PAGE 2 THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA J. BE. SCHROLL, Editor & Prop'r. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR SAVED FROM Six Months. .....50 Cents Three Months. . . .25 Cents ‘How Mrs. R Reed of Peoria, Ill, Single Copies. ....2 Cents | Escaped The Sur Sample Coples. . ++ ++. FREB geon's Knife. kintered at the post office at Mrunt/| Joy as second-class mall matter. All correspondents must have their communications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news| of importance between that time and | 13 o'locck noon Wednesday. Chan- ges for advertisements must posi- tively reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisements inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday | night, Advertising rates on appli-| Peoria, Ill. know whatLydin E.Pinkham’sVegetable -. Compound has done forme. Fortwoyears I suffered, The doc- tor said I hada tumor and the only remedy was the surgeon's knife. My mother bought me Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegeta- ble Compound, and today I am a well and healthy woman. For months I suffered | from inflammation, and your Sanative | Wash relieved me. I am glad to tell anyone what your medicines have done Wilson he for me. You can use my testimonial in had a most restful time in Kentucky. | any way you wish, and I will be glad Still, Watterson is not there | to answer letters.”’— Mrs. CHRISTINA » * REED, 106 Mound St., Peoria, Ill, Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided EDITORIALS | — { The LaFollete managers were un- doubtedly wise to advise their cham- pion to try the silence cure Siow. Governor declares has | If this Administration can convict | and imprison the Bathtub Trust it Operation, will get the solid hobo vote, anyway. | Jessup, Pa.— ‘‘ After the birth of my ie ew fourth child, I had severe organic inflam- Mr. Roosevelt may recognize Mr. | mation. Iwould havesuch terrible pains ce : mses .+..: | that it did not seem as though I could Bryan's ‘money trust’ as an orator i- stand it. This kept up for three long eal synonym for “predatory wealth.” |p nehe until two doctors decided that “« »e an operation was needed. Jim Jeffries has not lost interest “Then one of my friends recommended im prize fighting to such a degree as Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- te. keep him out of the conservation pound and after taking it for two months «on I was a well woman.’’—Mrs. JOSEPH A. . LyNcCH, Jessup, Pa. LaFoljette Women who suffer from female ills made enough speeches to enable his should try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- poom to run for a time without his | ple Compound, one of the most success- personal attention. | ful remedies the world has ever known, “sn before submitting to a surgical opera- tion. Robert has already . = What's the matter with Gen. Gros- venor? He hasn't come out with any | Annual Meeting of Motorists one-fourth the rate that they now | jan. 31-8t. | have to pay the express companies. | - six eat TFxhress com anfes Po aking I ee Pennsylvania Railroad Tickets to| early, have fought thig bill success- | Rocky Mountains, Pacific Coast, fully for more than a fozen years. | Western Canada, Mexico and South. | But the people have a pressing | western points on sale daily Mar. 1] their representatives In Congress so |to Apr. 14 inclusive at reduced fares. stently, until victory is Sow as- | Consult mearest Ticket Agent; or A. The bill will pass Coseress | C. Weile, D. P. A., Reading, Pa. ort while and become 2a feb. 21-4t Low Rates to the West AN OPERATION “1 wish to let every one figures yet showing who will be nom- | 6 [ancaster Automobile Club inated next summer and elected next { will have its annual meeting and | fall. election of officers in the rooms of | * LJ . . 