PAGh FIVE, Seieedeedeoiorieolsedeoideoldoodeobsefesioerdesfodeddeeds Bele eledd 2 TT as Cn a ooeied 2 Te ole she ole slestostesteote ste deslectoatoctocteatodtesd PR PP PPP PET TWP PPI TPP PTT PVOVIOTY Ca TPT PTTrY TTT TREES RTT sae TETTTTTTTe TT La rr PTT rer BEET ert bd Pn) diealeeloootodh cloalonloaoaoots octet aloate Boaleatototododooteatente ected lel lhl bh bb Bb 2 BS 88 80s oy Sees ees Be oZe Fee sted Leoteoteslesk ofosforfocorfocfecfocfocfosfocfocorfocfoofocfofecfeofocfosfosiesfooforfesforforforfocfoofeciecfecfocfocoofororforforfeofoofscforfocfocfecienfesecfocerforforfecesocfeciecfocforfocfefuciecfesiosfororfe wpooocfocfcfesfooforfifacferieafesdofochonfpeferiorfosfocforforfordssioofofeciofopdpdodidbol dodo dpodcdecloopdoddideoiofocffsopofpofssfocfofosforfere THAT'S WHAT WE WANT TO TALK ABOUT TO YOU NOW. IF YOU CONTEMPLATE MAKING SALE OF YOUR REAL ES- TATE THIS FALL, PLEASE REMEMBER THE MOST IMPORT- ANT FACTOR IN YOUR SALE IS ADVERTISING IT PROPERLY. FIRST— YOU WANT AN ATTRACTIVE SALE BILL. SECOND-—DISTRIBUTE YOUR BILLS PROPERLY. THIRD—HAVE ENOUGH POSTERS—DON'T SLIGHT THE NUMBER BECAUSE A FEW EXTRA COST A DOLLAR MORE, ONE BID ON YOUR FARM WILLMAKE UP THAT DIFFERENCE A DOZEN TIMES. . FOURTH—DON'T FAIL TO ADVERTISE YOUR PROPERTY IN A PAPER THAT REACHES THE PEOPLE—A PAPER WITH A LARGE CIRCULATION.” THAT'S THE WAY TO GET COM- PETITIVE BIDDERS. ALL THESE CONDITIONS ARB COMPLIED WITH AT THE ulletin Office East Main Street Mount Joy, Penna. AND WE DON'T LIE ABOUT IT EITHER AS YOU CAN SEE FOR YOURSELF IF YOU WILL JUST TAKE THE TIME TO DROP IN AND SEE THE PAPER PRINTED AS ANYBODY'S AND YOU ALL WE WOULD OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW KNOW THE KIND OF POSTERS YOU GET HERE. BE PLEASED TO HEAR FROM ANY ONE HAVING SALE. REMEMBER IF WE PRINT YOUR POSTERS YOU GET A FREE NOTICE IN OUR SALE REGISTER FROM NOW UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE. ojevieriorfedeisdoiedoledodriniddeioiid ddl = : , 2 3 Toot 2 THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Florin Affairs ‘Our Card Basket HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY Vile AGE WEST OF HERE Local and Personal Briefs That Have Occurred Since Our Last Issue in Our Hustling and Wide Awake Neighbor Village, Florin \ J \ \1 \ \ | i M1 S 1d t \ her 1 1 Vi 0 Pp 1d hia nding ‘ wn ¢ t of Miss Be Kottl Messrs. Anna and Marie Eckert of | Columbia, were the ts o Mrs John H. Shumaker the past weel Mrs. J. McClintock of Germantown Philadelphia, spent several days here | with her sister, Mrs. J. D. Easton Misses Elizabeth and Gertrude Greenawalt of Mount Joy, spent Sun day with the family of Geo. A. Geyer. Mr K. Freymeyer and daughters, and Mrs. J. Emily Reading with friends Pal- her and Blanche, spent several days at Mr. Mrs myra, spent several Mr Mrs and Ammon Fry of days with parents, and ton. The cow this place last Friday was well atten- sale of Sol Rosenthal in ded and a large lot of fine stock was sold. Mr ter with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Leo Kobb and daugh Elizabethtown, Sunday G. A. spent and Mrs of Geyer. Mrs. Dr. O. E. wav to Philadelphia, stopped at her Harvey Ray- Snodgrass on her parental home, Hon. J. mond’'s, Monday. Miss Bessie Kottler and little sis- | ter Mildred returned home last Thurs visit to last day from a several weeks’ | relatives at Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Keener and granddaughter Miss Grace Keener, spent several days at Harrisburg as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lutz. Mrs. Mary Martin of Philadelphia and son Lloyd of Niae, N. Y., are here on a several weeks’ visit in the fam- ily of Mr. H. H. Bear, east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Landis of Lancaster: Mr. and Mrs. P. Kolp and Mary Myers of Mount Joy and Kathryn Weiser town, returned home last Thursday week’s trip to the following places: Bloom- ing Glenn at a Bible Conference, Philadelphia, Trenton, N. J., Asbury Park and Ocean Grove. A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Baer east of town on Saturday. The fol. Mrs. J. B. My- Mary Martin, of lloyd of Niac, N.¥.: Mrs. Richerly and three daughters of Lancaster: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Firestone and child- ren of Middletown: Rev. and Mrs. G. Getz of Mount Joy; Mrs. Weisenberg- er and children of Philadelphia; Mrs. B. U. Gantz and Mrs. Fred Snyder. Woman's Missionary Society The Woman's Missionary Society will hold their Woman's Day servic- es in the Florin U. B. Church on Sun- 310,-191.1, Fol- program: of from a lowing were present: of Middletown; and son Amos B. ers, Philadelphia day evening, Sept. lowing is the Song; Scripture Lesson; Song; | Prayer; Duet, Misses Eva Kreider and { Ada Nissley; Recitation, Dora Wag- ner: Quartette; Address, Miss Bals- baugh; Offering; Solo, Mrs. Mease; | Announcements: Song; Benediction. ee re eel A ee For Sale | [Laundry power reversing Wash Machine: capacity 24 Shirt just re- [ built: good as new,, will sell for one- half the cost. A 20 qt. Hand or Power Ice Cream Freezer, with Copper Can, used very little. Also a 1% Horse power New Hol- land Gasoline Engine; good as new, will sell either of the above cheap. | Apply at this office ee lA A Lawn Festival A lawn festival will be held on the lawn at Wm. H. Gantz’s Farmers’ {Inn on Saturday Sept. 9. | Chicken corn soup, sandwiches, wa- evening, termelon, ice cream, cake, etc. will [be served. The Foresters Band will furnish music and the festival will be held rain or shine. —- Purchased New Goods Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Beneman have {just returned from a trip to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other places, where they purchased a here etl AA Festival a Success The festival on the lawn of Geo. B-own. Sr., on Saturday evening by the P. BE. Choir, was one of the most successful ever held here. 71he pro- eet Ce | any little foreign markets that Fag- land tending to its strikes. et Ere Read the Bulletin Hl WHEREABOUTS Ol OUR FRIENDS THE PAST WEER Who and Where They Have Visited Many Strangers Here Over San day=—Were You Among Them . ) ( V1 \l ( Mr. and M H. Bre of J i tir \l hook of \M J H | fp is here on i ol pa V1 d Mr M M el Mr. and Mrs An Meash net Sunday in the home of Mr. ar Mr Senate Meshey at Manheim Mr. John MeCurdy and daughte | Miss Mary of Maytown pent Sun dav in town with friends Miss Beatrice Murray spent from Friday to Sunday at Elizabethtown where she was visiting relatives Walter Greiner has returned to Williamson School, after spending Alpheus Mor- | lot of up-to-the-minute goods for the | various departments of their big store | | ceeds netted quite a neat sum and | were for the benefit of St. Mary's | Chapel. Germany will be glad to look after | is forced to neglect whic at- | at Strasburg, his summer vacation with his parents resume her Mount 9th Mr. Joy on Saturday, September Geo. N. Lefevre of the Home made a pleasant call at this sanctum while in town yester day. Mr. H.S heim spent Sunday Whitecamp and Mrs in this place. Witmer of Man- Mrs. Rachel Catharine Dietz and Mrs with Elizabeth Greiner has to Philadelphia, where she will spend a week and also visit her brother Wal- at Williamson School. Mr. Wm. Kuhn Louis, Mo., who were here on a visit left Monday by Miss Mary Kuhn for a week's vis- it to Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Charles and Mabel gone ter and wife of St. morning, accompanied and and Garber son Henry Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ober and Benjamin Ober at Manheim Mr Mrs. Jacob Brown, of town, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krall, spent Sunday at McCall's Fer- On suprised guests of and east and sites. returning ry, viewing the home they were well prepared supper awaiting them of ice cream, cake, ete, prepared by Brown's children. Mr was the caterer. el — watermelon, Mr. Drab consisting chicken, Frank enstadt Attend to It Now. Persons desirous of having prepar- ed meats for G. A. R. Reunion Day, Sept. 14th, should place their orders now in order to have it delivered promptly. Please don't wait until the last minute but attend to this at H. Krall, Pa. Ra disappointed. H Mount Joy, Funeral Tomorrow. The funeral of Dr. William Roth of be held the house of at Manheim, will at Cross Roads meeting west here, tomorrow afternoon two o'clock. Interment grounds adjoining the church. mre lll u— Some girls make a practice of being beautiful and others don’t have to work at it at all. Nothing surprises a woman so much as not being surprised. eye on the man who can do better. It isn’t hard for a man to square him- gelf with his conscience—unless conscience happens to be his wife. Deserved Promotion. | “And so your husband is a white- washer?” “Yes, indeed, and a fine whitewash- er he is, too, if I do mention it. And instead of whitewashing basements | and fences around the village it down in Washington he ought to be, a-whitewashing of them statesmen that need it.” { A Wonderful Woman. “She is a marvelous woman.” “Mrs. Brown?” “Yez." “I never saw anything marvelous about her.” “She never eats ice cream.” “Nod” «And she never goes to a bargain sale.” | “You don't say!” | “And she doesn’t think she can run | things better than her husband.” { ——— eee Money talks and when we | to charity, it positively yells | eel ee Read the Bulletin | { | i Miss Anna Welsh of Columbia will | Pianoforte instruction in | daughter Pauline, of this place, were | Wednesday, September 6, 1911, We Offer 1912 Reo Cars at Beduced 1912 Prices m RR a sjoviosiosfosfocfeciorferforferiecds sjeeforiorecforiecforfodfosfociods ofesferlerfesforfecioriorfordedfed] desfeefestesfeeferdederteofords A Heseofoeerferfeefesforiosiorlodde Tolesforlesfesdesfestosfofoforts = Automobiles and Gasoline Engines DON'T FAIL TO READ THE WINNING RECORDS OF THE REO. WATCH FOR NEW RECORDS This cal not only a record breaker in price but has also made remarkable records in endur- ance runs, hill-climbing, racing ind cross conitnent contest Some of these records have never been made by any car, regarle of price The following will give you some idea as to their speed “Oot. 15 In a 50 mile race the Reo defeated a higher priced car, well known for its racing record, by ten miles Reo time, 57 minuets 43 seconds, over a very sandy course.” This is one of the many remarkable records which helped to make the Reo famous Ask for demonstrations and be convinced that the Reo is the best car for the money ever offered. Our REO DELIVERY TRUCK is also another REO SENSATION. best and most economical truck of its capacity ever and will take the place of two of them, at an oper- The REO $750, truck is without a doubt the offered. Costs very little more than a good team ating cost of about onehalf that of two teams. Ask for a day's demonstration and the machine will prove to you the above statement. We also have in stock a large variety of new and second hand gasoline engines. Don’t fail to finding a | once and you will be sure not to be Butcher | will be made th the burial | Always do your best and keep your | his | is | give it | look them over before buying. LANDIS BROS., Rheems, Pa. AAAS AMAA AUIS UA ddd ddd ddd . Local Doings Best Food for Babies If you are having trouble with tbe GENERAL INTEREST boy's food, and nothing seems to MANY SHORT NEWS jrEMs op[%Tee Wik it, you can probebly get + he child to take A. D. 8. Malted Milk —— retain it and thrive en {I, as it is a particularly nourishing, satisfying and carefully made preparation, in- tended especially for troublesome | stomachs of both infants and adults. It is one of the standard, reliable THT I A PTY I TT I PY TIT PTT PT ITT STITH | Brief Local Happenings Gathered as ! They Occur With the Whirl of the | World for Quick Reading Within the Past Few Days. v ite pet ci f Miss] Mary ; iets’ | A favorite pet cat of Miss] Mary | sperjcan Druggists’ Syndicace pro- Sot araORh’s Was ihsOne Past rson’s was poinsoned. ducts, and its use is unhesitatingly | Mr and Mrs. Reuben Fegley an-|gjvised by the entire 12,000 drug- jnoance the birth of a son since Mon- | gists who are A. D. S. members, and | day | know its true value. iLere is| | Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stout on North ipothine in it to prove °asmful to | Barbara street, announce the arrival lye paby-—na drugs or medicines It | of a son since Sunday. is merely a scientifically