The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 07, 1912, Image 7

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i PAGE 0 THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY. PA. Wodnesday, February 7, 1912. |
. - : . wom
| | Miss Elizabeth Herr is confined to | DREAM FANTASIES
\ | bed with a severe cold. Every One to be Held Hereabouts |
: [ Miss Mary Kendig Is visiting This Spring ——
4 [friends In Highland Park and Wayne. .—
A From New England Women | Miss Ida Sheaffer of Brunnerville Herewith we have compiled one Cause and Effect In the Visions S E
y { 3 at © \ : \
ig visiting her aunt, Mrs. Samuel of the most complete sale lists ever Th t Cc v p ~r3 0
1 at Come In Slee oquare Ing St
3 — ——— Eby. published in these parts. We would P- ¢ . St ’ ancaster.
. ] ——
b Prove that Lydia E. Pinkham'’s Vegetable Come | Tobacco strippers are having a appreciate a card from any person :
pound Does Restore the Health of Ailing Women. serious time getting tobacco ready whose fale I not mentioned below. A DREAM'S CURIOUS SEQUEL.
p 4 a nv :
b Boston, Mass.—*I was passing through the Change of Life and suffered [for delivery. iis list is free ee
3 from hemorrhages (sometimes lasting for weeks), and could get nothing to | Little Willle Fackler at this FEBRUARY It Explained the Meaning of the OR .
3 check them. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound | writing Is lying dangerously sick 12 Henry R. Bomberger, Rapho twp. R i Fancy That Cat W ou n O 1
Tt (tablet form) on Tuesday, and the following Saturday morning the hem- with pneumonia 14 Wayne Stauffer, Sporting Hill ecurring Fancy at a as a L
1 orrhages stopped. I have taken them regularly ever since and am steadily : . ola » OF 8 . Clawing the Slumberer's Throat.
1 gaining. I'he Senior class of Landisville 15 Henry G. Sahm, White Oek. Rapidity of the Dream Process
A» **I certainly think that every one who is troubled as I was should give High School is brushing up for thelr 15 Levi Shank Est., Mount Joy.
3 our Sowpound Tablets 2 3aishinl trisl sud Shey will find relief."—Mr& g..) ov aniinations preceeding thelr ‘15 Herman Martin, River Road. a ay 3 Jursopal exieries: ° of 3
2 5 S N ‘4 ¢ acte { * ERS
3 4 ¥EORGE JUBY, 802 Fifth Street, South Boston, Se graduation in March. 16 Elmer H. Helsey, Rapho twp. | me. Some years ago a. nN 7A e eS
1 Letter from Mrs. Julia King, Pheenix, R.L Miss Martha Eby and Miss Alma 16 A. S. Hostetter, near Manheim. tance of dreams a9 a suhject for se
& 1 Phoenix, R.I.—*I worked steady in the mill from the time I was 12 years Hershey were among the guests at 17 Henry N. Fry, Mastersonville. rious investigation, says H. Addington
3 old until I had been married a year, and I think that caused my bad feel- the Hershey-—Hershey wedding in 17 Frank G. Kline, near White Oak. | Bruce in the Outlook. Until then I
mgs. I had soreness in my side near my left Bip Lust went Sout to my Manor last Thursday. 19 Joseph Shearer, Mastersonville. had shared the opinfon prevailing O rn Ot ] n one
back, a3d sometilas | would have to lie in bed for two o y Quite a number of convalescents 20 Harry A. Miller, Naumanstown., among laymen--and, it would seem.
was not able to ¢o my housework, a y 4 from grip and a ic i 20 C. Y. B Cc among most scientists also — that |
* Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has helped me wonderfully in rom grip and pneumonia are moving 2 . Y. Brandt, Conewago. |
every way. You may use my letter for the good of others. Iam enlyos cautiously around keeping a good 22 M. W. Haldeman, Sporting Hill, | dreams are entirely fanciful and
lad Jodo Spytiing wishin my goer to recommend your medicine."—Mrs. |) 14 on their sore sides . 22 Ezra Gish, near Elizabethtown. Wesiinglose. n BN perience hin
NG, °82, X. R.L mn ‘ 3 i could n¢ ge! lieve is ; i , v
via Kine, Box enix The extreme cold has held up the 22 Mrs. Noah Mumma, Mt. Joy. ie You oul have to oe the Clothing we are offering in this sale in
1: i ‘ o) ne compa mn w y ring sdiate .
Letter from Mrs. Etta Donovan, Willimantic, Conn. work to a great extent and caused 23 J. G. Hollenbaugh, E. Donegal. recurrence of a most bizarre dream. be na Vb! thers Br Lierine 0 Jnimeviael Tocugalze; ity
Willimantic, Conn.—* For five years I suffered untold agony from female much uneasiness among those who 23 Henry Dourte, Union Square. | At least twenty times during a period for {ht y y clo 8 ha makes a permanent customer
- troubles causing backache, irregularities, dizziness, and nervous prostra- intend moving in the spring. "24 Annie M. Gibble, Mastersonville. of six months I had the same dream or this store out of every man who buys it, for it satisfles in every par-
tion, It was impossible for me to walk up stairs without stopping on the Anna Johnson of Lancaster visited 24 G. Moyer,, Mt. Joy. namely, that a cat was clawing at my | ticular, and it can be bought at a saving of from one-third to nearly one-
7 tried three Anchors and cach told mo something different, I received Mirfam Kendig Saturday and Sunday 24 Amos Earhart, W. Donegal. throat, The singe Setting and the wi. | WAM of thelr full value,
no benefit from any of them but seemed to suffer more. ‘I'he last doctor and they visited the Art exhibit at 26 Cyrus Heisey, Mastcrsonville. Nor incidents might vary, but Blways
said it was no use for me to take anything as Duthing would restore me B Mt. Joy and were very pleasantly en- 26 Enos Miller, E. Petersburg. the coat ohisade > 2 fue same, oy
health again, So I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compounc srtnine . . > . 4 Op ola Tord 3 usually the fury o 1e dream cat's Oo O 5
to see what it would do, and by taking seven bottles of the Compound and te 1 ane d at supper by Miss May 2e dom Uy olge Hath, l ion Square. onset was so great that it would .
other treatment you advised, I am restored to my natural health.”—Mrs., Flowers. 27 Levi E. Miller, Penn twp. awaken me. Naturally this recurrent FOR SUITS YOU CAN'T MATCH UNDER $16.00
ErrA DONOVAN, 762 Main Street, Willimantic, Conn. In a letter today from a friend in, 27 A. S. Kreider, near Lawn. dream puzzled me, so much so thai | Sinzle-breasted Sack 8
Letter from Mr Winfield Dana Augusta Me. Virginia he says: “The south can no 27 H. E. Garber, Bossler’'s church. spoke about it. x0 : waar ba Sults; snappy, new models; well tailored;
er iro 5. - . 11 ? lth longer boast of the Sunny South as 28 Jacob S. Henny, Penn twp. Then one day the accident of good variety of fabrics and colors
o==**T,vdia BE. Pinkham’s Vegetable C ( d has cured : ins : . :
Wi ome Dd IT pe mp “Hy a i I 23% it is just as cold or colder than in 28 William H. Nauman, Rapho twp, heavy cold that settled in my throm
ackache, headache, an e bad pai i y right side, i or : . . lien) evatning ki Wit
Beery WL ee Mr WINFIELD Dae R.I.D. No. 2, Augusta, Me. Penna But he has not tried our 28 Al. Shaefer, Rapho twp. led to a medical examination, whic, 1 O O 5
: $ ' 3 zero weather. 28 Mrs. D. Hitz est., Elizabethtown, much to ny Re Tevoaled Tin .
Letter from Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Newport, Vt. After marrying Miss Ella Wittle 29 Michael Grove, Maytown. Tr x FOR SUITS YOU CAN'T MATCH UNDER $18 AND $20
y Vt—*1 thank v he great benefit Lydia E. Pinkham's Qe dav \ . - | 96 "ATV . Me ’i afe treatment by furgeon's xnile. rn :
vey Vimeri] fasgte you lor fie rest B i yu 4 sinus on Saturday at the home of her par 2 Henry Hummer, Elstonville. Some time afterward it suddeniy oc- Two and three-button Coat styles, in olives, browns, tans and blacks;
of o Jegetable Cc ( d has me 3, ook £ L S & 8 Thiel SYTIAY Ny 2 fa " ae. 92 xa a0 ri , : y : : S ?
4 for me, as. I ih nervous wreck when 1 began taking it. I shall always ents, Bernard Herr and his bride, ac- 29 Isaac Witmer, Mt. Joy twp. curred to me that since the removal | materizls are Worsteds, Cheviots, Cassimeres, ete.; all the best models.
5 speak a good word for it to my friends.”—Mrs., JouN A. TuoMPsSON, Box 3. companied by Leroy Wachtel and MARCH of the dangerous growth 1 had not
13% Newport Center, Vermont. family started last Monday for 1 Michael Walkenbaugh, Mt. Joy. | once been troubled by the cat clawing
1 Georgia, their future home, i Nathi Yi . . ; dream. Its significance now began to $ 1 ? 5 O
oo - s : Nathan Gibble, Mastersonville.
3 Letter from Miss Grace Dodds, Bethlehem, N.H. Mrs. Willis G. Kendig of Lancas- a 1 i mI souvilie dawn on me .
i i 5 ashi Lo > «andls, 3 C 0. .
2 Bethlehem, N.H.—* By working very hard, sweeping carpets, washing, ter, Mrs.’ 1. 8. Weiss and the Misses | » hy ’ I had suffered no paln, not even In FOR SUITS YOU CAN'T MATCH UNDER $23.00
. froning, lifting heavy baskets of clothes, ete., I got all run down. I was Mary Shenk and Ellzaboti Pelt 2 John Conrad, near Marietta. convenience, from the growth in my Ls foc a 1 . ; a :
ex Si ii bed overy month. Mary Shenk and Elizabeth eifer | 5 Reuben Ruhl, near Manheim. throat. In Tact 1 had nat consciously Extraordinary value; regular $23.00 Suits; in Worsteds, Cheviots,
o op # Thic lac ops v y * reli x 0. Pinkham'’s porets v - LL. Ke ier Se re § 1 c ° 2 s : . L Y | ote * > , , ie Rana
3 a1 oe ry ul her fee in ims Yih nd oti igo Balung 2 ond MIs | 2 Mrs. Anuie Boyer, Manheim. | been aware of its presence. But un. etc.; some of the very best models shown this season are in this lot.
Fi ei tare that 1-did, and do not have to go tobed. I will tell all : he 1 Io a i Tar) en °f 4 william Good, Mt. Joy twp. | questionably the organje changes ac
+3 my friends what the Compound is doing for me.”—Miss Gracie B. Dopps, Landisville, visited the Art Exhibit | 4 g 3; Brubaker, E. Donegal twp. | companying it had given rise to sensa-
> Box 133, Bethlehem, N.H. in the Mount Joy Hall on Saturday | 4 wm. Chapman, Elizabethtown. | tlons which, slight though they Wore 1 4 . O 5
odo] weninge ‘ r ki y AMAT ro - NG: : | ade 3 asi r sleep
+3 For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable rr wg jp ie igo a his 2 Jolin Sinjen Duuls ural. a I ali oaten FOR SUITS YOU CAN'T MATCH UNDER $27.00
a Compound has been the standard remedy for fe- hassed on Fron. Jsraynill an 8 | 5 Samuel Holwager, Mt. Joy twp.| 108 couscious te Tercrrais. Gra :
$3 male ills, Noone sick with woman’s ailments efficient corps of assistants for the | r wn, Keenard, Peck’s church it to activity. My recurrent dream In single-breasted styles, of fancy and mixed Worsteds; olive, tan
4 does justice to herself who will not try this fa- privilege of viewing such a fine ex- | 4 ; ind : i N : consequently was to be regarded as @ | ,,q hrown and black Cheviots and Cassimeres, that will give the best pos-
: mous medicine, made from roots and herbs, it nibition. in ar 6 J. H. Linc emuth, Mt. Joy. symbolic representation of the disor-| oo oo CT sizas
> has restored somany suffering women to health. oh | 6 H. B. Gingrich, Union Square. der in my throat—an attempt to inter. = Rr, .
hy . yf EE i i . i :
4 Write to LYDIA E. PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. | 6 C. C. Ebersole, Bainbridge. pret it, to explain it. And, indeed
) TRE™ CoxtipeaniaL) LYNN, MASS., for advice, If they succeed in forming that! 7 yy B. Shearer, Mastersonville. even in the dream, for all its fantastic ’
+3 Your letter will be opened, read and answered (28 ZI $20,000,000 collar trust, we know | 7 andrew McKee, E. Donegal twp. Imagery and symbolism, the seat of en s vercoats
2 by a woman ¢ ! in strict confidence. LYOIA E PINKHAM where the blic will get it the trouble was indicated plains
$3 y vhere the public will ge . 7 J. L. Ebersole, Conoy twp. ae ou) vas oie A fib
+3 r . \ . " " Wolerat 7 Geo. Demmy, Reich's church. Suaach as } cold aphieslom alter tie Convertible or velvet collar styles; fashionable styles, in the best-
» rice > » p sured ad complete 118 iabors, i, oterinle “ "a SAF rye fh St -
merican Plan tates Moderate | Samuel Nornhold, Union Square. Sue dis pA reported be. Al liked materials. Colors are brown, gray, tan; full length or three-quar
» We Thank RF O11 i = = | 8 S. B. Fahnestock, Manheim. | trod Maury. ane of the earliest sei ter models.
n a 5 0 . ymuel ressler, Doregal twp. | tific inve ator ie phe $15.00 FOR $25.00 OVERCOATS.
3 U ( & UO 9 Henry Shearer, near Mt. Hope. of sleep, who dreamed that he w ; J .
The Bulletin has just closed another successful year in business, and OQ) 9 Mrs. Jos. Habecker, Marietta. living in Perris d 1 tho. Torror ai $10.98 FOR $20.00 OVERCOATS.
it is fitting that at this time a word of appreciation should be extended Mount Joy Pa { 9 Isaac Moyer, Conewago twp. Iisa ec m he Pro eho ue $ 9.95 FOR $18.00 OVERCOATS.
. ( Te . icepav 1 > rp any ¢ y g adventures he ts. me . > Oye ROO A TR
to the readers and advertisers who have helped to make its achievements ? 9 Walter Heisey, Conoy church. : antirod. Toteet ond saat q $ 7.50 FOR $12.00 OVERCOCATS.
¢ nr 3 ar war vi as captured, trea and entence
possible, by their substantial support in its efforts to serve the public of > 9 Henry E. Martin, hear Florin. execution. He saw himself drag . , - . mmm —————
y D) 0 : ; : : a J M. Backenstoe, I ro. 11 John F. Landis, Penn twp. through the streets amid a clam
Mount Joy and vicinity in all the legitimate functions of a newspaper 11 Isame Tschudy, near Colebrook. Ura mE odo dodocorfoofrfodospooefofodododosfefododosofodoentosuoouoedeoofee dose
looking toward sound home and business building. eres {12 Samuel Hummer, Manheim. Scaffold and hare his neck to th %
Has just been remodeled thruout 12 Geo. Hall, near Marietta, blow. In that instant as the gu % . .
.. a as all modern conveniences sueh | ts Henry Fry, near Rbeems. tine knife d¢ cended he awoke to ‘ i uU nited Sta tes I= lectric
Advertisin el oder Coneenlenees ath | 12 Joe. Neweomor Hot, Mt. Joy. | that a piece of the cornice of his bed &
o Heat, Electric Light, Ete ’ | 13 BE. H. Zercher, Mt. Joy. bad al n and struck him on the net * : .
! Pl TH : or Ht ino oa : al : Testifying even more impressively t
During the year 1911 the Bulletin carried more local, more foreign | { 13 Samuel Lindemuth, Bainbridge. the twofold action of the dream pro 3 Shoe Repairing 0.
+3 and more classified advertising than any of its contemporaries, enabling | Fable is Supplied With the Best 14 Emory Warlel, t. Joy ess and to its rapidity is a dream ex |<
ES 3 ye " 15 D. C. Ebersole, near Marietta. perience of my own. In thls dren :
i t to distance them by a very substantial margin. the Market Affords. {16 Lewis Farmer, Manheim. IL wes Gniking nlons at might alos *
Ts | 116 Mrs. Ricker Est., Mt. Joy. country road It was lined on bot! |g
3b ; = o89 | 16 W. S. Shank, Rapho twp. sides by trees which, as 1 learned 3 i .
3 - ° 1 ti | 18 M. Reed & Son, Lawn. from a man who presently Joined ni % a ® e . While You Wait
3 1PCUIATION | Also Lunch Counter | 19 Milton Miller, Silver Springs. | were laden with fruit. I picked some Gg e airin 3
3 i OINTR F ate them as we walked and | oe
4 = : ; . ; ay : {19 Elizabeth S. Leib, Manheim. pests and nie thom 25 We walked and joy On Short Notice
1% The circulation is steadily increasing because we give such blg value | \jore Soups, Sandwiches, Cheese, |19 Samuel Gish, Bainbridge. talked The vad Sopmen I over lz .
13 for the money. From eight to fourteen pages of good reading matter is | Fripe, Oysters in Every Style | 90 Jonn Shultz, near Maytown. qo a I ahs ay stint i%
bo 4 worth several times the subscription price. Our circulation has grown | Ktc., Etc. are served | 21 H. S. Newcomer, Mount Joy. it i in bis home and invited me t >
ogo of | ) EE as 11 1 Lg 1 t
oo op to such an extent that we feel free in saying it surpasses that of any | 121 J. H. Levenight, Elizabethtown. pass the nizht with him. After a th HE
T3 weekly in this county. art (23 O. H. Musser, Manheim. Ing walk we renched the house. ag You can get your shoes renaired for a small sum,
: 1 : | mn {23 A. M. Diehm, White Oak. small two room cabin. He retired into | 8
+3 { BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS ' 23 ». Blough, ElizabetLtown. the inner room and I Tou to bd in > a good job at that, work that is guaranteed, on very
. { oe ry . oun tor 12 ot been long asleon | «BM e oh a : &o er ’ .
° | nop in ane \ 28 Geo. Hall est., near Marietta. the outer had not , 5 3
13 3 1912 | OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS | 20 Seo, Tall est. near | when, In toy dren, 1 was awakened | § CR Re
. uring (4 | Seas 29 J. B. Keller, Mt. Joy. by the noise of somebody running, snd | § short notice. For every fifteen minutes disappo nt—
1 = | 30 Mrs. Peter Singer, near Elm. ihe eon a Ashe. thio It %
- 3 It shall be the aim of the management to make the Bulletin a stil} Good Stabling Accomodation NAA EE mind that my host was > ment we will pay $35.00 ['rv us and be convinced. %
+ ; ; : : wwe ang r y “ y { wi) 5 x 1 a " h oe
5 3} more welcome guest at every fireside in this section, and thus augment Local and Long Distance Telephones | Deafness Cannot Be Cured : ; i ; ! GAY, ¥ Jeapec MN Ze “i 1 ' wa een ; i
ogo ofp its value to the reader as a dependable news medium and to the adver- by local lie ns. ; caniot ma ' 93 ; ee and aed i New ang modern machinery installed jan. I ) 1 I
3d . vl > ARNG Then i oke ; i +
3p iser as a business t aT. | ’ « y | a0 distiz rd on t pave : (3
+3 mess baller Coleeedesorfodedosfuioforbofutotoisdadodefodofopede and 1 0 orn 3 % x
3p | # : iD ; { TL 5 - —— pv —
T b | ar aw ; Ei} i ! Tee in 3 od
LCA HARRY WILLIAMS Font juste: | vied foot ervh % 3
pn {3 ED A Er ET & | hearin !, | cloar that these two words. pel : 5 » y
/ ASS a { BARBER I: hd ae | eur th So t = pe * X ) u *
a. 7 X Se 3 - a < fl ; : ( t 3 ing to i : > on e oh ks Be +
| : $i ; ; provid 3 imult oe . Lo
OFFERING ANY OF OUR * Shaving Massaging Eh . i han Ll 3
|$ Hair Cutting Razors Honed | w 1di ed + DONAVEN'S OLD STAND MOUNT JOY, PENNA. %
STH FF OR Cry" T H A TS { * Shampooing Toilet Waters & of | ( re of « 1 ! 3 3
_— { £> f' Ca? 7 i i i 4 \ 4 : nzeing Shaving Soaps i : : vy { 1 in the * — A 3
: ek ~ o : of I co., 0, Ohio. f a Ii 1i4t narrative of :
IN $2.50 QUALITY, AT $1.98. ANY OF OUR $2.00 QUALITY AT $1.49 ; 3 Sold by Pru : ar tia > ; ws '. Bin © ;
: iy 3s y Wal 3 AT $1 en * Agency For Elkhorn Laundry 3 ge ko Hall's amily nsipation. nal adventure * Don’t Forget The Place, Donovan $ Old Stand
5; BALANCE OF OUR Op. First National Rank... = : o_o Dreams may be produced by the | 5
~ : Ny res . vis SAY > wit + use « artit irritants One sl¢ ( +
MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA 4 $15.00 to $50.00 per Week hogs Aout iochtly Hekled wi FecGostoatostaifosfesgooforerfosfortertacfoofoeteofonefosfonferfesfestoefooestantost stork erpesgerrepesfodesfosterfonforieifuieciodd
Fae 1 ~~ ae we : Ww whi 1 ligh ti eoled $ 3
t- \V; ~~ ™ { pa sdeoderireleskelecdeedunfoefecdesdoedudesdonodefofodesdecd We will teach you salesmanship goqiher, 10d horrible drea: : AAT EE A AE S—
t Heav V LAPS ana Gloves Doo of foulion nd 8 Bowie Siem remem
5 | C. 8. MUSSI HE BAK lling o “High Qual- (
i-from-prize-winning | face (
1S; 2 § Bread nd « s Delivers a Nursery Stock. | d
Bo, through tow y sry offers such great L of 3
3 AA Cruller iI the planter. Perma-| = i of tho
1 I 2Very Wwe 1 ¢ il year-round position. Pay fr Y Fe i i + ere iod to :
8 i el ind 5 nptly. Outfl Write be-| grate dr of capture and to Owing to a ard season we have hundreds of pairs of shoes in ali
3 I 01 atient { fore your territory ten Rocky 1 1 bandits who styles and leathers that must be sold to make room for our Spring stock.
x Store & Bake: | West Main Street | ppNNSYLVANIA NURSERY CO. | that the dreamer knew how to « There is no attempt at profit making—our sole object is the immediate
“ | } _unt Joy, Pa. i Girard, Erie Co., Pa. « "ind 1 and i his { dishonal of our broken lines.
—— oI Aranch Store at FE. Heam's | jan. 3-3 mo. fc 4 1 2 der © 3 pel I 4 Sco our windows for the Dollar Saving Sale. Lights on until 10 o'clock
ide . f ni a oY the Sia CORR
ah very evening.
in- {I 11 F111 SUP TERING an J ;
in E 101501 1) 111 & DOES UPHOLSTERING Frightful Polar Winds of | pati |
wn sl 4 1 3 11 1 (r ARTY i PONAT , eta GoM y Blow with terrific force at the far paralyzed i vas followed by | ypadjes’—Tan, Patent, Gun Metal, Men's—Patent, Gun Metal, Tan,
» J 1eac 1ng r1'CeIl 71 0cery ® Sisons hoying upholstering to |, py, ang play havoc with the skin, | 0r¢ 0} Fo ans ed Ie 1.53 Romain Cloth, Welt Sole, Cuban Button and Blucker, for office and
5 | 10. sushi as sofas, lounges, beds, or causing red, rough or sore chapped Doer ‘and must fo doce IY Nv [Heel. Values up to $5.00. Now street wear; Values to $6.00; Now
E 8 lacing window shades thi ) He Jen's | P1ACEd On ted Lot iron plates 30 on $2.85
- a | icing window shades or any ng hands and 1 4 0. RI $2.85.
i : ands &@ ps, that need Bucklen’s | $2.85. %
= HARRY E. BROOKS & CO. B 0 general repair work, will confer | , _. oi. aa | . Tr 5 . 1. Ta and Men’ > nara? , *
= : Arnica Salve to heal them. It makes | pif vit} ut lavghing is a dreary | Ladies’—Gun Metal, n Men's and Poys’ Heavy Sole Lace .
E Bs g
= New Haven Street, Mount Joy, Penna B|* favor and save money by calling |, oxin soft and smooth. Unrivaled | lank. Ti: keray. | Patent, Lace and Button, Values tc and Patent Leather; Values up to
Qe } me. Prices are erisht. for cold-sores also burns, boils, sores, ——- re 1$3.50; Now $1.85. $3; Now $1.85.
. . : ee . uicers cuts, bruises and piles. Only $100 Per Plate | Misses’ and Children’s Shoes— | Boys’ and Little Gents'—Tan,
= All Kinds of Fruit 5 23.8 H. 8. man P 25 cents at S. B. Bernhart & Co’s., | was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay | Gun Metal, Button and Lace, Vici. (Patent and Gun Metal; Lace; Vai-
in Season me oy in New Orleans in 1842. Mighty Pat. Tip; Values to $2.25;Now $1.15 ues to $2.50; Now $1.15.
———— ARR ree |
costly for those with stomach trouble,
Wanted lor indigestion. Today people every
A man in each township to can- | where use Dr. King’s New Life Pills |
vass from house to house. One) |for these troubles as well as liver, | -
who has small farm and team and |kidney and bowel disorders. Easy, |
Fresh Fish Every Friday.
2 | . would devote one day each week pre- safe, sure. Only 25 cents at S. Bi
sof Telephone Orders Will Receive Pro mpt Attention. Re oo dns Samples Free. Sold | fered. No invetsment needed. Per-|Bernhart & Co's, Mount Joy, Pa, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY
iF Independent Phone EE manent business can easily be es- ——- re ee i
desde B = | Sold in M1. Joy byE. W. Garber and W. D. Chandler | tablished. Write A. L. Metz, Cham-| Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. |
sree) : TO AT AIT | ~ ¢, Co. | Cat for free sampie. | bersburg, Pa. jan. 24-2t.| Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin (18 North Queen Street, LARCASTER, PENNA