The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 31, 1912, Image 3
gS rpets. g and its at late of eased. on sald to the 1debted ke im- havi lay fo , resi Joy, P SSER strato c. 13-6t in the in our ion and t once. n yeur ng the Wednesday, January 31, 1912, PAGE 8 THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. daiediediediaieaindzieaioaindiediidihaioihdidieaeiediediudddh died dh didi bd dh RRA RE Ak | PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH | township, visited the schools of that ded Do dbbdedddibdedededidddedridvidedeiededededdedirddiddededod bid dd dd - : > | S— township, Tuesday, Wednesday and N M tt H Y V It 3 IOWA WOMAN ‘hat Shwilkey Bumblesock Has to Thursday 0 a er ow ou 1eW 4 Say This Week Three of our young ladies took a : sleigh ride to Mount Joy on Sunday. THERE'S AN ADVANTAGE IN The Spiral RADIATOR For That Cold Sleeping Room “ k : k R : k 4 R r : % “ 4 4 R A k k 4 R : : B 9 X » SAVES COAL BILLS AND MAKES THE ROOM WARM, DON'T PUT IT OFF A DAY LONGER BECAUSE IT MAY GET COLD A- For full particulars, prices, etc., call on or address FLORIN, y PENNA. - h ee r . p ; ho . . * GAIN. - a - he . . u ; bo le 3 e R 4 : A k L i L “ k rR 9 k R 4 5 9 R E Le k k b 3 r JONAS S1iIT y heeleoforioefocfocforiseforfosfucfecderiocforfoofecfosforfustasfeoforforfofoofesfosfosfosfosoofosfostocfenfesfeoducforfssfeofuntesfesZeforfurforfonterferie WELL AGAIN Freed From Shooting Pair- Spinal Weakness, Dizziness, by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. r » rR L B L b K K . b ¥ k k : » r k “ Ottumwa, Iowa. —‘“For years I was almost a constant sufferer from female | - trouble in all its | dreadful forms; | | | | shooting pains all { over my body, sick headache, spinal weakness, dizziness, | depression, and | everything that was | horrid. I tried many | doctors in different parts of the United States, but Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- | gevva dos se mer mohl gevva he b . be - > . . . ; . 1 . . . . . . . . . he . . . . be a p b . . . h p p h x h > : : . fer net in de karrich gae so p r » LX » kK - R A 5 - » LE k L » 3 » r r - L k of female troubles shouid lose hope un- til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a fair trial, b Mei hussa draer sin ferlora. kowing gum net finna, so hov Ic The Bulletin Is the place to get a neat and quick job of good Printing YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED S. & H. Trading Stamps WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PUR CHASED FOR CASH AT COAL and Bole agent for Congo Roofing. Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Mouldings, Lath, Etc. Also Roofing Slate Estimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material 833. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot Telephone No. os E u a STOCK -TAKINC-SALE A matchless opportunity for great savings on strictly high- grade furniture for every room in the house. While every month is a month of unusual values in this store, yet it is in January that the necessity for quick stock deruc- ing and general clearance of many lines of merchandise contain- ed in stock is most urgent to us. Never has the beginning of a new business year found us with so large a stock on hand as 1912. A wonderful large variety of different styles are represented in all the different woods in the thousand and some various piec- es involved in this sale, thus assuring the fulfillment of all indi- vidual requirements in matching your present home furnishing or suiting any idea for complete room or home furnishing. At a saving that run up as much as one-third. WesTENBERGER MALEY & Myers, 125-131 East King St., LANCASTER, PA. ODT 1 1 OE TO TOO TCO OL = 5 You Can Have But One Pair Of Eyes And should take the best possible care of them. The assistance of Glasses may be necessary—in which case you should choose with care your Optician. We will be glad to welcome you to our OPTICAL ROOM, and will examine your eyes FREE, Firosh & Simmons Next Door to Shaub & Co’s. Shoe Store JEWELER AND OPTICIANS 20 N. QUEEN ST.. LANCASTR HK LUNG DISEASE “After four in our family had died of consumption I was taken with a frightful cough and lung trouble, but my life was saved and I gained 87 pounds through using DR. KING'S | DISCOVERY 'W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex. PRICE 50c and $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. oT Electric Bitters Made A New Man Of Him. “I was suffering from pain in m stomach, head and back,” writes H, T. Alston, Raleigh, ~~ C., y liver and kidneys did aot work right, but four bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man.” PRICE 50 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. F. H. Baker's i LUMBER YBRDS Mount Joy, Penna No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand LLCO U1 0 This famous remedy, the medicinal in- | "1X tzu kowa. Es gredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for nearly forty years proved to be a most valua- ble tonic and invigorator of the fe- | male organism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- ble Compound. i If you want special advice write to | sie locha Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi | shtovich Ich moch dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will Tsu noss hob ken be opened, read and answered by a ee . woman and held in strict confidence. feicht Ich gricks kol _| Tzu sunnich, hob ken | gev gricks kolt. Es is tzu hase, Ich fe shwitz my glaeder tzu orrick. windich Ich misst fer hoot kent mer kenner No dait shtruvla, no dait Ich tzu weesht goc der wind | ka(fer Ich bin so net shae) no dait mich. Es my niea suit tz ivver is tz shtovich, | shue. Tzu Ich en naeger. 9 | en older aus-g’worner ferrisner wo 1 astons | hoot un sell is aus shteil. Tz | sin olla finger’s long ous, | weh, bouchweh. Ich will mer ob worda hide. My neier net hame kumma. leenicher frock shtake runner bin un Ich hob onnera. Hob en neier 08 Ich tzurick du ALUMINUMWARE FREE With every $50 worth of checks gives at our store we will give abso- lutely free a very beautiful 2-quart Tea and Coffee Pot. EASTON & EASTOM . Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. moh moos bis der shtart laisa. Ich net g’shnitta. ehr bade immer fer’s ken extempore net wos kummt, same g’'bade, ding. a EZ nv Ef enwn 2 Yeowa lr? Fw Rings Yeu Con "Bank”C: Queen City Rings give lasting satis- faction be- cause they Gleich Ich gleich ken tzu feel yocht. Ich unna music, es mocht mich nervous. Ich kon net im shtrome foon de luft hucka fer se hen engya de fenshtena are made : by skilled un deera uff im summer. Der uffa is h a nd 8 tzu hase im winder, Ich grick immer with infi- kupweh. Ich kon ken extempore bred dich ob harricha, es is tzu frothy. Ich gleich gar ken ob-g’shrivna bred dich, es ns tzu prosing. Es is enna- har nimmerernd os unse older parra. Ich kon net immer ob harricha tzu’m sama parra. Ich gleich ken fremma Guaranteed Rings leit se doona em yusht ous shputta. can be had in over 2000 choice de- Ich kon mich net wocker holdta in Sgn, En Senda de karrich Ich du immer ei shlofa stamp inside each ring. Call and enne har wons unser older parra is. get free birthstone card, Ich hob loud g’shnaricksed es ledsht mohl os Ich in de karrich war un K. V. FEGLEY, Ich sul’s net nuch a mohl riska, Ich Mount Joy, Pa. |, mich yusht shemma missa. Fer- wos sul Ich on so en publicker blotz gae es we de karrich? Ich war der ledsht Sundawg dot, awver hide gain Ich net. Es sin nuch en gons bushel onnera excuses os dale hen fer net in de karricha gae un des sin shunt tzu feel. Awver so gehts in dara weldt anes lawft bawr-feesich un es onner hut ken shue. Won dehl foon de ex- nite care. The % SS makers give you a Ns, lifelong