The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 06, 1912, Image 1

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    VOL. X. NO. 41 MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, MAR. 6, 1912 $1.00 A YEAR
Obituary A STORK SOLD Personals Florin News Local Notes
\. D. Garber of Blaine, Buys LL Interesting Events From Our Sister
The property at Florin, occupied — Wilkes-Barre for several days
. " n as a residence and store building by r i here They a Visite W. S. Brown of near Yittshurg bai
Some Well Known People From Our | Mr. J. 8 Cu . : 1 w ne and Whe They Have Visited is t} tof tel iv ay Py UTE, | Local and Personal Briefs That Have | Beier Local Happenings Gathered as
iis Mr. J. 8 armany for a number o any Stranger wre or S 8 the guest of relatives ¢ friends ; i i gly "
Neighborhood Have Passed to the Verto ' tv Mr. © " fany Strangers Here Over on thi 8 tion 5 es and friend Occurred Since Our Last Issue in 4 hey Occur With the Whirl of the
. cars was bough wv Mr arman —\ | Them’ | 11s section, : 3 {
Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue in Ta : day—Were You Among Them? | : ; a Our Hustling and Wide Awake | World for Quick Reading Within
recently I'he building was owned — Mr: Anna Cox left for Mobile, , i v
——————— } tl M I I i | \] ke 1 Neighbor Village, Florin. we Past Few Days.
Yo atrhe ; ' )y the Myers estate and purchase s. C. B. Shank of Columbia, i a4., to make her future home with )
Miss Caroline Jacobs died at Co- thru the Lancaster Trust Company isiting Mrs. M. M ¥ eib her son, J. O. Cox '
lumbia yesterday. : ‘ \ son was born to Mr. and Mrs ¢ did the house fly?
I'he festival held by the Reformed ri !
John Moyer last Friday | the . Joy Bulletin.
church on Saturday evening was : |
. id Since then Mr. Carmany has sold his I ) Treasurer itager |
George Bangert died at Columbia |" s A y has sold x-County Treasurer H. lL. Stager
reaching service were held at 0B W £88 fres I y
el Claude NS. Zeller 38 fresh, but not
Claude Seeman Zeller, youngest
Mr. Harry Vogle of Marietta call- v ; i
: eta cal m of Mr. Ja H. Zeller of this
yesterday, aged 76 years, OE Stock and T¥iuTes yi Mr. [+ B town on Frida) |
Charlotte E. Stoner, widow of Jno rue of Binine, Parry Uoun Miss Nettie Culp spent the week 2 E ob
Stoner. died at Manheim. aged: 70 ty Who widl take A harge April 1st. | end th friends at Marietta. ¢ De Is Bt of thie
Mr. Carmany will retire from busi r t Roberts of York, is Chie Bure 1gle 18) ! on freinds dn town on Tuesday. : ;
will move into his property in | h » { § to his parents esterday receiving 18 \ Wm hards of Philadelphia B Atel his Ath’ birthday stor the average ms: i
Florin recently vacated by Mr. Rov | ) Walters and Levi |on his natal day. H ie i h ; ; us Aap { vears last Thursday Claude y q 1¢ average man is
| in t n av is v : 1888, in »ot 10t es
orn on February 29,
and Engle’s Furniture
iecess and a at umn ie ¢ LO: v) '
tby’'s Church last Sunday
1sekeeping is apt to make
Anna K., widow of Henry Becker,
died at Manheim on Monday from hl 0 , I 1
Ait ler and will devote his entire ) pent Sund ; rk er ol handsome; glits . 4
congestion of tl rain in her 70th! . ; ly at York. : is ther Flowers of Mt. Joy . : . Y
time ng after his two farms Simon Menaugh spent Sun Mrs. Aaron 1 y hree J sai place He graduated from Wil-
veal ’ | 1 fends in town on Sunday ' ‘ y "hil Sale | be history
——-S-~ g 1 nd Monday with friends at York | children, of ! p . ! on Traae School, at Philadel-
tl nest Mai Dierolf of Mt. Joy, vis- v bri k | It is much easier to write a note
Granted a Charter 1 id Mi Elmer Brown spent he sueslts oi (he rent 1 y mia cia » 48 a bric
ranted a Charter ¢ Brown spe ‘ iends in the village on Sun- |. [than it is to ging one
Amos B. Eicherly 3 _ .
I'he Richland Clul \ wri ay n Philadelphia last ana Mi tel Hoo t { Vo AY
| V1 ssley Mumma bought a Stief#
Amos B. Eicher lied on Wed ’ ’ for d i
as granted a charter. TI PANES f A several lay t ( Yo ka ; : nusual and until vor a
§ \ : 1 mn as completed 2 o | DIAAYE plano last week
to provide for and facilitate ) \ rs. | v Williams and Tim- da) : ¢ : t Susy sotth sons born on the 28th of Ti nt in ti i I
: : is 8 cou a ancaster Business | : : o wi | he rent in 1e clothes will not
plication of disease . tv-nine | Jiterary « ilture and social enjoyment Ved it Sunday at Phila- ! Rouse Tere yal ( ’ ave a birthday every v t} rent of tl I
ati ff diseases ized forty-nine : . » IH le re f 3 y
hie io, Of its members The officers are as § n daturai . ele : ® TR gi ear 1900 was nol \ lg Mouse,
years He is irvived y his wife : E R hotal 3 . \ Comstock of Lancaster, .t amnuel S. Holwager, north of town
follows: | l.. Richards, president p IX bhersole pent last |B hotel belongin a L.-8. |. 4 Fol will only occur ' :
i > 1d ) OSs rip 0 TOwl ' p al a KE ¢ ordi
Reisner, of Lancaster, hat loc in > oi ta Vea thereafter | M an o ga)
x g . ® MWe { p — ! r. Adam Snvde the new hosi-
M Stauffer, secretary; Simon | ien this place, were not %old, o « Mars Kf : -- ! n
. '* insuiclent hid se fary McGarvey, Nellie So \ 5 r at the RE :
of insufficient bid : nd Mabel Shrif peat Sund Rapho Teachers’ Institute Losi \ i
! . Tone as Vogle and Mabel Shrite spent Sunday " Ran . 08 roid et teward
with services in the Florin U. B. | "€¢ ker, J. Frederick Fenstermacher spent a few dayvs in town with her Miss Florence Walters, oi 5 |.t Rheems I'he teachers of Rapho township for iS + : :
se $ 1e ) > Ans al : . ‘ thieen fbi . + . . LO S ret 1 { office.
and Clarence Schock, board of gov- | parents place, a trained nurse and a graduate M | h Brer f Klizabet held their annual institute at Sport- D. H :
. Foe I's acob preneman of iwiizabeth- : m . ?
Mrs. W. D. Chandler ©f the Columbia Hospital Training | wo. called Mrs. Henrietta Gish | B® Hill, Saturday. The programme | . .. | .
ea co : ’ : School, has been ranted @icertificate 12 talled on 1 enrietta Gish : AE af ES ware house for sale or rent.
a a spen Sunday with relatives at , i é rtificate | hn Sund | for the day was as follows Whetl
—————— ' \.. er} ot g ' : on Sunday . . i ether a miss is as good as
sull Going Some Stvashursa of registration by the Pennsylvania Mr. BD. M . ir Pol t Morning session—Devotional exer- mil le i tl i i
’ ’ “. . Sata ew Ne i ] Sensing o Ancaster, : : ntie depends upon 1€ Miss.
Last month we published the egg Mrs. Rev. 8S. H. Hertzler of Eliza- | State Board of Examiners. ” w tS oT A in | cises reading of minutes: roll call: A
k > : nro val Cy ° ie me easa ca a € orin : : x FY 3 "™
while visiting at the home of his |laying record of Mr. L. P. Heilig’s | bethtown, spent Sunday with Mrs. C Miss Margaret Spence, residing at | y on Tuesday | music, institute: ‘Five Minute Talk
£ 8 £ ’ on 4 the easter . tov 3a “ 1 lesda) | ‘0 . No viitadi 3s raw
prother-in-law, Mr. J. M. Backenstoe | Pen of six White Leghorn hens. Dur- |S. Gingrich 8 ern end of town, telebrated | H. G. Myers of Lancaster, vis- | C. Schoglroom Sanitation.” Howard
1 sy Mr, J.-M. K § : 2 . § J thar t -d birth ( renrnarv 2¢ ! » r «<1 11Caste!l b= | . cog ; Tall: ”
ef this place, John F. Stigelman, of | ing January they laid 123 eggs and Miss Clare Manning has returned her third birthday on Feoruary 29 ited friends in our busy little vil- | Merkey: "Five Minuto Talk on Draw.
§ ¢ y¥ otigelms: » y 1 « i ‘ > X . Hh 1 1 : : ! B, 7 - ys : , : 3 :
died lin February R86, a total of 209 for | home after spending a few weeks at |'" * hould have been the fourth, but 1 nT lay Ing, Miss Ruth Young: music, insti-
1 ar) y & i - : t ‘ 3 . Neti - lage on uesday. | . y .
in 1900 there was no February 29 tute; discussion, “Language in Our
two months. The hens were seven | Washington, D. C : | * ei inl ae hats Alin.
ip : ". y , sO : She was well remembered with gifts Mr. Charles M. Stephan of Eliza- Sel 3 J rv ia tens
months old Feb. 29 but if this would Mrs. W. R. Wagner of Columbia, : bethtown. called i friends ne | 100ls,” John TL. Dry, Miss Grace 4 : a
, rarity Veo Rev. BE. J. Waclrernaglgh pastor of | YetRtoWh, called on Inencs m ihe bore: miscalls . fincas There is a big difference between
not have been a leap vear when | spent Wednesday with her sister, | } §» DASLOT vill n Monday Nixdorf; miscellaneous business.
¥ : village on } day. g viv = . :
would those hens have been seven Mrs. Kate Weidman the Lutheran church at Klizabeth- fage oh Yond) a butterfly and a fly in the butter.
V f ns have § | Mrs. he : ¢ : : Mr. J. S. Eichler of Elizabethtown
months old? Can any one equal Miss Bertha Martin of Lancaster, | OWI, delivered his farewell sermon alied on Dis GATE a " : Se ;, | ing Hill schools; recitation, Miss
. : i. vr.ce | last night to one of the largest con-{‘t%''ed on 8 parents, £7. GNU NTE {703 . : i d
guest Je y Ke . B ! é \ { Edith Drumm: music, Rapho teach-
uost of Miss Jennie Rann grezations ever i he Lutheran | Barry Eichler on Sunday. . . : ! * ; . :
gregations el nthe atheran | (ers: oration, Charles GG. Becker; Some folks forge ahead and some
| { musie, vocal solo, Miss Mary Frank- | forge themselves ints ie peniten-
ledo, Ohio, having accepted a call to | 2 house address, B W. Strickler: |tiary
the pastorate of St. Stephen's church | WV! friends and relatives yy . . ix
oF BD DY : Al | i G jo cc | music, girls’ chorus, members of Lin- Get in the crowd at Engle's. Large
VIeSSI's Jogepn 1 rey, . . > a’ »
Dul { . t Hed op Mr i coln school; recitation, Miss Grace | Plain Prices. Be vou wn sales
nKkeman of Lancaster, calied on I bors .
} Nixdorf; essay, Miss Agnes Ryan; | man.
musie, Rapho teachers. A farmer does not need a medical
mesday evening at hi nme, No. 614
Lake street, l.ancas 1 a com
and these children Grace 1., Mary
and Geraldine. at hon and Guy. of George H. Brown, vice president H \ | 1 Richmond, Va visiting
eral : ome, ar ay, of
Philadelphia. The funeral was held
. p snyde treasurer; O ar G J ye- LH] Gaf { a, Ga.
en Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, |P8 ler, treasurer; liver G. Longe David Gaflin of Atlanta, Ga.,
ehurch Interment in the Florin i re room and
tar ernors p and
John F. Stigelman
political rooster is of little ae
Stricken suddenly with pneumonia
count in the poultry business.
For Sale—A goofi organ. Apply
to Helen Buohl, Mount Joy, Pa. tf
1629 Carnation St., Harrisburg, Unrestricted choice of entire stock
at midnight Monday morning goes at Engle’s Closing Out Sale.
Mr. Stigelman was 26 years old.
He is very well known here as he
) Afternoon Session—Music, Sport-
When the wolf is at the door we
was a former bar clerk at the Ex-|
are not likely to have other callers.
ekhange Hotel. Surviving him are his
wife, his father, and the following |these hens’ record? . was the
brothers and sisters: William G., of ——- — man on Saturday and Sunday,
Iadianapolis; Evelyn G., Victor B, A Soldiers’ Monument ° Mrs. Mohler and daughter, Miss |
and Charles A. Stigelman, at home. | It was suggésted by some of the | Edna of Lancaster, visited E. F. Bak-
the reunion, er and fami
Harry K. Shellenberger of Phila-
Y ‘ A ow s na Mae Eyer of l« aster
church. He leaves this week for To Miss Anna Mae Kyer of Lancaster,
spending several days in town
: : vs : I av las wee
The remains were sent to Harrisburg | Sixteeners present at v one day last week
that an effort be made to have erect FENG B :
{ i 3 ’ 1 P mn . R11 « < 1 wllzabetntown ne congrezation nas
ed in Mount Joy a soldiers’ monu- | delphia, spent a few days in town : i {J. H. Dukeman on Monday
een increased Mie 4 a
| ' » a fitting tri , | visiting his father, John H. Shellen-
—————— ment It would be a fitting tribute | ViSitin 1 a J : EF wrt wig .s . ae
An infant daughter of Mr. and f you want to be up-to-date order |
Mr. and Mrs, Aston Dead to the many men who went out of |berger i ys air of oe he RAY A auto |
: ; : . : Mrs. William Schaller, residing on pair of fine doors for your auto : . :
Benjamin Aston, a resident of | Mount Joy into the army We hope So : : : ‘ t Youre Bro Floris. Pa Caught the Fox
definite | Nesta and Miss Moss of Lancaster, | nut treet, was uried in the ‘ , { \ successful fox chase was held on For Sale A fine K it Cock-
: : « | Marietta cemetery vesterday It Misses Anna and Mary Dyer re- | " ‘ . y
{turned 1} 1e¢ from a few week's vi trurda) afternoon at Holwager's [€rel cheap Roy Bz eth-
u 10TIN¢ ¢ ) ek’s vis-
ie , ; » Hotel, at Milton Grove Sports town a 1
old. The weight of the child at birth [it to friends in Philadelphia py Camiaon rove portsmen Jit
was two and one-quarter pounds, | Mrs. Lee Forney of Lancaster, present irom Marietta, Lancas After all, the crank ngs
| spent last Friday in town the guest | te Kinderhook and other places. | moving whether in the
: : that city During his pastorate at
yesterday morning at 10 o'clock for
— ol diploma in order to he a to cure
Mrs, Naomi Stevens and daughter ork
Salunga, died Friday morning while [to see the suggestion take
seated by the bedside of his dying | form. . | Yere guests in the family Hor} : !
: | : \ ) Se rday and as f days
ee eD-—— Kauffman on Sunday. died on Saturday and was four day
A. S. Walters, head clerk
\\ Garber’'s Pharmacy, is on a few
the the smallest baby ever in fown. Just
wife, who died also a few hours |
afterwards. Mr. Aston, who was] These Flocks Pay
eighty-three years old, was apparent- Newpher Smeltzer is getting about
davs’' vacation, having gone to { nard wae started 3 . ers V3 enolate
, ; one year ago a daughter was born |0f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. § ard was started in the afternoon |or in society,
country for a few days recreation E ho ih » I was given chase for. more than ;
to Mr. and Mrs. Gottleib Miller, at | Carmany PRS as : «hn Deafness can seldom
Elizabeth Brubaker returped | elve miles. He was captured in {many a man is given h
the Conewago hills by Zeamer broth- | the police court
ly in the best of health. His wife had [0 and as high as 40 eggs daily from
heen confined to bed for three weeks, | his flock of sixty White Leghorns
Mrs. H. C. Schock and Mrs. Minnie
M. E. & R. Hoffer from a similar
sized flock of White Orpingtons are
the eastern end of town, which | .Miss
to her home in this place, after
ailing from a complication of dis-
eases. During the past few days Brenneman left vesterday for Madi-
ho ) re Ai Yo : i weighed nearly 17 pounds, the larg- | x4 : ,
Mrs. Aston's strength gave way and |cetting the same number of son, Wisconsin, where they will : : : y : of Kinderhook A dinner follow- Ww sai
est ever in town. Both cases were in | spending some time at Steelton, with : Vanted-——A position
the chase
a : z hildr rere C . is ; avi 51 » former’s daughter, Mrs
Mr. Aston and children were con [ Both these flocks have been laving | Visit the forme ‘ ! ! :
® Cl sr Jones charge of Dr. H. A. Mowery: The | relatives,
1ester Jones { an a. tT
3 o girl 13 years old, in good famil
tinually at her bedside. About 3 o’-
through the winter ) : : : + NY. ok Tr : . ; a
2 B x ‘pn N rc SS og hes y Mr. Christ Fair f Harrisburg, | ply at this office.
clock that morning Mr. Aston was - Hoke Esq., wife and | Miller child is still big and healthy. | y Y Q k ? ) 5
} A ey dohn » . = es Ee : {spent several days in town as the Birthday Party
seized with a violent pain in the re- Must Have Certified Checks daughter, Miss Harriet of ( hambers- | . { euest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs.|] Mr. John Carson was tendered a
gion of the heart. Dr. J. S. Kendig| rhe liquor licenses granted by |Purs. Pa. spent Sunday here as The Colonial Frank Fair : mn [surprise at the home of Mr. Daniel
was immediately summoned, but be-|.ourt to-day can be lifted at once, | 31ests of Mr. and Mrs. C. O yeands The newspapers of lancaster are Mr, id Mrs. John Raffensberger |Schiroll on Monday evening when a ;
fore he arrived Mr. Aston had died. [ut no checks will be received by | On Monday Mr. Hoke went to Phila- | now a unit in admitting that Man- Sort Sanday at. Dozazal the wnest {large number of his young friends It 1s 2 00d thing that a man can
Mr. Aston’s last words to his child- | county Treasurer Schock unless they |delphia on business while Mrs. Hoke [ager Doan is presenting from week B His beathor Mr David Rafters: {assembled and were most pleasantly change his mind without being oblig-
ren were: “I'm going to die before |y,ve heen certified, otherwise cash |leaves for her home this afternoon. | to week nothing but the very best Loran and sarily a : : | entertained by music, games, and re- ®d to change his ciothes.
niother does,” and he passed quietly | wil pe expected for payment of the m4 | in the vaudeville world at his new Sunday Schoo] at 9.45. preaching | {reshments, the occasion being his For Sale—Single Comb White Leg-
away. The shock of his death, in all |jjcenses. | U. B. Pastor Resigns v Colonial * Theatre, at North Queen 10.36 Taniop Oo 5 ot o 00. Sr. C. | birthday horn eggs for hatching, by Mrs. D.
probability, hastened that of his ne wis Rev. J. B. Rittgers, pastor of Ot-|and Chestnut streets. Since the > ih hie op an nn oem ill iB W. Stoner, R. D. 1, Mt. Joy. 2t.
lterbein United Brethren Church at |opening week the shows have been BR, 0.30, preaching 7.90. Prayers kn : AT wan i 4
: S : : meeting Thursday evening at 7.30.1 T'o the Land of Gold \1 careful poultrymen stamp their
Reading the past 14 months, prlov|getiing Nester os Dig reatnres are All are invited Henry B. Bomberger and Elmer H. | 88s, but that does not entitle t
to which time he was pastor of the | coming Fast on their way to New |° ! : : i iv ¢
. of | Heisey, two Rapho township farm- |to the privilege of the mails.
ivr: Y y : ’ eas Mr. Lemon Leisey, proprietor
United Brethren Church here, ten- | York. This week Vallecita’'s Peop- Ye Florin 1 : pn 1 farted last week with their far The inter fH I M
. : : ed : 3 the Florin Inn, is spending ¢ week | ers, started las eek eir n- 1e interior o otel MeGi is
dered his resignation. This came as [ards are making a sensation and the I h { £ ¥nnis
lat the General Hospital at Lancaster | ilies for Pasadina, Cal. Henry G.|being handsomely decorated an
Take care of your pennies—and
the chances are your dollars will be
blown in by your heirs.
wife, her death following at 10 Execution Issued
o'clock. Mr. Aston had been a farm- In the court of Common Pleas |
er, but during the past few years he, , , p Malone, attorney for A. H.
assisted farmegs and quarrymen in|y.,nan has issued an execution for
the vicinity in which he resided. His $2106.36 against W. I. Heisey, of | ar
g ras > 2g sease | a great surprise s many friends. Fe S iil are als | ; ;
Jest er Rheems. a ’ | 2 Sepa: a lon ote aie oR. Tae Mi an a | where he is having his eyes treated Sehm and his family, residing near | painted by artist Elmer Givens.
§ V added 32 members to the roll. Nov. | ager Doan has another great bill by Dr. Roebuck. | White Oak, will start Pacifieward on Wanted—A
| 1st, last, Rev. Rittgers was appointed | headed hy The Morrato Grand Opera While Mr. J. i, Rutherford was | Monday. young man 14 yrs. old. Address Har-
Superintendent of the Reading Mu- |Troupe of six people. The Eddie | returning home ‘from his route a | EE ry Tschudy, R. D. 1, Mt. Joy. tt
{ tual Life Insurance Company and he | Leonard troupe of fun makers, the
| will now devote his entire time to |Three Pendletons, the Carrillo Trio
wife's serious condition. Mrs. Aston Raised the Tax Rate Sob on a Tors we'd
was sixty-eight years old. The
» are survived by the following ix .
Souple are n F } M Ul up and a uniformed policeman, but
chi ++ B. Frank, Mrs. ysses |. : :
Shildren: ¥ ra it had to increase its tax rate from
alte er, and $ohn J., of Salun-| , roi v
Waltenmyer, ar d ol Hi 6 to 7 mills to do so says the Chron- ? ;
ga: Lillian Heinbach, of Easton: tole { that business. Mr. Rittgers has been | and others.
> cle. ls : .
Harry G., Manheim. The funeral of a Lin |in the ministry 21 years. EE Nh. lek be ; 4 Mr. D. H, Engle’s word stg 3 =
a | A. Birthday Dinner Sprout of Harrisburg, her brother : . g 3 9 d Stands be
) hind every piece of Furniture sold
the couple, a double one, was held - ll lfc hos a y : ; :
, Joy Scouts Pass Examination The Birthday dinned giv Ph Sos tHe Titst time tn (1 vonih. thud
ir ie Monday a i » Licenses Gr: > ym : : 1e birthday dinner given in hon- f 16 vears, though
pon their iste Nome 5 Bis “0 Liquor Lipsnges g eel 5 A meeting of the local Boy Scouts |. 0; Mrs. John H. Shuemaker ‘on | they lived only 24 miles apart.
.30 p. m., ang at 2 Eat t 1e applicants for 1 was oll Io the ¥. MC. A rooms
Salunga Mennonite church, with in-
terment in the Salunga cemetery.
Elizabethtown now has a new lock-
First Time Since 1871 SC
At the home of her daughter at| j..., g
few days ago one of the springs] -
) p! £ Fissel butchered a hog for
broke on his wagon and quite a | Brubaker that dr
aker ¢ ‘essed sev-
arege pr f eggs rare . \ | M: 2 St dav rs. Sus: >
large number of eggs were hroken. | M inhe im, on Saturd Ay, Mrs USan fen hundred pounds, on Tuesday.
I | B. Young of Marietta, met Frederick :
Entertained Her Friends tps ]
: s : al a 1is amazing Closing Sale
Last riday evening Miss Viola } ¢ g Closing Out Sale.
Baker entertained a number of her
| Merchant I. D. Beneman has in-
friends at her home at a grand musi- |
Friday evening, March 1st, was a - =i 0 i
censes from this place were accom- Nos i bis bv
modated by the court on Monday on Friday . Sveung. Fwelve DOYS | orang success. The guests number- Bequest to Mennonite Church
FS 4 ay. v \ ro favs inati ‘ 3 (48 y | $ . Fy 3 ; : : >
They are Joseph ¥. Brandt, Henry passed the examination and became ed many. especially from Lancaster. | lhe will of Benjamin K. Long
teresting news for you Friday and
inst Sistond se slum wish Saturday Don’t fail to read his ad.
Wanted—-$2000 at 5 per cent. on
valuable town property April
1912. Apply to Bulletin Office, Mt
Joy. 1t
Jacob Engle, J. M. Backenstoe, Mar- Selene: Soa es i | Various games were played and plen- | late of Rast Hempfield township,
\ tin A. Spickler. John 'W. MeGinnis was conducted by Mr. 1. R. KraybllL |v of #00od music and fine refresh- ! which has been admitted to probate
Going to Long Island & and W. H. Gantz. Mrs. Pauline
ing and this very interesting subject Dr. Mary Bowman of Lancaster, Byhe was granted a brewers license
was discussed, Resolved “That dairy- [reporter of the Lancaster City and |,nq 3. Dearbeck a wholesale liquor
ing and stockraising are more pro- | County Medical Society, has accept- | jicense. rooms. The following beys passed
Stable than crop raising.” The af- | ed a position in a hospital on long | A ssa 9 > i g ye ass meee eat meee mee Replevin for Motorcycle
Srmative fort which was manned by | Island. f He'll Make a Butcher ent Ney Clyde Eshleman | Get Busy, Patriots! M. G. Schaeffer, atforney for Jacob
C. G. Becker, Harry Wisegarver and | ENE [ Mr. Amos Herr, a farmer of near Say oT Wes rern. Ba loman. Thes. The Marietta Times fears that the | E. Becker, Jr., has issued a writ of Emmy
Noah Gibble defeated the attacking | Shot a Dog town, sold five fine hogs to Butcher |p. " Arehur Moyer, Musser old heme celebration In that town |replevin for a motorcycle, valued at a e colors. They are green,
wengative side which was composed A supposedly mrad dog, at least | KK. Bennet of this place. The last Stautlor. Salter Herithart Geores “will look like thirty cents” next |$100, against A. M. Weidinan, resid- hy e and mauve, not black and
of Isaac Hollinger and Hereshey Zug he was biting everything and every- | one was delivered a fow devs ago and Brana J orn é re September, because the committees |ing near ue
body he came in contact with, was | mr Herr’s 13-year-old son did the 4 = pe ig pic are not, as active as desired. - pe Don’t forget the spelling bee im
shot on East Main street last Satur- | «gt: king” and made a good job of
: : . mental musie.
Keystone Literary Soc iety oy . :
The Keystone literay society held |
their regular meeting on Friday even
I'wo patrols have been formed with { ments comprising all the delieacies|in the Registers oillce, contains a
dav Tig rw Clv 0s - . . r
Raymond Nissley and lvde Eshle of the season, were served. All de-|bequest of $500 to the Reformed
Some folks spend so much time in
trying to preserve their dignity that
they have little leisure for anything
man as leaders. These patrols meet |, . oq wishing Mrs. Shuemaker | Mennonite Church at Landisville
once a week in the Y. M, C, A. ! many more happy birthdays.
Somebody wanted to know the
and Jerome Sowers. The resolution Schrite, Walter Pennel. Q : of} Ye a ts 3 ) 3 :
selected by the chief disputants for | Get on the job patriots. We set Nissley—Brackbill Mount Joy Hall Saturday evening by
mext week is, Resolved “That the [day lit too. ——m |an excellent example for you last| waiter B. Nisslev of Lancaster, |the Senior Class of the Mount Joy
pinder is more beneficial than the | Tee ——-————— iKnhn—Barnhart | vear. + formerly of Donegal Springs, and | High School
sewing machine.” All friends of edu- Wants to be Constable . Glee Club Organized Mr. R®bert Kuhn, of this place and | { Miss Bessie M. Brackbill, were mar- A Marietta man lost a horse blank-
eation are invited to attend and join Jacob Inners has filed a petition | "he members of the Y. M. C. A. |Miss Annie Barnhart of Harrisburg, Our Home Markets {ried at Lancaster on Friday They | et last week but a three line ad im
the society. Persons not conducting | for appointment as constable of West | hae organized a Glee Club with Mr, | Were united in marriage at the Pres- Today Merchant H. E. Eber {are now off on their honeymoon © Bulletin brought it back
themselves properly are advised to|Donegal township. He seeks that of- | Ch: rles Cassel as leader. They meet | Dyterian manse at Harrisburg, last | pays as follows: Butter 33c., exzs, | —_ : Bulletin advertising pays.
following day and were entertained Today Brandt & Stehman pay: | For the hoys we still have about | will preach in the Enis pal Ch k
1 ach he Episcopal Chure
at a sumptuous weddi dinner by | wheat, $1.00, corn, 72c., oats, 57¢. | 20 suits that were $3.50 to $5.00. | this evening at 7.30 The subject
3 i 1 at 7.3 he jee
> y f oi | Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Backenstoe at ral ill ammniann + are closing 29 r = he Hla MY 3 ouch :
Rev. H. J. Behney, of Manheim, | Potatoes Potatoes Our line of Spring apd Summer } I } H ob th fee are osing out at $2.50. | will be, “Is There a Hell? or Man's
i J inger 0liza- > . . the ixchange fotel, where 1e 4 i 1 Ye ros Bos ndnaititiic . i
married Norman Hollinger of = 4-1 (0. S. Frank & Bro. have a lot of | Ha's has just arrived. Come and see : Woved That evening Now He Can Vote i Responsibility for Himself.
'n and is ¢ scher | : . a groom is employed. at evening
bethtown and Miss Bertha prs ro choice potatoes which they are sell- [the new coronation shade. $1.00 to ot ofl on Bio felends Mr. Ralph Eshleman, head elerk
> je 0 : lon I Mr. Kuhn entertain S nds ys . i
ef Rapho. The couple will live a ing at $1.20 per bushel or $3.20 a |[$3.00. Getz Bros Y the If ¢ Band After alt Ebersole’s, ched his majority
3 i : + l anc 1e Foresters and. After ¢
Lancaster Junetion. sack from their residence north of ail Ginnie A : : i hi “lon Monday, «
— wedding trip to Philadelphia they :
: 14 : | mm y x) « mT 3 arrived re 3 » © n . 2 , ¥
keep away. | fice which position was resigned by | eve v Friday evening at 7.30, { Thursday. They arrived here the | 19¢., lard 1le.., potatoes $1.25 | Here's One > K. I. Browne of Lancaster
eC Er Spl = | Adam Stumpf. . iat llr rm
Hollinger—Drescher em SOM Mf cece sme Just Arrived
Messrs John G. Snyder of this
> oranhg f "ives NO .
Photographs of the wives of the { place. and Henry G. Skelly of Flor-
irious presidential candidates show [in are the executors of the estate of
. 1 \ 1 C { i
that we cannot 20 wrong in choosing { Mrs. Rebecca N Vissles. The estate
lebrating his
tow { i :
Easy on the Head | own Bell phone, | Carloads of Humpty Dumpties | will resides at the Exchange Hotel for
Are our new Cushion band Spring | BT EE Jacob Rutherford, the Florin pro- [the present.
i Do you Want a { duce dealer, bought $1,200 worth of | imine Ris. Sse
Jats. $1.00 to $3.50. Getz Bros.
——— Ee ezes in the first week of February.
eimicmmiusessis at le ccna >
ih rst ladv of the lan: I noti 5 i
j the lady the land notice appears elsewhere in this
— . - : Lo i :
How Does He Know? i Charles Wagner is still pleading To avoid burnins’down your !
1itor Buch says in his Lititz Ree- : 3 : : A Aouraing 2 your h
Editor Buch says in his Lititz for the simple life. The increased
Bargain in a suit? We still have
ord that it is easier to get a wife
a few men’s suits that we will saeri- —_——_— rn
ngs, don’t monkes with the old time
] ; {cost of living is a powerful first aid |1amr ters / but buv S ’
i { a" ‘icy than to find a hired girl. to his tle? B) brooders hut buy Sheetz’s
Most spectacular and amazing Fur- {ed Evangelical conference at Allen- { to his plea. | Fireless and he safe. 100 chick size
eA Merino: s ¥ : ———- 8B emirates a men Te
niture Closing Out Sale ever known. | town, Rev. I. E. Johnson was re-ap- i - | $7.00: 50 ch¥k, $5.00. Call to see
get our large red eir- | Hata! Caps! Hats! | one I.. F Sheetz, Florin, Pa. It
\ : %
Rev. Johnson Returned
At the annual session of the Unit-
fice at $7.00. Come early. Getz Bros
piture at almost cost of bare lum-
ber at Engle’s Closing Out Sale.
v i / i + : . - Eins
| Nothing excepted, everything goes [Starts at 9 a. m. Thursday morning | pointed pastor of the Evangelical| Be sure to s
Furniture at cost of Bare Lumber [at Engle’s Closing Out Furniture lat D. H. Engle’s, West Main St., Mt. | Church here. This will be good news {cnlar for belief
A life time chance to buy Fur- |
staggering proof of Special sale on Hats and eaps at
: {
- i ——
at Encle’s Closing Out Sale. | sale. Joy. "to his many friends here our Closing Ont Sale. D. H. Engle iGetz Bros. See ad on page 2 Subsesdbe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin.