THE BULLETIN, MOUNT ; a WE WILL GIVE DOUBLE i“ ”» JN. GREEN TRADING STAMPS That is, two stamps instead of one for every 10 cent purchase, Don’t fail to take this oppor- tunity to fill your books. Ii You Want Good Goods Goods as good as they can be made— If You Look For “Cheap” Goods you won't find them here, but if you are looking for goods of quality—if you want the Best Values for the least Momey—VYou'll find this store peculiarly prepared to satisfy you. come 10 us. You may say that every Dry Goods dealer you know sells been that their But are they? good Goods. told You may have by many of them goods are the best. We Don’t Ask You to Take Our Word We don't Experiment Proves Facts Don't you think you had better find out about the many advantages in Style, Quality, Service and Price of- fered exclusively at this store? Next time you buy anything for it. expect you to be- lieve that statement until you have made an investigation. We know we have the goods to back it up Copyright 1908 oy SCHLOSS BROS. & Cth Fine Clothes Mak Baltimore and New sul in our line, try us. Special For Friday and Saturday All $2.50 Shoes.... All $2.50 Hats... All $1.25 wrappers I.D. Beneman’s DEPARTMENT STORE East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED (pe 1's. &H. Trading Stamps | Brotherhood eran on LIST OF SPRING SALES Sunday MARCH hy ha TY TTT TT TTT TTT Yr TvYIreYYy a TT TTY TTY TT TTT TTY TYTN WEE TT a a ge eae ea abethtown: question box. LUMBER YARDS 6 J. H. Lindemuth, Mt. Joy. DECIDE YOURSELF ee cee tere 6 H. B. Gingrich, Union Square. . SALUNGA = 7 6 C. C. Ebersole, Bainbridge. The Opies a Backed by | is rumored that Salunga is tc WE § Mount Joy, Penna 7 H. B, Shearer, Mastersonville. ount ov Toston {have a factory in the rg, { Andrew McKee, E. Donegal twp. Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Harrisburg Bole agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hang 7 J. L. Ebersole, Conoy twp. Don't take our word for it re at Elmer Roland's for the week Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etc. 7 Geo. Demmy, Reich’s church. Don’t depend on a stranger's Mr. and Mrs. Doerstler of Mano Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate i 8 Samuel Nornhold, Union Square. statement visited Frank Strickler’s on Sunday sistimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material , $8 S. B. Fahnestock, Manheim, Read Mount Joy endorsement. Mrs. Jacob Herr spent Tuesday af Telephone No. 833. Opposite Old P R. R. Depot 8 Samuel Tressler, E. Doregal twp. Read the statements of Mount Foy | po nerville with her cousin, Mrs. Her 9 Henry Shearer, near Mt. Hope. citizens. shey 9 Mrs. Jos. Habecker, Marietta. And decide for yourself M 1 Jo tler spent a few N ( N 9 Isaac Moyer, Conewago twp. Here is one case of it lay ith their daughter, Mrs S P R 1 x 9 Walter Heisey, Conoy church. Mrs. M. M. Frank, Main St., Mt t ler - 9 Henry E. Martin, near Florin. Joy, Pa., says Bodly of Harrisbur; il John F. Landis, Penn twp. “I can recommend Doan’s Kidney nt d vith her mother, Mrs H T - 1 Isaac Tschudy, near Colebrook. Pills just as highly today as I did in [pei y 11-—G. Moyer, Mount Joy 1907. They ured me of kidney Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Witmer spen -e 3 12 Samuel Hummer, Manheim. trouble at that time and I have had |Sunga ith M nd Mrs. Fran} 12 Geo. Hall, near Marietta. no return attacks. Hard work was ckler OUR STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS FOR SPRING IS COMPLETE 12 Henry Fry, near Rheems. probably the cause o his complaint I jt 1 em] S ar Here you will find Hats for all Men and for all tastes. 12 Jac. Newcomer Est., Mt. Joy. Ih ‘my. case iy » Refon sn great nblen ; aren : 13 H. Zercher, Mt. Joy. deal and I was nervous. I tired easi- ne 1th no larger stock in the city from which to select, and none better for 13 Samuel Lindemuth, Bainbridge. ly, did not sleep well and had head M1 reer and sons Harr) the price 14 Emory Warfel, Mt. Joy. ache Hearir a great deal about and Ri nt Monday at Millers 15 D. C. Ebersole, near Marietta. Doan’ Kidney Pills, I decided to lle with an aged relative A Ra 16 Lewis Farmer, Manheim. give them a trial and procured a box "he Mennonites have been hold “we 16 Mrs. Ricker Est., Mt. Joy. at Garber’s Drug Store. Their use revival seriveces at Landisvill ? : 16 W. S. Shank, Rapho twp. brought prompt relief, in fact, I did |for several davs with. we learn, sev 18 M. Reed & Son, Lawn. not think any medicine could act so conversions Ey 111261 i & 19 Milton Miller, Silver Springs. quickly. In a short time I was cured Young Emsweiller gets the job ol 1 Va 19 Elizabeth S. Leib, Manheim. and today [| am enjoying good | « irrying mail from the train to the | [f rice 0Necess| O08 ON 19 S: 0] Gis Jai idg health.” post office, the former official, Oscar 44 North Queen St., Lancaster Pa. i Samuel Gish, Bainbridge, For shte By nif diblers. Price 500m ae Jame 21 H. S. Newcomer Mount Joy. cent Foster-Milburn Co., New Dr. J. 8S. Kendig made a quick run i BUY | 21 J. H. Levenight, Elizabethtown. York, sol igents for the ‘United [to Highland Park on Sunday to look Our Wi nter Stock YOUR Seed Potatoes HERE] 23 O. H. Musser, Manheim. States in on his brother-in-law, Frank 23 A. M. Diehm, White Oak, Remember the name——Doan’s Deichler and family there located 23 D. Blough, ElizabetLtown. and take no other. At the stock sale of Dr. J. S. Ken- All Varieties 128 Geo. Hall est., near Marietta. SS dig on Thursday things brought 1 : - : 29 J. B. Keller, Mt. Joy. MASTERSONVILLE Yory Sistas ye ol PPea 0 : Write For Price List #0 Mrs Peter Singer, near Bim, A11 the palitient wen of our tows [0000 FATTY Bothed We Xe f ” mana rma are lining up for Wilson or Roose- The donble funeral of our two old | Our sense of economy, we'll let you ym some shoe values for a few JOH KIENZLE FAST reTsnenORg Yor 7 Savon iq. neighbors, Benjamin Aston and wife more days that you'll be anxious to 1p when you see them. The e ) Miss Lottie Sweigart, of Murrell, liss Anna Bouder, of Stevens, vis-| Monday afternoon was largely : 2 r N. W. Cor. 2nd & Dock Sts. was visiting her relatives over Sun- ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. attended, people coming many miles | reductions are made on lines and styles that are suitable for year a- : 5 i G bard 18 : . |day. Charles (i. Becker from Tuesday to for the sad service round wear, regular $4, $5 and $6 goods, all leathers, all sizes two im- : Both Phones: I Reviteonaihard 13-43 Philadelphia. R. K. Cooper, wife and daughter, Frida) ; The Senior Class of Mount Joy K : ®e fii : : : g me m— ee ———————————————————————— | OTC, WeTe Visiting in the family of The sale on Cyrus Heisey’s farm High School Wi] hold a spelling bee | mense lots: 5 | Walter Pool. was not attended so well on account on Saturday night. March 9. There THE GR AIN HOUSE OF THE EAST { The Martha Washington supper of the very unfavorable weather and will be special music and a play or ~ ' ESTABLISHED 1897 Iheld by the local fire company, was a (the articles and live stock did not comedy for the occasion. Don’t for-! Lot No. 1---$3.85 the palt | great success. sell so well. Zet Saturday night. Elam N. Stehman is now connect- Our Poultry Co. has organized and i WILLIAM L. BEAR & CO. {ed with the electric lights by having intend to build np an immense poul- | : : : this entire property wired. try business. They will equip them- i Our farmers took advantage of |selves with all modern improvements [the little tobacco weather and are |and machinery. For general infor- {now very busy getting in shape for {mation on all poultry lines apply to | delivery. W. A. Bishop. | H. C. Reinhold, who has in his| T.o and behold a baby boy arrived STOCKS -BONDS— INVESTMENTS | possession quite a few thoroughbred |in the home of N. E. Ginder, on Mon- 30 SECONDS 2 MINUTES Holstein cattle, disposed of over | day. N. E. says “when you start in To Chicago Board of Trade. To any Grain Market in America [$1,800 worth of stock recently to [raising poultry help is needed on all Lancaster Branch 220-226 Woolworth Bldg. {farmers of Lebanon county. isides.” The representation is four The singing in charge of the Luth- bovs and three girls. (Members Chicago Board of Trade) BROE ERS PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts., PHILADELPHIA even- 2 ing at their regular services, won for | Wednesday, March 6, fens ten Watt & Shand NIGHT IN THE SCHOOLHOUSE JOY. PA. 1912 Care of Farm | | Machinery and Proper Training of | Views Expressed in Square & E. King St., Lancaster. = w.. Muslin Underwear Specials | » y i » A J" . » yg meeting of the Rheems Farmers was | Drawers at 25c.-—Wide, circular | (held in the village schoolhouse, P. | S. Kraybill presiding. Three new | © \¢; made of good Muslin, and fin- its det the em | ished with a hemstitched ruffle. | V, or low round neck, long and short | : ind ; ; Night Gowns at 39¢.-— For women | —- a brolds { Care of Farin Machinery Well made and proportioned, with [sleeves, trimmed with lace, em | “How to Take Care of Farm Ma- yoke of cluster tucks and embroid-|ery beading and ribbon. Hosts of |chinery" was the subject discussed |... insertion. {lovely styles from which to choose. [by 8S, 8. Risser, of Florin, The speak Children's Gowns, 25¢.— Splendid | | be)ipved in keeping gchinery a | well-made Night Gewns, of Muslin; the dry when not in use. It should |. 10 10 years, [be repaired when put away so as to | be ready for use when wanted again, | Machinery wears more from weath- er than from usage. Mr. Risser Ladies’ at 98c.—Bither Muslin, Cambric or Nalnsook; high, Gowns were 50c. Infants’ Sweaters, 89c.—Red or white; in sizes 1 to 3 years. Housefurnishing Helps at Special Prices 19¢ Pan, 21c. Coal Buckets, 17c. China Salt Boxes, 25c. said he has seen binders out since harvest. | Mr. Kraybill also believed that ma- | | 10c. | chinery is too often allowed to “Fre | | Enameled Fry 36¢. Vulcanized Rubber Set, Paint | Brushes, 25c¢. “Porcela” Bath Tub Cleanser, 100 | One-pint Glass Cream Pitchers, out. This is true of plows. Fre- Bread Boxes, 23c. | covered, 10c. quently time is wasted because ma- Wood Coat Hangers, 2 for 5c. | 39c. Crucifix Candlesticks, gold, chinery is not ready for use. The Solid Wood Rolling Pins, Chopping Bowls, 10c. 29c. Enameled Muffin Pans, 23c. | 10c. |25c. each, $1.69 Japanese Vases, $1.00 each $3.98 Japanese Vases, $2.90 | drills, | speaker favored greasing plows, seed ete., | when put away or giv- |ing them a coat of oil. All machin- 49c. Baskets, “Fancy Shoppers,” | $1.98 Jardinieres and Pedestals, ery should be kept clean. | 39¢ $1.44. Training of the Boy ! Children’s Go-Carts, $3.98. Full| $1.98 Toilet Sets, ten pleces, $1.67 | The next subject discussed was | i.e la set. “What Should be the Proper Train-! {ing of the Boy?" Mr. Kraybill said | |that too often the home is not made | pleasant for the boy. If things are | [not made attractive and pleasant for | A Great $21.50 Sewing Machine both indy abd BAR Our Co-operative | 1 | made up not to stay on the farm and | \ Club. {nothing can make him stay. Boys | f who are hired help should not | treated as outcasts, but like sons of ! be | the farmers. By working together A helpful plan to get an up-to-date good will follow. | Sewing Machine on casy-to-pay terms It was Mr. an? Risser's opinion that - | hired help is no longer treated as| joutcasts, as they 25.00 MACHINES AT $15.50. $30.00 MACHINES AT $19.50, $35.00 MACHINES AT $21.50. formerly were. Fre- quently they, as well as the children want to boss the farmer who employs : A high-grade, high-arm Machine (them. In many highly respected | roller and ball-bearing e¢ truetion; families controversies crop out on ac- Pd one of the country’ four grea : count of the children. Frequently iW makes; oak case, carved and polished, the boys do not want to follow farm- 1.3 swell front, automatic lift, five draw- ing. Tf the boy is not satisfied noth- Mt = (WV ers, drop head; complete set of at. ing can be done to keep him at what ali Speed tachments and our ten-year guarantee . Jed: A y hit £9 () whav rey § he the parents or emplovers want him id ‘ You pay $2.06 v ; 1} a 0:1 = & ub, $1.00 a week until paid. Ne to do he boy seeks the employ- | 9 « y and $1 : : ¢ ' : 3 ~ } ) 106 no lui) L enarn S., simply ment he has a liking for. F requent- - Ra wiy ' : +1 ‘ : Vm NRF AND MAVE THE buying a »ewl: viachir nm the club ly pictures, books, etec., and home hath am ¢ . \ surroundings influence the hoy when ! : * Yom | he thinks of employment, Very of-! |ten the boy has a liking for an hon- Pay $2 at Pu rchase; Than $1 Weekly {oral le vocation, but bad companions lead hi the company the after | The remainder of the meeting wal to the m astray For this reasor boy keeps must hd | looked devoted transaction of mis cellaneous i Broil 7 rratnine business and the question Every One to be Held Hereabouts 'I¢ Brotherhood many congratula {hor | hi : ions f their good work. | This Spring Hons for The il Proce: : Y DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PUR (bk The K. C. B. Band Fair, which| ig Progammie i ; ‘ERY AR / R {§ | : . | For the next meeting, il 6 WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WOI OF COAL 8 | I Uerewith ve have compiled one has recently been in progress at ; o th De meeting, on Apr CHASED FOR CASH AT { of the most complete sale lists ever Shavely’s Hall, will close on Satur- | the following programme has heey published in these parts. We would dav night when all goods yet jn jAreansas Music: discussion, “Is if - £ 25e & S. % Pp 4a > Cap SOQ f 1 of t H Baker's appreciate a card from any person Stock will be disposed of. A visiting | Profitable to Fear Ros Si go. fbpreciate a ce x ; 1 [Until Worn Out?” Irwin Fridy: ree 7 . ja : band will be present to enliven the | 8 1 whose sale is not mentioned below. A ic litations, . Alice Garber, Anna Gish: This list is free. = | music: address, Simeon Landis, Eliz COAL and SE