«my prices and make comparisons with others. \ \ Nr ‘ . \ { dof 1 ¥ \ M \ 1 / : per 15, 19 . y sday,govember 10, vy \ THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wedne Le r Ant, » . oe i — a ye | CONOY .“ . ——— Scr [OW “View It | Rural Vote mage—n. w. murioiter, ®., | Official Count | Despair and Desponde Fn 1 i 170; Irvin Ackerman, D., 57. | gn Po deri at» : (Continued from page 1; Inspector——Ross Ashton, R., 165; | a . 1) No one but a woman sun tell th story rin, Se IRE'S AN ADVAN (AGE IN | P. 8. Weidman, 3! A " RR ontinued from page despair, and the despondency endured by 0 hi THERE'S A pYAYo 8 wi Jamay, 3% 29 Willam Wise, D., 60. i Mayor | a daily burden of ill-health and pain because of disorders and , Auditor—-John J, Henderson, 32. Constable—W. P. Collins, R., 176; | Frank B. McClain. R 4.536 | derangements of the delicate and important organs that are Maytown Ben Landis, D.. 54. Jos. S. Strickler : D.. : ’ distinctly feminine, The tortures so bravely endured come Ze G. Engle, 168; Har- BOY Yan Misia Jos, 5. Sirick er, D.,, pletely upset'the nerves if long continued, Tatu qh Ip A8seguor--Jacoh L. Ebe Poole, Rut Los. 8. Strickler, K...: 4,097 Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a positive oure foe 1 eu, Eph G. Huffman, 154 115; Henry E. Bryan, D., 126. John BE. Wiley, S..... 201 weakness and disease of the feminine organism, 1 spector IY x. ’ bia p x dan ro Br . | Wh, OF pu ’ Juste 8 Se Peace I. Oliver School Directors IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, ry v ¢ Forrv. | FY Bu D., 200, John C. Carter, (two - Registry \ssessor—C. C. Forry, School Directors-——B. F. Hoffman, me "oy SICK WOMEN WELL. 150; Jacob Minnich, 75 n ' dev. (2 . JB) Ru v.ouvnisss 4,722 2 ‘ . fee ¥ REM or Shi lds. 188 (2 years), R., 154; J. U. Meckley, (2 5... p Long, (two It allays inflammation, heals ulceration and SUothes aa | Constable—William Shields, * years), R., 138; T. Graybill, (4 rs.) vears) R 4.604 It tones and builds up the nerves. It fits for wifehoo f \ssessor—John T. Tome, 177; R., 149; E. B. Hoover, (4 years), NN ane pt , and motherhood. Honest medicine dealers sell it, and Geo. L. Glattacher, 47. : Vac : es a °' VW. O. Marshall, (two have nothing to urge upon you as ‘‘just as good. i ) ‘ ¢ » e Busiow R., 148; Ephraim Brinser, (6 years) vaarsy R. .... 0... 1.708 It is non-secret, non-alcoholic and has a record of forty years of cures, School | Directorse-tiev : MEOW |R., 148; Abram Raber (2 years), Frank M. Dorwart, (4 Ask Your Ngigunors. They probably know of some of its many cures. L; John Davis, 1; AA. B. Dietrich, 1. D., 42; Norman Smith, (2 years), rears) R : 810 If you want a book that tells all about woman’s diseases, and how to cure Supervisor-—C. H. Brubaker, R., . ; ; avs YERTS! Th \rviwaninny 1,61 them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing 1 D., 68; Daniel Dupler, (1 years) , y 1 d 102: Elam Stoner, 1 on ao ' : “.' 8. V. Hosterman, (four only, and he will send you a free copy of his great thousand-page i ustrate Sr ai ’ . D., 39; 8. 8. Manning, (4 years), years) R. ........ 1,668 Common Sense Medical Adviser—revised, up-to date edition, in paper coy Y lownship Auditor—H. C. Miller, D., 55: A. S. Brinser, (6 years), D., P. E. Slayvmaker, (four In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y, R., 100 Ee i ager, ! Rohrrerstown y : . years) R. ‘ 4,662 : 3 ; rons Supervisors—F. R. Groff, (4 yrs) Milton U. Gerhard, (six Judge Edward Armstrong, ' |R., 154; Samuel Dennison, (2 vears) "WE > San Charles Hertzler, R., 31 years) R 1,596 ; t I i u i id r n R 145; Jacob Charles, Jr., (4 yrs.), D. G. Glass, (six years) ER nspector John W, Kreider, R., D., 68; Samuel Denison, (2 vears), R : : 1.664 : ® A \ n a0) "y " Vals i *Mulle p,.29, }, © Welchans, (six : ; Ret ry Assessor «11 McMullen, Township Auditors--Monroe Smith vears) R. : 4.481 ol Soe : (4 years), R., 158; Albert M, Stoner Jacob Bork, (2 vears) Co )]¢ Levi Kissinger, R., (2 years), R., 144 Roy Smith, (4 DD: 1.518 : R 25 years), D., 42: Jacob Prescott, (2 Jacob Bork (2 vears) . 1 I on \ . vears). D 51 > —n . EO rriage Work Ong, i BL, 0 nn Dns shan vase 2068 2821 Young Brothe ns Ca a | ) ( : Peac > i 8 EAST HEMPFIELD Christian Haller. (two THAT WILL ALWAYS CLAIM YOUR ATTENTION. IT IS gedit Landisville years) 'D. ....,...1.580 J K Jud Olivar Hershe, R 82; Christian Haller, (two ) ) 3. Ken ‘ pi : { farr ears) K EE 2022 8.572 Custom Quality at Moderate Prices eel oman, 7, |p, Kr wane y Q C Yee - a. Xt Y, , : ; xzon for Spring Bo aso Mm D., 13 yD. .........1,604 There can be no etter time to o 1 De Vagon, 1 an : i H. H. Long, R \s or I. Me J es M. Yea , (two now. It stands to reason that we ore attention to a job ove 1 E . Char 1 4 . : nd. naturaliv van oat a . ears) nh 64 3,647 the winter month aturally vou ¢ d Ringwal Constabl Levi Kissinger, 1 0 I.. Chadman, (four first-class job. 1. \ : Vohti Hl ie , 1: a” n ' revs ) oh I. Lon Y, Dou. 1,678 We also have some fine sl for your inspection q ( Brubake R Yastics of ‘the. Poco. 5 wh : : fel \ Chadman, (four oa 6 4 5 ! oi Browl R 1 I C. I Vel R rs) K. 8.05] ) 629 | » : : 1 1 { umuel B. Smith, (four y 1 . t . - jer. hn : 2 larles, 1 School Directors—Dr. J. S. Ken- years) D Li aye '4 wo po) AY .. { \ WwW i h YOUNG BROS. Consolidaten re TE hl EB Don’t Se the Wiong Mr. Wrig | Constable Levi Kirsinger, R., hold. (2 v ars), R.. 79: E. C. Be : : . y EVRIRE | , (2 years), R.., 7! E. C. Bo vears) I = eon y 5 . 23 . Bell Telephone FLORIN, PENNA. |oq7 ers, (4 years), R., 79; H. H. Long, | wp Satitoan tow 70 Holiday Advertising Is the Aeroplane Assessor—John H. Long, R., 274. | (4 years), R., $0: Christ E. Charles, > men, (ou rs That Gives Business a Lift. { Justice ifthe Peace—Amos C. | (g years), R., 80 Wm. S. Sullivan (four : Y ! 0 OMI | Brown, R., 270; E. C. Bowers, Reo Ssupervisor—C. H. Brubaker, Ro rong 0 TOW 5002, GET ABOARD! TAKE A FLYER B Ee Ai i i Ji sy, Clifton Evans, (6 vrs.) . g B®] School Directors—Dr. ,. S. Kendig Township Auditor—H. C. Miller, Di 1.537 a % years), R., 278: H. C. Reinhold, |p «1 Sl ee 58 . = | n eason ny 4a yours) op NYT R., 81 Clifton Evans, (6 yrs.) Pi Y Ad 3 h B 11 W = (2 years), R., 269; E. C. Bowers, Petersburg Riedie nnes.. 2,011 3,648 ace our in t u etin i a | Years) R., 27 I: H. H, Long, (4 Judge—D. B. Graybill, R., 97; J. | Fred. SS. Pyfer, (six a = | years), R., 275; Christ E. Charles, |g, Dietrich, D., 20. vears) D 1,599 — Te : Bi a B| (6 years), R., 276. uspertor—a. Q. Hye, B. 951 [mg un. peter. iors Supervisor—C. H. Brubaker, R., | walter Yorkin 5 : ge EE ® TORNADO FODDER CUTTERS, NEW HOLLAND | Suwervis : | Walter M. Workman, D., 15. years) K. ........ 