LirE , Please Read reise, with proper t amount of sleep, egime of elop, and many ed is Vinol, nation of the es of the cods’ livers added, dicinal wine. and builds them up, up. ifr it price does not will be 1 '. GARBER, Mt. urned. Joy, Pa. 111 ge ® EAT unzenhauser s AY TIP-TOP, You are invited clean, modern, Prince and Clay Streets, aster. Lan- M. O. BILLETT, Agt. 1 Delivery-—Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 0 Meet Me on the Bridge Have a Plate of the = All Flavors at All Times. Suppers, Etc. -. Mrs. H. Zeller Marieta. Staeet living, dis. tem require a tonle, hs you know their In. which is a health- eless grease eliminated happily blended ason Vinol is regarded e greatest body builders | ators for aged people. It and Vino! with the understand: rive satisfac implements by BREAD: al to visit our ® bakery at m| = | and 8 4. Lindemuth. { Michael S. | | to the | gal | | 1 and We'll 1 lon farm, Best Ice Cream in Town | , steins, 6 ts | in East AT ZELLER'S] Special Prices to Parties, Festivals, | | Hotel, Ironville, Pa., MOUNT JOY. Krall Meat Market | 1 always have on hand anything in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham. Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Ete. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork Mutton. Prices always right, H H. KRALL West Main Street, Opp. Bank, MOUNT 20Y, aun sell Telephone TROLLEY SCHEDULE Lancaster, Rohrersto:: Landisville, Salunga, Mt. Joy and Klizebeth- town Street Railway Co. WESTWARD 2 "Salunga A 11,00, 12.00. 00, 6.00, 7.00, ve Mount J , 10.15, 11.16. 5.16, 6.156 8.00 rd 3 Qa Pia > I] oa. E jizabethiown - 45, 1 > 6.46, EASTWARD Blizabe thtown—A 45, 10.46, 11.46. P m, I 46, 6.45, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45 eave Mount Joy—A m, 530%, 10.16, 11.16. P m, 5 8.15, 12.46. ve Salunga—_A m, 10.30, pn P m, 12.30, 1.30, , 6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10. at 10. , 5.45, ae pwE 5 *o Baar ah SRE tas © Boog Bont PES Eee FEE ol eo pre 8 [STC] Ny 5° 7 BAB 288 "Rohrerstown—A m, y Joi, 11.56. P m, 12.55, 5.56, 6.55, 7.56, 8.65, 9.55, 25. 2% pres &8 at Lancaster—A m, 630x, R815, e 116, 11.15. P m, 12.15, 1.15. 2.16, 3.15, 615, &15, 7.15, 815, 9.15 10.15, 11.15 m, 1215, 1.46 On Saturdays a car will leave Lancas ter at 10.16 p m; Leave Elizabethtown £1.46 p m. On Saturdays and special occasions cars will be run betwwen Lancaster and Mt Joy every half hour form 6.16 a. m. to 8.15 res . mm. P Smdays. first car leaves lancaster at 5 a. m. Leave Elizabethtown at 7.46 m. Car marked (x) connects with News Express at Lancaster. EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE Estate of Peter Koser, late of Mt. Joy township, deceased. Letters testamentary on said es- | tate having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons indebted there | _ to are requested to make immediate | payment, and those having claims present them without delay for set- nt to the undersigned, residing R. D. No. 3, Mount Joy, Pa. HARRY KOSER, { ises in East Donegal township, road leading from the Mount Joy and | Marietta turnpike at Florin, {in fact for the horses, jo of farming implements by Harry or demands against the same will | Baer. C. Greider farm, 2 ver Springs, horses, cows, and a large | lot of goo dfarming implements by | Executor Milton Miller. Sale Register ret your posters printed at i tusert a notice like FREE As we exceptionally large circula- thoroughly advertise it costs you If you Mow we Ww register the following in the from now until day of sale have an this sale tion will your and remember nothing turday, March 2 At the Green: House, Eli lowa Horses by C, C, Hallman awalt sabethtown, a car load of Pierce, auct See ad Saturday, March 2-—At the resl- dence of Samuel Fasnacht on Lum- | ber street, Mount Joy, a large lot of good household goods by Malinda Sheaffer Frank, auct. Saturday, March 2-—-On the Ab- ram Snyder farm, one mile north of Mastersonville, in Rapho township, 15 head horses, 20 cows, lot of shoats and farm implements by Wil- liam M. Pautz. Zeller, auct. Monday, March 14 At the Frank- lin House, Lancaster, an Express load of lowa Horses by C. C. Hall- Rebman, auct See ad Monday, March 4 —Near Kray- bill's church, in East Donegal town- the B. 0. Musser farm, live stock and farming Benjamin E. Brubak- auct. March 5—On the Amos farm, in Mt. Joy town- road leading from Mt. Grove, 2 miles from place, 5 horses, pair and farming Holwager. man ship, on large lot of er Zeller, Tuesday, Wolgemuth ship, on the Joy to Milton the former mules, 18 cows, hogs, implements by S S. Pierce, auct On the Mount Joy to Henry M. En- live stock Jacob Wednesday, March 6 leading from Mill, on the large lot of implements by Zeller, auct. March 7—On the late Seachrist farm, on the road leading from the Lancaster pike Marietta pike in East Done- township, mules, cows, bulls, shoats, breed sows, a large farm implements and house- John Andrew McKee. road Moore's gle farm, a farming Thursday, heifers, lot of hold Zeller, Friday, March in East horses zoods by auct. 8—On the Camer- Donegal township, and colts, 70 head of cows, 50 of which are Hol- stock bulls, 1 fat bull, 5 fat steers, nearly new milk separator, 25 head of hogs, and 35 tons of baled straw, by Samuel H. Tressler. Zeller and Pierce, aucts. Kreider and Coble, clks. March 9—Near Marietta Donegal Township, mules, shoats, farming imple- large lot of household 4 mules, 17 Saturday, | horses, cows, | ments and a | zoods by Mrs. Joseph Habecker. Zel- ler auct. Saturday, Moore's March 9—At 25 head of ex- {tra fine shoats and sucking pigs by | Mr. Cleon F. Greider. Wasser, auct. March 9—On the prem- on the Saturday, 1-4 mile from the Union School House, live stock and farming implements by | Henry Martin. Singer, auct. Monday, March 11-—At his place of business on West Donegal street, Mount Joy, a large lot of farm im- plements, farm wagons, etc. by G. Zeller auct. March 12—At Moyer, Tues Gantz’s Farmers’ Inn, Mount Joy at 7 o’- clock, a piece of land fronting 122 feet on Manheim street, Mount Joy by M. N. Brubaker, Atty. for the heirs of Anna Shelly, deceased. Zel- ler, auct Tuesday, March 12-—At Hotel Mc- 1.30 p. m., 42 Joy Ginnis, Mt. Joy, at National the Estate of shares Capital First Mount shares stock, for Jacob and Buch Sons, Bank Newcomer, stock of A. Elizabethtown for other iceount C. H. Zeller auct. Vednesday, March 13—On the Columbia road, mile south of Mt. Joy, in East Donegal township, mules, horses, cows and a large lot Rapho township, mules, horses, colt, of good farming implements by Ezra H. Zercher Zeller auct. Thursday, March 14—On the Brandt farm, on the road leading from Mt. Joy to Union Square, in cows, lot of shoats, large lot of good farm implements and house- hold goods by Emory Warfel. Zel- ler, auct. Friday, March 15-—On the prem- known as road lead- Rapho Township, Nurseries, ises in Krady's on the ing from Mount Joy to Manheim, a large lot of farm implements by W. S. Krady Zeller, anct Friday, March 15—-On the Cassel farm in East Don township, on the Marietta and Mount Joy turn- pike. 3 mile from Marietta, horses, mules, cows, shoats, and a large lot of farming implements by David Pierce, auct. Saturday, March 16—At the late of F. A. Ricker on West Mount Joy, a large lot of household goods, kitchen furni- ture, carpets, lot of office fixtures, law books, by S. A. Ricker, attorney heirs of Mary A. Zeller, auct Monday, March 18—On the Myers farm along the Harrisburg pike, mid- way between Mount Joy and Florin, chickens, and a large Elersole residence Main Street Ricker, deceased COWS, Zeller, auct. Tuesday, March 19—On the Henry miles west of Sil- Zeller, auct. Wednesday, March 20— ) { 3 orry to lose so good a neighbor. this 27 day of February, 1912 5 i : CRIT og John Rolland will move to Adams WM. M. HOLLOWBI J x 1 lotarvy Public County on his recently ! purchased Notary Pn - | F : : farm to there engage in stock rais- WATER BONDS CALLED + 1 ine. So Salunea is suffer the loss 35 ing. o Salunga is to suffer the loss Notice is hereby given the bond | Je another fits \S ‘itizens o | ol ano r of its best citizens holders of the Mount Joy Borough | & yf meee Mere ee ; + The universal acclaim with which the Pianola is Water Bonds Nos. {0 and 41, of > ‘he uni Sal accle a 18 PR Cc "rv oo t y | haile is > f » 3 ‘emar ) Sea Low Rates to the West $500.00 each, to present them for | 1 ailed is one of the most re markable tributes to i E 2 RANCE FR OM x Pounsvivania Dailroad. Tickols io ro tat National Mt. 13 merit known. In every land where civilization has Br yalla, ot th 8 pavment to the Union National I % brought culture and refinement, the Pianola has Rocky Mountains, Pacific Coast, Joy Bank, Treasurer, on or hefore | ¥ firmly established its position as the premier piano Western Canada, Mexico and South- nr...h 1st. 1912. as interest on same | blayer. 0 ¢ v nt — ogy Vididdy EWR » x 1 de western points on sale daily Mar. 1 in cease on that day. [ of Its wonderful interpretation of the works of the + to Apr. 14 inclusive at reduced fares 3v order of : r vil. | ® masters, its faithful reproduction of tone and tech- og 3v order of Mt. Joy Boro Council, | g ™ ‘oy : 1 : $ x Gotan: are Iii: AIotocr fr por. Jrder 0 % nique have won unlimited praise from all classes Our Circulating Musical Library 2% : A : : . iM i |g and nations. 0. Weile, D. P. A., Reading, Pa. Clavt Hoffman, Burgess | T rE fob. 21-4t ‘ayton Holiman, pons lub In the courts of Europe, in the palaces of nobility ae LE CE = . | % in the great conservatories of music, in institutions Contains all the latest and most popular music 4 ell DP Par aris ANTICTN | 5 3 : : : , Toy besides the best classic and opera selections Y ge : DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS & of learning, in the studios of the greatest musicians Purp ie hes aslo ¢ opera sele 5. Jon. w An Important Meeting Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat |g and composers, in the homes of the cultivated and can enjoy playing the productions of the most fam- & ; : ve, Ear, rg ¢ ‘ itd . . s ¥ Ss usicians ¢ » sers There 3 fee The members of Cove Lodge, No. ) $ | & the critical, the patrons and the lovers of musie, it Cus m a lans ane Ng re There 4h foe % ; ? 590-532 Woolworth Building | has alike demonstrated its supremacy as the fof. charged for exchanging rolls—only a small mem- a 3 an wa an 2 ] 1 ¢ § nacy as the re : " : 301, K. of P., are requested to meet Yancaster. Ta | # most automatic plaver 0 bership fee which covers the cost of music you ae-" J it the hall Thursday evening at 7.30. ANCE s | oe ps tually bus - 3 g pi rs ; ; : ally ? oo susiness of importance will be Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3p. m. [ § Most impressive of all is the tribute of the great- Ha ; i . : « . y Eo ; acted Sunday and Other Hours , est piano houses in allowing their product to be Don’t fail to investigate this. nies oo transacted. i ; at a be linked with the PIANOLA, s8lely because it alone 4 . + B. S. Dillinger, C. C. By Appointment can do full justice to both instrument and com- We also have for sale, tite: followin Second hand ¥ tp a Both Phones | position. Pianos and Organs taken in exehange on Heppe & - ol - | is Pianola Pianos. - ead the Mt. Joy buiietin Ind. 1877 Bell Lan., 994 | I'he names of Steinway, Weber, Steck, Wheelock > Aetrderdediebdnbedeiobdebdobdeielnineiid debe debe luiuubdedodeddeedodd-delo IF FEERBET G. WAITS i i TEACHER OF I Vili, Vio. Pia, Oran nd Maal £ Violin, Viol, Pano. Orzan and Mandolin 3 = i STRICT ATTENTION PAID TO PUPILS i I Director of WAITZ’S ORCHESTRA i Music Furnished for All Occasions i i Studio: 249 West Hing St., Lancaster. : ; Bell Phone 432M feb 28-3 mo sede and Stuyvesant pianos are indelibly associated with the best in music, and their reputations demand that they be sold only in conjunction with the best piano player-——the PIANOLA. It should be of profound significance to you that the PIANOLA is the only automatic player that is being built in these famous instruments. No greater evidences of superiority than these could be asked for or given. These PIANO Players can be bought in Lancaster only at Estey Organ....... Weaver Orga n Weaver Ty Schomacker Square Piano. . Gahley Square Piano......... West King Street, Boles Bane atest Be uSa 25-31 Hager & Bro. Lancaster, Penna. + oo x od + <> ok % % 3 ge % ’ 5 < og 3 3 o* 3 3 o > i 3 oh % a oe PA IN Bot Has as Bi Heat Tab F Whe ba i BAR I Goo Local Pe do, 8 placis in ge a fav on m sug 48 WN Days day