PAGE 8 THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA Wednesday, March 18th, 1919, ¢ . LL ——————————————————————————— mm A ——————— S———————————————. + —————————————— i = _ d ly ‘ The Week in Gramm THE ESSAY CONTEST , Annual Report willed tor the Hons |= & ‘ i np : for the Me nt Bulle y Of The n, at Mount Jo Pa by Wm Second Annual Event by the Lancase Ar & Co Pennsylvania Buildin v i ter Automobile Club Water = Account |ruiadeipnia, Pa, by D. B. | t 3 | lanager Woolworth Build a ! . For Mount Joy Borough for the veal ter, Penna ach h school rincipal in ! 1 ending Dec I t, 1911 Phila, Pa., March 9, 1912, County been sent the | RECEIPTS since the first of the week, when followin tter ex nin the good . a—— Balance in Trea De | rain of all classes advanced to the ro | wntest of the Lancaster J 1910 $ 328.86 [highest level of the movement, the Automobile Club ; FRIDAY and M | 5 16 Keb 16, R Rell RUA to! So no predominent feature has been liquid- The Lancaster Automobile Club Mar t ellenbaum col, 3800.00 | A y 1 arcl \ ( 4 0 ' » ho ation to secure profits, The know- desires to announce its second annual Mar.7, | Fellenbaum col 150.00 |" . i SATURDAY, June 5, i Fellenbaum col, 450.00 (ledge that the Department of Agri- ©ssay contest for members of this | Sept, 11, R. Fellenbaum col 100.00 | culture would, late Friday afternoon, Year's graduating classes in the high 2 I 'PORTUNITY -FIT YOUR KITCHEN nT 'HE 20 BN I 20 aa id ’ 8 AN OPPORTUNITY TO RE-FI1 OUR KITCH WITH THE Dec. 29. R Fellenbaum col 139.36 | issue an estimate of the amount of Schools of Lancaster county. Prizes NECESSARIES AT A MODEST PRICE ( layion Holtman, Burgess, qa oo | &rain still in farmer's hands, was of $15, $10 and $5 in cash are offer. ol on, etc, 33.2 : y [largely instrumental The price ed for the three best essays on any Bruit Presses. 14¢ A List of The 9 Cent Specials $5,601.42 shatge has been remarkably small, Rog roads et Principals are 14 qt. Enamel Dish Pan........ 38¢ EXPENDITURES especially as compared with the asked to call the attention of their 1 | Dish Pan 47¢ — Adams Express Co., exp,..$ 3.30 striking advances of the week before, senior classes to this contest, and, 7 qt. Ename 8 RBs rsxerss ' ENAMEL DRINKING CUPS Atlantic Refining Co., gaso. 22 3 losses in the most active months not where the principal assigns the sub- Butcher Ruolves ........cvc.. 34c ENAMEL POT COVERS Baker, F. H.,coal & lumber 242.¢ exceeding 1c per bust \ . ject for the AR COME ARAY INAMEL IRE Y : x | per yushel. The ad- Ject for the commencement essay, to . 7 A 1 . RQ Barry & Zecher Co.,tubeing 7.89 | i . : - Enamel Tea Kettles .40 and 44c¢ POTATO SLICERS BEY ap J ° OT = SBT vance was extensive, and that such give to one of the pupils a good roads Makes delicious home Enamel Coffee Pots. ....25 and 85¢ FLOUR SIEVES Boyce, David, supplies 2.754a volume of offerings could be ab- subject, thus making that pupil baked foods of maximum i x ’ y . { NG KNIVES Brubaker, M. N map and ‘bed with so little recessi sug- eligible to enter the test he Aluminum Stew Pans.......... 23¢ PARING KNIV ’ ' oe sorbed with so little recession, sug gible to ente le contest, the SOAP DISHES " bide prints a ed . i 8148 gests an underlying basis of great prizes for which are well worth quality at minimum cost. v Tv aN 2 UNNELS | arpenter, tH r., ais ot. es Ew 2tniving fram EXTRA ENAMEL I I~ LS Cassel, W. W rebate. . . .. 1.58 stre ngth : ; triving for. Makes home baking a Hardwood Salt Box........... 10¢ . BREAD ANS . C. C. C. Fire Hose & Rubber I'he report as issued adds little to In the contest of last year a 1 r SOUP STRAINERS Co., 100 ft. fire hose. 138.50 the trade knowledge, aside from giv- young lady entrant captured first Pp easure —————————————————————— + (Nir. A= B.. coal, 38:67 ing more authority to the private prize Her essay was pulished : ‘ ¢ Pun ' 1 ies 99.30 ; . Few of The Five Centers . . Darling Pump Co., supplies T= on estimates that have gone before, as troughout th country after the re- " A Partial List of 10c. Attractions Detwiler, W B., rebate. . go vo ipared with a y ar ago, the sult of the contest was know Fos : reyes iy Detwiler, 1. 11 Horee Wire, 3.2% compared with a year ago, the sult o St was known thus The only Baking Powder NUTMEG GRATERS rots Dillinger & Donovan, reb., 2.37 jamounts are in million bushels, bringing honor to her and to her . HAND BRUSHES ALUMINUM DIPPERS Dillinger, Chas., labor. a 29.00 Wheat, 122 vs. 179 (less census cor- school. In addition several maga- made from Royal Grape GG ATERS FRYING PANS Donegal Gas Co., supplies "rq rection reducing 16 million) Corn, zines of wide circulation gave space p rg iy ENAMEL PIE PLATES Donaghy, John, labor.... 2.50 {290 vs. 447, These amounts are well to the winning essay in thi A. Cream of Tartar MEAT FORKS ASI ARTES ATL ! Druckenmiller, Carrie, reb., 2.31, s Tr BQ ¢ 84 J 'S8a) 8 } COFFEE STRAINERS ENAMEL GIRE Li LDS ! Ebersole, Walter, labor 24.00 in line with trade expectations, show- contest. Like last year an able and . ew KING DUST BRUSHES Elder, Rosie, rebate vr 1.25 ing rather more bullish in kheat impartial committee of yrominent STOVE BACKING DUST PANS Engle, Eli H., hauling... 50.75 i ' j y : bon No Alum — No Lime Phosphates TOASTERS OR BROILERS " oe F > ¥ o ' labor. 1 50 than coarse grains at going levels. residents of the county will judge : TEV ES "LL ) MOPS ‘rank, reorge, anor. .... 0 . od . ores : ” . . ine ; OAN OPENERS a Sons Fellenbaum, R., commission Indded with the lowest farm re- the contest. The Judges last year CAKE PLATES MOP HA} — and salary ........ 135.55 serves 1905, and the outlook for were State Railway Commissioner CEE ER POTATO MASHERS GRATERS : Fridy, Jacob, labor. ..... 6.60 both milling and export demand in M. J. Brecht, Dr. A. B. Leaman, Ps EERE Es ASBESTOS MATS PUDDING PANS | Barber, ’ 5 andlung. tele a excess of normal, it will not be sur- president of the TLancaster county ars er —— / | . AR ce i SOUP LADLES | Garber, Jacob, labor..... 3. § eins has ay, Cnn ne i : i a J QUART MEASURES UP L 4 | Garber, Amos, refund per. 1.00 Prising if Substantial advances fol- Supervisor's Assoc lation, and Hon. Four Score Years { | § Garlock Pack. Co., supplies 57.99 low, even with the large visible Chester W Cummings, Street Com- Drank Overdose of Laudanum Bishop S. R. Zug, who has the d § AQ n ilatfelter, Jas., auditing. . 2.00 s 7. issioner of Lancaster wsday evening Eliz: : tabs pr 2 | THESE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL SALES ARE BECOM- Siattelier,, i id audit g 9 supply missioner of Lancaster, On Tuesday evening Elizabeth unique distinction of only ome birth- } ] i" re a, # 4% Hi ons . ee etl MRI ee “The ‘no 3 2 ES8AVS o ! For age y rears ange ar : : ING MORE POPULAR AT OUR STORE AND EACH SALE WE |, wo" hb @ repairs. . . .. 29.37 ne iy ne i The length St ae essays shall he Fossa, gel two years, daughter of | day anniversary in every four years, | ANT AKE ETTER AND THE VALUES MORE PRO- |Cudworth & Crandall, sup. {44 THURSDAY'S BOXING that required of the contestant’s Mr. and Mrs. reorge Fornoff, of | ,, Thursday of last week attained ENDEAVOR TO MAK B : : tat : : ' i | NOUNCED. COME EARLY | Hawthorne, Phares, labor. .45 ——eeee classmates in writing their essays. |Ironville, drank laudanum which she | the ripe old age of 80 years i dt ee len : y : y 0.66 Os 3 - Wi . re The subiec as i ) ati , i . f vig. Love. 5 : a | Hiestand, » By i2bos : co 10.56 A Great Show With Local Boys The The subject has an educational found in a cupboard Dr. 8. B. Kos- Rev. Zug is a well preserved man, | Flies. § nes, ay oun 17.28 Big Feature value and is one upon which much is jer, of Mountville, was sent for and and is a walking encyclopedia on supplies .......... 1.21 tne pi i 3 . i { a 8 ¢ wi 3 ydig East Main Street, Hemperly, Barbara, rebate 1.98 Tn being written today as it is one of /when he arrived the child was very the early history of the church he so | Herr, R. H, labor....... 28.05 There is no discount on the box- of the leading present day topics and sick. He worked with her for two faithfully served for nearly half & Mount Joy, Pa. |S. B. Herr & Son, supplies. 30.90 ing show of next Thursday night at pupils should have no difficulty in hours, before she was relieved of her century. ® ® 9 | Herald Piz Soa printing. 1 oo Lancaster when Mr. Hensel will put composing their essays for the con. suffering. That the dose did not oo : sme ame SN ey, Abner. ug. + 12.60 on the best bill of the season which test. It is hoped the prizes offered prove fatal is probably due to the { Hinkle, Harry, labor. .... 10.65 includes these boys: Young Laubee, will inspire a lively contest between |large quantity she swallowed, and Une surprising thing about the | Hinkle, Walter, labor. .... 4.65 of the Cardinal A. C., vs. Young the high schools of the country in a the prompt response of the physi- | Colonel's announcement is that “Fire i h/ a i 3.8 : : p 3 1 ’ + » | ol gp gaseline, . a 13.59 Ochs, of the “Hill,” Young Russel cause that will be productive of an | cian. \larm Joe” Foraker hasn't gone off g Zz... 36.02 . : Ses ; I a ae SA 14.70 VS. Danny Ferguson, of Manayunk; improvement in rural conditions. yet. | Lytle Estate, rebate...... 5.30 Frankie Houck, vs. Tim Droney, who The letter concludes with a re- TTT TT J Yporer G., supplies. ... .. 33.38 are not satisfied over the last meet- quest to make known the cqatest to Mt. Joy Twp. Fire Insur. ing; Young Morris, of Columbia, his the members of their grauuating 5 : E; g 1] S, a, $ $ gr¢ é 5) SE Ti 1.00 1 : NO atter ow ou ew It y ji o PRE & arance rs y 3; classes, rging ¢ rast yf ar- ‘ Musser, 7. H. refund of per. 1.00 first appearance for some months: el 15805, urging at leas one to par i ole cob. labor... .. 3.75 vs L.eo Marten, of Philadelphia; ticipate, and that any additional in- Nagl Jacol la ~ mm oN Ye ¥ r Jr 15 “nl Seed, Comfort snl Sutoty in Autoobiles d= | Newcomer, H. 8. supplies. 31.54 Johnny Greiner, the popular Lancas- formation on the contest can be ob- THERE'S AN ADVANTAGE IN : pend largely upon using the right Gasoline. [ Northern Mutual Ins. Co., 1.73 ter lad, vs. Bobby Hayes, one good tained from Walter R. Markley, Lan- Waverly Gasolines—three grades— Insurance tennis Le ED Philadainkia Li Warles Coline. of casas ¥4e chive : > conten J ; R z Instantaneous, powerful | P. R. R., freight & drayage 8.07 Philads Iphia Rig, Charles Coiling of TASSLY; % lo hasicharge of the conn) ] 3 cial —- Motor | SO powerk: Penn Twp. Fire Ins. Co., in 4.00 Columbia, the lad who has shown for the Club. 4 Without Carbon prod icts. No “natural” g d. { er Ne sabato 5.293 reat i rovoeme a ras : o> er— Y OIL WORKS COMPANY, Independent Refiners, PITTSBURG, PA | Re am, Edwar d, Te bate ped os at improvement and has fought ah ui A a | Reed, C. E.,, red. of water some good men lately, vs. Henry ELIZABETHTOWN RE AN TT ST rs 7 Roy: bond No. 43,Sept. coupon 10.00 ; : i : 'Runk John. labor... 11.25 Hanber, a Philadelphia welterweight The Progressive Literary society | Missimer, J. R., printing. . 8.20 ol great prominence, who has met all will hold a meeting in the Fire Com- Y KK I N == Stark, Tillman. labor. 3.75 the best Philadelphia lads Here are pany's building on Thur.iay, March J i a ibn a0 : : : : . . | Sobral, John By printing. ag 10 matches with four local boys match- 14. A very interesting program is . "Schatz, Geo., salary:..:.. BO0.00 od Laninat ol ranciars die SITE ato nded Te TF tyes : . | Smeltzer, Frank, labor... ny ed Bevin Samat Band two hi to De ne arrang ed % 1 2 111 Be 4 ( 4 W kk | Siller, T.ewis, labor. 3.75 meet each other. vor the first time good one, viz tesolved, 1at the All Kinds soncrete or | Smith, Henry, labor.. 3.75 the kidney punch will be barred. President of the United States | | Schock, C., coal & lumber 22.75 — —— . should be elected by op : Sch sh cted by popular vote, { Stoner, Katie, red. of water RAYS : J te, . : ie hoy : ; ah | bond No. 44,8ept. coupon 510.00 CONEWAGO VALLEY and, that his Jon Son he fire 3 LOCKS { Snyder. Walter, labor... .. 24.75 Auctioneer F. B. Aldinger called a years. Since the recent fire at the / BUILDING B { State tax on water bonds 115.90 sale at Lancaster on Monday. school building very commodious! / y ; 9 All Styles and Colors W hotvell, Jone, labor. . .. 20.79 Harvey Espenshade of London- rooms were engaged. I> Weber, Jos., labor. ...... 3.75 s : : iin x - A : y : Try NE ) was S ic y od. ¢ Ss Glenn, Weldman, Christ. labor 2 45 derry township was in this vicinity Ed. Rutt ind son ile n, of this Porches, Columns and Welsh. A. B labor... .. 66.42 trying to sell cattle. place, were visiting at Harrisburg. Wood, R. D. & Co., supplies 8.15 Miss Bessie Beck is spending sev- Mrs. D. G. Kreider has returned Banisters 358 raid | sot : Anger, Sarah, Re R000 eral weeks at Falmouth visiting ac- | from a visit to Annville. | 88 Coupons, eac 00... 880. nlitaraa | Yoirymeres 2 Adm Xba Aciivie | Door and Window Sills and | 195 Coupons, each $2.00. . 390.00 Tejances. : : a ae danivaie ves visiting a1 Jan. 8. Bal. in Treas..... 1060.82 oadmaster Garman has teams Philadelphia for several days. | Lintles, Chimneys, —--— hauling crushed stone on the Aber-| H. H. Good is erecting a new large | Etc. 4 Ja00142 deen road which makes a big im- [slaughter house and will also build | We the undersigned auditors o i : | : provement. |a residence on Poplar street. | Mount Joy Boro hereby certify that A 3 i . ae a : ! Retailer of the Best we have carefully examined the ac- Clayton Longenecker will be the Prof. E. D. Wolf will entertain at | Young Brothers Carriage Work Grades of Cement count of the Union National Bank, new teamster at the Aberdeen mill. the college an evening during the Treasurer of Mount Joy Boro Waar Mr. Heisey can congratulate himself |latter part of this month. | THAT WILL ALWAYS CLAIM YOUR ATTENTION. IT IS Account and find that said account on being s SRE : g so fortunate as to get such 0g te , Ane Shows a credll balance of $1060.32 an efficient man 2 10 0 pans ha oa Anotont] C { { this 8th day of Jan. 1912. Have also ° i Man jJrder Inighis of the Mystic Chain, ustom Quality at Moderate Prices destroyed 195 coupons of $2.00 John Gephart of Aberdeen cele-|was a grand success and many were | each and 88 Soupaus OF $10.00 eam, (brated his 70 birthday on Saturday. present from surrounding councils. There can be no better time to order a new wagon for Spring thaz Respectfully submitted, pig children and quite a number of [Speeches were made by Sir Knights now. It stands to reason that we can give more attention to a job over 4) > CARNE ‘his grandchildren called on him isha») H. Keller, William Morning, A. [the winter months than during the busy season and naturally you get a : EM TREX ER |ing him many returns of the day. |B. Ream, D.C. Coble and Solomon | first-class job. ait yy: NE, U JHuI, { ——l a Th : | . : mar. 13-3t. Auditors. | re. | Becker. The castle will be a quarter | We also have some fine sleighs ready for your inspection. | 34—Watt & Shand—34 of a century old next September and , { . : See 3 y | Terms *Yoderate. Bell Telephone. | The thirty-fourth anniversary of ja big time is in Yiey. , wa is the only kind I sell—Furniture that 1s Furniture [the Lancaster store of Watt & Shand | The Brethren in Christ of this dis- | ; Fo crams § ERA a we YOUNG BROS Rockers Mirrors H all Racks ATUCTIONEER The sale is unique as the prices | in the church here on Wednesday | » MOUNT JOY, PA. are all 34—34 cents, $1.34; $2.34 land Thursday, May 1 and 2. A | Bell Telephone FLORIN, PENNA. — . . . ’ . : | ete. {number of ministers from abroad Poop A y » © 1 . Picture EF rames Ladies Desks Prompt Attention given to Sales of | ——— ee will be present. a an TT TTL TF - _ Real Estate and Personal Property. | Reference: Extension & Other Tables, Davenport China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets S Th: g : Rr Tonso r ia | P ar lor| Letters Testamentary on said €8- | effect that both of the great political | 3 i Worth wale bo gi from Eyea: is, Houdache, oy “Pour Vision n fact anything in the Furniture Line [tate having been granted to the un- parties are seriousit considering | When relief is so near and ean be had at such small cost? 2: : East Main St., MOUNT JOY |dersigned, all persons indebted there the advisability of inserting a plank We make a thorough examination of the eye, without cost, and if - Undertaking and Embaiming | Three Chairs. No Waiting [to are requested to make immediate |in their platforms, for changing the | Glasses are needed furnish them atthe lowest possible price. i Agen for the Middletown Steam payment, and those having claims OT length of the Presidential terms | sme... | Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday |demands against the same will Pre- | from four to six years. The business PERFECT FITTING GUARANTE ED. ind delivered Friday. |sent them without delay for settle- having Joseph B. Jonas I. returned studies |at school, after being ill a week. Miss Mary Hertzler has |to Harrisburg to resume her 3 dis. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulle‘in. | Minnich | SXECUTOR' 'OTICE Halr Cutting | EXECUTOR'S NOTIC Estate of Rebecca N. Nissley, late TTT TT - Hershey {OF East Donegal Township, Lancas- Changing the Presidential Term Jer County, Pa., deceased. Suggestions are also afloat to the! men of the country are clamoring for | ment to the undersigned. H.C. BRUNET = i NE EOTET TN ™ T™T A FOXY. ET —— - - ETS PRS ES a TRA a Bi Brass Beds ror: Beds If you're looking for REAL VALUES in you wil find in our large store the most as any Mid-Winter Sale. Don’t be fooled by ment as to real values savings, selves. Compare our Brass other sales. You’ll find we Because of our $5,000-a- ume of our BRASS or stonishing TRON BEDS, line shown at infl Re ated tag reductions and blind Get right down to the and Iron Beds and prices w offer BY FAR the biggest © r location saving and the at vol- we are able to GUARANTEE positive savings cent. on everything—Furniture, Carpets, Rugs your judg- 700ds them h those of alues. Yea eat business of ten to thirty per and Draperies. Thirty-six styles of Kitchen Cabinets sure to see this line before > ~from $12.00 to $38.00. making your selection. ) T 3 ” oo : ’ Westernbe: gor, M ale) r & Myers p-131 East King S:., LANCASTER, PA. 1 1 0 BRE } Be 10 0 O00 = TY 0 eo cm 111 3 > wr Vell 1 mi litic B | and BE It ever is nov more to el states Congress, such a change, as they say that TE — San A | JOHN G. SNYDER, Mt. JOY | there is no use in plunging the coun- 1 HENRY G. SHELLY, Florin tv into uncertainty and unrest of a WR, IRR “ Executors. | nrasidential campaign every four eB Srl oS uh Sa dh W. U. Hensel, Atty. mar 6-6t. | yonrs, w hich greatly depresses busi- 1ess for that year : liscourages 5 TY r : 2 a 1 fe I ve and discourages WELER AND OPTICIANS o> \ LANCASTER ; Eno terprises. Instead of BE LIIEE x $ ; b it irty would be ant to wi Antis epticg. e hearty support of the large and | = ————m—m — 5 AE S 4 , 1b vf tl ntry 7 man nov 3 ou soafeofesforfonfonfosfoofortenfefenfoafenfosfrfunfeogenosfosfosorfofunf efoto fod oleadeedeodeode fede fotentefunfondoogn n IVE + \ + pa ¥ TVS TV po rE TIEN aR £ THE I dia PLES M f len 5 = S 4 “ fg 7 5 CN BW £ Le : ; i Do £ 45 NII ¥ TE TVE. > . xk he odin Oe lle one ¥ J " }P i——— - = N 3 rd iw ge P . i ’ + Now is the e er Cemet wo 0 at reduct WW 3 iong 3a f 1aranteed 1 LI A 11d make a at i Sure da izabethtc We 8d x 1 : a . he e 2. om A , % 31 : I nop AJ . \ m I t eeth and ge kb n if 1. - 3 ) H Soy Is 0 at | a EES & REEL re ! of 25 % he #5 WK. $VH i wi 3 i We : es Quring | % Eliza DWN an ( 8 20Ing 0 & : C : 1ggists | 3.4 ; aii the Bew.J HARLES W. ¢ I} i > > m sta Sa Io Ho € an ti + mai i) poss: mple Free, Sooo Poodefoctarte tsa 3 ob Toafsedefourifeedesfoctsade Pa THE PAXTON TOILET COLE osron Mass. : ; : ¢ Glasses We succeed Lecause To Fit our Glasses give perfect sight
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