guarantee No against lost stones (except diamonds). Terms Moderate. Bell Telephone. CHARLES S. FRANK AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA. Prompt Attention given to Sales of Real Estate and Personal Property. Reference: Jonas L. Minnich. = _jcuses udder ferlicht ol eich dreft RR By don nems, awver won se eich net FRENCH FEMALE §d | dreffa don nems net, shmise se a- weck, Dehl dreffa mich un Ich nem se aw. Wos doopa eer? So yets kum Ich tzum shluss. MADAME DR Fas rem: A Sar, Cxerarv Rxuixe for SurprEssED MENSTRUATION, NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL, Safe! Sure! Speedy ! Satin. facti anteed or Money Refunded. Sent prepaid action Guar for $1.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist does not have them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., BOX 74, LANCASTER, PA. SALUNGA Mr. Christian Swarr is over his recent illness. Miss Mary Smith of Bamford, spent Sunday with Miss Mary Gar- echt. Bernard Herr is packing his Geor- gla Car and in a few days the pro- cession will head toward the Sunny Soldin Me. Joy by E. W. Garber and W. D. Chandler & Ca. For Rent From September 15, a large stone mill property recently occupied by the New Standard Hardware Werks, three floors and attic, goed water power with two turbine wheels, would make a suitable tobacce ware- house, storege house or machine | South. shop. Apply to S. R. Snyder, Mt Mrs. Lizzie Royer, Miss Mary Roy- Joy, Pa. er and Miss Mary Davis of Reading, spent Thursday in the home of Dr. Shaving Halr Cutting | Kendig. There is an unusual amount of LaGrippe and other troubles these dark days and man’s woes are as the hairs on your head. The weather prophets are now in evidence and not one but will insist that he knew there was going to be some cold weather this winter. Joseph B. Hershey Tonsorial Parlor Three Chairs. No Waiting Agen for the Middletown Steam Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday Ich will eich mohl foon de excuses Tzu | blut keppich gae uff holta. mich olles fer shtrohoot, so Ich hob yusht so | dreckich my gum shue bleiva net aw, | Ich mus | essa. Ich hob kupweh, ohraweh, tza- bonnet is | Ich hob my mus- ferrisser wu ich de ken novel grickt Moondawk morya un hob’s nuch net | BUS, of Kansas, hob mich net g’- | shafed g’hat in tzeit, my messer hud | Ich gleich ken liturgy, wase orrigle se mocht | gleich singa net | safe, sure. They enjoyed the hospitality of sev- [eral families and returned In excel- lent humor, It is rumored that Dr is located in Landisville. Dr. Martin and western doctor, John Herr Also that out property town sold that has practice in to some One venerable prognosticator sees [dark and portentious signs in his [slack tub whenever he disturbs the | water and his advice to all is to sail near the shore during the next two months Skaters hold hign carnival on Gar- ber's Park, while coasters fill Peif- er’'s Hill with a merry crowd nightly. But many of girls and boys skate and coast on the Sab- hath day. Miss Martha sad to say our 'n das du sie drooka konsht in die tzeiting won Eby entertained in [honor of Miss Mabel Moser of Read- be a notable decrease in the acreage T | du wid. Yets gaits ob. 4 ble Compound has done more for me than | teh-tob 11d : : : r<¢hiofa. 16h hol ing, on Friday evening The Misses : { 3 ob mic vver-s a, Ich bh : # | all the doctors. I feel it my duty to tell mi I Yet wad i . 