The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 21, 1912, Image 1

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VOL. X. NO. 39
$1.00 A YEAR
v v v » v v v y r re “1 re. r » v ‘ i'n v »
. the turnpike about two miles west of THE SIXTH ANNIVERSARY ' A RARE OPPORTUNITY
Obituary Elizabethtown on the David Myers Personals TT Florin News nd! Local Notes
farm, at the age of ninety-six years. hl Junior Luther League Here Renders —— | Frederic Poole, Traveler and Mis.
— : —
# ~ wh THE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUS | Deceased was born in West London- | ppp WHEREABOUTS OF OUR a Good Program HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY VIL | sionary, Will Lecture Here MANY SHORT NEWS ITEMS OF
[owned by John Rider, about a tle — The Junior Luther League cele- -— | On Monday, Feb. 26th, afternoon
Some Well Known People From Our [below Buck Lock, and was a sister of | Who and Where They Have Visited— | brated its Sixth Anniversary by A | Local an Personal Briefs That Have | and evening, the people of Mount Joy Brief Local Huppenings Gathered as
Neighborhood Have Passed to the Mrs. Rebecca Gingrich, formerly of | Many Strangers Here Over Sun. [most appropriate issionary Pro- Occurred Since Our Last Issue in | Vill have the opportunity of listen- They Occur With the Whirl of the
Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue | ROYalton, and Mrs. Christian Ging- [| day—Were You Among Them? j Eramme. entitled Children of all Our Hustling and Wide Awake | "8 to Frederic Poole, Chinese Trav- World for Quick Reading Withim
Sih rich, who resides near Geyer’s | ——— Nations,” being held in the church Neighbor Village, Florin. eler and Missionary, who will deliver | the Past Few Days
] Henry Poff died at Mountville | “hurch. The surviving relatives are | Miss Anna Hoffer of Elizabeth- | on Friday evening to a large and | ——— [his famous travel lectures on China, | .
aged 76 years. one sister, Mrs Leo Stoudt, of [town, called on friends in town. | appreciative Rudience. I'he Presi- | Charles Carson spent Sunday at ''m® Mt. Joy Hall. . Freeland overalls 50c. Getz Bros.
Mrs. Henrietta Davidson, a former | Hoernerstown: Joseph Peck, a step- Jeweler 8. H. Miller spent a few jae Ht u charge Yeas Charles Delong | Mtytown In the afternoon, at 4 o'clock, his | Potatoes, $1.35 a bu., Brooks &
resident of Columbia, died at Phlia- |S°" of Elizabethtown; and Mrs. | days in Philadelphia thls week | The representatives were as follows; f Mr. J. D. Easton spent Tuesday at | S"biect will be China, Japan and the { Co y
delphia L.ongenecker, the wife of Rev. David Mr. Phil Pyle of the Smoky City Indie Marie Klugh; Persia | Lancaster Philippines, and has been especially Mr. Charles Watt is recovering
a George M. Delp of Manheim, died | “ongenecker, of Reading. The fu-|called on friends here Sunday Helen Krall; Corea- =Theda Walters; The C. E. will hold the election of | A'ranged for schools: Mr. Poole hav- | from an attack of grip.
on Saturday evening aged 69 vears. | eral was held at the house at 9.30 Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Eshleman spent | China—Grace Pennabaker; Siam [officers on Sunday 1% delivered them in many schools, | Mr. John Brandt is about again
. He served In the Civil Way and for clock Thursday morning Monday at Maytown with friends ods ir Mis omer Egypt—Mary Diet Mr. Nelson Hoffman of Harrisburg pecially in Boston and New Eng fter a spell of sickness
@ Siohi thontls nfined to Libby el Our former townsman C. L. Eby, | olf; Japan Evelyn Butts Green- ent Monday in town ind \ e the ubject is especial { Mr. Paul E. Get celebrated his
Prisor \ BARN BURNED of Lemoyne, Pa., was in town Friday | land Jay Klugh; Mexico-—Jennie Vt Wilson Mg Le confined | ed the school children, | birthday on Sunday
McNeal of Marietta, called iter India Allen Morten AL. te or od ith ickne t te tin to older peo Raph tot Tot Bad § birth -
‘ ire Started by Sparks Causes Heavy n relat nd friends here on Sun ca Estella Seveare \1 nid. 2A Ro h3 ; I'ha I hildren mav at waph n hip hac irths and
Frederick Lutz . I Av) ‘ ; ea : LOY 11¢ n deaths during January.
- ol Vike lav OS ere responded to by Amer iD thtown | yut 10 You ot choles ; wi
oli Me Ro 1d Latchem Ree: \, Mau Schroll. The tory of : " : er nstructive nd ol hoice potatoes at
Marieit Columbia Ww 3 . \ 1 1 ab at Brooks & Co's
y , ’ \ Irn o1 rn Re £1 town, isited friends these different countrie nt r ¢ 1 \ .
Hos] | 1 IY evel J . , 23 : ed: bY .a number. of chorn ; Monday a wm Ww For Sale \ good organ. Apply
iM of the # 3 number 2 0 Mt. J thject lodern |, peren hl, Mount Joy, Pa. tf
Hurry B. Gallagher 0 1tio alf a mile IR Mate of o Ke Th, BAYS a 1 Ing Ing | | ted ( inda China Mr. Joseph Charles of this place,
+ ( 1 des wed b ¢ 1 Wer town unda il comparing i ea 1H to t \1 \1 ( )1 late Nn etter au-
Harr) ( lied hi ' is : y f Rh : u 1 scrap tobacco these
RO Sanday. nizht | 0 rsda Nin loss of vel 1 ds relatives ife of a child. | } ( I ntry on China than vs
air. : dmohary 13] ind dolla The threshing M [da Brian has been called to President Entertains M \ Shar nt several | Mr. Poole, wh well acquainted | wanted A ve ung man ‘to learn
troub! utfit of M Daniel Derr had been \ 0 1 mt of the illness of On Saturday afternoon the entire | d town ith 1 mother with Wu Th Fang, Dr. Sun Yat | a rbering Apply %to Jos. B. Her-
n use in the barn on Wednesday. It : her indmother, Mrs. David Brian. || a. which numbers 106. were Mr. J. K. Fre r made a busi- | S€N nd many other high Chinese | ; Mount Tov. ne
Rev. Tobias Siegrist ts being operated close to the fod- ven entertained by the President Five | ness trip to Lancaster on Tuesday. |©fficials While others charge $1.50 vou can
Rev. Tobias Siegrist, of the Dunk- der stack, but a close watch was Flyer Crashes Into Shifter were graduated as follows: Marie Mr. J. 8. Carmany made a busi- Mr. Poole was recently in China | get fine Irish Potatoes of Brooks &
ard church, died near Millersville, maintained to prevent a fire. On The Pennsylvania flyer, east bound | Klugh, Gladys Flowers, Jennie Wit- | ne: trip to Lancaster last Tuesday. | {© Secure materials for his lectures | Co., for $1.35.
i aged 67 vears. His wife and a num-| Thursday morning at about 7 o'clock, | of the Pennsylvania Railroad, ran | jher, Ruth Yellets and Mary Jack- Miss Paines of Hershey is spend- Both these Travel-Lectures -will be Thieves stole six barrels of beer
: ber of children survive, among them When he arrived on the farm to re- | into a shifter and one freight car gon. Diplomas were given tied with | ing sometime with friends in town. beautifully illustrated with finely from the Marietta Bottling Works
i being Isaac of near town and Aaron, Move the outfit it was necessary to |that had been shifted to passenger | their Luther League colors, Black, | Mr. John I. Reffenheim, of Leba- | ¢0lored Stereoptican views, and mov- one night last week.
: of East Berlin, but formerly of town, | Start the fire in the boiler of the en- | tracks a short distance west of Mid- Red, White, Blue and Gold. Ninty- | non, visited friends in town on Tues- | ing pictures. The people of Mount Getz Bros., clothiers, have instal
gine. A spark from the engine |dletown, at 6.11 a. m. yesterday. |gsix were present. | day. {Joy should not miss these highly led a fine new up-to-the-minute Na-
/ John RB. Sellers [lodged in the fodder stack and in a| The engine of the flyer and the er etl | Mr. A. L. Gilgore of Lancaster, | entertaining, educational and intel- |. cash register.
John R. Sellers, conductor on the [short time the flames had made | shifter handling the car were wreck- | Entertains His Friends | made a business trip to town on Mon- | lectual treats. Miss Joanna Miller has been made
Middletown Wreck Crew, while re-|8reat headway. From the fodder |ed and two firemen seriously injured. On Monday evening Mr. S. A. Rick- | day. { Dr. Poole will speak in the Meth- administratrix of the estate of her
sponding to a call on Saturday night [stack the flames communicated to [None of the passengers were hurt, er of this place, entertained a num- Mr. Emanuel Young killed a very jot Church on Sunday afternoon mother Helena Miller.
fell between the cabin and the der- the barn, which was a large structure | although many received a severe ber of his friends. A grand ban- [large hog for Mr. H. H. Myers last at 3 o'clock and in the evening ser- Come early and get one or more
rick car of his train and was ground Of the old style with stone wall gable | shaking up due to the application of quet was served at Mr. J. M. Back- | week. | vice. Subject for the afternoon, of the 30 Suits which we are sell-
to pieces. Deceased is a cousin of ends. Tt was about 48x70 feet in !the brakes. enstoe’'s Exchange Hotel. Covers Mr. D. A. Fuller of Harrisburg, | “The Educational and Religious Sig- ing at $7.00. Getz Bros,
Mr. George Baughman of this place. | dimensions and had a tobacco shed | tw were laid for thirteen. Those pres- |spent Monday in town visiting | nificance of China's Great Awaken- Mrs. Clinton Longenecker enter-
| attached. Question of College Consolidation ent were: Mr. Albert Dierolf, Miss | friends. {ins.” Evening subject, “Phases of tained a few of her friends at her
Buried at Maytown | The live stock was saved with the | At a meeting to be held at Union Blanche Kilburn, Miss Nona Marks, Messrs. H. G. Myers and A. K. | Missionary Life in China.” home Monday afternoon.
The funeral of Mary, the five- | exception of one hog, but the flames (Bridge in the very near future the | Miss Katharine Lehman, Miss Flor- [Strickler of Lancaster, spent Tues- | “After listening, to Mr. Poole’s Mr. and Mrs. Levi Heigey in East
months’ old daughter of Mr. and [Spread with such rapidity that it | movement to consolidate Elizabeth- | gnce Witmer, of Lancaster; Mr. and {day in town. | Series of Lectures on China at the Donegal township, announce the
Mrs. Jacob Hoffman, who died in the | Was impossible to save the farm im- | town College and Blue Ridge College | Mrs. John G. Keener, Miss Beulah Miss Helen Mateer and Gertrude Bay View, Mich, Chautauqua, Dr. arrival of a son on the 10th.
Columbia Hospital, was held from |Plements. In addition to these the | will be discussed. The Union Bridge | Detwiler, Mr. Carl Bube, Mr. Morris | Good of Mt. Joy, called on friends | Isaac T. Headland, President of Pek- Bishop Darlington, of Harrisburg
the home of the parents in Maytown, |straw and hay and some wheat were | College has been compelled to vacate. | Groff, Mr. Clayton Keller, Mr. Harry | in town Sunday. |in University, and twenty years resi- held confirmation ’ services in the
on Friday afternoon. Rev. G. Arthur |consumed. Some tobacco was also | York has been mentioned as a prob- Getz, Mr. S. A. Ricker, all of this Mr. Wilson Meckley is able to be dent in China, wrote to Mr. Poole Episcopal church on Sunday
Fry, of the Lutheran church officiat- [consumed but only recently much of gple location for the new institution. | place. about after being confined to his |aS follows: Charles Barnett of Middletown is
ed. Interment was made in the Union [the crop had been sold and deliver- | The Elizabethtown College trustees After partaking of an excellent re- | bed with sickness. Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 10, 1911. quaratined at his home having obs
cemetery. ed | think that with $12,000 the college | past, Mr. Ricker escorted his guests Miss Francis Masterson of Lan-|MY Dear Mr. Poole:- tracted small pox at Harsisbure
By hard work the pig sty and corn ' at Union Bridge can be located at |to his home on West Main street, | caster, spent Monday in town, the I did not have the op- A young man 14 years of ase
Solomon Gable barn, located near to the burning | Blizapethtown. where a fine time was had by all. | guest of her parents. rortunity of saying to you what I would like a job on a farm Address,
The death of Solomon Gable, oc- [buildings were prevented from fall- | ———W.......... There was vocal and instrumental Mrs. Tillman Gantz is spending | VaDt to say now, that your Illus- Harry Tschudy, Route 1, Mount Joy.
curred Wednesday morning at the |ing prey to the flames A Grand Success music galore and all returned home | some time with her sister, Mrs. Sam’] | {¥@ted Lectures on China are among While they are cheap you had bet-
home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry The loss on the buildings and con- | The entertainment in Mount Joy | wishing Mr. Ricker many more such | Miller of Elizabethtown. the most interesting, “entertaining tes get a few bushels of those choice
Shenk, near Salunga. Deceased was | tents will probably reach $3,500. | Hall last evening by the Alumni As- happy events. Miss Mabel Sprout and lady friend And instructive of any I have ever potatoes of Brooks & Co., at $1.35
in his eighty-eighth year and was a {There was a rumor current that the | sociation of the Mount Joy High atl Rm rem mn |of Lancaster, spent Sunday with |5€¢€D and heard. You have a fund a bu. :
eigarmaker by occupation, but re-| River Brethren did not believe in {School was a success in every way. A Pair of Fine Dogs Christ Wachstetter and family. of humor all your own, and do not Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt has given
tired many years ago. He was a|fire insurance, that Rev. Musser did {The parts were all well taken, the On Saturday Mr. Daniel A. Schroll Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Frank of [have to “rope in” stories to “tickle the contract to finish her concrete
member of the Lutheran church. His |not carry any insurance and that the [ rendition more than pleased and the of this place, Yeceived one of the fin- | York, were the guests of Mr. and |YOUT audience.” walk along Donegal street, to Elmer
wife has been dead a number of [members of the church would make [audience was all that could be ex- | est pairs of pedigreed beagle dogs | Mrs. Emanuel Young on Sunday. Your ease upon the platform, and Heisey.
years, but fourteen children survive. | good the loss. This, however is a | nected, as nearly every seat in the | from a kennel at Annville, ever sent Mrs. Paris Billet of Rowenna is|YOUr ability to select from your large Marietta Boro renewed its con-
wrong impression.
The funeral was held from his late
home on Saturday morning at 9.30
o'clock at the Mennonite church at
Salunga and interment in the ceme-
tery adjoining.
The River Brethren denomination
have formed thgir own Insurance |
company called the Brethren’s Fire
Aid. The company carries about
$3,000,000 worth of insurance and
% one of the best in this section. In
this company Rev. Musser carried
$1,800 on the barn. The contents
were also amply covered.
Mr. George Shetter of Florin, is
also quite a loser thru this fire. He
farmed tobacco on this farm and was
stripping it at the time. Righteen !
of were consumed.
When the barn was discovered to be
Mrs. Leah Haines
Mrs. Leah Haines, widow of the
late John Haines, one of the oldest
residents of this place, died at her
home on Wednesday, Feb. 14, aged
83 years. Three sons and five
daughters survive, as follows: Geo.
and Abraham, Susan, wife of Henry
Derr; Rachel, wife of Elmer Given:
Emma and Maggie, all of this place;
(cal and
bales tobacco
and money went up in smoke.
—— ee eee
Lost His Teeth
One of the strangest railroad
episodes that we ever encountered,
happened a few evenings ago whi.
returning from Harrisburg, A cer-
Joy Cemetery.
| Zeller.
Elias L. Flowers
Elias L. Flowers, one of the oldest
and best known residents of Florin,
died at his home in that place on
Monday evening brief ill-
| day after
mess from infirmities due to old age. |tain man from Elizabethtown, had | ¢
Deceased was aged 83 years, 10 |pheen to Lancaster and upon returning
months and 25 days. He was a|home exclaimed, when he reached |
shoemaker by occupation and for Elizabethtown, and actually insisted |
many years was a member of the |that that was not his home, and o . 3
Brinser denomination. Besides his |course went thru to Harrisburg. mei Nod Is
second wife, he leaves these children
returned on the next train and when
be held Thursday forenoon in che
Methodist Church at Florin at ten
within a few days but imagine a man
- dieting on soup that length of time follows
o’elock. and a hard working blacksmith at —
a oats 56c.
SER | that. |
Mrs. Catharine White i
——- Er
o’s. is beyond a doubt one of the
greatest successes in the history of
her home at Back Run, Rapho town-
ship, on Friday, was held, with ser-
J: cob
many satisfied customers. The sec-
ond week of the sale the firm will
She is survived
Benjamin White !
her advanced years.
by these children:
[the stor i |
vices at Fairview Church at Naumans the Sore That the Fequetions are sertion.
town, and interment at Hernley’s bur a or Se Er y « sd
. ons ate wv Nn ac & ev -
ial ground, north of this place. She | ond the Se wig] wl
was 84 years old, death being due to |’ § hs ® = Ie
: . knevs of Getz Bros. All Wool Clothes in the United Evangelical Church
ine mc TYE 5 add other material and will make an : y . A :
residing at Sporting Hill; Mrs. Min- | Hori 10 Gxioad the Srsl wedk's sles Our policy is ‘Leave the Cotton Thursday evening by Presiding Elder
: nie Hummel, Back Run: Joseph | The UNird Week of the ey 1 $38 Ee Wreck Out.” J. Willis Hoover, of Harrisburg.
White and Mrs. Fannie Good, Shan-| ' © = e sale w! make | —— —— -—e
{you all sit up and take notice. Watch = -. =
non, Tllinois, and Mrs. Sallie Krall, [> 0 &¢ : . >
St. Louis. Mo [ this store’s big ad for further par- Another Cold Wave A Big Drop
: ? | ticulars, Is coming and to keep warm come In Sweaters at Getz Bros. Now
Mrs. Barbara Peck | DD err and get one of our Overcoats, $15.00 | is the time to buy. $4.25 values
Mrs. Barbara Peck, widow of | The Sheriff Did Tt values, $9.00. Getz Bros. $3.25, ete.
Frederick Peck, died on Monday at| The sheriff has sold the personal TT —t-———— ee i me
the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. | property of Benjamin Blocher, of
atharine Myers, who resides along | Rapho township, for $177.25. 50 cents a
| house was occupie
{ment will net a neat sum for the As-
| sociation’s treast
—————- a
The Rapho Teachers
The teachers of
will hold their
Sporting Hill on Saturday, March 2.
There will be sessions in the morning
topics in line with school work will
be discussed. There will also be vo-
; instrumental
| tions, essays and an address by Prof.
E. K. Strickler,
——-— —
annual institute
Nehemiah and Mrs. Serena Fogey, on fire, Mr. Shetter was in the oe Sale Was Adjourned
Newtown. Mrs. B. F. Mishey, a sis- bacco i He auickly van to a The real estate of the late Levi
ter and George Hoffmaster, a half- Sn ang 3 ittle later, ‘upon Poh | Ark, a fine brick property corner
brother, of this place, also survive. |ing for his €ont in Which there Was lof Marietta and Delta streets, was
Funeral services were held on Sun-(a purse rontaioe ® 310 bil, was offered at public sale yesterday af-
. day morning. Interment in Mount [unable to get it, and his coat, Durse | terncon by auctioneer Charles H.
The bid was $3,005 and the
| sale was adjourned until next Tues-
Cut With an Axe
Milton Ely, a son of
| residing near Wild Cat Falls, on the
County side of the river, about
o miles above Marietta, is suffer-
ing with a badly cut
{ Kready, Mt.
i ship against Amanda B. Kready, de-
ut four inches
| length and causes considerable pain.
| cee eel Cee
Henry, oi Elizabethtown; George W., alighting at his home town, left a |
: : r 4 » » Markets
of Florin; Mary, wife of Frank full set of upper and lower teeth ly- Our Home Markets
: : Ton Tait. . Today Merchant H. E. Ebersole
Shultz, oi this place, and Miss Es- ing on the seat which he had occu- pays as follows: Butter, 4c: cgzs
her of near town. The funeral will | pied. rw hi "ys Be Rr ty 120.
t pied. They were returned to him 28c: lard 1llc.; potatoes $1.25.
Tcday Brandt & Stehman pay as
Wheat $1.00; corn 7lc., and
———————————e ee
—— eee eee.
A Fatal Wreck
what you read every day. There
would not be so many weeks if they
Freeland Overalls, the best made
Getz Bros.
The entertain-
Rapho township
Hiram Ely,
ankle, which
occurred while chopping wood. The
Joy town-
ler sold seven acres of tobacco at 13
On Monday afternoon, the funeral | ; | Subpoenas in Divorce a
of Mrs. Catharine White, widow of | i Big Sale a Success Tie Court has allowed the follow- |W
the late Joseph White, who died at| Lhe big sale at S. B. Bernhart € ling subpoenas in divorce:
and $18, are now offered to you for
Brown has placed his order for a 6
spring delivery.
the finest autos in the town.
etta, had $10 stolen and that same
day she fell on the ice, badly cutting
her face and bruising her body.
ground, at Mastersonville, to Samuel
Fasnacht for $700.
to this town.
his share
but we're from Missouri.
Taken to the Hospital
Jefferson Arndt, formerly of town
who was working among the farm-
ers in this section, was taken to the
Lancaster County Hospital on Mon-
day. He took sick on the farm of
Amos N. Mumma in East Donegal
RE ——
At St. Luke's Parish House
Rev. Charles E. Berghaus, of St.
Luke’s Episcopal Church, on Sunday
was assisted by Rev. H. P. Viets, of
Philadelphia. Ash Wednesday was
observed with holy communion at
7.30 in the morning.
—eeetl A een
Bought a Mitchell
President of Council George H.
Mitchell touring car for
This will be one of
— Er
All in One Day
Mrs. Elizabeth McFarland of Mari-
Rt ——
Real Estate Sold
Auctioneer Lehn on Saturday af-
ernoon sold for J. B. Pickle a two
Dan says he will get
of cotton tails next fall
spending a few weeks in town wit}
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jefferson
Mrs. Ed. Numbers returned to her !
people want to know,
fund of information the things the
add very much
Your little
1d your mak-
tract with the Gravity Water Com-
pany for another year at $17.50 per
vour good pictures. fire plug
57,000 pounds, or 75,000 oysters,
ng of the Chinese
home in Lancaster after spending |' , aracters or ideo- were received by freight one day at
some time with her mother, Mrs. | graphs are a uniqu Teature. 5 Harrisburg last week. Nearly all of
Henry Bear. | x shall take occasion, if you will these were frozen.
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Miller and [3 ow me, to Tecommeny you 10 al Mrs. Andrew Wachstetter who is
children of Elizabethtown, were the j hose Wits are constantly inquiring ill was removed to the home of her
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel | ©! M€ for illustrated lectures on daughter, Mrs. Philip R. Greiner last
Young on Sunday. { China : - Friday, by Dr. Vere Treichler.
[ Miss Grace Flowers and Master | Very Sincerely,
Wiley Flowers of
called on their grandparents on Sun-
day, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Bishop.
Mr. Wm. McGarvey Jr., better
known as “Dut” made his first trip
to Lancaster on Saturday, and
now convinced that Lancaster
little larger than Florin,
The State Department of Health
has returned to the people of Florin,
the plans made for a water supply
system with the approval of Com-
missioner Samuel G. Dixon, and this
action will permit the town to
establish domestic and fire service.
= Ce eee
Will Edit the Bulletin
Arrangements have been complet-
ed whereby the Bulletin will spring
a new one a few weeks hence. This
year there are twelve members in
the graduating class of the Mount
Joy High School. To give the public
an idea of the ability of these gradu-
ates, we have arranged with them in
is a
tory dwelling house and lot of
—— eee.
Best Price Yet
Down at Strasburg Oliver B. Mil-
nd 3% cents. This is the best price
‘e heard of this year.
——— DD I eee
30, Only 30
Thirty Suits that were $12, $15
7.00. Getz Bros.
el eee
Quarterly Conference
Quarterly conference will be held
Boys’ Suits and Overcoats at great-
reduced prices at Getz Bros.
conjunction with Prof. I. R. Kray-
bill to edit the Bulletin for one week.
A few days will be devoted to the
work. The class will appoint a so-
sporting, general news and
other editors and editresses, several
Elizabethtown, |
| Preshyterian
Housekeepers should not forget
the announcement that the Mt. Joy
Feather Renovating business will be
removed about March 20th. Tell
your neighbors. feb 20-3t
Isaac Taylor Headland
he —
Washington's Birthday Supper
The Ladies’ Mite Society of the
Church of this place, Gingrich Bros., the extensive live
[ will give a supper in the supper room | stock dealers of Lav report that
{of the Church, Feb. 22, beginning | during the year 1911, they handled
E 5 o'clock. The following menu [19,994 head of cattle, exclusive of
| will be served: Chicken Croquettes, calves, hogs and sheep
| French Peas, Chicken Salad, Cherries The last sale of Mavtown Nation-
| Tee Cream, Cocoanut Custard, Cakes, | al Bank stock was at $125 per
{ Coffee. Fancy and Kitchen Aprons, | share. This bank has a capital and
will also be on sale. Everybody in- | surplus of $28,000 and is making
vited. very satisfactory progress.
G4 iBbeescssmr—eemme The teachers of Rapho township
Attention Everybody will hold their annual institute at
The regular meeting of the Hos- | Sporting Hill on Saturday, March 2.
pital Auxiliary will be held at the | There will be sessions in the morn-
will be deputised as and
under the supervision of Prof. Kray- |
bill, they will gather the news, edit, |
read all proofs and in fact prepare
and be responsible for every line of
reading matter the
This, to our knowledge, has never
been done in this town, and the les-
son should be quite instructive to
those who will go a step higher in|
life at the end of the present school
We hope our
porters, and
appearing in
friends, re-
assist the
others will
class in producing one of the best
issues ever presented to our many
-— —_—_—_ A. .
Clothing made to measure Getz
eel eee
Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin i
home of Mrs. Walter Brown, Thurs-
dues, and we hope every member will
be present or send in their money
ing and afternoon. Many interest-
day afternoon, March 7th, at 3 o’-|iPg topics in line with school work
clock. Tt is time for payment of | Will be discussed.
Mr. Frank Yost, who was living at
Billmyer the past year, has rented
promptly. feb. 21-3t [the Jno. Wilson property on West
— etl Hamer -| Main Street and will move here very
Opening on Thursdas soon. He has secured employment
The Columbia Telephone Company i the New Standard Hardware
is sending out invitations for the | ' Crs:
. . Sr ——el A nn
formal opening of their new ex- 4
change building at No. 22 North Public Sale of Hogs
N o nN ider wi nnli
Third street, Columbia, on Washing- Mr. Cleon F. Greider will seli 125
ton’s birthday, Feb. 22. The recep- | 12d of extra fine shoats and sucking
tion will take place from 8 to 9 p. pigs at public sale at Moore's Hotel
In Ironville, on Saturday, March 9th.
Sa — The shoats will weigh from 30 to 100
Ibs. and the suckers are fine t
Foresters Take Notice Whites If you want ho Chae .
nJ tore re invite « ny ! ~ yo! f Be Rn
All Foresters are invited to attend miss this sale.
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Feb. 25
——el eee eee.
at 7 p. m., in honor of the Twelfth
Anniversary of Court Mt. Joy, No er For Sale
298 Will meet at: the hail at 8 %0 Barred Plvmonth Rock ees for
228. at t all & +30 | hatohi 3
ind proceed to the church in a body. atching, from a strat with 4 rec
C. R. SHERK. PF. S ord not often beaten. alen stork.
: an H. HL. MORTON
. ; feb 21-2 mo Mount Jovy, Pa.
A Birthday Surprise ————-
Miss Mary Shank of this place :
’ That's G =
vas very agreeably surprised on her Tt t's omg Some
4th birthdav he being the recipi leTe #re now, over £00 accounts
te Taine the reciDient 1th. the Christmas Sayines Fund at
of presents such ag handkerchiefs the First National Bank
from her many young friends mula ————— ~
smee— A lb ———
: Marirage Tincenses
Genuine Scotch Trish potatoes at { PWimer XK. Brandt and Cora M.
$1.35 a bushel at Brooks & Co's.
Newcomer, both of Raphe.