vole so ofoefoole of do otostostuafadiits desdestostoodeafooteofendosfostsfostostocfecforfosfecfoferfocfocfosfoofoofoafecde cde ooo deodeods Joolofosforlorforfoodortoferfe foooslone THAT ; dvefesfenfocfeeiorects a + 1 ) { Of [ : 1 1 A bo | A ( \ i L | Wish to sa) Mattresses and Springs In the mad rush on have the hose advert pening of the sale $10.00 Mattresses at 5 60. rings at $1.80. wioostorfosforfesfosfertonorteofocforforfosdssfoctortesfonfestesfortoeferforfecorfeofocfecfecfuefocforesfocfecfecieciesioohocte ofecfecfosforeseciere lad dood ok dae li Ny Lo on Lo sTe ole ste cle stool IPE a ——————— C—O CS ST SA. ASA renew ————— TT A" TO oJocferls 1 € very Tear! of Prices For The Last Three Closing Out in getting ening day a Ve Heart } The Very Heart Cut Out those who were disappointe d of esfonjociesfosorfe che of Prices For the Last Three Days at tngle’s Closing Out Sale. Joo in store now M your special bene bias, bE idm An nave I Orgered and Days at Engle’s Sale. ill be sold a e ERC RON ame pri ce op sforfestoefoclosiofonterosfosforiergesjecfrefenfocfocde Sooke oJeote Co eeiostesionfer foodesie E'S AND deciecforieeorfecis dim COME TO ENGT. Swept Off Your Feet With Sheer Money Saving Joy!! ENGLES STOCK MUST GO All Reserve Thrown to the Winds. All Bars Down. Positively Only Three Days More of This Marvelous Sale. Final Instructions Are, Close Out The Stock If You Must Practic- ally Give The Goods Rway at Prices Paid The Manufacturers. Folks, It Means Furniture Cheap As Dirt For Three Dumbfounding Days! Push In 30 esguoforforfortesfosfosfecorfoforfosforfortcoctenfeciocforforforfusiord in Street iD DLIEe PRPC UCT JC JE ES 2 oT ASOLO LenZ TIRANA 3 ¥ 3 foofoofongonorfocfoofocfertordecfuotusfociosfecforiesfonforfeofenfefosfesooforfosfesfacturfoferfuciocde of i LE: veo oo eee 2. RCI TOE TO TC J) a Saale Beclesloolsoleok 0 SET TT fooler es a a a 2b ba LB Bb tee POPPI eae = 2: - sfeofeofoefesfoefoeforjorforfoefoofosiocisofoefesfecfocfsfesfosferjoops edjesipferiorp forleoZosforforteo x Joofosfecfocfocfon Joojesfocfosforiosforfecfocosierfosfooforfoofocfocfe different styles, Nickel, Imitation and Solid Rubber, which were made by Walter Smutz of York. 2000 Rods of American Page Lion FWence, all styles for field Syracuse Reversible Sulky plow. 25 New Harrows, 10 International Syracuse and Gale, lever shoe har- rows 15 to 25 teeth, 2 and 3 sections Spring relief Peg tooth harrows, a number of Perry wood frame har- poultry, a number of 12-ft gates and rows, 14 to 22 teeth, Hench and 3, 3 1-4 ft. walk gates, Syracuse and Drumegold lever, wheel harrows and Tron Age Corn and potato scrapers come second-hand harrows. 10 wood and steel wheel barrows, Disc Cutaway Harrows, Dayton & different sizes. Spangler weeders. International single plain disc with Iron age rden plows and cultivat- ts ~m attachment, double cutaway S. ; : Fog This is a time, labor Mountville, Syracuse land money saving machine. It pays Bend Potato Diggers; Mountville or itself in one season. I. C. 1. Roller Bearing Corn Shellers. Han- Repels Attack of Death “Five two doctors told {me I had years to live.” ee nix meh zu [SPRING FASHIONS OVER FROM PARIS Der Parre hot ze katt DUTCH in Favor dagege. are VNSY LVANIA Es war en wennig grob! years ago all die leut hen ge- dass er es verdient hot katt. North American's Spring Section alleweil leut Will be Published March 17 Bauer den Wetterhane Sr | “They told me I would die with con- Sell mehnt of The North American's special |gumption. then to leut net aller | Paris Fashion Section for Spring will [try the best lung melicine and I be- be part of the Sunday [gan to use Dr. King’s New Discovery. edition of that paper on March 17. did. today I am years The North |yorking and believe I owe my life to \merican issued twice during [this great throat and lung cure that each vear a compendium of the Paris cheated the grave of another | Ymbined Harrows and Rollers, 17 dy hay and straw cutters, bag trucks, styles brought up to date by the Its folly to suffer with and 19 teeth. Farmers want them rrindstones, ‘washing machines, bush- special Paris staff which is maintain-' coughs, colds or other throat and lif they know what they are. Farm- ol bisiiots, Single Sownle and nin ed in Paris by the North American, now. the cure |S Favorite disc Fertilizer Grain shaking forks, hoes, wood and steel whose duty it is to bring the fashions Drill. We have learned that this es ® des. wrenches, he B : : tn and | gpi]] gives better results in seeding °°» TL enches, hammers, of the French capital first hand to B. gpm ony hoe aril handles, pincers, whips, traces, curry women readers of the paper. and "Rollers, Mountville, 0 Sfisnes Jai WEE de The reputation of the women in land Dayton steel and wood frames vuckets, DORIS; AT a bi Philadelphia territory for being the and drums, 2 and 3 section, some ' best dressed can be in no small with trucks under the tongues, new loo numerous i mention, i i 2 i and pleasing. Two horse low wood Everybody invited to attend this .asure attributed to the admirable wheel farm trucks with brake and Se» hich will e held rain or shine. service of which slip tongue. Columbian Spring Wag- 1ese implements we offer are new North American maintains. The wo- Mrs. Nector, of York, man who reads the paper is in direct and of the latest. i Kdge Drop Harness will be sold at 1.30 o’- ; y Planters, 5 Deere, clock. Wire fence at 2.30 o’clock. was matron of honor. The happy touch with all of the news of the fertilizer attachment, some have Implements and wagons afterwards. couple were driven to the depot at world so far as it affects dress. With Marietta, where they boarded the this knowledge she can always be de- westhound train for a wedding tour Dended upon to keep absolutely in dises in place of runners. We have Goods will be held a reasonable «old the disc machines two years and time for purchasers who cannot re- which will take in a portion of the the lead when changes of styles come they will about. they have gained a good reputation move them immediately. A liberal reside near Maytown. Their many The special fashion a TS. credit will be given. Sale to com- oo i atons Deer and Mmence at 1 o'clock when conditions friends join in tendering congratula- The North American are Deering Binders, Mowers, Rakes, tions. The (bride was the recipient great demand, but the management 6, 7 and 8 ft. Binders; 5 and 6 ft. will be made known by iron Age high and low wheel 6 and ) Q shovel. Spring shovel Hench and M. REED & SON of a number} of handsome presents. promises to supply all those who | Mowers: 9 and 10 ft. Hay Rakes, order early. jone second-hand 5 ft. Johnson mow- itzige Diskoschens gewe and and sBumblesock un Schop Sellemol 2ewesst, awer only two Week startling statement was made Stillman Malachite, Col. hwilkey SAY This etterhahme gewe. In 'ubit war en gewisser inde- Mer hort noch die ver- by Green, ahle wie dei ‘re gewesst, der war ale schlechte Leut in eme Parre ausgelegt hot It was up to me Jedermann recht gewe kohrs net, dass die S an der Kopp gestosse Respekt hen for rechtschaffne Parre. issued as a ea in X gestoss : est Anni { raw : ligt, so dass alle Leut, 11t was well I for : : For several and South Young People Married : was solemnized at o'clock hte, mit ihm zufriede : 'e es wust ver A pretty wedding has Preddig on Gott at the eran church, at Hake, mal hot er hot er in ere Monday evening five i has parsonage of St. John’s Luth- victim.” Maytown, when Miss May- in Sklaverei war von sst sei, un wer gege , der war Agnes well known in lung troubles Take Kerch kann 50 cents free at S. safest. Price Trial bottle Bernhart & Co. a that's $1.00. der own's social circles, was united ziemlich » to Aldan Smith, one of the Buch's Nien sage w popular the ind f Ee ceremony Arthur The The groom's ith, bride's sister, and zuruck most young 1st Donegal township. was performed by the pastor of the quiet Sher- farmers ( The Rev. aar Woche spater war der For Sale—A fine Kellestrass Cock- Balser, Elizabeth- 1t wu en Sett leut die hen mitgnumme, Stohr cheap. town, Pa. The - M. REED & SON'S Sixth Annual Public Sale of Imple- ments, Wagons, Harness, Hardware hen G. Fry, erel Roy un besproche Sie Sklaverei hart church. wedding was a me brother, fashion news was best and the affair, Dehl leut hen ken opinion selver nau hot en annerer Wind geblose, do Sie hen alsfort die opinion vum Parre, “Die Sklaverei is en letzte Mann, wu mit ihne geschwatzt oss Uewel un ich hab schun oft hot. Vun selle leut oft gaesht, sie 'gewunscht sie war gar net.” Do war hatte ken ruckstrang. Dehl sin so en Bauer, der war en Munn vun arg aus Natur un Annere akte so aus opinions, un hot dem Selbstinresse. Won se in bisness Parre Widerspruch net stande sin, wolle se niemand an der koppe konne. Er hot gesaht:“Parre, euch stosse un ken Verdruss mache. Sell muss ich eppes sage. Vor en paar is Heuchelei. For sell heest mer se | woche hen ihr uf der Kanzel gaesht, Wetterhane. Se akte grad wie der | die Sklaverei war, vun Gott eigesezt Wetterhane uf eme Gebau, der lun wer gege die Sklaverei war, der wind blosst. | war gege Gottes Ordnung. Nau sagt Double Row Corn 4 Gale some with Sn sagt red man, MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1912 Will be sold at public sale at their warerooms in Kelley's Corner, 3-4 mile north of Lawn Station, in South l.ondonderry Township, Lebanon Co. the following: positive er sei west. Upon _their return numbers of always in Pierce & Aldinger, Aucts. Risser & Garman, Clerks. { — ee NOTICE—We will have Power Washing Outfits demonstrated on Drumgold balance frame, doube walking cultivator. One-Horse Cultivators, 5 and shovel with and without lever, wheel and hilling shovels. The 7 shovel is In der it hen die leut viel |ibT, die Sklaverei war en gross Uew- rescvhwatzt wege der Sklaverejull: |el. Icipwees net recht jes is, awer Wi Man hm oder zu ] eid es alle / young mz: 4 job op a uf Wanted—# I'S adress Har- i EE farm by a For Sale—A good orgdn. Apply tf 'to Helen Buohl, Mount Juss er, 20 New Plows, conisisting of Oliv- er, Wiard, Spracuse and South Bend two and three horse. Also No. 10 and No. 15 Mountville plows,’ One: just what you want to cultivate to- bacco. Some spike tooth and heavy Root Cultivators. 25 Sets Harness, ligh? and heaVy. {day of sale, something that will {please you. Trains arrive at Lawn 'trom Lebanon gad 34 a. m.. 1.53 pn.