PAGE SEVEN _—— lb I fr FOSTER & COCHRAN Brand New [ot Foster n | 1 maost 1]¢ y 1 shirts very for i) ot ale rice | Ww WOMEN'S 85.00 AND 86.0 UT'TS 82.50 ™ : Nn ASSO 1 ' omen’s Sui s& Dresses : HOLLY BATISTE A YARD HALF PRICE AND LESS t MISS] AND WOMEN'S 0 DRESSES $2.50 : 4 y a ANDERSON GINGHAM, 1 n vith wl 1 Just half Te FIGURED LAWNS S¢ A YARD . VS DAINTY SLO0 DRESSES $1.98 ' 52 wo have over of=. } tic. FIGURED LAWNS 8 \ YARD ereed 1 law nd ngham dresses, made | In ood olor th 0 test les | Brol lots d 500 Men can buy 50 Shipt is spi FOSTER & COCHRAN on Sale Saturday h { that dif fre new nan ¥ notably good ind vo two for AUCUST SALE OF CARPETS AND FURNITURE Purchases can be 1ade this month ith the same surety | i XNTENSION TABLES and satisfaction as to quality and he same economies as to $6 to $9.50 now $3.00 to prices as during July If you are not ready to receive the $8.50, goods you wish to buy, you can buy now to take advantage of { SIDE BOARDS the August prices and arrange for their delivery later | $11.90 to $20.00 now $10.00 70c. BRUSSELS CARPETS 51¢ $1.00 LINOLEUM 70c. | to 826.50, Saati Good designs and colors : : , OAK BUFFETS $1.00 VELVET CARPETS 79¢. Standard make, 2 yards wid $26.50 to $15.50 now $22.50 Flora! and Oriental patterns $10 ROLL JAPANESE MAT- to $17.50. $1.15 AXMINSTER CARPETS TING $ OAK BE hy ROOM SUIT 8c. Carpet patterns, 40 yds. in $30.00 to $.00 now $28.50 Closely woven, rich pile roll | to $42.50, 45¢. INGRAIN CARPET 33c. $12.00. $19.00. 310.00 Brus | 5 PIECE PARLOR SUITES Only five patterns in this sels Ru it $9.90, $10.90 and $26.50 to $62.50 now $22.50 line. dE 11.90 | to $34.50 hirts for 37:¢ A & COCHRAN FOSTER OILED CLOTHING FOR | WORKING IN TOBACCO ni bl | ) i \ “1.0 & Sa af y Bue FRI Lai i How About Your Lawn? mes = ene ch 5 uch and think ES Ean I ~W.S. Rsdy West Main St., SCHEDULE ‘TROLLEY Rohrersiw.. Landisville, Mt. Joy ana Elizebeth- Street Railway Co. WESTWARD Lancaster—a m. 9.15, 10.15, Lancaster, Salunga, town h P m 1.00, 2.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 2 1 00, , 6.00, Elizabethtown—A m, 6 “10. 1, 11.45. Pm, 12.45, 1.46 5.45, 6.46, 7.45, 8.46, 9.45, 10.45, EASTWARD Elizabethtown—A m, 6.45, 7.45, ‘46, 10.45, 1.45. P m, 12.45, 1.45, 2.45, 5 6.45, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 4.45, 10.45, A m oy—A m. 5:30 7.15, 8.15, Me . IVA Breil, 215 3.16 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, YT 10.15, 11.15, 2 lunga—A 5.45%, 7.30, 8.20, Ch ave, G5 80. Bm 2.30, 1.80, 530, 3.30, 80, 5.30, 6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 0. i disvile_A m, 6.48, 17.33, 03 3. 11.33. 12.33, 1.33, 2.33, 5.33, 6.33, 7.33, $339.35, 10.33, 11.33, hrerstown—A m, 6.10x, 7.56, 9.55 105, 1.66. P m, 12.65, 1.55, 2.55, 5, $56, 5.55, 6.65, 7.56, 8.55, 9.55, 10.55. 11.55. 8.15. "at Lancaster—A m, 6.30x, 5. 11.15. P m, 12.15, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9. 5 ‘ h Raturda be run every hi betwwen Lancaster and alf hour form 6.15 a. m. to 8. 35 | first car leaves Lancaster at | m Leave Elizabethtown at 7.46 2 Car marked (x) connects with : Express at Lancaster. Prof. G. F. Arzt.” Only German Specialist. it TREATHENT the only guaranteed oh for hdays, ocd, Drains, Losses, Varicocele & Stricture) th \prating enclos- ee of some kind, tharia Privet, in- l pe sore fence? gp Will be in ap- pearanve. and will im- prove the vail Jour property fifty per cent. The time for plant- ing is not far distant. If you don’t want Hedging, possi- bly you can use SOIi¢ nice Orna- mental or Fruit Trees? Think this over and if in need call or address Bell Phone. MOUrsY JOY. PA. HARRY Ww. GARBER Local Agent Mount Joy, Pa. pn Jan iS ar will leave Lancas- | ys a c 2s- ose] m; Leave Elizabethtown | ys and special Sooasions cars| errs THEEL. 535 North | Philadelphia, Pa. “Ein Deutscher | Specifie Blood Poison others ean’t eure. | Exeesses, Abuses. Weaknesses, Nervous | One Thousand Dollars Worth Horse Blankets Lap Robes Storm Blankets and Stable Blankets At cost mile ee] -— =~ ¥ 1 i J ward | To-R-TST i ——————— = » = Trunks at Half Pricc Bar = ™ - gains On The Square = - TIER RE RRNA REAR RY HOTEL McGINNIS The remodel ed the adding a number bath, etc., is now trans- | ient and undersigned having old Mooney Hotel, of sleeping rooms, prepared to entertain regular guests RESTAURANT connection with hotel where he | serve in season. in will OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style TURTLE SOUP, Ete. Ete. Private dining room ladies. a for WW. MoGrinmnis, PROPRIETOR J. American Plan Raiee Moderate Exchange “Hotel § Mount Joy, Pa. J. M. Backenstoe, Pro. Has just been remodeled thruout Has all modern conveniences such 1d Cold Water, Steam Ete. as Baths, Hot ar Heat, Electric Light, Table is Supplied With the Best the Market Affords. Hlso Lunch Counter | | Where Soups, Sandwiches, Checse, Sa ULL TTT TTT + J. N. Stauffer & Bro. ® P9000 9000000600 28-33 E. King St. LANCASTER, PENNA. 7 ‘Every Farmer SHOULD SOW A FIELD Ol} A Alfalfa Our Seed is High Grade, ,99.65 Per PURE. Cent. Use Flexible Iron Paint On 11 Metal Roofs, Bridges and t I Ly kd i =e, HARRY WILLIAMS 3 3 oo 3 BARBER | + een 1 3 Shaving Massaging 7 3 Hair Cutting Razors Honed oe > Shampooing Toilet Waters & i + Singeing Shaving Soaps “- 3 en % i Agency For Elkhorn Laundry 3 3 Opp. First National Bank 3 I MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA 3 | forgoctaniestocoedenforfosfosfesfosfortostoctoctustoctortactactosfosfosfeste SPP 0P90 0049904 vg & We are Always Prepared to serve | Pure Spring Water TCE IN ANY QUANTITY at Moderate Charges. & ® ® é 3 Very : Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. Mount Joy, Penna. oe CHEVEIIO9eY $€ 4 WATER BONDS CALLED. Notice is hereby given the bond holders of the Mount Joy Borough Water Bonds Nos. 43 and 44, of $500.00 each, to present them for payment to the Union National Mt. {Joy Bank, Treasurer, on or before | September 1st, 1911, as interest on same will cease on that day. By order of Mt. Joy Boro Council. July 3rd, 1911. Clayton Hoffman, Burgess. Style i Tripe, Oysters in Every Ete., Etc. are served | | LL | | Pros ats, BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS | OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS sss oe ‘Good Stabling Accomodation Local and Long Distance Telephones | Smith, | Baltimore. A cure guaranteed if you use RY'S; Suppository D. Matt, Thompson, Sup't Graded Schools, Statesville, N they do all you claim for them. . Raven Rock, Ww. yas writes; * They give universal satis. L"" Dr. He . McGill, Clarksburg, Tenn., writ e of Us years, I have found pe remedy to Prick, 50 Cents. Samples Free. id er and W. D. Chandler for free sample. 18100; Shippen School For Girls East Orange & Lime Sts., Lancaster, Pa. preparatory and general Certificates to: Wellesley Vassar, Women’s College of College courses. Tuition, day, department, $60 #0 boarding, $350. Opens Sep- tember 21st 1911. Florence Waterman Principal. | THE WEEKLY LULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Farmers Meet Watt & SHAND | WATT & SHAND This Is Our Great Mid-Sumuwier Suit Sale $7.50 For Suits Wlorth From $12 to $20 RHEEMS SAT. Subjectg—=Address- Aifalfa in Both of PAY adies’ Muslin Underwear Marcella Skirt Drawers 50c to $2.98 sociation from t Month's Programme COMBINATIONS $1.00 TO $4.00 } On programme trimmed as you _PETTICOATS \T but said that it will be Le “N ew York Store Corner Square & E. King St., Lancaster EERE RRR RENNER PERN R RRR O ARR R RNR RRRRRR ERNE HA Best On The Market a - =] = - - s- -— — se. ran - =] - I — = = -— — — i. — mr — — — - - on -— — — -— wn = -— -— 1 — - o-~ = — - — -— — ~- — oe — fon — — We Have Taken The Agency for The FULLER & JOHNSON Gasoline ached most of Kidney Pills advertised AIRERRRRRRH ESAs Engines and Pumps For sale by all dealers. Commissioner » preparation of t Fuller & Johnson Engine and Pumyj IT CAN BE USED FOI} FOR PUMPING ERE REN RRR EERE NNER ARERR RRR RRNIEDY ARE VERY REASONABLE s believed the hot 5 kd ]Mh F -BP M. Lk. GREIDER & CO MOUNT JOY. > realized eighty-five cents for a peach basket of them. Marietta Street. LULL ELLE EERE EL ELLE EL EEE ELLE ELLE EE EE HEED TE TE LTT TTA TT SINE 7 (roles ne Warerooms Mount Jov Penna. EERE RRR E RNR EERE RRO ERRNO RENE ENON NRE ER RRR RRR NERA RRNA ER ATTRA ERR ARRAN RRRRR RAD) TERR REE RRR SRR RC RNR RNR GRR ARERR RE RRRE -— A | s and injuries of their terror,” equal don’t exist.” between city and country I SS htri’irhih»»PR Insect Spoiled Potato Crop go the interest of the + and the bene- phy said that it with references y : Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty fits of rk en ly Upholstering Done to Order pay to grow alfalfa. iS is one of the greatest buyers of | rr err For Sale Cheap An exceptionally large bay window | ing, good condition. it apply at this office. Deeds Recorded Benj. H. Nissley to Eli L. } tract of land in East Donega POPLAR LUMBER FORZSALE IN LOTS TO SUIT THE PURCHAS AS. ——D ea Bt Brera Under.aking and Embalming may be fed to all kinds of live stock Mr. Reist read ex- tracts from niewspapers and bulletins on the food value of alfalfa. — | speaker sgid his first cutting was | | Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin, | forty-f as they all like it.