The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 31, 1912, Image 1

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AA ) | , 5 yO () Y \ » STANT NY
MOUNT JOY, | KENNA. WEDNES SDAY. JAN: 31 1919 $1.00 >
Sly ’ ol. A YEAR
\ \ \ 2 J 4 3 {0} NTS- -O1 | \ DS BRING R \OTTT FIN aL Ivy y y .
e A . J / ~ ~ I+ \
| !
usiness ed | . ersonals | | EY ] S Himself Obi t [died very sudden and unexpectedly
® A Few Facts on the Street Light | | uar y {at her home on Henry Street, Mon- OCa Notes
GRE : TKS NTID Subject in Mount J | [day evening, death re sulting from
WILL BE SOLD i | " REAR UIS OF OUR DANIEL MOWERY, OF NEAR |Iug ROAD WHICH WE ALL complication of troubles, in the 77th | | es
Recently a report found its way | HENS THE 3 \ST WEEK NEWTOWN, THE VICTIM TRAVEL SOONER OR LATE (vear of her age. Deceased was born | iY JEWS ITEMS OF
’" ' y FOSS ols gifaiial | — i Germany ' y re ‘ HUNERAL INTEREST
But Will be Re-bought and Will Con. | '© the press, relative to our street | Who and Where They Have Visited— | 50 of the Best Kn F nC erwany but came lefe many .
; ; Iu . { ritiag : 3 » eS rarmers i ; » We \ > a yn ‘ars ag She leave » daughte
tinue Operations as Heretofore— lights, but whoever the authorities Many Strangers Here Over Sun ower Ravho. ne armers in | Some Well Known People From Our JeRrs 120. She leaves one daughter Brief Local Happenings Gathered as
: ) WwW orre T arti i ’ / "nr a ip—W y Ve. | a" 88 Jou a i > . ow / 2s Gig re
The Sale Only Means a Reorgani. | Ma) be, they erred I'his particular day—Were You Among Them? Foe y oy 0 ows My Was the Neighborhood Have Passed to the i 8 Joanna and one brother, John They Occur With tie Whirl of the
zation of the Company report asserts that the lights are RR ather of Twelve Children—Mind Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue [°F Williamsport, Pa. Deceased was World for Quick Readi Withi
# . ‘ne tat 8 ou : Was Unbalance Religi : smber of ) IY ; or Quic cading Withim
turned off at 6 o'clock and general- Mr. David R. Wagner spent Friday | ced by Religion ———— {a me mber of the Lutheran church, the Past Few Days 2
Almost all of our readers, we pre- ly at 6.30 a. m, at Harrisburg on business 1 1 1 { Barbara I, wife of Charles A. | Fhe funeral will be held from her :
: : . re » os vo v oS " 1 T Janie Mowery, a well known | Spring fed & y . late h » at 2.3 Thursday :
sume have seen the following adver- At the residence of Mr. 8. H, Miss Elizabeth Greenawalt spent farmer of Ravho ow ee] Eno n pring, died at Columbia aged 47! 8 ome at 2.30 on Thursday af- Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin
tisement in dailfes circulated in these | Miller there is a machine about the |last Tuesday at Middletown 1 le 1 ’ ! RSesp, comnts VeRrs terncon. Interment will be made In Mr. Geo. Frank is nursing a case
ize po, a sean . . y | y : ed suicide by he Xz y Tillis nd nth ) emeterv eT v .
# Yaooarts: size of a large clock upon the face | Mrs. Harry Greenawalt spent a Io Wise by Sang 2 the barn at 5 William Jones died at the Colum- | the Mount Joy cemete ry. of pleurisy
: > p ich is a area . teh ves 3 as i »at b o'cloce Saturday ‘n= it spits fr ‘ XV ag ” a— .
“Receiver’s Sale of all the Real |©f Which is a large dial. A new re- | few days with friends at Middletown. ing. The discovery we moh {bia hospital from apoplexy aged 70 y Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Seeman are
and Personal Property at Auction in ording sheet is placed on the ma- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Myers of son, Michael, who Ww teas 7 2 i ars | M I $5 H. Dulabohn on the sick list
the District Court of the United | Chine daily and thereby Mr. Miller, Philadelphia, spent Monday in town. the piace : by the bell Srna to Dubiel' D. Herr, the 1 known l roa Rh _Dulatohy, 3 well Elizabethtown is making an ef
: rell as h anv. os ’ > place y e be ing y | Seryme ied i i f ery ichly ™ , ¢ -
States by Orville R. Noble and Ralph | 28 Well as the company, can keep an Miss Mame Morgan of Lancaster cattle Slowing of th [as Tyan, died ot Nis on Co- | oy RA Loy high respected fort to reorganize its band
{ "{ i 4 iy 2 ic ike. age 36 ars ‘es ) § is ace i ‘ e ” a hs .
