The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, January 24, 1912, Image 1
THE WEEKLY BULLETIN VOL. X. NO. 35 CIRCULATION A The m pr t! Cc thi el for in terest. te cl or Ce o1 ar week's ‘nt PUBLIC SALE OF SECURITIES Stocks and Bonds Disposed of at Public Outcry Monday Afternoon Xmas Club VERY GOOD WAY TO SAVE A LITTLE MONEY, First National Bank of This Place, Offers an Easy Plan to Pro- vide Money—Club Opens Monday, January 20th, 1912, J. B day brokers, Mon- public sale at auction rooms, the Long & Co., afternoon sold at the I. 8. Barr Co. North Duke following street, Lancaster, stocks and bonds: Lancaster and to J. share. Fourteen shares of stock, Ches- $60 ‘iwi Manheim Railway Everybody needs money for Christ > 3 y ter Jackson at o0 per people have trouble in all time as Many A ‘ x $500 Lancaster and Columbia sum to buy the Jank roviding a sufficient bond, to Jno 100, per cent needed when First le presents ; ‘ . ? $105 per IM € The National of ! ‘ tbethtown and olfer and H ithethtown to John d of th the total } . : per share plus an additional cent, in- ‘ The simple and There different hers "or instance, per Moun Rote Lancaster and plan is i Sto to A matic, will be | < share asses 01 men clas the { \ wo Mount Mumma and li Lancaster 1e will start i by pa one cents ti " tock to E ents the se she week har last 1d three nts the third 1d week, Mount Rote at and B Lancaster to A so on for fifty weeks, the 3 stock payment amounting to fifty share. cents. checks for m fir each th o1 st cents. pr fo ient. grown popular very simple and the details are easi- ly er Fi to learn all about become ar sp issue. Di a ot knowledges that client's money to his ewan use, creat- ed da risburg intimation of the writer's intentions, it left for parts unknown. ca are known, but it is indicated by his letters more senting n romising obacco, Wi WC tindale. to st tw or Mrs. place, and Mr. Charles Watts, a well nown Springs, were united bonds of wedlock by Rev. Johnson, pf have the best wishes of their many i Malmouth, was viewing her flower bed, she ! arting romptly ever: ' : ST thi ill receive Members two $12.7 in \ Rare Opportunity Art Exhibit, weeks bef Christmas ith paying fifty cents the | » Turner d Ww interest, or they he Turner which pictures are look- will Joy good to he 2nd the lovers of reverse by and ay rward with pleasure, Mount In rst week, paying one cent less ME to t Feb in ard and exhibition, Hall, to public and understand brings to succeeding week, which last 1e cent. week's down order There with Payments must e payment will also be classes enjoy the cents and five tures on catalogues be two minature the h igh school made very ‘ontaining the collection in week or in advance 1 short description of art are on sale y he r as many weeks as may be conven tre on sale by the pupils. will be used The proceeds the schools, to a- It will not only prove beneficial to hnt Borough lor . Q € will very dorn walls of the It people, prove with good the to in You it Come : % pie es ’ri- with young people is ictures. Pri marily, Exhibit is to give an op- explained Kv- rtunity the community to see t tc understood when 3 2s best art t ver NEVE ‘ \ vbody is welcome join and the ) RYL al ery reasonable National Bank terested rate. to miss if not the schools. pleased can not afford call and Those desiring to rst will be for your benefit those i it. members y 29th, 1912. For fuller details read acious ad on another page of have : : : through your interest in The at 7 sain ( ‘a he ¢ . Mi dn can join on Janu- loors will be open on Friday eve o'clock, and on Saturday afternoon from 2 o’clock to 10. Adults, 15 bank’s this the cents, 10 cents. the if pupils, Children below Fifth be their Grade will —— > par admitted free, accompanied by parents Lancaster Attorney Absconds parents. disappearance