VOL. X. NO. 42 MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, MAR. 13. 1912 $1.00 A YEAR CIRCULATION ALWAYS COUNTS—OUR ADS BRING THATS WHY MERCHANTS USE THIS ADVERTISING MEDIUM SCHOOL REPORT { Personals Of Our Public Schools for the Past Month of the Term. THE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUSi TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER Following is the attendance at our [ FRIENDS THE PAST WEER public schools for the month which — - Some Well Known People From Our | just ended: Who and Where They Have Visited— Neighborhood Have Passed to the | First Primary School, M. G. Miller, | Many Strangers Here Over Sun Sb nha Teacher. | day=—Were You Among Them? Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue John Rollman, Robert Keller, Wit —— —— mer Eberle, Elmer Dobson, Amos | Mrs. D. R. Burroughs of Coates- Stark, Samuel Gillums, John Miller, : ville. formerly of Columbia, is dead. Charles Roth, Margaret Krall, Eve- |shent Sunday with friends here. Mary Jane Stewart died at the lyn Mumma, Sara Miller, Dorothy alc Je 3 » « © ’ » . Pannebecker, Anna Keener, Marga- | \ Sern} ’ ios heh 3 ’ , » : City where he will spend Easter. Masonic Home at Elizabethtown in |,ot Gladfelter, Sara Dillinger, Lena | ! spen ster ker 74th year on Sunday. Dillinger, Martha Royer, Clara Pen- | : : John W. Jones died at the Ma- | nell a few days in town with friends. sonic Home at Elizabethtown on Mr. Jacob Carter of Reading spent Second Primary School, Ruth N. John Jackson spent Saturday and Stoll, Teacher. | Sunday with friends at Coatesville. 5 L.ura Hertzog, Mary Moyer, Beat- Henry Buffenmoyer of Elizabeth- |, ice Fuhrman, Beatrice Newcomer, | town died on Thursday aged 83 Mary Kramer, Barbara Rollman, Emily Gingrich, Elizabeth ‘Shatto, | Baker . 3 . Anna Hershey, Elsie Shire, Walter | “Jack” Weidman left\N dav for Miss Harriet Jack of Marietta, Thome. Earl Myers, John Miller, "cur P. i a of oi ay to; died on Saturday from a complica- Gilmour Schmaelzle, John Coolidge, ration, 8, Whele as secured leroy Engle, John McGann, Howard | mployment Stark, Morris Cunningham. Mr. Abram Stauffer has returned Saturday, aged 79 years. Miss Margie lL.ongenecker of Middletown, is visiting Miss Viola years, 3 months and 5 days. tion of diseases aged 75 years. Albert Breitigan, formerly of this section, and a brother of Mrs. Elmer Third Primary School, Verna Chand- after spending some time on the : S . : ler, Teacher. | Pacific Coast. Frankhouser, died at the Soldiers George Sillers, Roy Arndt, John | Miss Jennie Leber of Ephrata, was Home a1 Dayton. C., #ved 61 vers [Germer, Herbert Tyndall, James | Charlotte. wife of Reuben Coble Rapp, Harold Funk, Ben Stark, Rob- ; > : ert Eshleman, Russel Rinehart, Hen- died at Decatur, Ill., last week. She ry Witmer, Elwood Gerber, Jay Lin- formerly resided at Elizabethtown |demuth, Russel Brown, Ruth Con- |}, re on a visit to her sister, Mrs. and is a sister of Harmon Ishler, |rad, Blanche Sherk, Maud Dillinger, | |, ‘1, . ’ TV James Glatfelter Mary Shenk, Dorothy Heilig, Doro- a : oy, : [thy Longenecker, Mildred Murray, Prof. A. M. Martin, principal of Sa Alta Gingrich, Lottie Eshleman, |t Christian 8. Stultz Christine Gillums, Anna Hendrix, | home over Sunday. ‘hristia 3. S 7 é VE $ y earl Schr ary hillips, Mary | ~ 3 : Christian S. Stultz, a well known | Pe ir] Se roll, Ls ry 1 hillips Y! Dr F. L. Richards has been away butcher of Marietta, died on Thurs-| Gibbons, Ruth Gainor. nig fr art failure, age ‘our rimary, Lou Kuhns, g ; day night, from heart failure, age d| Fourth 1 nury, Lo Ss I vhru Now Vork state. 54 years. He was a brother of Mrs. | Ants Brobal Tillian Barto.