1 p 1 | the Chamber of Commerce at Lan-| Aren't the friends of Mr. Taft as-|.,ster on Friday evening, March 15. suming a fearful responsibility IM it is expected the Club will start a | dragging the moving picture into pol- | new season's work with a large and | itics? It may be well enough to pre- | ., tyysiastic meeting. sent the President signing the Ari-| teal lls irc | Je ati Yeivats. SonPo- : rona proclamation or Private : Secre- | Postmaster ni. Falmouth tary Hilles personally conducting the | Samuel Birely was the only appli- | ire ay ati 3 . ig . - | affairs ol the nation but what is t0 | ..;t examined for the vacant post- | | _|is probably the only woman president lof a telephone company in |and not 3 and THE PLEASANT HILL Potatoes are going up and egus are coming down Miss Union Lizzle Weaver, spent principal school, an enjoyable evening at Mrs. Rutt's last Wednes- day | Frank Aldinger is making quite a success as an auctioneer and the day will come when he will become quite an efficient official Miss Lizzie Weaver, accompanied her best friend pald a short New York last We there too in 1865, Rev. Moseman of Lancaster accom- panied by Frank Pierce of near Rheems were callers on Mrs. Isaac Rutt and family last week. by visit to week were Rev. Mohler and Fry of Elizabeth- town, called on your correspondent at Harry Rutt's farm last week on business best known to ourself, Elmer Floyd, son of George Floyd a prominent farmer near here, con- templates going West this spring tak- ing the advice of the great Horace Greeley. Jacob E. Williams having an ir- resistible inclination to visit the scenes of his childhood, went down to White Oak to visit his parents last Monday, Benjamin Haldeman, Jr., who has been under treatment for appendici- tis at the General Hospital, Lancas- ter, was brought home last week in an improved condition. We are extremely sorry to an- nounce the sudden sickness of our highly respected friend and merchant Phares K. Graybill of Rheems, and wish him a speedy recovery. The Brandt sale at Conewago, was pretty well represented around here Jacob Williams, BE. R. Neideigh, Har- ry Rutt, Martin Gish and various other celebrities not necessary to e- numerate. \ It is about time that health officer “| Rutherford should call at the Colon- Harry Hostetter’s | farm, remove those quarantine cards, as everything is calm and se- {rene around that Home Sweet Home I LANCASTER JUNCTION Miss Grace Fetter visited her { arandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Achey, at Manheim, on Saturday and | Sunday. |ial Mansion on and and Martin Gross at their { Jacob S. Hershey are still receiving tobacco warehouse. of BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY, PA. I MR We Ree Hals - Gaps- Hals Wednesday, March 6, 1912, EERE and Winter Hats and Caps. Spring Stock: 2 50 “ 1 bh i i 2 00 6 be 6 bi 1 oh io“ bf bi 1.50 BEE EE EET TEESE. ® All our 50c Caps 35¢ We still have a few of those Men's Suits which we are sacrificing at Tremendous reductions of our entire stock of Fall These are all good and staple styles in Stiff and Soft Hats which we are going to close out at the following prices to make room for our $3.00 Soft and Stift Hats now $2.15 1.65 1.35 1.00 $7.00 Also about 20 Boys’ Suits to close at $2.50 Come and see the bargains whether you buy or not. mas EATS ETE IIe ES I = . . u | = = a EE . : GETZ BROS. Mount Joy Hall Bldg. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 11 AO 0 OOOO TT Plan sates tosersce| [f [ts Fish You Want 1 Can Always Supply You Limerican Exche nge Hotel Mount Joy, Pa. J. M.. Backenstoe, Pro. | ®eeD Seed HEAVY BODIED PENNSYLVANIA I always have on hand ali kiads t been remodeled thruout |of fish in season and would be pleas- Has jus las all modern conveniences such|ed to have your order. Broad as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Ste ALL FISH CLEANED GRATIS Heat, Flectric Light, Ete " * * * | Also Oranges, Ban- LEAF TOBACE Table is Supplied With the Best prevent Wall Street from starting a |, starship at Falmouth and he will Mi Gq 1 1 Esther Rot i ’ NE ine : 7 "OW 7il- . : Misses Gertrude an Usthe tohr- riot by presenting a Woodrow Wil [receive the appointment. Ss ; e an S her to r son, or LaFoliette speech four hours | eb b— er spent Sunday with their friend, i \ fi : » rate ! Miss Stella Weaver, long, running the film at the rate of | Advertise in the Mt: Joy Bulletin . : : forty miles an hour? The sketch of | Jacob G. Ober has moved into Em- | ma Miller's house. He will do har- Roosevelt in absolute silence woul | ma se. ¢ do ha eertainly be a moving picture With Time on Her Hands {ness making and shoe repairing. would almost move the spectators to | Henry IL. Buch sold his crop of tears. We may vet have the scene seven acres of tobacco to Long & Tay of Mr. Bryan refusing the Presidency | i lor, of Landisville, at 11 and 4 cents Mr. Taft welcoming the Democratic Mrs. Katherine Rothfus who sev- tariff hills and “Uncle Joe.” eral weeks ago broke her arm by a fall is improvinng. Dr. Hers g / pr andere 5 : D ershey, of | Manheim, attended her. SPORTING HILL Jonas Snavely and wife and Henry C./H. Good and family spent Sun- 3uch and wife, visited Samuel Stauf- day with friends at Lebanon. {fer and family and Mrs, Harriet 4. E. Wenger, wife and daughter, | Brubaker, at Sporting Hill, on Sun- Epma, spent Sunday at Elizabeth- | day. tewn. | Isaac Walborn, wife and daughter Elmer gh and es rigs |, A | ems Me, Joan okey at Mane 5 ay in the home of his sister, Mrs | : a , | heim and attended the funeral o Sg Walt € 2 3 A lady is apt to feel lonely, but if | Benjamin E. Gibbl Tt = Jacob alters. : : ; | Benj: 5. Gibble. . was a larg . h Sipli toriatned a ® she is carrying one of our watches | ineral 3 arse Miss Sarah Sipling entertained a| | . 5 funeral. nu aber of ih at her home on | <1 he Will at least be sure of alvars A mitten was found in the granary Ryd i : ' Pod | being accurate in her appointments. PF thot t Willi H ye i Sunday afternoon. . ly ; : 0 e barn at William Heisey’s 1 ge 9 y p 1 t | We are naturally proud of the time- Tor : titi i" ri © Mr. | 3; ‘over, of Lancaster, | : $a: g owner can get it by calling, but he is : Ee } Si hi 5 M {keeping qualities of our elegant gold i ted o n ' 3 e1s | re Sunday with his parents, Mr. | : ; requested o cal between sunrise SE : \ / parent | and silver watches, as well as of the | 0 Soi 4 i sunrises and Mrs. S . Cover. ag tad : and sunse { I BE Wiel - ) 1 wif |dainty and artistic designs, and the | Emi G. Tott 1d i ! Joseph ickenheiser and wife, ca . : | imlen G. Fetter, wife and daugh- | el or Pi %: : ; i {beautiful workmanship throughout. |, Na Se : : ugh- | were guests Phares Mohn and | : . | ter nna, spent Saturday and Sun- | Pre 9 S57 “|Our Jewelry bears the reputation of | | 7 AV L ane Sune | family, at Salunga, on Sunday [; win Fh day at Reading, guests of George | Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hogendob-| 2:18 ever besl, Reiss and wife and with the former's | Yr. § a Mrs. siey Hoge - nelss ana w » ¢ avy the 10 MS | 1 Mint 4 iit 3 t | Please Remember I Also ist M H Fei u mer®i er, ol anheim, visited her mother, | sister, Mrs arry Fels he Mrs. Annie Bradley, on Sunday. Repair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry | Jacob Weaver, wife and daughter, Mrs. Harry Musselman, of Lititz, ! of the village; Adam Lefever and |! ) is spending several days with her! ; Very Promptly wife, of Millersville; Joseph Brene- | : ok * You will not be disappointed time | re ET ar 3 Po rs. F. Y. Koser he : | mann, wife a aughter, Esthe [ parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Y. Kose: nd again if you bring your repair | 1 nd daughter, Esther, of | Mrs. H. B. Summy and daughters vit to. Tit {near here, and Harry Shires, wife WOTI'K 1 1 3 i Helen and Pauline, of Manheim, {and son, were Sunday guests in the | spent Sunday at her parental home 53) {home of Cyrus Rutt i Clayton Sharbone, wife and daugh- nN r ren lf ter, Edna. of Elstonville, were Sun- a 1 ¥ TE ol E Y BACK RUN | day visitors of H. S. Bradley and Us Read the Mt. joy Bulletin wife East Main Street. MT. JOY, PA John Hei 1nd » visited Hen- The Zion Children are holding and wife on Sunday series of meetings here, which will RG 3 Mis rd it Drumm spe ‘und: gh > 1 Fa) WATER BONDS CALLED lith Drumm spent Sunday { continue to the end of the week, a : : ; ith Jacob T. Ginder and family | leas Notice is hereby given the bond ng i least. 2 ; i Amos Move: and amily spent ) David Bert wi and de holders of the Mount Joy Borough Sund rit 3a 1 Shelley and fe ; 0 ife @ ds 0 . , ind th Samnel Shelley and fam | | Grace, of near Manheim, were Vater Bonds Nos. 10 and 41, of a of Samuel Garman and family, on 0.00 each, to present them for Benja i id I | Sam trarm and a y, . HR Be wife and daughter ] Sanda payment to the Union National Mt d y : : atria { Sunday. ; . ia ra, were Sunday guests of John | {f Jonas Snavely and wife, and Henry Joy Bank, Treasurer, on or before ler il | Jonas Sne lV and wile, an I 3 0ssle ramily | b uch and wif of lancaster Junc March 1st, 1912, as interest on same | AM Rot . id { ) Ju ¢ e, of Lancaste ne- | : | V tettew and daughters | tion, visited §. 8. Stauffer and wife, | Vill cease on that day ; , | Katie and Elsie, and grandson, Ar- | | a Y By order of Mt. Joy Boro Council, | : | on Sunday a tly tl were Sunday guests of John | Mrs. Harry Gibble, of Masterson- Feb. 5, 1912. White apd family, at Penryn. | ville, is spending the week with her Clayton Hoffman, Burgess Mr. Eli Ginder and wife entertain- | sisters. Mrs. M. ¥I. Kauffman and »d the following on Sunday: Philip | \ Mrs. 0. M. Miller. DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS Snyder and wife, Albert Rettew and | \ Mrs. D. S. Miller and daughter, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat wife, Levi Martin, wife and daugh- | : 3 4 | tour > te nia y | Miss Mamie, and Mr. Ray Brubaker| .., -00 wooiworth Building er, Rhoda, Daniel Wolgemuth and | of Lansasier vere Suna guests of Lancaster, Pa. wite, Amos Sheetz and wife, and Jno. D. M. Nissley and family. . . |Ginder and wife . Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m, | : : . ! i Mr. and Mrs. David Todd and son, Sunday and. Otiier Hours. | Messrs. Charlie and Ellis Rettew Clarence, of near Manheim, spent “By A Dtment © |entertained the following on Sunday: | Yy Appo ne i £ h | Sunday in the home of her parents, Both tn | Messrs. Clayton Warfel, William Mec- | Mr. and Mrs. Peter Floyd. rid $572 Both. Phe i : 504] Garvey, Butt Frey, Phares Frey, | 1 87 { a a . y v : = ne Be an., { Phares Sweitzer, Harry Berto, Roy | {Br neman, Elmer Blocher, Harry | Parcel Post TOBACCO SEED sheetz, Wayne Sheetz and Robert | Congress has been spurred into I Sheetz. ! ror action at last in regard to| ' eRvers Imp. Broad Leaf, 3 oz." ee ell ae 2 : tant 5 Hts wo Individual plant, 50c; 3 oz. No. 1 two important measures i {zrade 25¢. For sale by all leading! Mr. Young's Successor ing to pass the bill establishing the |S'2d€ “oC. 38%. all loading oy ng a | merchants or by mail. { Mrs. Esther C. Young has been Parcel Post which will be a boon to {ole 1 . ‘ : JOHN S. WEAVER 4, ected president of the Columbia those living in the rural histricts, . ty panel | Telephone Company to fill th Glen Mawr Seed Farms a S vacan- and will enable them to have goods | RS PENNA. | ©Y caused by the death of her hus- | KINZ S - - oN : 2 $ delivered through the mails at about » {band, Harry C. Young. Mrs. Young America. ee The Figures Lied Last week thru a typographical er- ror we made figures tell a falsehood. The Union National Mount Joy Bank pays 3 and 6-10 per cent. interest on deposits in its savings department 3-10 as we stated. | BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS Branch Store at E. Ream’s. producing seed grown under the ne the Market Affords. ‘anas, Lemons, Etc. Ww is ee . 2% wie » ‘system of seed propogation and | known as the John S. Weaver, (Kin- Also Luneh Counter Jil I lar i ( I 1 hi 5. Pay brand Where Soups, sandwiches, Checse, ( A fifty-cent package contains one- Nd > , op : " wy Style : Said ripe, Oysters in Every Style MOUNT JOY, PENNA. half ounce of seed from one individ- Kte., Ete, are served ual plant, evs ss GO TO GARDEN SEE FOR SALE BY w. B. BZNDER SST NLR OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS ® 9% se Mount Joy, Pa. STOCK OF VETERINARY MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS ward Kreckel LANCASTER, PA. T67-R-TST Trunks at Half Pricc. Great Bar- On The Square. 