Kx- W. T. Brown, and from by an- DE ——— sudden of Attorney The strict letter her and of the Mount ized Thursday, by electing Harry C. Organization The tional Janquet Union Joy, Na- organ- received him directors ; x; in which he ac- Bank of he has appropriated attorney, Schock, president: John E. Longe- Vice President; N. Nissley, Cashier; Longeneck- Emeritus; Simon F. Teller; and J. Nissley Gin- Assistant Teller. Board held annual din- Hotel McGinnis on Thursday. ected The The next the Star Course will appear in Mt. Joy Hall, on Tuesday, January 30. Fish- Shipp Company, of the best entertainers on the road to- introduction here. at Rrug noon. final lancaster on Mon- necker, Harry mailed at Har- contained no in was a sensation The letter and while v. Isaae S. : er, Cashier, Snyder, grich, The ner it is generally supposed that he has its embezzlement at the facts The amount of his nnot be told until all Star attraction Course that it may reach $25,000 or of rt Qe The er Concert one Is Still Buying Tobacco It is rumored that the man repre- himself as the president of Allentown cigar company, who is farmers twelve cents for they for $25 stock company, is and Mar- he said The day, need no The Store Garber’s The will chart opens Friday number, the pear March on Trier Sisters, 29. a if subscribed ap- in his Ephrata rth of orking between At last have been going eastwardly. have it that he secured probably three A Sleigh Ride Party A sleigh ride party came here last reports is and partook of a banquet Mr, A. H. Gingrich was the pilot and the party the following ladies and gentlemen: P. B. Garman, B. Garman, John W. Brosey, William W. Brosey, Susan Young, Rosa B. Garman, Dora B. Good, Ada Eshleman, Minnie Floyd, David Ober —— YT — ries afloat Wednesday evening o subscribers and at Garber’s cafe. four more. el Ges was composed of Joined Heart and Hand. Miss Grace, daughter of Mr. and Samuel ¥. Eshleman, of this Susan Donegal the holy of in young man Marietta's Oldest Couple. Barr Spangler of Marietta, Prohibi tion candidate for state treasurer perhaps 20 years ago, is at his post in the big Spangler store every business day, and at the weekly meetings of the First National Bank directors every Monday, though he is 88. His wife is 85. ——— O E—— A Mistake in the Time Last week we made mention that Mr. R. V. Fegley, the jeweler, will move into the Dierolf property April 1st. This is an error as he will occupy his new location February |1st., where he will be pleased to greet his many friends. —— Or ee the Evangelical Church. They ends. AA Mn Finds Pansy in Bloom While Mrs. A. E. Cobaugh, of noticed a pansy stalk in gp. and very large in foliage. In ing it, the pansy fell to pieces, it) had been frozen. What kept bloom was evidently snow, ich for the past month or more d covered the ground. et Qe Now ’'Squire Leib r. M. M. Leib, elected Justice the Peace of the West Ward, re- | ved his commission Issued by | Revival at Mastersonville vernor John K, Tener at the Re-| Saturday evening, the Brethren in der’s office and was sworn in by | Christ commenced a series of reviv- ge Hassler on Saturday. Squire al meetings at Mastersonville. Rev. p’s commission expires, under the | David Graybill, of Kansas, will have law, January 1918. | charge of the meetings. EP Ain nll Arr A Dutch Supper | Repairing Gas Leak Mary's Guild of St. Luke’s; There was a bad leak in the gas will give a Dutch Supper in main of the Donegal Gas Company bment of the Parish House on |at the corner of Main and Market evening, February 3rd. | streets that was repaired this week. vited to come. mess Af m—— = Our Home Markets. For Sale. i Today Merchant H. E. Ebersole at 12¢ a 1b. Call on or |pays as follows: J. Stambaugh, Mount Joy | 35¢; lard, 10c; potatoes, $1.10. ALWAYS COUNTS—OUR Butter, 38c; eggs, | MOUNT JOY ADS BRING Personals