2,008 3,627 m 5 sud HC MA i Registry Assessor—Geo. S. Foltz, Henry J. Ryder, (six - . 4 ‘ns ig . 2 “er > » u GASOLINE ENGINES, NEW HOLLAND J, Tovushin Antho er, [106 pas, my Labs La d0. | Constable—Levi Kissinger R., | Henrv rder ix i | ger, , nry J. Ryder, (six | Dealer in § CHOPPING MILLS, SEED DRILLS, THE SIEVELESS rR NRE 10s wy ® nse Lower Assessor—John H, Long, R., 102. Yoto i I T LEANER on [ : ote on Amendments | - FANNING MILL, Best WHEAT CLE Judge—Albert Fike, R., 64; J. M. | Justice of the Peace—Amos C. |x. 1—Yes, 1,702. No, 1,039. Coal Lumber Grain the Market. Also FERTILIZERS and High Grade = |Roth, D. 25. Brown, R., 98; E. C. Bowers, R. No. 2—Yes, 1,435. No, 1,039, ’ ’ J Inspector—Peter McGarvey R. 58 | 102. las TIMOTHY SEED. | Also do PLUMBING of = All Kind and STEAM and HOT WATER HEATING. . | Handle The AMERICAN STEAM and HOT x : | he WATER BOILERS. a ebe = ue.You Need Anything of the Above Give Me a Call Joute 18H My Prices Are Right. rental ho’ "ta frien Gi. MOYER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. a JOT OOO eforfoofeofecfocdonfecfocfucfecfocfocfonocforocfoofocforforooforforiooferforo donferfosforocerforfoied : 9 5g THE PEOPLE'S MARBLE ; $ Now.is the time to order Cemetery work for Spring at big reduct- 3% ions. Satisfaction guaranteed. + Sure days at Elizabethtown, Wednesday and Saturdays. I R OPPOSITE S. G. HERSHEY'S STORE, PARK STREET. 3 Ind. Phone 610D., Elizabethtown, or 723B., Maytown. 3 | KEENER & NICHOLAS, Proprietors %| Elizabethtown and Maytown % CHARLES W. COBLE Mgr., Elizabethtown. | fede sb oftolet bobbed dodobobopelodedeodoo fede dodo | | oncrete and t is warr The world has been crylog for a fire and water proof building material more and cool in Summer and at the game ti inexper will answer this purpose better than Concrete? as well a8 all the foreign countries are establishing co a andard for all kinds of construction work as it has all these qualifications and Iast but not least durability. I would suggest that if any one is in doubt as to the material, manner of construction, ete., that they call at my place of business and see what I have to offer. I will guarantee a satis- factory job and my best evidence is to have you call on pec » for whom 1 have erected entire buildings and hear what they have to say. ; Permit me to give you a demonstration of the advantage of buying from me. If a man went into a store for a hat, he would be quite dis- gusted if his only selection would be a black stiff hat or a black felt hat L wherein his intention was the purchase of a gray, brown, red or blue hat. Suppose a man is interested in building a home or some : I can show him many different designs or combinations of building blocks in almost any color desired... I can’t help but have something that will u. Peas Bons you to call and see what I have to show you in this line. Am equipped to do all will guarantee ! Get | kinds of Concrete Work, Best Quality of Cement for sale, all concrete and building blocks waterproof. What more could vou desire? "I ean save you from 35 to 50 per cent.. Having had 27 years experience in ding, I will give you the benefit of my vast experience and it will cost you nothing so if interested, call and see me. . Jd. XY. KLINE BY x» ORIN. $ - PEIN INA. Ce A | Geo. S. Vogel, R., 38; oncrete other building. 