_THE WEEKLY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Wednesday, August 2, 1911, This Store Was Never Better Prepared To Serve You Satisfactorily Than Now NEVER WERE ASSORTMENTS LARGER OR FINER. NEVER WERE STYLES MORE ATTRACTIVE OR WERE VALUES BETTER FOR THIS IS THE STORE THAT KEEPS PACE WITH THE PROGRESS OF THE I'IMES——THE STORE THAT IS NEVER SATISFIED TO “LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE,” BUT IS CON TINUALLY STRIVING TO IMPROVE. AND MAKE THIS A BETTER AND MORE SATISFACTORY PLACE FOR YOU TO TRADE. OUR BUSINESS GETS BETTER AND BETTER YEAR AFTER YEAR BECAUSE OUR SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS IS CONTINUALLY BEING BETTERED. WE CONSIDER YOUR SATISFACTION ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSE We INVITE EVERYBODY TO COME AND SEE OUR GOODS AND COMPARE WITH WHAT YOU CAN GET ELSEWHERE. WE EXPECT NO ONE TO BUY OF US UNLESS HE IS FULLY SATISFIED THAT IT IS TO HIS OWN BEST INTERESTS TO DO SO, BUT YOU WON'T KNOW WHERE THE BEST VALUES COME FROM UNLESS YOU COMPARE Selz Shoes and Oxiords | Walk Over Shoes & Oxfords || Boys’ Shoes and Oxfords || Ladies Shoes and Oxfords || Dress and Work Shirts $3 and $50 | $4and $5 | $1.50 to $3 $1.25 t0 $3 | 50c to $1.50 POSITIVELY THE BEST CLOTHING VALUES IN THE WORLD PECAN CLOTHES $7.00 to $18 STRAUSE CLOTHES $12 to $25 BOYS’ CLOTHES $1.50 to $8.00 MOST MEN KNOW HOW GOOD THESE CLOTHES HAVE BEEN IN PREVIOUS SEASONS. NOW THEY ARE BETTER THAN EVER. HAUSER HATS AND OTHERS ||| The Best of Everything Men and Boys Wear. The Highest | PEERLESS HOSIERY $1.00 to $3.00 I Qualities at the Lowest Prices. The Store That Satisfies. I 25¢ or 6 Pair $1.50 I. D. BENEMAN’S Department Store Opposite Union National Bank. MOUNT JOY. PENNSYLVANIA. famil vel last Sunday and fed this winter in Lancaster |is second to nome in his line. For |spent the ex with Mrs. Frank marvel Weidman and family at White Oak. SALUNGA ntinual heat few cattle are likely | spirit 1al director, Dr. Watchorn, who | and A Junk Dealer's Horse Causes unty | wit, humor, pathos Little Excitement Mr. Walter Hollinger of the Cloth- | ———-@-E—— em Mr. and M Jacob Weaver and | 1 eu ing firm Mj ers & Re n, has ’ LANCASTER JUNCTION. visited in the fami- Jhat is the speed limit for autos ised on the camp grounds by | _ — lies of Amos Weidman and Allen Hof in villages of this state? 2 spell. of sickness Litter of Pigs Want a Cow to be Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Weiss and Miss | Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ursprung of Their Mother. r.-and Mrs. Henry Buch visited at Mary Shenck spent Tuesday at Pen- ‘ and Mrs. Amelia Urs- | he same place ryn. prung of Philadelphia sj Thurs : : ; Si Joht ibble. wife and children Henry Longenecker, our preacher (day evening with Mr. and Mrs. R RN en ay rh Spehy Arthur and Dorothy. of near Elston- neighbor, is doing concreting at Dr. | D. Raffensberger besa ne : and Smal Mr. and Mrs. Clavton Brubaker B. E. Kendig’s. On Saturday evening as two JUBk yi. were in the mountains on Sun- and daugl for May and J. Clayton, Mrs. Rutt of Middletown and Miss dealers were i 1 of near Erisman’s Church; Mr Myrtle Bachman of Highspire, are risburg pil vith two tean ne of : 1 hea (Ve) pending a : visiting Mrs. Rogers. the horses, wh right opposite I ow waol th her. srandparonts of ther, of nea s Church, and Mr Mr. Wm. Bortzfidld has begun | Kendig’'s suddenly fell to the ground |, te and Mrs. William Heisey and son, work in Brandt & Stehman’s Stean al Lampeter got him ¢ from | i 1 In [Larue Gockley spent Jonas. were With Mr. Jonas Snavely Mill, Mt. Joy, on Monday. our public ive way about ten 1 rs | Gund eM oo Wis. Andrew Charley acon is improving the 1 : : : pike through our town by applying a [.andisville camp is a great ce rr nd vs. Jucol Phalwy spent to Mr Joh 1 Sh avel) which had liberal coat of fine stone nd notwith 1ding the threatening |g, is wa i Martin | T° n pigs, died. The youngsters Rev. S. H. Hertzler and wife of | weather I: y» crowds were on the! py. is s my intial were not 1 ed over the Elizabethtown, visited Mr. and Mrs. grgounds on Sunday The great at > il . ; i at Maphenm, mise of their 1 or and the