RESULTS PENNA THATS Florin News HE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR | dAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY VIL FRIKNDS THY PAST WEEK Who and Wha Stran Have Visited— Sun- hem? they Herve Among Many ws Over day—Were ou Id visiting Mrs. C. 8. family of in town Gingrich and Stoll and are friends daughter Lancaster, Miss Lancaster Fannie I'riday in Ma spent H. Wittle Thursday daughter at and ded Mechanics Friday Klla stay Chandler left for a two- \ Balti- at West Chester, Philadelphia, Mi and and Howard Purdy of York, are the guests of Mrs. Wharvell mma for several Weeks. Hiestand of Lancaster as the WwW. M. I'houe of town Mrs. Di WwW. B. guests spent Monday in guest of her sister, I'hon Dr. and Mrs Eliz- abethiown, were Ol thelr son M. Thome on Monday after- Elizabeth Owens of New York he week end as a guest Mrs. A. pent t and th family of Mr vanning. Mr Mrs. at Albert Mastersonville, Mr. Mrs. and Hollinge: spent Sunday as f h Hollinger. de KE. a guests « parents, and JdAdCOD Corel of Youngstown, week here visiting s Sarah Zeller. He returned home Mond; evening, Mr. attend- Marble and Association of James Glatfelter is ing a meeting of the Granite Retailers Harrisburg today. Mrs. Haines Penna, Mr, Jacob 1. Ilda sunday at and Samuel Haines, and lady Hoin of spent and Lancaster, Miss with Lewis Seeman family. William V. friends here Rodgers Sun- Our old friend called day. to see over Mr. Rodgers now | | | | Pittsburg, | Mr. friend, | represents | Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas Co., of West | Chester, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Mr. Mrs. Roy children, Elmer and Springs, spent Schroll and Schroll and two Viola, of Sunday in as guests of relatives. Mr. Albert P. Dierolf, ence C. Witmer and Miss Catharine B. Lehman, of Lancaster, the Mr. 8S. A. Ricker, day and were entertained at the Ex- Hotel, and Done- gal town Miss were anests of change — Literary Society Met The Mount Joy High School Liter- Friday even- ing in the high school room. m The iety met last following was ren- Reading Essay, Clar- Solo, Ruth Penny- programe Singing, by School: Secretary; Vocal Recitation, Minutes, ence Brubaker: Grace Duet, Esther spangler; packer; Instrumental Fenstermacher Debate Pennsylvania and Hagen- Resolved, That in an Educational Test Required Vote. Helman, Raymond Nissley, Mary Eshleman. Neg., Marie Klugh Harry Sumpman, Roy Longenecker. General Debate; Instrumental Solo, Ruth Brubaker; Select Reading, Lottie Royer; Referred Question, Harvey Longenecker; Society Paper, Katherine Shire; Singing by Boys; Both judges and house decided in favor of the negative. Speakers in General Debate were: Marie Klugh, Mary Eshleman, Evelyn Shrite, Har- ry Greiner, Elmer Blocher, Raymond Nissley, Roy Longenecker. Judges appointed by President were: Mr. Eby, Mr. Royer and Mr. Roberts. — io DONEGAL SPRINGS. There is still quite a lot of tobacco in this section that is not sold. Mr. Elmer Ober of Silver Springs, was the guest of his brother, Mr. Daniel Ober last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Schroll and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schroll and two children spent Sunday at Mount Joy with relatives. Messrs. James Burrier, Daniel Brandt, Frances Weidman and son, Russel, were the guests of Mr. Frank Watson on Sunday. rt ere berger; Should be to Rebecca Mennonite Revival at Risvers Revival services to continue two weeks were commenced in Risser’s church last Sunday. The services will be in charge of Rev. John W. Weaver of Union Grove. AA nn STYLEPLUS. STYLEPLUS. Freda | Af. | | Monday for their Flor- | | ney, lady friends, {him succe | spent | ents, AGE WEST OF HERE Local and Personal Briefs Vial ilave Our Issue an Awake Last Wide Florin Occurred Since Hustling and Neighbor Village, Our 