0 : ® Ich Mabel Kready, Lancaster; Ella Hab- a ac a i ch net a (enn; zeit, Ie I you these facts. My heart 1s full of ' : seting n ecker, Rohrerstown; Mary and Anna + | gratitude to Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- | hob my hussa net finna kenna es hut ..: ; : y ’” ’ : . Reist, Martha Breneman and Bar- I table Compound for my health.” —Mrs. | so'n glainer sols-worsht sie fer- | x Pray, Mont dos: Mirtam Kon Kk 5 ar ¢ Q . | . . are 'rey, 1 it Joy, "1¢ n= & | HARRIET E. WAMPLER, 524 S. Ransom shlaift. My shue hen bae grickt un ol 1 Al Hersh Sal : ! Street. O ian : dig anc ma Hershey, Salunga. + Street, Ottumwa, Iowa. sin fot g’'luffa udder g'druddled ud- There is 4 mover oo 0 foot to 50} i Jo 8 1 ere 18 ¢ ovement o 00 ) SO | + Consider Well This Advice. der we-evva os sie fot cumma sin. A tho ' ow ero L pd " y . : organize e farmers t ere may | i No woman suffe ring from any form Hob my kummit net finna kenna. Kon my of tobacco. Tt has got to come some ‘h ie Farmers, if they do not want time. is tzu kold. Ich . - to sell tobacco at from 2 to 5 cents | r- : per pound as they did several years ago, must organige and pull togeth- | er. Be up doing. the | paper around to every farmer. | etl ee ee SPORTING HILL Bruckhart, of Bismark, with A. B. and Pass )- a u u Nathan [spent [Behm and family. i Mrs. Andrew Vogel spent several = {days at Columbia with her daughter, Mrs. Anna Smith. 1m! Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gibble spent a | Sunday with their son, Eli S. Gibble land family, at Oak Vale. William Kopp and daughter, Sara, [of Penryn, were Sunday visitors of part of Tuesday gum | ‘Young Brothers Carriage Work THAT WILL ALWAYS CLAIM YOUR ATTENTION. IT IS Custom Quality at Moderate Prices There can be no better time to order a new wagon for Spring than |pow. It stands to reason that we can give more attention to a job over [the winter months than during the busy season and naturally you get a first-class job. We also have some fine sleighs ready for your inspection. YOUNG BROS. FLORIN, PENNA. INN nL 0 ]1] ITURE is the only kind | sell—Furniture 11a 1« Furniture Rockers Hall Racks Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Daven port Bell Telephone Mirrors Sawing I mich yusht fersindicha. Tzu dreeb | : . Stewing Kettles 10 ; . . {Joseph Wickenheiser and wife. Ich hob ken doch. Ich feel net goot, | b k Fell if 1d ht daring Knives 5c rs elke rife ¢ ang s Paring Knives .....,...... ... 5 9€ | moos derhame bleiva. Ken onnera | Tank : ker, Wite and daughters, ats bs . : : | Louisa and Olivia, of Back Run, Dust Pang ........cc000ee.... 5c | tzeit tzu mich selver, Moos ivver my | : : shoop-blawds gooxa sella rach {spent Sunday with Martin Horst and Granite Wash Basins .......... 10c | Ny Boa ia e | family. mocha. Ich moos my bobeera un ac- A d v : £ tt Large Tin Buckets ............ 10¢ | counts recht mocha. Ich moos en lot nd Tow : ogel, propriejor of the y breefa shreiva tzu meina freind. Ich | Sporting Hill hotel, rented his prop- Bucket Wash Boards ......... 10c . : 4 : lerty to John MB. Fralich of Master- Rolli Pi 1 hob en lock-seering g'numma, fnoos| An Rolling BE .ssvvernnnnsnens 0c | sel ob worda. Moos en walk nemma. Les e Al 1 Michael B I : : 2s8rs, Alex. a ichael Baer, Flower Pots from ...... 8c to 10c | Ich will gae en ride nemma un uff | : oo. ox BL cone or, 0 b'sooch gae. Ich bin on de ar-bida | Lititz, visited in the homes of T. H. Fly Swatlers ................ 10c | | at An Se “ | Hershey, esq., and Mrs. Harriet Bru- | g’'boona sex dawg de wuch, moos rua. [bal sund Flour Sieves .......:v 00000 10c¢ Ich greek ken frisha looft except | *Ker» on pundey-. ) 3 rvwlca : re Amos E. Wenger attended the Coffee Percolators ........... 10c | Sundawks. Ich kon net shnoufa in : 3 i de karrich, es is tzu foll. Ich wase automobile show at Philadelphia, on Small Frying Pang .........c... 5c tah : ~~ | Friday and Saturday. He spent Sun- net wu ich he hucka sull. Feel wen- | ith lati Norri i China Mustard Jars .......... 10c | nich feverish. Feel wennich chillich, | 1 With pelatives ot Norristown, Feel avich foul, Ich mecht shtinka. | The primary and the secondary Antiseptic Slates ............ 10¢ : ! if Si » “ lschools enjoyed a sleigh ride on Ich egshpect b’such fer's middawg i. ion.) | Thursday. They visited the Union | | |Sauare and Mastersonville schools. | | Gertrude, Harry and Amos Roh- | (rer, of Lancaster Junction, spent | Sunday in the home of their uncle, | H. Rohrer and family. | Stauffer and wife enter- the following: Miss Fannie | Amos Kissinger | |and wife, of East Petershurg: and | Aaron Gepfer and wife, of Mount | | Hope, last week. D. M. Nissley, our produce dealer, | purchased a fine fox from Ed. Geib | of Elstonville, who shot the animal | [on Monday morning on his way home | | Phares | 9% | tained {from the creamery. The scent of the | { milk brought the sly fellow out of | | his foodless home. — 0 Eee | LANCASTER JUNCTION Miss Rosanna Zerphey spent Mon- | day with John Cassel and wife. Victor Ault, of near Lititz, was a visitor in the village, on Sunday. Messrs. Henry K. Buch and Henry | Myers are out and about again after | | a brief illness. Jacob Weaver and wife were guests of Lem Sellers and family, at Man- heim, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Gockley spent Sunday as guests of Mrs. Emanuel Shelley, near Manheim. John M. Arndt, wife and children, of Manheim, were guests of Emlin G. Fetter and family, on Sunday. Jonas H. Snavely and wife were at Manheim on Sunday and were guests of Samuel Snavely and family. Isaac Walborn, wife and daughter Leona May, spent Sunday at Man- heim, as guests of Charles P. Ritter. Misses Elsie Fetter and Stella Weaver and Jacob Weaver and Isaac Walborn attended church services on Sunday. Mrs. Breneman of near this place, was the guest of Mrs. Albert Kling last Thursday. Mrs. Irwin Fink and son, Kensel, were at the same place on Monday. Amos Enterline is on the sick list. Henry L. Myers, wife and son, Amos, attended the funeral of Mrs. Harry Eshenbaugh at Elizabethtown on Sunday. Peter Apple and wife and Miss Elizabeth Paul, of Manheim, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Phalm on Sunday Ira and Samuel Becker spent Sunday evening at the same place. hd $100 Per Plate Was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay in New Orleans in 1842. Mighty costly for those with stomach trouble or indigestion. Today people every where use Dr. King’s New Life Pills for these troubles as well as liver, kidney and bowel disorders. Easy, Only 25 cents at 8. B. Bernhart & Co's, Mount Joy, Pa. — A — Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Dr. Fleicher the county Supt., and delivered Friday. with the directors of West Hempfield Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Special “Red Rose Rag.” ‘““Narajo Rag.” These dnd Others on Sale 9¢ a Copy | Kirk Johnson and Co. China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything in the Furniture Line Undertaking and Embalm ng H.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY. PENNA dooloofocfosforiorfocferorforforfosfecfecioetonforfocfocrofocfocecocfecesforfoofeofesfosfororfesfesfocfecfecfororferfeofe THE PEOPLE'S MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Now 1s the time to order Cemetery work for Spring at big reduct- fons. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sure days at Elizabethtown, Wednesday and Saturdays. OPPOSITE 8. G. HERSHEY'S STORE, PARK STREET. Ind. Phone 610D., Elizabethtown, or 723B., Maytown. KEENER & NICHOLAS, Proprietors Elizabethtown and Maytown CHARLES W. COBLE Mgr., Elizabethtown. ofoofesfoctosfesioctecfoo of sheofestosdoof mfoufoofoctrooofeofontontonieod eteofortuefeofusfosforfurfoodonfunfooioofosfonfecieofenihioed SE ——— Get Your Sale Bills Printed at This Office Special Popular Music Cents A Copy “Mandy Lou.” I Want a Girl.” “Honey Girl.” Oceana Roll.” “Mysterious Rag.” Knock Wood.” “In the Land of Harmony.” “Mine,” Ballad. ‘“‘Alexander’s Ragtime Band.” “I Like the Hat, I Like the Dress.” “You'll Do the Same Thing Over.” “After the Honeymoon.” If music is to be mailed, add one cent for postage. 24 WEST KINC STREET. ™» a.