Mr. and Mi \lvin Hershey attend R. D. Raffensberger on Saturday. traction yeside the beauty he lod church serv: and. visited the 3 ) Mr. Frank Deichler wife and boys, | grounds is the pulpit service. Such amili f m Heisev and Jonas and hestung up slosely to one of Lhe Dick and Kendig, are spending a few sermons as Dr. Godell of New Yorl 5 . i : cows which was lving down, milked days with Mrs. Deichler’s parents deli ed last Sunday are worth : : Mic ’ shells sited Bon her The cow didn’t object and the Owing to the short hay crop and long journey. While w have a! sther T ‘manuel S lv. near H E. Ebersole’s | August Clearance Sale fer, near Kauffman’'s Ch irch Sunday. and Mrs. John Heisey and daugl , Es- and family on Sunday. One day last week a sow belong- day afterward visited the cow stable voungsters are none the worse fo =! the change 'iesday, == RR NN I f Denver, and Will Hold a Supper. esis n the Schon clase of the Church ii} aR =I-T Four-door 5-Passenger rhter, Mrs. | will hold a pper on the parsonage fs es Touring Car Fully Equipped viches, ke, coffee, emonade and home-made candy will 1 be served here will also be a lot of needle-work ffer for sale. The @ | proceeds will go toward church im- provement. BRme EE NeeE RN OUR FORTH ANNIVERSARY is being CELEBRATED By Our Offer = $40, 000 WORTH Lancaster, “ogg OR VERY CLOSE TO COST = For particulars call on or address. H. S. Newcomer Agent for Lancaster County MOUNT JOY, PA. Myrna dyprmmen fiom Sale Register Stauffer. Zeller, auct. ) Thirty Years Together Wednesday, to Saturday, Aug. 19 Ei o r ‘tors SO y c { EE | ™h § > » If you get your posters printed at | | Thirty years of association think this office we will insert a notice like | . ’ ; of it. How the merit of i offi e sert a notice ks / Cut Cranking An Auto of ys ort nerit of a good thing the following in the register FREE : ands out in that time—or the trot now until doy of sale As We Mr. John Newcomer met with an | Worthlessness of a bad one. So lie ; Goa la | Accident while cranking his auto a there's no guesswork in this evidence have an exceptionally large circula- feW days ago he crank hand | of Thos. Ariss, Concord, Mich., who tion this will thoroughly advertise i ry ank handle | writes: “I have used Dr. King’s New vour sale and remember it costs you > PPE and struck the license tag, |Discovery for thirty years, and its | which cut a gash in his cheek that {the best cough and cold cure I ever {required stitching. | used. Once it finds entrance in a Saturday, Aug. 12—At the Farm- home you can’t pry it out. It’s the Ec. ume | er’s Inn Stables, Mount Joy, a car- iost infallible throat and lung medi- cine T load of fine Erie County Colts and a | A Finger Mashed (& mn earth. Unequalled for la- rls ae : Mr. BEd. : i grippe, asthma, hay -fever, croup, few good broke horses by Mr. Ed. | Master Elsworth Shrite, son of |auinsy or sore lungs. Price 50c. $1. Ream. Zeller, Auct. |ex-Burgess J. W. Shrite of this place ja hotile free. Guaranteed by S. i 5A.23 ie ernhart Tuesday, Sept. 5—On the road had the middle finger of his right | & Co., Mt. Joy. Pa. : ———— Oe Watch This Page in Next Week's Issue, leading from Mt. Joy to Green Tree hand mashed at noon today by . E. E Js = RSOL El 20 YEARS WITH WILLIAMSON'S ss at ally . SAYRES ScHED & WEETON m meeting house, 3 mile north of Mt. { heavy box falling upon it. Dr. A Will Camp at Wild Cat = Joy, a tract of land containing 9 |M. Thome attended him and it is{ The Choir of St. Luke's Chapel Oppose Post Office, Mt. Joy. Js = Next to Union Trust Co. LANCASTER, PA. acres with frame dwelling, barn and [quite likely that amputation at the | will calnp at Wild Cat fron Thore st joi will sary i i i A TT OL other outbuildings 4 by Morris N. J first joint Je necessary day to Saturday this week. setters tt nstances below cost. We have here, neither the er ———— nclination to enumerate these GREAT BARGAINS an be juggled to mean much or little. LET YOUR EYES BE YOUR MARKET Come direct to the S. S. S. Store and yom will have no need to nothing. go further, thus YOU SAVE TIME AND MONEY REMEMBER—There’s $40,000 worth of Clothing, Furnishings Hats and Shoes to select from. 1 JO RRR ER BN