5, Stacks spent Monday at Henry Young is improving at vriting > on brid Nehemiah Gantz called on at Lancaster on Monday. Tillman Gantz called on at Lancaster last Thursday Mr made a Mon- Harvey Raymond business trip to Lancaster on lay Mr ited Leedom and family vis- Elizabethtown on Sun Harry ends at fri 18 day. The U held on All are The progress be 20. B Thursday prayer meeting will evening at 7. cordially invited. which B. church, services were in the U closed on Sunday night. Mr. Ch:istian Geiber revival in and Mr Sunday. of friend, family Tount 9 on Jacob family Burnheigser his Eshleman and on Ray Lancaster, on lady Miss Ger- last Saturday. Menaugh spending returned at Fannie after some time leto the guest of her son. Metzler at 1 and Stella Lan- Sa d Sunday thei and Mrs. Gabriel called siey Arndt being urday an the guests of sister. of Nissley shurg, on his mother, Mrs. Rebe on Sunday. Mrs. about a ANIS Milton is able to be again after confined to her bed for some time with sickness. Mr. and Mrs, Sunday tzfield of Salunga the home of Nehemiah visitors at Mrs. vere their daughter, | Gantz. The Florin Water Company placed their pipes into the Christian Nissley and the John Raymond properties on Tuesday. Mrs. Willam Watson ing her daughter at Steelton, is con- fined to bed with attack of who is visit- her an | sickness. Mr. Ed. Stoll family left on in Pittsburg and nome |after spending several weeks here as guests of friends. Mrs. A. Beulah of Lancaster, daughter Friday in Shramusky and spent the village, the guest of her mother, on Sun- | Mrs. Henry Bear. Albert were very pleasantly entertained of Mr. Mrs. J. S. Sunday. Greiner Messrs Groff and Lee For- at the home and Carmany Mr. Daniel of on Mr. Hei- of their and guests Kreider and sey Lawn, were Misses Eva Eby on Sunday P. J. Arndt at dentistry at Dr. Jertha Dr. sition has accepted a po- Hull’s office at Lancaster. His many friends wish ss in his new position. Mr. Miles L.eedom, a student at the Stephens’ Trade School at Lancaster, with his par- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leedom. Messrs, E I. Nissly and Sons, our evtensive tobacco dealers and pack- ers, received a number of extra fine crops it their here on Monday. Mrs. Newpher Smeltzer and two children and Mrs. Samuel Smeltzer of Mount Joy, visited the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Bish- op on Sunday. Mr. Henry Kreail of Mount Joy, has taken the contract to lay water pipes trom Mr. E. 8. Moove’s Mill to the new milk station. Mr. Krall and his force started work on Tuesday. The Christian Endeavor Society of the United Brethren church will ren- der a special program in the U. B. church on Sunday evening Feb. 4, at 7.15. All are most cordially invited to attend. Messrs. Irvin Bishop and Paul Frank attended the fox chase which was held at Union Square last week and captured the large fox that was left run. They now have the fox for sale and you can just bet he is a dan- dy. last week here warehoise Florin U. B. Church Preaching services will be held on Sunday morning at 10.30, Sunday School 9.45, Junior C. E. 3.30, Sen- for C. E. 6.30, preaching at 7.15 by Rev. Dr. Lowery. — Ge Overcome By Gas v The leak in the gas main near the postoffice was so great that suf- ficient gas found its way into that building where one of the clerks, Miss Mame Fenstermacher was over- come Monday. . WEDNESDAY, JAN. 24, 1912 WHY MERCHANT THIS Obituary I'HE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUS: TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER MATTERS IN COURT Herald Printing Company of This Place Brings Suit for Interest on Mon- day a in the case of the Herald Printing Campany of Keplinger & Company, of Lancaster. This was a $10.02, to due The defendant had 50,- the plain- was alleged by the bill thirty days goods, Court entered In Common Pleas . > . " non-suit was Some Well Known People From Our Neighborhood Have Passed to the . this Great Beyond Since Our Last Issne place, against claim for alleged be at Co- years. S. Bickhart, died aged tuberculosis, Hunter : oN SE for interest lumbia, Friday 25 Death on 000 curculars printed by tiff it the latter that pay resulted from company, and ment of Jacob Ullman, b Mr. Ja was to within dents of Marietta, the old- died ob Ullman, one of of the in- on vas not made un- sed, and the in- 1 was made conse- I'he Court aid there that inas written con- Minnie Ream \ Mit the liss Minnie the wor nd agree- Rea [lizabethtown Death the interest charge was the was and not mentioned in resulted ill- {1 there 1 be no recovery. H plaintiff: could and J the mitract, Ww in torneys from consumption after a long (3 Bever Byrne, at- £. was vears old for Reese Eaby for defendant Mrs Catharine Martin, wife of Mr. Martin, died at her Colebrook last Henry Witmer the interred Catharine Martin. Mrs George the aged Th day attached for trial Tues- was that of John N, Samuel N. Mumma. The parties are brothers, residing in the vicinity of Landisville, and the lawsuit grows out of the settlement of the of their father, the late Jonas H. Mumma, of which the the The amount of the claim is with interest. testi- the plaintiff's share of the the time the distribu- 400. He allowed the in the hands of the defendant for a few years until, with the accured $6,500. He then The defendant $3,800, € case home on . ’ morning road Miesday, Mrs. sister Mumma against 50 years Donegal is a of de- The Shenk’s remains were meeting house. estate Master tained a Warren H, number of his school on New Haven Saturday evening, Bentzel enter- = . $e, defendant was one of adminis- mates trators. his home last in street, i It was with t B $3,000, that at was on a par- time fied picture post card reflector and , lor estate of games, and had Common a jolly good i thoi tion ; money to remain Pleas interest, it amounted to ht a gave Harry 7eoples. Mr. 3 : very well kng/. m1 young man of this SOU settle- him paid, Harry dstraw Peoples, a ment. a note for which was place, died at his home on East Main : os o . and for the remaining $3,000 gave street on [riday forenoon, after a 5 5 se an equivalent in gold mining Mitchell and Yellow- The plain- short illness, death resulting from Mr. supply ; includir the Ida pneumor , aged 29 years. Peo- ; LLandecker securities and the ples conducted electrical an stone tiff Railway Company. and was the : e Mr. Photoplay House in this place until his Mr. printing and repair machine shop accepted these the that testified that he machine operator at Ream’s certificates the giltedged than understanding tock on assurance they little more with the defendant and their face from were Peoples al- He inventor. sickness. recent worth a so learned trade. value, and that they should value the plaintiff privilege of r defendant cash instead John that the terly worthless, and at was quite a He A sister, genius and an wife and two children. 0 Mrs. Quinton of this place also survives. held from the father-in-law, Mr. Martin Garber, on New Monday after- noon. The remains were interred in leaves a not prove of Amspacker, x : the The fun- should have them ceive turn- and Mumma proved ut- upon being public sale brought a bid dollars for the entire made demand on for the which has not paid. The found in favor of the plaintiff, —————— tl illinois a ae ing to the re- eral was home of his stocks that avered Haven street, > offered the Eberle cmetery. ten He brother of only batch. his W. Sheaffer thep W. Sheaffer, a known of this place, at the Hospital, to which place he was taken about months ago, from lingering illness, aged 61 years. Deceased a blacksmith occupation. He was employed at the Grey Tron until taken ill time ago. Deceased was a member of Otsego Tribe No. 59, Imp. Order Red Men. He leaves a wife and two sons, Harry of Columbia, and Charles of this place. The funeral will private and will held from his late home on Manheim St., Thursday at 2 Interment will be made in the Eber- le Cemetery. Harry cash Harry ; pury Mr. well died Monday, : been resident Lancaster Domestic Vacuum Cleaner It to say that the vacuum cleaner is the only good method whereby dust can be removed from the floors of your home without Mr. Frank Peffer of this place, has taken the agency for the Domestic Vacuum Cleaner, made in two sizes, and just the thing for the He will cheerfully demonstrate request. Persons and him two a is needless for us was by Works here some inconvenience. of housewife. upon be be interested should call see or drop him a card. afternoon o'clock. meat fice Pastor Accepts Call Rev. B. pastor the Reformed Church Maytown, has the call the constituted charge which consists of the churches at Warwick, White Oak Brickervillee. The charge was organized at a special meeting of the .ancaster Classis the Reformed Church held in Lancaster on Mon- day. Rev. Raezer is a native of New Holland. Raezer, of at to George Abraham G. Sprout, aged 76 years, 2 months and 2 days, one of the accepted newly most esteemed citizens of Upper Mt. Thursday night, to a Joy township, died his due compli- and He was born near and while still in his teens he moved to near this place where he has resided ever since. He was a member of the Mennonite church. Besides his wife, he is sur- vived by the following children: Frank, of Mount Joy; Abraham, of Reading: Phares, at home; Mrs. Elmer White of Milton Grove and Mrs. Frank Groff of Pleasant View. A brother, Eli, and one sister, Mary both of Lancaster, also survive. The funeral was held from Risser’s church on Sunday morning, with Revs. Ebersole and Oberholtzer officiating. Interment was made in the cemetery adjoining. death being cation of diseases. of East Petersburg, EE — Florin Hotel Sold The hotel at Florin, for the past few years conducted by Mr. Frank Phillips, was sold recently to Mr. Lemon Leisey, of Denver, this Coun- ty. The terms of sale were private. Mr. Leisey will assume charge in the very near future. ———— eee Kicked by a Horse. Mr. John Cassel, who lives be- tween Petersburg and Manheim, was kicked in the face by his driving horse. His condition is serious. The upper lip is cut into two parts and he has sustained a fracture of the upper jaw bone. mae Mess John M. Stern The funeral of John M. Stern, who died at his home, in Rapho township, on Tuesday, was held on Saturday morning at Chiques church, with in- terment in the cemetery adjoining. Deceased was a farmer by occupa- tion, but had lived retired for some years. He was seventy-seven years of age, and was a member of the Brethren church for many years.He is survived by his wife and the foll- owing children: John, living in Col- orado; Lizzie, wife of Jeremiah Martin, at Pennington, N. J., Mrs. Samuel M. Shelly, near Masterson- ville, and Mrs. John Sowers, on the homestead farm. Revs. Henry S. Zug, Henry K. Ober and Samuel Eshleman officiated. Grandsons of the deceased served as pall-bearers. s————— A tin sas. LEPLUS. STYLEPLUS. Fire Insurance Assessment Policy holders in the Donegal & Conoy Mutual Fire Insurance Co., will take notice that the assessments are now due and payable to J. Will- is Freed, Mount Joy, Pa. All as- sessments must be paid on or before Feb. 15, 1912. jan. 24-3t — ele eee. To Be Married in March. The coming marriage of Prof. Louis MeJ. Lyte of Millersville and Miss Ruth Longenecker of Maytown has been announced to take place in Marck —— Eee STYRLEPLUS. STYLEPLUS. ADVERTIS $1.00 A YEAR NG MEDIUM Local Notes MANY SHORT NEWS ITEMS Op GENERAL INTEREST Brief Local Happenings Gathered as They Occur With the Whirl of the World for Quick Reading Within the Past Few Days. Mr that Henry Wittle killed a fine hog dressed 409 pounds. Wesley on Givens off duty sickness. the in was of meeting God account tracted at Church of is still { 20 or 25 bus. of Ap- corn from farmer in this vicinity. ply at this office. Mr. J where P. Morgan is going to Egypt, the Sphinx will then have a lormidable rival, Mr. Ralph Eshleman, clerk at Mr. H. BE. ae Ebersole's store, is off duty on ouunt ol sickness. i-room house for RR. A choice rent, station, on the C. B. KERN The report that Mr. Carnegie will present hero medals to those who at- tended the peace banquet lacks con- near the Penna Boulevard. firmation. Benjamin Wolgemuth, son of Rev. Daniel Wolgemuth, was taken to a Philadelphia hospital, where an oper- ation will be performed. A. F. Heisler sold the Exchange Hotel at Mastersonville to A. S. Kauf Bird-in-Hand. He will take charge of it on April first. The meeting of the Hos- pital will be held at the home of Mrs. Martha Brandt Thurs- day afternoon, February 1st, at 3 o’- man, ot regular Auxiliary Important business. Guild of St. Luke's Episcopal church, will give a Dutch in the the par- ish house on Saturday evening, Feb- third. Junior clock. St. Mary’s supper basement of ruary The High Mari- etta, took a sleigh ride to this place were the guests of Chris- Eli Shelley was the Miss Miller the chap- School of where they N teamster tian Mumma and erone. I'he Luther render an entertainment entitled “Children of All to be giv- en ‘in the Chiurell ou the evening of February the 16th at half past seven o'clock. Junior League will 28 Nations a Enjoyed a Sleigh Ride. A number of young folks from here enjoyed sleigh ride via Maytown and Marietta last Thursday evening. They made the trip with Mr. Martin Strickler’s team. Enroute they stop- ped at Cassels Cafe, at Marietta, where a grand banquet was held. Those in the party were: Misses Geta Bender, Mary Stoll, Ethel Shenk, Mary Webb, . Hagenberger, Lottie Hahn and Messrs. Eckert Shea fer, Willis Greenawalt, Harry Grei- ner, Carson Engle, Nissley Gingrich, Clyde Eshleman, George Barto and Raymond Nissley. ——————l Cee a isther Kast Donegal Victims Jacob S. Brubaker, residing Marietta pike near the Union House, slipped on the ice afternoon, fracturing the fibula his left leg near the knee. Dr. F. L. Richards attended him. Roy, the oldest son of Mr. Eli H. Herr of East Donegal, was coasting Sunday, he met with an A deep gash was cut un- chin that required stitching family Dr. 2. L. Mr. on the School Saturday of on when accident. der his by the Richards. tl Ee ee physician, Good Prices for Tobacco Considerable tobacco has been bought in East Hempfield township at good prices, and among the re- cent sales were the following: Mar- tin Swarr, two acres, at 11 and 4 cents; Milton Swarr, three acres at 11 and 4; Warren Aungst, four acres, at 11% and 4; Aaron Geiss, 2 acres, at 11% and 4; John Brubaker four acres, at 113 and 4; Harry Bow- ers, two acres, at 113 and 4; Harry Hoffman, six acres, at 11 and 4. et Grasshoppers in January With Mother Earth covered with snow Harry Eckman of near Stras- burg, this county, caught one dozen grasshoppers and took them to Lan- caster, showing them to his friends. He found them on his salad. Over near Columbia a resident several robins. A Qe Disgraceful if True. The Columbia Independent de- clares that the town has numerous clubs, all of which sell liquor with- out license and some of which rum houses of assignation, and that the officers of the law are well aware of this but are afraid to interfere. ——t Ieee. Father and Son in Same Bank. l . Nissley Brandt has been elected asgistant cashier of the Exchange Bank at Marietta, of which his fath- er, Joseph L. Brandt, is the cashier sine 1880. saw Y