1 Alphius Morton, D., 27. Registry Assessor—Clarence Wil- 7, R.,, 57; John Masterson, D., 30 Constable— M. H. Rendler, R., ; Geo. S. Vogel, R., Jacob Loraw, , 24, Assessor—Clarence Wiley, R., 55; Isaac Kopp, D., 22. School Directors—David Greiner, (2 years), R.,, 64; Aaron Gepfer, (2 vears), R., 60; Elmer Barnhart, (4 years), R., 63; Wm. Gardner, (4 years), R., 62; Elmer Strickler, (6 years), R., 61; H. L. Stoll, (2 years) D., 24; C. Frank, (2 years), D., 24. Supervisor—Eli W. Brandt, R., 60; Wm. Rhea, D., 23. Township Aupitor—Amos Heist- and, R.,. 61; A. M. Roth, D., 283. Milton Grove Judge—1Isaac Geib, R., 54. Inspector—Harvey Wittle, R., 41; Harry Ferry, D., 7; Harvey Fisher, ‘. Registry Assessor—Cyrus Wittle, R., 54. Constable—M. H. Rendler, R., 53 | Jacob Loraw, | D.. 14. Assessor—Clarence Wiley, R., 25; Isaac Kopp, D., 40. School Directors—David Greiner, (2 years), R., 56; Aaron Gepfer, (2 years), R., 57; Elmer Barnhart, (4 years), R., 52; Wm. Gardner, (4 years), R., 52; Elmer Strickler, (6 years), R., 54; H. L. Stoll, (2 years) D., 4; C. Frank, (2 years), D., 3. Supervisor—Eli W. Brandt, R., 52; Wm. Rhea, D., 7. Township Auditor—Amos Heis- tand, R., 50; A. M. Roth, D., 5. Upper | Judge—H. O. Keener, R., 54. | Inspector—Frank Balmer, R., 51; Walter H. Brubaker, D., 2; H. ! Acker, D,, 1. v Registry Assessor—Wm. Howard, R., 53. : Constable M. H. Rendler, R., 40; Geo Vogel, R., 43; Jacob Loraw, D., Clarence Wiley, R., 24 I D., 38. Scho Directors—David Greiner, 2 rs), R., 48: Aaron Gepfer, vears), R., 49; Elmer Barnhart, vears R., 7: Elmer Strickler, rs), B., 51; H LL. Stoll, (2 x D 4; C. Frank, (2 years), ) Superviso Eli W. Brandt, R., 45 Wm. Rhea, D., 15. l'ownst Auditor—Amos Teis- R., 47: A.M. Roth, D., 19. Consolidated Constable—M H. Rendler, R., Geo. S. Vogel, R., 138; Jacob Loraw, D., 51. Assessor—Clarencel! Wiley, R., | 104; Isaac Kopp, D., 110. School Directors—David Greiner, | (2 years), R., 168; Aaron Gepfer, (2 years), R., 166; Elmer Barnhart | { (4 years), R., 164; Wm. Gardner, (4 years), R., 161; Elmer Strickler (6 years), R., 165: H. L. Stoll, (2 years), D., 42; C. Frank, (2 years) P., 40. Supervisor-—Eli W. Brandt, R., Wm. Rhea, D., 45. Township Auditor—Amos Heis- tand, R., 158; A. M. Roth, D., 47. | ‘ VP. | with Lord Chesterfield. i edy, if you like. School Directors—Dr. J. S. Kendig (2 years), R., 104; H. C. Reinhold, (2 years), R.,, 102; BE. C. Bowers, (4 years), R., 105; Chris. E. Charles, (6 years), R., 103; David Ringwalt, 1; M. M. Davis, 1; A. H: Hoffman, 171; Geo. F. Stibgen, 157; Amos PF. Eby, 168; A. H. Grove, 164; M. R. Hoffman, 184; George S. Rhoads, Sr., 52; Wm. Bontz, 51; Wm. Clep- per, 60. Supervisor—Roy S. Nissley, 116; F. S. Weidman, 120. Auditor—John J. Henderson, 75. Springville Judge—Jacob S. Brubaker, 87; Jacob Boyer, 650. Inspector—Emseline Buller, 72; J.! Edwin Mann, 60. Registry Assessor—Henry Charles 92; Tillman Bernhart, 46. Constable—William Shields, 83. Assessor—John A. Tome, 78; Geo. Glattacker, 49. School Directors—Geo. Enslow, 96; Geo. F. Stibgen, 86; Amos PF. Eby, 85; A. H. Grove, 32; M. R. Hoffman, 70; Geo. S. Rhoads, Sr., 19; Wm. Bontz, 17; Wm. Clepper, 22, Supervisor—Roy S. Nissley, 53; F. S. Weidman, 91. Auditor—John J. Henderson, 36 Consolidated Constable—William Shields, 372. Assessor—John A. Tome, 348; G. L. Glattacker, 92. School Directors—Geo. © Enslow, 360; Geo. F. Stibgen, 344; Amos F. Eby, 346; A. H. Grove, 339; M. R.! Err, ov, Hoffman, Geo. S. Rhoads, Sr., 97; Wm. Bontz, 101, Wm. Clepper, | | | Following is the report of New- 106. Supervisor—Roy S$. Nissley, 250; S. Weidman, 249. Auditor—John J. Henderson, 143. rr —— eee ! A Champion Ear of Corn y An ear of corn raised by H. C. Reinhold, of East Petersburg, con- twenty rows, with sixty-five grains to the row, or a total of 1,300 grains. tains er of a Picture. We the famous picture of “The 1 in silence that could be felt. and I y fa made me hold my breath and a lump come in n t I » first at the suf- ferin } ind then at the kind doe- toi ve face, and then at h n * in the back- is nart, I don’t mind te water in his eyes, and a great big tear rolled down his cheek as he said: “Isn’t that wonderful? I suppose as a tailor 1 should be looking at the style of the M. D.’s clothes; but, man, I'm human, and when there is a pie- ture that appeals like that to the great heart of humanity, why, I just forget all about my trade and think only of my humanity. Come on,” he added. “I can't stay longer to look at that, for it reminds me too much of a little one I lost. Here you are,” he sald— “here's something more in our line, Dr. Johnson waiting for an audience Here's com- And now we may examine the clothes.”—London Tailor gr presently | and Cutter. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Builetin. Extension of Excursion Tickets | Excursion tickets on the lines of the Conestoga Traction Company have been evtended from two days to five days. Round trip tickets will |thus be valid for five days instead (of two as heretofore, for instance a [ticket bought on the first of the month will be good to and include the fifth of the month. DE Subpoenas in Divorce The court has allowed the follow- ing subpoenas in divorce: | David H. Rutherford, Bainbridge, against Elizabeth R. Rutherford, |cruel treatment. Harry S. Rahm, Mount Joy bor- ough, against Margaret M. Rahm, desertion. ———- Een. Farmers’ Creamery Branches Out The farmers in the vicinity of the Bossler branch of Reist, Nissley & Co’s. Creamery have purchased that branch. It was then taken over by the Farmers’ Creamery Company of this place as are all its other branches. The new owners took charge on Monday. EE — Elder Property Sold Last evening auctioneer Charles H. Zeller sold store property and residence on E. Main street at public sale. It was purchased by Dr. W. M. Thome at $4,600. etl ees Ms. of Newtown School Report Secondary town Secondary School for month ending Oct. 27, 1911. Average attendance, boys, 11: girls, 19. Per cent. of attendance, boys, 97; girls, 97. Number enroll- ed, boys, 12; girls, 21. Those who were in attendance every day: A Class—Chas. Whittle, Mary Whittle, Esther Whittle, Tona Kem- merly, Martha Fuhrman, Priscilla Fogie. B Class—Levi Fuhrman, Anna Musser, Susie Forry, Anna Nentwig. Class—Ray Myers, Anna Niss- ley beth Mumma, Beulah Det- wil yaret reltmacher, Anna Witmer. D Class—Martha Nentwig, John Nissley, Wm. Haines. ANDREW M. DIXON, teacher Primary School Average attendance, boys, 15; girls, 13. Per cent. of attendance, boys, 97; girls, 95. Whole number in attendance, boys, 17; girls 14. Pupils who attended every day: A Class—Hiram Detwiler, Jacob Mumma, Martha Fogie. B Class—Claud Reigle, Mary Fog- ie, Irene Forrey, Anna M. Geltmach- er. the Rosetta Elder | C Class—Amos Decker, Harry Fuhrman, Milton Mowrer, Abram | Mumma, Howard Nentwig, Frank Nissley, Wm. Witmer, Clara Fogie. Jeginners—Gladys Fogie, Ruth Musser. Read the Bulletin Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | | | Feed, Hay, Straw, Slate, Salt, Cement and Fertilizer A large stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest each price paid for grain. Estimates on Lumber and Mill Wark : Speiaity FLORIN, PENNA. ALTARS Christmas Goods You might think it is a little early to begin to talk holiday goods, but here it is, November. Already our store has a HOLIDAY APPEAR- ANCE. Every Jdcy we receive some holiday goods. And already a great many sales have been made. Almost every day we laydaside some thing for someone. Come in and see our line of DIAMONDS, WATCHES and JEWELRY... Any article selected now, will be resery- ed until Christmas. Pirosh & Simmons JEWELER AND OPTICIANS Next Door to Shaub & Co’s. Shoe Store 20 N. QUEEN ST.. LANCASTRR sn A800 11 LCP October Housefurnishing Sale #§ FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS AND DRAPERIES OF THE BETTER SORT TEMPTINGLY PRICED When the whistling winds and whirling leaves of boisterous October send us scurrying to our homes—it is then we find com- fort in our den, cozy corner or library. Here in our large store, you will find the very things you want, whether it be a few odd pieces, or a whole outfit, at a saving s that will pleasantly surprise you. . CARPETS AND RUGS | FURNITURE ® Brussels Rugs, 9x12, $11.89 up I Centre Tables, $1.75 up. ® Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12, Morris Chairs, $7.85 up = $23.50 up Library Tables, $7.00 up. 8 Velvet Rugs, 9x12, $17.50 up || Rockers, $3.00 up. #@ Axminster Rugs, 9x12, | eather Rockers, $8.50 up. = $16.50 up Comforts, 98c. up 8 Brussels Carpet, 50c. per yd. | Blankets, $1.49 wp. BM Velvet Carpet, 98c. per yd. up | Carpets called for, cleaned Axminster Carpet, 98c. I! and returned at short notice. = WESTENBERGER *MALEY & Myers, 2 3 AND 127 BAST KING r LANCASTER, PA 10 ROR RS is the only kind I sell—Furniture that 1s Furniture Rockers Hall Racks Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Davenports China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything in the Furniture Line Undertaking and Embalming II.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY. ENN A of { { Mirrors