Wednesday, December 13th, 1811. THE Al nice 1 Organ morning, to have first choice and equal chances with our city friends. 1 he n 1 Th t Mon- will p be open at 8 o'clock sharp, da than 200 instruments be exhibited or sale Morn es at special prices, including “store wear” from cause ol NEW used pi PIANOS, reduced be nos iken in exchange or returned ont: Or in piano cases, some new, others used Y and parlor organ latest styles rebuilt like new. ALL INSTRUMENTS of every style and descrip- tion will be sale day, aad every day thereafter that patrons coming from a distance sure of nfiding any desired style of instru- on the first SO may be ment on arrival. PAYMENTS will be made to suit the purchaser. Any instrument purchased may be paid for gradual- ly, by the week, month, quarter or otherwise. 10 per cent. off to cash buyers. FREE DELIVERY. We will ship any instru- ment purchased to any address, Freight Charges paid in advance. No matter where you live we make Free Delivery, also furnish stool, etc., FREE RAILROAD FARE will be refunded to all out- of-town purchasers. Come early Monday morning os as soon thereafter as possible; take your pick of these fine struments at the absurdly low prices marked upon them and have music in your home TT Ey Tey TTT TT Ey OYTO PTET PIII IIL Can You Meet Us in Harrisburg at Troup’s Next Monday THE OPENING OF 'HE GREAT CHRISTMAS Sale of Newu and Used Pianos s and Player Pianos iven to our out-of-town friends so that they may plan for the trip and j j j BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, INFORMATION FRIENDS VALUABLE OUR SUBURBAN Creek as Farm Hand Due Farmer Uses Crooked Backs w I'eeding PPoultry—Other Notes. It is chicks together ed over carefully for lice one to succeed with poultry. Have charcoal, ways or» hand and feed small grain. the better Clean and disinfect at least once a week day. on it. | ing hens. there is less work for the horse, and [with i stable some- Farmers’ Golumn FOR Cooplug Very Often—Improved Method of better not to keep ducks and The young chicks should be look- The farmer above every one is the sand and water al- brooders every Draw up a pile of straw near the chicken house, where hens can work Potato peelings fed raw in not too large quantities are good for the lay-' Duck eggs do not hatch as well if | they need to be washed. Therefore keep the duck pen bedded with cleag | | litter. the beginning of winter marked alike to all—and ev- ALL PRICES will be found in plain figures—the saving will ery instrument is backed by our guarantee, which ments “COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED.” be of each for CHRISTMAS. SPACE will not permit us to give a description instrument but from the following quo- tations you can gather some idea of the exception- al values this sale offers: he stands idle in the times for days together. To avoid scratches keep the legs of the horse | free from mud, and the stalls clean and dry. A horse is a good deal like a man. If you keep him bundled up in a FROM PIANOS SQUARE PIANOS UPRIGHT $10 vr $75 UP $5 ur] USED ORGANS, ALL STYLES OPENING THE SOON DATE OF AS POSSIBLE REMEMBER THE SALE, 15 S. Market Sq., It is Co Groceries are your bigest item ¢ You may have tried to “cut t method. Here is a way by wh time have better food than you Buy your gre at whole first shipment arrive over each item, comp have been getting. of others who are no All our foods a Samples of ever iving expense—hence you watch the cost closely: nave ever had before. e prices from our big pure food grocery department. 11 be pleased. mers. d scrupulously clean. Where else can you be so thoroughly protected ? run as high as thirty tons of ricea day, two car loads of prunes a day, a carload of raisins a collecting dirt and dust. Everything is covered, all goods are packed and handled by auto- matic machinery and no human hand ever touches them. If space permitted, we could give hundreds of reasons why you should buy your groceries here even if you did not savea cent. We Will Reduce All of Your Expenses Suppose for a moment that everybody you ever buy anything from — the grocer — thedry goods merchant —the hardware dealer — the tailor —all of them should call on NEW UPRIGHT MONDAY, cost of living” in many ways and failed to find a satisfactory ich you can save one third of your grocery money each month and at the same you will be astounded at the saving you have made. You will check nd quality with the prices you have been paying and the goods you We know what has been the experience of thousands y ll are tested in our laboratories to make sure that they are fully up to our high standards of purity and wholesomeness. What other grocery store exercises so much care? Our groceries are always fresh. The demands upon our grocery department are so heavy that goods never remain in stock long. For example, our sales sands of pounds of coffee and tea daily ; no merchandise remains long on our shelves growing stale and USED GRAND PIANOS FROM ... -$200 uP USED PLAYER-PIANOS PIANOS DEC. Ith, THEREAFTER