The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 28, 1912, Image 4
THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, February 28 HOME HEALTH CLUB ling to give a brief description for the benefit of many subscribers, like By br. David Reeder, La Porte, Ind, elf, will be very grateful to you G. B i xX ect Stomach Troubles—1s there anything I'he making of an infusion of any -d P on earth that will so incapasitate kind of herl 8 a very simple matter one for the everyday duties of life as and if any druggist would not give mm full weight when you buy Coal, just a bad stomach? Shakespeare tells of you the desired information he ought a time in the life of one of his brav- to be ashamed of himself. When you In order to make the last week of our GREAT SALE the est characters when “he had no make tea you are making an infu- pound of tea or sugar Do you al tomach for the fight.” When : ¥ . . _ . . ’ ach ght.” When a man sion, and any other herbs are to be vs get it? That question is sure Is Wrong in that region he has no used much the same way, except that best, we have again cut many prices. stomach for anything. He does not in nearly all infusions one ounce of 18 you do when you purchase a to be answered in the affirmative if i : : want to work or play. He cannot so herbs is used to one pint of water. " We want to sell all winter materials and heavy shoes ou get your coal of us much as eat, I'he majority of them require to be : There are hundreds of unthought steeped although some are better by We can only quote you a few of the great reductions atsthe 5B 3 MOORE of causes for stomach trouble. Some- heing boiled. You will be able to . . times incapable eyes will bother the judge for yourself as soon as you one-half price < stomach when the sufferer thinks have made a few experiments, Deal er In that his stomach is bothering his All readers of this publication are eyes. A bad set of teeth, some decay- at liberty to write for information . ’ . : j ing and the gums deceased, fre- | pertaining to the subject of health at I8c. Libby's Best Mince Meat, 2 lbs., 18¢ *. Initial Glasses, 2 for 10¢ = quently cause all the trouble The any time. Address all communica- 10c. Royal Cuticle Doctor Soap, 2 for 10¢ Candy Kisses 2 lbs. for 18¢ oa y um eI, rain patient thinks that it is his stomach | tions to the Home Health Club or > J that is making his mouth a pesthouse | Dr. David H. Reeder, La Porte, Indi- © Seibert’s All Purpose Cement 2 for 10¢ ¢. Muslin Drawers,......2 prs. for 50¢ and ruining his teeth, when it is his lana, with name and address in full tt , ‘ . : : ana, ana: dc. Seibert’s Gem Gloss Starch, 2 for *. Shoe Lace 2¢ teeth that are making his stomach a and at least four cents in postage. Se " y'083 lar o¢ : hoe Lacers, 2 IS. for ; Feed, Hay, Straw, Slate, Salt, Cement groaning misery - a Sc. Shaker Dried Corn,....2 lbs. for 15¢ Sc. Baking Soda A The Home Health Club has had | Lancaster County School Teachers, 5c. Eaevbriel Water P { Shoe k ( and Fertilizer numerous such cases. In the case of Attention * asybrigi ater TOO. DOK >. Clothes Pins, 2 doz. for 2¢ \ one young man who should have been Messrs. Watt and Shand’s request Polish, . i : Sc. Chewing Gum 2 pks. for 5¢ as strong as an ox and as nimble as regarding the number of scholars at- Pearl Buttons 2 doz. for J¢ \, : dc. Assorted Toilet Soaps,. . 0, Jrge sipck of Feed constantly on hand. Highest cash price paid ° weasel—so to speak—he was sal- | tending the various county schools, / ? low, weak, thin and altogether out | has not as vet been fully met. They c. Wine and Wky. Glasses IN J : for grain of sorts. He was examined and ques- will soon be ready to fulfill their *. Pearl Buttons 2 doz. for 10¢ sf J 3 / tioned but no plausible reason for promise made last autumn, viz: To Home Made Preserves, his trouble could be found. He said distribute free 20,000 American Elm Castoria 2 bottles for 20¢ it was his stomach, and it was, but Trees to every pupil attending the : *. Ladies” Fine Handkerchiefs, 2 for 10¢ Estimates on Lumber and Mill Work a Speialty the stomach and its neighbors were Lancaster county schools. We would all right, in a general sense. He said suggest that the information asked : E he had diet and no diet, medicine for be forwarded promptly so that 10c. Granite Ware,........... Waterproof Collars,........ 2 for 10¢ and no medicine, prescribed. Finally | we receive our full share of this gen- FLORIN, PENNA. the questioning i sometimes De erous offer. hereof 3 him smile because he thought it so ee el : i ; : All reductions on large circular are good for the entire week. irrelevant, brought out the fact that injured in 30-foot Fall he was almost unable to read a few Mr. Reuben Myers, tenant farmer OOOO mm Vim tes without getting a headache | oy the Cassel farm, in East Donegal, and nausea. re suffered in the same | wags perhaps fatally injured Sunday, way While riding in the cars, if he when he fell a distance of thirty feet i looked at passing objects. He dared ¢ . : . 23 : ° ® 9 H . )ked al passing oblects. tle dared | from the third tier of his tobacco ARRISBURG TELEGRAPH The Central Pennsylvania Newspaper not swing or rock. Taken to an oc- gned. He had gone to see how the culist it was soon made apparent tobacc ras ar oot. sl : : acco was near the roof, slipped E t t t unt P ohim Shaka sear op of eyestrain | 3nd fell. He struck the rafters and as alin ree . Oo 0) ’ enna. was the cause of ith all. A pair of |; wagon in his descent. Two ribs properly fitting glasses did more for are fractured and his face is cut, be- Clr lrmenfiyprmenfiyrmmenfyrmenfiprmsenS ip him, instantly, than an army of food sides being otherwise injured. A specialists and doctors could have | short time ae « Mvers was struck : m \ : | Boao be etrtoa ah short time ago Mr. Myers was struck A Birthday Dinner I'he Four Appointees The Bheons Farmers Jaze 3 > on 1g vi yi stomac ! In- | with a pole on the head and badly Mrs. J. Andrew Baughman, West The Secretary of the Navy has ap- | At the next regular meeting of the definitely rlasses for his eyes show- | ininre : ts + i i i | ed his stomach the ri ht way jureq. Main street, gave a dinner on Sunday proved nominations submitted by |Rheems Farmers Association, in the Ss acl » rig ay. —————— : 3 . Y ; ’ ; | : ’ in honor of her husband's birthday. Congressman W. W. Griest of Lan-|Rheems school house on Saturday Entering Over 19,000 Homes Daily. $3.00 a Year 6 Cents s Week Whois el nn | Miss i Boga en . : Those present were: Mrs. Louisa caster, and has designated four Lan- | evening, March 2, at 7.30, the fol- weighed over 200, was down to 108. o re a his wiih g , . usa, Brandt, Mrs, Elizabeth Myers, MP, ‘easter gouty boys to take the en-|lowing program will be rendered: He knew that his stomach was his eae Hip > gt a. friend and Mrs Jaco Grogs, Mr. aud Mss. trance szamination top 4npointment Reading of Minutes. awful enemy. Thorough investiga- oo Sap Baas oh Be oe ox Irvin Geistweit and daughters Mabel to the United States Naval Academy Miscellaneous Businness. tion showed that he was possessed Py iy ST io i and Mildred, Mrs. Annis Dyer, Mr. ot : dnnapolls, Nisyiang. Toe ox Music —Rheems High School. of a lot of decaying teeth and ulcerat- Stric] ler Mary Smith, Hettie Ulrich 2040 Mes. George Boxgtman, Sou fare smnation: ‘wij be. ely Apeit 4 Discussion-—*How to Take Care of ed gums. It took a long course of Fetella Sh ertzer Mare AnITCOhL. ry and daughter Gertrude, Mr. Lewis 1912, and the nominces are G. Dav- Farm Machinery.” P. K. Landis. persuasion to induce him to have Messrs Walter Kosports Harry Siu. Grogs, Hilda Prank, Mary Ropp and Snpo Browne, 9! Lancasier, and J. Recitation—Anna Gish. the offending teeth out and his gums der, Avion Kreider Frank Newaoar Janes Rapp. : ; Hired Rekmon of Strashurs, a8 Music—Rheems High School. properly treated. In a short time he or William Bowers. 3s Hers Melvin T'hey all did justice to the elegant prineipals, and D. Latchem Rhiem of Discussion—sWhat Should be the began to take on flesh at such a rate Peffer, Adres LOhEatorker. Nor repast served, and all joined in wish- Elizabethtown, and Mark Cruel of Proper Care of the Boy?” Sim¢~ Lan- that he promised to become bigger man Sauder, James Donecho [52 Yess OA Tessar lien 0 OS aa ays. —— - stion Box. than there could be any use for. The en eee G+ =m me ee jour Friendship Fire Company, No. 1 Adjournment. Solomon Zeamer's Birthday The stated meeting of Friendship Solomon Zeamer, an ex-county Fire Company No. 1, will be held on Good Official Resigns commissioner, on Sunday celebrated Thursday evening, March 7, 1912 Adam Stump, of West Donegal his sixty-eighth birthday aniversary Members will please attend without township has presented his resigna- at the home of his son, William further notice. tion to the court as constable of that Zeamer, at Kinderhook, surrounded Attest: Clarence B. Hershey, Sec'y. township by his family, neighbors and friends. The Telegraph is printed principally for the particu- lar people who live with in a radius of fifty miles of Harrisburg;the people who want the news of their lown section first and foremost, and with it first-hand hecounts of events at the State Capital, with com- Fete telegraphic news and intelligent comment on the happenings of the day. : [e Sutton i ——— 3 n poor stomach is suffering for the sins A Big Order ; ton uncti & : 5 > X p & 0 other functien Mr. W. 8S. Krady, proprietor of 0 course, there are real disorders the Fairview Nurseries, and two of of the stomach, usually brought his agents, Mr. George E. Stine of about by the dissipations of over-eat- York and Mr. J. W. Root of East Ing, over-drinking of otherwise in- Petersburg, spent a few days at Har- Nnoce nt and harmless beverages, and risburg, Berlin, Md., and Philadel- too frequently by the use of alcoholic phia. At York Mr. Krady received drinks. the contract to plant an orchard of Peaceful rest after a hearty meal, 1.300 trees Mr Krady has the for those di is : : SO l 15-1 17 N. Queen St., Isposed to indigestion, is stock and his prices are right, The only completeencyclopedia of Central Pennsyl- vania's State and county governments, business and agricultural interests is be found in ’ )S aol fi ro vd . pe . y he % a most helpful remedy or rather, prée- you should not, fail to let him know ventive Pleasant companionship, when in need of nurserv stock L ancaster, Pennna. soothing music, a stroll in the woods ——- The 1012 Year Book & Almanac or along the seashore, when these Attending Conference * ~ Rev. I. E. Johnson left today to are practical, and particularly a # short nap after a meal, will always be ) found highly 1 : : attend the East Penna. conference of ou nignly beneficial, for T'S S TiN aie ~ : of’ Rory , o DOrsSOns | ihe Irinity United Evangelical 1lervous tendencies ar nredis- 3 8 oe Nd predis- | .nyveh, which convenes at Allen- Posed to indigestion. The practice town. There will be no services on ¢ of the Home Health Club’s exercises ' « ] sSunaay. en. an described in Volume 2. would et Commencing Thursday Morning February 29th ne 2, would Only $2.50 The Daily Telegraph i6 FEDERAL SQUARE HARRISBURG, PAH. 5 of restor- TE esto $5.0 mow soa mn 8250 An Continueing Friday and Saturda: Getz Bros. eset —— RE, Three Days of Quick Active 1 OR Desan two or thr nf r0, had Bros. : o 10000 ; THE SPECIAL OFFERINGS ARE TO PUT LIFE INTO THE BUSINESS AND FILL THE STORE TO sounds mighty | yERPLOWING. THE GOODS OFFERED ARE OF THE HIGHEST STANDARD QUALITIES AND THOROUGHLY DE- PENDABLE, NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED IN MOST INSTANCES » old times wjoofooieciocfortocfocfecforiorfoniecforiorfocfocforforfocuforfocgecfocforiorfosfefocfosforfooorforfectosforforfanesfeoforteste of B.e 80% an cannot forget how en- Y ou Do Not enerally wal pot one. two or astic Judge Harmon was not for READ EVERY PRINTED PROMISE HERE AND COME WITH CONFIDENCE TO THIS STORE—EV- three o'cl and the cough- | Nim in 189 ERYTHING IS JUST AS YOU READ IT. + = 1 I have Ee — Ad th Outwardly the world sympathizes ind e ! I To I ve 8c. MUSLIN 6ic. i : 1 ‘est in bed I oo Yh a by e ime trouble cease I ai : ; weh | With you; but nwardly it says, $1.25 SILKS 69c. i0c. EMBROIDERY Ge 3 , losengen mposed of | of Cambric Embroid- Yard wide Unbleached Muslin. . : “Served you right.” ; . : A specie ot rebound ; Yard wide black and white and \ special | 2 ss 2 «x * & \ Edegines ¢ 1 Inserti : i 21 ve I g eh AN 3lue and white Chiffon, Taffeta |°'¥ Fdgings and Insertions. Special 6ic. a yard to come to this bank and join our I lic There is no telling how much phos- : : Special Ge. a yard , a f , I hor C Checks and colored Silk Serge with Bpevial be. ay | ' ip iia OR " Dw sy-jaw velop before ngress ’ CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB you Z. ] flovelop herore LONGrossd white doly Special 69¢. a yard : I will rive a receipt or : hoy a s the Esch bill : : $2.00 CURTAINS 9S8c. el hich T think weil ee =.» $1.50 FLOUNCINGS 87c. | remedy, which I think would relieve i hit Swi Embioidory Ecru Serim Curtains, border pat- E i . : Stra . ete Gover “0lk perceived that it is ‘ine white Swiss Jmbroidery 2 : mater for you 1. Sirug of squills one ounce. rovernor Folk perceived that it is : o : : eo 5 terns printed on both sides, revers- better to climb into a band wagon 29¢. SILKS 19c. Flouncings, 45 inches wide, hand- |. 5 . . |ible, 3 yards long. Special 98c. a pr. can get some one else to attend to the sirup of ipecac one ounce best Hol- some patterns. he oe . ror r it i "os an to get run over by it. Shantoon Dress Silks, 27 inches J aa A ——_ ce —c——— * Special 87¢, a yard. ’ LR ’9 a- here Ss NO Red Ta pe spoonful every three or r hours : . { wide in a full line of plain colors— ink ; t alsn fe | $2.50 LACE CURTAINS $1.39 Now is the time to make plans | very attractive. Special 19c¢. a yard Ecru and white Lace Curtains 2% : vards long, new neat novelty de- .adies’ fine white Lingere Shi : . i : 5 Ladi s' fin ite ingere Shirt signs. Special $1.89 a pair Waists—trimmed with laces, inser- land gin, two ounces Dose, one All that is necessary is to get some I 1 cupful of hot ginger tea inst ha. [Or @ safe and sane Presidential cam- = any aE $1.00 WAISTS 49¢ fore going to bed paign., This country has places for 4 bi Tm 1e y hz in vour 4 . : i D one to hand in your name and pay Dear Doctor workers but not for professional agi- $1.50 BLACK MESSALINE 98¢ . we i a US JANE DSC. ators the first week’s dues. A child can Ty res Eh: 1 a 1 k ) an { Think of it, 40 inch wide Black |tions, medallions and embroidery Satin Messaline, pure silk, high fin- | al] sizes. Special 49c. | 0c. Sash Curtains 29c. | . a3 elim Moves Public Sale Of aie ve. Powdered gp {ish, heavy Weight Ecru net Sash Curtains, 1 1-4 yds. I | inccial ORe¢ a ‘val TAs : i ently to the 1) W A H ORSES Special v8e. a yard $2.00 PETTICOATS 79c. | long, 30inches wide, edged with bat- RS ——— p= $1.00 to $2.00 Ladies’ Black Sat-|tenburg and braided border. Special 29c¢. a pair easily do all that is to be done to have you enrolled as a member. Any one can hand in your payments after » first application . almost cure MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1912 | ine and Cotton Taffeta Petticoats, $1.25 GLORIA 85c. samples from the Hy Art manufactur- - wen vou are a member. Another time he could retaij . : oud relmmn \t Franklin House, Lancaster | ich. A little A high quality silk and wool Glor- ers. Special 79c. each nothing on his stomacl ywdered IREsia hts ae One Express Loa { : i i owdered magnesia in his milk soon press ad of ia, 40 inches wide in a strong 1 Join Any Day This Week During Banking Hours Between 1 d. I. and 4 p. i. os Sop his 21 het To Waa EH orses Of Sreliing Solon ie ae at 123c. GINGHAMS 7ic. truly, ite — $12.50 SUITS $7.25 Ladies’ and Misses’ All Wool Serge Suits, latest spring styles, Black, (navy and Copenhagen. Special $7.25 Seeloeloclecte sfoaBoatestoctoute ale ibeuts 8: ib. .8. 9. " onsisting of Drivers, General Pur- Fine Dress Ginghams, 32 inches pose and a few Extra Good Farm “=== wide in choice colors—checks, plaids Chunks : : sw famiiv. Desk . iia inks and a few family broken = 7 or = and stripes. Special 7c. a yard : Horses. Gentlemen these horses TOBACCO MUSLINS very good for the difficulties men- were = 25¢. RIBBONS 15c. EW, I'he above simple remedies are DN'T MISS THE OPPORTU NITY TO PROVIDE YOURSELF WITH MONEY FOR NEXT CHRISTMAS irst National Bank DEPARTMENT MOUNT JOY, PENNA. bought by myself from the y i ei ? Je ? ull yard wide ¢ good weight FEENEY AYER GB West farmers i he te Pull yard widg snd 90 8 $2.50 LINEN CLOTHS $1.69 ty HY event ttle] : es armers in Iowa. The kind 1ic uality, 33c. a yd. ? In a ve Sie NOOR . . : ) = t1 , 4 Ee eos ONS 28 | that will make money. Anyone 5c. Mhality, 4c. a yard lese are alway x]: ry receiv 1 3 . Phe J? pte . . gladly received, as jooking for a good horse will not Cloths, Pure Silk Shepherd Check and Fine Pure Linen Damask Table | Fancy Plaid Ribbons, 5 inches wide sizes 66x70 and 66x85. Special 15¢. a Special $1.69 a cloth | tioned. They are perfectly harmless i ———— they are always i Sm £ rel ire 8] va) nh demand. g0 wrong by attending this sale. sar Doctor ‘ : ear Sloctor: | Some extra good drivers, 30c. NS 29c¢. During the past few months I Sale to commence at 1.30 p. m. 10c. MUSLIN 7c. ! 25¢. UNDERWEA 2 Twenty dozg s’ good Muslin : 5 i Gowns, all siz f embroidery, | Full Bleag yard pide Muslin | Ladies gti qual Pantg insertion an nd trimmed | of standard F@¥vith cambri pecial 8c. a _yard Bealocieelealeectl dS 2 8 have made several unsuccessful at- | when conditions will be made known tempts to learn' from druggists «o | by C. C. HALLMAN make infusion off herbs. If vou re ' I. N. Rebman, Auct. 2 oe 3 ho)