A — PAGL THRER '‘DEXTER” The highest standard attainable in Portland Cement. Ite definite high quality never varies—every bag is alike. Concrete made from “DEXTER is sturdy as solid rock resists strain and weather, and lasts forever. "DEXTER" works smooth, and sets hard. It will in every instance pay you to SPECIFY "DEXTER" 6 | JN XX, i 574 ~ ARE HOW TO USE CEMENT We can furnish you a number of distinct and highly authevitative book- ets covering the many qaiverse uses of cement. If you will tell ws what specially interests you, we will give, : of charge and without further obligation on your part, the booklet which thoroughly covers the informa~ ¥ a desired. We Have DEXTER PORTLAND CEMENT IN STOCK H.|S. NENCOMER, MT. JOY. Krall Meat Market I always have on hand anything in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etc. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton. Prices always right. H H. KRALL West Main Street, Opp. Bank, MOUNT JOY, PA nell Telephone / KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen who cherish Quality. or Sale By S. DEARBECK MOUNT JOY, PENNA. At Eastons’ et eaci 1 I D> & Tk « hn I Wine 1 10¢ nd HI > nd 10 wh Elas Bel 10¢ Blac 1 White G 10¢. Per Pair Tm h To ls, with fringe 10¢ each I Rubber Combs ..10¢. each Footh Brushes : 5 and 10¢. each v Shams, stamped .10¢ each Bureau Covers, stamped 10c¢. each A new lot of torchon laces 5 and 10¢ per yd. New Colored Glass .. i . 9 10c, Spe 11 Department Boys’ School Trousers . z 35¢ to He SION & EASTON] { W. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. In the art of fitting glasses to eyes we don’t come to your door and beg you to let us fit your eyes. The only place we fit your eyes is in our office either at Lancaster or at Mt. Joy, at R. V. Fegley’s Jewelry Store, ev- ery other Tuesday. Examination Free. Glasses from $1 up. Dr. H. A. FECGLEY | from the blood. “They are the best | them, 50c. at S. B. Bernhart & Co's, |’ Mt. Joy, Pa. Bast Main St. MT. JOY. PA. THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, JA J INF LAM: Game Laws IN THIS STATE MA ION For the Benefit of the Sportsmen in A | Our Community We Have Come piled the Fish and Game Laws That Will Interest People in This Section==Rabbit Season Opens Nov st 1 " . ‘ . ’. , : Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s « | Vegetable Compound. 2 I (Creston, Iowa “1 was troubled { th it sho ) a long time with y inflammation, pains valual rtmen — in my side, sic) abl rf time of t headaches and : VOUSnes I had { ken 1 ken 80 many t \ od and line or ham cines that 1 was line vi ot more than three discour weed and ho } 1 thought 1 would never get well A I n ech ave lake trout, friend told me of l than 6 inche {0 in one Lydia E. Pinkham’s ga. Limited to one rod and line Vegetable Com. |, 16 te Tulv 31. inches pound and it re. Ret u nelusive stored me to health. Black bas large or small mouth, I have no more not less than § inches, 12 in one day |i pain, my nerves are stronger : and I can domyown work. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound cured me after verything else had failed, and I rec. or green bass, crapple, not less than mmend it to other suffering women.” ¢ inches, 25 in one day, June 15 to Mis. Wa. SEALS, 000 W. Howard St., | x comber 30. inclusive | (‘reston, Iowa. : a 4 : " soe Mlue pike (e J rwise Thousands of unsolicited and genu- f lue pike, pike perc by CAI TY ise ine testimonials like the above prove called wall-eyed pike, or Susquehan- the Snsioncy of Lydia E. Pinkham's na salmon, pickerel, not less than 12 Vegetable Compound, which is made jpches, 25 in one day, June 15 to exclusively from roots and herbs. Women who suffer from those dis- tressing ills should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia not less than 24 inches, four in one E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to day, June 15 to November 30, in- restore their health. June 15 to November 30, inclusive Rock bass, white bass, strawberry December 31, inclusive. Muscallonage, or Western pike, clusive. t I Yon wast special advice Write Striped bass or rock fish, not less 0 Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. . ; oi or mite She will treat your lettar as than 8 inch 8, number unlimited, strictly confidential. For 20 years classed as food fish, to be taken at she has been helping sick women | any time with rod and line or hand in this way, free of charge. Don’t |i;,. sunday excepted. hesitate-—-w ‘rite at once. . . : . : Sun fish, river chubs or fall fish, classed as food fish, to be taken at CHURCH OF BRETHREN CONFER- any time with rod and line or hand ENCE TO BE HELD AT YORK line, Sunday excepted. ———n i Table of animals and birds declar- Will Use Fair Grounds. Annual (ed to he game in Pennsylvania. Gathering In May, 1912 When they may be killed. The num- ee ber On Friday York was chosen as the Bear, unlimited, October 1 to Jan- meeting place for the General Con-|uary 1. Use of steel traps forbid- ference of the Church of the Breth- | den ren of the United States, which will Blackbirds, all kinds, and doves, { be held in May, 1912. This was de-| unlimited, September 1 to January 1 cided at a meeting of the Southern | Deer, male, with visible horns, 1 Pennsylvania Conference in York. | each season, November 15 to Decem- The only other town in the dis lish, Mongolian, Chinese and which put up a fight for this meeting was Gettyshurg, but neck pheasa in one day, won out by a vote of 24 to 6 20 in one week in one sea- Strong pleas were made for Gettys!son, November 1 ber 1 2 by the delegates from nly called ace and representatives of rail-|ph five 1 0 in one oads leading to it They promised | We 50 in one 1 Novem not only accommodations for 10,000 {ber 1 to December 15 peo but also offered to subscribe Hare or bbit 100 in on day Of or t Irpose ( enter Ni ber 1 D 1 1 orl ) 1 I H rian q fiv 1 Of 3 I f road facilitie ) in Or wee ind n on 1 t l tion of Y A gl n, Oct rd ( ) ( t of I Ve 1 }, J 1 De I I 1 1 l aur tl eotin Fully 2 Q ) ca 1 V ni I itt land ( 1 d 10) nn t f nee vid ¢ 7 1 on wverm- 1 I \ 1 ! i on for calling the special Raccoon, unlimited, September 1 ¢ 0 1 th to January 1 dele t 1 at a Shore unlimited, September pla fo Con [1 to January 1 ence was to be selected and that! Snip Jack or Wilson, unlimited, three places had been favorably |September 1 to May looked upon in the southern part of Squirrel, fox, black or gray, six of the State, Pen-Mar, Gettysburg and |the combined kinds in one day, Nov Yorl smber 1 to December 15 Fhe discussion wa then thrown | Webfeoted, wild, water fowl of all open to the delegates by the intro-|kind unlimited, September 1 to fuction of Arch McClean and Robert | April 10 Not to be shot at before Miller, explained why Gettysh sunrise : ry | have the big meeting I'hey Wild turkeys, one in one day, two shoul stated that the well known Springs |in one season, November 1 to Decem- hotel, one mile west of the town, | ber 15 would be put into first class condi- Woodchuck, ten in one day, 20 in tion for the conference sessions and [one week and 50 in one season, Oc- hat buildings for services and ac-|tober 1 to December 1 commodation of 10,000 persons SO Wi ee— would be provided by the people of BAINBRIDGE Gettysburg [.ehman Herchelroth, of Philadel- No representatives of York or | phia was home over Sunday Pen-Mar were at the meeting. | Miss Erma Libhart spent last week In the afternoon the attending |at Mount Gretna as the guest of Ruth members of the church visited the | Hoffman. York county fair grounds. Christian Demmy of Philadelphia, The following committee on ar- | visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. rangements was appointed: C. Demmy over Sunday. The Revs. J. A. Longenecker, York C. G. Trimmer, York; C. L. Baker, | was the guest of her cousin, Miss East Berlin; E. S. Miller, Black | Miriam Smith on Sunday. Miss Elenor Hoffer of Lancaster, Rock, Md., and J. M. Mohler, Me- | Miss Maud Herchelroth of Middle- chanicsburg. | town, was the guest of Miss Kather- RY IN SPH | ine Houseal several days during the Attack Like Tigers | week In fighting to keep tle blood pure | Miss Lydia Forney of Harrisburg, the wLite corpuscles attack disease | gave two interesting and instructive germs like tigers. But often germs discourses on the missionary work in multiply so fast the little pimples, | bl 2 i boils, eczema, saltrheum and sores | India, that is under the supervision multiply and strength and appetite [of the Church of God. fail. ‘This condition demands Elec- Rev. H. S Brinser is attending tric Bitters to regulate stomach, liv- 3 ’ Central Manor camp where he was er and kidneys and to expel poisons 1gain requested to give another ser- blood purifier,” writes C. T. Budhan, [ies illustrated lectures in the of Tracy, Calif., “I have ever found.” | Church of Gol on Sunday. hey make rich, red blood, strong On Thursday evening, Aug. 31, in nerves and build ®*up your health. Try | M. E. Sunday School room the will treat the Golds who had ee CD Cnn [the hi iigher percentage of attendance Gf Interest to Teachers lin the contest which closed in June. Every day some new provision in meme tll) Mpc the School Code is brought to light | Salesman Wanted The latest, which will be of special | We want a wide awake young man interest to school teachers is the sec-|to act as our local representative in | tion providing that teachers shall be | Mount Joy. Previous experience not that are in need of them. Remember fined $3.00 per day for non-attend- | necessary. We can coach you in a ance at County Institute sessions, un- | few days. Good opening for right less such absence is the result of un- man. Address in own hand writing avoidable causes. stating age and previous business | experience of any and give names of | two local business men as references. KIRK JOHNSON & CO. Piano Dealers, Lancaster, Pa eel rt My Qe Taken to the Hospital Samuel Weller, an aged resident | of Ironville, was removed to the County Hospital, at Lancaster, yes- terday afternoon by Ezra Gingrich, Agent Wanted in the Columbia ambulance. Mr. Something that will sell itself Weller is suffering from cancer of the | Steady employment to right man. What Shwilkey Bumblesock Say This Week schwontz saena.” bakont g'west monkeys os olla sewentz wisa. fardompt os we si ageny hae si schwontz tsu g'shwint os se si schwontz tsu woo neemond drinka con os groddled olla B Brohibitions ts a (tum, in the ag | read as follows: I ( orporate provided, sl un onnere leit lof the taxabl of the taxable Years Together How the merit of a good thing worthlessness § there’s no guesswork in this evidence | lax “Il have used Dr. most infallible throz at : quinsy or sore ne Trial bottle free. uaranteed by S. | ts —— While Joseph Zink, the contractor and stone mason, | pieces a number of tunmkeys on the | Hiestand farm, Two hens, and two gobblors fell prey | to the canine. ers have reported loss of fowls in this way recently. They were the | Farmer and M. NE a Sra TREE Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. face and is in a serious condition. |8-30-3t. [|p ™ YROFOSE D AMENDMENTS TO THE [CONSTITUTION SUBMITTED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMON- WEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMON- WEALTH or PENNSYLVANIA, AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF HE SECRETARY OF THE COM- MONWEALTH, IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE, AVHI OF THE CONSTI. 'UTION Number One A JOINT RESOLUTION \ n 1 to the { ( { ( ( th ( onsoil | t ( 1 A ‘ ( 1 t t i { 1d ‘ ( rd ¢ \ h tee article thi f hat section x of article five be ended y triking out the said ( ind inserting in place there tl ollowing Section In the county of Phil wdelphia all the jurisdiction and powers now vested in the district yurts and courts of common pleas, subject to such hanges as may be made by this Constitution or by law, shall be in Philadel- phia vested in five distinct and eparate courts of equal and co- ordinate jurisdiction, composed of three judges each Ie said courts in Philadelphia shall be designated respectively as the court of common pleas number one, number two, num ber three, number four, and number five. but the number of said courts may be by law increased, from time to time, and shall be in like manner designated by successive numbers. The number of judges in any of Skid courts, or in any county where the establishment of an additional ® may be authorized by law, may be | increased, from time to time, and whenever such increase shall amount lin the whole to three, such three | { judges shall compose a distinct and | | separate court as aforesaid, which shall be numbered as aforesaid. In | Philadelphia all suits shall be insti- tuted in the said courts of common | pleas without designating the num- | her of the said court, and the several courts shall distribute and apportion | the business among them in such | manner as shall be provided by rules | of court, and each court, to which | any suit shall be thus assigned, shall have exclusive jurisdiction ther subject to change of venue, as be provided by law In the county of Alles jurisdiction and powe in the several common pleas rheny all the now vested ested in one court of common composed of all the judges in commission in said | courts Such jurisdiction and pow- | |ers shall extend to all proceedings 1 ind in equit vhich shall have h instituted ir the sey 1 num- | bered courts 1 be subject to h change I \ JOINT RESOLUTION h Wednesday, Aughgt 30, 1911, — hn “—— CEE ~oe IS NORE THAN LIKELY. THAT § A WE SHALL SAY NO MORE AFTER TODAY ABOUT THIS Anniversary Sale d about it until we We talked and loubt if there n- caster County a mat \ na not ITH ANNIVERSARY SAL E AT THE 8S. 8S. 8S. STORE Fhousands have paid us a visit during the progress of the ne back home materially benefitted financially. here et remain v good m any bargains . FOR YOU and if you come very soon you'll be able to reap a better percent- we of mn t the dollars you spend than you've done in a long while COME NOW, WRILE THE BARGAINS LAST Clothing Furnishings, Shoes, Hats and Leather Goods. We make no bhrags-—-We only ask you to give us a fair chance for comparison Lookers are as Welcome as Buyers. 0 YEAR WITH WILLIAMSON'S SAYRES ScHeEID & WEETON Next to Union Trust Co. LANCASTER, PA 1 OO i ———————————————————————— SHAUB & CO. SHOE SALE Sale Starts Friday Morning Continues for Ten Days t courts of | {8 North Queen Street, Now is the Time to Buy Low Shoes and Save Money. It will be to your advantage to buy several pairs that will do you for the next season Children’s for Shoes Misses’ for Shoes Shoes and 45 That Shoes and 65 That Oxfords Were Oxfords Were £1.00 and $1.25; Sizes, 5 to 8. $1.25 and $1.50; Sizes, 5 to 2. See our windows for great reductions that will prove money savers. SHAUB & CO. 300TS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY LANCASTER, PENNA, THE GRAIN HOUSE OF THE EAST ESTABLIS HEL 1897 [such : r SpA Ly law, WILLIAM L BEAR & CO. (Members Chicago Board of Trade) BROS IEGRS PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts, PHILADELFFA 3 TOCHKHS BONDS INVESTMENTS 30 SECONDS > MINUTES To Chicago Board of Trade To 1y Grain Market in America 1 . ; 0} Lancast nch 220-226 Woolworth Bldg. I 3 8 PUBLIC SABLE 9 Be = OF i ania, | 3) i ‘ . s pa iS Cows, Heifers & Bulls 5 alent AT THE Q ri 9) Florin Inn, Florin, Pa. a | . i 1S. he dade at any coun |) Friday, Sept. 1st, 1911 0) g5 a AH eh EE , 0 or in i) I ; ; ; ON A lies , ; he i o opiden. shall never Siceed seven (09) oliowing live stock, J) a i 0) o: to nto |B) © h + in t . Q : 4 0 the same three per cen time, upon su Section 8 tv, city, boroug district, or Nhe 1 dis per centum shall a trict i r an new debt, or an ymoun ceeding its indebtedness amount exceed pon such the elec rty, without ( election in tors thereof at a such manner a hall be rovided by aw; but an he debt of which | NOY .xceeds seven per centum of ch ¢ 1 ic may be au hor law to increase the same thr acral 1 t 1 1 valuat weent del ts h inafter f nd cou tv of the constr » { tion an nent of subways for CONStLruc or the sed in transit purposes, oO1 f( tion of wharves and tion of land the oonstruction of a system of wharves and docks, as public improve ments, owned or to be owned by said | | city and county of Philadelphia, and which shall yield to the city and coun | {ty of Philadelphia current net reve- | nue in excess of the interest on said debt or debts and of the annual in- stallments necessary for the cancel- | lation of said debt or debts, may be excluded in ascertaining the poyes | of the city and county of Philadel- number of ferm- {or to become otherwise indebted: { Provided, That a sinking fund for | their cancellation shall be established | | and maintained. A true copy of Joint Resolution | ar np No. 2. ROBERT MCcAFEE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. CHOICE FRESH & SPRINGING GOWS ~~ €9 Extra Big Milkers and Good Butter Cows 0) 18 HEAD OF [0] THOROUGH BRED HOLSTEIN HEIFERS oN Also a Few Choice Stock Bulls @Q This stoc has all been bought bv m &) C.L. PIERCE, §g] Rosenthal Q Sleddeoooel Read The “Bulletin” ‘The quality of Lamp Oil you use counts im- mensely for or against your comfort ana health. There’s a perfect oil made for people who give thought. Itis Family Favorite Oil triple-refined from Pennsylvania Crude Oil—the best ever made. Full, white lame—never flickers—no soot—no odor. Costs no more than inferior Tagk-wages oils—saves money a8 well as eyes and comfort. Your dealer has it in origiual barrels direct from the refineries. Waverly Oil Works €0.—Intepundent Retners—PHitsburg, Pa. Also makers of Special Waverly Auto Os and Waverly § pe