PAGE 2 THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & "'rop'r, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR Six Months. 50 Cents I'hree Months 25 Cents Single Copies. ....2 Cents Sample Coples, ..... FREE Entered at the post office at Mrunt Joy as second-class mail matter, All correspondents must have their communications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between that time and 12 o’'locck noon Wednesday. Chan- ges for advertisements must posi- tively reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisements inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday night. Advertising rates on appli- EDITORIALS Never let a grievance stand night; better sacrifice your pride than over your peace of mind, » . » - It is a fact which mathematics can- not explain, that the more affection we leave at home the more we carry with us A » » - - A happy home does not result from a large income. A large amount of love, plenty of good sense and a very little money will make a happy Home Circle. - . . * -» Never think you can afford to be dowdy at home. Cleanliness, hair well dressed and a smile will make calico look like silk in the eyes of a father or brother. * * * * \ Love is the great homemaker, that makes even the drudgery keeping a pleasure, and home life a | foretaste of the bliss of heaven. une cannot get too much love into one’s homemaking, but easily too little. | + . . . There is no earthly tie so st rong | or so sacred as that of motherhood. | Society is held together by social ties, Civic societies are bound by money and oaths girths of steel marriage bond when inviolated and | These obligations are like vet none hold like the | unpoluted by vile theories. , ” = * Man can build the it in, a resistance against the storms but the man with all | | house and roof and elements, his genius and artisan science cannot make the home, that ever has and ever will be the task of woman. It is she alone that can bring to it warmth she reigns su- and beauty. Here preme. - . * sw The children who are accustomed to seeing their mother with her hair becomingly arranged and in a pretty gown, and who are themselves com- pelled while young to pay attention to little details of cleanliness and dress: will never grow up into slat- ternly men and women. . * . » It seems to be difficult in this world for men and women to keep a middle course. For one it is all saving and working, for another all spending and shirking. And neither is happy. Idle- mess has as many miseries as over- work. It is only those lives in which labor and leisure are united that are truly happy. The middle course is the right course. - * . . “It’s only mother; anything will do for her!” If the words are not often actually expressed, the thought is too often acted upon. And yet if we stop to think, common decency tells us| that only the best is good enough for mother—that her devetion, which surpasses all other love, is deserving of the deepest repect and affection, and that to forget her is the blackest | and hasest crime that man can com- | mit. { * - * * | Success in life does not always | mean wealth, fame or position. You may be poor in all of these but you can be rich in mind and character. | The world within you must be devel- | oped before you can enjoy the world | without you. If you have wealth put | some of it into brain power and you can never lose, If you are poor you | cannot afford to be poor in both mind | and pocket. You can have the wealth of a trained mind and noble charac- ter. Condemn your children only when they are really wrong, and then as gently as possible, but be sure to commend them when they do right A little praise with a child long ways. A child may be very pro- voking, but not wilfully bad. At- tributing bad motives to a thought- less child has ruined many a little life. Just blame less and praise more, and we shall have better children. Especially as most of their faults are copied from their parents, we should exercise the strictest charity, for veri- ly, “Charity doth cover a multitude of sins.” % * » * If you have any doubt in your mind ag to the good that can come to you by living in the sunshine way, we ask you to try for one day and prove by personal experience whether or not it is worth your while to scatter sun- shine. Begin at once by trying to make those about you in the home happier. Keep a sharp lookout for little opportunities of helpfulness. Be courteous and kind whenever you speak or are spoken to. Be pleasant to everyone everywhere. Be willing Rocky ‘Western Canada, Mexico and South- | to sacrifice your own personal enjoy- ment if by doing so you can make an- other person happier. Do this and see when night comes if your own heart is not full to overflowing with peace and joy unspeakable. of house- |! | reprehensible. {knowing of his trusteeship \i {ERE DOCTORS FAILED T0 HELP Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta ble Compound Restored Mrs. Green's Health— Her Own Statement. Covington, Mo. —*‘ Your medicine has | done me more good than all the doc- | tor’s medicines. At everymonthly period I had to stay in bed four days because of hemorrhages, and | my back was so weak I eould hardly walk, I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham'’s Vegetable Com- | pound and now I can stay up and do my ; work. I think it is | —Mrs. JENNIE GREEN, Covington, Mo. How Mrs. Cline Avoided Operation. | Brownsville, Ind.—‘‘I can say that | Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has done me more good than anything else. One doctor said I must be opera- | ted upon for a serious female trouble | and that nothing could help me but an | operation. “1 had hemorrhages and at times | could not get any medicine to stop them. I got in such a woak condition that I would have died if 1} fiud not got relief soon. “Several women who had taken your Compound, told me to try it and I did and found it to be the right medicine to build up the system and overcome male troubles. “I am now in great deal better health than [ ever expected to be, so I think I ought to thank you for it.”’—Mrs. O. M. CLINE, S. Main St., Brownsville, Ind. Carried Other People's Money \ Scranton editor had his pocket picked of $180, it is said. Such care- lessness with other people’s money is When a nalist is given money by some one to he ought to go and do it away for fear that somebody deposit, right It must have been the work the pe- he tap of persons acquainted with culiar circumstances. rere ree Washington is suffering from an over production of presidential booms. . . With Time on Her Hands AD) A lady is apt to feel lonely, but if she is carrying one of our watches she will at least be sure of always being accurate in her appointments. | We are naturally proud of the time- keeping qualities of our elegant gold and silver watches, as well as of the dainty and artistic designs, and the beautiful workmanship throughout. Our Jewelry bears the reputation of being ‘“‘ever best.” Please Remember I Also Repair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Very Promptly You will not be disappointed time and again if you bring your repair work to me. cree ter R. V. FEGLEY East Main Street, MT. JOY, PA. WATER BONDS CALLED Notice is hereby given the bond holders of the Mount Joy Borough Water Bonds Nos. 40 and 41, of $500.00 each, to present them for payment to the Union National Mt. Joy Bank, Treasurer, on or before March 1st, 1912, as interest on same will cease on that day. By order of Mt. Joy Boro Council, Feb. 5, 1913. Clayton Hoffman, Burgess goes a | DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 530-532 Woolworth Building Lancaster, Pa. Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m. | Sunday and Other Hours By Appointment &oth Phones Ind. 1877 Bell Lan., 994 TOBACCO SEED Weaver's Imp. Broad Leaf, § oz., Individual plant, 50c; 3 oz. No, 1 grade For sale by all leading merchants or by mail. JOHN S. WEAVER 25¢ Glen Mawr Seed Farms KINZER'S - - PENNA. jan. 31-8t. Low Rates to the West Pennsylvania Railroad Tickets to Mountains, Pacific Coast, western points on sale daily Mar. 1 Ito Apr. 14 inclusive at reduced fares. i Consult nearest Ticket Agent, or A. |C. Weile, D. P. A., Reading, Pa. i feb. 21-4t the best medicine on earth for women.” | rural jour- | will do | CHE ! MILTON GROVE \ 1 \ i A i n i ea an | } ] 1 il | i \ I weel reen Th lay morning ser | A HN ‘ t lohn Rasp htered his lust porke for the cason saturday I'he crows have a roost on the Conewago hill adjacent to Lawn \ saddler and tinsmith would be essential requisites to this place Ed. Frilig and wife of Masterson- ville, were visitors in town the past | Week. I The Sabbath School in the Evan- | gelical church has been in operation the whole year Jacob I. Fry has a live spring at his house which could be utilized as a fountain in town The general health in munity has been truly remarkable up this com- to the present time. Mount Joy township trollers met at their last Saturday morning, Monroe Ober Manheim, ed some of his this section the Nathan Zug Mastersonville, was a in this section the past week school con- regular place of visit- old time past week. a retired farmer of pleasant caller No services were held in the Evan- | gelical church last Sunday, due to [the church's annual conference Mine host Edward Youtz, of the | Colebrook Mansion and his helpmeet | were week end visitors to town | James Horst of near Bellaire, [very happy man since the stork sented him with twin baby boys. Creamery patrons suggest that the improve the road from | Green Tree church to this place { Isaiah G. Zook has faith in Klon- [dike's temperature and he may prob- {ably make a sojourn to that region Public | form one of is a pre- | | supervisors sales of personal property the chief attractions for this season of the year. Grosh made to the Union 3ank Thursday. the farmers | Bank Director E. F. his hebdomatal | National Mount visit Joy Mrs. Harry S. Risser of Lawn and [Mrs. S. L. Gingrich of town, were vis- itors at the High school the past week. the streets are no longer confronted and animal Slippery conditions of [1ocomotion has been relieved of that | difficulty. Mr. and Mrs {myra, spent lantly at the Sunnyside. Eli I. Arndt of Sleepy Hollow, has stripping tobacco on Will Gardner's farm Jacob Moyer of Pal- several days very pleas- home of Jacob Moyer at | | completed Ischool director |near Florin, | Misses Meta Zook and Ada Eshle- man have returned from a visit at the home of Milton Rider and family at Aberdeen. The township road supervisors met at. Hotel Milton Grove Saturday morning and transacted business of vital importance. B. F. Gochnaur, proprietor of the Phoenix Hotel in Elizabethtown, vis- ited town during the past week. Ben is a sunbeam of purest ray serene. Our genial friend, Cyrus H. Hei- sey of Mastersonville, {is making preparations to move back to his former Milton Grove homestead. Harrison Eshleman, editor and proprietor of the Palmyra Record, illuminated our streets with his beaming countenance a few days ago. Anthony G. Greiner, a prominent farmer near the Hill Church suffered an apoplectic stroke the past week but the indications are that he will [recover. | Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Fry and Walter, spent Sunday as guests |of the former's brother John Fry jand family adjacent to Good's meet- {ing house | son cea tiem RHEEMS Elmer Groff, son of Leander Groff, is on the sick list. Miss Fannie Shank, of near Har- | risburg, Cumberland county, attend- |ed the funeral of Rev. John M. Wol- Mr. and Mrs. gemuth. The Ezra Gish family started a carload of household goods, farming implements and an automobile for their future home in Canada. Wm Given has charge of the packing of tobacco for Abe L., Mum- ma in his large warehouse purchased rom the Gish & Garber firm David Greiner disposed of a car- {load of cotton hulls at this place last The hay increases the demand for the hulls The in the Rheems church have been continued. The Wednesday shortage of series of meetings meetings are and many have attended from a ereat distance A. H. Eppler flitted from the Harry house, opposite Mt. Tunnel cemetery The vacancy will be filled about April 1 by Henry of West Donegal township Weaver, a retired farmer Samuel! Wormley, of near place, took advantage of the pleas- ant weather last his returning thru He witness the ice floes, Mavtown and Rheems. is markable walker considering his age. nal a. Tired mothers! always anxious, scheming, planning and economizing how they can manage their detail of domestic life with least expense; for children are such a drain upon the re- sources of one’s time, heart and pock- et. The mothers doing double work, triple work themselves, to save for "this or that, until the nerves are strained and shattered to a degree un- bearable to themselves, and particu- ‘larly offensive to others. friends in’ O00 Has - Gaps - Ha. Tremendous reductions of our entire stock of Fall These are all good and ofr ejeeroorisoppdorieie iid Secfosfoofecfecfocfonfraferforiororfeofortesiosipofe doofereofortorocore quite interesting | L.. Heisey house into the Abe Snyder | this | Sunday by taking ! staff and walking to Marietta to | a re- | MOUNT JOY, PA. HER NRE. oo. Wednesday, March 13th, 1912, FiEs REESE ESSE EEE s EEE Es QO Mount Joy, Pa. J. M. Backenstoe, Pro. Has just been remodeled thruout. Has all modern conveniences such as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam Heat, Electric Light, Etc. Table is Supplied With the Best the Market Affords. Also Luneh Counter Where Soups, Sandwiches, Cheese, Tripe, Oysters in Every Style Etc., Etc., are served e980 BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS! OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Good Stabling Accomodation Local and Long Distance Telephones ne ab, HARRY WILLIAMS BARBER shaving Massaging I Hair Cutting Razors Honed 3 x Shampooing Toilet Waters & * Singeing Shaving Soaps i 4 i Agency For Elkhorn Laundry 3 i Opp. First National Bank : %° MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA i C. S. MUSSER. THE BAKER Bread and Cakes Delivered through town dally ‘resh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey Buns every Wednesday & Thursday Funerals, Weddings and Suppers given prompt attention & Bakery, West Main Street Mount Joy, Pa. ranch Store at E. Ream’s. LUNG DISEASE «After four in our family had died of consumption 1 was taken with a frightful cough and lung trouble, but my life was saved and I gained 87 pounds through using DR. KING'S NEW DISC OVERY W. R. Patterson, Wellington, » PRICE 50c and $1.00 AT ALL DRUGC t'resh store 2.50 2.00 1.50 and Winter Hats and Caps. staple styles in Stiff and Soft Hats which we are going to close out at the following prices to make room for our Spring Stock : $3.00 Soft and Stift Hats now $2.15 1.65 1.35 1.00 i 1 1 bd i bh i 6 1 i i 1 i bl fe All our 50c Caps 35¢e We still have a few of those Men's Suits which we are sacrificing at Also about 20 Boys’ Suits to close at $2.50 the bargains whether you buy or not. $7.00 HESS EE "SESE EEE” . n » = » u J 1 BROS. Mount Joy Hall Bldg. MOUNT JOY, PENNA, 1010 LY TOO TI Te Its Fish You Want I Can Always Supply You I always have on hand aii kiads of fish in season and would be pleas- ed to have your order. ALL FISH CLEANED GRATIS Also Oranges, Ban- anas, Lemons, Etc. John Darrenkamp MOUNT JOY, PENNA. EVERY SEASON BRINGS NEW JOYS TO THOSE WHO Make the most of the lures of the first soft days of Spring. We and will be easy they are to use. $5.00 up you how from show have Kodaks glad to W.B.BENDER East Main St., 60 YEARS’ {., EXPERIENCE vT = {ape MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &cC. sketch and deseriptic ree wi invention tions strict ) sent free. NLS. receive Patents tale 1 & Co. special notice, without eharge, in the Scieniific American, A handsomely ilinstrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific Journal, Terms, £3 a vear; four months. $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co, 3616s. New York Branch Office 625 F St.- Washington, D. C. Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. West Main St., | SERRE RNR RRR RRR RRR TRAE RRNA ERAEY Mount Joy, Pa. Tobacco Are You Seed | HEAVY BODIED PENNSYLVANIA | | Broad LEAF TOBACCO producing seed grown under the new system of seed propogation and known as the John S. Weaver, (Kin- jzers, Pa.) brand. A fifty-cent package contains one- half ounce of seed from one individ- ual plant. GARDEN SEEDS in bulk and pack FOR SALE BY BLANKETS WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- FITS ON WOOL HORSE BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS, IS THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO $10.59. FINES™ STOCK LAP ROBES IN THE COUNTY, FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV- ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL STOCK OF VETERINARY MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS ward Kreckel LANCASTER, PA. Tou-R-TST Trunks at Half Pricc. Great Bar- gains. On The Square SIREN EERE O ENE NR RE ENE RRN EAR R ESE EN GEER EERE E RARER ROAR ET HARARE RANE RROD ARERR N RENAE R RAR HANDLER or: Druggist Sunday Hours, 8 to 9 a. m. 5 to | 6.45 p. m. MT. JOY, PA. SE ARERR AREER RRNA R RENNER ENRRR RRR RRR RORNRE | | | Pee 030296009006804 0 Moving WE CAN HELP YOU We take up Oarpets, Olean Them and Relay Them PROMPT SERVICE Store them free till you want them in your new home. Novelty Carpet Cleaning Works Orders at Works, 135 Beaver St. or J. B. Martin & Co. Both ’phones at both places. : oo #uas. ™ ZELLER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ¥.. Main St., Mount Joy Calling and Clerking of Public Sales Settlement of Estates. Collection of Rents. Surveying and Convevancing. P0900 56 99039009 Weare Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY Moderate Charges. ° at Very : Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. 0000600600000 HOTEL McGINNIS The undersigned having remodel- ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, ete., is now prepared to entertain trans- ient and regular guests. RESTAURANT in connection with hotel will serve in season. OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style TURTLE SOY P, Ete. Ete. Private dining room for ladies. POPPI P9000990 99 where he J. WW. McGinnis, PROPRIETOR OLD DR. THEEL & DR.W. L. THEEL 1719 Spring Garden St., (formerly 585 N. 64k St., Phila., Pa.) Ein Deutscher Artz, Only German Specialist. The German Treatment, the only Guaranteed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, others can’t Cure, all use Mercury & Arsenie, worse thas the Disease itself, it’s a curse of humanity. AR Skin & Private Diseases, Excesses, both sex, Abnses, Weak nesses. Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Drains, Atrophy, - Losses, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Ruptare & Strietare, no eutting, Kidney, Bladder, 46 yrs. practice & 6 yrs. Hosp %xp. in Germany. Book Free, tells all, exposing Musoums, ity & Country Advertising Frauds. Hrs. 9-4,6-5 Sua. 9-8. — ry I E: rd | | | | 0 TT rr y EL 0 1 wm Ly BR