| Mr. Elder Hustler of Carlisle, was 2 dar ap F Tac , 4 < < , ‘ < DN ’ : C. R. Farmer of East Donegal. Mary Brown, Erma Hertzog, Emma | pleasantly entertained by Mr. John Kramer, Lillian Roth, Pearl Shaeffer ! yj.Ginnis over Sunday. row abe ‘own Martha Hemsley, Mil- : f ed August Growoll M ibel Brown Martha emsley, ¥ Miss Goritnde Gresnawait: ol of | dred Krall, Laura Pennypacker, : : : | James Garber, Christ Hershey, Wal- | Millersville, was home with her ter Mumma, Paul Hinkle, Samuel Miller, Paul Stark, Herbert Stark, | Russel Schatz. Fifth Primary, Kdna Martin, Teacher, the guest of friends here several days last week. Miss Laura Rentzel of York, is formerly of Florin. he schools at Honeybrook, was August Growoll, a resident Chestnut Hill, West Hempfield town- ship, died at his home on Monday evening, from catarrhal pneumonia, at an advanced age. Mr. Growoll | jute over Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Miller and child of | Kinderhook, spent Sunday here [ with her mother, Mrs. Grosh. | | | | | | | as born in Germany iv i Was horn in Sermon, and lived in Emily Newcomer, Ruth Murray, Messrs. John Bowman, John Long- this country for many years. Miriam Mummert, Florence Gainor, |enecker and Fred Bucher of Mer- —————— 3 v , y 3 « 1 i ¥ « - {| Murenna Brown, Ella Cunningham, | cersburg, are home on their Spring Charles Delong, Carl Krall, Harry Brown, Mark Mumma, Elwood Gil- lums, Clinton Eby, Charles Eshle- man, Irvin Fritz, John Gochnauer, Harry Williams, David Stauffer. a few weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Intermediate School; Elizabeth R. | John Lawrence. Eshleman, Teacher. | . . tod Y Toric : Miss Pearl Getz, ¢ accompli » Vivian Chandler, Christine Moyer, 1 Pearl Getz, an a mj d Dorothy Myers, Beatrice Schatz, Mary Strickler, Beatrice Pennypack Mrs. Lavina Hipple Mrs. Lavina Hipple, widow of the late John E. Hipple, of Bainbridge, was buried in the Bainbridge ceme- lery Wednesday, funeral services be- e held at one o'clock from the late yme, conducted by the Rev. H. S. rinser, pastor of the Bethel of the i vacation, Mrs. B. McCachran has gone to her home in Altoona, after spending voung musician of Ephrata, sp several days here with her brothers, hurch of God, of which she was aay Mary Rapp, Mabel Zerphey, A)- the Messrs. Paul and Harry Getz. member. vin Reist, Musser Stauffer, George es i : —— | Weber, Edgar Dyer, Benjamin Eby, . { Clarence Ford, Carl Shank, Edwin | BEE A SUCCESS Mrs. Jacob Childs | Walters. Mrs. Jacob Childs died at her | Grammar School, Anna R. Kraybill, Neat Sus. Roidized. tor die Mou home on Mount Joy street last Fri- Teacher. Sie Yov Sel Is : day after a short spell of sickness| Walter Bernhart, George Brown, Joy NeN00i from pleuro-pneumonia, in the forty Ross Eshleman, Dewey Hornafius, er i : “| Jay Klugh, Lester Roberts, Florence The Senior Class of the Mount first year of her age. Besides her{prown, Vivian Coolidge, Blanche | =~ 1i.h School gave a Very suc- husband she leaves six children. { Eshleman, Mabel Geistwite, Eva Ger 0] ; igh B 100 gave & very ne The funeral was held from her late | mer, Maud Schroll, Esters Ssovenss So Sling bee in Metht Jos : Anna Shonk, Florence Siller, Lillie | Hall on Saturday evening. e fol- i 2% pg Moraoar. [ters Weidman, Jennie Witmer, Grace |jowing program was well rendered nt was made in the Henry Eberle | pjetz. Music Gir OWL Town. Clase of /metery. High School, Mabel Donovan and | gy Margaret Herr Teachers. {her Senior lass—Mary gshleman, Recitation—The First Banjo; Rebecca Sowers =, ental Wi M ary ¥en on 1 Branecas Bailor ot . . . | Katharine Shire, Marth Strickler, | Frances Bailor. Rebecca Sowers, widow of Lewis | cy Gibbons, Harry Gr&ner, oes Song— Dunderbeck, Boys of 1912. Sone he 0 the home of Mr. Bengis, Roy Longenecker, Elmer First Spelling class, 14 years and John H. Wharvell on West Donegal ocher. iT rir : = Junior Class—Tekla Bube, Wilma |Under—First prize, Henry Ging- street on Tuesday merping at three Frank, Esther Hagenberger, Evelyn |rich; Second Prize, Leah Stauffer; o'clock, aged 73 years, 7 months |gpyrite, Ruth Spangler, Charles Ben- | Third Prize, Clarence Brubaker; and 20 days. She was one of the nett, Bernard Ebersole, Omar Kra-| poo uh prize Charles Delong. Al- best known and most highly re-|mer. in & : oi : ; ia A Class Miriam Chandler Grace [Vin Shonk, teacher. spected residents of this borough. Pennypacker, Lottie Royer, Fannie Instrumental Duett—Miriam Ken- She leaves one sister, Catharine |gtrickler, Esther Weber, Ellen | dig and Martha Strickler. ys : 3 ~ oct oy + Firs r sh- Witmer of Philadelphia and two | Foulkes, Herbert Frank, Roy Hersh A Yeap Year Proposal—-Mary ers - ey, Alvi Rutt, Harold Gardner, brothers, Samuel B. Bear of Tal ren D ater 3 dshleman, Howard Arnts. PROF. I. R. KRAYBILL, Prin. A NS : | mage, this county, and Joseph Bom B Class Martha Bucher, Ruth | The Military Band—Boys of of Steelton. The funeral will be held | pg. haker, Mae Eshleman, Virginia | 1919. from the residence of Mr. John |Frank, Warren Eshleman, Harold | q..onq Spelling class open to all Wharvell, where she died, on Fri- [| Harmon, Arthur Moyer, Ww alter Pen- i First Prive. Elmer Blocher: Second day afternoon. Interment will be |Del. Grace Henry, Elva Hilt, Beat- | Stic x os ee : rice Murray, Leah Stauffer, Minnie Prize, Roy L.ongenecker; Third made in the Mount Joy Cemetery. Way, Mark Breneman, Clarence Bru | Prize, Teckla Bube; Fourth Prize, baker. | Ruth Bowman. Miss Martha Eby, teacher. Character Song—Uncle Joe, Car- Sale of Bank Stock At Hotel McGinnis, Tuesday, March 12, 1912, Mr. Chas. H. Zeller, auct., sold the following bank stock for the estate of Jacob N. Newcomer, dec’d. 5 Shares First National Bank stock of Mt. Joy, at $150.30 per share to C. H. Hoffman. 5 Shares same to A. W. Newcomer at $180.25 per share. Inspecting Schools County Superintendent Daniel Fleischer, accompanied by Prof. C. W. Stine, superintendent of the York county schools, and Joseph H. Nay- llor, a director of Dover township, son Engle. Reading—Aunt Doleful’s Visit, Mary Eshleman. Dialogue—Three Smart Girls— i Class of 1912. General Tnformation Class, open to all. First. Prize, ond Prize, H | completed a three day tour of visit- | {ing the schools of the township. Aft- ler the inspection the visitors were | | royally entertained. There are 21 5 Shares same to Michael Sauder |, : a + ps , Prize, Henry : teachers in the district and they : x at $180.15 per share. . : a i Hiram Nissl eh found the schools to be in first cl: J 2 Shares same to A. W. Newcomer | Sos or + : er, Wayne : i condition. The directors of the East A : Bi $180.10. 'he§ pfoceeds will be used for ce . a wr Donegal board, who accompanied the . . . 5 Shares same to S. S. Wolgemuth Sh nind&hictures and physical labor- $180.10 county officials were M. R. Hoffman, t 80.10. Ames Kendig; Sec- airy Kraybill; Third ringrich: Fourth Prize, Mr. William Brubak- oro, teacher. - pe Rn : president; Amos F. Eby, secretary: 5 Shares same to S. S. Wolgemuth | s EI, 2 George Enslow, treasurer: Abram | at $180.10 : : : Cicked by a ) ra t W. N Grove and George F. Stibgen. Kicked by a Mule 5 Shares same to A. W. Newcomer | ee att 2} : hile leading a mule to water at $180.05 { i at § > Look Out for These Mr. Tillman Barnhart, oldest son of 5 Shares same to J. W. Newcomer 2 : a 5 c es com A number of $5 bills have put in | P2 id Barnhart, of East Donegal, at $180.05. i i 16 ff i i ¢ i ked in the face. His nose : 7 ny {an appearance that are counterfeit. J. W. Newcomer a : 5 Shares same wv: tured and his eo badly Many have turned up in Lancaster, | 2 ctured and his face badly 0 RAID ON TRAMP'S ROOST Near East Pet 'HE AVHEREABOUTS OIF OUR [ Thursday morning made a raid on a {and took into custody three men and f Mr. Albert Dierolf of Lancaster, | Clarence Ford has gone to Atlantic led Wednesday the abandoned cuy fe quarters they would make excursions pled into the surrounding country boiler at the pumping station on | contagious disea { Feb. 28. In substance he said: “In- The number of births was 52, be- side of boiler is in fair condition went this morning, Two of these managed to make possession of L.ollar, chase was given to the fleeing men by Constable Steiger- Near Salunga The four were taken before Chere are several ways whereby they 7 could be repaired and the matter was | [.oqving a balance on hand..$22.51 | since last Friday on a business trip | os : | mittee to get prices on same and re- | port. | The report of Burgess Hoffman | | | f : : showed collections during the month | i | of February to the amount of $1,- | L 458.65. This is one of the biggest nonths the burgess has ever had. nsurance on the council chamber ex- vires March 24 and he was instruet- ears. The stone contract expires May 1 | | | i | to renew same for three more | { ind the Street Committee was order- | | to conform with the requirements of Mr. Dillinger recommended laying Are You Representéd Business Man, do you have all | Tree Alley from High to Jacob | street structed to meet Mr. Reist of the ere— Pike Company, and arrange to have Main street repaired. East Donegal street from east was ordered repaired as follows: don’t spend your paper advertising We'll set it in an know several thousand people will read it weekly. A trial will convince you, rt mnt lis in First a coat of ashes or cinder, then from Main to Mount Joy, and also |portant feature of the post office ap- South High street were paired. The pavements of the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company, Mr. Miller and the Conestoga Traction [new system will benefit fully ten Company on West Donegal street, | millions of people. Your Chance to Buy Saturday, March Ream of this place, will sell a lot of extra good horses and mules at pub- and exchange | vere cordemned and the clerk ordered to notify these parties to relay same. sists of drivers, workers, extra lead- : : The crossing at Brady alley, north | Hitchcock and Congressman Griest, horses are all acclimated and persons miss this oppor- side of West Donegal, was ordered { relaid with Bolen block and widened. Mr. Dillinger recommended | election of a solicitor and Hon. W. U7. | pended for carrier service at any one | tending conference. Sunday School Hensel was re-elected for a three | post office, postal experts estimate | will be held at 9.30. year term. that an appropriation of one hundred In less than two hours last Friday The Trolley Company asked to [thousand dollars, which the bill car- | afternoon Mr. Henry Heiser of Gar- change the curve in its tracks on |ries, will permit the establishment |ber’s Mill, caught twelve of the finest South Barbara street and presented |of the new service at two or three |suckers we have seen in a long time eel Viewed the Situ [last evening the Street Committee Nissley, one of “pond” in the west end and discuss- ed the matter pro and con. effort made to abate the nuisance. EE — Sale at Ironville On Saturday, March 28, big sale at his will sell 250 cords of cherry and lo- 1,500 locust posts, round | and athers ready for mortising and | 50 head of hogs weighing : 53 > : Mr. Dillinger recommended that | Denver, Elizabethtown, Ephra {the Property Committee top and trim |itz, Manheim, Marietta, Millersville, | schedule will be published as soom Studying for the Ministry Lloyd Martin, resided along the pike, between here Florin, occupied > oh Church of God on that eapaciny, [1 ing { The Nyack a $180.05 ; Shs . . at 31 and a few have heen exchanged in |la¢ rated, requiring four stitches by For estate of Kate Hamaker: low is liable to slip one our way. We [hold a grand spelling bee in the : : i |this place. A number of our local | the family physician, Dr. W. M. | 4 Shares of same to Frank Hertz- : y ¥ That He was als ‘ bruis 1 $180.15 business places have been notified to { Th me. He was also cut and bruised er at $1 15. . To it oF Poo | re th ReacHnts he on the lookout for them. They |2h ut the face. : Tor other acc S: : : it A es i : ’ |are numbered 96,959,121. Here's | = [will 2 Shares of same to B. O. Musser | : J i Sl 3 fx t $180.10 where the editor smiles as he so | Spelling Bee at Florin | a .10, { . Shares Capital Stock of A. Buch | oY seldom sees a fiver, and not be- | )n Saturday evening, March 30, oe 25 a & olOCK A. 28 Ni : : | . 3 3 ling acquainted with them, some fel- | th Florin Hall Association will | { Sons to J. Harvey Buch at $50.00. un SS RANA | jdoubt whether we would look at the hall in Florin. There will be three ur a arkets | | : | Our Home Markets number. jclasses and 4 prizes to each class. | Today Merchant H. E. Ebersole sesso Gt | Admission 15 and 20 cents. Full | pays as follows: Butter, 35c., eggs, Shot His Dog | particulars in these columns next | 2 a 25 ‘ i 18c., lard, 11c., potatoes $1.25. Mr. C. S. Longenecker shot his | wee Today Brandt and Stehman pay ivaluable shepherd dog last Wednes- Sete este it le oem a ws: W $1.00, rn, 80c., y “iio 1 ; 28 foro eat $1.00, Corn, 80c, day night. The dog did not show Will Preach This Evening oats, bac, his usual pleasant disposition 7 i : £ sue ieasan spositi and dev. Charles hr Ap | . oa ron 8 og I Iu Rev. Charles W. Shreiner of the | jpresuming that he might have been | Church of the Atonement at Phila- | Engle’s stock must go by Satur-|going mad, Mr. Longenecker admin- 5} . 1 dav night regardless o® cost. i senses GE also two extra fine heifers, as call Execution Issued Hensel, attorney has issued an FE $ Elizabethtown. 50 against Joseph K Marriage Licenses ; delphia, will preach in St. Luke’s | township and istered two doses from his revolver. Church this evening at 7.30. Elizabethtown. | ox, contracted at Albany, Georgia, Boro Council [Vien develonend neve. The witient | _ocal Notes overed, and there was no further | {spread of the disease ——— INSPECTOR RECOMMENDS NEW Two deaths resulted from tubercu- | \fANY SHORT NEWS ITEMS OP {AT PUMPING STATION { losla, 3 tl 3 1 | ere were er ser 8 8- \ YEAR HENCE ere no other serious dis- | BOIL INERAL INTEREST cases, and the general health and | —— anitation were good The death | Brief Local Happenings Gathered as | Want Bids on Stone—Crossings | ite was the lowest and the number | ‘They Occur With the Whirl of the Ordered Relaid and Widened— © hirtis the highest since a record | wg ror Quick Reading Within y y ‘ : velng ke { » \ 5 W. U. Hensel Re-elected Solicitor There were a number of com- the Past Few Days. —Apple Tree Alley to Have a Sew- plaints of nuisances, all of which er—East Donegal Street Ordered Were promptly abated, except that of | Mr. Shaffner is ill with an attack the Penna. R. R. Co. delivering city |, manure on its sidings in the borough. | Heretofore the local board had been here is an outbreak of scarlet Mount Joy Borough Council met 'able to prevent this, but last winter | fever in Clay township, 3 : 3 p | special session Monday evening the State Department of Health gave | Butcher Chas. K. Bennett is se- the railroad company authority to |; r § i iti : { 3 riously ill at this writing bring the manure here and a nmuber | ii of cars were unloaded at the west Macadamized—Other Business of pneumonia the transaction of routine busi- of the March meeting. Burgess Yesterday's snow was the twenty Hoffman, Clerk Fellenbaum present ond of the borough, to the great dis- | first thus far this winter. ind every councilmanic chair was oc- comfort of the residents of that sec- | Chance of a life time for 3 days at tion B®. H. Engle’s closing out sale. There were 21 deaths and 2 still | Stor ‘ 3 3H births. Excepting two deaths from | Store open Saturday night until 10 G. F. Connor, who inspected the | tuberculosis. none other were due to | o'clock. Your last chance. Push in. 3 | Judge a man by what he does rather than by what he threatens te ing more than double -that of the |g, . . . : deaths. is showing deterioration on ac-| mya expenditures for the vear | Wanted—A driver for bakery \ communication was read from 0 ! count of long usage. Will safely | were on account of small pox case | route. Apply to C. S. Musser, Mt jcarry 85 lbs. pressure but suggests $162.79. This includes Dr. Richards’ Jov. tf lit be replaced by a new one within a |P!11 of $12.25 for services and of Miss E 3 : vane" Action an te Toren da { Mrs. Ira Metzeer's $6.25 for goods Miss Ethel Shank is the new ma- | *e . A 3 FeCOl 1e a- i 3 3 i i ommend destroyed, not included in previous | chine operator at this office since | tion was deferred. report. Monday Mr. Tyndall reported on repairing | For Disinfectants... .. . $13.53 hi {Other Expenses. . Ja 1.45 Come to Engle’s Thursday or Fri- . day, and miss the terrible rush on Saturday. plungers to the large pumps 177.1 Respectfully submitted, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Snyder an- Jno. BE. Hoffer, |nounce the birth of a daughter last Sec. B. of H. | Thursday. The report of the Union National The Bank, treasurer, showed a balance in the hands of the Water Com- public schools at Coatesville have been closed on account of ty- phoid fever. of 1,97 in the Borough account 1,813.89 on the same side of and the ledger in the water account. The Street Committee was ordered The political announcement of William 8S. Sullivan appears in an- Hoffman also reported that the other column. to repair all the crossings in town that require attention. A new cross- Mr. David Wagner offers the office ing was ordered laid on High street, building of the late F. A. Ricker for outh side of East Donegal. Also [Sle very reasonsable. repair cave-in on old Market street, For Sale—Single Comb White Leg- near the Farmers’ Inn horn eggs for hatching, by Mrs. D. to get bids on No. 1 3 and 4 The Auditors’ report of the Water | W. Stoner, R. D. 1, Mt. Joy. 2. stone. The Property Committee was account was presented, read, accept- Mr. Paris Rolley, hostler at Rd. instrncted to have the electric. Wir- ed and ordered advertised and |Ream’s left on Sunday and has been printed in poster form. The com- among the missing ever since. in the Council Chamber made : 5 plete report may be found in our ad- An adindicati 1 ed / adjudication has o i vertising columns. as been filed in [Inderwriter's Association. : 1 the estate of Hami / Ce 7 A few bills were paid and Council a e of Hamill Alexander late of East Donegal for $4,689.11. adjourned. . ADs George W. Haines and C. H. Zel- ler of this place, are the executors feet of sewer pipe on Apple The motion carried by a vote REPORTED FAVORABLY of Leah Haines. } to 2, Messrs. C. N. Mumma and \ re ! s, late of this place. Charles Ricksecker opposing it. We May Get Carrier Service in\Mt. Mr. Ralph Ushleman brought The Street Committee was in- Joy Ere Long \W copy of the Selurday Evening Post of fDec. 22, 1855 to this office this week. Authority for the establishment of ! E ‘ : : wwamuel S. Sheffer of Arbor, York free delivery mail carrier service in 1 vid Noss 2 unty, found a pig milking his cow arhars ns 8 J ages aving Secc . > x : Barbara | towns and vildages laving second la few days ago. Strange things hap- and tun.rd class post offices, as ad- pen across the river. vocated by Congressman WW. W. i bi Te Li Se . Mr. M. N. Brubaker of this place, street | Griest of Pennsylvania, is an im-} : was one of three viewers who met Friday and considered vacating a road in East Lampeter. 1 and 2 stone. High ordered re- |propriation bill favorably reported to the House today. There are now 6400 presidential post offices without John |such mail delivery facilities, and the Ralph E. Hipple and Harrison Hipple, of Conoy, and G. C. Hipple, of Harrisburg, administrators of La- vina Hipple, late of Conoy. was The decisive action of the commit- Mr. Harry H. Gochnauer of this tee in recommending this legislation, | Place, has applied for a divorce from his wife, Mary B. Gochnauer, on the grounds of cruel treatment. as urged by Postmaster General insures large support for it when the There will be no preaching ser- bill comes up in the House. As not | vices in the Methodist church on the | more than $1800 a year is te be ex- | Sunday, on account of the pastor at- a blue print of its plan. The change, | hundred offices in the first year. in the vicinity of the Boro dam. asked for, was objected to by When the rural delivery service - eet Qe every member of Council. was authorized in 1887 the experi- Bright Prospects Mr. Tyndall of the Water Com- !mental appropriation was $40,000, The Athletic Association of the { mittee, reported a new tap placed [and 82 routes were established in {M¢t. Joy High School are getting the residence of Mr. John Rahm, |the first year. There are now about |yeady for their annual base ball sea- crossing at Post Office on Main [42,000 rural routes, and City Deliv-|son. From all prospects the team | street, meeds repairs and is too |ery service has been established in this vear will be one of the best in ! narrow and need a carload of coal !1541 cities. the history of the school. The ! water works. The committee was The new system of mail delivery | manager is anxiously waiting for { ordered to buy the coal. will benefit fully thirty thousand cit- | nod weather to try out the can- Mr. Barto of the Finance Com- |izens of Lancaster county. The | didates. There are many aspirants mittee, reported the approval of a [towns which will eventually be pro-|for the various positions and this is bills. vided with carriers are Christiana, | considered a good omen. Already a, Lit-lceven games are slated and the the trees in the Park. So order- | Mount Joy, New Holland, Strasburg, | as it is completed. All teams wishing Gap and Quarryville. games, confer with John Murphy, Pumping Engineer George W. -_mmer Manager. { Shatz reported the worst water at | A Long Lived Family re Qe eee {the pumping station this spring that \bram Gramm, residing at Lan- Dr. Garber a Candidate has had since he has served im | ster. seriously ill with rheuma- Dr. E. W, Garber is circulating a Gramm of Marietta, is 1 for the nomination of Sona. Mr. Hoffer of the Board of Health, ffering from infirmities of age and |tor from the seventeenth Senatorial eported no sickness, some chicken i of Salunga, is | District whi comprises the upper and the general sanitary con- |g ously ill. The trio are broth- part of Lancaster county and all of lition of the borough just what can |, Abram is 77 years old; John is |T.ebanon county He andidate | | | xpected at this time of the vear. ! Joseph is 7 They are sons | on the Repu ented a communication | I te J ina Barbara Grama Dr. Garber has many friends and Dr. Samuel G. Dixon. re el n € Ten were | he is meeting with much encourage the stagnant water just ou € te 1d v1 11 ent. ; borough in the west end. 3} nan ; Mrs. It is rumored here that Dr. W Street Committee will meet the town- | ristia cher, of Ki 100K, | B. Thome of Elizabethtown. father supervisor on the scene and 1 1jovil xcellent healt | Dr. W. M. Thome of this place, is { ] hon f this place, make an effort to abate the nuisance. | T parent reached the age of | a candidate for the me office on The annual report of the Board of | ty before they the six | the Democratic ticket | Health is appended. leceased children were over the ag EE To the Burgess and Members of Bor- | Of enty when they passed away. | Hospital Meeting pit 2 ongh Council, Gentlemen: i four survi s hax eached A inl + The f ine is tho reb e : specia eeting of the Hospi The following is the report of the | ., 3 1 4} . SOVONLY VORTR | fo tiiae i ays = Tospital Board of Health for the year |, : vid xiary will be held at the home of | i : As OF | Mrs. Howard 1 ker, Wednes- > : ldo dnes 1911 there were e By iay aiternoon March 20 at 3 o'clock tvphoid fever brought el tant or h from Florin. where se a : : 3 _—__ “ED B- BP—eee existed, none . Soin tA in : 3 Saturday nig it 10 ox K end 3 more days and D. H. Fnele’s al 1 ’ 1¢ \ t+ cale r v » a also. one case of small‘?! i OSINS 3S rniture sale will he history
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers