GREAT ALTERAT At The Buchanan & Young Store THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, JA SAL HOME HEALTH OLUB By Dr, David Reeder, La Porte, Ind, CATARRH : Nearly all persons on this continent, especially in the northern parts of it, are more or less afflicted with catarrh constantly, or lin intervals, It is generally supposed {to be a cold in the head, particularly in the nasal passages, and usually it [is, but catarrh frequently attacks the | stomach, bowels or any other organ [or membrane You will see advertised hundreds Read for Yourself The Great Price Attractions While the Improvements are in Progress 4 Departments are undergoing a radical change for the better- » ment of business and the convenience of patrons. The Store is now in the hands of Carpenters, Steam Fitters and Decorators During the alterations and as a recompence for any inconven that r, we are makin will be applauded and appreciated, PRICE CONCESSIONS SO GREAT, SO EMPHATIC that our efforts ) ffered is Staple in character and Desirable with i Y hit 1 t 1 IT I'¢ i | 1 sal as lo n are around, 1 i 11 \ h ) of wol en NN | | F 3 ( n 1 } 0 | | (1! | )) | NIE 196 . i i . I ifs NIGHT GOWNS JACQUARD SILKS i Wn B y (( i {¢ i I 123 fe if 1 i i DRAWERS \ \ i )) 2] i x )) i i - it yd I) el 141 > ? 0 - S1 1OHAL )) \ 4 4 ff lohalr i | 1 { ) nd ft tion rice £4 0 It i Price 2) AM | WHITE GOODS ) | { PRINCESS SLIPS | 2%c. to hite Goods ( { : : i i adie 9¢. White Lawn Prin Insook, check ind stri ind A 1 b far swi oy y | ‘0 . Ww Alteration Price, 36e. | Iteration Price, 10c. a yd. w | i ; | SHIRTING MADRAS & DRESS POPLINS ey ty ; % “ 2oc. Shirting Madras in stripes is H0¢ Colored and Black Silk nd ficures. all white erounds. 36 Striped Poplin { inche wide. Alteration Price, 37c. SATIN FOULARDS OUTINGS 50c. Figured Satin Foulard ic Outing Flannel in 1 Dress Silk, a small selection of pink and blue stripes stvles Alteration Price, 29¢, a yd ! iteration Price Alterations, 123c¢. a yard ight fc. DRESS GINGHAMS 124¢. Standard Dress Ginghams 27 and 32 inches wide a big stock to choose from Alteration Price, 7c. a yd EMBROIDERY \ splendid lot of embroidery and insertions worth up to 20c¢. a vard Alteration Price 12}1c. FLOUNCING $1.50 Flouncing Embroidery 15 inches wide, choice new season patterns Alteration Price S8c. CHECK PRINTS Se Mercerized Black and White iteration Sale, te. a yard. LINEN CLOTHS {of cures for catarrh, mostly gotten up RAIN COATS |to cure the flatness of somebody's $5.00 Rain Coats- Tan, Misses and ladies’ sizes Alteration Price $1.89, [pocket book or to increase the finan- cial receipts of a drug factory [ Remove the cause or causes, first LONG KIMONOS |then take the simple treatment, that $1.50 Ladies’ Long Kimonos [wil be here advertised, and the Figured Crepes, and Flannelettes. Alteration Price 88c. catarrh will be removed. Breathe thru the nose. That is what it was doors. Do not go out in the cold or "Fe. 37 nade for Avoid raughts while in LONG KIMONOS | mae 4 ; I $2.25 Ladies’ Long Kimonos . : \ ‘ x} damp, fron a warm room in- Figured Crepes and Flannelettes. Alteration Price $1.44 ( ifficiently clothed. That is to say, MN ' with less clothing than 1isnal when ‘ ; { DRESSING SACQUES {lout of door In ort. be sensible $1.00 Dressin Jacques Fig- ({{ | abou ( ng fo our warmth in ~ | red Flanneletie atin MW ither liable to give vou sud and : (( ( 11 | Y 0 Mteration Price 25¢. 0 : A 10lly-cod y and LONG COATS WN ele e care of yourself in $5.00 Lot ( ii m # f : { 2 a i hee i \1 \ 81.1 0 ILLON ( {( ) ( \ 1 & 1 « / ng J 8 er rrl nknowt he FUL LIU nie 1 UU JIL : do d th ollo lar I ((1 | die give good result temporaril} y " rorine Jn n but not permanent relie his thing SL. Lance Ile | Cu {if | that has been so long a time reaching i the stage of deep-seated catarrh, i and it takes a long time to | roe me me [CUTE it under any cirenmstance J. XY. KLINE Banisters Door and Window Sills Etc. Retailer of the Grades of Cement All Kinds Concrete Work > BUILDING BLOCKS All Styles and Colors Porches, Columns and and Lintles, Chimneys, Best 1s the only kind [ sell—J furniture that 1s Furniture Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything in the Furniture Line Undertaking and Embalming aE ———— MOITNT FOV. PIRI NA ASN AE TARE TI TA TRS f Brass Beds nw ror Beds If you're looking for REAL VALUES in BRA jou wil find in our large store the most aston any Mid-Winter Sale. Don’t be foole d by inflated tag reductions and blind your judg- ment as to real values and savings. Get right down to the goods them 5S or IRON BEDS, ing line shown at * Geifeereddederie MW ® selves. Compare our Brass and Iron Beds and prices with those of g@ other sales. You’ll find we offer BY FAR the biggest values. " Because of our $5,000-a-year location saving and the great vol- = ume of our business, we are able to GUARANTEE positive savings # of ten to thirty per cent. on everything—Furniture, Carpets, Rugs s and Draperies. = Thirty-six styles of Kitchen Cabinets—from $13.00 to $38.00. Be - sure to see this line before making your selection. » = Westernber rger, Male; 7 & Myer » 125-131 East King S:, ye PA. TT 0 A H.C. BRUNE A801 0111110 Rockers Mirrors Hall Racks Extension & Other Tables, Davenport Instead of Liquid Antiseptics Peroxide many people are now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicia. powder to be dissolved in water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses it is better and more economical, To cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, de- , 8troy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridgework clean, odorless = To remove nicotine from the teeth aod purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspiration and body odors by sponge bathing. The best antiseptic wash known. Relieves and strengthens tired, weak, inflamedeyes. Heals sorethroat, wounds and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box, druggists or by mail postpaid. Sample Free, THE PAXTON TOILET CO..Boston, Mass. Terms Moderate. Bell Telephone. CHARLES S. FRANK AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA. Prompt Attention given to Sales of Real Estate and Personal Property Reference: Jonas L. Minnick. f | Shaving Halr Cutting Joseph B. Hershey Tonsorial Parlor or chicks from thoroughbred Barred | Kast Main St. MOUNT JOY | Rocks or White Leghorns. Three Chairs. No Waiting Agen for the Middletown Steam Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday d and delivered Friday. | Lol) DIGEST N E59 ‘ ¢ i cure for it? This winter T had a very |the wonderfully low price of $4.90. And should any of them prove unre- u i 10 4 # bad spell of sickness, with severe |liable we’ll replace it with a new one ; 3 ® pain in right side. almost killing me. ® MN oa + : 1" ; ty * 1t seemed to be in the region of gal For Rent 2 duct. T feel very much worried about ' g B 3 From September 15, a large stone » # lit and would like to know your opi & nill property recently occupled hy |! y ion. Very Respectfully ] - ; By === the New Standard Hardware Werks | hy AL HM hree floors and atile mood water y : 3 : 3: evs BO. wa ; Cirrhosis of the liver is generally JEWELER AND OPTICIANS 20 N. QUEEN ST.. LANCASTER xy 070 \ b 0 turbinas wheels S known as “ha ailed liver’ and rR ble tnbaero ware . inown as hob i [ d ive nd is Next Door to Shaub & re oN} 5 : r : 2 the result of chronic inflammation of ————————————7—————.————————————————————————————————————— house or machine | # Pil . \ he liv i © 5 Ew ne mi } 11 1 u 10] o S. R. Snyder, Mt destruction of the secreting cells of Ftvdleddedlededolrinied ofeooofecforferferforfecfecfereofecianfinosfocfssje 58s TT # 3 . sravail Tou : . i y DOES UPHOLSTERIN( that orgat s sl deve In ny, agys TE Attention Everybody ’ 2 TVET RUS ¥ = z 1 Y f nal BS EPI S I'he regular meeting of the Hos- : . ; wind Cad? siliim dod { - B pital Ausilizy i 1 held at tt SONS tering to isturbance lige 1 ear : - "FEYTET pit: lia Ww e 1d at the : : ® ~ ; 2 o Net 2 Ea ch eds, or burn, belchings ted tongcu M- | de & (55 A EK, % home of Mrs. Walter Brown, Thurs- os IN A he lind i; thing ) nal iting | 4 8 day afternoon, March 7th, at 3 o’- . : Phys ra . Ee —— - a 3 ii i . eneral repair work, will confer 3 # clock. It is time for payment of 1 » . Ce + r Todust 2 : : r P vy by ca it big red g dues, and we hope every member will Pri shi ? Teo 3 a ante : : X rices are eright. skin becom I ar 8 be present or send in their money ; : : 3 x ada Saturdavs \ ———— = OW ir ind I rsi promptly. feb. 21-3t 3 3 fast Y Ad 3 8 i H. S. MUSSELMAN, Strenctl f ar lost rapidly, i = Loa > | | g£23-3mo Florin, Pa. the ahd en Omg¢ tended, and + OPPOSITE 8. G EI 3 ST IRE ARK STREDT a NOTARY PURLIC i erect lO erm Ire rei Dif fF ind. Phone 610D., E asthtown, or 723B., Maytown. E ” 5 “or Sale breathing and palpitation and hem § 0g £S = W. M. HOLLOWRUSH For 4 - 2 NICHO . : 2 vit Arr | Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for orrhages from the bowels occur in 4 K EENER aL [EA pH LA “Ds Pronrietors & litorney-At-Law ih : : Sr sd. slinves T = 1atching, from a strain with a rec- advanced stages 3 » 5 3 = Street. Mt. Jov . 2 & abet % Tay 8 in : Mt. Joy, P& lord not often beatem, also stock. Tea fee leoho! and es § Elizabethtown and Ma town = a t ne tar Ic lav and Fri. : x > y ~~ ba = | ys at La 87, Monday and Fri H. H. MORTON must be forbidden. The patient 3 CHARLES W. COBLE Mgr., Elizabethtown. MAKES EATING A PLEASURE GEST day at No. 52 North Duke Street 'feb 21-2 mo Mount Joy, Pa. should not be allowed to become . Wpujiboibaeaefesodudooosfe test of srufecdoods f uisforfosfootsetecdesiroteatent shosthofesihodesfesfestnte (Brooders, Colony Houses, in fact any- thing you may desire in that line. | Drop us a card and we will call to see you. Practice this and you will get well | Buy the P ; ralrie|r reasonable time stand erect. Push forward with | [the head, downward with the hands State | This lifts the vital organs properly. | Inhale to the fullest thru the nost- | rils. Tiptoe slightly and vou will get | | more air. Hold the air while you | count ten mentally, and contract the muscles of the throat, as you would clench your fist, tensely as possible. slowly, thru the nostrils. The hot, moist air will warm the nasal cham- ber. Repeat this ten times, unless vou grow dizzy: if you do, cease in- stantly. Practice before retiring, and upon arising next day. After about a week of this increase the counting time to fift®n, then to twenty, thirty or more. Cease always at the first gradually. After the exercise, throw the head back until you can see an object directly over you on the ceil- ing. Hold the breath, sink down | | slowly, only a few inches at first: re- | peat, not more than four times. After {vou have learned the trick of it, vou |may sink down as far as possible and If you want an incubator that hatches 100 per cent. buy the Prairie State. No better evidence than these three hatches by Mr. Harry Gainor or J. S. Carmany of East Donegal. First Hatch, 100 eggs, 97 chicks. | eep your equilibrium. When you Second Hatch, 100 eggs, 98 chicks. [have returned to the perpendicular, | Third Hatch, 100 eggs, 100 chicks, (exhale the breath slowly thru the > 4 | atri S. We can giso Supily you wip presi the nostrils with cold water | and a perceptible quantity of acetic | acid or listerine, in spray or with a | | feather or camel-hair brush and | aw » wash into a nasal chamber Will also supply eggs for hatching draw the wa ft BNE BY o EE SE — ———— at © Im rl livery ¢ at ri- ae- liveries of teams, fif- oa 1 t unloaded eader of thi paper are at until 1 td he tobacco. A A TR ESR HY NS UR rma ———— sign of dizziness and proceed more Young Brothers Carriage Wor now. It stands to reason that we can give more attention to a job over | : | the winter months than during the busy season and naturally you get a first-class job. | Bell Telephone FLORIN, PENNA. Wednesday, March 6, 1912, AL MAKES HOME BAKING EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crust The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar J . / No W atter How i ou [e Ii HERE'S AN ADVANTAGE XI TE - io — THAT WILL ALWAYS CLAIM YOUR ATTENTION. IT IS Custom Quality at Moderate Prices There can be no better time to order a new wagon for Spring thaw We also have some fine sleighs ready for your inspection. . YOUNG BROS. by insuffation. No harm will follow | if the wash trickles down the throat, | \ CLUB NOTE! ! y ) J: y Dear Doctor: . if) (| ( A ll I have been an interested reader | Uv of the Home Health Club and enjoy 3 vour weekly lectures very much. I Florin Penna. would like your advice in regard to mv case. The doctors here tell me I am suffering from cirrhosis of the ow tsterine 1s simi atten | Man's and Women’s $10 Watches Fully guaranteed, ten-year, gold-filled Watches, with guaranteed Amer- liver. What is it and is there any [ican $4.90 movements; sizes 12 and 16, for both men and women, are here at