AGE 8 THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. | ASR Another BARGAIN One Cent Sale From Feb. 21to Mar. 2 GLLLNLLLLSSSSL%LLL%%%%% One of the greatest offers ever given in this town on strictly guaranteed goods. Must give satisfaction or money refunded. Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup $1.01 Bottles. ... 5] ¢ 2 small, or 25¢. Bottles. ..... 26¢ 2 large $1.00 Bottles o> medium or 50c. Rexall White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup --51¢ Bottles. . . . .. 26¢ 2 medium or 50c. Bottles . . 25¢. 2 small or I EEE EERE RRs ese Remember This Sale Lasts Only Until March 2nd 1 A OT 1 1 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. | Oc OO a. I ————— TO The way to have a Bank account is to start one. You will find ir easy enough to keep it growing after you once begin. N10 We invite all to join our Savings Department which will open March 1st, 1912. Begin with one dol- 1 lar and we will give you a pass book; you can deposit as often as you wish. Your money will draw interest for every full month deposited at rate of 3 and 6-10 per annum and compounded every 12 months. Come and ask for rules and regulations. LN OO 11 11 omnes 0 WT COU TOWNE BE OWE UN GN BN ON BE NG BE UE BE NE OBE IE BR UR BR BE BE BR BR BE BN BE BR IR BE H E. EBERSOLE'S Great March Clearance Sale From Friday, Mar. Ist to Saturday, Mar. 16 Wednesday, February 28, 1912. Our dominant motive for this sale—A closing out of certain lines. odd lots, and short lengths preparatory to the spring trade. You will not find one ficticious price, no marking up and then down, but a straight, square cut, to accomplish results. CARPETS AND RUGS re veal it House Cleaning will that new Carpets are needed, will pay to anticipate your wants and buy liberally at these prices, which will only last during this sale $25.00, 9x12, $17.00 9x12, $22.00 $16.00 9x12, $15.00 $10.00 of Axminster and Velvet Rugs, 27x54 in., $2 at $1.50 [ngrain Carpets, a vd. 60¢ 60c. Ingrain Carpets, a yd. 50¢ 50c. Ingrain Carpets, a yd., 40¢ 50c. Ingrain Carpets, special, a 35¢ Carpets, a yd...25¢ ...45¢ ..D21¢ Rugs, Axminster, / oC. Carpets, a ) Carpets, a ) Shades, at 30c. Oil Shades 10c. Paper Shades at at BOOTS AND SHOES In our Shoe Department we have made the heaviest cut of all, for one purpose only, to clean out our Winter Stock, and have par- ed prices to bring results. Men's Felt now Men's now $3.50, 2.90 were $3.00, $2.50 were $2.50, Boots, were Boots, [Felt Boys’ [Felt Boots, Now Men's High Shoes, $3.50, High Shoes, $4.25, lined 2.50 fleece lined $3.25 Boys’ high top Shoes, were $3.00 Top, Hfeece at Top, Men's now I'leece lined Shoes. were $1.50 [Fleece lined Shoes, were $1.25 Kangaroo, were .adies’ $2.00, now adies’ 81. 3; now .adies’ $2.00, heavy now FLANNEL SHIRTS Men's Flannel shirts in blue, gray and brown, were $1.00 at..75¢ HOSE ol Hose, were Wool Hose, were I 11 ’ L.ad1es were 15 > 12i¢ were 25c,, SPECIAL HEAVY RIB HOSE 15¢. grade, 10¢. or 3 pairs for 30 doz. only, to o SKIRTS 25 Skirts at $ .50 fleeced Skirts, at... $ .50 Gingham Skirts, at $1.00 Skirts, at.... $1.00 Patterns at JS .50 Mercerized Skirts, .§ .39 $1.00 Klosefit Skirts, at..$§ .¥5 $4.00 Silk Skirts, at ....$3.25 $5.00 Silk Skirts, at ....84.25 ) 39 39 Knit Jb S LINEN CRASH Special, 500 yds. Imported Linen Crash, 124c. value by the pc. at 9¢ per yd. less quantity, per yard MEN’S PANTALOONS Sweet & Orr make. Corduroy lined at $2.25 Pants, FLANNELETTE NIGHT GOWNS Gowns, $1.00 at.. [Ladies’ Gowns, 50c. at A5¢ -.39¢ [.adies’ Misses’ Gowns, 50c., TOQUES, AVIATION CAPS WRAPS, FASCINATORS 19 39 .60 grades : grades, ¢ grades, at grades, ¢ orades $1.25 g grades UNDERWEAR 39¢ 39¢ Men's fleeced 50c¢ Men's Rib \ 1 \ \ 1 \ VV OOI fleeced, S0c¢. at Rib, $1.00 at..¥5¢ Boys’ fleeced, 25c¢., at .20¢ Men's Union Suits, $1.00 at. 5¢ Misses’ Union Suits, 50c. at. 39¢ Misses Vests, 25¢. now VICI S fleeced were [Ladies’ now .adies’ Rib now .adies’” Union were 50c., now .adies’ Union Suits, now .adies’ Wool V. & P., were $1.00 75¢ TRUNKS Even if the trunk need 1s months ahead, buy now, it always pays to buy goods when the seller is enabled sell cheapest. to $6.00 Trunks, now $5.00 Trunks, now $3.50 Trunks, now S1.00 Suit Cases, now $1.50 Suit now ases, $2.50 Suit Suit C Cases, now Cases, now ..$2.50 $5.00 Suit Cases, now ..8$4.00 S10 Traveling Bags, now. $8.50 80 Traveling Bags, now. 87.50 $3.00 GLOVES GLOVES \Ill 25¢. Gloves and Mitts,..19¢ \1l 50c. Gloves and Mitts. .39¢ \ll 75¢. Gloves and Mitts. .@0¢ \ll and Mitts..¥5¢ and Mitts $1 Gloves $1.25 Gloves SWEATERS Sweaters, at Sweaters, 2 Sweaters, ¢ 5 Sweaters, : Sweaters, : $2.00 Sweaters, : $3.00 Sweaters, at 85.00 Sweaters, ¢ COMFORTS orade : orade < grade : orade : orade ¢ orade ¢ $5.00 $3.00 grade : orade : BLANKETS MISSES’ $2.00, COATS $1.25 $1.90 82.25 now ....$2.00 -- $3.00 $3.50 -.. $400 $4.50 oats, now... y Coats, now ... $3.00, $3.00, $4.00, $4.50, £5.00, $5.50, y Coats, now Coats, Coats, now Coats, now Coats, now Coats, now WRAPPERS AND HOUSE DRESSES Percale, Flannelette and Prints $1.00 Grades at $1.25 grades, at LOT DECORATED CHINA 10c. Lot [Lot [Lot 50c. Granite Ware and 15c. China 10c. Se 25¢. Granite Ware ....20¢ ....40¢ LOT ODD SIZE CORSETS $1.00 at S$ .50 $ .25 Granite Ware .... at at GROCERY SPECIALS Vanilla Cakes, a 1b.,... for 8c. 8c. > Rice, 4 Ibs. ¢ 6¢. Crackers, a 1b., Best Baking Soda, a 1b., 6 doz. Clothes Pins for.... 6 lbs. Washing Soda for.. o¢ a¢ 6 Raisins for 6 Ibs. Gloss Starch for....25¢ ® lbs. Opposite Post N. B. During this sale no exchange charging of any item on this circular. H..E. EBERSOLE Office or refunding will be permitted, and no Yours for business Mount Joy, Penna. Nakina Resigns THE MASONIC HOME Aa The Daily Rec His Position ord of Mahanoy City “Mr. W. 8S, Well Known WEDDING BELLS Young | O10) OOD Litele Has Been Made During Winter Progress on Project Pa., of Monday Ricker, manager of the Kirby store, on West says: Centre street, has tendered People Hand Potatoes Joined Heart and Potatoes 22 ks [sate Aiter You Are Through «P “* 2 "Genuine Scotch Irish Gentzler—Walter William Gentzler, of Lancaster, and Miss Elizabeth S. Walter of E. Petersburg, were married at Lancas- | his resignation to take effect on April it Mr. Ricker’s intention to start a chain of to dur- Automobile Buyers! Here is a Splendid Collection of Cars For You to Select From = No progress has been made being Ist, Experimenting With The of erecting the testimonial building, 5c. 25c. stores the Blair for himself.” Reo, R. C. Hupp, Premier. Firestone Columbus, Velie. Oakland. 1 1 ) I ROY 0 1 mC J a ay Noo” Be = — n We are also in position to quote you on delivery trucks and carry a variety of second-hand cars. Do not fail to look them over. Also carry the largest stock of auto supplies in this end of the ® county. ? We have just closed a contract for oil which enables us to ® We have been using this oil for four years and know Your patronage solicited. upward. it to be good. LANDIS BROS., Rheems. N Rheems RARE OER | being Masons on home at Elizabethtown, owing cold ceec mos to cannot be done SO ¢ J war is expected that it will be con earl cate ture on held T erected by the weather. The led ST as far as the done of be with while yxtremely cold ust as soon as it mer work in May, when it The work the grounds up during the wi v 3 a. hose who hav work of beautifyi have been cont ing begi road-ways, sell you oil at wholesale prices in quanities of five gallons and g@ fences and urgi ractors to push alon operations, n their work setting plants of when spring comes. Medill McCormick says #@ and his supporters are bent §.&ide or murder. that. ee eal Bn grounds of the work ye CON( vill be 1 on the main 1e- nig himnevs out trees Some County It is his intention to open a store Mr. Ricker is a broth- Ricker of this place. to leave here will join his Masonic to the at Lehighton. Mr. S./A latter ex of Th e bout work has pro- €r cornices, but ects a- t remaining is April 1st and rete and this brother and assist in opening the new the weather i to both of you are the many friends QC yecome Young Cyclone. esumed a f exceptional violence pas last. Wednesday will ection were blown down, Cream- l.andis- the 1au’s frame tobacco 60 by 120 was badly dam- warehou the street was unroofed and its wall was blown down. A rehouse owned by Mr. Levy 5 also partly déstroy- buildings t this neighborhood were also more or brie : large we various at Salunga Many farm iruout Mr. Taft less damaged. on sui- Oi indictment, i Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin ( + Saturday Ralph Booser, iss Florence Addison Shue Miss Ruhl’s U were the spring on a farm in East Hemp- | field township. | evening. Booser—Schlegel Manheim, and Schlegel, of Manheim, evening at Manheim, of daughter Stehman Becker of ied on Sunday parsonage, well e, and daughter These pota pla 3 . -good cookers of i to : black spots 5 ; At tl} Manheim, They have of a host of friends. r offer Ruhl—Shue Lititz, and daughter of , of near Ruhl, John M Church, Rapho township Sadie Saale and Mrs B H Ruhl, of near united in marriage on Satur- unattend- housekeeping in evening and They were will start $1.35 a Bus. . 1igh, it will pay you to investigate All potatoes delivered free to any | parts of town or near town. H.W. Brooks & Co, MOUNT JOY, PA. Just-as-Good-Kind BUICK LGCOMOBILE AUTOCAR AND _ BUICK TRUCKS ad str toes are certainly very | and run clean, | New 1912 Cars Now Here 1e present time with potatoes | Nn 2r veh rvs Lancaster Alo GARAGE NEVER CLOSED 230-238 W. King St., | LANCASTER “ wlin PENNA. The largest and only strictly first class fireproof garage and repair shop in Lancaster City of County. 3 wy ormge @)