J. H. Troup Musie House Harrisburg, Pa. CLUB AMA AAU sting You Too Much to Live When the SEPTEMBER + OCTOBER f day, thou- AND COME AS heavy blanket in the barn, he will he almost frozen when you take him out-of-doors. You would not think of wearing an overcoat in the house, would you? If you blanket your horse at all in the stable, let it be with a light stable blanket. Ducks and geese are very valu- able fowls and are seldom found in the barn lot. Where reom is avail- able these birds will add to your in- come on the farm. Give them room on your farm. While waiting impatiently for the state to repair that mud hole, wash- out or other bad place in the high- way, wouldn’t it be a good idea to take a few hours off and fix it your- self? If every farmer spent a few hours, occasionally, working on thé road, our highways would soon show Let us not let us work 3 ] i ‘a decided improvement. | only talk good roads, bad roads. i Poultry feeding has been much im | proved and simplified by the introduc | tion of the hopper method. The | old fashioned way of preparing and wetmash is done away account of its tedious and { mixing a { with, on needless expense of time and labor. i | i | | ground grains, and placed where it is | accessible to the fowls at all times. | With this arrangement the hens | need never go to roost without suffi- | cient food. According | part the | of forage, worms, | matters, poultry considered the | most economical class of meat pro- ducers. Where all the feed must be | bought problem different. | Poultrymen who raise for market or egg production should keep an account of the cost of the | feed consumed and the returns, order to make a correct estimate. Cooping conditions are often re- sponsible for crooked backs. If the openings to the coops are so low that the young chicks are obliged to stoop down and twist in passing to and from the coops from day to day they form a habit which they keep up after they are well grown, and in time they grow into deformed fowls. To prevent any trouble from a large consists waste where food insects and to data, of poultry’s is the is New Grocery List Every Two M months. It will cost you not us and tell us to put your name on ou to receive each issue of this list. prove a big * money saver” for you. We issue a brand new grocery Mist every vo ing to write to onths this source all openings in the chick- ens’ coops should be large enough to permit the chicks to pass in and out easily without their ever having Pr It will CHECK THE BOOK YOU WANT WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY to stoop any as long as they occupy the coops. Small openings are all you some fine evening and say, “We have come to tell you that from now on we are The hopper is filled with a variety of | fowls either | in | going to charge you from 20 to 50 per cent less than you have ever paid us before.” : Montgomery Ward & Co. right for the little chicks, but in You would be about the most surprised person and about the most pleased personin 19th and Campbell Sts. Chicago Avenue Bridge 3 5 % : the land, wouldn't you? Of course you would be. Now listen. i KANSAS CITY be? Shigeo. 9 time they will grow into big fellows, : : < ooks I have 3 We are grocer, dry goods merchant, hardware dealer, tailor and in fact justabout 3 Mal woul io Ny slim be op. ihe but the entrances to the coops will the whole thing ”” in the matter of supplies of every kind to more than 2,000,000 de- 3; paints 18 Men’s Fur Coats |29 Circular and Drag ’ r y y lighted, satisfied customers. We are saving them from 20 per cent to 50 per cent every * 2 Pianos 15 Sewing Machines) Saws oo shion never grow any larger unless you day in the year on ev r they buy. We will do the same for you, if you will let . § Organs 31 Cream Separators Book _ turn carpenter long enough to en- us. We can and y 1 from 20 per cent to 50 per cent on everything you buy 3 § Roofing BE A rer snd every single ce h of merchandise you receive from us will be the best =» 7 Fumitu 24 Underwear Sam-|32 Tombstones and large them. value you ever saw the price you pay. We guaranteed absolute satisfaction with a 8 lncubators ox Dict Bor Eady. i rak F i 2, Return the goods and get your money back plus the trans- 8 10 Topeweliers % Aytamobile Soo Made Clothing A wide awake farmer noticed that u have paid them. Could anything be fairer or more reason- § 11 {irocery List 26 Bicycles — Motor-| 34 Women's Fura his creek, if dammed at a certain eye over the list of books just to your right and check the ones k Heaters 27 Lies Dress and| 36 MuslinUnderwear : the coupon and mail it to us. You willget the books in a day or § 14 Wire Fencing 27 (ly 8 al Millinery = place, would produce a six foot wat- eep your ey at home by saving all y can, Sta save ® 18 Plan: 28 Women'sTailored 88 Men's Made - to - : : Shahn ry home by savicgel.yen qn, Starttosete 2 17 Lily Clrriazes Bats I Order Clo er fall. He built a dam and put in a — : Nit water wheel—a $300 turbine that boo xa Toa = vi ; r-fiv y MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. from gsget [aie mone ioremorer ovr a 1% S * i - Site foo Om B= the water wheel he bulit a power 121. and Campbel! Sts, KANSAS CITY * "SEND COUPON TO THE NEARER ADDRESS house in which he placed a dynamo i I y for the water wheel to run. The electricity was wired 1,700 feet to the farm buildings. Then he put his electricity to work in every possible place about the premises. He heated Row at Quarries There was considerable excitement for a time at the quarries of the J. E. Baker Company, about a east of town, on Tuesday afternoon. Several men were injured and over a half dozen were discharged by the superintendent. mile use a small dinkey car to load stone. | A dispute arose over who was to | load an empty car. swearing a battle followed. The Situation at Lancaster The number of cases of diphtheria | confined to a small section of Lan- lu reported during October and | November, have been quickly |B caster, early the Health Department. quaratine. Smith was badly injured by being |Ser at any time existed. struck on the head near the right | temple with a huge stone. A gash | over two-and-a-half inches in length | was inflicted and required” a num- | create such pleasant ber of stitches to close. ; Dr. W. T. the future, Worth of this place, wag summoned itm pictures and attended to the intendent I.ongeneck or 1s gn | SR, ahd pred. Super- | will make inexpensive Xmas gifts. i J Roth Bros. booklets, tags, \ orated wraf | boxes at Dg | | The Past and Future Nothing depicts the past or will as photographs. Your | artistically mounted | Oc. at Ebersolfry, gat Ebersg Ww. re in just received rak Joy, Pa. ee ret A ean Xmas and New | Year Post Cards ds, stickers, dec- Stock Tonic, Just Arrived D. Chandler & Co., take pleas- announcing a strict No real dan [to directions. dec. 13-2t ” cordwood and drives an ensilage cut- ter. For Sale Ee — J A Jenny Lind as good as new. German Salads, $1.00 at Eber- memories in call or address H. G. Stauffer, Mt. | sole’s. per, that ther supply of famous Line of Veterinary Remedies controlled thru the efficient action of [and beg to call attention particularly Only a few [to KineTenik, the celebrated concen- cases are now recorded in the whole [trated There are a number of gangs that leity, all of which are under stric’ | Every package of the entire line is |sold under a The present number is barely more | “money back” if the goods do not After some | than the normal average for a cit | give satisfaction when fed according William | of 50,000 population. Regulator, ew Stere. and lighted the house, did the cook- ing and the washing and ironing, did the sweeping and the dusting, beat eggs—and at three different speeds, too—turned the ice cream freezer and in summer ventilated the house with fans. Now with a vacuum milk ing machine he milks twenty cows two at time; drives the cream sep- arator, churns, pumps water into every room in the house and into the stall of each horse and cow, drives lathes and drills in a work- shop, drives a circular saw to cut have ete. guarantee of Ladies’ Belt Pins, 25¢. and 50c. at ple’s. 0. at hclly covered ( PA. AD A BIG & Cochran's Take a Space in the Bulletin Foster Large Readers of Lhe “Bulletin” will do well to notice carefully the large ad- Foster & Cochran's another page. It is with suggestions for every one Christmas gifts, vertisement of appearing on filled lor appropriate whichever member of the family you plan to give something to, you find abundant stions in their SUgge announcement. Foster & Cochran's have prepared on a wonderfully broad scale to fill every gift want, and their store is better able than ever to meet your requirements, with many other peo- ple, you will probably plan to spend a large part of the day in this si gle store, taking lunch at noon in the splendid restaurant. Beginning & Cochran's will until Christ Saturday, Foster be open evening until ten o'clock. i —— every mas i BOARDS ORGANIZE Township school dis- the Bain- Conoy | The Conoy township, trict met Monday in bridge high school building ganization, and after the old board adjourned the new one elected the following officers: President, Ben- jamin F. Hoffman; vice president, T. S. Kraybill; secretary, Ephraim Brinser; treasurer, Jacob ley. The retiring member was C. C. Demmy, who had been in the boar: many years. The new member is E. R. Hoover. They will meet the first Saturday of every month. on East Donegal The School Board of East Done- George F. Stibgen in West Marietta, The officers chosen were: President, M. L. Hoffman; vice president, Ab- ram Grove; secretary, Amos F. Eaby treasurer, Geo. Endslow. The retir ing member of the board was Eli Lindemuth. Saturday in the month. Elizabethtown Boro The Elizabethtown School Board has reorganized for the year, by electing J. H. Eshelman, president; Harry Nissley, vice president; J. H. | Stern, secretary; Harry Lealand treasurer. They granted a Christ- mas vacation from December 22 to January 1. ——r eee ee: Were Entertained Here. As much as the proverbial peas in the pod, Margaret and Kath- | aryn Mowrey, of Columbia, twin sis- alike ters who are attending school, are causing a great deal of trouble by reason of their close resemblance to one another. Besides being alike in their physical appearance, both dress in the same style, which results in many laughable incidents. Joth have transferred from class to class, as it is found im- possible for to straight recyrd of their studies. As the sisters brighter than other, though no one seems to know which, failures for one are un- intentionally given to the other. To acquaint the townspeople wit} {the pair, in order to tell them apart when such a time arises, a reception was given both girls at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Krall of this | place where they were introduced to society, says the Philadelphia N. | American. Sg Sale Register If you get yoar posters printed at | girls been any teacher keep a one of is the the following in the register FREE from now until day of sale. As we | have an exceptionally large circula- tion this will thoroughly advertise | your sale and remember it costs you nothing. Saturday, Dec. 30, 1911—At Ho- tel Phillips, Florin, Pa., House and Lot of ground, formerly owned by John Ritter, deceased. Sale at 7.30 by Hilda Brown. Zeller, auct. —— Er Get It At Getz's.. What? Everything, because you can save | money. The line of Holiday mer- | chandise, which they are showing is | truly a credit to the old town of Mt. | Joy. They are broadening the ideas | public as large an assortment as | caster or Harrisburg. Everything | very moderately priced. | Ladies’ Jabots, 25c¢. to 50c. at Ebersole’s. | 100 piece Dinner Set, $10.00 at| Ebersole’s. | Imported Damask, $1.00 to $1.60 | at Ebersole’s. | Men’s Silk Kerchiefs, 25c. to 50c., at Ebersole’s. — eee Everybody hopes that Mr. Bryan will suffer #0 harm from that ship- wreck. He is needed to criticise the rest of us and keep us in our prop- er places. —_— re We hope that when poor Lo sue- ceeds in getting the ballot he will not attempt to cut the regular mar- ket price of $2.00. — 0 eee Tom Edison's talking pictures of presidential candicates are all right so far as they go, but can they eat banquets? ’ Black Silk Hose, 5 s Tree Ornamen: AOS! - i 8Loon C. Meck- | gal township, met at the residence of | and reorganized on Monday evening. | of all others and give the shopping |= they could wish to see in either Lan- |" will | : pesday, December Facts for Weak! Women Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is due to some Such sickness can ease of the organs distinctly feminine. every day by Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. It acts directly on the organs affected and is at the same time a general restorge tive tonic for the whole system, It cures female complaint right in the It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, of home. every modest woman, We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of those peculiar affections incident to women, but those wanting full information as to their symptoms and means of positive cure are referred to the People’s Come mon Sense Medical Adviser—1008 pages, newly revised and up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt of 2 one- cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only; or, in cloth binding for 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. PLACE YOUR CHRISTMAS AD IN THIS PAPER for or-! | They will meet the first | Give Useful Gifts derangement or digs be cured-—is privacy examinations and and so abhorrent to 810000 JE L0G LO J And what would be more useful than one of those fine new as a CHRISTMAS GIFT, PLEASURE WAGONS or a SLEIGH have one of the finest lines of sleighs to be found anywhere. weather is here and the snow is coming, so better prepare yourself now. Drop in and see me before buying. I The GG. MOYER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. E01 L000 LU FIL.ORI IN. WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO PAY OUR BIG STORE A VISIT BEFORE MAKING THEIR SELECTION OUR LARGE NEW BASEMENT is brim 1ull of the very new- est things in China Ware, Glass Ware, Brass Ware, Ornaments and Statuary of all descriptions, so priced to make it interesting to you. THE FLOORS OF FURNITURE—never has there been an as- sortment of odd pieces, suitable as a Xmas Gift large as you will find here, at prices to suit the purse. 65 Styles Morris Chairs, from $5.98 to $30.00. WesTENBERGER *MALEY & Myers, LANCASTER, PA. 0 ITT ETO 25-127 East King St., EE J Y KLINE ‘All Kinds Concrete Work BUILDING a — BLOCKS All Styles and Colors Porches, Columns and Banisters Door and Window Sills and Lintles, Chimneys, Ete. Retailer of the Best Grades of Cement PEIN NA. this office we will insert a notice like | A000 LE 1 Early Christmas Shoppers assembled, as large or small I AE Give ¢ Let us FILL YOUR STOCKING with jood hol. day printing. We (can start business fyour and keep it going your way all th Advertiging. Are You Wise to Santa Claus? Yes? Then Get Wise to Us! ) h 19 ¢ - >. £ i Ns