PAGE 2 THE BULLETIN BEAUTIFUL SILVER THE A GREAT RECORD MOUNT JOY, PA. Hard to Duplicate It in Mount Joy J. BE. SOHROLL, Editor & Prop'r, —— meee Seore of representative citizens of M | Pa., are testifying tor SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR \ Kid ; | on ian feCOre Six Months. ..... 50 Cents . : Rea " Ol 0 ‘ HOE n unequalled Three Months. . . .25 Cents : , " jug n yor ime } yublic state Single Copies. 2 Cents : | Ga on » ol i y B 4 1 ’" One Ol! Sample Coples. . FREE : : oy ; a : : 2 oe th precede | and «4 EIR the h dre that | led Entered at the post office at M:unt h undred iat will follow, Read Joy as second-class mail matter it All correspondents must have their Mrs. PP. Conrad, David St., Mt. Joy, eommunications reach this office not Pa., sa) ‘I suffered intensely from later than Monday Telephone news l Kidney trouble and it would be hard of importance between that time and . J | le and it v hi 12 o’locck noon Wednesday. Chan- ZA to describe the misery | endured ges for advertisements must posi- There was a constant, dull pain tively reach this office not later than | is always appropriate for Wed@Ing . .... uv back that made my house- Monday night. New advertisements mated EE reaches us Tuesday Gifts, Birthday Presents, etc. No- | work a burden and | was annoyed by night. Advertising rates oan _appit- where can you find so extensive or so | hills and dizzy spells. The least ————————— - work tired me and 1 always felt WILL AWARD MEDALS attractive a display of exquisite Table |,,cuid. When | saw Doan's Kidney Silver as here.. Bon bon Dishes, Pills advertised, 1 decided to give Interesting Affairs About The Lan. ¥ 1 them a trial and procured a box at caster Co. 8S. 8S. Association Forks, Spoons, Servers, Ladles, etc. Garber's Drug tore The first few vem ce dose helped me and IT grew better You re no doubt iwware of the | rapidly as | continued their use 1 fact tl} r the Lancaster J V. FE( (] K today in better health than 1 Coun th ( Association Us n fe time, thanl 0 was awa 1 1! the State ast Main Street. MT. JOY. PA Kidne Pills.” itement Association 0 havin ittained to Octo 3. 190 ) the County ror 1 osition , Lasting Effect JE HOTEL McGINNIS edi; essary lif n all the he 1 ter nig of t County Front ndersigned having remodel ty y re-en the Mooney Hotel, adding . 1 ) 1 Line Standard vas the case mber of sleeping rooms, bath, etc g Pil M last yea ou dly ask you now prepared to entertain trans t nee ! therefor: 0 with us In nt and regular guests to« th ) years ago mai ne I t "1p rh ( 1 1 » ) maintainin i n line po RESTAURANT ; 1 By : ( sition oF opporiuniy connection with hotel where he Fosters mn Lo. Yow stands open ill serve in season. Yi Ie ge for the United The 11 wre the ten points OYSTERS and © LAMS in any styl St : of the “Count Front Line Stand TURTLE SOY Pr. Ete. Et Remembe he name Doan’s ” : 2 nd take 10 oth ard Private dining room ie . n¢ er 1. County organized eee S———— —_--tin 2. Annual Convention held C. H. ZELLER'S LIST 3. Complete district organization J. WW. McGinnis —— - in county PROPRIETOR FEBRUARY T™h <ls “eh 9( re a r ¢ Annual Convention or Institute | rsday, Fel 9, near Maytown, : : live stock and farming implements, held in each district | soe POPLPH 02004 by Michael Grove 5 Statistics gathered annually | a : s * We are Always Prepared to serve MARCH and sent to State office | : 3 Friday, Mar. 1, near Moore's Mill, 6. Pledge made to State Asso-| @® Pure & in Rapho township, large lot of live ciation and paid. | ® ¥ |stock and farming implements, by i | Michael Wi snhauch 7. County represented at the] $ Spring i | Michael alkenbaugh. | { 9 State Convention Ww AT & { Saturday, March 2—On the Abram 8. Fifty per cent. of the s« hools | & ter i yder farm, 1 mile north of Mas- me or : : =] | tersonville, in apho township, 15 have Cradle Roll Departments | : ICES | 20 cows, Hs and op im- 9. Thirty per cent. of the sc hools | 4 IN ANY QUANTITY at Very & | plements by Wm. M. Pautz. have Home Departments o Moderate Charges. # | Monday, Mar. 4, near Kreybill’s 10. Twenty per cent. of the schools | 8 Don’t fail to see us before plac- & | church, East Donegal township, on have Teacher Training Classes. A | . ing your order this year. p [the B. O. Musser farm, live stock : : v ¥ land farming implements, by Benj. elass must take one examination be- 7 Qf fF rial , & pleme » D) | 8 N. olaufrer & bro. % |e. Brubaker. fore it can be counted. ‘ a J. V. 5 uj el. : . ; The State Sabbath School Asso-| go Mount Joy, Penna. 1 i neseay, 1, : Bn) Hope : . 3 > 7 | + « ywnsn e eiation has suggested a higher goal | POLO VE LOOP HP0G | wemuth farm, live stoek to be attained by the Counties of | i implements, by Samuel Pennsylvania, because this is the | ¥ Jubilee Year of that organization. iG 3 ay, Mar. 6, on the road iste. Yes | “HAs Bf. ZELLER av, Mar. Gon the road The following are the points sug- 7 | leading m Mount Joy I Ne , i Mill, on the Henry M. Engle farm gested REAL ESTATE AND live sto and farming implements, 1. Front Line secured or main INSURANCE | by Jacob H. Lindemuth NS 2 a I Ar uth. tained October 1, 1912 | | 3 5 . A | i Q ou ht 7, near Keagle's 2. Ten per cent. increase in total | Main St., Mount Joy {an egal township, on enrollment | working of Public Sal I the 1 christ farm, live 4. “Thirty-three and one-third per| "ling and Clerking of Yubhe Later | k and rming implements, by 3 : | Latntes ndrew Mc] cent. of the hools with Organized Settlement of Estates | Andrew McKe Adult Bible Classes holding Certifi- | Collection of Rents. | Friday, Mar. 8, in East Donegal cates of Recognition Surveying and Counvevaneing 0 ship alon the Colebrook road, Oriranisr Scoondar lon the Cameron farm known as the t. Organization of Se gary | a | Clark farm, large lot of live stock Division land farming implements, by Samuel 5. Fifty per cent. of the schools | | Tressler. | | using Graded Lessons | | saturday, Mar, 9, near Marietta, 6. An aggressive Temperance | |in Kast Donegal township, large lot : f live s k farming i - g 3 Re anda sehoid goods, y A . (a) A Temperance Secretary) | Guapamniced Rings | ravecer. ; or Committee in each school di Monday, March 11, at his ware- (c) Pledges signed by at least | afford far better values house in Mount Joy, implements of fifty per cent. of the enrolled mem- | than you can get in any lan kinds, by G. Moyer. bership. They are | | hy | > ne. | m 7. Greater intensity in Mission- | other li Yilled y it : | Tuesday, Mar. 12, at Hotel Mc E. i ids | made by skilled crafts- | Ginnis, Mount Joy Pa., 42 shares of ry Study. : men, with great care. ||First National Mt. Joy Bank stock. (a) A Missionary Secretary or | 5 hanaty | Terms payable April 1, 1912, by : : ? | Possess rare beauty. A | Amos W. Newcomer and Ezra W Committee in each school. y 1 ‘ goe with | me Swcomer a uzra . 3 . . | rintes ouarantee goes 119% Ja inictr (b) At least ten minutes be® printed gua ie | Newcomer, administrators of Jacob Cl every rir Insuring purcaaser Newcomer, dec, given a month to Missionary educa- inst lost stone (except | : : | agamnst los ; xX Tuesday ar 2 yantz's tion in each school. | 1 : n 1s) < { Taesiny: Maron dno Gants " Traini ijlamondsj. = | Farmers’ Inn, M Joy, at 7 o'- (¢) That all Teacher Training | 0 r 2000 de S | mer Inn ount Joy, at 7 o Over 2UU - |elock, a piece of lan fronting 122 graduates who have not taken the | > se ho | elo¢ k, piece of land fronting 1 dp | 1gns to Sse- ¥ t fee Manheim street. Mo Jov Seal Course on Missions he requested | fio . [feet on Manheim street, Mount Joy 10 do so this year. Ne ou |b M. N. Brubaker, Atty for the heirs J Mad f a Shelly ease 8. Every school in the county for men j°! Sino: Siielly deceased. visited by a district officer. 2 Xd Wednesday, Mar. 13, 1-4 mile 9. Twenty. per cent. of the womeh a south of Mount Joy, along the Co- schools “FF 5 t Li 3 ; | children. = Jun road, East Donegal township, schools ront Line. a SOR : i JE From $2 Up mules, horses, cows, and farming 10. Fifty per cent of the schools Call for Free limplements, by Ezra H. Zercher. contributing to the County Asso- Birthday Card. Thursday, Mar. 14, on the road ciation, {leading from Mount Joy to Union These points are set merely as a| R. V. FEGLEY, | Snare, oh fie Mrs. John M. Pend ; ard whic a tie Mount Joy, Pa. | farm, mules, horses, cows and farm- | goal toward which to strive, since it| 7 ling implements, by Emory Warfel. % r r havino Tioh i al he : r : is only by having high ideals that | | Friday, March 15, on the premis- we can hope for material ‘Increase. WE EHD les in Rapho township (known as the This Jubilee Year we hi ant to do our \ , RECOMME I | Kready Nurseries) on the road lead- | best. Your best will inspire an- T AND SEL ling from Mt. Joy to Manheim, im- other's best. “If we can say we are | The > J plements, ete., by Wilson Kready. doing onr best, it will he heaven's JPA ik Li 'OLLARD blest.” ; hip Ak Saturday, Mar. 16, in Mount Joy Ti bes Nssoci : : J €% {Al Borough, household goods, ete., by | 1e State Association has planned the heirs of Mrs. F. A. Ricker. to award a2 bronze medal to the Sun- Monday, March 18—On the Myers day School worker in each county farm along the Harrisburg pike, mid- who has been engaged in actual > way between Mount Joy ana Florin, service fifty years or more. This ~ hor {OW chickens. ¢ v ar : 1018es, ( S ns, and a large medal will be awarded at the State | lot of farming implements by Harry Convention which will be held at must | | Baer Philadelphia next October. Prese ast tl , : pons £400 esent ji Tuesday, Mar. 19, near Silver this matter to your Sunday School n they eat e Springs, on the H. C. Greider farm Lancaster County surely has among | i Dry Mas live stock and farming implements, her ranks of Christian Soldi one | For Sale by by Milton Miller. or more to compete for this medal. | BRANDT & STEHMAM Wedneday, March 20—1In the vil- Send the name of contestant and for Mount Joy. Pa. laze of Newtown, lot of farming 3 implements and household goods by further particulars as to bronze | Ask the man who feeds it the estate of Martin Metzgar medal, to the County Corresponding \ Saturday. March 23, In Florin, Secretary. near Moore's Mill, wagon, buggies, MARY E. SWOPE harness and household goods by Mrs. Cor Secretary BA Qi i ‘ ( ) C _( ( ) E [ ) Simon B. Gish. 102 N. Plum St., Lancaster, Pa. T S E rr A Meee He Won't Limp Now No more limping for Tom Moore of Cochran, Ga. “I had a bad sore on my instep that nothing seemed to help till T used Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,”” he writes, “but this wonder- ful healer soon cured me.” Heals old bruises, eczema or piles. Try it. Only 25 cents at S. B. Bernhart & Co’s., Mount Joy, Pa. et EA The insurgents and standpatters of yesterday are the neurotics and the paretics of today, we are told. And there is tomorrow coming. Neaver's Imp. Individual plant, Broad Leaf, § oz., 50c; 3% oz. No. 1 grade 25c. For sale by all leading merchants or by mail. JOHN S. WEAVER Glen Mawr Seed Farms KINZER’'S - - PENNA. jan. 31-8t. OLD DR. THEEL & DR. W. L. THEEL Spring Garden St., (formerly 535 N. 6th a A a Ein Deutscher Artz, Only German Speci alist. The German Treatment, the only Guaranteed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, others can’t Cure, all ose Meceury & Arsenie, worse the Disease itself, it’s a curse of humanity, All Skin & Private Diseases, Excesses, both sex, Abases, Weak- heutes, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Drains, Atrophy, Piles, Losses, Varicoeele, Hydroeele, Rupture & Stricture, no eutting, Kidney, Bladder, 46 yrs. praciice & 6 yrs. Hosp. “xp. in Germany. k Free, tells all, exposing Museams, ity & Country Advertising Frands, Hrs. 9-4, 6-9 5 Sun. 9-2. March 26 1esday, On the prem- ises the Elmdale creamery, just outside the northern limits of Mount near Jov horough, horse, cows, chickens and a lot of farm implements by Jos- eph W. Kraybill. 30—At his sale in Mount Joy, by Ed. Saturday, March and exchange stables, horses, wagons, harness, etc., Ream. el Ie eee A dollar Texas woman in contributing 1 to the Government conscience fund, expresses the hope of going to Heaven. Evidently she is expecting only a gallery seat. . HE 8G ge Wednesday, February 28, 1912, BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY. FA N10 Ww 9 GoW RR - a TH] BOY; | ; This week we are going to sell 7 : : 55 HBoys’ Suits PW | : [hat Were $3.50, $4.00] 7 a= + : and $5.00 at NTE * We Still Have a | f Those Men's Suits That . We Will Sell At : - These Are Rare 3argains and You Will Save Money = Jugs This Sale : : E17 RB 1) ff Mount Joy Hall Bldg : . 1 { ‘“ MOUNT JOY, PENNA. EEN LO REE REE RFR ER EEE REE EE. Shu DECIDES ELECTION. DISIUTE Ii Its Fish You Want I Can vy We Make : m i J ast Donegal Township Upheld Ruling of the tile Dut SE L Election Officers fandsome Rugs Judge Hassler handed down a de K ® 1 t } ntest v, 5 Fas Ba % ton 11) election contes] in Ha OU B / All sizes; out of your old Carpets. yonegal township over the office of & g i pet nr i petition is dis | Also, Silk Rugs and Curtains and issed at ost of the petitioner | Colonial Rugs. tl ection of November 7, 1911 AS A LIVER PILL | R« S. Nissley and BF Weidman, is ain ! They make acceptable presents at 3 I always have on hand aii kiads t former a Republican and the lat : . moderate prices. indidate on both the Keystone of fish in season and would be pleas~ | 1 candide ! § { f ) | Send for Circulars. and Democratic tickets, ran for road ¢d to Lave your order. J i upervisor. The returns showed 250 zpLf, FISH CLEANED GRATIS | Orders at factory. votes for Nissley and 249 for Weid- . | > - . - » - . man. A number of electors of the » Stand pre-eminent. They never -— district contested the election of Nis- 1 - ¥9 «= fail and are not disagreeable to take. | sley on the ground that one vote for Also Oranges. Ban Weidman in one district of the town- There are other liver pills but this Novelty Goroel Gleaning Go. anas, Lemons, Etc. Send In Your Sale Date water formed. Edward Krecke! TAPE MARKS This was two years ago. He asked DESIGNS | All persons having sales jm tb the Dauphin county court at the COPYRIGHTS &cC LANCASTER. PA spring, whose names are not in ou time to make an order directing the ALyone ro ” aa a isale list, please drop us a ca qulekly as removal of the obstructions the: } ; vesterday’s or-' giving date, name and location an in the rom eastern channel and {it will appear list at onc TAT D.TeT der was the result. This will prevent others in ye > i 3 . neighborhood from selecting ¢ 3 . handse jeiy rat AF weekly. Largest cir- Trunks at Half Price. 3 lar - Five million settlers could find : nt et rr journal. Terms ma a Ia Hee § Great Ba Save. qate, i ur mi a is $1. Sold by all newsdeale; gains, On The Square eater ship and three in another were not one we know will do its work per- counted. In one case the voter made fectly and painlessly, and help the 135 8, Beaver SI, I , ark half ‘ r x only one mark, o1 half of an X, the ative evstem. A tonic laxative 140 S. Queen St. court holds that, as the law requires ‘ || ‘ Or J. B. MARTIN & CO. 2.608% 10 be made, the election of ) I dl | I { Il | Price 25c¢. at Both ’phones. W. Kinz & N. Prince ficers acted properly in rejecting LANCASTER PENNA 41 AN LIN, LN NA. this ballot. In the other three cases MOUNT JOY, PENNA. the voter had placed a cross opposite 5 z Weidman’s namie in both the Dorn GO TO cratic and Keystone squares. Fol- lowing decisions of the Lancaster and other county courts in the State in WwW B BENDER similar cases, Judge Hassler holds . : Dru St : that an elector cannot vote two par- Yast Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. g 0 e a Span oR %. ty tickets for the same candidate, TE ro a et r neai 3 ‘ he electi fa FOR A y patentability. 26 years experience and again holds that the election o formerly J. C. Groff’s Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOXLET, ficers were right in not counting : ; ai fore patent information. It will help you to these ballots GOOD SHAVE . oR EA PACES 11 and 12 before applying 1Laese Huo. West Main St. MT. TOY, PA. tor EADS Write to-day. os tl Weert STYLISH HAIR-CUT D. SWIFT & Co We a Sed Sunday hours 8 to 9 a. m.; 5 to i McCALL'S FERRY NEXT REFRESHING SHAMPOO ak ) PATENT LAWYERS, Se ee tain : 6.45 p. m. 303 Seventh St., Washington, 2. The York Haven Power Company or anything in the Barber Line Must Remove Dam RRRNRRRRRRERRERR ARAN RRR RARR RRR BERNER R EN} Before August lst, all that section 5 H AN K S = Alwa Ss of the great York Haven dam that = E | extends between the eastern shore = s ; 4 of the Susquehanna and Duffy's is- “ 3 : = Patronize ; 2 = WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- = land—about 4,900 feet in all-——will = s have to be removed entirely, accord- = FITS ON WOOL HORSE = All Our an opinion handed down by = BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT = J y 8 «J. M McCarrell, of the ~ = 4 ioe ik Wg Z FROM THEE MAKERS, IS = Advertisers auphin county court = = The order of Judge McCarrell Z THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED E _ winds to the contention of John B. Z ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO = ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Rider. owner of Duffy's island, with I also carry as a side line s 20.51 E Estate of Annie W. Engle, late of York Haven Water Power company, = $10.09. - era : o : 3 ! x gar the Camera and Photo Supplies = § Fast Donegal: Township, deesged. and removes Walls and ‘evees Re = veers 2 . = Letters of administration on sald finest construction in the state. If you have a Pet Negative, Film |= INES STOCK LAP = estate having been granted to the Ee = estate hs § gr: During the summer of 1908-09 the or Photograph you want enlarged 2 ROBES IN THE COUNTY, = undersigned, all persons indebted gten lant company took Possession on De manen; paper, Iam in a posi- 5 FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV- £ thereto are requested to make im- of the eastern river bed and there tion to have it done for you at a rea- '= = mediate payment, and those having constructed dams and ledges to sonable price. = ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE E claims or domands agaitat the Same } afford them better facilities for pow- Agent for Standard Steam Laundry Z. AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL = will present them without delay for ] er. The improvement had a most un- [= = ee Aly % f Dulto’s Island : Z STOCK OF VETERINARY = settlement to the undersigned, resid- desirable: efert: abhor Dultys Islan €0 YEARS is = ing at R. F. D. No. 1, Mount Joy, Pa. products and its tenants. 7s EXPERIENCE |& MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL = IRVIN W. MUSSER The stra a : ay re a. 5 | == bia = . hi ! he stream that had heretofore £ KINDS OF HARNESS =z Administrator. irrigated the island was during the = = Coyle & Keller, Atty dec. 13-8t = = » hy A - summer months dried up and at = E many places, pools of stagnant i |= = == re em = 8 - - |= = - - - as = - = = - - : z - a = he = = - - : : fh ; homes in the South without crowd- | ing any of the good people there now | reaver, lew YG *- Washington, D. C. HUN § & Co. Seis Advertise in the Ma Joy By i L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers