PAGE 8 | i OO —_— ONE CENT 54 GORGNLLYLHWNILLLSNLSS Monday, March 4th to Saturday, March 9th we will sell you Rexall White Liniment Kegular 25c. size Two Bottles for 20c. There is no better Liniment on the market. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. We sell more of This Liniment than all of the other liniments put together, This is the chance of your life for this line of goods. 100 OREO EEE BREE EE mn il East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. FT OT = UIT 01 0 J county. We have just closed a contract for oil which enables us to sell you oil at wholesale prices in quanities of five gallons and - upward. We have been using this oil for four years and know it to be good. Your patronage solicited. i LANDIS BROS, Rheems. TORTIE EEE EE EE, . Automobile Buyers! - - | Here is a Splendid Collection of Cars For You to Select From .| . u) Reo, R. C. Hupp, Premier. Firestone a : | Columbus, Velie, Oakland. . . . = { al s - = | We are also in position to quote you on delivery trucks and o carry a variety of second-hand cars. Do not fail to look them over. = Also carry the largest stock of auto supplies in this end of the ny a TO ABOLISH GERMAN SALUTE Movement Afoot Against Taking Off the Hat on Occasions of Meet. Ing and Separation. The progress in urbanity-—-the am of city life—which is taking place among modern Germans is illustrated by the movement for modifying, or al together doing away with the “Ger man salute,” says a cablegram to the New York American. Under the ex pression is meant the traditional fashion of taking off the hat on occa- slons of meeting or separation. It is a highly elaborate performance, in three motions, suggesting military precision, the first being the raising of the hat with stiffly extended arm, the second the lowering of it to the knee with a downward cutting motion and the third the similarly precise replacement on the head. The action between adults appears formal enough to draw a smile from foreigners of easier manners, but it becomes laugh- little astonishment, as well doubtless af some amusement, if she were brought up against one of her male friends saluting her in the German fashion, LOVE STORY OF ARCHDUKE Ferdinand Charles Louls of Bavarla, Wedded to Rosa Czuber, Enjoy- Ing Peaceful Exlle, The Archduke Ferdinand Charles Louis of Austria, scratched from the Almanach Gotha, scratched from the army, deprived of all his titles, ranks and orders, is peacefully enjoying per: fect love as an exile. He is now known M. Ferdinand Berg, and is painting on the borders of Lake Lugano His fault was a gracious one, for to marry morganatically has become almost a habit In the Hapsbourg fam- fly. But this fault was aggravated by the fact that the marriage was ocele brated without imperial authorization, His elder broth, the heir to the throne, THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Francs Joseph main unfruitful move the excellent Madame Schrab.~ Le Cri de Paris, A fresh lot of Beef Meal \ BRANDT & STEHMAN The Annonciade Is employed but it is feared all her efforts will re as it Dir D. H warehouse | archduchesse | | . to do this, tor stock is sold, the can not first DH or rent "PARK & POLLARD - DRY-MASH MAKES THEM 46 CANAL & 139 FRIEND ST. © BOSTON.MASS ASK THE MAN WAO FEEDS IT Beef Serap ect from the mannfacturer === = Engle's fine store Sale or cn —— — | | Engle’s Store Room for sale | { or LAY OR BUST “@1 Poultry Bone \sk for prices - Mount Joy, Pa. New SEE EE fe Ea ms Wednesday, room and Rent as soon 7 SR { vid AN | i8 1 strictly in three sizes | | =r | Sky | Sie Aiter You Are Through Experimenting with The nu their March 6, 1912. AUTOCAR AND BUICK TRUCKS Just-as-Good-Kind oX & { BUICK pf 7 1 | LOCOMOBILE merits. 1912 Cars Now Here able when one sees it practiced with 4 all gravity between a pair of school- and the ducheresse of Hohenberg, who boys or college students. How deeply Were likewise separated by a great the “German salute” is engrained in difference In station, were more adroit, caster Aitome Hp [0 the national forms of so-called polite and had taken into their play Madame J ) Uli l, ness is proved by the story of the Schad, the mistress of Francis Jo- GARAGE NEVER CLOSED independently minded subordinate of- S€PH- > y ’ p y mind Madnria Wauh iiss ia 230-238 W. King St., ficlal who steadily refused to maka A04NI Ferdinand SIS, hee Rosa . the traditional obelsance to the CZuber, has nothing with which to re- LANCASTER ull PENNA. “chief” and got the alternative of mak. Proach herself oF : ving made 0k ing it or being dismissed. In Ger: ! 1 arg ad tke in an v lela : ) many it is etiquette for a gentleman | plion A Ji gue The rchduke LULPFICQUSE yak “i | The largest and only strictly firss meeting a lady of his acquaintance in ““% I ediately demanded he? hand e ideal oil for eit either gir-co iE "class fireproof garage and repair bt 1¢ severe Dr. Czuber ¢ om P C C . . the street to take off his hat to her be ", the Vere Dr. Czuber made him ad, vania Cw shop in Lancaster City of County. fore she bows. In Anglo-Saxon coun. Vail five years. : vour dealer ¢ has no W tries the reverse is the practice, and JIS only a question now of ob \ A LT au ye GORI AN - an American woman would feel not a | taining the pardon of the emperor \ \ AVERLY on ey 3 f é an 1 1 - Wal INDEPENDENT REFINE} Wukie . H. E. EBERSOLE'S Great March Clearance Sale From Friday, Mar. Ist to Saturday, Mar. 16 Our dominant motive for this sale—A closing out of certain lines, odd lots, short lengths preparatory to the spring trade. a] and You will not find one ficticious price, no marking up and then down, but a straight, square cut, to accomplish results. CARPETS AND RUGS House that new Carpets will pay to and buy liberally which 11 only Axminster, Brussels, Axminster 27x54 in., ( ly ning re last HO now and Velvet $2 at $1.50 13c. 30 do 10¢, or 3 pai grade, SE will reveal § Children's Wool Hose, were 25c. are needed, it HOW. ......., .19¢ your wants § Children’s Wool Hose, were 15c. at these prices, [.adies’ Wool Hose, were 15c¢., during this ROW... cis iis 12.¢ [Ladies’ Wool Hose, were 25c. Ox12. $25.00. HOW io a 19¢ Se $17.00 Men's Wool 4 Hose, were 15¢c., ox12, $22.00 BOW ee. 121¢ Men's Wool 1 Hose, were 25c., SPECIAL HEAVY RIB HOSE z. only, rs for... to go at .25¢ +r 23 .50 .50 Skirts at . fH Ff Gingham S Knit Patterns at Mercerized ol BOOTS AND SHOES now Men's Felt now Boys’ Felt now Men's Shoes, Men's Shoes, High $3.50, High $4.25, Boys’ high top ! at oo) now 5... [Ladies’ $2.00, [Ladies’ [Fleece now [Fleece $1. 65. now Ladies’ heavy $2.00, now Boots, Roots, Top, Top, lined Shoes. lined Shoes, fleeced Skirts, at.. Skirts, SKIRTS 19 39 39 -$ kirts, at § at... Q 45 ge $ .75 Skirts, .$ .39 ints, ot. . 8 75 at $3.25 at ....$4.25 LINEN CRASH Imported Linen lue by the pc. at ss quantity, per were $3.00, cevnna $2.50 $2.50, Sweet & ( .75 Corduroy 1 .50 Pants, at $1.00 Pants at were 1 th = [Ladies Gowns, [Ladies’ Gowns, 5 were | Misses’ Gowns, MEN’S PANTALOONS Jrr make. ined at $2.25 Cees $1.25 FLANNELETTE NIGHT GOWNS $1.00 at.. A5¢ Oc. at..... 39¢ 30c., at ..39¢ were grades at &h - jus No ea fe th 4 grades, FLANNEL SHIRTS Men's Flannel shirts in blue, gray and brown, were $1.00 at. 25 50 at. . 75 grades, at fi at grades at grades at $1.00 grades, $1.25 $1. 50 fH Ah T5¢ TOQUES, AVIATION CAPS WRAPS, FASCINATORS UNDERWEAR Men's fleeced S50. at ...... 39¢ Men's Rib fleeced, 50c. at .39¢ Men's Wool Rib, $1.00 at. HA5¢ Boys’ fleeced, 25¢., at ....20¢ Men’s Union Suits, $1.00 at.T5¢ Misses’ Union Suits, 50c. at.39¢ Misses fleeced Vests, were 25c. NOW Lo. aan 20¢ Ladies’ Rib V. & P., were 25c. HOW ii oiniveiive, 19¢ Ladies’ Rib V. & P., were 50c., HOW. iain, 39¢ [.adies’ Union Suits, were 50c now [Ladies’ Union Suits, were $1.00, HOW oo. einai 75¢ l.adies’ Wool V. & P., were $1.00 NOW. a ae 75¢ TRUNKS Even if the trunk need is months ahead, buy now, it always pays to buy goods when the seller is enabled to sell cheapest. $6.00 Trunks, now...... $5.00 $5.00 Trunks, now ...... $4.25 $3.50 Trunks, now ...:.. $2.90 $1.00 Suit Cases, now $ .85 $1.50 Suit Cases, now ..$1.25 $2.50 Suit Cases, now ..82.00 $3.00 Suit Cases. now ..$2.50 $5.00 Suit Cases, now $4.00 Bo Traveling Bags, now. $8.50 Traveling Bags, now. 87.50 GLOVES GLOVES All 25¢c. Gloves and Mitts,..19¢ All 50c. Gloves and Mitts. .39¢ All 75¢. Gloves and Mitts. .G0¢ All $1 Gloves and Mitts. .¥5¢ All $1.25 Gloves and Mitts SWEATERS $ .50 Sweaters, at ...... $ .39 $ 75 Sweaters, at ...... $ .60 $1.00 Sweaters, at ...... 8 .75 $1.25 Sweaters, at ...... $1.00 $1.50 Sweaters, at ...... $1.25 $200 Sweaters, at ...... $1.50 $3.00 Sweaters, at ...... $2.25 $5.00 Sweaters, at ...... $4.00 COMFORTS S100 orade at .......... S$ 45 $125 0rade at ......... $1.00 $1.50 grade at .......... $1.25 $200 grade at .......... $1.50 P25 orade at... ........ $1.75 $2.50 grade at .......... $2.00 $5.00 grade-at .......... $4.25 $300 grade at ........... $2.25 BLANKETS $ 30 cradeat .......... $ 42 $60 gorade at .......... $ .50 $200 grade at .......... $1.50 $3.00 grade at ........... $2.50 $400 orade at .......... $3.25 $5.00. crade at... .......; $4.25 MISSES’ COATS 10 Coats, $2.00, now .. 81.25 5 Coats, $2.25, now ....$1.90 5 Coats, $3.00, now ..$2.25 3 Coats, $3.00, now ....$2.00 10 Coats, $4.00, now ....$3.00 2 Coats, $4.50, now ..$3.50 10 Coats, $5.00, now ....$400 2 Coats, $5.50, now ....$4.50 WRAPPERS AND HOUSE DRESSES Percale, Flannelette and Prints $1.00 Grades at $1.25 grades, at LOT DECORATED CHINA 10c: and 15¢. China ....., S¢ [Lot 10c. Granite Ware .... 8¢ Lot 25¢. Granite Ware ....20¢ [Lot 50¢c. Granite Ware ....40¢ LOT ODD SIZE CORSETS $100.3, . =... on 60¢ S$ 80at 25¢ $ 25 at... iii, 15¢ GROCERY SPECIALS Sc. Vanilla Cakes, a 1b.,... B5¢ Sc. Rice, 4 bs. for........ 25¢ Oc. Crackers, a lb, ........ 5¢ Best Baking Soda, a 1b., 5¢ 6 doz. Clothes Pins for.... 5¢ 6 lbs. Washing Soda for.. 5¢ 6 .'bs. Raisins for........, 25¢ 6 lbs. Gloss Starch for....25¢ N. B. During this sale no exchange charging of any item on this circular. H. EE. EBERSOLE. Opposite Post Office sale Rugs 11 Rugs at Rugs, at [Lot of Rugs, 75¢. Ingrain Carpets, a yd. G0¢ 60c. Ingrain Carpets, a yd. 50¢ 50c. Ingrain Carpets, a yd., 40¢ 50c. Ingrain Carpets, special, a yard... Le 35¢ 350 Jute Carpets, a ..25¢ 50c. Rag Carpets, a 5 ..45¢ 1.00 60c. Rag Carpets, a yd.. 521¢ > $1.00 50e. Oil Shades, at ....... 40¢ $ .50 Me Z 300. Oil Shodes ato. 22¢ $1.00 Klosefit Ski 10c.. Paper Shades at...... S¢ $4.00 Silk Skirts, $35.00 Silk Skirts, In our Shoe Department we have made the heaviest cut of all, | Special, 500 yds. for one purpose only, to clean out Crash, 12c. va our Winter Stock, and have par- 9¢ per yd. le ed prices to bring results. yard ........ Men's Felt Boots, were $3.30, Lheaurmrenfiprrnenlipemmet fpr or refunding will be permitted, and no Yours for business Mount Joy, Penna. a di tic Wl % Be Fr Ho die for and for butc day 54 y Ar Ches ship, eveni at was | this ¢ ar Mrs late .J was b lery W\ he me, rinse hurch membe Mrs. home o day aft from pl first yea husband The fun ome or nt wa ;meter) Rebece Sewers, John H. street on o'clock, a and 20 best kno spected rq She leav Witmer brothers, mage, this of Steelton from the Wharvell, day aftern: made in th Sal At Hot March 12, ; auct., sold for the estat dec’d. 5 Shares 1 of Mt. Joy, C. H. Hoffn; 5 Shares at $180.25 p 5 Shares | at $180.15 De 2 Shares s. at $180.10. 5 Shares s: at $180.10. 5 Shares sz at $180.10 5 Shares sa at $180.05. 5 Shares sa at $180.05. 5 Shares sai at $180.05. For 4 Shares of 180.15. estate ler at $ For other ac 2 Shares of at $180.10, 5 Shares Cap Sons to J. Har Our Hi Today Merc pays as follows: 18c., lard, 11ec., Today Brand as follows: Whe oats, 64c, ee Engle’s stock day night regard