The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, August 30, 1911, Image 6

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Picturesque Susquehanna Valley Route
Tickets good going on gpecial Train and connect-
ing trains. aud good returning on regular trains a
within FIFTEEN DAYS. Stop-off within limit
allewed at Buffaloreturning.

Warm Weather
No. 3
Is Here

Eastman Kodaks.

work better when you cure the cause
of your present discomfort by using |
us as the best lax-
Put up in 10}
Recommended by
ative on the market.




SPECIAL TRAIN of Pullman parlor cars, Dining i Pa.,
car, and Day Couches running via the tate to
1 acre,
hog pen.

If Its Fish You Want | Can| PUBLIC Ss or REAL EST
Rapho Township,
the following described real es-|{
more or
of John
A tract of land containing
No. 3.
1 acre, adjoining
buildings thereon erected consist of a |

Illustrated Booklet and full information may with pump
be obtained from Ticket Agents. There is a
8 ¢
No.2. A
taining 4 acres.
Jacob C.
This is a good tract of land in high
| state of cultivation and well adapted |
trucking or
vell of water and cistern
therein at the house.
variety of fruit on the
Lancaster County,
adjoining lands
others. The
consist of
eon erected
one-half story frame
outbuildings, frame
tobacco shed attached,
tract of farm land, con-
Adjoining purpart
Garber’s Estate.

tobacco raising.
A tract of land, containing

b Fg lax ==

purpart No. 2. The
dwelling and all |

and you are out of doors again with necessary outbuildings. It is a vot]
- " ome an x0 repair, ity «
your Kodak. Those of you who are home and in good rep air, plenty of
fruit and water. |
not familiar with Kodakery will find These tracts are all located in he
the making of Pictures much more lage of Newiowr, ose io old
bia and Mount J and worthy the |
simple than you imagine; so simple attention of buyers and will positive- |
that the novice often gets the credit ly be sold. a t 2 o'clock p
‘ Sale to nn ence a yo 0 ClO(
of being an expert. m., on "i uesd: Septe ember 12, 1914,
Y n teri will ade know
And who couldn't own a Kodak MINNIE PD. NE NTWIG,
o Ad trat of the 9 of |
when they can be bought for $2.00 , T kn Ret )
up? Remember, C1 t

9, 1911,

ieceased, sell at |
n the Ie in the village
MOUNT JOY. PA. vtown, Rapho township, the |
lowing described real estate to |
= wit
. All that certain Lot of Ground sit- |
e in the village of Newtown, |
hat red oe 65 feet on Centre Street |
; extending in depth of that]
| wide h 53 feet to a public alley. The |
1 yvements thereon erected con- |

4 | of a 2 story frame dwelling
{ and other necessary outbuild-
ee 1n { er is an abundance of fruit
and a well of never failing water on
1 money due and payable |
that oppresses you and makes work | sion given Oct. 1st, 1911.
; eu | ile to commence at 3 o’clock p. |"
painful labor, eating an unnecessary when terms will be made known
exertion and sleep impossible is caus- bP" 5)
2: eonsting 5 © 1€8 As : |
ed by constipation, the commonest I'rustee to Sell
bowel disorder. You eat, sleep and | ©. S Frank, Auct
M. Hollowbush, Atty.
having upholstering to |
sofas, lounges, beds, or
anything | ti
shades or

in general repair work,
the best laxative made. Absolutely a favor and save money by calling |
C {on me Prices are eright.
i pure and harmless, leaves no un-
l P: ream r
pleasant after effect and does not | H. S. MUSSELMAN,
gripe or cause the least discomfort. | aug23-3mo. Florin, Pa. |
| the
For a Neat and Clean
Cut or Shampoo

6 Ig

and is satisfactory to
is furn
Three Children between the
of fourteen and sixteen who are hold-

B-0x8-0 | ble



additional two weeks to escape possi-
firmness through the cereal list,

The Week in Grain |
ompliled for the Mount Joy Bulle-
at Mount Joy, Pa., by Wm. L.|


Wednesday, August 30,

Charles I.
dis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Has. |
sler, Associate, Judges of the Court |
of Common Pleas in and for the Coun
ty of Lancaster,
ces of the Courts of Oyer and Termi-
ner, and General Jail Delivery and
Quarter Sessions of the Peace In and
for the County of Lancaster, have is-
Whereas, the Hon.
this source.
the undertone of
Jn the
n pronounced at a time when de-
ing prices has been the rule.

THE FAMILY OPENS sued their precept,
aa requiring me, among other things, |
5 . Lh _. . |to make public proclamation thru-
Big Bill is Being Offered This out my bailiwick, that a Court of Oy-
Week er and Terminer and a General Jail|
ares Tat Delivery, also a Court of the General |
ne " : . Quarter Se ssions of the Peace and
The Family Theatre, at Lancaster, Sus Deliver will f do I in the
opened for the season on Monday | Court House in the City of Lancas-
ernoon, and the promise of the ter, in the Commonwealth of Penn-
nagement to give a thoroughly sylvania,
yd and up-to-date performance
ard of Drices was ore than real PTEMBER, (the 11th), 1911.
1ieard of prices was more ¢ real
4 In pursuance of which precept Pub-
od {ec i . - $ I .
I. Indeed, itis hard to under- yj, Notice is hereby given to the May-
stand how a show so entertaining can | or and Alderman of the City of Lan-


and Assistant Justi-


| Thursday, Sept, 21,
Always Supply You | By virtue of an order of The Or- r & Co., Pennsylvania Building, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER
Inkmea’ Court. the: undersigned ad pea——— Philadelphia, Pa., by D. B. Lehman, Ww.
phans indersigned al Manager, Woolworth Bullding, Lan- J Shrite EBSTERS
/ minist t} tate of David M caster, Penna, Mount Boro, S ect to Dem=-
/ J n
Ke | an at vue | THIS Design: Provides For a Owelling Containing Five Rooms Phila, Pa, Aug. 27, 1911. |ocratic rules NEW
1 M { J¢ xtreme activity in the tock
wv Va and Bath--It Is a Cottage of Simple Exterior, detracted from commission For County Commissioner INTERNATIONAL
oat v in the grain market, A DEMOCRAT
\ } I
but Not Without Individuality. a rule have bee) ah DICTIONARY
M Ar as tl ¢ ha
I always have on hand all kinds — — 3, I'e derand THE MERRIAM WEBSTER?
of fish in season and would be pleas. : lat f he Because 5.1% 8 NEW CREA-
ed to have your order Design 82, by Glenn L. Saxton, Architect, Minneapolis, Minn. Because on, covering every
: : 1 field of world thought,
ALL FISH CLEANED GRATIS action a 1 Fite only
—————— — ey n new iged dictionary in
“a'ec o 90 } tl t 1 y
§ Because i! 4°" : onal
or - t ( 4 “ Wor ; t >
Also Oranges, Ban red two
: pid o Pages. 0000 Ile
anas, Lemons, Etc. half lustratior
Rw y ' I 1 } 1 t ACALSE the only dictionary
a" 2 Because he new divided
I 1 hed Pig St ind ! p A ‘Stroke of Geni
thu ! de lent ’ ’ Because it is an en wwelopedia in
INO DARR NKAMP f } up | n the becadsc A y volume.
ovil J i it is accepted by the
! n former years, by reason of Because Courts, Schools and
4 ' . ' 1 relatior Py P ress as the one supreme aus
MOUNT JOY, PENNA 3 obalue reciprocal Yeislions ess thority.
QU} ’ INNA ood ’ i 1 1" espatches generally have dwelt up
y ] he who knows Wins
- seat ¢ y church rlo prospects all over the Because Success. Let us tell
choo d I | Dominion, with the official estimate you about this new work,
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p. for a total crop, in round numbers of - |
P m., when tern will be made known | 200,000,000 bushels Some trade . | WRITE for specimen of new divided page.
EN N SYLY A N IA R. R. by estimates are higher, even, than this John R. Bucher, Columbia, 1] 6. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass.
IDA H. KOLP total. altho the status of the crop is Subject to rule of Democratic Par- | || Mention this paper, receive FREE 8 set of pockst maps.
Personally-Conducted-Excursions to Trustee of Sell | by no means undisputed. No less an y, Primary Saturday, Sept. 30, 1911. |
C. H. Zeller, auctionee authority than Inglis places 170 mil- 5 » Bridge
ler . ctioneer : | ' authorit} 1 Ing 8 p! ices 170 m For County Commissioner | Meet Me on the Bridge and
# Wm. H. Hollowbush, Att'y { lion as the maximum yield, and men- | Have a Plate of the
lagara F a | | S | tions the possibility of sharp reduc- George Fritsch
ORPHANS COURT Sie OF REAL | tions should the frosts that are oc- Eighth Ward, Lancaster City Best lee Cream in Town
) iy Sept. 13, 21, Oct. (1, 1911 On Tuesday, September 12, 1911 peuring almost, Righty become INOTe| gubjeet to Democratic rules, Pri- |
Pursuant to an order of the Or- | severe. He estimates that not more ,...v Election, Saturday, September |
: | phans’ Court of Lancaster County | than 25 per cent. of the acreage is qo , : |
Round vip $9.30 From tue undersigned hha ger on Public | beyond frost damage at the moment :
sale on purpart No. 1, in Newtown, i . ok ivi
ate Mount Joy | with fully 25 per cent requiring an COURT PROCLAMATION
All Flavors at All
Suppers, Etc.
| Mrs. C. H. Zeller
Marietta Street M(
Terms Moderate. Bell
to me directed, |Special Prices to Parties, F estivals,
Prompt Attention given to Sales of
Real Estate and Personal Property.
Reference: Jonas L. Minnich.

Subscribe for the

ners becoming six years of
the first day of January
and between
land the close of the term be
admitted during the period

1g the day of



of our Summer Stock at prices that will

Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Wear.
White Skirts, now L0¢ Tan
Ladies’ $1.00 & $1.
White Skirts, Children’s She
Lace Yoke,
Ladies’ 50c. now
Collar and now. . . Children’s 10
FIRHT FLOOR PLAN. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. | be presented on a , of admission | caster, in the said county, and all the
that seat ve cents and Justices of the Peace, the Coroner
Herewith is shown a very practical and trim looking cottage which can be | But th bile is not and Constables of said City and Cot
h } 1 r of S . ha 1 01 be tl}
built at a small financial outlay. The dwelling has the appearance of a house | | Ye ts trsolo tl airt ! ap ty of Lancaster, that they be tl
& : kely to puzzle ir brains over this ] heir er .
that would cost more money, and, while it is designed to meet the needs of | : A : and t ¢ t ir own proper 1 I
hi : { int 10y 1 I likely ) © £ fons v r rolls, records and eXx-
only a small family, the five rooms it contains, besides the bathroom, are all | pe / mare likely to.zo Mm 4 : ir ui it ns 1
. ot i m tarior of is g the good rformances Tt 1quisitions
of fair size, and their arrangement is modern. The exterior of this cottage, | ° OL per? plaid The mberances, to
| although quite simple, is not without individuality. The advantages of the ! opening. tainn A their 5
| house both from a viewpeint of economy and desirability are striking. Com fn ind eat feature Ww to be
fort and even coziness are suggested from without. The porch and its large | the sensationa nd humo vole 1
window add to this impre The hall, living room and dining room are ( he Booth Tri [t m uch reo
: : 3 . SE of tl i
thrown together by ypenings, tendi ke them appear larger. } th ? thod. & } ; ry d
i rom the ide i ) 1
The Duteh window 1 s effectiv ed from the outside or W other acts a to
x : ‘ . f niazze whi iq Seve :
inside. Size of cottage lusive of the piazza, which is seven od Yor on Thursda st
feet wide. First ste feet high, second story eight feet. | 5 I Lar §
3 3 " ht 1 WwW In i t 1 t t
ire ish in the t I second, with birch floors. Cost to | ie ut A t 1911
build cclusive of heating and plun bing, $1,200. y : , NT 7 ANY .
> : for rv afternoon {ON B. LANDIS
2 % dal arranzement ¢ thi aper will nig :
By special arranger of th paper will furnish | 4 velock and ‘ht at NOTARY PUBLIC
a complete set of plans n No. 82 for 310 7.3 d 9 o'clock Besides the ’ \
4 pl I ENX I. SAXTON 7.30 and 3 o’'cle Besides tl W. M. HOLLOW
1 ¢ } } H .
! of the b ind Attorney-At-Law
pe mm i —— moving pictur shown. 418 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa
- : — eee) Ra avs ¢ ar ste dav and Fri
NEW SCHOOL CODE child Orit for Ti Days at Lan aster, Mond: and Fri
oo tim 1 have a written per- | Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. day at No. 52 North Duke Street
| Will. Be Effective in Public Schools It on of th le re- |
This Term ferred to reads as follows: ( isis
‘No pupil shall be admitted into | 1 -
The new school code will govern any school without the written per- | {if \
the public schools, which will reopen | Mit from a director or the superin- 1
on September 1 The endent, and satisfactory proof th |
3 i . : : 1 “ ng &
the new school code rn such a pupil is of full age of six J
every parent, guardian or patron of | Years, and has been successfully vac
th chool ff Lar I 1 1 cinated
follows: An important che wit ’
One— Every parent or guardian profess ©
having charge or control of a child comes stance of the
or children between th mary teacher, is found in section
and sixteen m ser 1403 of the code | {§
children to a The idmis of beginners to { {{{ ——
the common English branches are |the public schools shall be confined |
taught. The atter , must be con | 10 tWo periods, namely, during the | }}
tinuous durin the entir school | first two periods, namely, during the i
vear first two weeks of the annual school } |}
Two... Children. att term, and during the fi two weeks | jh) .
V niiare a NN pri
: f sch 1 following irst d Sl th d
schools or other ins itions in whic bool following Sp gay of € remain er
g ; T in anv school vear rovid )
the common English branches ar Ae han hoo} year; Provid mn
: : . ed, That be ners becomi ix
wight, or eafliien tutored Im thal Tn ERT it appeal to you.
{ : i ears of age afte > begi >
same branches daily, regularly, and | er the beginning of | Sr m————————————————————————
> {th h 1 ter ‘ hefor he irs
for the specified time, by a proper ool term, and before the fir ti
ia 3 : {day of January of any r, she
| qualified tutor, will be complying | h & ary 0 » shall be |
z : gam admittec luring e per : |
with the provisions of the code, pro- |, = tted during, Whe | d at the
: LR : : | beginning of the school ter p k d th d
viled n. certificate stating this fact) ser, and be at we have marke € g00das,


and 25c. boxes. )
Go to ers of properly issued employment | Parer
| rents
-_—p JosephIEXershey certificates and who are regularly {4nq chitdrer
employed are not requ to attend | ino with this section
jay schools. Those children who are
DRUG Fine Teonserial Parlier Jay sek ol The {20 whoo) ————— ete
| during the months of July ar A11- as yi §
East Main St.., Mount Joy, Pa. au : : » Hh H CORDELIA 0
gust found any kind of employment “1 “2 n 1 . 1
STORE. 4 ; : y i | Mi Esther Fox has returned from Ll
2 and engaged therein and who are not |, .icit at toe {
gd ™ WT. Jov. 7A C..S, MUSSER. THI BARKER = 10 1111 1s or holders of properly 61 aie Mountville |
Wes ain St. : » PA. : 2 Sig he s Emma Campbell is visit- | ))
sue smpl nen ertificates nust . i
—— Fresh Bread and Cakes Delivered Sued smployy be } si s Ing re at Columb i
TLR A through town daily aliens at mi her te pavle Mrs Ro M nger nd sor |
HAS. K. ZELLER fresh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey Shoots oF > I ye tein re visitir riends at | \)
Bums every Wednesday & Thursday jchool or Institution, or > lored In| Re it
wo ) 3 e English branches
REAL ESTATE AND Funerals, Weddings and Suppers the Er i he! rgaret Bard o has been WM
INSURANCE given prompt attention Four—Every Principal or Teacher |gpending the summer at Bainbridg |
x Store & Bakery, West Main Street of a school or institution other than has returned home. | 48
E. Main St. Mount Joy a Coe, Joy. Pa a public school, or tutor of a child| Mrs. Je . "i Eshleman and. Mrs bi
. . i Os ins : ; Irs 1 3 ishlem and Mrs. | §
Branch Store at E. Ream’s. jor chi shall, immedately af-|Georg Weller and daughter. Min- | A
. : ter their admission to such schools | mie, are visiting i hil is | §
Calling and Clerking of Public Sales = 5 : : | mie, are visiting in Philadelphia. !
For Rent or institution, or at the beginning of {| Mr. and Mrs. Joe Berntheizel, Hl
Settlement of Estates. From September 15, a large stone | such private teaching,” furnish to the | Mre. Anna Dissinger and Miss Pearl
Collection of Rents. : mill property recently occupied by {superintendent of all such ehildren|of Mountville, Pa., are visiting at |
Surveying and Conveyancing. |#he New Standard Hardware Works} lists of the names and residences of | Reading, Pa.
—— —— | three floors and attic, good water all such ohildren between eight and | Prayer meeting was held in the |
| power with two turbine wheels, sixteen years. He shall report the |U. B. Church in honor of the pas- |
! DAY FRENCH FEMALE | would make a suitable tobacco ware-| name and date of withdrawal of any | tor’s Rev. C. A. Lynch, birthday. He |
PILLS. [Poute, storage Bonse or machine such pupil to the same officer. He|was a recipient of many postcards |
TA re Sy Si | shop. ply to S. R. Snydens, Mt. | shall report to the superintendent |and handkerchiefs.
eC oF { Joy, P x : | during the compulsory attendance, Abram Zimmermen, after lylug |
If your druggist does For Sale without lawful excuse. in this vicinity for almost ‘wenty
| 500 feet, more or less of pale | According to Section 1, Article 23 |vears, has gone to his former Bowe!
senge. Apply to M. S. Bowman, Mt. of the “Rules and Regulations of the jin Franklin county, and may make |
Jo tf Common Schools of Lancaster,” ev-|his future home there. |

Children’s Gauze Underbodies, now. ...... S¢
Misses’ 10c. amd 123c. Gauze Vests, now. .Gg¢ Ladies’ Silk S
Swiss and Cambric All-Over Embroidery Ladies’ $1.00
instead Of 25C NOW . ...... cova neers 19¢ Ladies' 25c.
Cross bar Swiss Embroidery Corset Covers Misses’ 13¢ St
DOW i visitas iss vrs sines vn 37 ¢
10c¢. and 123c., Dress Gingham, now. ..... q¢ White Madras,
now. ..... White Corded

Children’s Barefoot Sandals,
Men’s and Boys’ Wear

Men's 25c¢. Balbriggan Underwear, now. 1% ¢ Boys' 23c.
Men's and Boys’ 25c¢. Caps, now..... -10¢ Men's 15¢. Bl
Men's 50c. Dress Shirts, now.......... 31¢ Men's Tan Co
Call and
select from.
Visit us during this sale, we have lots of attractive bargains
We'll cheerfully exchange any article
Your money back of not satisfied.

Pink and Blue,
Yace Hose, mow........
ort Stockings, now
c. and 12%c. Stockings,
HOW, .'. «sass
hirt Waists,
imbonnets, now
per yard, now
Lawn, per yard,
ick Lace Hose, now.....
lor Khaki Trousers, now. .
awaiting you.
that does not suit you.
During the balance of August we will dispose of
Here is a sample of some of the cut to close prices
examine our splendid line of Rugs, Matting, Brussels, Velvet and Axminster to
NOW. .v. vv vis 15¢
Ceiwaieie sates 10¢
Corset Covers, 25¢. and 35c. grades, now 19¢
