THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, September 2 w ng vr TX Twa : : { ED Fab dive, \ ledebededededeodeidecdedediidedodiddecdeieideleduddedoeideddodbdededidedodoood. ededuiedediot BecesBualnatioaloaledaicale uh. ab ab ab TERT TTTITTTTTrTTYY Be ole oleste ote oteale ole dentecteeate tected le &. 2 88 TR TTTTTTTTTTT TTY - Boclooloctesloclootontle cle atoale ate ale ote ads ole abe ce clo abe fe Be Be 3 8.8. 8.3 TTT TT TTT Tre rreee SeckodioSclookeiociectsctoctondoctootctociodinctootoatoateatoatontontontestontealonteatoctontoat be seal cb a bb 0 00D DD. TP Rr PP rrr re Py sofedfeefaofestonfocforfosfooforforgrnfeoforfesfoiorfocfonfosforforfocfocfoforfoforfocforfosfocoofosforfenfortenfesfororfoofecenfeofacionfocfocionfesfectenfesfurfesferiecforfosforfesfocierfocferfofosforforfuriefosfocie nlosfurforfeoforfororfosforfesfuofonioofeciosfoofecioriesfeoforoofoefosiorfraooieofooopefspepids doofosdposdpspooddproldbibobdd bod doh fe ESTAIL SALE BILLY THAT'S WHAT WE WANT TO TALK ABOUT TO YOU NOW. IF YOU CONTEMPLATE MAKING SALE OF TATE THIS FALL, PLEASE REMEMBER THE YOUR REAL ES- MOST IMPORT- ANT FACTOR IN YOUR SALE IS ADVERTISING IT PROPERLY. FIRST—YOU WANT AN ATTRACTIVE SALE BILL. SECOND—DISTRIBUTE YOUR BILLS PROPERLY. THIRD—HAVE ENOUGH POSTERS—DON'T NUMBER BECAUSE A FEW EXTRA COST A ONE BID ON YOUR FARM WILLMAKE A DOZEN TIMES. FOURTH—DON'T FAIL TO ADVERTISE YOUR IN A PAPER THAT REACHES THE PEOPLE—A A LARGE CIRCULATION. THAT'S THE WAY TO PETITIVE BIDDERS. ALL THESE CONDITIONS Bulletin ARE COMPLIED WITH Office SLIGHT THE DOLLAR MORE, UP THAT DIFFERENCE PROPERTY PAPER WITH GET COM- AT THE East Main Street Mount Joy, Pe rm AND WE DON'T LIE ABOUT IT YOURSELF IF YOU WILL JUST AND SEE THE PAPER PRINTED OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW KNOW THE KIND OF POSTERS YOU GET HERE. nna. EITHER AS YOU CAN SEE FOR TAKE THE TIME TO DROP IN AS ANYBODY’S AND YOU ALL WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO HEAR FROM ANY ONE HAVING SALE. REMEMBER IF WE PRINT YOUR POSTERS YOU GET A FREE NOTICE IN OUR SALE REGISTER FROM NOW UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE. 9 a facgerfoofocfosferforfocforooforteciocfosfordsoforfociacioctoriocfosfectaoforforfocgcferfocfonfoctectscioofontesfosfoctecioofontecfuofortenteofectctesfoofesfonoofecfostonters sie of | vg feciedfosferferfecieofesforfocteciocforfecgeecforfurfocforfeofundengocdefoeferfeciecfecforiniungeosfondeniecgecdoodeefondofoofooferdodecfosfonfectfoofonfsdoeofsfontsefeofecfosfosfunfesfofosfonieedocfoofoafeefesfoofoafecfoofoofoofecteofooforifoefoofefuefutofoodorts decfofesferfeosfesforiusferteoforfostenfoste eefocgooforfesgufe onfeoge Gonier forge sfortosts esfoofe forge sferforfeslecfanorforfosfocfocfoforforferfeciocfecfecforfocfoofosfosforfocforfortevonieforierfesfesdeforferfesfosfecdefesjocforfonfecgucierfosfosfosfefefogorfodoededn Humor and By DUNCAN M, SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. IF it is something for nothing how the other side of the sketch when you get noth- ing for something? impossible to get nhout When a bad man makes good does it make him a good man? The shortest distance between two points is the circuitous path round the obstucle separating them. The man who pleases himself ought to be satisfied with the job Some people are able to put on style by the simple expedient of living off their friends. The flood often washes away what one has laid up for a rainy day. People who haven't much in them are easily seen through Some people don’t care much about brains. They are the people who don’t know much about them. The man who makes his own living easily and quickly doesn’t see why any one should starve to death. Passing on the Trouble. The really truly