PAGE 2 THE BULLE MOUNT fh J. BE. SCHROLL, Ve SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR Six Months 50 Cents Three Months. . . .25 Cents Single Copies. ....2 Cents Sample Coples. . ... FREE Entered at the post office at M Joy as second-class wall matten All correspondents must thelr communications reach this office uot later than Monday, Telephone news of importance between that time and runt HAvVe 12 o'locck noon Wednesday. Chan- d ) 1 4 ges for advertisements must posi- Be ever did before if you give na 1 Pie Rlsie Hinkle and Harry E. Zink, Monday. They are certainly doing | tively reach is oftee not later than | chance to Stang foul synare onasetol|, os Bowman, Chas. BE. Paules, fine Monday night. Christian Klumpp, Thos. Dwyer, Albert Rettew and family enter- New advertisements I Tuesday repch inserted if copy night Advertiair » roles EDITORIAL ON ANDi. If you have bills to pay, prepare to pay them now. "0 . Well, girls, it's up to you. Don't STEEL CENTER prevents it. be timid about it. ralis are made like them. xo other |ing a social and supper and previous came from friends at DesMoines, (® 10 SUITS THAT WERE $25.00 NOW “ 4 4 ali gay wear like fem, They Sea to this, the following programme Iowa, Marietta, Central Manor, Iron- | © wr ear § me. : ) ni oad : . BITS T RI KOO : y Just to break monotony the Col. Other calks A ay and dun in | WAa8 rendered: Opening prayer, Rev. ville Elizabethtown, Florin, Mount al 20 SUITS THAT WERE 52200 NOW: ,.........:. $12.00 calls somebody a liar again. 10 time. Whichare worth your money? IR. W. Illingworth; song, America; Joy and nearby places. A {5 SUITS THAT WERE $20.00 NOW oi. inesernns CI Which are you going to use? They cost | address, Rev. fllingworth; music, by The tobacco buyers were in this | ne $10.00 At least the President of China A more fR0 Otters 1d Sve You tice Meister's orchestra; address, Horace vicinity last week and a good share | be 20 SUITS THAT WERE $18.00 NOW ............... % can be sure he is the favorite Sun. + horse. Don’t pay the penalty for (Menchey. of Columbia, district presi- of the crop was sold. Mr. Levy |W o SUITS THAT WERE $15.00 NO .« oo 0 neglecs. See me about Rowe Calks | dent: solo, Miss Mary Campbell; mu- bought the following: 6 acres at 103 | 4 2 12 SUIT AT WERE $15. BY caviar or nnns $ The blizzard started in Ohio where ‘oday. | sic, orchestra; dance, Joseph McFad- and 3; 2 acres from Charles Rettew | ul 10 SUITS THAT WERE $12.50 NOW ....iiieuivenvs $ ; atilas k, : %. 9 acres: f 3 | 4 Mr. LaFollette performed twice a |den; address, David H. Mattis; mu- at 103 and 3; 2 acres from Samuel | 4° day. C. S. Longenecker |gic, orchestra; closing song, «Colum- Shelley, at 10} and 3:5 acres from UD * 4 8 w MOUNT JOY, PA. (bia, My Native Home.” Camp, No. | Allen Shank, at 10% and 3; 4 acres No matter what a man may be [209, Columbia, was represented by | from Amos Snavely, at 103 and 3. ; Guests were pres- | They delivered their first lot at S J S- a C | A | i some woman is sure to think he’s all right. * - | That Indiana Woman's campaign | against silk stockings hasn't a foot | to stand on. | * * . . Two earthquakes startled Chicago | says a dispatch. Well, two of ‘em might do it. | | * ® s - Still it would not do Mr. gompers any harm to adopt the American flag as his platform. ® * * - No doubt Senator LaFollette is beginning to suspect that Ohio is a gay coquette, anyway. « ® * & ® No peace now for the impure foodists;: Doc. Wiley can attack Gifts, Birthday Presents, etc. NO-|peys. His back ached constantly them in six languages. where can you find so extensive or so and he was at times unable to work. gs.» There was a loss of strength and When the average man comes to turn over a new leaf, he finds a car- bon copy of the old one. . * * » An office boy has been admitted to partnership in a Wall street firm. Some of 'em are obliging. ee ® 9% & ® By the way, has anybody a list of all the patriots who are thinking of running for Vice-President? . ® . . Some men are so busy scheming about the future that they don’t get any profit out of the present. * * . * And still the wonder grows that Col. Roosevelt can get fighting mad about such a little thing as peace. * ® . * But the trouble with the water wagon is that it spills a lot of them as it rumbles over the cobblestones. ss ® * 8 O By marrying a newspaper man and living in Pittsburg, Lillian Rus- sell ought to get plenty of free ad- vertising. s ® ® » Nick Longworth may have to set- tle this row between Taft and La Follette by giving Ohio to his papa- by-marriage. * * * * Of course this is leap year, observ- ed the New York World; but the av- erage man is safe. Yes, the average man is married. . ® . ® No better advice has been given for 1912 than that of the Congrega- tionalist, and which 1s, “Read the Bible a little more.” . ® * i» is visiting in THE MARIETTA Donald Mallen, of Lebanon, is vis- ‘iting his parents here, Jno, william Blacksmith of Harrisburg « this place. BULLETIN. MOI RUN and family BACK Zug Gebheart and wife visited on Suns Henjamin lay. Jacob Ginder, wife and son, Henry gpent Sunday with Mr. Wm, Givler | | Migs Josephine Klumpp of Har- risburg, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and family. and Mrs. Charles F. Klumpp. Mr. Eby visited the Back Run Mrs. Margaret Dwyer, i8 confined school last week, but the school | to her home on Front street, this was minus a speech, Your Horse Will Return All You Paid for Him |r He'll do as much for you and more than | ( RING -POINT CALKS |, Improved Tool-Steel Centers | ger, enjoyed a sleigh ride to Eliza- place, having slipped on the ice, and broken her leg at the ankle on the left side. ents, Penryn, The Episcopal church choir, con- isting of Misses Addie and Marga- et Stauffer, Crystal Hipple, Hazel t ywrran, Jennie Kugle, Jennie M, Hip foward Hall and Jacob Shellenber- : | The value of your horse is from the feet | pethtown and other nearby towns ¢& ap. Then make him safe when he puts his feet down. With Rowe Calks ou his shoes he can wali, trot or run over ice and frozen ground with ease and safety. | Rowe Calks are all sharp until all gone. | They never wear dull. WELDED TOOL | : No other |! |and paid a visit to friends in that Arthur Rettew |gection. Washington Camp, No. 605, Pa- riotic Order Sons of America, held I n their lodge room, on Friday even- in honor of his 20th birthday Charles Rettew and wife gpent gunday with the former's grandpar- Mr. and Mrs. John White, at Edear Breneman and Harry Sheetz he two runaway boys, who are with 1s again started to go to school on | tained the following on Sunday: El- lis Rettew, Ellis, jr., grandson, wife and son, and daughter, Elsie, and and Harry Brehm. Last week Benjamin Florry was | greatly surprised by a shower of given him They jandkerchiefs that were PA eocRRCERaayusT FHasaaoaeeeR Opportunity o Save Money Wednesday , January 24, 1912, @ BEAUTIFUL SILVER is always appropriate for Wedding attractive a display of exquisite Table Silver as here.. Bon bon Dishes, Forks, Spoons, Servers, Ladles, etc. R. V. FEGLEY MT. JOY, PA. East Main Street. HOTEL McGINNI The undersigned having remodel- ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc., is now prepared to entertain trane- fent and regular guests. RESTAURANT in connection with hotel where he will serve in season. OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style TURTLE SOUP, Etc. Etc. Private dining room for ladies. J. W. McGinnis, 0000000900000 04 We are Always Prepared to serve Prure ® [twenty members. |ent from all sections. The Camp is | in a flourishing condition. ms eA A CERTAIN RESULTS Many a Mount Joy Citizen Knows How Sure They Are Nothing uncertain about the work of Doan’s Kidney Pills in Mt. Joy. There is plenty of positive proof of this in the testimony of citizens. Such evidence should convince the most skeptical doubter. Read the following statement: Mrs. C. K. Bennett, Malin Street, Mt. Joy, Pa., says: “One of my re- latives was in poor health for some time as the result of disordered kid- ambition and it could be seen that a kidney remedy was needed. Doan’s Kidney Pills were finally used and they brought such great benefit that a further supply was procured. The person of whom I speak is now In much better health. Doan’s Kidney Pills deserve the credit for this great improvement. (Statement given October 26, 1907.) A Lasting Effect Mrs. Bennett was interviewed on January 25, 1910 and she said: “The cure described in my previous testimonial has been permanent. The party who took this remedy praises it at every opportunity.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn & Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the Unit- ed States. Remeber the name—Doan’s—and take no other. ert BAINBRIDGE Miss Della Neidig, of Holtwood, is visiting in this section. Miss Erma Breneman of Middle- town, is visiting her mother in this section. Mrs. I. her mother, at Marietta. Oliver Fry, was visiting Mrs. Mary Fryberger, Manheim on Tuesday. ee A ee MASTERSONVILLE Winter stamped his huge foot up- on the thermometer and down went mercury with a thud landing at 15 degrees below zero. The Elstonville school with Aaron Witmyer as teacher at their head, visited our school on Monday. Ad- dresses were made by Messrs. Wit- myer and Jacob Gibble. Michael Gibble, a teacher of a great many years ago and a teacher when Mr. M. J. Brecht attended school, visited school and gave us a good talk on the mind and its power. John Stauffer and Son, wish to employ fifty wood cutters to cut wood on the Trout farm, near Ruhl’s church. Persons wishing to get a job address John Stauffer, Lawn, or call We have cut the price in half on 75 of our best selling Suits. We must get rid of these and are going to give ycu the benefit. Watch our big window for these bargains. all Boys Suits That Were Come early and secure the best patterns. $3.00 NOW $3.50 s84.00 COING AT $4.50 52.50 ©) Mount Joy Hall Bldg. up on Bell telephone. The Keystone literary society held its first meeting on Friday evening and a grand success it proved to be. The question for debate was, solved “That Chinese and won the victory, Geib, Hershey Zug and Hollinger very ably defended their favor. The other tobacco.” it. nee MILTON GROVE The High school scholars several of the township trip in sleighs. Protracted meetings ber of brethren from were in attendance. Six inches of ice on Horst’s mil Re- Immigration Should be Prohibited.” Messrs. Ray- mond Geib, Wm. Werner and How- ard Merkey, took the affimative side while Harvey Aaron the Chinese and the house decided in features on x program were handled very gu Hg the ably. ‘The question to be discussed next iriday night is, “Resolved “That the raising of potatoes is more profitable to the farmer than raising Turn out fa. mers and hear visited schools on Tuesday, having accomplished their were begun on Sunday evening at Risser’s church to be continued indefinitely. A num- this section If Its Fish You Want I Can Always Supply You I always have on hand all kinds of fish in season and would be pleas- ed to have your order. ALL FISH CLEANED GRATIS Also Oranges, Ban- anas, Lemons, Etc. NO. DARRENKAM?P 1 MONT JOY, PENNA. Break Up That Cold Avoid Pneumonia tried for Dr. Agnews Cold Tablets A perfect substitute for Quinine and all other cold remedies. always used. If taken at the beginning of a cold will break it up in 24 hours and entirely relieve the system and thus from a prolonged sickness. These tablets are also excellent Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- izg your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. The revival services in progress at the Church of God, being conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. S. Brinser, are drawing large audiences. Mr. and Mrs. I. Scott Smith en- tertained at their home a number of guests from Lancaster, Middletown, and other places, in honor of their daughter, Miss Helen, who is a stu- dent at Irving college, and is at POPPPPPICP OIRO POPC >PPOOPO IO Mount Joy, Penna. “Jaenator LaFollette is a candidate without an issue,” says the ‘“Phila- delphia Inquirer,” which ought to read the newspapers. e ® ® ss & Atlantic City's new mayor will | abolish flirting, gambling and fast | entertainments, so where shall we £0 2. Main St.. | mmer, instead. *e ® 8 ® this s A Washington dispatch cago paper states that there will be no tariff legislation at this sesion This is hardly to be called news. . * * - Persia is in the hands of its «grionds from Russia,” but they are no one | cleverly disguised that y» them as friends. 80 would recogni in a Chi- 0000000000000 - \/; #uas HM ZELLER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Mount Joy alling and Clerking of Public Sales | | Settlement of Estates. Collection of Rents. 2] Surveying and Convevancing Instead of Liquid many people are now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic Antisepticso Peroxide | home on a vacation. At a meeting of the members of the Board of Trade on Wednesday evening Harry Good was elected a } dam afforded excellent skating for those who had no compunctions about indulging in the sport ‘Sunday. A large crowd of young people were IS EASY THE TAKING PICTURES AT NIGH Sick Headache Acute Catarrh, Etc. there in the afternoon. The protracted services Green Tree church were Sunday night. The meeting thruou was spiritual and largely and good order was observed much interest was manifested. new member. A committee was ap- pointed to solicit suberiptions for a | park, as follows: Harry Good, Rus- coe Flowers, William Mundorf; W. P. Collins, Monroe Smith, S. P. | Yerkes and William Hackenberger. | The location of the park will be at |the western end of town. It will | take in a portion of the river, so | | swimming and boating can be in- | dulged. re ee een AP For Save deveral good Building Lots front- o 95 feet on South Barbara Street Jov and extending in depth of Th Tount | ‘hat width 154 feet. wre is a good | The new toilet germicias powder to ve | ea 8 = 3 @ Tt toilet g der tol totic on th rots 1 1S vere The Buffalo Fxpress declares that | dissolved in water as needed. }ataple on these ots that could very : 2 4 le | For all toilet and hygienic uses it is | »asily be converted into a double the real ambition of Gov. Dix is to! J . | better and more economical. 1velling. For further particulars Vice-presidentia the be the Democrati candidate. How have fallen? * “ * * A Michigan professor has invent ed a new alphabet with nine letters dropped out, It is to be hoped tha he has eliminated the I. O. U. and C. 0. D. . ° * s No Massachusetts elected President since John Quincy Adams. Gov. Foss thinks it is time now for another Massachusetts president. es 5 = = = the next President mighty | 1| To cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and revent decay. To disinfect the mouth, de- stroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridgework clean, odorless t | To remove nicotine purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspiration and odors by sponge bathing. The best antiseptic wash known. & | | from the teeth and pply to Lewis Seeman, Mount Joy | ee etl GE re | Wanted | A man in each township to can- vass from house to house. Oney who has small farm and team and body would devote one day each week pre- fered. No invetsment needed. Per- manent business can easily be es- aration mentioned by the at the concluded | WE dirt | be By and Kodak Way 3 HAVE A COPY OF | waiting for you. Flashlight” CHANDLER'S It explains how . formerly J. C. Groff simple it is to take splendid flash- y ons Price 25¢ a box at Getz Bros, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Colonial Orders Once Novell protect yourself Or J. B. La Crippe fee. Sen DRUG STORE full of p: fortune. The present cold weather greatly S E rt the progress in tobacco lights; illustrated with KODAK! Say hors $40 0 a m.; 640 7 stripping and in consequence there | FLASHLIGHT PICTURES West Main St.. MT. JOY, PA. 303 Se remains fully 40 per cent. of the | of e crop unstripped. Tobacco buyers | £78 last year were conspicuous by their Pa A RS RERRORNRRRE REAR RRR NRRRRRRR RARE RRR R ARRON ERE | = absence. | ji t : g E Saturday and Sunday morning the | : 1 Bn = 4 LA N K ETS oe {thermometer showed the lowest reg- | CARR ld E = | istration in this section in twenty- | a | | IASG = Encovnm— E | seven years, 8 to 10 and 14 to 16 de- pid Lid HE E WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- = orees below zero respectively. Down | ia li HA as i= + . = in Chickies valley it was down to 20 ! | ae hd iH FITS ON WOOL HORSE s | to 24 degrees below. S Ri \2 BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT Z shu es E ” |Z FROM THE MAKERS, IS 2 Your Lungs and Throat. rd |= THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED z The pre] has. Sag incalculable wort ption, asthma, coughs, cold and is a ho homes to w it has br happiness. Mr. C. A. ABB 60 Ann St Dear effects Re of Hypophosphites and monary T \ t what you ha since, wh severely aconsum that he t was dire with splendid work ever since ure. t . AGE] r, (Greene Co.,) N. REV. Ct Pastor M. E, Church, & The above letter sho r y atteniior on {y, which I u » been on my feet and s what a great boon Y, " man has been the time of The Democrats say they will name in Baltimore about June 25 and the Republicans gay thev will do it at Chicago about Jeus 18. Pay your money and take Relieves and strengthens tired, weak, inflamedeyes. Heals sorethroat, wounds and cuts. 25and 50 cts. a box, druggists or by mail postpaid. Sample Free. THE PAXTON TOILET CO..Boston, Mass. 0 fie Blood Poiso & Arsenie, OLD DR. THEEL & DR. W. L. THEEL 1719 Byring Garden St., (formerly 535 N. 6th nly Treatment, the only un, others on account of the ty. ' ———— Qin Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Landisville primary school, had her school closed three days last week, death of her brother, at Landisburg, Perry coun- r, but it tablished. Write A. G. Metz, Cham- | the Wilson Remedy was to Mr. Sag bersburg, Pa. jan. 24-2t isbut one of thousands received testifying to 2 * | the curative powers of this wonderfui remedy. Write at once to Mr. Abbott at the above Miss Edith Dumm, teacher of the address and he will furnish you convincing proof of the great worth to humanity of this preparation. MAYTOWN Mr. A. E. Keggerreis of Quarry- ville, is visting relatives in town. ) me memset / Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | Taape MARKS Designs Paten « entice, Sciendific American A handsomely illustrated weekly. T.argest cir- lation of any scientific journal. ‘Terms, $3 a sear: four months $l. Sold byall newsdealers. LINN & Co,zs1arscear. New York Branch Office St.» Washington, D. C. LLLP TES THM ELE LE LER EL EL EEE ELE ward Kreckel LANCASTER, PA. Trunks at Half Price. This neighbor Tou-R-TSF 5r~ at Bar- gains On The Square Read CETL UTUL UL EEUU LTTE LEE ELLER HBESRARIHRERRE Both ’phones. LANCASTER, TRADE-MARKS an description, for FREE SEARCH and report on patentability. Send 2-cent stamp for NEW B READ for a patent. D. SWIFT & C0. same date. fo) «TF FmsocRaaRRR0 We Make Handsome Rugs All sizes; out of your old Carpets. Algo, Silk Rugs and Curtains and Rugs. They make acceptable presents at moderate prices. Send for Circulars. at factory. Cle! Cleaning Go. 185 S. Beaver St., 140 8. Queen St. MARTIN & CO. W. King & N. Prince PENNA. d copyrights ob! ned or no d model, sketches or phot nd brief 26 years experience. OOKLET, atent information. It will help you to PACES 11 and 12 before applying Write to-day. PATENT LAWYERS, venth St.,, Washingtan, D. C. Ea Pe EER ONES Alwa-s Patronize Ail Our Advertisers of THE EASTMAN FLASH SHEETS, = ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE m= | "LASH SHEET HOLDERS, FLASH 'Z ... ., = stat Annie W. Engle, late of. P% | PISTOLS AND ALL OTHER NECES-!EZ °~ = = t Donegal Township, deceased. ay SARIES ARE iN OUR STOCK. 2 FINES” STOCK LAP = 14 of administration on said nd |= = : a ng been granted to the s+ |= ROBES IN THE COUNTY, all persons indebted 05. At B Rr = NJ ER |= FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV- eque to make im- 16 o A @ dud Set & BR But | = 1€ and those havin 1 |£ ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE Bi gud Yhose Jevios MOT 10Y, PA. Le : mands agalost the same |% AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL will present them without delay for en tler 1+ to ha 2d STOCK OF VETERINARY ; it to the undersigned, resid- : : En MEDICINE MAKER OF AL ing at R. ¥. D. No. 1, Mount Joy, Pa. ion : Sh MEDICINES, MAR L IRVIN W. MUSSER at KINDS OF HARNESS Administrator. Coyle & Keller, Atty. dec. 13-6t Send In Your Sale Date All persons having sales in the spring, whose names are not i sale list, giving date, name and location it will appear will please drop us a carg in the list at on prevent others im hood from selecting the Mt. Joy Bulletin. x 1 v Th it is f to th possit Moun lookir I Ad Dui and n it to « C1 The for th worth to suc weekly Du It st more © its val tiser a ] econom ia § I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers