ithe amount of dirt you got out of n Fellonbadm nd although we jyour carpet or rug which you ef Bien oi Ef BS | t ras cles ire saddened and grieve ret we 44 North Queen St., Lancaster Pa. |ihousht was clenn. ldened ar ieved, yet we | The cost of this wonderful little in submission to the will of Him vacuum cleaner is just $10.00 and who doeth all things well BUY [i sold to you with the guarantee to Resolved, First, That the United ve perfectly satisfactory in every re- Braitheas RYT and its different YOUR Seed Potatoes HERE! spect or we will refund your money. BT thre] ¢ : 1 h one : : i) Lo Drop card for circular and demon- | €Partme Tis, hoen'y Joo Ti Boon istration. mourn the loss of a faithful member. A 11 Varieties er : Second. That the noble Christian B — — character he manifested while WwW it F 2 i Li | > F. PEFFE R among us, has made lasting im- rite or rice ist { Agent , pressions upon our minds and hearts and we shall ever try to ex- | NI WTR JOHN KIENZLE owvsovrewa lomo or 3 Third, That we give our sympathy N. W. Cor. 2nd & Dock Sts. The delicate, sweet butter taste and pravers to the bereaved ones, ~ | : : that “makes the mouth water” is al- and commend them to God who will g {| Bell, Lombard 18-45; % 2 . : Both Phones: {Heystone Main, 11-92 Philadelphia. ways present in JELKE GOOD LUCK ever comfort all that believe. Your \ r of these reso- a I i EE — ———— BUTTERINE. Churned with the Fourth, That a copy 0 these res( toh est tied # i lutions be sent to the family and al- S hd : oHos rez s hs a : | THE GRAIN HOUSE OF THE, EAST Fogo: cream Subplie fom 1€ so published in the Mount Joy John F. Jelke Co. dairies in the fer- Bulletin USTABLISHEI 1897 : A : 2 ; 111¢ | tile Fox River Valley. It is pure, Mrs. B. F. Gerber WII i 1AM I BE A R & CO wholesome, appetizing anli delicious. Mrs, N. J. Harmon » ® Churned fresh every day and de- Mrs. E. W. Bentzel (Members Chicago Board of Trade) (livered to you in odor proof cartons, S———N- tw BROIRE RERS each one bearing Uncle Sam’s 0. K. A Horrible Death John A. Von Neida, a prominent PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts. PHILADELPHIA For Sale Only at miller of Bowmansville, had his i {clothing caught in the belts, was STOCHS-BONDS—INVESTMENTS Good Lido a Te te = 30 SECONDS 2 MINUTES hurled against a post. He died an To Chicago Board of Trade. To any Grain Market in Americas hour thereafter . His skull was fract- BUTTERINE CO. Lancaste 114 W. King St., LANCASTER. PA. 220-226 Woolworth Bldg. > ured and both jaws broken. He was 60 vears old. IN, MOUNT JOY. and Some people take their lives in their hands by neglecting the these or- Sick kidneys are [responsible for a vast amount of suf- Use Doan’s Kidney Pills— PA. Wednesday, March 13th, 1912, —— p—————————— — Ow . pee i ye Carmers LOLUHTIN T t \ he Conditions of the Poultry House a ) a 1h for the Production of Winter Eggs, Points in Window Gardening, Square & E. King St, Lancaster. Market for Capons, Don’t push hens for winter eggs and expect high fertility in the breed ling Don't | chickens season Keep the gobbler with the He will lick them like the | dickens | Don’t | profit [low nut. | Don't much duck. You [may have to call the quack, and he will present his bill. Don’t be too humble. Humility do- in knuckling to an- Windirg Up The $7.50 and $9.95 Sale of Men’s Suits and Overcoats Monday and Tuesday will be the last days feed mongrels and expect a A mongrel mut is like a hol- eat too | | [es not consist [other's fist. | Don't sell turkeys to the hucksters [when private trade is not half sup- | plied and has money to burn for the [noice birds. Don’t believe all you read about | big poultry profits. There's some- thing for sale behind a fairy tale. It's a gold brick trick to tell a story | | slick. Don’t think all the good stock is | outside state. Distance may | lend enchantment to the view until | swindler does you. Don't assume a patronizing air. {That's hot air. The man of sense treats all the same without respect . ; : } to wealth or name. He may be rich, gain, right now is the time you can get it at this $7.50 and $9.95 Sale. but naught but | The life he lives is for the good of all the human | brotherhood. There is a market for capons in all at than common is from the holidays till young broilers come The | men are anxious to get them, because in which to secure these splendid values. Fashionable Suits and Overcoats, in medium weights, that sold earlier in the season from $12.00 to $20.00, and a lot of New Spring Sample Suits, values anywhere from $15.00 to $20.00, are all in this sale at two prices— $7.50 and $9.95. your | | | some rooster And so, Mr, Man, if you need a New Suit or Coat, and want a real bar he be wise, wrong does he despise may 315 to $20 Spring Sample Suits, $9.95 Without the least exaggeration, the best opportunity you ever had to $12 to $20 Suits at $7.50 well tailored Suits; large cities, where they find sale {much higher prices fowls. The season for them |in early summer. commission Smart made they are ready sale and move quick- |S€CuUre your new Spring Suit at a [Of All-Wool Serges, Tan Cassimeres, (ly. Every farmer and poultryman |S2Ving. Not many of a kind, but a | Medium Gray Cassimeres, and Tan could add thuch to his income from |#r¢at many kinds. Splendid, smart, and Olive Worsteds, A Suit to suit new models, in all sorts of new ma- terials and novelty weaves—$9.95. all feeding and { poultry each year by caponizing of the male birds and holding them for the winter's trade. the most particular dresser; $7.50. The same method is always used with hogs and beef cattle, which sell for $12 to $20 Overcoats at $7.50 Full length models, in Tan and White, ( eight sell at twenty cents a pound, whith is very only five to cents a pound, while capons fyom ten to large profit on even high priced grain. Here are some points in window gardening that it is well to keep in mind. unusual value in guiding him to suc- The amateur will find them of iray and White Mixtures; con- vertible collars; also, brown diagonals; a few have Ragl do an sleeves; presto | cess until he has learned what to Keep a nail or an old fork at hand, and stir and how to do it for himself and convertible collars; all regular $12.00 to $20.00 values; $7.50. the soil of your house plants as regu- v= larly as you stir that of the garden | dedeiribebedpoioofdsfooood eodeodobrodrdded ded do diob bdob bib bir b bb bb tb bd y Pde ddd bad plant. With no weeds to spur us on, | we are apt to forget that the earth | ° . [must be kept loose and friable to ad- | § United States Electric terminal buds | % mit air. Pinch the {from the geraniums when they have reached the proper size and induce [them to become thick and robust in | lgrowth, Always keep and all decaying flowers closely cropped. They are a useless drain upon the plant. Never drop them upon the surface of the soil. They are unsightly, and form a hiding place. Some of the cac- ti, the agave and other subtropical | plants require rest during the winter, and should only have water to pre- vent drying. Very often I hear if | While You Wait On Short Notice Repairing sons say, “Our hens don’t lay in win- ter our hen house is not warm enough.” I have kept hens, lots of them, for 25 years, and kept them for eggs and I got the eggs too, and 1 never kept them ina warm house either. T will tell you what I depend upon to keep the hens warm in winter good heavy feathering (1) the Rhode Island Reds and | breed that has a better | coat of feathers for winter than this You can get your shoes repaired for a small sum because a good job at that, work that is guaranteed, on very short notice. For every fifteen minutes disappoint- ment we will pay $5.00 Try us and be convinced, and that is ; : X A New and modern machinery .nstalled Jan. 17 7, 1012. have there is no 8 a writer in the Successful one, ) Farmer. Rich blood and active exer- ~ «a cise keep it in circulation. Yes. Ii 3 Harry ¥ oblonovi Liv 4 used to try to make my hen houses 5 ota warm, but only succeeded in intro- |e ducing a condition which, if followed | § DONAVEN'’S OLD STAND MOUNT JOY, PENNA. up, looked to me s though they 3 would be worse off than the cold [| oh ET —— —— —————————-— don’t wish to have it understood + that my houses are open with cracks | ¥ Don’f Forget The Place, Donovan’s Old Stand ind knot holes, for they are not: « > ery part is made tight except at the Solrsioslibadoadoclioiooloodectondoooodotestoctootortortoctoctentociunte cle todecte td 3 2 9 5 4 o = = Tecloadostoetoatocianiio PEEP TTTERrresbrtiddeiciideidebdoddeideiodododdofod gop geppepojofofodgedds windows where the muslin curtain is | in. The question is not how warm S—— vou can make voui poultry house, ' : but how dry you n make it. There | [f [0 1 mene [F Price Concessions on When you have built a hen house 1 vith two thicknesses of boards and paper between, tight doors and win- Ou ~ Wi } ~ Q ra dows and a good roof and lots of 18 Bl 00 4 glass on the south side, you have what some call a warm house, but vou ha what I call a damp one, that s if you have very many hens in it, A ea] 10 and it will be damp just as long as C ou keep it tight and close and allow no ventilation. A hei will stand a | Our semse of economy, we’ll let you in on some shoe values for a few lot of cold and long, too, if she is in| 0 days that you'll be anxious to snap up when you see them. The 1 dry house bw reductions are made on lines and that are suitable for year a- Attention Sir Mechanics round wear, regular $4, $5 and $6 goods, all leathers, all sizes, two im- Sirs and Bros At ul mense lots: meeting Wednesday evening 20, J912, there will be held a meet- ; ing of the Hx-councilors Association Lot No 1-33 85 the palr of Lancaster County. We should . » like to have all the members, es- . pecially the ex-councilors who are | Lot No. 2---$2.85 the pair entitled to membership in the asso- ciation. Yours in H. I. & S C. H. Zeller, Rec. Sec. 0. U. A. M, SHE 4 UB && Co a = Since T. R. has changed his mind and altered his words to suit, why Ta, Brag | BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY m—- Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. 18 North Queen Strest, LANCASTER, PENNA
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