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE «After four in our family had died | of consumption 1 was taken with a frightful cough and lung trouble, but my life was saved and I gained § 87 pounds through using DR. KING'S | DISCOVERY i ‘sciisic American, culation of any seientific journal. Term Tex, $ Ww R Patterson. Ww elli ton four months $L Sold by all newsde « XN, 3 eligoon, PRICE 50c and $1.00 AT ALL DRUGS! TrADE MARKS . DESIGNS Cop VRIGHTS &c oc H Anyone sending quickly ascert: imvention is pre . receive year; Mu PTanch Office 6° gains. N Co, 36tenmiay. New 10; Washington, D. SM esta —————————————— DS in bulk and pack Ist A. 4; Giood Stabling Accomodation Good Stabling 0 GOOD SHAVE - Local and Long Distance Telephones STY I/JASH HAIR-CUT Sunday Hours, 8 to 9a. m. 5 to MEER RI REFRESHING SHAMPOO 6.45 p. m. ) . WILLIAM i or anything in the Barber Line West Main Se, MY. doy, 1 to HARRY JAMS » a . x : 3 AENRRRRR RRR RNR RRR RRE ENN RRRR ERNE ¢ BARBER j 4 io : . : BLANK x Shaving Massaging = % Hair Cutting Razors Honed E 4 Shampooing Toilet Waters & i 2 WE SAVE YOU TW 3 Singeing Shaving Soaps i 2 z E WO PRO- + ig Z FITS ON WOOL HORSE % Agency For Elkhorn Laundry | a : T oop First Nattousl ask i BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT i MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA = FROM THE MAKERS, IS Googesforfoniosfosforfoofoofoefosfosieofoofoetectoctocorfosfoofecfunfocierd £ THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED sa £ ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO C. 5. MUSSER. THE BAKER 1 also carry as a side line 2 $10.50. Ir Peii Camera and Photo Supplies - “resh read and Cakes Delivered : = vid Yosh 2 thronids tow dally If you have a Pet Negative, Film |= FINES STOCK LAP sresh Doughnuts, Cruilers and Dewey ©r Photograph you want enlarged |E ROBES IN THE COUNTY, suns every Wednesday & Thursday. On Permanent paper, I am in a posi- IE v & ns Weddings and Suppers tion to lave it done for you at a rea- |= FROM $250 TO 825.00. BY- given prompt attention sonable price. |= ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE store & Bakery, West Main Street Agent for Standard Steam Laundry |S AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL SIAR ERE ORE ERR NS RL bb Tobacco Are You Moving WE CAN HELP YOU We take up Carpets, Clean Them and Relay Them PROMPT SERVICE Store them free till you want them in vour new home. Novelty Carpet Cleaning Works Orders at Works, 135 Beaver St or. J. 'B. Martin & Co. Both ‘phones at both places. rraaq 14 7 El ¥ IAD. ah i £3 “LER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Main St. Mount Joy ating and Clerking of Public Sales Settlement of Estates. Collection of Rents, Surveying and Convevaneing. PPOPORVHL PHD OY - We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water XCE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Moderate Charges. Very Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year, J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. PEO HOL C4009 S HOTEL McGINNIS Fhe undersigned having remodel- ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms. bg th, etc., now prepared to entertain trans- ient and regular guests. RESTAURANT connection with hotel serve in season. PEP9HTHLVL S60 DG @ POE VPPPOIQOE Pu 52 in will where he OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style TURTLE SOT P, Ete. Ete. Private dining room for ladies. J. W. MoecGinnis, . PROPRIETOR OLD DR. THEEL & DR. Ww, L THEEL Spring Garden St., (formerly 535 N. 66k 2 13 Sor Pa.) Ein Deutscher Artz, Only German Specialist. The German Treatment, the only Guaranteed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, others can’t Cure, all use Mercury & Arsenie, worse thas so the Disease itself, it’s a curse of humanity, AS rivate Diseases, Excesses, both sex, Abnses, Wedk= Bites, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, ais, Atrophy, sses, Vi le, Hydrocele, Rupture & Strietare, nue euiting, Kidney, Bladder, 46 yrs. practice 6 oe Hosps xp. In 8 Seruoanys Book Free, tells Bits exposing M ity & Country Advertising Frauds. Hrs. 9-4,6-83 Bun. S-8 “ LC 4)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers