| SX EI ISLS EA ATA TTR] TREX TERE TR TT RTS TTT RT AAA AANA AA at “ s THE Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Buy the Prairie State The Bulletin me want an incubator that per cent. buy the Prairie { State. No better evidence than these | three 1 che by Mr. Harry Gainor ( I Carmany of East Donegal. 100 ¢ 97 chicks. 100 eggs, 98 chicks 3, 100 chicks Is the place to get | ou. you with in fact any ] a neat and quick [ErRmaRE you | Will also supply eggs for hatching . or chicks from thoroughbred Barred 10 O g00 | Rocks or White Leghorns \ Y ® ® | kL I . leer Florin Penna Instead of Liquid Antiseptics«Peroxide many people are now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicia. powder to be dissolved in water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses it is better and more economical, YOU GET TEN CELEBRATED S. & H. Trading Stamps WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PUR WILL CHASED FOR CASH AT TQ clause and whiten the | let us tell you, careless one, that N.Y., Feb, 29, by Ward Line Steam- | iia i tartar and when you cram your stomach with er by way of Havana, Cuba, to Vera | desisouieefoofuioofodssfogoofodesfoodoofororfefodooferforordoooofosoofssfsforfofontosfosonfosocfofoodesfoaentortntontontorted nove foefocjosforocforfosfocfoofefooferfosfesfonfesforforfonde To disinfect the mouth, de- what you consider luxuries, and eat Cruz, Mexico. Second excursion |g ’ : AKOI'S | "ay dice ri Fag | he in a 1 Neon Wr § THE PEOPLE'S MARBLE § Wd the breath. th quad J [ner-ven rings, whether you want it further particulars address J 3 < « ee an : or CORL and bridreworkelean, odoisess jor not; when you sleep in a hot, un- B. A. HADSELL p & GRANITE WORKS 2 i To remove nicotine from the teeth and | ventilated room, or even a cold, un- Lititz, Pa. |g z purify the breath after smoking. | ventilated room, or take alcoholic or — etl ee 4 z LUMBER YARDS To eradicate perspiration and body Aline ti anis: 6 I : , 5 $ odors by sponire batho other unnatural stimulanis; use Next Boxing Show + Now is the time to order Cemetery work for Spring at big reduct- F The best antiseptic wash known. tobacco in any unreasonable way; or The next show of the Lancaster |g lous. Satisfaction guaranteed. T : : Sure d t Elizabetht w 3 ? Mount Joy Penna Relieves and strengthens tired, weak, | Decotte a coffee fiend; drink water Athletic club takes place on Thurs- I ure cays a zabethtown, Wednesday and Saturdays. 4 : ingumedeyes, Heals Soretnroat, wounds | at is not pure, or indulge in any gay night, Feb. 15. It will include 3 3 . y J ’ y d en 25 and 50 cts. a box, ¢ roi i . Bn : ! ; a ras Neo. 1 olay ingles Anags on Lang or by mail postpaid. Sample Poaar [ercem, or expose yourself unnecess- gix houts with nearly all local boys | & OPPOSITE 8S. G. HERSHEY'S STORE, PARK STREET. 3 Also Siding, ooring, Sash, Door , inds, Mouldings, Lath, E THE PAXTON TOILET CO..Boston, Ma arily, to inclement weather, no mat- '55 follows: Ye iS ‘ + Ind. Phone 610D., Elizatethtow 723B., Ma; a . : L i , ¢ as S: bung Russell and “ n, or -» Maytown, Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate Se | sr how young and strong you are ie Sectoid Who Was nian 3 z 5 3 n a 3 ih v ’ g oe) > as «¢ all) - es Quickly J Cloertal¥ male oan Xmas Ruins i =} | vou are laying yourself liable to one injured on New Year’s; Johnny Grei- | 4 KEENER & NICHOLAS, Proprietors 3 eiepwne No. te pposite . . . eno { i |of the preventable diseases that Dr. per vs. Johnny Lober, of Philadel | § . + — TE _ EE —) ! | Drake has shown up. And yet there phia, who will put up a forfeit for | Elizabethtown and Mavytown 3 SV LO OCT ! ' [= nothing much more contemptible pig appearance: Tim Droney vs. i CHARLES W. CORLE Mgr., Elizabethtown. 4 = & # : “ : po i in personal habit than ‘“molly-codd- frankie Houck brother of Leo he id i ank Ky ‘CO | wpefoafoatoofechrofocoofosfecfesfatectoof of ofesfestonteod ufoefoofonfortorfeofectonfeoieof elertontefocfesforforfortoofeciesforoforforfocfesfocioriodd STOCK - TAKING - SALE i [ling.” The Home Health Club does fouck: Patsey Flannagan, of Har- " | . { not advise that by any means. risburg vs. Young McGrady, of Co- |= . — " - wo; A matchless opportunity for great savi igh- { : ’ = > Ihe A rade Le Supore andl 2h i ig on giricHly high Be temperate, use common-sense, jymbhia, and Kid Clinton vs. Johnny g 3 y . : | ¢ | fight for fresh, pure air and the same Weimer, two rattling light weights : While every month is a month of unusual values In this gg! fart 5 St oullivato cood RAO: Yio 1 ? 1 = b i A S ater; c¢ ate goo ; lw ave wer before been see store, yet it is in January that the necessity for quick stock deruc- © ] g a : : rie. who have never before heen seen in : . : A _ { | be kind and helpful; “Do unto oth- 'sny ping, but are corkers. Charley e our al ec 1 S ing and general clearance of many lines of merchandise contain- 1 1 : . E A ut < 4 | Bi ¢ |ers as you would that others should (ojlins of Columbia, will meet Abe ed in stock is most urgent to us. Never has the beginning of a = | yi ; fig hi obs Fi3ts : s Tr : = | ; |do unto you,” in which, the Naza- willis of Lebanon, who is said to be ’ = new business year found us with so large a stock on hand as 1912. = I lrene has said: ‘is all" the law and - Be % WE, : 2 : Vesis nm | dat Se . 5 ¢ > le ¢ a comer. . . - A wonderful large variety of different styles are represented H | | the prophets,” and the chances are : rin e at 1S 0 1ce ® in all the different woods in the thousand and some various piec- | | a Drew ; rq = f : = | | that a preventable disease will never A Girl’s Wild Midnight Ride = es involved in this sale, thus assuring the fulfillment of all indi- =m! | : ] ie dn 3 : id y mn : , . J 8 | even reach the neighborhood of your To warn people of a fearful for- & vidual requirements in matching your present home furnishing or . I 200d Health LL 2 = suiting any idea for complete room or home furnishing. At a 1 e ad ¢ i J * CI UB NOTE est fire in the Catskill a young girl c— — | X \ , i > 1 4 . y sebac o f - = SE ——— B saving that run up as much as one-third. £ | ; up. Look for QC. rg ; rode horseback at midnight and sav % Bf stamp inside each ring. Call and { | Pear Doctor: ed many lives. Her deed was glor- " . usRE = | get free birthstone card. | Is there any cure for carbuncle? j,ug but lives are often saved by o | ; i op [= WESTENBERG GER Minzy & ‘MYERS, hl K. V. FEGLEY, | Have been troubled with them for Dr. King’s New Discovery in curing Y | bd ee {the last five years. Had them re- juype tr wourhs i | 125-131 East King St, LANCASTER, PA. m | Mount Joy. Pa. | on Tre Ei em Te ihung trouble, sougns | 2 | Gols, = ’ * = | moved three times and they are still which might have ended in consump- ° MEO PO TO TT a | : | rowing and are very painful, I tion or pneumonia. “It cured me 1&0] Terms Moderate. Bell Telephone. | ,: I rt me OV pu—— A id | like your new department very a dreadful cough and lung disease ae CHARLES S. FRANK | much. writes W. R. Patterson, Wellington, | 1. 8 Dilimiens ites tous 3 TL ATIC” i ve + Texas, ‘‘after four in our family had You Can Have But Oe | AUCTIONEER oy A carbuncle means a destruction gjeq with consumption, and I gain- eo | Bory r JOY, PA. | of the skin and the tissues directly oq 87 pounds.” Nothing so sure en A] Prompt Attention given to Sales of | beneath. It is most common with and safe for all throat and lung Pair Of Eyes 1in my Eg LTV (3 EAT NTS HITS Real Estate and Personal Property. | elderly or feeble persons, and pro- troubles. Price 50c¢. and $1.00. ey : Heference: Jonas L. Minnich. duces severe constitutional symp- rial bottle free. Guaranteed by S. O us And should take the best possible care of them. The assistance of | toms. Occasionally more than one B. Bernhart & Co : i } 3 av 3 OQ TV. i y in . y . ¥ 5 . . > lc « +U. Glasses may be necessary—in which case you should choose with care carbuncle may appear on the body baie E——— your Optician. : eh ba } at one time, and if so the constitu- A Te: “Red Rose Rag.” Ie 4 : Co eamster Hurt ( ose kag. Mand We will be glad to welcome you to our OPTICAL ROOM, and will : 4 - 4 | tional symptoms are apt to be M J I h J 1 | : S f 4 vw ns eee tgs or MrT Josepn Jorsey ored 1 examine your eyes FREE, | BRO rr Ca : ‘I We z ” 0 | 4 i | slave, teamster for Mr. Kraybill at EI E Wan a Gir), Hor i 8 Poultice the spot with flaxseed bethtown, was returning home fi ym “ Q 1 , vith cold seal Have - : : )ceana Roll.” “M 2 ging 1» Ba univeD pI e over : goldenseal. Hav Manheim when he fe off his he ye 8 From RY I Nn ncision ade across tine car- 1 he wheel Ms RhAAVY. v RE : 5 a 1 Cs ; oc} 7h. ghia id: th of a v y Sra Knock Wood.” “In i} yf Harmony.’ Sold incle, which should be cut deeply ir Tat ™ 3 ! I SCG over nim. mr 1 ey i - v and then annl he youltice be- and ther i the pou 3 hor happened to c« 11¢ 1 1jo Rag.” M ~ > . NEE a Shavi alr > c ore vould 1 cial ioh¥ 4 ob : t x or to Shaub & Co's. Shoe Store J KWELER AND OPTICIANS having Halr Cutting for. v ak oid 1 1? he unfortunate 1 ) N 3 Ie H I -8 * town where Dr. A, F. S der a 20 N. QUEEN ST.. LANCAS "n ITerc 7 I : AD +1 : : : Alexander's Ragtime B ” Q ? X Joseph B. Hershey 1 1 the him. He was taken to ti a Alexander's Ragtime Band. —— ma | . = ed 1d t 1T¢ rrh. 1 Hi rist 3 ted I Like the Hat, I Like the Dress.’ EY A — I onsoria i ar lor hat I © Ve four he suffered a fracture of the arm “You'll Do the Same Thing Over Li. o } | Vv t ul- 2 Th . RTT . |] es heek bone “After the Honev ” > \ £ e ne Hon oon. LUNG DISEA QF 8: gi, g | Past Main Si, MOUNT JOY rface e of witch - the Honeymed A an 3 5 $ | Three Chairs. No Waiting hazel - one OHRCe 1 n “After four in our far ily had died f © H| Agen for the Middletown Steam ; Contains Much Information oe . 3 Bg a5C1 . alad plaid | warm water one pint A small syr- 1.1 ¥ y h d h of consumption 1 was taken with > J) Laundcy. Goods called for Tuesday | immo should ho warn Tho erin SFE re indebted to Hon. w. w. 1 N@S@ &Nd Others on Sale S¢ a Cery a frightful cough and lung le, 4 D B and Qelivered Toidav Inge 1d sed, re stream Will | oct for a copy of the biographical but my life was saved and I gained ? # | : ne wath away all accumulations. While | __ statistical direct f the second ; 30 87 pounds through using fy suppuration lasts these poultices| . . oo ca directory o 9 So If music is to be mailed, add one cent for postage. DR. KING’ > 5 ; 8 | told i : : : sion of the sixty-second Congress, i i 0 | 3 | should e constantly applied. Ir : : 3 4 | Songer ADpHOC ! which is on our desk. ———————— | NEW E oo C, “and my § SEST At Eastons’ Stewing Kettles ......... veeend Club lately, in which he demonstrat-| The Conestoga Traction company Paring BROIVES «vvososves “ad Bc ed some startling facts connected [realising the importance of educat- Dust Paps ia.ovas.. ius. Ce with his specialty, The panels ‘ng the public along lines which will | showed that out of 32,800 deaths in tend to lessen the number of accl- | Granite Wash Basing .......... 10¢ Chicago last year, 13,600 were caus- | dents occurring dally, by reason of | Large Tih Buckets «...i.:4s ..10¢ ©d by preventable diseases, that one people throwing caution to the winds | baby out of five dies before two years have discontinued outside advertise- Bucket Wash Boards .........10c of age, that many of the deaths from | ments, on the back of their transfers | ROHInG PIAS «cose vee treres ++ 10¢ preventable diseases arise from bad and have, instead of the advertise- | » ror Pp , ventilation, In 1911 there were 4, ment, the following: Flower Pots from x W100 929 death, or 15 per cent, of the to- CAUTION { Fly Swatlers ......... v+r000020€ ta) number of deaths in Chicago from | DON'T—Cross tracks without look- | Flour SleVeB ....:.rtcicicr tees 10c¢ | pneumonia; in the same period there ing both ways . were 3,726 or 11 percent from tuber- DON'T Fail when leaving a car to | Coffee FPercolators ........... 10¢ culosis or consumption, look up and down the street for an | small Frying Pans «.....:c00e0s Be A great many persons laugh at the approaching vehicle. { China Mustard Jars .......... 10c dea of prevention of disease. They | DON'T— Jump on or off a car while say: ‘Do you suppose anyone is go-' it is in motion, Antiseptic Slates ............ 10¢ ing to be sick just for the fun of DON'T--Get off facing rear of car. [it?"” or “How is anyone to avoid DON'T Cross opposite track with- I ALUMINUMWARE FREE being sick if the disease gets after out looking for car approaching in With every $50 worth of checks him?" And yet here is a scientific opposite direction. man, employed by a great city, who DON'T-- Let your children play near givemr at our store we will give abso- oe . lutely free a very beautiful 2-quart comes with indubitable facts and street car tracks, - Tea and Coffee Pot. figures showing how a frightful I'his move on the part of the Trac- percentage of people in his baili- tion Company will no doubt result tASTON & EASTON Nil order to keep up and ® YY g| 1 i 18 Fai not work Tiont, : nourishing diet, sufficient exercise |, tiv hat : 5 DIS C ov E RY 1: but four r bott tles of Electric Bitters . and sleep in well ventilated rooms. immunity bath, they got a hot water | nn 0. W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex. i made me feel like a new man.” CIE DIGEST ION 3 she {one BE Suc and $1.00 AT ALL DRUGEISTS. i} | § PRICE $9 CTs. AT ALL DRUG STORES. | ee hos | . 5 . Read the Mt. Jov Bulletin . | Subscribe for the Buflatin. 3 24 WW EST KING STREET . - Wednesday, brus arf o BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. —— — “DON'T” FOR THE PUBLIO Home Health Club Preventable Maladies—Dr. C. St. Clair Drake, of the Chicago bureau « onestoga Traction Company Trying of vital statistics, exhibited four to Prevent Accidents panels at the opening of the City | No Matter How You View It THERE'S AN ADVANTAGE IN i wick die from preventable diseases. in preventing many accidents, and Youn Broth rn Carria Ww ol Any intelligent person knows that should meet with the commendation ol 2 8 ge © if he goes out in zero weather, with of the public THAT WILL ALWAYS CLAIM YOUR ATUENTION. IT IS his coat off and his collar thrown op- — [en and in summer shoes that he is Next Excursion to Mexico v C t 11 M d P q going to get a severe illness—that B. A. Hadsell, who has spent over us om Qua ity at 10 erate rices he will probably ‘catch his death” two years trying to interest the Riv- There can be no better time to order a new wagon for Spring tham as the old folks used to express it. er Brethren, (Dunkard) Brethren | now ¢ stands to reason that we can give more attention to a job over Of course this is an extreme ex- and Mennonites in Mission work the winter months than during the busy sea ind naturally you get a imple But where are you going to 'in the Tropic of Mexico, re- | grgt-class job. y draw the line? There are thousands ports the work progressing nicely We also have some fine sleighs ready for vour inspection. of way for obtainix diseases that Se ral of our town people, includ- it strong healthy person would laugh ing Daniel Wolgemuth, Harry Engle — Wt An old soldier who has a dec Clinton Engl ind Abram Martin, eated « e ( chronic rheumatisn ompanied hi on one of his ex- YOUNG =F . (®. i rT lew 1 0; “During | and all were rhted with hy hl nt ale Bh a Ped 4 war | was that strong and |thejfftrip and the Country and speak | yoy melephone FLORIN, PENNA. Ithy ecemed f cannon- yey highly of it as a great Mission 1 wonld rouble hur fie d, Iso a 1 land of perpetual TT — n very much Many a time aft ced tir and arvest, a land form nym Vi RO gl = FOF 1 or nd t n march of ] oft tO ra where fx i iA 4 7 ERE | w= ¥ i 1 ile in th hea ind dust he 1 fat and dv for the butch- oa 8 2A A Rd a 8 } 5 voul nto camj LU er a 11 t 1€ of the eal running l¢ elf down in gn the evergreen gra thout hay is the only kind 1 sell Furnitnre nrutture p i emed to be the rain, but thin are changing I comfortable place I could think The tide of emigration from the 4 -k > M 1 - | {all R: ks if, to sleep. Older men would say; United States has turned southward ROCKETS L ITOors triad ACK$ “You'll pay for that one of these gnd those large tracts are now being . " N vs t a= A19 Derisg Iurge thacly ate Naw Laing Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks I could not understand why any devoting it to cattle fattening, hogs, N . » x thing that didn't hurt me, right corn, sugar cane, rice, tobacco, cotton Extension & Other 1 ables, D aven F ort there and then, could hurt me years hroom corn, coffee, rubber, cocoa- . . “ . after, but I know now. If I had tak- nuts, Henequen chocolate, oranges, China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets | en the trouble to cool off in even the hananas, limes, pineapples, lemons, sensible horse hand- fruits too In fact anything nthe Furniture Line Hadsell rav- | same way that a papays and other tropical | ler would have used to take care of mention. Mr. his horse that had been on a heating and the to one that numerous to has made eight trips to Mexico, eled extensively and gotten out eight booklets or bulletins, The last bul- | letin, No. 8, is highly illustrated and free on application. I wouldn't be hanging to this pole of | just off the press. He will be pleas- His next excursion is set to leave | MOUNT JOY. PIN NA now, and I assortment of them Feb. 28, leaving Wall St., | . : the * Undertaking and Embalming driec myself i off by chances are a dash; properly | cooled sensible degrees, | thousand | | a walking-stick right ed to furnish an having the rack me day and night.” wouldn't be pains that This is another extreme case. But Lancaster your general health ie » RRs strength you should have avery | The beef barons failed to get an