HE SPORTING HILL held by the + BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Be lealealoalie sleet alioe dled dd Le a a a a a a meetings on I d on Tuesday 3% ey + \ } 3 I \ auman, o | lle ' o visited her mother, Mr Mar- | o tin, « I y + oh I Ie oh wil and son #4 + Jame 0 tlunga ere Sunday vis ode itors of Joseph Wickenheiser and % og wile J. Ross Miller, of Cleveland, Ohio, visited in the home of his uncle, Amos E. Wenger part of Monday and Tuesday Jacob Walter and wife and Elmer Brandt and wife, spent Sunday in the home of Jacob Shearer, near town Mrs Levi Fissel entertained at Ruth Mr. Saturday, Misses Mackley, dinner on { Young, Blanche | Bucher Mackley fTohn Dourte and wife, of Old Line and [and Clayton Koser and wife, of Landisville, were visitors in the {home of F. Y. Koser, on Sunday Jacob Snavely, wife and children Daniel Brad- | Stella, of Naumanstown, and ley, wife and daughter were ————— Donovan Company - The Donovan Company n—— nr @ Positively The Best Offered Today At The Price--Bar None 14.38 WOMEN WHO KNOW QUALITY AND VALUE, WOMEN WHO ARE SHREWD BUYERS WILL PRO. CLAIM THESE THE MOST WONDERFUL SUIT VALUES EVER SHOWN IN THIS CITY AT THE PRICES. WE KNOW FOR A POSITIVE FACT THAT PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK STORES ARE ASK ING MORE MONEY FOR THEM— AND THEY GET THEM FROM THE SAME FAMOUS MAKER—NONE BETTER IN THE COUNTRY. THESE SUITS ARI HERE TODAY IN ALL THEIR BEAUTY AND ATTRACT IVENESS, GENUINE $25.00 GRADES AT $15.00—ALLOWING A SAVING OF \ BIG TEN DOLLAR NOTE. i. dedi ddd ded dd 2 2 8 2 as as as RR a a a > TAT TITTY TYTreedddddddd Lr » 4 A r , # 4 4 o " Rk L ' 4 4 K “ “4 3 Sunday visitors of Samuel Cover and +> wife 1 Mrs, William Gibble entertained at E "ant E C “ 1 : fa Gilible enterinitied ot xact Copies of Europeon Models “Qtvia?” Cla ) .. i 3 dinner, on Saturday, Misses Agnes y e 0 eS “Or N rin 3 3 p i i . K Ryan and Nettie Bomberger, of East : Charming and graceful in every line. Coats are cut in the ha ) g > Manheim, and Ella Young of East IS newest length, single breasted, notch collars, lined in rich peau * Je » . n + Petersburs 1% de crane. Distinctive Fashi.>s For Young Men 3 2 ¢ Felker 1ifa = p y re | 4 Skirts are tai re i ace Pp a i » lates i a CQvlal? vi y lo Teles, i ad deughiors 1: ror IHS are | ilored Ib areondan ey i She latest ideas, taste Style” Clothes—That's the name this particular line of clever 3 ouisa a d ( a, of Back un, a d | 3 € es] ats apparel for yoyung men. They will appeal to smart young dress- ¥ Miss Fannie Shelley and William [ ers, because they are “different,”— as different from men’s I ) ge M: a1 ere g sts i | 9 v oN ag «¢ » ) ’ 4 Denean of Nanneun. i t Nests 2 & WOMEN’S $15 AND $16 NEW clothes as a young man is different from an old man. I 2 f¢ y Mar ors : - “Style” C 3 y ate » . : od 3 3 SPRING SUITS . Seale Clothes will catch the young college fellows, the High 1 ? wr ay. . 2h haps & yy siness mm: TT. ” - vi Fiseal wits s : v > Smart new models, of fine qualityserges, worsteds and man- 00 chaps and the young business man T Levi Fissel, wife and son, Charles, : They are cut and tailored in keeping wi * » n | visteca in the home of Milton Wern- nish mixtures. Black, navy, King’s blue and desirable new light and represent 1 QU tn Rep ne With the youthful spirit, 3 | Special pecial er, in Central Rapho, on Sunday shades. All new style features—satin lined Lats r e ie smartest, the snappiest Styles ever shown in r i ) ¢ ¢ : £ ay. .ancaster. I h . { Mrs. Fissel and sons, John and -* ! | Chiaties, spent Monday in Millers- WOMEN’S BEAUTIFUL $18.50 I2 TH “St le” Cloth $10 00 $12 50 25.0 po @® ville, visiting Miss Snyder's school NEW SPRING SUITS " y eS «UV, . to $2 . 0 3: O Uu ar usic and were guests of Mrs. Barbara Handsomely tailored and finished; fine serges, worsteds and Guaranteed to keep their shape an d give satisfactory wear—so 3 Kready, who celebrated her 94th. mannish mixtures, in navy, Copenhagen, light tan and brown. well are they tailored in every detail . so good are the materials. I birthday. : : | Neatly and artistically trimmed coats lined with best varn-dyed The materials are absolutely all-w ool in a great variety of + H. B. Gibble and wife entertained satin. tans, blues, light gray, brown and th e new blue gray. 3 Cents the following on Sunday: Emanuel Coats are the late two and three button style, semi-fitting 1 Sahm of Manheim: Henry Shank, WOMEN’S CHARMING $20 14 4 back, creased side seams and center vent. Pants have a belt at- § wife and daughter, Martha and Eli . NEW SPRING COATS » tached of same material, a splendid feature, cut peg and semi- + Gibble, wife and son Walter of Oak |X Nie : Toot : : peg style, cuff buttons 5 Vale; Frank Kupp, wife and son Ru- % Skillfully cut and tailored; in fine imported serge in navy and ; a S + fis andjElan Brandt. of old Line: * black; full length models; large collar of cream broadcloth and WE ARE SOLE SELLINGAGENTS FOR “STYLE” 3 Jacob S. Henny, wife and children of | fF Cuffs of the same, embroidered. CLOTHESIN LANCASTER. 3 Je oO. A « of “Red Rose Rag.” “Mandy Lou.” Lancaster Junction, and William M. * WOMEN’S NEW $10 3 | Gibble, wife and nephew, Landis | 4 1 98 . r t Wack 5. tionary BHI Citi, wife ama Ei COATS FOR SPRING © I » MARCH FURNITURE SALE } [ oo Very charming models of fine mannish mixtures i ig : \ treme s sale Dend: ni ; = “Oceana Roll.” “Mysterious Rag.” ———————— % : yy e uE : ng : " ; Te : no. ; n 3 res fn : high! tan hh re Wendguy Sal of dependable furniture at he lowest 1 LANCASTER JUNCTION |% ang X 4 arge long revers of silk in contrasting shades, y ice you Ye evel been asked to payduring March. The enti : “Knock Wood.” “In the l.and of Harmony.” | Mrs. Annie VFotsr was on tie} $ cuffs to match. SloCk 1s new, representing carloads and carloads received during + sick list a few days last weel 3 - —— ee —— the past two weeks. Enormous purchases enabled us to save $ ‘““Narajo Rag.” Mine,” Ballad. The houses in the village that | 3 - . . . many a dollar on cost prices, so we've marked everything away * uses ag < . 0 } | were empty are soon all filled | og Join Our Spring Sewing Machine Club below what you will find equal grades old for elsewhere Com- x “Al der’s Ragti Band.” Mrs. Henry I. Myers spent Satur- | % or : » parison will prove this. Buy now for present and future needs 4 exander’s Ragtime Band. y 1. M; bent «fa > Pay $2.00 When Joining The Club----Quick Delivery 0f Your Furniture selected now will be stored free of charge until 3 “I Like the Hat, I Like the Dress.” day with Reuben Ruhl and family. | . tide 1 arge i Y ol h Sa Thing O ” Mrs. John M, Arndt and daugh- | & Machine—Balance At Rate Of $1-00 Weekly hg 4 BED | i “You'll Do the me ng Over. . ; totisn Aner ot alatom. Lo $25.00 BED ROOM SUIT + “After ‘the HonsvVmoon.” ter, spent Saturday with her sister | The best makes of sewing machine s in the whole world are as- Cibai $18.00 3} . ra Fetter . ; onsisting of eio To g . . . ols. 3 or e ym Mrs. Fette r. sembled here for your easy and careful inspection, every one of ! nsising « f eight pieces, made of good vell seasoned oak; go Christ Rothfus, wife and daugh- | & them is GUARANTEED to produce the most perfect work and to solid construction, beautifully finished. An extra special offer- * oe [ters spent Sunday evening with Mr. keep i a ‘king order. In every inst: » the achine ing I Thes Nn h ns Nn Sale Oc a Co ASDe keep in perfect working order. In every instance these machines Sal Jie I ea d Ot e o PY: K. ! elm ond wite: % ond arfe the latest and most improved models that can be obtained } $30.00 PARLOR SUIT $39.90 oo, | William Knight and wife will | at the various prices. Five pieces—arm chair, rocker, settee and two small chairs 3 If music is to be mailed, add one cent for postage. move in the tenant house of Jacob | Beautiful Mahogany finished fr “ ov lesi Ao] + d p 4 | Benlras 4 lermir es | oe . 0 Mahogan) she fame ol clever design, upholstered 4 Bete oy 2 i. i 1d i + The “Free” Heads the List It’s Perfect in high grade verona: good firm springs r Mrs. E. D. Achey and granddaugh- | oe @ 0 ms ——— | y and g The “Free” is the ST BEAUTIFUL St parfect stitehi A $19.00 COUCH AT. .... ter Ruth Shaub, spent Sunday in | The Free is 3s n 1 Baym, Tn Soom ping wig he $14.90 3 © the family of Emlen Fetter (% t Xe ig a it Fes es ye oy ng ACHINE in This is one of a great gathering of specially priced cowches. 2 Ir 0 NS( n an 0 Jacob Weaver, wife and daughter | % existence. Qet it. $2. down, thon | 8 weef, This one at $14.90 is a dandy. Tufted leather covering; finely z 8 | ana Henry IL. Buch attended church td THE NEW MODEL,$13.50. THE DOMESTIC, $30.00. finished hard wood frame, cntains 81 high grade springs + ET services at Kauffman’s, on Sunday. |¥ THE DONOVAN $17.00. THE DOMESTIC, $32.00. A $30.00 PARLOR SUIT... .. $24.90 i Jacol > 7g amily spent |¥% THE DONOVAN $19.00. THE NEW HOME, $30.00. ‘ : T 24 WEST KING STRE . Jacnh Henny nd family spon ny 2 TOVAN 5s 1 9K THRE NW a gy Settee, arm chair and rocker, a large heavy frame of beautiful + N Sunday with her parents, Mr. and [4 THE DONOVAN SPECIAL, $25. I'HE NEW HOME, $35.00. Mohooansy Riis 5 % . . * : [% Mahogany finish; upholstered in silk plush of excellent quality. > Mrs. Henry Gibble, at Sporting Hill. | ¥ 3 R000 0 0 Mrs. James Berger of Reading, is + 1 = = | spending a few weeks with her par- | & Y ill : t I nt a +» [] . . e . ¥ oun wi mn ur Kesiaura : + : Et A Stitch in Time oe Place to Lane SY bam $ = / s E z 2 y ¢ * C L Y . 3 J Bn - @m Saturday and Sunday in the home |% zy a : | 3: B = ick ‘ ‘ ‘ 0 ive service a V Nine = |of Mr. Andes and family, of East | & Quick, clean and attentive service. ’ I u = | Petersburg. | % One of our 20c combination neha 3 a John Landis, wife and daughter | will please you—boiled or poached ’ . 2 u Now is the time to have your auto adjusted and have it in Ruth 20d woh Har), of Mechanics. |S eggs, bread and butter, Oyster sand- Lancaster’s Leading Department Store : shape for the summer's run. Expensive breaks often occur on ac- ville, were with William Heisey and | & wich, dessert, coffee, tea or cocoa. 33 38 . . : i y L Jd count of a loose screw or some part® being worn which should be | family on Sunday. El Basement. to E. King St., Lancaster, Pa, » replaced. By having this done you will not only save money but Miss Luella Gish spent Wednesday | ¥ i Sok dhe haba atoukilboutoohaluuadiclicail ata min a ak 3 will also save trouble. [and Thursday with her friend, Miss | Beieofodeefrofocdecoieeindocuoiecdocoioofodedecdecdocdedecduiededesdeddodudedededodecddiieduiolobododeipivietled b ROR d db bib db bb ibd bbb ddd ddd dd loeb dodo disdodisiid We are also in position to paint your car. By having this Bi Stella Weaver. Mr. Harvey Fry was | done it will look practically as good as new. 8a guest at the same place. | State of Ohio, city of Toledo, ss Have you seen the For Women WE = : Onan. wits. is Sei ucas County, oe oN X 3 V We have both phones and will be glad to give you our assist- ®| Jacob Weaver, wife and daughter | Cheney makes oath that he fg | 1912 Ma ic Electric Cleaner y : . ns ® | Stella, Mrs. Henry I. Buch, Mrs. | senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney 7 v ; : Of course you use an antisepticin your ance when needed. RE i I | & Co., doing business in the City of To- £2 family and in the of ir own per- m | Isaac Walborn and daughter Leona, | Todo, onty and State af resaid, and fas yet? If you have not, it would 3 D Y- M A TH | on, and you want the be g | Attended the sale of Mr. Peter Shel- | Fat ied Arm Nr. Pfs of be advisable to see it work, before R — J Instead of wha 1 have been using - = |ley’s farm stock last Friday | ery case of Catarrh that cannot bi {you buy any other make of electric IS AWONDERFUL EGG such as liquid or tablet : septies or LAN DIS BROS. 5 Rheems. = eee tll lB ee mn by the use of H ALLIES A A Sm cle 2non Ha ye you heard of an elec- PRODUCER-IT MAKES THEM / peroxide, Wort ¥ I) Paxtine, ® Bl Sworn to before me and subscribed in | (Ti¢ cleaner which sells at the same 1, Y oO J L concentrated antis owder to be = i il ro at K ™N 'Y Presence. is 6th dav c ecember, | Price or begins to do the A Rk 5 dissolved in water : led. 0, | BACK RUN ERLE Ll id TT og TT a of id HE | Pasi mical, more se— Henry Lehman, wife and son, Ja- | “geqy) S01 | guaranteed for five (5) years? BUST 7 :leansing, more dal and more Ca . +9) healing than anything you ever used HEREBET GG. WAIT TEACHER OF | Violin, Viola, Piano, Orean and Mandolin ofoofeofeofosforferocfoofecfoofosfocisefortecs cob, spent Sunday with Benj. Ginder Hall’s and family, and family visit- Sunday with Benj. Zug and family. The prayer meeting held at Albert ! Rettew’s home was well attended not hatchin denferfenfesfesdoofeofoofoefoderdufenfonfunfrofeofecferfooforforforde TST 1 ly to Lewis Seeman, Mount Joy. | PRIMAI | and acts cous sur Abraham Koser | testimonials, free. | ed his brother, Samuel Koser, and F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. | | family. at Mil a 2 Sold by all Druggists, 75c. | amily, at Milton Grove. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. | Fred Ibach, wife and daughter, een ll li [ Nora and sons, Paul and Fred, spent For Sale Barred Catarrh Cure is taken internally | irectly upon the blood and mu- ices of the system. Send for Plymouth Rock eggs for g, from a strain with a rec- | Y ELECTION IN p 3 ord not often beaten, also stock. STRICT ATTENTION PAID TO PUPILS withstanding the bad roads and cold H 1. MORTON Director of WAITZ’S ORCHESTRA Teatnsr feb 21-2 mo Mount Joy, Pa. Jacob QGinder, Albert Rettew and Music Furnished for All Occasions ro An iE sb Sor oY. vis : Li Ea Rev. Amos Sheeiz spent munday v Ladies Make $3.00 to $5.00 Daily Studio: 249 West Hing 5t., Lancaster. iting and attending church at Lan- » want a Live Representative in caster. town to introduce our complete Bell Phone 432M feb 28-3 mo Fast week there was a dvand. came of spring and summer S ings + Paottic Pdeloepdocdooecdoofecioidrefecoforfuofecfocfecfoofocfocioofecfocfocoofociorfoofoefocforfocfocfesfocfoctectuefocfosfooforfocfocfoctocfrofocdectoseip Of corner hall ats W. S.0.Y ! a i he, Thali Wa nem ss 8 _ Shenk’s. There were some very good arnt h ] patterns, attractive < n SE SRR EC i H 3 | players and a large crowd to witness i i iri Sl : 7 : 1 TT 1 1 LO the Zames. ngs = Henry Hoffer and wife entertain- 1se ’ . ix the following o Sundav: } : 1 Engle’s Furniture Warenrooms # ci the following on Sunday cati 2 n Keener of near Mt. Joy; ti od MOUNT JOY, PENNA. F muth and wife, of Union (C an Who ! One Is The = | Square Benj. Peters, wife and : ond Pt B jaughter: Bertl a, of Naumanstown; 8 € i ey 8B Samuel-Gish and wife, of Masterson- | For BELEGATE to DEMOCRATIC Send fo Jog GOOD HOMEMADE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY @ ville; John Brubaker and wife, of : = | Elizabethtown. NATIONAL CONVENTION — a UPHOLSTERING DONE TO ORDER 2 Fn i § ( » a - h ae @ S 11: g Hives pa X Sg pg = For WwW i 1 lia mm Ss S van Aoent f - 8 ; HE SO EIGHTH WARD, LANCASTER Bissel and Magic E ic Cleaners Poplar Lumber for sale in lots to suit the purchasers = Bo Srbars Sire 2 PF. 0. Box 4 MT. JOY. PA. £ \ 1 te Y epth of non { - 3 8 hat 154 feet The is Ww I NOTARY i 8 tahle os these lots that cot : ye ¢ Your vote and influence respectful W. M. HOLI . . asily be converted into a ouble | solicited A ttorney-A t-Law Undertaking and Embalming elling. For further particulars | SOlicite wt Me or Xe Jov ia ; ~ SATURDAY, 3 3 com gi 5 FS YO Py APRIL 13, 1912. Don t go without eggs this Fall and early Winter. t's easy to get them it you do your part (feed the Park & Pollard Dry-Mash) the hens w K 1lit does not 1 | Poll: | do the rest | ur money For Sale by Jj / 4 ANTISEPTIC the teeth, remove decay. To dis disease germs, | } BRANDT. & STEHMAN'j Order a bag today 1 ) 1 wrifv the Mount Joy Pa. If. puriy 1a lgework Ask the man that feeds it. Lo ke licial teeth and br clean ess. Toz nicotine ~ MA from the teeth and pu >» breath fter smoking. To erac perspira- For Sale. Hogar : 3 ire threshing outfit, Frick's AS a me nal gent r local rine, 17 to 20 } : ; 1 easons. The thr : feeder, 30x52 Will sell at ; them I I R.'D ) 31 FRE © < vi $15.00 to $50.00 per Week ou salesmanship free. Will pay 1g our * zh Qual- fr rize-winning : Stock. sition Girgrd, ErieyCo., P h great er. Perma- Pay free. Write be- territory is taken. PENNSYLVANIA NURSERY CO. o