joy ride, The kind that makes a hit, Is with a friend for chauffeur. Just take my word for ft. You go on gayly salling And taking in the view, And if he has a puncture Pray what is that to you? B80 many misadventures May possibly occur The springing of an axle, The dropping of a bur, The balking of the spark plug And little things like that Need not produce annoyance Beneath your summer hat. And if you should go bumping Into another car And do a lot of damage And get an all round jar 13 Or bump into a lamppost Or try a hedge to trim When all is being settled The bill is up to him. | No gasoline to pay for, And when you ride afar And get home in the evening | He has to clean the car, | Yes, the ideal joy ride | Built on the only plan You get when you are able To work the other man. He Felt It. The strong man bowed his head and wept. Tears trickled along the fur rows in his cheek and ran down the mahogany legs of the table, “What is the matter, love?’ asked nis wife, shooing away a fly with & diamond studded fan. “Has some on@ unloaded a bum car of wheat on you? “No,” he replied frankly; “I am cry- because my life has been a fall | | are.’ “Your life is no failure,” she protest- ed, putting her arms about him. “You know the last time we counted up you had $58,000,000, and you must have skinned several rivals since then.” “1 know,” he replied, “I have some money, but what’s the use of that? I have never been roasted by the magae | zines, so how can you call me a sue cess?’ A Hitter and a Nudger. ‘“‘She never talks much.” “No, but she manages to con- vey a whole lot.” “How does she do it?” ‘‘Some times with her fists and sometimes with her elbows.” Distressing. “Oh, dear!” “What's the matter?” “I am very unhappy.” “What have you to be unhappy about?” “I can’t think of anything I want.” A Paradox. “Were you ever seasick?” “Well, I guess yes.” “Very? “l should say so. 1 have been 80 geasick 1 couldn’t see. Quite the Limit. “They seem to Le nice girls.” “But they are so wild.” “Is that possible?” “Indeed -it is. They eat pickles at all hours of the night.” Just a Fancy. “He does like to have his own way.” “Married ?" “Very much =o.” “He can take it out in liking.” How He Could Afford It. “What is his business in life?” “He is a poet.” “I didn’t know that he married money.” Habit. Our pleasant southern neighbors Have something of a way Of mixing with their labors Their spe kind of play Though they stop their shooting, I'm very much afraid They’!l go on reveluting, For isn’t it their trade? —— Ay Ai Will Try Her Speed Mr. Frank Phillips has Mabel S. ntered in the 2.35 class of the In- ter-County Pace t the l.ancaster A A ee English “Slip On” Coats Guaranteed Proof, Mad Canton Clotl t om £ 0 to Rain seams wed and ce ted of E 815.0( G ————— Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | call him Bill?" . form him anyway.” Humor and Philosophy By DUNCAN M. SMITH ADA PERT PARAGRAPHS. IT wouldn't matter so much about have in empty pocket if the stomach the through ing didn’t sheer sympathy, emulate pocket There are people who can't tell the difference between beauty and adipose tissue, All talking machines gle not phono graphs, and some are good cooks. Most of us like the odor of burning money and are not in the least afraid the smoke will choke us to death. Let Time avenge you. He knows how and never forgets Being able to have what you want seldom causes you to want what you have. There is only one thing that a bache- lor is more afraid of than being en- gaged, and that is being married. Some men are so good that they are dreadfully dull Don't look for misfortune. If fit comes your way it will thrust itself upon you without any action on your part Feared the Drop. “I invited Mr. Truax to drop in any time.” “Why, John Jores!” wife, dropping into tears you?” “What's right 7” “Do vou know what he has been do- ing?’ “Nothing disreputable, I hope. “Buying (boo-hoo) a flying machine.” exclaimed his “How could the harm? Isn't he all Willing to Get Even. “You want a | horse that will not shy at auto- mobiles?" | “Worse than A TY TTT EE TY HET TT TITY PE IIS POET IF I POT) that. I want a fierce, nag that will walk up to the monsters | and bite them in | a vital spot.” fiery | | | | | Generous. makes his friends such hand- | “He some presents.’ “But 1 don't see how to do it.” “Oh, you've no idea how expert he is in keeping out of the way of his cred- ftors!” he can afford | | Can't Round Him Up. ( “Isn't Maude’s husband's name Has | ry? “Yes.” | “I thought so too. But why does she “She says he is so hard to collect.” | Only Safe Way | If wishes were horses | Then beggars might ride, | But if they were autos | The walkers would hide { Those Girls | “Well, I'd never marry a man to 8 | “Oh, 1 see.” “See what?” “You'd be satisfied vith any kind of a man.” Difficult Matter. “I would rather be good than great, wouldn't you?” “Well, 1 don't know about that.” “Why not?! “I think 1 could be great easier.” Falls Over Himself., “Why 1s Dobbins always so in ar rears?” “Because he is so busy.” “So busy?" “Yes; trying to get ahead.” The Modern Remedy “What's the matter with your horse, sonny 7’ “wind broken, sir.’ “Hasn't your pa got a bicycle pump? I'm very mu In trying to d The color of the a In which abroad Although yet s L I'll ride. ( distance } the skies. } irments, | ou advise? Fl ¥ { { I wonder i i Part time and part on trust. } ©%, it’s a lot of trou But it is worth the riding in my T int to go ™ t is in I » to say I'm very sorely trot About the mak re ell @ Must Support His Family 5 | Frank Stauffer, of Sporting Hill, | was heard on a charge of failing to | support his wife and five children. | The wife is ill at the present time | and inable to le the house Stauffer said that he would be willing 1 nother chance, | | and the Court continued the case un- | der his promise to t his EO i ] Read the Bulletin i Read the Bulletin { Toole oleofoole ole oBoote sBoctosteote ode socte sbeotestectoote cde olo ade dead code ole ae abe oe ale ae ae abe abe ob oe ale aBe cle obo of. Be cbs 8 8 o8. oF oF. Fe Le Be TTT TTT TT ITT rT rT Tr dr rer rPerirrrre Ty o o f Po 9 9 o o o 9 J A 3 3 fo A x 3 fo bo A lo fe A fo 3 . be x fo be 3 fo x fe jo fo bo fo . fo lo ke be fo Fe AT ITY ROI IPI IROINI IORI IIINY We Offer 1912 Beo Cars at Heduced 1912 Prices mn sfeslosfocfecforfoferfisforfociorh Neeefofeefevjoreofesfrofecie fe seeferfocfosforfocosforforforfote Jeofoofoeosfocfocfosfosfosfosoote DO Oo not only a record breaker in price but has also made remarkable records in endur- n( rut hill-elimbing, racing, and cross conitnent conte Some of these records have never been made by any car, regarless of price. The following will give you some idea as to their speed: . “Oct, 15 In a 50 mile race the Reo defeated a higher priced car, well known for its racing record, by ten miles, Reo time, 57 minuets 43 seconds, over a very sandy course.” This is one of the many remarkable records which helped to make the Reo famous Ask for demonstrations and Our REO DELIVERY TRUCK is also anothe The REO $750, truck is without a doubt the best and most economical truck of its capacity ever offered Costs very ating cost of about onehalf that of two teams. prove to you the above statement. We also have in stock a iarge look them over before buying. ATES Automobiles and Gasoline Engines N'T FAIL TO READ THE WINNINC RECORDS F THE REO. WATCH FOR NEW RECORDS be convinced that the r REO SENSATION. little more than