Thisking About School Clothes? Humor and With the openfing of l'only tw W eks off mothers Philosophy 1 will b® busy p RHEEMS Humor and Mrs. John Clinton from Philosophy is a : oh siti her brot Nes By DUNCAN M. SMITH By OUNCAN M. SMITH and bys. Lotton} iabrics v r OOS 5 ends at Mariett 11 E +3: e tl 4 \ Te St DL - fall aad all th: l wit LC) 4 \ : ' nd M Harry Ulric) 1p hard w od tabi W owing of te PERT PARAGRAPHS. PERT PARAGRAPHS. eC 01 ard wear a'd Lu k . ‘ . ; lelpt I ting stocks of Gingham : (ralatea Cloth and JF people could break their chickens | YWE all have to play the game, but M n '] bravs to er in the evs g Instead of ve would like to have the prive k ran! id yO. the morning life in the country would ilege of choosing our opponents, \ nd & CHLEBRATED AR DERSON BATES GINGHAMS, 123c YARD be more enjoyable ” ¢ v v Bit Our ide p $ § 8 3 GINGHAMS, 15.0 YARD { . and pat- - ir lea of a dismal maw (8 one that = i RI f . . na ; ’ yids to sma It is not so hard to cateh a girl, but | 1s left at home to mina the baby a Bris ; . ) - i taming her is « er matter whole evening : desigl®s on ft a o . Aa » \ 1 Wo ( beaut! oY gis in GALATEA CLOTH 15¢. YARD Peace ought to be all puted up on| The man who can put up a good n G. Ente sorted col ombinaticdn it Joc, a > \ t wears well and does herself, everybody 1s paying her so | fight is apt to be the man who doesn’t t P yard. 1 { jresses, rompers and much attention now have to STYLISH MADRAS 15¢. YARD . > ita - \ Sime E. Henr nd 301 brine wi +t r ; n y The innocent bystander often gets|{ If a man is an expert liar you can ttlast 5 re sbandiy und OPULAR PERCALES, 123c. YARD what's coming to him | generally get his word for it | visiting the fap : S, 121¢. AND 10¢. YARD ar Pe in - : : : 3) ; : . te " Svvad ght Reciprocity is a good thing, but the| Never mind a man who can't tell a ) p Jor gress ob confidence man doesn't deal in it. discord from a symphony. He doesn’t ia — know when he is pleased , Good intentions are all right unless es at Palmyra, Lemoyne : ; z *h Is a hangover from yester- | (‘umberland nd Harrisburg you want to use them for a tinish A grouc ¢ 8 : 1 and } ] 1 Children’ 8 Wash Dresses ds ! 5 6 to 14 the z 1 sele n Gingham and When a woman says she “cannot | —-— ¢ tarted s ng wheat Ow skirts and tr waists say" her listener knows she Is keep-| Sweet are the uses of adversity. {essi A ing back the story just for meanness. A They make us want to keep out once 50c. DRESSES $1.00 AND $1.25 DRESSES we get out. | sowing : 1 Perca and Ginghams; al- Being beautiful is a ‘business with ; : yms in checks "Hie aly deve 1] trimmed ®ome women and a habit with others We back up to go ahead. but whens acy I N with bi : rn ibe we back out it's different the guest of his brother-in-law, I. ped with bias t ontrasting color; high or low ra 3 ; ot : Being able to purchase a new straw —- Henr ind SO « 3 i : ain oor : hat every summer is some men’s idea It is hard to keep up an extravagamt | 3 \omon Hoover, .several da of affluence appearance on a bargain counter in- come 1 - -— ER 4 6 S Sturdy = School Hose gti) A capable man Is one who is clever LL Tarmers ciation: for. the Done ble kinds for hard will find stocked in our enough to keep out of difficulty. It is much easier to live down a rep- | 5 nt at fairest prices — utation for industry than to live down | © } € 1 re 28 prices. . E . one for laziness. MISSES’ HOSE, 25c. PAIR BOYS' HOSE, 23¢. PAIR a Xpensive, =... ce—— on the 1 f a Hy Met ilw 4 : fy Andon Nd “1 do like expensive things. | J Fine Imported L Hose; double Cotton Hose; triple knee “Ah. I see.” Summer's Comforter. g30le and knee and hi spliced heel tr avy spilced foot and high “See what?” Of harming, SY out lectric fan, | e like to sit at ease { “An black } “Why you like Young Snobly.” i trouble under ban, jereas 9 > ————— MISSES' HOSE, 12ic. PAIR SPECIAL, AT 10c. PAIR “Why? osts his father a hundred doi- Fine Black Cotton Hose; lisle fin- Reg good Cot- | THe costs his father ; oe Be ish: double heel and toes io} lars and costs every little while. ope el and toe ee If y are on tt H, E. EBERSOLE WR my pe, | ht, oe on. Opposite Post Office, Mt. Jov, Pa Boa | rah tase ho ta eit n Sink + (loods In Season Fhursday, Get 12, 1911 At B¢ TORNADO FODDER CUTTERS, NEW HOLLAND GASOLINE ENGINES, NEW HOLLAND CHOPPING MILLS, SEED DRILLS, THE SIEVELESS FANNING MILL, Best WHEAT CLEANER “He is writing a novel “Indeed!” “In very deed.” “Why is be deing it? “Because nobody has got out an in 101 &s hard.” 1S and 19, WATER BOILERS : ; junction against him." Ganges His Mind. the Market Also FERTILIZERS and High Grade ree “Ht was love at first sight with him® | poo av Oct, 17, 1911 ; : | bi Short Weight. . ‘And did He prey her?” Nt ' to > - TIMOTHY SEED. | Also do PLUMBING ‘The way of the transgressor is "No" : 2 a J : hard.” “Wouldn't she ge him?" . All Kind and STEAM and HOT WATER HEATING “Well, at that it has nothing on my “He dido’t ask her, : 4 : 5 { grocer.” “Why?” ] | executors " | Handle The AMERICAN STEAM and HOT “Why? 2 Se “Because he looked again.” Wodlicsdar. and. Thursiiay. Octobe n “Because his weigh is light as well : l ’ ah . 3 = = “ | A Poor Weak 172 oor YW Cadi VY Ole termed | agoniles wiuch a The fact is wi to be und 5 | y wiht ot t i d Jute s D ary k. 2, side il N has been ef consulting physi Hotel and Surgical Institute, of many years and has had a wider ce . in the treatment of women’s d r physician in this country, ; His medicines are world-tar iS tor t ng efhicac The most perfect remedy es ed for weak and delis cate women Dr. Picrece’s ' Creseription, IT MAKLS WEAK WOM) FRONG, §! "« WOMEN WELL. The many and varied sympton f woma veeuliar nts are fully set forth in Plain Eadlish in the P le’s Medical Ad es), a newly revised and up-to-date Edition of w el iiled free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only Address as above. "TAKE A FLYER! Fin he | CH. Leller's Fall Sale List Don’t Be the Wrong Mr. Wright Holiday Advertising Is the Aeroplane = That Gives Business a Lift. GET ABOARD! TAKE A FLYER! . Place Your Ad in the Bulletin : E. S. MOORE Dealer in Coal, Lumber, Grain, Feed, Hay, Straw, Slate, Salt, Cement and Fertilizer A large stock ot Feed constantly on hand. Highest esc% price paid r for grain. 3 = a TF Vanishing Throng. | properties of Samuel P. Lvtel. de- = Remember v 3 fellow who used to come 3 . - . . 1 i , = Lowly, but Safe. down | ceased =aie at pm - oti t : If You Need Anything of the Above Give Me a Cal a At last we've reached the flying age, A few minutes late every day - Estimates on Lumber and Mill Work aSpeialty Mv Pri A R : But still we've understood Who played for the others the part of the | Saturday, Oct. 2ist-—Real Estate for rices re ioht B From some who have not caught the rage clown { Mrs. John Simons y 5 = That walking’s pretty good. And made the old office so gay | FLORIN PENNA ou Whose form was so lanky, whose face | ’ was 80 grave man.’ Remember the girl with the wonderful Rally Day Who always had plenty of g¢ : With all who were willing Cautious. Who flirted tke fury with ¢ to hear, of the force | u “ MOUNT JOY, PENNA. " Ba etal fo Br Te RI Wi ai top tee the te | The Ammual Rally Day, of the . Thursday, Oct. 26, at the Washing- f Henry Peffer, deceased. |” ET " —— - ; Knew the Girl. i With mouth just the shape of a trap; ton House, Mount Joy, Pa., prop- “So her father gave his consent? Who couldn't for half of a minute be | arty o “Yes, quite readily.” have— { al ony ® “He must have liked the young | Whatever became of that chap? Sa:e at v.40 p. m CH hii \Unredeemed Single and Double Barreled Breech- ) to share ['nited Evangelical Church, will be loading (uns, as low as $3.50 observed on Sunday. October 8. The! \ non mms ———— “Hello, Jinks. We heard you were | And set their light heads in a whirl, time of services are as follows: 9.30 | We have also on sale a big stock of Hammerless Guns—IL ad.” Took presents from them as a matter of |. Y YO NOTE solino 000 eld fied dee dodo fede | 000 : ; on course— a. Mm, General Meeting: 10.00 |g ith's, Baker's, Ithaca. You can buy these Guns for half their regular What did you do about it? ; : i ) »ubli ) D1 BH : : : Whatever became of that girl 8. m., Publi nip 2.00 p . 3 brate with the chance of the rumor be | Remember the fellow who used to come In Ey par : I * | Ing unconfirmed.” wy bow 8 guarte of Ie. chelate Ww. 8 Bars} 0 new Gun in place of it & GRANITE WORKS * Jove breath was perfumed wi noted author and pr * CR of gin, ® : —— + . . : er, will be the orator of the da Z It Was There. Left over effects rom a spree, 5 : ; +* ——— —————" —— ——— - “They have a pretty baby.” riend Mer ay I d 8 f the past, In ile Quartet tte T . % Ji i . v . y » " »y alway peared to e— 1 n exception 2 ow 1s the time to order Cemetery work for Spring at big reduct- 3 “Where did you see the beauty? Ooh was, Te tol ime. hit fra) apd 1 28 Xceptior CAS ions. Satisfaction guaranteed. i “In the mother's eye.” last— 1 sin Sure days at Elizabethtown, Wednesday and Saturdays t — Whatever became of that soak? services. TI r S 0 « he JEWELER AND OPTICIANS Defined. And so it goes on when | meet dear old ecials tt 01 5004 Next D to St 1 ‘ . : N. QUEEN ’ | WTO a? 1 a oe ° Yoo Piud > % > es ye oor to Shaub & a's. : Stor 20 . QUEEN ST.. LAN NM OPPOSITE S. G. HERSHEY'S STORE, PARK STREET There juisome Praises We Talk of the ti have fied ptul Rally Day Program. Don EY ST.. LANCASTER | “Phe ; ellov Strat? We ta ( 1es that ve fle : it ~ : Ind. Phone 610D., Elizabethtown, or 723B., Maytcwn. & | he kind the other fellow gets.’ And wonder how this one or that one gets SS Eve . m——— & I 1 to ‘all of the. sery f he PRY T= 0 LL 0 LHR KEENER & NICHOLAS, Proprietors #| Yast Sune ong age; 1 201. Sisters g a S + G3 a %| = i i ! CARPETS, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS Elizabethtown a 3 5 romantte. where did : tavk Z : nd Maytown + iy a All Standard, Perfect Goods af a Guaranteed Saving 15 to 25 per ct. i CHARLES W. COBLE Mgr., Elizabethtown. 3 | Whatever's become of them now? WESTERN HORSES AND COLTS aa | TAGe : = = 2S; No mis- Boos of sfaefonfosesostaste rok 7 otertestes” ode funorerfesfesfatentorieet Seoeoerferosdecferdenfesfecfisfenfasfesforenfesfosfenfent: | tio Ju YO) much conversational sugar a= { o + : wid 10st Tay § t | ieal in slush di re and renders the dis- | At Public Sale = na latest pag oS ect matte position adic 4 oC ue : B - - 5 Axminster ( pets from 98c¢. to 81.56. There are plenty to be first aid to eS 3 jody Brussels Carpets from $1.35 to $1.65, the injured when Cupid has been ex-| . N ’1 : ry Brussels Carpets from 69¢c. to $1.10. cossively buy Friday Oct | 3th i ] . inster Rugs, 9x12, $15.75 to $25.00 { ” . 2 5 n » 5 | | apestry Dri 00 to 518.00. eo Son 8 Of don't want to die for fear ; 130 5 Body: Brusse to 00 jai pur ovltuary notices will be emparrass | = \ 1 or irom N up occupy ing = ed Linoleum from 3%c. to 33c. el { Inlaid Linoleums from 9S8c. to $1.30. Anidrchy is the state a man is in| when his wife goes away from home, g '"C untless numbers of peo- | 1ld rather rust out than ple who er this as neighbo bust out. | go through life in a state of suspended animation. EE ——————— Some peo nd more durable warm in Winter What material I United States as oncrete as a standard id has been erying for a 1 proof building material Summer and at the same this purpose better than he foreign countries are Nothing is plenty for a lazy man to ¥-do. and he ¢ vs has it with him. of construction work as it 1 these qualifications and im vill weigh east durability. i would suggest that if any one is in doubt as His fortune and to share! ¥ Law is something that a Im who : x tt rood rial, manner of construction, ete., that they call at my He has no. foltune He to Are aw S De hing that a nan ys. each hey consist ol the good ess and see what I have to offer will guarantee a satis- But that is ne j San agford % hires a lewyer to Keep lye mown Chunks Ww 1Wo Sood }d my best evidence is to have you call on people for whom 1 Imagination out of his way ends and a good middle, witl entire buildings and hear what they have to sav. Enough to justify r | - } 1 , a) bone, stvle and action. Mr. Grov If every day were Sunday how in e to give you a demonstration of the advantage of buying But when it's 0 : pertinent query, | the world would we ever manage to | [2 ally wired us that thi a man went into a store for a hat, he would be quite dis- (PSION theo: Ir s only selection would be a black stiff hat or a black felt hat ut fant it great to be crazy, deary?) get our laundry ? the banner load of the season as flention was the purchase of a gray, brown, red or blue hat S—————— 0 | you all know the kind he ships, the hn is interested in building a home or some other building 3 aa a best that zrow. Look for a load of m many different designs or combinations of building blocks Declines the Nomination. { Beat It if You Can best that grow +00 ¢ color desired. I can’t help but have something that will I wish to thank vy many friends | Andrew K. Stoner of Conoy tows- | cracker-jacks this load. for the honors bestowed upon me in |ship, 76 years old next month, cut Don't miss this sale if you want the past and for again nominating |and shocked eight acres of corn with | co of the kind that all the dealers 1 ou tg call and see what I have to show you in this line. Get omparisons with others. Am equipped to do all h : : : bot’ fron Quality of Cement for sale, will guarantee | m¢ for Council on Monday evening, | Out help. We are proud of him, his | wij] be looking for when finished. blocks. waterproof. What more could vou desireg) put hereby give notice that I most | Straight form, square shoulders and They will be sold for the high dollar. » 50 per gent, Having had 27 years gxperience i rol SEpecttaliy detline. Thanking | White hair. May good health and . for 30. 60 90 days will B or Shelt > fy Vast experience and it i £0 qu for past favors and courtesies | many years be his. Brace up, young Notes = 20, . i with call see oy : : he take r paying iscoun : udi- ywn during my four years in Coun- | men! Ee eR . tere: aood secur po - S - is ; —- evel Amy % wie am your B DILLINGE : : 5. KIBEFSR & A ee etl Ae. Py HY “ & 0 I Se his ¢ ; Joy EW End, orgs =o the best _& sel 2 spissay 46. de w 7 Cay lnves ;~- “as 8. 50c. te MH for free samp Boul Lgnt Zeller Aut : loya Apply : pgither of "g ! oh ¥ is the only kind | sell—Furniture that 1s Furniture « Rockers Mirrors Hall Racks | Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Davenports China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything in the Furniture Line Undertaking and Embalming : TTY INE of | wl - 0 Bl 4» ' Be oBe oFe oTocosTe Pe ale ole Te elo ole elo Po 0Be 100 o%0 o%0 Te e200 Te alo Po 0Pe ate a Po abe Pe aPo cba oT oF Be 8, 0. 0. 0. 0. 0... 9.9 .¥ 9 9 9 BB a a TE TE a TR Pa a A A EO EO SRR RR LL RR oe ve vp ve pe ve vie ve vie fe sfenfeviasie Tene 228s - - rebbbtrrb rrr bbb bbb § | Secleolecleciealeavelectoialeadodocteted ded dd. t. 2 2 2 8 o R + »} »} » ») + > » : » ») R y » R ® » R L pg » 5 + ET TTT TTT TTTTTTTY CRC) Te ZoeToade Seoteotocloctocte she rtectoctocte se ctodie Teele Le cteete sFortoctooteotoctoctocte slertote steals te che abe ato te Peete cle ctete died EE ITTY 20 9D 9 0 DP PSPS SAE Ee SDDS Se OSS ee 0D eee OO Se ee Se o °} Ee X o] r 9 . fo fo 3 fo vo fo 3, To ePe 0% oT oe oe ¥e oe o Te oo oTo se o¥o a%e a Ve o%e 20 oe oe ¥e ale Cantey cL. Ea a LS US LO iS EET A LT NS SL PI i i vi Ba vee pe