B. Cooley complainants in equity vs. |“ urate account of when the street spent Sunday with Mrs. C. S. Ging- N Aus lumbia pike, aged 66 years . | resident of this place, died at his Don’t miss the minstrel sk
The Hardware and Woodenware Man ‘hts are turned on and off. The rich Mowery tenanted the farm of George S. Mann of Millersville { home on West Main street, on Tues- Mt. Joy H I T} io hstyel show in
é { é & i a : John Hertzler raside . . 24 ia eee ' LY dav aficw ners ‘oo . Joy Ha wrsday evening.
ufacturing Company, defendant, to be | '¢¢0ord sheets are removed daily and Miss Elizabeth Gingrich of Lan- t ST Sh, resis nt of the Lan- | died, aged 90 years. He was an | ay afternoon, aged 66 years, 4 mos, Mrs. C. H Zeller was ih in
: or nes wr . r ap y . caster rust Company, i 8 le a ‘ FT" Vewd | and 6 days y Was ¢ ac i 5 se . + 4elle as lite
sold at the court house at Worcester 't to Lancaster, where they are caster spent Wednesday with Mr. C township. Tot mt ! y in Rapho uncle of Ed Mann of Florin [ow J days, He was a machinist and the past week, but is better at this
City, Mass by public auction on P'2ced on file in the Light Company's S. Gingrich —_ th wa $ soi 1east of New- John G. Kranz of Lancaster and | rush maker and some years ago writing .
" ¢ 2 fest rsm law ( 1 y ( rate » far OT SEV Oro Eaves Py i | con ted airv 4 fas Vin £
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1912 to the Office for future reference. Mr. Clayton B. Keller spent Sun- |, 1. ° cboroced the farm for sev- (George L. Kranz of Columbia, both- | “onducted a dairy in this place. The While Jacob Hornberger of Neffs
highest bidder.” All the large electrical companies | dn: at Elizabethtown as the guest of eral years and prior to his occupancy 's, died with 26 hours. They Were deceased was a member of the Third “ Ji rnberger of Neffs-
Aside from the personal property | thFU the east have a standard his parent the farm was tenanted by a brother, and 30 years old respectively lattery, Heavy Artillery during the oy a taking down tobacco he
\s1de om the soni ope y . : : HE arents . Sow . : r ’ \ . ! uf fe and broke ¢ ril
’ edule bv whict m ind prior to that by his f: py ate bellion at waa ale . ¢ I a rib.
the Hardware and Woodenware | S¢11ednle by which they abide he Mrs Christ Eby of Lemoyne, It has beer d, ¥ (the x ; t I : fon and was also one of Mr. Moses Gantz of Middle town, a
hedule OF i a Vit > . : 1 as bee © custor , hilin T. Boe Jeff. Di S guards ory fe " whic : : Te hy 4 ’
Manufacturing Company owns seven- hedule for New York City, Phila- pent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. o Ti : om of My J Philip T. Reed | Jett vi : i irds, very few of which former proporietor of the I a
teen plants, such as the Grey Iron |961bhin, Lancaster, Columbia, ML. | Margares Zeller Mowery rand his son, Michael, to do Philip T., little son of Mr. ang |?'e Still living. Mr. Dulabohn was Inti here. 3 ig . armers
wh 3 y ( : ; +i he : : the feeding, the father feeding » | MTS ' > r Q also ) 3 4 y i : ere, 1s quite ill at this writing.
Works here, and at various places Joy, Manheim and Lititz, is exac tly Mrs. Isaac Maze and grandson, cattle and i ¢ . ot g fee din 4 Mrs. John C. Reed of Steelton, Pa., 3 0 ‘ ne mber of the Methodist Mr. Geo. A Cuppet moved his
. t ‘ y > » I « ? § e So » ‘Ses OF sr ie HA ier . ad mre re. SAY ON big . + A V
4 thruout the east. Hach one of these he same to the minute. The schedule Harpy Aston, spent Sunday here |, . ® orses. Ra ier | died on Monday night of the after | rol Sen He leaves a wife to family and household effects f
| plants is advertised as follows: for the past two months is appended with her daughter and son arose shortly before five effects of diptheria, aged vears, ¢ | Mourn his death. The funeral will tl Gl : ” d effects from
< as | 3 pjand a comparison with the record be Eve, AEE o'clock Saturday morning and went | months and 6 days be held on Friday afternoon at 2 le Glatfelter property here to the
All that certain lot or parcel of £ € COoT( Miss Sadie Shires nas returned to . 5 EAE Be ’ : : “ | Ebersole property ne: Horst’ in
: : . sheets from the recorder at S H x . : to the barn, the son going into the | — o'clock at the house with interment 4 y near Horst's mill,
land, situate in the borough of Mt. 5 ecorder at S. + (her home at Steelton, after spending horse stable and the fat} to ti | in the H a1 There were a number of people
~ p ‘ Miller's, s 's whe street lie I : : : Se St: 3% e athe ‘d Alf i 1e enry Eber Yeme , A
Joy, County of Lancaster, State of Miller's, shows when the street lights | several days here with relatives. Catile Siatle ather to the | Lloyd Alfred Hill nry Eberle Cemetery. from town attended the initial per /
Pennsylvania, with foundry, factory Vere turned on and off in Mount Joy Miss Sadie Shires of Steelton, dof | Lloyd Alfred Hill, a well known formance at Lancaster’
s1di ; during that period and that the 6 : : While the son was feeding the | colored man died at Columbia fr Samuel L. Yetter ® ul -<ancasier's new vaudew.
buildings and two dwellings thereon, | : 8 ‘ a 1€¢ © spent last week here with her cousin horses he heard th ttle bel { at Columbia from s t 4 ’ ville house, the Colonial Monday
: lor 6.: re i% © : trot iad : 3 ( > cattle be ac icati ; iseasos Si ol L., Tr, a nativ Mor- oY
known as the Grey Iron Casting Co. | ©! 6.30 report is erroneous Miss Lizzie Shires and other friends. [hots bth vo a x € De low] Ine, | L complication of diseases. The de- | ue 1, youer, a native of Flor evening ?
" | 3 Yun | ey usually do a eeding | ceased was 73 vears age : In, died on Tuesday night, Jan. 23, | :
Plant. Wook of Oz og Mr. John 8. Weaver of the Glen | time, but the noise continui f | = slav Fini re of Jge and an at his I > Mice fiom On account of the funeral of Mrs.
The many employes of the local | Week of Dec. 1........ 5.05 6.30 | Mawr seed farms at Kinzer’s, Pa., | : ung for | ex-slave, being born in Maryland. : = Tome in Middletown, from Helena Miller, the La
? . ? Week of Dec Q 5.05 6.35 lwey s fi some time, caused the son to make pneumonia. Mr. Yetter was a promi- . dies’ Auxiliary
plant as well as the general public, BC, Si.iiinan 9.Uo 6.59 was in town on business last Satur- | / : : will meet just one week later, th
have no reason to feel alarmed over |VVeek of Dee. 15. ...... 5.05 6.40 dav an investigation. As he entered the | Mrs. Barbara Hershey nent resident of Middletown. He afiern i i on the
as als Vv. 3
; | Week sn DE E . I feed entry he was horrified rs. Barbar: hiv was bo arch 4 ‘ : oon of ‘eb. 8, a e home of
the above. At noon today we inter-| \Veek of Dec. 22. .5.10 6.45 Mrs. Emma Hoover and daughter hie TAP Rar Tos 88 oo : to find | Me Barbara Hershey, one of Lan- a 7a os gre h 4, 1838. After Mrs. J. M. Brandt
A . Tee f ae © AE y . @ > spended by &g » | caster ’ ra Faw , Yin ne zraduating fr y i 3 - : '
{ viewed the general manager of the Week of Dec. 2 6.45 | Nora, from near Maytown, spent Sun- : 1 TOPE cas er county's few centenarians, g 18 g from the Millersville Nor Lost-~A woolen 12p robe betwe
\ Bia : Sl I'Week of Jan 6.45 | day wi So {from a girder above. The son called | died at 10.30 o’clock Saturday m mal School he taught school in Lan- e en
\ Grey Iron Casting Company who in- : ’.40 day with C. S. Longenecker and fam- | he . , i eb id 4y morn- : Mount Joy and Marietta Find
\ formed us that the plants will all | Week of Jan. 30 6.45 jy [ ot ler members of the family and aid | Ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs | “@Ster, Dauphin, Snyder and Lebanon will 1 : ted | Plgiea er
1 $ ¢ ants ¢ 5 . . y. Forres ie 5 pa A Sndes | . . : fi y li ine : ye rewarded by returnin 3am
g eo i’ c . was summoned from the 5 : c SPE - counties as . g 0 J g same
be sold and rebought and that this “eek of Jan 21... .. 0.40 6.40 Mrs. Oscar Lamberson of Harris- farms. The bode 0 wdjoining | R. M. Kauffman, in Millersville, aged 3 res, Hs was tutor at the Emaus to the Columbia Auto Co., Columbia
a . . : look Ys ‘ EE 0K 2 . ¢ S. e ody, whic ‘as yet one red vears « ive . (orphans’ yg ater was inci- : ey A
extensive company is simply reor- | Week of Jan. 28... ... .1 3.50 6.35 burg, spent Wednesday in town as . 3 ; ch was yet on hundred years and five months, | °rPh ns ome ind later was princi Pa.
ganizing and this is only a matter eet Geren the zuest of Wr and Mrs Joho | warm, was cut down. | The deceased was born near Man- pal of the Elizabethtown high school. Rev. I. E. Jol £11 :
hs > yt 4 EAE RRPER: : Ey ro aR» | Ufforts resuscitate 4 rorv | hel z vad i Eas r is» : ; Lev. 4. Johnson, of the U. E.
of form that is being adopted for this AUTOIST WINS SUIT Lawrence d Forts to resuscitate Mr. Mowery | heim, and lived in that vicinity many Upon his removal to Middletown he Church, on last Sunday mires: ie
Avni Fae —_— Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E Fn roved of no avail. Deputy Coroner | years. One daughter, Mrs. Kauffman | became engaged in the insurance ay ast sunday morning, ad-
express purpose. i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Bowman and B.S Dillinger and Ms bhosict of Millonset , - Ki i fa hy : ministered the rite of Christian Bap-
\ After the reorganization all the | He is Awarded $600 For The Loss of son Henry of Lancastc r, spent Sun- ] I J N ) f | Mallorseille, snd Wa sous, Eph. Susiness Ms. ~Yetler served agg tism, to three applicants, and re
! i . : 4 John J. Newpher, is ace, | raim illoravilie er a y irector Sih ae Sls p , é ¢ 8. -
plants will continue, including the His Machine day here with the family of Dr. Jno ewpher, of this place, : Im of Millersville and Jose ph of |S hool director and as clerk of ceived into .church-fellowshi :
one he Thi will put the ym T—— — J. Newpher Yore summoned and they held an in North Platte, Neb survived school board He served two terms | fa : rin four
) re I'his will 1 > CcOm- wph : : : i i r i : members.
5 : tigat n, nding ha he met | burs p ii le Vl ¢ de-
pany on a better financial ba and 1¢ uit of Milton B. Whittle Mi John H. Henderson of May Yeo td 9 Jp or uh t : t he : ees bur of Middletown and de a
SO toro ill oy Yer ; Pennsyvly ia Railroad Company town. and Mrs C J Terry of Rliza eq Lt Bis own lands as state B. N. Farren i clined nomination for the third vd . 3
evervthin wi E run along ver oe as ; ; ] ) { Is 1 erry of Eliz; Bove o fitn ; BEN ra wi Lropr Yh 1832 he was elected chinir The Coming Art Exhibit
f smoothly thereafter. ction to recover damages for bethtown, are sts of Mrs. C. S Y Foor vanreh, yuo de gi : A Every good pictur . :
| This will be good news to th 1 the destruction of an automobile l.ongenecker M Mowery no doubt contemplat born and raised near Elizabeth | man of Democratic county committee 2} £00d picture has a splendid
His w Ye 200 "Ws to e em- an ) ile. l.ongenecker. bates : y rs = : : message to c ) ‘ ages fr
Ascot: > $3 iviaspe ! aking his life a he y ) »Y hel nm ae lof Daubhi tv. ic A 0 convey, to all ages from
ployes and general public, as a re- \ugust 13 the plaintiff approached Mr. B. A. Hadsell, a mission and the deed imi liatel ie i % ‘eld on Tuesday, death |0f Dauphin county and in 1885 he the cradle to the grave To inter
4 a : : : a % { 3 eel mmediately ¢ 7 er rin o ing “1 rod ic yme Wil. ( We oi eo Dn) v . y . fF * nlc *. r-
port had been circulated that the | the Florin crossing of the railroad colonization representative in tropi- ay TI i ; Sr ontermy tte hs ur 4 ai his home, Phila. | an hointed © Se ii coll oLor. Of pret that message is one of ti
peal plant would be discontiuued ind he stopped, looked and listened cal Mexico, made a pleasant call at | y rn, le cattle had not been | delphia, on Sunda; He was eighty- Internal revenue, Which office he held keenest plea rc . f Li I 2 is
sol ( 1 anse he > rite ov | bros STE : va rin gEy “i 1 Leenes easures ) y im-
I and there was no train in sight. His this office today. | 1 IN : ni Ie nn hertowe Shy Years 014 ang in-early life was Tour years and ‘six months: “On Seps portant Y is to ne fa
NEWTOWN | automobile became disabled on the Misses Cynthia and Mary Miller re- | , 93 dic NO reason can be assigned (@ boatman on the Pennsylvania ca- [tember 5, 1861, he was marrie d to the best bioturas. i ir wi
. tracks and not being able oi mo ; for the rash act, as the deceased was |nal. Later he engaged in the con- | Magdalene M. Klugh, of Maytown St Diclures, in order to catch
Read the M:. Joy Bulletin aChks alld not being able to move it, turned home last F'hursday from | 11 od healt 1 Hi [¢ ® 6 gon ’ Mi [the message and enjoy it
: si 3 z p ACH : : "iis i | In g00( ealth an rosperous. s | tracting siness is chief wor Jugene TY Rohe f 3 C.
Preah rT i lest he ron to stop an approaching train | I Witedaivhin. where they spent seve L252 ; d p OSperous is | trac th business and his chief work | Two children, Eugene He nry and The Art Exhibiti hic
Sunday evening by the pastor. Ser-|Ut the approaching engine failed to eral weeks visiting thelr sister. Mrs suicide was a great shock to his fam- | was the completion of the Hoosac lc ‘atherine, were born to them, but apn 1 lon which has been
ices will b hold ee bs oF Fl stop and struck the auto, wrecking | Fanny Nobs 2 i >» 777 |ily and many friends. tunnel, in Massachusetts. both are deceased. Mrs. Yetter died planned for this purpose will take
es 7 \ 3 ag: s ay ¢ ’ g | ¢ Yy S. a aco i n > i
Feb. 11 t : gn ii it { Mr. Mowery was about 55 vears of -— January 321 1870, and Mr. Yetter place in Mount Joy Hall on Friday
eb. » at 10 a. m, ! | - > u — 5 : ; : : : : : : : evening and Saturday
. . age ¢ S survive y g j ; g ! sal ca aol apni : {i waa £ y afterno
On. sccount of the severe cold The defense was that the plaintiff He Knows the Bible 1ge and is survived by his widow James Rutherford again married in 1872, his second evenir , Th er. on ang
weather two weeks ago revival r | Vas guilty of contributory negligence | The Harrisburg Independent and twelve children, the youngest James Rutherford died at his | wife being Miss Elizabeth A. Ring- 18. e interest manifested
ather 2eks ag revival ser- } ; ! { arrisbur epende SYS | of whi : ’ i : : : y ils
vices at Silver Sprin oy t 4 and the jury rendered a verdict in th it one of th : tt pou t ays of which is but a year old. Some of | home in Bainbridge on Sunday even- | land, who died April 8, 1896. He is by the pupils of the school and citi-
s at Silver Spring were postpon- ) ¢ ¢ 3 0 e attractions at ) ; : : : : zens mi y
ed for an inde Ri i favor of the plaintiff for $600 | evangelistic meeting t ie : '¢ [the children are married. Several | ing. Funeral services were held in [survived by the following relatives, zeny of the town Is very g atifying.
Morris Witt] iq fC ———————— ot = oo United : i i 3 ms Rrra | brothers and sisters also survive. the Lutheran church. He was a |S. Y. Heisey, A. G. Breneman Sew. | Catalogues containing a small copy
Morris e and daughter o - stree lite Jvangelice Shure : i > : ! 2,
; 1 elle i ; S ; ge an Byreh It may be that theahan’s mind was [stone mason by trade and for a num- (ard, Bertha and Stella Breneman of each pictures and a short descrip-
lumbia spent Sunday at the home Lay or Bust that city, on Wednesday night was : , . * =» Vtion of the t 1
i Cats ’ | 2 $ unbalanced by religfon. He has been | her of years was the town baker | Mrs. Eli Snyder, of Elizabethtown he pictures and the artists
of his mother, Mrs. Amanda Wittle. Within the past two weeks Brandt |a Mr. Keller, the “converted horse y ? ’ y ~~ | who produced th selli
. ys : ; : attending the nightly meetings being | Death was caused by a slight stroke | Samuel Earhart, of Harrisburg, and ! eof em, are selling read-
Miss Edith Spring, teacher of the |& Stehman, our extensive local mil- | jockey,” of Mount Joy. Mr. Keller y hia e ey ? ily, because pict 3
: i 2 . {held in the Mennonite church and on- | and old age. He is survived by his [two nieces, Mrs. Bertha Breneman |, °°’ ocAuse pictures are more keen-
Primary Department of the Public |lers, have sold over two tons of the Was converted at one of Evangelist | 4 ae ie : : y : ’ o : * . ly enjoyed wt 3 ing i
: \ >" "ly a week ago he and his wife made | Wife and four children, Mrs Leah I. |and Estella Breneman, of Elizabeth- | Jjoved when something is known
school in this place had the mismo%-| Park and Pollard Co. Dry Mash Lay | Hemminger’'s meeting seven years | L : hia = ! rr about then
. ; : : ) { ¢ : > | their confessions preparatory to join- | Zell, of Rawlinsville: Urias A. Ruth- |town. He was a member of St. Pet- |" on.
tune of loosing her mother by death |or Bust poultry feed. This is un-|ago, and at once began the reading | , » : Ee : i The tw 1 g i .
3 : : 3 : : ® [ing the church at a later date. erford, of Steelton; Harvey Ruther- | er’'s Lutheran Church; Prince Edwin 0 hundred pictures are
last week. There will be no school |doubtedly one of the most remark- | of the New Testament, and now has . p : ! ’ . ints f ried inti
in that da t t thi 1 1hle¢ 1 1 : 1 fund of it ti : a ee ford, of Harrisburg; and Miss Anna Lodge: No. 468, F. & A. M.,; the 1. |Pr'nis from the original paintings,
¢ epartmer s week ‘ ) egg 'oducers ) arket | such ¢ at he cs i : . § * ni ? ™ : y N
partmen 1is week. : g producers on the market ( 1 und of it that he in without HAVE YOU JOINED? Mary Rutherford of Bainbridge. we F.; Foresters of America: O some hand colored, and will be hung
EE We and a more opportune time could not a book recite chapter after chapter, { M., and Swatra Council, R 1 for exhibition in Mt. Joy Hall
5 at ya ho Rad for Teo fine & : ih YEisre a : : : | - —_— -» and Swatra Council, Roya ; or .
R Lo A Publishing Co, ori ° or i bg x an When the I : hy oor o t P did that on Many People Adopt Good Method of Mrs. Rebecca Grove > _ anum. For the first time in the history
cently y or 3 wre | PTiCE O en's fruit is hovering r ednesday night to as is > ! . ; : p > ; Var Sire .
Trace ) ore was organized here oo Is avering round : ! % ney b ¢ X ‘ tonishment | Saving Money A complication of diseases caused | Of the town, every resident will
the Centennial Publishing Company, | : ents a dozen” mark. Read | of .the large crowd present. In an- | the death of Mrs. Rebecca Grove, William Jones, aged 70 years of have an opportunity of seeing the
ri se officers: 7 Yhi pr. | the ad on page 8 ori ire of any nouncing hi Mr ) inger said | ; : . = : * : sid Ea 'S . ions . ;
with these officers: W. D. ( handler, 2 he € : or inquire of any » pe I ue Mr. Hemminger said | We can not remember when there | Widow of Simon Grove, at her home | Columbia is dead. best productions of ancient and
ANA OST ' TT ” ol ners : as \ av » Ruet ac ¢ y lieve ‘ if everv co y Ap x . .
manager and treasurer: Paul E. berson that has fed Lay or Bust as to ' that he believed that, if every copy {was as much activity around a bank- | near Bainbridge, at 5 o'clock Thurs- ee eee modern masters for a very small
Smith, secretary a /i F. Sheetz | its merits. of the New Testament s ride= |; Seliibies g . : S i rd
S it oi ary and Levi F. Sheetz = : De ihent shonld Te de Ing institution as there was at the | day morning. She was ill three | Dietz Succeeds Miller Sum, Without leaving Mount Joy.
editor. The purpose of the organi- daw stroyed Mr. Keller could produce it. | pm. *nrososo. 2 . ; : : | iis i Children below the Fifth Grade i
: es pe — First "Natoinal Bank thus far this [months. Her husband died about Electrician S. H. Miller, who has : : Grade if
Z is s ‘ Yo 3 ‘ : ‘ . Mh ET i —— 3 2 : 3 2 »® face anie ; iT Yay :
| 2 lon 1s to publish a Centennial Some Show, This | | week. Even the bank’s officials were | nine years ago. She was born near {nad charge of the work here for the Accompalied by their parents will be
/ ar < y y taini m . v: 3.3 . 1 Js 2 Fe . svi . Y, a | 2 - : i i 3 re 3 3
/ ear Book of Mount Joy, containing Chere will be some tall doings in | Fast Donegal Supervisor Contest surprised to see the multitude, in- | Elizabethtown and was sixty-one ! Columbia Telephone Company for Admitted free. Adults will be charg-
a complete history of the town, and | Mt. Joy Hall Thursday evening, Feb. In the Supervisor Contest between {cluding all ages, join the Christmas | years of age. She was a member of votac time past, resigned his bod ed 15 cents, children 10 cents.
« v7 3 CITT N oO g ies . No . : : 20v liscslev No I aidn i : ; y . A ast, S15 £ S1- REET hes
SADap events occurring the past|1, when the Great Dixie Minstrel Co. | Roy Nissley and F. S. Weidman, of Savings Club, or in plainer English, | the Lutheran church at Bainbridge. | tion Monday. Mr. John Dietz of this Doors will be open on Friday even-
undred years. In it will be insert- | composed of twenty people, will hold | Fast Donegal, on trial last week, the | start a bank account. Four children survive as follows: (place, who has been Mr Miller's as- | 25 from 7 to 10 and on Saturday
g imi adv ici Soles Y “t reserv reid Fit a Ds ’ on “ avr, A 5S as- i ;
S12 Imig Smount of advertising, the boards. Court reserved decision. If it should Monday the bank was obliged to | Amos. of Rowenna: George, Martin | sistant, succeeds him. afternoon from 2 to 14 p. m.
which will be solicited in the very The show will consist of black decide that the ballot with the single | extend its working period two hours [and Jacob at home. Five step-chil- ————
near future. The publication will |face, songs, jokes, buck and wing | Mark behind the name of Weidman |in order to accommodate the depos- | dren. Sleigh Party A Great Attraction
«0 i 3, « + a 3 . . 3, : : iad y “ s :
contain a large number of local illus- dancing, and high class moving pic- | [ should have counted for him, then itors. That day, the initial day of Mr. Scott Longenecker manager Undoubtedly the best attraction, if
: aL % y » % L a . wx - 2 In » d ~ »
trations and the company solicits in- | tures between the acts. The doors [the vote for supervisor is a tie and the club’s beginning, nigh unto three John N. Nolt of the Stone quarries at Billmyer We may judge by the attendance and
3 or 23 ” ad 4 t ol J ’ 2
teresting historical notes from the [ will open at 7 p. m. and the admis- | if the double-crossed ballots, voted in hundred accounts were opened, in- The funeral of John N. N w va Ts T+ pn applause, was the Fisher-Shi » Con-
public iat the Keystor 1 D p , : olt, O|gave his employes a sleigh ride to PI
: sion is only 10 and 20 cents. Tickets eystone anc emocratic col- | volving a neat sum. Yesterday many | died suddenly of heart failure at hi ic : . 3 y cert Co., the fourth number of the
ihe 2 1 1 3 e S [this place last evening. They en-
are on sale at the hall today after 9 | S, are also allowed to count for | new accounts were added to this and | home at Salunga on Wednesday, was joved a Dutch Supper at the Farmers’ Star Course in Mt. Joy Hall last
CA ~ © S :
A Yast Chance a. m. [W eidman it will give him the elec- [the number of depositors still con- [held on Saturday morning at his late | Inn where they were entertained evening. The house was the best
The Mount Joy Renovating Com- TT etm—— pion. tinues to increase. home and at 10 o’clock at the Salun- EE " |thus far this winter and the pro-
> . ———— eee 3 . 3 : : i
pany announces that their feather A Dutch Supper | A continuance at near the above [2a Mennonite Church, with interment I 1 Hi Auction more (heh pleased,
: S313 : : : : : C S s S
renovater will be taken away from St. Mary's Guild of St. Luke's | Mr. Dillinger's District rate would mean that two weeks [in the Silver Spring Cemetery. His The ae His Salary -— yr
3 : ' y : : : . Sor pa > salary 7
here in the spring, but that they | Church will give a Dutch Supper in | Many of our readers will no doubt | before Christmas this banking insti- [age was 74 years. He was a bache- sstor ji th ° P $Y. Frank Bossert, At Columbia This Week
: i ‘ : s as 0 > resby i . E
will continue filling orders up to a- the basement of the Parish House on | remember that last week we said Mr. j tution will have an aggregate of $10,- | lor and is survived by a sister, Miss P 1 +s resbyterian church The J. 1.. Tempest Dramatic Com
§ § | wr ere and . Borie 1 pest ams -
bout March 20th. Housekeepers | Saturday evening, Feb. 3rd. All are | B- S. Dillinger was re-appointed Dep- | 000 to pay over to its many depos- | Elizabeth, two brothers, Benjamin, Yeon they : onsen! Springs, has pany is filling a week's engagement
: i : COP . i : rv BY A > 3 2e 1crease 2 a year iss h : d ph
should take advantage of this short [invited to attend. The menu will | uty Coroner for Mount Joy Borough | itors. If you have not already join- [the well-known cattle dealer, and Mary Det > 9 3 00 a year. Miss at the opera house atiColumbia this
i . N i : + to. y Mary >t wi ani 2 s au 1 ¢
time. Address A. B. Root, Mount | consist of Sauer Krauty Frankforts jand Township. In making this ap. fod the cab, do so at once. You may | Christian, both residing . ut Silver paid 250 ihe mill be week and is making good. Mr Tem
r El ® 2s : ; ‘ we his / S anvihine 8 Srisi : 2 ald $50 a year he oT. ; é ; . =
Joy, Pa. Switzer and Limberger Cheese, Ton. | pointment the County Coroner er- mention almost anything in the | Spring. He was a prominent mem- reafter pest is well known here and his
——-———— gue Sandwiches, Potato Salad, Ice | Ted as Mr. Dillinger’s district com- [shape of Christmas presents but | ber of the Mennonite Church for productions always pleased.
Notice Cream, Cake and Coffee. I prises Mount Joy horough and the | What would be more appreciated than | many years. Execution Issued ——— 0 eee.
The stated meeting of Friendship in [surrounding townships with a radius | a check for $10.35, $20.70 or $51.75 een F. S. Groff, attorney for Albert Injured Her Hi
: : ; ; : '0. Wolk ; Leonor. Ros ica: ; Jjured Her Hi
Fire Company No. 1, will be held on | Or Home Market J {of three miles, with the exception of | two weeks before Christmas. | Jacob B. Arthur Keener, has issued an execution for Mrs. Z. W. Kell ? Pp I
’ : | > Markets fen atw hich 4 fe 3 r are z $166.7¢ vins in oie ars. 4, - Keller of 1is place,
Thursday evening, Feb. 1, 1912, at| Today Merchant H. E Whersole eastward, which is as far and in-| You are invited to stop at the Mr. Jacob B. Arthur, residing with | © C0 (2 inst the Hiawatha Spring |,, with an accident at , en >
4 ? | ghee : oe s d4, £ " rg isville * 3. 9 ank + anv > Oo 5 ? ; Water Comnanv - : Ni clae ‘ ancaster
.30 Members will please attend | pays as follows: butter 38c rors cludes Landisville and Salunga. bank and any one connected with { his daughter, Mrs. Samuel Dennison, ter Company, of Rapho tow nship. Jy, Thursday. While in
ritl ur . i [ i i r °jc, egzs ————- ee that institution will cheerfully ex- | gS ; 3 re ——e— : ? re, vhlie in the act of
vithout further notice. {42¢., 1ard 10. and potatoes $1.28 i ; ; 1 y |of teven’'s Hill, died last Tuesday, hoarding a train, she slipped on the
MIT'V Center | : Ye Sof x : a >» matter if 1c 1 , : itits dni x . : 3
C. B. HERSHEY, Sec’y | Brandt & Stehman pays as fol- Mission Band Entertainment plain the eh er if you do not fully | be ing sick but a few days with Lititz Physician Fined step, falling on her hip, badly bruis
——e—— hi , 3 y : a 1 rste y c - Ee A ee : i 1p, hadl; S=
{lows: Wheat 95c., corn 71c., and oats | On Sunday evening, Feb. 11th, the Se ut If interested go now, |, neumonia. He was aged 78 years Dr. E. E. Evans, of Lititz, was |ing it.
fectric Light for East Petershurg [56 | Mission Band of the Trinity U. E. con's deny, and 8 months. He is survived by the | fined $40 and costs for failure to re- ——t—
Residents of East Petersburg ge —_—— jC hurch, will render a very interest- Was ME : following children: Mrs. ‘A. B. Hoffer |POrt two cases of membraneous | Woman Hangs. Hersell
BOW eijoying the teen Hs Pescrves . |ing and instructive program for the t Was Made In Germany of town; Mr. Samuel Arthur of Har- | Croup. Mrs.Barl
electric light. The Edison Company.| Touis K Ss Deserves It benefit of Missions. At this service The Ideal Chocolate Co., of Lititz |risburg; Mrs. Elsie Morrison and www 1 He a Rawmsn, wits of Div.
RE Lancaster it foe bony, : aie Reena a political leader by request, the pantomime which was | i$ Putting in more machinery. One | Mrs, Samuel Dennison of Steven's Bad Place to Loaf u mish Si becsnie melancholy and
% imi- (of Atlantic City, convicted of graft : « of its new ones is y ; : : 9 S ace to Loa ung herse in th
: y X es is the only on its i ; g Rtite 3 e barn at her
nating current for a number of dwell- | while a member of the water com- Po ened ; oA Sms night, “Lead kind in America : © of its [Hill > Services were held on Friday At Elizabethtown it cost a number | home near New Danville, Manor
ing Touses, MISEn, Woy Sentenced to Con ine y Light, will be produced. 4 : morning at 10.30 at the Church of |of boys $7.50 apiece and costs to loaf | township. She was 50 Yosrs old
—— ee SAP A J he comp ri TE. acre inbri , 7 : ah .
in jail at hard labor and $1000 fine : plete program will appear God, Bainbridge, Rev. G. W. Getz | at the Independent telephone ex- —————
Wreckers at Bainbridge . in next week’s issue. Glad to Hear It of town, and Rev. Brinser officiating. | change.
The Columbia wreckers of the a Mere Dr. E. W. Garber has been re-|Interment was made in the cemetery —_—a————— Looks Like “Teddy
Exchange Pulpits elected election commissioner of the [at Bainbridge. On Saturday a straw vote on the
Pennsylvania railroad were called at Rev. G. I. Brown t Sale, s Are These Your Hogs? presidential
11.25 o'clock Thursday night to go |John’s Episc py © ye or of St.| poultry at 12¢ a 1b. Call on or | Pennsylvania Branch of the Ameri- = A pair of shoats came to the h b the position was taken
John’s Episcopa urch, Lanec., and can P. 2 € home | by the empl f
. oultry Association a i . Ployes of the Grey Iro
to Bainbridge to retrack a derailed | Rev. Chas. Berghaus, of Mt. Joy, ex Rites BI namisesn M J Nismbenss, Mount Joy 7 Te M a gp Milles Nr. I. Niles at Cross Roads Works here and this is the result:
. - ——— : 3
\ ear. . . rs. Helena Miller, wife of the | last Frid igh
changed pulpits on Sunday evening Ad ay night. The owner is re-! Roosevelt,
; vertise in the Mt. Joy Bulleuin.! Advertise in 3 evelt, 44; Taft, 4; Wilson, 15
y i the Mt. Joy Bulletin. [late ex-postmaster Henry Miller, | quested to take them away at onee. | Harmon, &: »
Clark, 4.