a good team and will take the place of two of them, at an oper- Ask variety of new and Ln fl socferfocfocfosfocfocforerfecfocts wiosjorfosjodfosfecocferorfecef sjoeleforfocfodferociorfoodied] Reo is the best car for the money ever offered. a day's demonstration and the machine will for second hand gasoline engines. Don’t fail to LANDIS BROS., Rheems, Pa. ARAMA AIS Ad ddd dd ddd Bole Bo ofocteotocte to cRoale adore ate coco s tots aslo Pacteale cts Loot of slefesforfecfosforfecfonfortocfecfortocfostontecfesorfosforfoctosferforocfesfontefocionfofosfonfoctesfocts cfuvimogursanioniocfosfoctosfecforfosfesfoctecie : CORR)! best and newest styles for your Fall The Dress Goods Departments offer prettier fabrics and Features of the Silk Vogue Silk of the liked Indian effects. and Vogue for East Solid colors rule, SILK CHIFFONS FOR DRAPING Very soft and fine; fancy chiffon, with satin border and shadow lace design; brown, coronation blue, gray, coronation purple, $12.50 the pattern i the new tones are =CT FABRIC FASHION FOR FALL dressmaking, are shown at fabrics occupy strong positions this season, Soft sheer silks unusually | Hager's. The Silk and greater variety than ever before. and are richly and pretty. of are expressive draped effects Some of the the splendors particularly newest styles. lead, SATIN EFFECTS ESPECIALLY FAVORED Jatin-faced silks have strong supremacy, as foundations for veiled effects, for street and even- five yards ; GLACE TAFFETAS Rich, changeable effects, purple-green and blue- green: chiffon weight; 36 inches wide: $1.50 a vard AN EXCEPTIONAL SILK OFFERING 0 to b9c. Silks at 3%c. a yard } t 1 1 « i \n early season special purchase of neat and dainty, pure silk messalines and taffetas; fine tripes; 25 different styles including all colors; for house and street dresses, walsts and trim- nings: at this price more sconomical than cot- tons; 19 inches wide FOR TAILORED SUITS SCOTCH HEATHER EFFECTS Ihe smartest wool suitings are heavy mixed Scotch cheviots in tain, vn, gray and green affect Those rough in texture and mannish of hos weave have the referen At $1.00 a yard , representative showil 0 Lt 3 1 yard; tl suitin fabric 1 I ht shades 4 At $1.50 a rd r'( h Scotch Heather coat ray reer tar nd brown mixtures LS BEAUTIFUL SILK AND WOOL POPLINS Soft and sheer; half shimmering lustre hat is lastin in vogue for street frocks, house es and evening gow! ight weight and fine Blacl 1 azure, greel delft and n 1¢ DAINTY WASH FLANNELS or waists, kimonas., men's shirts and pajamas childrer Adresse Half wool 30 inches and 40c¢. a yard BLACK FABRICS HIGHLY FAVORED A ne black custome is almost necessity in rs ns wardrobe black for even finds a favored place and a coat or is always attractive Only reliable grades » ing gowns, and for waists. For example. PAILLE DE SOIE n ‘dull satin finish; solid gold and garnet; 26 inches wide, and $1.00 a yard + 3 can be found here Oe to $4.0 1 riest- oe I nd others of the higl t 1(l¢ 3 od BEPRESENTATIVE BLAC iS, 00 3 Storm Serge, Frencl ¢ 1 3 dominate the vogue for bl 1 ) x Taffeta, Sheltona, Batiste \ 1ui- sette, Voile, Ottoman Hem I Crepe allo at $1.00. 4 t t 3 3 FREL DELIVER 3 ; 3 Purchase $5.00 5 pre to ny tation 3 Hi: I Store & 3 Enjoy t L ure NG MA 3 CHINE ok og Musi t oh pretty £ chest 1 niusic ithout en : No othe 1 ( i h unlimi i red our he )\ i 3 e of 1a) the 1 1 stallment VICTORS $10 TO $60 & 5 FAMOUS VICTOR VICTROLAS ¥ ¥ board const: tic tead I ).00 3 & adjust every 1 chine bef partment so that ve ssur 3 he very 1 esults in tone and clearness > - & OUR MUSIC LIBRARY Contains the newest records well as an up- to-date assortment of music for the player-piano. 5-31 West King Street. HAGER & BRO, LANCASTER, PA x Dd 0 Ql -] = MD Co Ee